com.ibm.cloud.objectstorage.thirdparty.ion.util.Equivalence Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2007-2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazon.ion.util;
import static com.amazon.ion.impl._Private_IonConstants.UNKNOWN_SYMBOL_TEXT_PREFIX;
import com.amazon.ion.Decimal;
import com.amazon.ion.IonBool;
import com.amazon.ion.IonDecimal;
import com.amazon.ion.IonException;
import com.amazon.ion.IonFloat;
import com.amazon.ion.IonInt;
import com.amazon.ion.IonLob;
import com.amazon.ion.IonSequence;
import com.amazon.ion.IonStruct;
import com.amazon.ion.IonSymbol;
import com.amazon.ion.IonText;
import com.amazon.ion.IonTimestamp;
import com.amazon.ion.IonType;
import com.amazon.ion.IonValue;
import com.amazon.ion.SymbolToken;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Provides equivalence comparisons between two {@link IonValue}s, following
* the contract of {@link IonValue#equals(Object)}.
* Basic usage of this class is as follows:
* IonValue v1 = ...;
* IonValue v2 = ...;
* com.amazon.ion.util.Equivalence.ionEquals( v1, v2 );
* More likely, a static import would make using this class easier.
* import static com.amazon.ion.util.Equivalence.ionEquals;
* ...
* boolean equivalent = ionEquals( v1, v2 );
* Additional options are available by configuring an Equivalence
* instance using {@link Equivalence.Builder}. For example:
* com.amazon.ion.util.Equivalence equivalence =
* new com.amazon.ion.util.Equivalence.Builder()
* .withEpsilon(1e-6)
* .build();
* IonValue v1 = ...;
* IonValue v2 = ...;
* equivalence.ionValueEquals( v1, v2 );
Ion Equivalence
* In order to make Ion a useful model to describe data, we must first define
* the notion of equivalence for all values representable in Ion. Equivalence
* with respect to Ion values means that if two Ion values, X and Y, are
* equivalent, they represent the same data and can be substituted for the other
* without loss of information.
* This relationship is:
* -
* symmetric: X is equivalent to Y if and only if Y is equivalent to X.
* -
* transitive: if X is equivalent to Y and Y is equivalent to Z, then X is
* equivalent to Z.
* -
* reflexive: X is equivalent to X.
* Ordered Sequence Equivalence
* When an ordered sequence (i.e. tuple) of elements is specified in this
* document, equivalence over such an ordered sequence is defined as follows.
* A tuple, A = (a1, a2, ..., an), is equivalent to another tuple, B = (b1, b2,
* ..., bm) if and only if the cardinality (number of elements) of A equals the
* cardinality of B (i.e. n == m) and ai is equivalent to bi for i = 1 ... n.
* Un-Ordered Sequence Equivalence
* When an un-ordered sequence (i.e. bag or multi-set) is specified in this
* document, equivalence over such a sequence is defined as follows.
* A bag, A = {a1, a2, ..., an} is equivalent to B = {b1, b2, ..., bm} if and
* only if the cardinality of A is equal to the cardinality of B and for each
* element, x, in A there exists a distinct element, y, in B for which x is
* equivalent to y.
* Values
* Any arbitrary, atomic value in the Ion Language can be denoted as the tuple,
* (A, V), where A is an ordered list of annotations, and V is an Ion Primitive
* Data or Ion Complex Data value. The list of annotations, A is an tuple of Ion
* Symbols (a specific type of Ion Primitive).
* Within this class, strict equivalence refers to Ion data model
* equivalence as defined above and by the
* Ion
* Specification. Structural or non-strict equivalence
* follows the same rules as strict equivalence, except that
* - Annotations are not considered, and
* - Timestamps that represent the same instant in time are always
* considered equivalent.
public final class Equivalence {
* TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/26 Marker for code that needs to be altered in order to
* support a public comparison API to determine ordering of values, not
* just equality.
private static final boolean PUBLIC_COMPARISON_API = false;
* Configuration that requires strict data equivalence.
* @see #ionEquals(IonValue, IonValue)
private static final Configuration STRICT_CONFIGURATION = new Configuration(new Builder().withStrict(true));
* Configuration that requires structural equivalence without considering annotations.
* @see #ionEqualsByContent(IonValue, IonValue)
private static final Configuration NON_STRICT_CONFIGURATION = new Configuration(new Builder().withStrict(false));
* Contains the configuration to use when comparing Ion values.
static final class Configuration {
private final boolean isStrict;
private final Double epsilon;
private final int maxComparisonDepth;
Configuration(Builder builder) {
this.isStrict = builder.isStrict;
this.epsilon = builder.epsilon;
this.maxComparisonDepth = builder.maxComparisonDepth;
* Constructs {@link Equivalence} instances. To compare IonValues using an
* Equivalence instance's configuration, call {@link #ionValueEquals(IonValue, IonValue)}
* on that instance rather than calling {@link IonValue#equals(Object)}.
public static final class Builder {
private boolean isStrict = true;
private Double epsilon = null;
private int maxComparisonDepth = 1000;
* When true, checks for strict data equivalence over two Ion Values.
* When false, checks for structural data equivalence over two Ion
* Values. See {@link Equivalence} for discussion of the differences
* between the two.
* Default: true.
* @param isStrict the value.
* @return this builder.
public Builder withStrict(boolean isStrict) {
this.isStrict = isStrict;
return this;
* The maximum absolute difference between two Ion float values for
* which the two values will be considered equivalent. Default: Ion
* float values will only be considered equivalent when
* Double.compare(a, b) == 0
* @param epsilon the value.
* @return this builder.
public Builder withEpsilon(double epsilon) {
this.epsilon = epsilon;
return this;
* The maximum depth to which two values will be compared. If the two
* values to be compared are still potentially equivalent beyond this
* depth, {@link Equivalence#ionValueEquals(IonValue, IonValue)} will
* throw an {@link IonException}.
* @param maxComparisonDepth the value.
* @return this builder.
public Builder withMaxComparisonDepth(int maxComparisonDepth) {
if (maxComparisonDepth < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max comparison depth must not be negative.");
this.maxComparisonDepth = maxComparisonDepth;
return this;
* @return a new Equivalence using this builder's configuration.
public Equivalence build() {
return new Equivalence(new Configuration(this));
private final Configuration configuration;
private Equivalence(Configuration configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
private static int compareAnnotations(SymbolToken[] ann1,
SymbolToken[] ann2)
int len = ann1.length;
int result = len - ann2.length;
if (result == 0) {
for (int i=0; (result == 0) && (i < len); i++) {
result = compareSymbolTokens(ann1[i], ann2[i]);
return result;
private static int compareSymbolTokens(SymbolToken tok1,
SymbolToken tok2)
String text1 = tok1.getText();
String text2 = tok2.getText();
if (text1 == null || text2 == null) {
if (text1 != null) return 1;
if (text2 != null) return -1;
int sid1 = tok1.getSid();
int sid2 = tok2.getSid();
if (sid1 < sid2) return -1;
if (sid1 > sid2) return 1;
return 0;
return text1.compareTo(text2);
* Converts an IonStruct to a multi-set for use in IonStruct equality
* checks. This method returns the multi-set as a {@code Map}.
* A multi-set supports order-independent equality, and may have duplicate
* elements.
* Take special note that {@link Set} is missing a {@code get()} API,
* and cannot contain duplicate elements, hence we cannot use it.
private static final Map
convertToMultiSet(final IonStruct struct, final Configuration configuration, final int depth) {
final Map structMultiSet =
new HashMap();
for (final IonValue val : struct) {
final Field item = new Field(val, configuration, depth);
Field curr = structMultiSet.put(item, item);
// curr will be non-null if the multi-set already contains the
// name/value pair
if (curr != null) {
// Set the 'occurrences' of the Field that is contained in
// the multi-set (i.e. item) to that of the previously mapped
// Field (i.e. curr)
item.occurrences = curr.occurrences;
// At this point, item will be an existing
// name/value pair in the multi-set - increment its occurrence
return structMultiSet;
private static int compareStructs(final IonStruct s1,
final IonStruct s2,
final Configuration configuration,
final int depth)
int result = s1.size() - s2.size();
if (result == 0) {
// We convert IonStruct s1 to a multi-set (which is a
// Map). Refer to convertToMultiSet()'s
// documentation for more info
final Map s1MultiSet
= convertToMultiSet(s1, configuration, depth);
// Iterates through each name/value pair in IonStruct s2 and
// determine if it also occurs in s1MultiSet.
// During each iteration:
// If it does, remove an occurrence from s1MultiSet
// If it doesn't, the two IonStructs aren't equal
for (IonValue val : s2) {
Field field = new Field(val, configuration, depth);
// Find an occurrence of the name/value pair in s1MultiSet
Field mappedValue = s1MultiSet.get(field);
if (mappedValue == null || mappedValue.occurrences == 0) {
// No match in occurrences, the IonStructs aren't equal
return -1;
// Remove an occurrence by decrementing count instead of
// explicitly calling Map.remove(), as Map.remove() is a slower
// operation
return result;
private static int compareSequences(final IonSequence s1,
final IonSequence s2,
final Configuration configuration,
final int depth)
int result = s1.size() - s2.size();
if (result == 0) {
Iterator iter1 = s1.iterator();
Iterator iter2 = s2.iterator();
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
result = ionCompareToImpl(iter1.next(),
if (result != 0) {
return result;
/** Compare LOB content by stream--assuming non-null. */
private static int compareLobContents(final IonLob lob1, final IonLob lob2)
int in1 = lob1.byteSize();
int in2 = lob2.byteSize();
int result = (in1- in2);
if (result == 0) {
final InputStream stream1 = lob1.newInputStream();
final InputStream stream2 = lob2.newInputStream();
// too bad Java doesn't do RAII with better syntax...
try {
try {
try {
while (result == 0) {
in1 = stream1.read();
in2 = stream2.read();
if (in1 == -1 || in2 == -1) {
if (in1 != -1) result = 1;
if (in2 != -1) result = -1;
result = (in1 - in2);
} finally {
} finally {
} catch (final IOException e) {
// XXX hopefully won't happen with LOB streams--if it does rethrow unchecked.
// this would violate Object.equals() would it not?
throw new IonException(e);
return result;
* Class that denotes a name/value pair in Structs.
* Structs are unordered collections of name/value pairs. The names are
* symbol tokens, and the values are unrestricted. Each name/value pair is
* called a field.
* The responsibilities of this class is to expose a
* {@code Map} as a multi-set. A Field instance holds the name
* and value of a Struct field, and counts the number of times that
* name/value pair occurs within the multi-set.
* For example, an IonStruct:
* {
* a : 123,
* a : 123
* }
* will be converted into a multi-set {@code Map} with
* a single {@code Field} -> {@code Field} with {@code occurrences} of 2.
* Refer to
* {@link Equivalence#convertToMultiSet(IonStruct, Configuration, int)} and
* {@link Field#equals(Object)} for more info.
* NOTE: This class should only be instantiated for the sole purpose of
* using it as either a key or value in a {@link Map}.
static class Field {
private final String name; // aka field name
private final IonValue value;
private final Configuration configuration;
private final int depth;
* Number of times that this specific field (with the same name
* and value) occurs within the struct.
private int occurrences;
Field(final IonValue value, final Configuration configuration, final int depth)
SymbolToken tok = value.getFieldNameSymbol();
String name = tok.getText();
if (name == null) {
// TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/23 Problematic with unknown field names.
name = UNKNOWN_SYMBOL_TEXT_PREFIX + tok.getSid();
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.depth = depth;
// Occurrences of this name/value pair is 0 initially
this.occurrences = 0;
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
// TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/58 : implement hash code such that it respects
// 'strict'. The prevously attempted fix is commented out below but
// is not sufficient because value.hasCode will always include
// type annotations in the hash computation. Type annotations
// should not be part of the hash computation if strict=true.
// result = (31 * result) + value.hashCode();
// return result;
* This method is implicitly called by {@link Map#get(Object)} to
* obtain a value to which {@code other} is mapped.
public boolean equals(final Object other) {
// We can assume other is always a Field and strict
// is the same - internal usage dictates it.
final Field sOther = (Field) other;
return name.equals(sOther.name)
&& ionEqualsImpl(value, ((Field) other).value, configuration, depth);
private static boolean ionEqualsImpl(final IonValue v1,
final IonValue v2,
final Configuration configuration,
final int depth)
return (ionCompareToImpl(v1, v2, configuration, depth) == 0);
private static int ionCompareToImpl(final IonValue v1,
final IonValue v2,
final Configuration configuration,
final int depth)
int result = 0;
if (v1 == null || v2 == null) {
if (v1 != null) result = 1;
if (v2 != null) result = -1;
// otherwise v1 == v2 == null and result == 0
return result;
// check type
IonType ty1 = v1.getType();
IonType ty2 = v2.getType();
result = ty1.compareTo(ty2);
if (result == 0) {
boolean bo1 = v1.isNullValue();
boolean bo2 = v2.isNullValue();
if (bo1 || bo2) {
// null combination case--we already know they are
// the same type
if (!bo1) result = 1;
if (!bo2) result = -1;
// othersize they're equal (and null values)
else {
// value compare only if both are not null
switch (ty1)
case NULL:
// never visited, precondition is that both are not null
case BOOL:
if (((IonBool) v1).booleanValue()) {
result = ((IonBool) v2).booleanValue() ? 0 : 1;
else {
result = ((IonBool) v2).booleanValue() ? -1 : 0;
case INT:
result = ((IonInt) v1).bigIntegerValue().compareTo(
((IonInt) v2).bigIntegerValue());
case FLOAT:
double double1 = ((IonFloat) v1).doubleValue();
double double2 = ((IonFloat) v2).doubleValue();
if (configuration.epsilon != null
&& (double1 == double2 || Math.abs(double1 - double2) <= configuration.epsilon)) {
result = 0;
} else {
result = Double.compare(double1, double2);
assert !PUBLIC_COMPARISON_API; // TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/26
result = Decimal.equals(((IonDecimal) v1).decimalValue(),
((IonDecimal) v2).decimalValue())
? 0 : 1;
if (configuration.isStrict) {
assert !PUBLIC_COMPARISON_API; // TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/26
result = (((IonTimestamp) v1).timestampValue().equals(
((IonTimestamp) v2).timestampValue())
? 0 : 1);
else {
// This is kind of lying here, the 'strict' boolean
// (if false) denotes ONLY that annotations are not
// check for equality. But what this is doing here is
// that it is also ignoring IonTimesamps' precision and
// local offset.
result = ((IonTimestamp) v1).timestampValue().compareTo(
((IonTimestamp) v2).timestampValue());
case STRING:
result = (((IonText) v1).stringValue()).compareTo(
((IonText) v2).stringValue());
case SYMBOL:
result = compareSymbolTokens(((IonSymbol) v1).symbolValue(),
((IonSymbol) v2).symbolValue());
case BLOB:
case CLOB:
result = compareLobContents((IonLob) v1, (IonLob) v2);
case STRUCT:
assert !PUBLIC_COMPARISON_API; // TODO amazon-ion/ion-java/issues/26
if (depth >= configuration.maxComparisonDepth) {
throw new IonException("Cannot continue comparison: maximum comparison depth exceeded. This limit may be raised using Equivalence.Builder.");
result = compareStructs((IonStruct) v1,
(IonStruct) v2,
depth + 1);
case LIST:
case SEXP:
if (depth >= configuration.maxComparisonDepth) {
throw new IonException("Cannot continue comparison: maximum comparison depth exceeded. This limit may be raised using Equivalence.Builder.");
result = compareSequences((IonSequence) v1,
(IonSequence) v2,
depth + 1);
// if the values are otherwise equal, but the caller wants strict
// comparison, then we check the annotations
if ((result == 0) && configuration.isStrict) {
// check tuple equality over the annotations
// (which are symbol tokens)
result = compareAnnotations(v1.getTypeAnnotationSymbols(),
return result;
* Checks for strict data equivalence over two Ion Values.
* @param v1
* The first Ion value to compare.
* @param v2
* The second Ion value to compare.
* @return true if two Ion Values represent the same data.
public static boolean ionEquals(final IonValue v1,
final IonValue v2)
return ionEqualsImpl(v1, v2, STRICT_CONFIGURATION, 0);
* Checks for structural data equivalence over two Ion Values. That is,
* equivalence without considering any annotations.
* @param v1
* The first Ion value to compare.
* @param v2
* The second Ion value to compare.
* @return true if two Ion Values represent the same data without regard to
* annotations.
public static boolean ionEqualsByContent(final IonValue v1,
final IonValue v2)
return ionEqualsImpl(v1, v2, NON_STRICT_CONFIGURATION, 0);
* Checks for data equivalence over two Ion values using this Equivalence's
* configuration
* @see Builder
* @param v1
* The first Ion value to compare.
* @param v2
* The second Ion value to compare.
* @return true if two Ion Values represent the same data.
public boolean ionValueEquals(final IonValue v1, final IonValue v2) {
return ionEqualsImpl(v1, v2, configuration, 0);