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* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2021
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.opencds.cqf.cql.engine.retrieve.TerminologyAwareRetrieveProvider;
import org.opencds.cqf.cql.engine.runtime.Code;
import org.opencds.cqf.cql.engine.runtime.DateTime;
import org.opencds.cqf.cql.engine.runtime.Interval;
import org.opencds.cqf.cql.engine.terminology.ValueSetInfo;
* Provide support for CQL Engine RetrieveProvider implementations that wish to build
* retrieve support on top of query parameters defined in the FHIR REST API specification.
public abstract class SearchParameterFHIRRetrieveProvider extends TerminologyAwareRetrieveProvider {
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CODES_PER_QUERY = 64;
private SearchParameterResolver searchParameterResolver;
private Integer pageSize;
private int maxCodesPerQuery;
public SearchParameterFHIRRetrieveProvider(SearchParameterResolver searchParameterResolver) {
this.searchParameterResolver = searchParameterResolver;
this.maxCodesPerQuery = DEFAULT_MAX_CODES_PER_QUERY;
public void setPageSize(Integer value) {
if (value == null || value < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must be a non-null integer > 0");
this.pageSize = value;
public Integer getPageSize() {
return this.pageSize;
public void setMaxCodesPerQuery(int value) {
if (value < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("value must be > 0");
this.maxCodesPerQuery = value;
public int getMaxCodesPerQuery() {
return this.maxCodesPerQuery;
protected abstract Iterable executeQueries(String resourceType, List queries) throws Exception;
public Iterable retrieve(String context, String contextPath, Object contextValue, String dataType,
String templateId, String codePath, Iterable codes, String valueSet, String datePath,
String dateLowPath, String dateHighPath, Interval dateRange) {
if (!ModelSupport.isResourceType(dataType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + dataType + "' is not a valid resource type;"
+ " SearchParameterFHIRRetrieveProvider can only retrieve FHIR resource data");
String resourceType = dataType;
try {
List queries =
this.setupQueries(context, contextPath, contextValue, resourceType, templateId, codePath, codes, valueSet, datePath, dateLowPath, dateHighPath, dateRange);
return this.executeQueries(resourceType, queries);
} catch (RuntimeException rex) {
throw rex;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
protected List setupQueries(String context, String contextPath, Object contextValue,
String resourceType, String templateId, String codePath, Iterable codes, String valueSet, String datePath,
String dateLowPath, String dateHighPath, Interval dateRange) throws Exception {
List queries = null;
Pair templateParam = this.getTemplateParam(resourceType, templateId);
Pair contextParam = this.getContextParam(resourceType, context, contextPath, contextValue);
Pair dateRangeParam = this.getDateRangeParam(resourceType, datePath, dateLowPath, dateHighPath, dateRange);
Pair>> codeParams = this.getCodeParams(resourceType, codePath, codes, valueSet);
// In the case we filtered to a valueSet without codes, there are no possible results.
if (valueSet != null && (codeParams == null || codeParams.getValue().isEmpty())) {
queries = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
queries = this.innerSetupQueries(resourceType, templateParam, contextParam, dateRangeParam, codeParams);
return queries;
protected List innerSetupQueries(String resourceType, Pair templateParam,
Pair contextParam, Pair dateRangeParam,
Pair>> codeParams) throws Exception {
List result = null;
if (codeParams == null || codeParams.getValue().isEmpty()) {
result = Collections.singletonList(this.getBaseMap(templateParam, contextParam, dateRangeParam));
} else {
result = new ArrayList<>();
for (IQueryParameterOr> tolp : codeParams.getValue()) {
SearchParameterMap base = this.getBaseMap(templateParam, contextParam, dateRangeParam);
base.put(codeParams.getKey(), tolp);
return result;
protected Pair getTemplateParam(String resourceType, String templateId) {
// purposefully empty
return null;
protected Pair getContextParam(String resourceType, String context, String contextPath,
Object contextValue) throws Exception {
Pair result = null;
if (context != null && "Patient".equals(context) && contextValue != null && contextPath != null) {
result = searchParameterResolver.createSearchParameter(context, resourceType, contextPath, (String) contextValue);
if (result == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not resolve search parameter for resourceType '%s' and contextPath '%s'", resourceType, contextPath));
return result;
protected Pair getDateRangeParam(String resourceType, String datePath, String dateLowPath,
String dateHighPath, Interval dateRange) throws Exception {
Pair result = null;
if (datePath != null) {
SearchParameter dateParam = this.searchParameterResolver.getSearchParameterDefinition(resourceType, datePath, SearchParamType.DATE);
if (dateParam != null) {
String name = dateParam.getCode().getValue();
DateParameter low = null;
DateParameter high = null;
if (dateRange.getLow() != null) {
low = new DateParameter(Prefix.GE, Date.from(((DateTime) dateRange.getLow()).getDateTime().toInstant()));
if (dateRange.getHigh() != null) {
high = new DateParameter(Prefix.LE, Date.from(((DateTime) dateRange.getHigh()).getDateTime().toInstant()));
DateRangeParameter rangeParam;
if (low == null && high != null) {
rangeParam = new DateRangeParameter(high);
} else if (high == null && low != null) {
rangeParam = new DateRangeParameter(low);
} else {
rangeParam = new DateRangeParameter(low, high);
result = Pair.of(name, rangeParam);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Could not resolve a search parameter with date type for %s.%s ", resourceType, datePath));
return result;
protected Pair>> getCodeParams(String resourceType, String codePath, Iterable codes,
String valueSet) throws Exception {
Pair>> result = null;
if (codePath != null) {
SearchParameter searchParam = searchParameterResolver.getSearchParameterDefinition(resourceType, codePath, SearchParamType.TOKEN);
if (searchParam != null) {
String name = searchParam.getCode().getValue();
result = Pair.of(name, getCodeParams(name, codes, valueSet));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Could not resolve search parameter for resourceType '%s' and codePath '%s'", resourceType, codePath));
return result;
// The code params will be either the literal set of codes in the event the data
// server doesn't have the referenced ValueSet (or doesn't support pulling and caching a ValueSet).
// If the target server DOES support that then it's "resourceType.codePath in ValueSet"
protected List> getCodeParams(String name, Iterable codes, String valueSet) {
List> params = null;
if (valueSet != null) {
if (isExpandValueSets()) {
if (this.terminologyProvider == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expand value sets cannot be used without a terminology provider and no terminology provider is set.");
ValueSetInfo valueSetInfo = new ValueSetInfo().withId(valueSet);
codes = this.terminologyProvider.expand(valueSetInfo);
} else {
TokenParameter p = new TokenParameter(SearchConstants.Modifier.IN, valueSet);
IQueryParameterOr or = new OrParameter(p);
params = Collections.singletonList(or);
if (params == null) {
if (codes == null) {
params = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
params = new ArrayList<>();
OrParameter codeParams = null;
int codeCount = 0;
for (Code code : codes) {
if (codeCount % this.maxCodesPerQuery == 0) {
if (codeParams != null) {
codeParams = new OrParameter<>();
codeParams.addOr(new TokenParameter(code.getSystem(), code.getCode()));
if (codeParams != null) {
return params;
protected SearchParameterMap getBaseMap(Pair templateParam,
Pair contextParam, Pair dateRangeParam) throws Exception {
SearchParameterMap searchParameters = new SearchParameterMap();
// baseMap.setLastUpdated(new DateRangeParam());
if (this.pageSize != null) {
if (templateParam != null) {
searchParameters.put(templateParam.getKey(), templateParam.getValue());
if (dateRangeParam != null) {
searchParameters.put(dateRangeParam.getKey(), dateRangeParam.getValue());
if (contextParam != null) {
searchParameters.put(contextParam.getKey(), contextParam.getValue());
return searchParameters;
* Given a query parameter name and contents, transmute the name
* into something that includes all the appropriate modifiers.
* @param name query parameter name
* @param param query parameter contents
* @return query parameter name with appropriate modifiers appended
protected String getModifiedName(String name, IQueryParameter param) {
StringBuilder paramName = new StringBuilder(name);
if (param instanceof ReferenceParameter) {
ReferenceParameter rp = (ReferenceParameter) param;
if (rp.getResourceTypeModifier() != null) {
if (rp.getChainedProperty() != null) {
} else {
if (param.getMissing() != null) {
} else if (param.getModifier() != null) {
return paramName.toString();