com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.thirdparty.ion.system.IonSystemBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package com.amazon.ion.system;
import static com.amazon.ion.impl.lite._Private_LiteDomTrampoline.newLiteSystem;
import com.amazon.ion.IonCatalog;
import com.amazon.ion.IonReader;
import com.amazon.ion.IonSystem;
import com.amazon.ion.IonWriter;
import com.amazon.ion.SymbolTable;
import com.amazon.ion.impl._Private_IonBinaryWriterBuilder;
import com.amazon.ion.impl._Private_Utils;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
* The builder for creating {@link IonSystem}s.
* Most applications will only have one or two system instances;
* see {@link IonSystem} for important constraints.
* Builders may be configured once and reused to construct multiple
* objects. They can be {@link #copy() copied} to create a mutable
* copy of a prototype (presumably for altering some property).
* Instances of this class are not safe for use by multiple threads unless
* they are {@linkplain #immutable() immutable}.
* The easiest way to get going is to use the {@link #standard()} builder:
* IonSystem ion = IonSystemBuilder.standard().build();
* However, most long-lived applications will want to provide a custom
* {@link IonCatalog} implementation rather than using the default
* {@link SimpleCatalog}. For example:
* IonCatalog catalog = newCustomCatalog();
* IonSystemBuilder b = IonSystemBuilder.standard().copy();
* b.setCatalog(catalog);
* IonSystem ion = b.build();
* Configuration properties follow the standard JavaBeans idiom in order to be
* friendly to dependency injection systems. They also provide alternative
* mutation methods that enable a more fluid style:
* IonCatalog catalog = newCustomCatalog();
* IonSystem ion = IonSystemBuilder.standard()
* .withCatalog(catalog)
* .build();
* Configuration Properties
* This builder provides the following configurable properties:
* -
* catalog: The {@link IonCatalog} used as a default when reading Ion
* data. If null, each system will be built with a new
* {@link SimpleCatalog}.
* -
* streamCopyOptimized: When true, this enables optimizations when
* copying data between two Ion streams. For example, in some cases raw
* binary-encoded Ion can be copied directly from the input to the output.
* This can have significant performance benefits when the appropriate
* conditions are met. This feature is experimental! Please test
* thoroughly and report any issues.
public class IonSystemBuilder
private static final IonSystemBuilder STANDARD = new IonSystemBuilder();
* The standard builder of {@link IonSystem}s.
* See the class documentation for the standard configuration.
* The returned instance is immutable.
public static IonSystemBuilder standard()
return STANDARD;
IonCatalog myCatalog;
boolean myStreamCopyOptimized = false;
IonTextWriterBuilder textWriterBuilder = IonTextWriterBuilder.standard().withCharsetAscii();
IonBinaryWriterBuilder binaryWriterBuilder = IonBinaryWriterBuilder.standard();
IonReaderBuilder readerBuilder = IonReaderBuilder.standard();
/** You no touchy. */
private IonSystemBuilder()
// empty
private IonSystemBuilder(IonSystemBuilder that)
this.myCatalog = that.myCatalog;
this.myStreamCopyOptimized = that.myStreamCopyOptimized;
this.textWriterBuilder = that.textWriterBuilder;
this.binaryWriterBuilder = that.binaryWriterBuilder;
this.readerBuilder = that.readerBuilder;
* Creates a mutable copy of this builder.
* @return a new builder with the same configuration as {@code this}.
public final IonSystemBuilder copy()
return new Mutable(this);
* Returns an immutable builder configured exactly like this one.
* @return this instance, if immutable;
* otherwise an immutable copy of this instance.
public IonSystemBuilder immutable()
return this;
* Returns a mutable builder configured exactly like this one.
* @return this instance, if mutable;
* otherwise a mutable copy of this instance.
public IonSystemBuilder mutable()
return copy();
void mutationCheck()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This builder is immutable");
// Properties
* Gets the catalog to use when building an {@link IonSystem}.
* By default, this property is null.
* @see #setCatalog(IonCatalog)
* @see #withCatalog(IonCatalog)
* @see IonSystem#getCatalog()
public final IonCatalog getCatalog()
return myCatalog;
* Sets the catalog to use when building an {@link IonSystem}.
* @param catalog the catalog to use in built systems.
* If null, each system will be built with a new {@link SimpleCatalog}.
* @see #getCatalog()
* @see #withCatalog(IonCatalog)
* @see IonSystem#getCatalog()
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is immutable.
public final void setCatalog(IonCatalog catalog)
myCatalog = catalog;
* Declares the catalog to use when building an {@link IonSystem},
* returning a new mutable builder if this is immutable.
* @param catalog the catalog to use in built systems.
* If null, each system will be built with a new {@link SimpleCatalog}.
* @see #getCatalog()
* @see #setCatalog(IonCatalog)
* @see IonSystem#getCatalog()
public final IonSystemBuilder withCatalog(IonCatalog catalog)
IonSystemBuilder b = mutable();
return b;
* Indicates whether built systems may attempt to optimize
* {@link IonWriter#writeValue(IonReader)} by copying raw source data.
* By default, this property is false.
* @see #setStreamCopyOptimized(boolean)
* @see #withStreamCopyOptimized(boolean)
public final boolean isStreamCopyOptimized()
return myStreamCopyOptimized;
* Declares whether built systems may attempt to optimize
* {@link IonWriter#writeValue(IonReader)} by copying raw source data.
* By default, this property is false.
* This feature is experimental! Please test thoroughly and report any
* issues.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is immutable.
* @see #isStreamCopyOptimized()
* @see #withStreamCopyOptimized(boolean)
public final void setStreamCopyOptimized(boolean optimized)
myStreamCopyOptimized = optimized;
* Declares whether built systems may attempt to optimize
* {@link IonWriter#writeValue(IonReader)} by copying raw source data,
* returning a new mutable builder if this is immutable.
* This feature is experimental! Please test thoroughly and report any
* issues.
* @see #isStreamCopyOptimized()
* @see #setStreamCopyOptimized(boolean)
public final IonSystemBuilder withStreamCopyOptimized(boolean optimized)
IonSystemBuilder b = mutable();
return b;
* Gets the text writer builder whose options will be used when building an
* {@link IonSystem}. By default, {@link IonTextWriterBuilder#standard()}
* using {@code US-ASCII} encoding will be used.
* @see #setIonTextWriterBuilder(IonTextWriterBuilder)
* @see #withIonTextWriterBuilder(IonTextWriterBuilder)
public final IonTextWriterBuilder getIonTextWriterBuilder() {
return textWriterBuilder;
* Sets the text writer builder whose options will be used when building
* an {@link IonSystem}.
* @param builder the writer builder to use in built systems.
* If unset, each system will be built with {@link IonTextWriterBuilder#standard()}
* using {@code US-ASCII} encoding.
* @see #getIonTextWriterBuilder()
* @see #withIonTextWriterBuilder(IonTextWriterBuilder)
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is immutable.
public final void setIonTextWriterBuilder(IonTextWriterBuilder builder) {
textWriterBuilder = Objects.requireNonNull(builder);
* Declares the text writer builder whose options will be used when building
* an {@link IonSystem}, returning a new mutable builder if this is immutable.
* The writer builder's catalog will never be used; the catalog provided to
* {@link #setCatalog(IonCatalog)} or {@link #withCatalog(IonCatalog)} will
* always be used instead.
* @param builder the writer builder to use in built systems.
* If unset, each system will be built with {@link IonTextWriterBuilder#standard()}
* using {@code US-ASCII} encoding.
* @see #getIonTextWriterBuilder()
* @see #setIonTextWriterBuilder(IonTextWriterBuilder)
public final IonSystemBuilder withIonTextWriterBuilder(IonTextWriterBuilder builder)
IonSystemBuilder b = mutable();
return b;
* Gets the binary writer builder whose options will be used when building an
* {@link IonSystem}. By default, {@link IonBinaryWriterBuilder#standard()} will
* be used.
* @see #setIonBinaryWriterBuilder(IonBinaryWriterBuilder)
* @see #withIonBinaryWriterBuilder(IonBinaryWriterBuilder)
public final IonBinaryWriterBuilder getIonBinaryWriterBuilder() {
return binaryWriterBuilder;
* Sets the binary writer builder whose options will be used when building
* an {@link IonSystem}. The writer builder's catalog will never be used; the
* catalog provided to {@link #setCatalog(IonCatalog)} or
* {@link #withCatalog(IonCatalog)} will always be used instead.
* @param builder the writer builder to use in built systems.
* If unset, each system will be built with {@link IonBinaryWriterBuilder#standard()}.
* @see #getIonBinaryWriterBuilder()
* @see #withIonBinaryWriterBuilder(IonBinaryWriterBuilder)
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is immutable.
public final void setIonBinaryWriterBuilder(IonBinaryWriterBuilder builder) {
binaryWriterBuilder = Objects.requireNonNull(builder);
* Declares the binary writer builder whose options will be used to use when building
* an {@link IonSystem}, returning a new mutable builder if this is immutable.
* The writer builder's catalog will never be used; the catalog provided to
* {@link #setCatalog(IonCatalog)} or {@link #withCatalog(IonCatalog)} will
* always be used instead.
* @param builder the writer builder to use in built systems.
* If unset, each system will be built with {@link IonBinaryWriterBuilder#standard()}.
* @see #getIonBinaryWriterBuilder()
* @see #setIonBinaryWriterBuilder(IonBinaryWriterBuilder)
public final IonSystemBuilder withIonBinaryWriterBuilder(IonBinaryWriterBuilder builder)
IonSystemBuilder b = mutable();
return b;
* Gets the reader builder whose options will be used when building an
* {@link IonSystem}. By default, {@link IonReaderBuilder#standard()} will
* be used.
* @see #setReaderBuilder(IonReaderBuilder)
* @see #withReaderBuilder(IonReaderBuilder)
public final IonReaderBuilder getReaderBuilder() {
return readerBuilder;
* Sets the reader builder whose options will be used to use when building
* an {@link IonSystem}. The reader builder's catalog will never be used; the
* catalog provided to {@link #setCatalog(IonCatalog)} or
* {@link #withCatalog(IonCatalog)} will always be used instead.
* @param builder the reader builder to use in built systems.
* If unset, each system will be built with {@link IonReaderBuilder#standard()}.
* @see #getReaderBuilder()
* @see #withReaderBuilder(IonReaderBuilder)
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this is immutable.
public final void setReaderBuilder(IonReaderBuilder builder) {
readerBuilder = Objects.requireNonNull(builder);
* Declares the reader builder whose options will be used to use when building
* an {@link IonSystem}, returning a new mutable builder if this is immutable.
* The reader builder's catalog will never be used; the catalog provided to
* {@link #setCatalog(IonCatalog)} or {@link #withCatalog(IonCatalog)} will
* always be used instead.
* @param builder the reader builder to use in built systems.
* If unset, each system will be built with {@link IonReaderBuilder#standard()}.
* @see #getReaderBuilder()
* @see #setReaderBuilder(IonReaderBuilder)
public final IonSystemBuilder withReaderBuilder(IonReaderBuilder builder)
IonSystemBuilder b = mutable();
return b;
* Builds a new {@link IonSystem} instance based on this builder's
* configuration properties.
public final IonSystem build()
IonCatalog catalog = Optional.ofNullable(myCatalog).orElseGet(SimpleCatalog::new);
IonTextWriterBuilder twb = textWriterBuilder.copy().withCatalog(catalog);
IonBinaryWriterBuilder bwb = binaryWriterBuilder.copy().withCatalog(catalog);
IonReaderBuilder rb = readerBuilder.copy().withCatalog(catalog);
// TODO Use #setStreamCopyOptimized directly on the BWB
// TODO Would be nice to remove this since it's implied by the BWB.
// However that currently causes problems in the IonSystem
// constructors (which get a null initialSymtab).
SymbolTable systemSymtab = _Private_Utils.systemSymtab(1);
// This is what we need, more or less.
// bwb = bwb.fillDefaults();
return newLiteSystem(twb, (_Private_IonBinaryWriterBuilder) bwb, rb);
private static final class Mutable
extends IonSystemBuilder
private Mutable(IonSystemBuilder that)
public IonSystemBuilder immutable()
return new IonSystemBuilder(this);
public IonSystemBuilder mutable()
return this;
void mutationCheck()