com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.thirdparty.ion.impl.SharedSymbolTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2007-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazon.ion.impl;
import static com.amazon.ion.SystemSymbols.ION;
import static com.amazon.ion.SystemSymbols.ION_1_0;
import static com.amazon.ion.SystemSymbols.NAME_SID;
import static com.amazon.ion.SystemSymbols.SYMBOLS_SID;
import static com.amazon.ion.SystemSymbols.VERSION_SID;
import static com.amazon.ion.impl._Private_Utils.getSidForSymbolTableField;
import com.amazon.ion.IonException;
import com.amazon.ion.IonReader;
import com.amazon.ion.IonStruct;
import com.amazon.ion.IonSystem;
import com.amazon.ion.IonType;
import com.amazon.ion.IonWriter;
import com.amazon.ion.ReadOnlyValueException;
import com.amazon.ion.SymbolTable;
import com.amazon.ion.SymbolToken;
import com.amazon.ion.SystemSymbols;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* An immutable shared symbol table, supporting (non-system) shared
* symbol tables and system symbol tables.
* Instances of this class are safe for use by multiple threads.
final class SharedSymbolTable
implements SymbolTable
* The array of system symbols as defined by Ion 1.0.
private static final String[] SYSTEM_SYMBOLS =
* The singleton instance of Ion 1.0 system symbol table.
* TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/34 Optimize system symtabs by using our custom backing impl.
private static final SymbolTable ION_1_0_SYSTEM_SYMTAB;
Map systemSymbolsMap = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < SYSTEM_SYMBOLS.length; i++)
systemSymbolsMap.put(SYSTEM_SYMBOLS[i], i+1);
new SharedSymbolTable(ION, 1, SYSTEM_SYMBOLS, systemSymbolsMap);
* The name of this shared symbol table. If this is a system symbol
* table, it is {@link SystemSymbols#ION}.
private final String myName;
* The version of this shared symbol table.
private final int myVersion;
* The names (aka text) of declared symbols in this shared symbol
* table (that are not imported from some other symbol table); never null.
* The sid of the first element is 1.
* Note that null references are valid elements within this member field,
* denoting undefined symbol IDs ("gaps").
private final String[] mySymbolNames;
* Map of symbol names to symbol ids of declared symbols.
private final Map mySymbolsMap;
// Private constructor(s) and static factory methods
private SharedSymbolTable(String name, int version,
List symbolsList,
Map symbolsMap)
myName = name;
myVersion = version;
mySymbolsMap = symbolsMap;
// Construct primitive fixed-length array from the passed-in List
mySymbolNames = symbolsList.toArray(new String[symbolsList.size()]);
private SharedSymbolTable(String name, int version,
String[] symbolNames,
Map symbolsMap)
myName = name;
myVersion = version;
mySymbolsMap = symbolsMap;
mySymbolNames = symbolNames;
* Constructs a new shared symbol table from the parameters.
* As per {@link IonSystem#newSharedSymbolTable(String, int, Iterator, SymbolTable...)},
* any duplicate or null symbol texts are skipped.
* SHARED SYMBOL TABLES since that scenario must preserve all sids.
* @param name the name of the new shared symbol table
* @param version the version of the new shared symbol table
* @param priorSymtab may be null
* @param symbols never null
static SymbolTable newSharedSymbolTable(String name, int version,
SymbolTable priorSymtab,
Iterator symbols)
if (name == null || name.length() < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must be non-empty");
if (version < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("version must be at least 1");
List symbolsList = new ArrayList();
Map symbolsMap = new HashMap();
assert version ==
(priorSymtab == null ? 1 : priorSymtab.getVersion() + 1);
prepSymbolsListAndMap(priorSymtab, symbols, symbolsList, symbolsMap);
// We have all necessary data, pass it over to the private constructor.
return new SharedSymbolTable(name, version, symbolsList, symbolsMap);
* Constructs a new shared symbol table represented by the passed in
* {@link IonStruct}.
* @param ionRep
* the {@link IonStruct} representing the new shared symbol table
* @return
static SymbolTable newSharedSymbolTable(IonStruct ionRep)
IonReader reader = new IonReaderTreeSystem(ionRep);
return newSharedSymbolTable(reader, false);
* Constructs a new shared symbol table represented by the current value
* of the passed in {@link IonReader}.
* @param reader
* the {@link IonReader} positioned on the shared symbol table
* represented as an {@link IonStruct}
* @param isOnStruct
* denotes whether the {@link IonReader} is already positioned on
* the struct; false if it is positioned before the struct
* @return
static SymbolTable newSharedSymbolTable(IonReader reader,
boolean isOnStruct)
if (! isOnStruct)
IonType t = reader.next();
if (t != IonType.STRUCT)
throw new IonException("invalid symbol table image passed " +
"into reader, " + t + " encountered when a " +
"struct was expected");
String name = null;
int version = -1;
List symbolsList = new ArrayList();
IonType fieldType = null;
while ((fieldType = reader.next()) != null)
if (reader.isNullValue()) continue;
SymbolToken symTok = reader.getFieldNameSymbol();
int sid = symTok.getSid();
if (sid == SymbolTable.UNKNOWN_SYMBOL_ID)
// This is a user-defined IonReader or a pure DOM, fall
// back to text
final String fieldName = reader.getFieldName();
sid = getSidForSymbolTableField(fieldName);
// TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/35 If there's more than one 'symbols' or 'imports'
// field, they will be merged together.
// TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/36 Switching over SIDs doesn't cover the case
// where the relevant field names are defined by a prev LST;
// the prev LST could have 'symbols' defined locally with a
// different SID!
switch (sid)
if (fieldType == IonType.INT)
version = reader.intValue();
case NAME_SID:
if (fieldType == IonType.STRING)
name = reader.stringValue();
// As per the Spec, other field types are treated as
// empty lists
if (fieldType == IonType.LIST)
IonType t;
while ((t = reader.next()) != null)
String text = null;
if (t == IonType.STRING
&& ! reader.isNullValue())
// As per the Spec, if any element of
// the list is the empty string or any
// other type, treat it as null
text = reader.stringValue();
if (text.length() == 0) text = null;
if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
String message =
"shared symbol table is malformed: field 'name' " +
"must be a non-empty string.";
throw new IonException(message);
// As per the Spec, if 'version' field is missing or not at
// least 1, treat it as 1.
version = (version < 1) ? 1 : version;
Map symbolsMap = null;
if (! symbolsList.isEmpty())
symbolsMap = new HashMap();
transferNonExistingSymbols(symbolsList, symbolsMap);
// Empty Map is more efficient than an empty HashMap
symbolsMap = Collections.emptyMap();
// We have all necessary data, pass it over to the private constructor.
return new SharedSymbolTable(name, version, symbolsList, symbolsMap);
* Gets a specific version of the system symbol table.
* @param version
* the specified version of the system symbol table; currently,
* only version 1 (Ion 1.0) is supported
* @return
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified version isn't supported
static SymbolTable getSystemSymbolTable(int version)
if (version != 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only Ion 1.0 system " +
"symbols are supported");
// Static methods relating to construction
private static void putToMapIfNotThere(Map symbolsMap,
String text, int sid)
// When there's a duplicate mapping for the symbol text, don't
// replace the lower sid. This pattern avoids double-lookup in the
// common scenario and only performs a second lookup when there's
// a duplicate.
Integer extantSid = symbolsMap.put(text, sid);
if (extantSid != null)
// We always insert symbols with increasing sids
assert extantSid < sid;
symbolsMap.put(text, extantSid);
* Collects the necessary symbols from {@code priorSymtab} and
* {@code symbols}, and load them into the passed-in {@code symbolsList} and
* {@code symbolsMap}.
private static void
prepSymbolsListAndMap(SymbolTable priorSymtab, Iterator symbols,
List symbolsList,
Map symbolsMap)
int sid = 1;
// Collect from passed-in priorSymtab
if (priorSymtab != null)
Iterator priorSymbols =
while (priorSymbols.hasNext())
String text = priorSymbols.next();
if (text != null)
assert text.length() > 0;
putToMapIfNotThere(symbolsMap, text, sid);
// NB: Null entries must be added in the sid sequence
// to retain compat. with the prior version.
// Collect from passed-in symbols
while (symbols.hasNext())
String text = symbols.next();
// TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/12 What about empty symbols?
if (symbolsMap.get(text) == null)
putToMapIfNotThere(symbolsMap, text, sid);
* Transfer symbols from {@code symbolsList} to {@code symbolsMap} that
* doesn't already exist in the map.
private static void
transferNonExistingSymbols(List symbolsList,
Map symbolsMap)
int sid = 1;
for (String text : symbolsList)
assert text == null || text.length() > 0;
if (text != null)
putToMapIfNotThere(symbolsMap, text, sid);
// Public methods
public String getName()
return myName;
public int getVersion()
return myVersion;
public boolean isLocalTable()
return false;
public boolean isSharedTable()
return true;
public boolean isSubstitute()
return false;
public boolean isSystemTable()
return ION.equals(myName);
public boolean isReadOnly()
return true;
public void makeReadOnly()
// No-op
public SymbolTable getSystemSymbolTable()
if (isSystemTable()) return this;
return null; // non-system shared table
public String getIonVersionId()
if (isSystemTable())
int id = getVersion();
if (id != 1)
throw new IonException("unrecognized system version " +
"encountered: " + id);
return ION_1_0;
return null; // non-system shared tables aren't tied to an Ion version
public SymbolTable[] getImportedTables()
return null;
public int getImportedMaxId()
return 0;
public int getMaxId()
return mySymbolNames.length;
public SymbolToken intern(String text)
SymbolToken symTok = find(text);
if (symTok == null)
throw new ReadOnlyValueException(SymbolTable.class);
return symTok;
public SymbolToken find(String text)
text.getClass(); // fast null check
Integer sid = mySymbolsMap.get(text);
if (sid != null)
assert sid != UNKNOWN_SYMBOL_ID;
int offset = sid - 1;
String internedText = mySymbolNames[offset];
assert internedText != null;
return new SymbolTokenImpl(internedText, sid);
return null;
public int findSymbol(String name)
Integer sid = mySymbolsMap.get(name);
if (sid != null)
return sid;
public String findKnownSymbol(int id)
if (id < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("symbol IDs must be >= 0");
int offset = id - 1;
if (id != 0 && offset < mySymbolNames.length)
return mySymbolNames[offset];
return null;
public Iterator iterateDeclaredSymbolNames()
return Collections
.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(mySymbolNames)) // unsupported remove()
public void writeTo(IonWriter writer) throws IOException
IonReader reader = new SymbolTableReader(this);