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 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2021
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

import javax.annotation.Generated;


 * A provider issued list of professional services and products which have been provided, or are to be provided, to a 
 * patient which is sent to an insurer for reimbursement.

Maturity level: FMM2 (Trial Use) */ @Maturity( level = 2, status = StandardsStatus.Value.TRIAL_USE ) @Constraint( id = "claim-0", level = "Warning", location = "(base)", description = "SHALL, if possible, contain a code from value set", expression = "type.exists() and type.memberOf('', 'extensible')", generated = true ) @Constraint( id = "claim-1", level = "Warning", location = "accident.type", description = "SHALL, if possible, contain a code from value set", expression = "$this.memberOf('', 'extensible')", generated = true ) @Generated("") public class Claim extends DomainResource { private final List identifier; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "ClaimStatus", strength = BindingStrength.Value.REQUIRED, description = "A code specifying the state of the resource instance.", valueSet = "|4.0.1" ) @Required private final ClaimStatus status; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "ClaimType", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXTENSIBLE, description = "The type or discipline-style of the claim.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept type; @Binding( bindingName = "ClaimSubType", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "A more granular claim typecode.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept subType; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "Use", strength = BindingStrength.Value.REQUIRED, description = "The purpose of the Claim: predetermination, preauthorization, claim.", valueSet = "|4.0.1" ) @Required private final Use use; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Patient" }) @Required private final Reference patient; @Summary private final Period billablePeriod; @Summary @Required private final DateTime created; @ReferenceTarget({ "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole" }) private final Reference enterer; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Organization" }) private final Reference insurer; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization" }) @Required private final Reference provider; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "ProcessPriority", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The timeliness with which processing is required: stat, normal, deferred.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept priority; @Binding( bindingName = "FundsReserve", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "For whom funds are to be reserved: (Patient, Provider, None).", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept fundsReserve; private final List related; @ReferenceTarget({ "DeviceRequest", "MedicationRequest", "VisionPrescription" }) private final Reference prescription; @ReferenceTarget({ "DeviceRequest", "MedicationRequest", "VisionPrescription" }) private final Reference originalPrescription; private final Payee payee; @ReferenceTarget({ "ServiceRequest" }) private final Reference referral; @ReferenceTarget({ "Location" }) private final Reference facility; private final List careTeam; private final List supportingInfo; private final List diagnosis; private final List procedure; @Summary @Required private final List insurance; private final Accident accident; private final List item; private final Money total; private Claim(Builder builder) { super(builder); identifier = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.identifier); status = builder.status; type = builder.type; subType = builder.subType; use = builder.use; patient = builder.patient; billablePeriod = builder.billablePeriod; created = builder.created; enterer = builder.enterer; insurer = builder.insurer; provider = builder.provider; priority = builder.priority; fundsReserve = builder.fundsReserve; related = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.related); prescription = builder.prescription; originalPrescription = builder.originalPrescription; payee = builder.payee; referral = builder.referral; facility = builder.facility; careTeam = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.careTeam); supportingInfo = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.supportingInfo); diagnosis = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.diagnosis); procedure = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.procedure); insurance = Collections.unmodifiableList(; accident = builder.accident; item = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.item); total =; } /** * A unique identifier assigned to this claim. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Identifier} that may be empty. */ public List getIdentifier() { return identifier; } /** * The status of the resource instance. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link ClaimStatus} that is non-null. */ public ClaimStatus getStatus() { return status; } /** * The category of claim, e.g. oral, pharmacy, vision, institutional, professional. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getType() { return type; } /** * A finer grained suite of claim type codes which may convey additional information such as Inpatient vs Outpatient * and/or a specialty service. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getSubType() { return subType; } /** * A code to indicate whether the nature of the request is: to request adjudication of products and services previously * rendered; or requesting authorization and adjudication for provision in the future; or requesting the non-binding * adjudication of the listed products and services which could be provided in the future. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Use} that is non-null. */ public Use getUse() { return use; } /** * The party to whom the professional services and/or products have been supplied or are being considered and for whom * actual or forecast reimbursement is sought. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that is non-null. */ public Reference getPatient() { return patient; } /** * The period for which charges are being submitted. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Period} that may be null. */ public Period getBillablePeriod() { return billablePeriod; } /** * The date this resource was created. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link DateTime} that is non-null. */ public DateTime getCreated() { return created; } /** * Individual who created the claim, predetermination or preauthorization. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getEnterer() { return enterer; } /** * The Insurer who is target of the request. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getInsurer() { return insurer; } /** * The provider which is responsible for the claim, predetermination or preauthorization. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that is non-null. */ public Reference getProvider() { return provider; } /** * The provider-required urgency of processing the request. Typical values include: stat, routine deferred. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getPriority() { return priority; } /** * A code to indicate whether and for whom funds are to be reserved for future claims. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getFundsReserve() { return fundsReserve; } /** * Other claims which are related to this claim such as prior submissions or claims for related services or for the same * event. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Related} that may be empty. */ public List getRelated() { return related; } /** * Prescription to support the dispensing of pharmacy, device or vision products. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getPrescription() { return prescription; } /** * Original prescription which has been superseded by this prescription to support the dispensing of pharmacy services, * medications or products. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getOriginalPrescription() { return originalPrescription; } /** * The party to be reimbursed for cost of the products and services according to the terms of the policy. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Payee} that may be null. */ public Payee getPayee() { return payee; } /** * A reference to a referral resource. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getReferral() { return referral; } /** * Facility where the services were provided. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getFacility() { return facility; } /** * The members of the team who provided the products and services. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CareTeam} that may be empty. */ public List getCareTeam() { return careTeam; } /** * Additional information codes regarding exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or * concurrent issues. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link SupportingInfo} that may be empty. */ public List getSupportingInfo() { return supportingInfo; } /** * Information about diagnoses relevant to the claim items. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Diagnosis} that may be empty. */ public List getDiagnosis() { return diagnosis; } /** * Procedures performed on the patient relevant to the billing items with the claim. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Procedure} that may be empty. */ public List getProcedure() { return procedure; } /** * Financial instruments for reimbursement for the health care products and services specified on the claim. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Insurance} that is non-empty. */ public List getInsurance() { return insurance; } /** * Details of an accident which resulted in injuries which required the products and services listed in the claim. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Accident} that may be null. */ public Accident getAccident() { return accident; } /** * A claim line. Either a simple product or service or a 'group' of details which can each be a simple items or groups of * sub-details. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Item} that may be empty. */ public List getItem() { return item; } /** * The total value of the all the items in the claim. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getTotal() { return total; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || !identifier.isEmpty() || (status != null) || (type != null) || (subType != null) || (use != null) || (patient != null) || (billablePeriod != null) || (created != null) || (enterer != null) || (insurer != null) || (provider != null) || (priority != null) || (fundsReserve != null) || !related.isEmpty() || (prescription != null) || (originalPrescription != null) || (payee != null) || (referral != null) || (facility != null) || !careTeam.isEmpty() || !supportingInfo.isEmpty() || !diagnosis.isEmpty() || !procedure.isEmpty() || !insurance.isEmpty() || (accident != null) || !item.isEmpty() || (total != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(meta, "meta", visitor); accept(implicitRules, "implicitRules", visitor); accept(language, "language", visitor); accept(text, "text", visitor); accept(contained, "contained", visitor, Resource.class); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(identifier, "identifier", visitor, Identifier.class); accept(status, "status", visitor); accept(type, "type", visitor); accept(subType, "subType", visitor); accept(use, "use", visitor); accept(patient, "patient", visitor); accept(billablePeriod, "billablePeriod", visitor); accept(created, "created", visitor); accept(enterer, "enterer", visitor); accept(insurer, "insurer", visitor); accept(provider, "provider", visitor); accept(priority, "priority", visitor); accept(fundsReserve, "fundsReserve", visitor); accept(related, "related", visitor, Related.class); accept(prescription, "prescription", visitor); accept(originalPrescription, "originalPrescription", visitor); accept(payee, "payee", visitor); accept(referral, "referral", visitor); accept(facility, "facility", visitor); accept(careTeam, "careTeam", visitor, CareTeam.class); accept(supportingInfo, "supportingInfo", visitor, SupportingInfo.class); accept(diagnosis, "diagnosis", visitor, Diagnosis.class); accept(procedure, "procedure", visitor, Procedure.class); accept(insurance, "insurance", visitor, Insurance.class); accept(accident, "accident", visitor); accept(item, "item", visitor, Item.class); accept(total, "total", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Claim other = (Claim) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(meta, other.meta) && Objects.equals(implicitRules, other.implicitRules) && Objects.equals(language, other.language) && Objects.equals(text, other.text) && Objects.equals(contained, other.contained) && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(identifier, other.identifier) && Objects.equals(status, other.status) && Objects.equals(type, other.type) && Objects.equals(subType, other.subType) && Objects.equals(use, other.use) && Objects.equals(patient, other.patient) && Objects.equals(billablePeriod, other.billablePeriod) && Objects.equals(created, other.created) && Objects.equals(enterer, other.enterer) && Objects.equals(insurer, other.insurer) && Objects.equals(provider, other.provider) && Objects.equals(priority, other.priority) && Objects.equals(fundsReserve, other.fundsReserve) && Objects.equals(related, other.related) && Objects.equals(prescription, other.prescription) && Objects.equals(originalPrescription, other.originalPrescription) && Objects.equals(payee, other.payee) && Objects.equals(referral, other.referral) && Objects.equals(facility, other.facility) && Objects.equals(careTeam, other.careTeam) && Objects.equals(supportingInfo, other.supportingInfo) && Objects.equals(diagnosis, other.diagnosis) && Objects.equals(procedure, other.procedure) && Objects.equals(insurance, && Objects.equals(accident, other.accident) && Objects.equals(item, other.item) && Objects.equals(total,; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension, identifier, status, type, subType, use, patient, billablePeriod, created, enterer, insurer, provider, priority, fundsReserve, related, prescription, originalPrescription, payee, referral, facility, careTeam, supportingInfo, diagnosis, procedure, insurance, accident, item, total); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends DomainResource.Builder { private List identifier = new ArrayList<>(); private ClaimStatus status; private CodeableConcept type; private CodeableConcept subType; private Use use; private Reference patient; private Period billablePeriod; private DateTime created; private Reference enterer; private Reference insurer; private Reference provider; private CodeableConcept priority; private CodeableConcept fundsReserve; private List related = new ArrayList<>(); private Reference prescription; private Reference originalPrescription; private Payee payee; private Reference referral; private Reference facility; private List careTeam = new ArrayList<>(); private List supportingInfo = new ArrayList<>(); private List diagnosis = new ArrayList<>(); private List procedure = new ArrayList<>(); private List insurance = new ArrayList<>(); private Accident accident; private List item = new ArrayList<>(); private Money total; private Builder() { super(); } /** * The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes. * * @param id * Logical id of this artifact * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content * might not always be associated with version changes to the resource. * * @param meta * Metadata about the resource * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder meta(Meta meta) { return (Builder) super.meta(meta); } /** * A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when * processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along * with other profiles etc. * * @param implicitRules * A set of rules under which this content was created * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder implicitRules(Uri implicitRules) { return (Builder) super.implicitRules(implicitRules); } /** * The base language in which the resource is written. * * @param language * Language of the resource content * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder language(Code language) { return (Builder) super.language(language); } /** * A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the * resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient * detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what * content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. * * @param text * Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder text(Narrative text) { return (Builder) super.text(text); } /** * These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be * identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param contained * Contained, inline Resources * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder contained(Resource... contained) { return (Builder) super.contained(contained); } /** * These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be * identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param contained * Contained, inline Resources * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder contained(Collection contained) { return (Builder) super.contained(contained); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that * modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's * descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and * manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the * definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that * modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's * descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and * manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the * definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A unique identifier assigned to this claim. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param identifier * Business Identifier for claim * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder identifier(Identifier... identifier) { for (Identifier value : identifier) { this.identifier.add(value); } return this; } /** * A unique identifier assigned to this claim. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param identifier * Business Identifier for claim * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder identifier(Collection identifier) { this.identifier = new ArrayList<>(identifier); return this; } /** * The status of the resource instance. * *

This element is required. * * @param status * active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder status(ClaimStatus status) { this.status = status; return this; } /** * The category of claim, e.g. oral, pharmacy, vision, institutional, professional. * *

This element is required. * * @param type * Category or discipline * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(CodeableConcept type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * A finer grained suite of claim type codes which may convey additional information such as Inpatient vs Outpatient * and/or a specialty service. * * @param subType * More granular claim type * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder subType(CodeableConcept subType) { this.subType = subType; return this; } /** * A code to indicate whether the nature of the request is: to request adjudication of products and services previously * rendered; or requesting authorization and adjudication for provision in the future; or requesting the non-binding * adjudication of the listed products and services which could be provided in the future. * *

This element is required. * * @param use * claim | preauthorization | predetermination * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder use(Use use) { this.use = use; return this; } /** * The party to whom the professional services and/or products have been supplied or are being considered and for whom * actual or forecast reimbursement is sought. * *

This element is required. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Patient}
  • *
* * @param patient * The recipient of the products and services * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder patient(Reference patient) { this.patient = patient; return this; } /** * The period for which charges are being submitted. * * @param billablePeriod * Relevant time frame for the claim * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder billablePeriod(Period billablePeriod) { this.billablePeriod = billablePeriod; return this; } /** * The date this resource was created. * *

This element is required. * * @param created * Resource creation date * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder created(DateTime created) { this.created = created; return this; } /** * Individual who created the claim, predetermination or preauthorization. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Practitioner}
  • *
  • {@link PractitionerRole}
  • *
* * @param enterer * Author of the claim * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder enterer(Reference enterer) { this.enterer = enterer; return this; } /** * The Insurer who is target of the request. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Organization}
  • *
* * @param insurer * Target * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder insurer(Reference insurer) { this.insurer = insurer; return this; } /** * The provider which is responsible for the claim, predetermination or preauthorization. * *

This element is required. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Practitioner}
  • *
  • {@link PractitionerRole}
  • *
  • {@link Organization}
  • *
* * @param provider * Party responsible for the claim * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder provider(Reference provider) { this.provider = provider; return this; } /** * The provider-required urgency of processing the request. Typical values include: stat, routine deferred. * *

This element is required. * * @param priority * Desired processing ugency * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder priority(CodeableConcept priority) { this.priority = priority; return this; } /** * A code to indicate whether and for whom funds are to be reserved for future claims. * * @param fundsReserve * For whom to reserve funds * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder fundsReserve(CodeableConcept fundsReserve) { this.fundsReserve = fundsReserve; return this; } /** * Other claims which are related to this claim such as prior submissions or claims for related services or for the same * event. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param related * Prior or corollary claims * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder related(Related... related) { for (Related value : related) { this.related.add(value); } return this; } /** * Other claims which are related to this claim such as prior submissions or claims for related services or for the same * event. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param related * Prior or corollary claims * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder related(Collection related) { this.related = new ArrayList<>(related); return this; } /** * Prescription to support the dispensing of pharmacy, device or vision products. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link DeviceRequest}
  • *
  • {@link MedicationRequest}
  • *
  • {@link VisionPrescription}
  • *
* * @param prescription * Prescription authorizing services and products * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder prescription(Reference prescription) { this.prescription = prescription; return this; } /** * Original prescription which has been superseded by this prescription to support the dispensing of pharmacy services, * medications or products. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link DeviceRequest}
  • *
  • {@link MedicationRequest}
  • *
  • {@link VisionPrescription}
  • *
* * @param originalPrescription * Original prescription if superseded by fulfiller * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder originalPrescription(Reference originalPrescription) { this.originalPrescription = originalPrescription; return this; } /** * The party to be reimbursed for cost of the products and services according to the terms of the policy. * * @param payee * Recipient of benefits payable * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder payee(Payee payee) { this.payee = payee; return this; } /** * A reference to a referral resource. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link ServiceRequest}
  • *
* * @param referral * Treatment referral * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder referral(Reference referral) { this.referral = referral; return this; } /** * Facility where the services were provided. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Location}
  • *
* * @param facility * Servicing facility * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder facility(Reference facility) { this.facility = facility; return this; } /** * The members of the team who provided the products and services. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param careTeam * Members of the care team * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder careTeam(CareTeam... careTeam) { for (CareTeam value : careTeam) { this.careTeam.add(value); } return this; } /** * The members of the team who provided the products and services. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param careTeam * Members of the care team * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder careTeam(Collection careTeam) { this.careTeam = new ArrayList<>(careTeam); return this; } /** * Additional information codes regarding exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or * concurrent issues. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param supportingInfo * Supporting information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder supportingInfo(SupportingInfo... supportingInfo) { for (SupportingInfo value : supportingInfo) { this.supportingInfo.add(value); } return this; } /** * Additional information codes regarding exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or * concurrent issues. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param supportingInfo * Supporting information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder supportingInfo(Collection supportingInfo) { this.supportingInfo = new ArrayList<>(supportingInfo); return this; } /** * Information about diagnoses relevant to the claim items. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param diagnosis * Pertinent diagnosis information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder diagnosis(Diagnosis... diagnosis) { for (Diagnosis value : diagnosis) { this.diagnosis.add(value); } return this; } /** * Information about diagnoses relevant to the claim items. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param diagnosis * Pertinent diagnosis information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder diagnosis(Collection diagnosis) { this.diagnosis = new ArrayList<>(diagnosis); return this; } /** * Procedures performed on the patient relevant to the billing items with the claim. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param procedure * Clinical procedures performed * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder procedure(Procedure... procedure) { for (Procedure value : procedure) { this.procedure.add(value); } return this; } /** * Procedures performed on the patient relevant to the billing items with the claim. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param procedure * Clinical procedures performed * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder procedure(Collection procedure) { this.procedure = new ArrayList<>(procedure); return this; } /** * Financial instruments for reimbursement for the health care products and services specified on the claim. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

This element is required. * * @param insurance * Patient insurance information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder insurance(Insurance... insurance) { for (Insurance value : insurance) {; } return this; } /** * Financial instruments for reimbursement for the health care products and services specified on the claim. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

This element is required. * * @param insurance * Patient insurance information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder insurance(Collection insurance) { = new ArrayList<>(insurance); return this; } /** * Details of an accident which resulted in injuries which required the products and services listed in the claim. * * @param accident * Details of the event * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder accident(Accident accident) { this.accident = accident; return this; } /** * A claim line. Either a simple product or service or a 'group' of details which can each be a simple items or groups of * sub-details. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param item * Product or service provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder item(Item... item) { for (Item value : item) { this.item.add(value); } return this; } /** * A claim line. Either a simple product or service or a 'group' of details which can each be a simple items or groups of * sub-details. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param item * Product or service provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder item(Collection item) { this.item = new ArrayList<>(item); return this; } /** * The total value of the all the items in the claim. * * @param total * Total claim cost * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder total(Money total) { = total; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Claim} * *

Required elements: *

  • status
  • *
  • type
  • *
  • use
  • *
  • patient
  • *
  • created
  • *
  • provider
  • *
  • priority
  • *
  • insurance
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Claim} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Claim per the base specification */ @Override public Claim build() { Claim claim = new Claim(this); if (validating) { validate(claim); } return claim; } protected void validate(Claim claim) { super.validate(claim); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.identifier, "identifier", Identifier.class); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.status, "status"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.type, "type"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.use, "use"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.patient, "patient"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.created, "created"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.provider, "provider"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(claim.priority, "priority"); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.related, "related", Related.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.careTeam, "careTeam", CareTeam.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.supportingInfo, "supportingInfo", SupportingInfo.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.diagnosis, "diagnosis", Diagnosis.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.procedure, "procedure", Procedure.class); ValidationSupport.checkNonEmptyList(, "insurance", Insurance.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(claim.item, "item", Item.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.patient, "patient", "Patient"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.enterer, "enterer", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.insurer, "insurer", "Organization"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.provider, "provider", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.prescription, "prescription", "DeviceRequest", "MedicationRequest", "VisionPrescription"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.originalPrescription, "originalPrescription", "DeviceRequest", "MedicationRequest", "VisionPrescription"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.referral, "referral", "ServiceRequest"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(claim.facility, "facility", "Location"); } protected Builder from(Claim claim) { super.from(claim); identifier.addAll(claim.identifier); status = claim.status; type = claim.type; subType = claim.subType; use = claim.use; patient = claim.patient; billablePeriod = claim.billablePeriod; created = claim.created; enterer = claim.enterer; insurer = claim.insurer; provider = claim.provider; priority = claim.priority; fundsReserve = claim.fundsReserve; related.addAll(claim.related); prescription = claim.prescription; originalPrescription = claim.originalPrescription; payee = claim.payee; referral = claim.referral; facility = claim.facility; careTeam.addAll(claim.careTeam); supportingInfo.addAll(claim.supportingInfo); diagnosis.addAll(claim.diagnosis); procedure.addAll(claim.procedure); insurance.addAll(; accident = claim.accident; item.addAll(claim.item); total =; return this; } } /** * Other claims which are related to this claim such as prior submissions or claims for related services or for the same * event. */ public static class Related extends BackboneElement { @ReferenceTarget({ "Claim" }) private final Reference claim; @Binding( bindingName = "RelatedClaimRelationship", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Relationship of this claim to a related Claim.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept relationship; private final Identifier reference; private Related(Builder builder) { super(builder); claim = builder.claim; relationship = builder.relationship; reference = builder.reference; } /** * Reference to a related claim. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getClaim() { return claim; } /** * A code to convey how the claims are related. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getRelationship() { return relationship; } /** * An alternate organizational reference to the case or file to which this particular claim pertains. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Identifier} that may be null. */ public Identifier getReference() { return reference; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (claim != null) || (relationship != null) || (reference != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(claim, "claim", visitor); accept(relationship, "relationship", visitor); accept(reference, "reference", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Related other = (Related) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(claim, other.claim) && Objects.equals(relationship, other.relationship) && Objects.equals(reference, other.reference); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, claim, relationship, reference); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private Reference claim; private CodeableConcept relationship; private Identifier reference; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * Reference to a related claim. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Claim}
  • *
* * @param claim * Reference to the related claim * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder claim(Reference claim) { this.claim = claim; return this; } /** * A code to convey how the claims are related. * * @param relationship * How the reference claim is related * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder relationship(CodeableConcept relationship) { this.relationship = relationship; return this; } /** * An alternate organizational reference to the case or file to which this particular claim pertains. * * @param reference * File or case reference * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder reference(Identifier reference) { this.reference = reference; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Related} * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Related} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Related per the base specification */ @Override public Related build() { Related related = new Related(this); if (validating) { validate(related); } return related; } protected void validate(Related related) { super.validate(related); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(related.claim, "claim", "Claim"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(related); } protected Builder from(Related related) { super.from(related); claim = related.claim; relationship = related.relationship; reference = related.reference; return this; } } } /** * The party to be reimbursed for cost of the products and services according to the terms of the policy. */ public static class Payee extends BackboneElement { @Binding( bindingName = "PayeeType", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "A code for the party to be reimbursed.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept type; @ReferenceTarget({ "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization", "Patient", "RelatedPerson" }) private final Reference party; private Payee(Builder builder) { super(builder); type = builder.type; party =; } /** * Type of Party to be reimbursed: subscriber, provider, other. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getType() { return type; } /** * Reference to the individual or organization to whom any payment will be made. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getParty() { return party; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (type != null) || (party != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(type, "type", visitor); accept(party, "party", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Payee other = (Payee) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(type, other.type) && Objects.equals(party,; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, type, party); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private CodeableConcept type; private Reference party; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * Type of Party to be reimbursed: subscriber, provider, other. * *

This element is required. * * @param type * Category of recipient * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(CodeableConcept type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * Reference to the individual or organization to whom any payment will be made. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Practitioner}
  • *
  • {@link PractitionerRole}
  • *
  • {@link Organization}
  • *
  • {@link Patient}
  • *
  • {@link RelatedPerson}
  • *
* * @param party * Recipient reference * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder party(Reference party) { = party; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Payee} * *

Required elements: *

  • type
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Payee} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Payee per the base specification */ @Override public Payee build() { Payee payee = new Payee(this); if (validating) { validate(payee); } return payee; } protected void validate(Payee payee) { super.validate(payee); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(payee.type, "type"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(, "party", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization", "Patient", "RelatedPerson"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(payee); } protected Builder from(Payee payee) { super.from(payee); type = payee.type; party =; return this; } } } /** * The members of the team who provided the products and services. */ public static class CareTeam extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @ReferenceTarget({ "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization" }) @Required private final Reference provider; private final Boolean responsible; @Binding( bindingName = "CareTeamRole", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The role codes for the care team members.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept role; @Binding( bindingName = "ProviderQualification", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Provider professional qualifications.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept qualification; private CareTeam(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; provider = builder.provider; responsible = builder.responsible; role = builder.role; qualification = builder.qualification; } /** * A number to uniquely identify care team entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * Member of the team who provided the product or service. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that is non-null. */ public Reference getProvider() { return provider; } /** * The party who is billing and/or responsible for the claimed products or services. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Boolean} that may be null. */ public Boolean getResponsible() { return responsible; } /** * The lead, assisting or supervising practitioner and their discipline if a multidisciplinary team. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getRole() { return role; } /** * The qualification of the practitioner which is applicable for this service. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getQualification() { return qualification; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || (provider != null) || (responsible != null) || (role != null) || (qualification != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(provider, "provider", visitor); accept(responsible, "responsible", visitor); accept(role, "role", visitor); accept(qualification, "qualification", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } CareTeam other = (CareTeam) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(provider, other.provider) && Objects.equals(responsible, other.responsible) && Objects.equals(role, other.role) && Objects.equals(qualification, other.qualification); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, provider, responsible, role, qualification); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private Reference provider; private Boolean responsible; private CodeableConcept role; private CodeableConcept qualification; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify care team entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Order of care team * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * Member of the team who provided the product or service. * *

This element is required. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Practitioner}
  • *
  • {@link PractitionerRole}
  • *
  • {@link Organization}
  • *
* * @param provider * Practitioner or organization * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder provider(Reference provider) { this.provider = provider; return this; } /** * The party who is billing and/or responsible for the claimed products or services. * * @param responsible * Indicator of the lead practitioner * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder responsible(Boolean responsible) { this.responsible = responsible; return this; } /** * The lead, assisting or supervising practitioner and their discipline if a multidisciplinary team. * * @param role * Function within the team * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder role(CodeableConcept role) { this.role = role; return this; } /** * The qualification of the practitioner which is applicable for this service. * * @param qualification * Practitioner credential or specialization * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder qualification(CodeableConcept qualification) { this.qualification = qualification; return this; } /** * Build the {@link CareTeam} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • provider
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CareTeam} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid CareTeam per the base specification */ @Override public CareTeam build() { CareTeam careTeam = new CareTeam(this); if (validating) { validate(careTeam); } return careTeam; } protected void validate(CareTeam careTeam) { super.validate(careTeam); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(careTeam.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(careTeam.provider, "provider"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(careTeam.provider, "provider", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(careTeam); } protected Builder from(CareTeam careTeam) { super.from(careTeam); sequence = careTeam.sequence; provider = careTeam.provider; responsible = careTeam.responsible; role = careTeam.role; qualification = careTeam.qualification; return this; } } } /** * Additional information codes regarding exceptions, special considerations, the condition, situation, prior or * concurrent issues. */ public static class SupportingInfo extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @Binding( bindingName = "InformationCategory", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The valuset used for additional information category codes.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept category; @Binding( bindingName = "InformationCode", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The valuset used for additional information codes.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept code; @Choice({ Date.class, Period.class }) private final Element timing; @Choice({ Boolean.class, String.class, Quantity.class, Attachment.class, Reference.class }) private final Element value; @Binding( bindingName = "MissingReason", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Reason codes for the missing teeth.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept reason; private SupportingInfo(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; category = builder.category; code = builder.code; timing = builder.timing; value = builder.value; reason = builder.reason; } /** * A number to uniquely identify supporting information entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * The general class of the information supplied: information; exception; accident, employment; onset, etc. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getCategory() { return category; } /** * System and code pertaining to the specific information regarding special conditions relating to the setting, treatment * or patient for which care is sought. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getCode() { return code; } /** * The date when or period to which this information refers. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getTiming() { return timing; } /** * Additional data or information such as resources, documents, images etc. including references to the data or the * actual inclusion of the data. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getValue() { return value; } /** * Provides the reason in the situation where a reason code is required in addition to the content. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getReason() { return reason; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || (category != null) || (code != null) || (timing != null) || (value != null) || (reason != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(category, "category", visitor); accept(code, "code", visitor); accept(timing, "timing", visitor); accept(value, "value", visitor); accept(reason, "reason", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } SupportingInfo other = (SupportingInfo) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(category, other.category) && Objects.equals(code, other.code) && Objects.equals(timing, other.timing) && Objects.equals(value, other.value) && Objects.equals(reason, other.reason); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, category, code, timing, value, reason); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private CodeableConcept category; private CodeableConcept code; private Element timing; private Element value; private CodeableConcept reason; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify supporting information entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Information instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * The general class of the information supplied: information; exception; accident, employment; onset, etc. * *

This element is required. * * @param category * Classification of the supplied information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder category(CodeableConcept category) { this.category = category; return this; } /** * System and code pertaining to the specific information regarding special conditions relating to the setting, treatment * or patient for which care is sought. * * @param code * Type of information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder code(CodeableConcept code) { this.code = code; return this; } /** * The date when or period to which this information refers. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link Date}
  • *
  • {@link Period}
  • *
* * @param timing * When it occurred * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder timing(Element timing) { this.timing = timing; return this; } /** * Additional data or information such as resources, documents, images etc. including references to the data or the * actual inclusion of the data. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link Boolean}
  • *
  • {@link String}
  • *
  • {@link Quantity}
  • *
  • {@link Attachment}
  • *
  • {@link Reference}
  • *
* * @param value * Data to be provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder value(Element value) { this.value = value; return this; } /** * Provides the reason in the situation where a reason code is required in addition to the content. * * @param reason * Explanation for the information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder reason(CodeableConcept reason) { this.reason = reason; return this; } /** * Build the {@link SupportingInfo} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • category
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link SupportingInfo} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid SupportingInfo per the base specification */ @Override public SupportingInfo build() { SupportingInfo supportingInfo = new SupportingInfo(this); if (validating) { validate(supportingInfo); } return supportingInfo; } protected void validate(SupportingInfo supportingInfo) { super.validate(supportingInfo); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(supportingInfo.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(supportingInfo.category, "category"); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(supportingInfo.timing, "timing", Date.class, Period.class); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(supportingInfo.value, "value", Boolean.class, String.class, Quantity.class, Attachment.class, Reference.class); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(supportingInfo); } protected Builder from(SupportingInfo supportingInfo) { super.from(supportingInfo); sequence = supportingInfo.sequence; category = supportingInfo.category; code = supportingInfo.code; timing = supportingInfo.timing; value = supportingInfo.value; reason = supportingInfo.reason; return this; } } } /** * Information about diagnoses relevant to the claim items. */ public static class Diagnosis extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @ReferenceTarget({ "Condition" }) @Choice({ CodeableConcept.class, Reference.class }) @Binding( bindingName = "ICD10", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Example ICD10 Diagnostic codes.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final Element diagnosis; @Binding( bindingName = "DiagnosisType", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The type of the diagnosis: admitting, principal, discharge.", valueSet = "" ) private final List type; @Binding( bindingName = "DiagnosisOnAdmission", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Present on admission.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept onAdmission; @Binding( bindingName = "DiagnosisRelatedGroup", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The DRG codes associated with the diagnosis.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept packageCode; private Diagnosis(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; diagnosis = builder.diagnosis; type = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.type); onAdmission = builder.onAdmission; packageCode = builder.packageCode; } /** * A number to uniquely identify diagnosis entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * The nature of illness or problem in a coded form or as a reference to an external defined Condition. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that is non-null. */ public Element getDiagnosis() { return diagnosis; } /** * When the condition was observed or the relative ranking. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getType() { return type; } /** * Indication of whether the diagnosis was present on admission to a facility. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getOnAdmission() { return onAdmission; } /** * A package billing code or bundle code used to group products and services to a particular health condition (such as * heart attack) which is based on a predetermined grouping code system. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getPackageCode() { return packageCode; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || (diagnosis != null) || !type.isEmpty() || (onAdmission != null) || (packageCode != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(diagnosis, "diagnosis", visitor); accept(type, "type", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(onAdmission, "onAdmission", visitor); accept(packageCode, "packageCode", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Diagnosis other = (Diagnosis) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(diagnosis, other.diagnosis) && Objects.equals(type, other.type) && Objects.equals(onAdmission, other.onAdmission) && Objects.equals(packageCode, other.packageCode); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, diagnosis, type, onAdmission, packageCode); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private Element diagnosis; private List type = new ArrayList<>(); private CodeableConcept onAdmission; private CodeableConcept packageCode; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify diagnosis entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Diagnosis instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * The nature of illness or problem in a coded form or as a reference to an external defined Condition. * *

This element is required. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link CodeableConcept}
  • *
  • {@link Reference}
  • *
* * When of type {@link Reference}, the allowed resource types for this reference are: *
  • {@link Condition}
  • *
* * @param diagnosis * Nature of illness or problem * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder diagnosis(Element diagnosis) { this.diagnosis = diagnosis; return this; } /** * When the condition was observed or the relative ranking. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param type * Timing or nature of the diagnosis * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(CodeableConcept... type) { for (CodeableConcept value : type) { this.type.add(value); } return this; } /** * When the condition was observed or the relative ranking. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param type * Timing or nature of the diagnosis * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(Collection type) { this.type = new ArrayList<>(type); return this; } /** * Indication of whether the diagnosis was present on admission to a facility. * * @param onAdmission * Present on admission * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder onAdmission(CodeableConcept onAdmission) { this.onAdmission = onAdmission; return this; } /** * A package billing code or bundle code used to group products and services to a particular health condition (such as * heart attack) which is based on a predetermined grouping code system. * * @param packageCode * Package billing code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder packageCode(CodeableConcept packageCode) { this.packageCode = packageCode; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Diagnosis} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • diagnosis
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Diagnosis} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Diagnosis per the base specification */ @Override public Diagnosis build() { Diagnosis diagnosis = new Diagnosis(this); if (validating) { validate(diagnosis); } return diagnosis; } protected void validate(Diagnosis diagnosis) { super.validate(diagnosis); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(diagnosis.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.requireChoiceElement(diagnosis.diagnosis, "diagnosis", CodeableConcept.class, Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(diagnosis.type, "type", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(diagnosis.diagnosis, "diagnosis", "Condition"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(diagnosis); } protected Builder from(Diagnosis diagnosis) { super.from(diagnosis); sequence = diagnosis.sequence; this.diagnosis = diagnosis.diagnosis; type.addAll(diagnosis.type); onAdmission = diagnosis.onAdmission; packageCode = diagnosis.packageCode; return this; } } } /** * Procedures performed on the patient relevant to the billing items with the claim. */ public static class Procedure extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @Binding( bindingName = "ProcedureType", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Example procedure type codes.", valueSet = "" ) private final List type; private final DateTime date; @ReferenceTarget({ "Procedure" }) @Choice({ CodeableConcept.class, Reference.class }) @Binding( bindingName = "ICD10_Procedures", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Example ICD10 Procedure codes.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final Element procedure; @ReferenceTarget({ "Device" }) private final List udi; private Procedure(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; type = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.type); date =; procedure = builder.procedure; udi = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.udi); } /** * A number to uniquely identify procedure entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * When the condition was observed or the relative ranking. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getType() { return type; } /** * Date and optionally time the procedure was performed. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link DateTime} that may be null. */ public DateTime getDate() { return date; } /** * The code or reference to a Procedure resource which identifies the clinical intervention performed. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that is non-null. */ public Element getProcedure() { return procedure; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getUdi() { return udi; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || !type.isEmpty() || (date != null) || (procedure != null) || !udi.isEmpty(); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(type, "type", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(date, "date", visitor); accept(procedure, "procedure", visitor); accept(udi, "udi", visitor, Reference.class); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Procedure other = (Procedure) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(type, other.type) && Objects.equals(date, && Objects.equals(procedure, other.procedure) && Objects.equals(udi, other.udi); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, type, date, procedure, udi); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private List type = new ArrayList<>(); private DateTime date; private Element procedure; private List udi = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify procedure entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Procedure instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * When the condition was observed or the relative ranking. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param type * Category of Procedure * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(CodeableConcept... type) { for (CodeableConcept value : type) { this.type.add(value); } return this; } /** * When the condition was observed or the relative ranking. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param type * Category of Procedure * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(Collection type) { this.type = new ArrayList<>(type); return this; } /** * Date and optionally time the procedure was performed. * * @param date * When the procedure was performed * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder date(DateTime date) { = date; return this; } /** * The code or reference to a Procedure resource which identifies the clinical intervention performed. * *

This element is required. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link CodeableConcept}
  • *
  • {@link Reference}
  • *
* * When of type {@link Reference}, the allowed resource types for this reference are: *
  • {@link Procedure}
  • *
* * @param procedure * Specific clinical procedure * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder procedure(Element procedure) { this.procedure = procedure; return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Reference... udi) { for (Reference value : udi) { this.udi.add(value); } return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Collection udi) { this.udi = new ArrayList<>(udi); return this; } /** * Build the {@link Procedure} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • procedure
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Procedure} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Procedure per the base specification */ @Override public Procedure build() { Procedure procedure = new Procedure(this); if (validating) { validate(procedure); } return procedure; } protected void validate(Procedure procedure) { super.validate(procedure); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(procedure.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.checkList(procedure.type, "type", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.requireChoiceElement(procedure.procedure, "procedure", CodeableConcept.class, Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(procedure.udi, "udi", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(procedure.procedure, "procedure", "Procedure"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(procedure.udi, "udi", "Device"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(procedure); } protected Builder from(Procedure procedure) { super.from(procedure); sequence = procedure.sequence; type.addAll(procedure.type); date =; this.procedure = procedure.procedure; udi.addAll(procedure.udi); return this; } } } /** * Financial instruments for reimbursement for the health care products and services specified on the claim. */ public static class Insurance extends BackboneElement { @Summary @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @Summary @Required private final Boolean focal; private final Identifier identifier; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Coverage" }) @Required private final Reference coverage; private final String businessArrangement; private final List preAuthRef; @ReferenceTarget({ "ClaimResponse" }) private final Reference claimResponse; private Insurance(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; focal = builder.focal; identifier = builder.identifier; coverage = builder.coverage; businessArrangement = builder.businessArrangement; preAuthRef = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.preAuthRef); claimResponse = builder.claimResponse; } /** * A number to uniquely identify insurance entries and provide a sequence of coverages to convey coordination of benefit * order. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * A flag to indicate that this Coverage is to be used for adjudication of this claim when set to true. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Boolean} that is non-null. */ public Boolean getFocal() { return focal; } /** * The business identifier to be used when the claim is sent for adjudication against this insurance policy. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Identifier} that may be null. */ public Identifier getIdentifier() { return identifier; } /** * Reference to the insurance card level information contained in the Coverage resource. The coverage issuing insurer * will use these details to locate the patient's actual coverage within the insurer's information system. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that is non-null. */ public Reference getCoverage() { return coverage; } /** * A business agreement number established between the provider and the insurer for special business processing purposes. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link String} that may be null. */ public String getBusinessArrangement() { return businessArrangement; } /** * Reference numbers previously provided by the insurer to the provider to be quoted on subsequent claims containing * services or products related to the prior authorization. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link String} that may be empty. */ public List getPreAuthRef() { return preAuthRef; } /** * The result of the adjudication of the line items for the Coverage specified in this insurance. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getClaimResponse() { return claimResponse; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || (focal != null) || (identifier != null) || (coverage != null) || (businessArrangement != null) || !preAuthRef.isEmpty() || (claimResponse != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(focal, "focal", visitor); accept(identifier, "identifier", visitor); accept(coverage, "coverage", visitor); accept(businessArrangement, "businessArrangement", visitor); accept(preAuthRef, "preAuthRef", visitor, String.class); accept(claimResponse, "claimResponse", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Insurance other = (Insurance) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(focal, other.focal) && Objects.equals(identifier, other.identifier) && Objects.equals(coverage, other.coverage) && Objects.equals(businessArrangement, other.businessArrangement) && Objects.equals(preAuthRef, other.preAuthRef) && Objects.equals(claimResponse, other.claimResponse); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, focal, identifier, coverage, businessArrangement, preAuthRef, claimResponse); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private Boolean focal; private Identifier identifier; private Reference coverage; private String businessArrangement; private List preAuthRef = new ArrayList<>(); private Reference claimResponse; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify insurance entries and provide a sequence of coverages to convey coordination of benefit * order. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Insurance instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * A flag to indicate that this Coverage is to be used for adjudication of this claim when set to true. * *

This element is required. * * @param focal * Coverage to be used for adjudication * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder focal(Boolean focal) { this.focal = focal; return this; } /** * The business identifier to be used when the claim is sent for adjudication against this insurance policy. * * @param identifier * Pre-assigned Claim number * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder identifier(Identifier identifier) { this.identifier = identifier; return this; } /** * Reference to the insurance card level information contained in the Coverage resource. The coverage issuing insurer * will use these details to locate the patient's actual coverage within the insurer's information system. * *

This element is required. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Coverage}
  • *
* * @param coverage * Insurance information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder coverage(Reference coverage) { this.coverage = coverage; return this; } /** * A business agreement number established between the provider and the insurer for special business processing purposes. * * @param businessArrangement * Additional provider contract number * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder businessArrangement(String businessArrangement) { this.businessArrangement = businessArrangement; return this; } /** * Reference numbers previously provided by the insurer to the provider to be quoted on subsequent claims containing * services or products related to the prior authorization. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param preAuthRef * Prior authorization reference number * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder preAuthRef(String... preAuthRef) { for (String value : preAuthRef) { this.preAuthRef.add(value); } return this; } /** * Reference numbers previously provided by the insurer to the provider to be quoted on subsequent claims containing * services or products related to the prior authorization. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param preAuthRef * Prior authorization reference number * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder preAuthRef(Collection preAuthRef) { this.preAuthRef = new ArrayList<>(preAuthRef); return this; } /** * The result of the adjudication of the line items for the Coverage specified in this insurance. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link ClaimResponse}
  • *
* * @param claimResponse * Adjudication results * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder claimResponse(Reference claimResponse) { this.claimResponse = claimResponse; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Insurance} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • focal
  • *
  • coverage
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Insurance} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Insurance per the base specification */ @Override public Insurance build() { Insurance insurance = new Insurance(this); if (validating) { validate(insurance); } return insurance; } protected void validate(Insurance insurance) { super.validate(insurance); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(insurance.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(insurance.focal, "focal"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(insurance.coverage, "coverage"); ValidationSupport.checkList(insurance.preAuthRef, "preAuthRef", String.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(insurance.coverage, "coverage", "Coverage"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(insurance.claimResponse, "claimResponse", "ClaimResponse"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(insurance); } protected Builder from(Insurance insurance) { super.from(insurance); sequence = insurance.sequence; focal = insurance.focal; identifier = insurance.identifier; coverage = insurance.coverage; businessArrangement = insurance.businessArrangement; preAuthRef.addAll(insurance.preAuthRef); claimResponse = insurance.claimResponse; return this; } } } /** * Details of an accident which resulted in injuries which required the products and services listed in the claim. */ public static class Accident extends BackboneElement { @Required private final Date date; @Binding( bindingName = "AccidentType", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXTENSIBLE, description = "Type of accident: work place, auto, etc.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept type; @ReferenceTarget({ "Location" }) @Choice({ Address.class, Reference.class }) private final Element location; private Accident(Builder builder) { super(builder); date =; type = builder.type; location = builder.location; } /** * Date of an accident event related to the products and services contained in the claim. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Date} that is non-null. */ public Date getDate() { return date; } /** * The type or context of the accident event for the purposes of selection of potential insurance coverages and * determination of coordination between insurers. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getType() { return type; } /** * The physical location of the accident event. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getLocation() { return location; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (date != null) || (type != null) || (location != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(date, "date", visitor); accept(type, "type", visitor); accept(location, "location", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Accident other = (Accident) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(date, && Objects.equals(type, other.type) && Objects.equals(location, other.location); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, date, type, location); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private Date date; private CodeableConcept type; private Element location; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * Date of an accident event related to the products and services contained in the claim. * *

This element is required. * * @param date * When the incident occurred * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder date(Date date) { = date; return this; } /** * The type or context of the accident event for the purposes of selection of potential insurance coverages and * determination of coordination between insurers. * * @param type * The nature of the accident * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder type(CodeableConcept type) { this.type = type; return this; } /** * The physical location of the accident event. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link Address}
  • *
  • {@link Reference}
  • *
* * When of type {@link Reference}, the allowed resource types for this reference are: *
  • {@link Location}
  • *
* * @param location * Where the event occurred * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder location(Element location) { this.location = location; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Accident} * *

Required elements: *

  • date
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Accident} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Accident per the base specification */ @Override public Accident build() { Accident accident = new Accident(this); if (validating) { validate(accident); } return accident; } protected void validate(Accident accident) { super.validate(accident); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(, "date"); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(accident.location, "location", Address.class, Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(accident.location, "location", "Location"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(accident); } protected Builder from(Accident accident) { super.from(accident); date =; type = accident.type; location = accident.location; return this; } } } /** * A claim line. Either a simple product or service or a 'group' of details which can each be a simple items or groups of * sub-details. */ public static class Item extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; private final List careTeamSequence; private final List diagnosisSequence; private final List procedureSequence; private final List informationSequence; @Binding( bindingName = "RevenueCenter", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Codes for the revenue or cost centers supplying the service and/or products.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept revenue; @Binding( bindingName = "BenefitCategory", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Benefit categories such as: oral-basic, major, glasses.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept category; @Binding( bindingName = "ServiceProduct", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Allowable service and product codes.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept productOrService; @Binding( bindingName = "Modifiers", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Item type or modifiers codes, eg for Oral whether the treatment is cosmetic or associated with TMJ, or an appliance was lost or stolen.", valueSet = "" ) private final List modifier; @Binding( bindingName = "ProgramCode", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Program specific reason codes.", valueSet = "" ) private final List programCode; @Choice({ Date.class, Period.class }) private final Element serviced; @ReferenceTarget({ "Location" }) @Choice({ CodeableConcept.class, Address.class, Reference.class }) @Binding( bindingName = "ServicePlace", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Place of service: pharmacy, school, prison, etc.", valueSet = "" ) private final Element location; private final SimpleQuantity quantity; private final Money unitPrice; private final Decimal factor; private final Money net; @ReferenceTarget({ "Device" }) private final List udi; @Binding( bindingName = "OralSites", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The code for the teeth, quadrant, sextant and arch.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept bodySite; @Binding( bindingName = "Surface", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "The code for the tooth surface and surface combinations.", valueSet = "" ) private final List subSite; @ReferenceTarget({ "Encounter" }) private final List encounter; private final List detail; private Item(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; careTeamSequence = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.careTeamSequence); diagnosisSequence = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.diagnosisSequence); procedureSequence = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.procedureSequence); informationSequence = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.informationSequence); revenue = builder.revenue; category = builder.category; productOrService = builder.productOrService; modifier = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.modifier); programCode = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.programCode); serviced = builder.serviced; location = builder.location; quantity = builder.quantity; unitPrice = builder.unitPrice; factor = builder.factor; net =; udi = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.udi); bodySite = builder.bodySite; subSite = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.subSite); encounter = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.encounter); detail = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.detail); } /** * A number to uniquely identify item entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * CareTeam members related to this service or product. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link PositiveInt} that may be empty. */ public List getCareTeamSequence() { return careTeamSequence; } /** * Diagnosis applicable for this service or product. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link PositiveInt} that may be empty. */ public List getDiagnosisSequence() { return diagnosisSequence; } /** * Procedures applicable for this service or product. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link PositiveInt} that may be empty. */ public List getProcedureSequence() { return procedureSequence; } /** * Exceptions, special conditions and supporting information applicable for this service or product. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link PositiveInt} that may be empty. */ public List getInformationSequence() { return informationSequence; } /** * The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getRevenue() { return revenue; } /** * Code to identify the general type of benefits under which products and services are provided. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getCategory() { return category; } /** * When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related claim details, otherwise this contains the * product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getProductOrService() { return productOrService; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getModifier() { return modifier; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getProgramCode() { return programCode; } /** * The date or dates when the service or product was supplied, performed or completed. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getServiced() { return serviced; } /** * Where the product or service was provided. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getLocation() { return location; } /** * The number of repetitions of a service or product. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link SimpleQuantity} that may be null. */ public SimpleQuantity getQuantity() { return quantity; } /** * If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees * for the details of the group. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getUnitPrice() { return unitPrice; } /** * A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods * received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Decimal} that may be null. */ public Decimal getFactor() { return factor; } /** * The quantity times the unit price for an additional service or product or charge. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getNet() { return net; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getUdi() { return udi; } /** * Physical service site on the patient (limb, tooth, etc.). * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getBodySite() { return bodySite; } /** * A region or surface of the bodySite, e.g. limb region or tooth surface(s). * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getSubSite() { return subSite; } /** * The Encounters during which this Claim was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getEncounter() { return encounter; } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Detail} that may be empty. */ public List getDetail() { return detail; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || !careTeamSequence.isEmpty() || !diagnosisSequence.isEmpty() || !procedureSequence.isEmpty() || !informationSequence.isEmpty() || (revenue != null) || (category != null) || (productOrService != null) || !modifier.isEmpty() || !programCode.isEmpty() || (serviced != null) || (location != null) || (quantity != null) || (unitPrice != null) || (factor != null) || (net != null) || !udi.isEmpty() || (bodySite != null) || !subSite.isEmpty() || !encounter.isEmpty() || !detail.isEmpty(); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(careTeamSequence, "careTeamSequence", visitor, PositiveInt.class); accept(diagnosisSequence, "diagnosisSequence", visitor, PositiveInt.class); accept(procedureSequence, "procedureSequence", visitor, PositiveInt.class); accept(informationSequence, "informationSequence", visitor, PositiveInt.class); accept(revenue, "revenue", visitor); accept(category, "category", visitor); accept(productOrService, "productOrService", visitor); accept(modifier, "modifier", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(programCode, "programCode", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(serviced, "serviced", visitor); accept(location, "location", visitor); accept(quantity, "quantity", visitor); accept(unitPrice, "unitPrice", visitor); accept(factor, "factor", visitor); accept(net, "net", visitor); accept(udi, "udi", visitor, Reference.class); accept(bodySite, "bodySite", visitor); accept(subSite, "subSite", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(encounter, "encounter", visitor, Reference.class); accept(detail, "detail", visitor, Detail.class); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Item other = (Item) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(careTeamSequence, other.careTeamSequence) && Objects.equals(diagnosisSequence, other.diagnosisSequence) && Objects.equals(procedureSequence, other.procedureSequence) && Objects.equals(informationSequence, other.informationSequence) && Objects.equals(revenue, other.revenue) && Objects.equals(category, other.category) && Objects.equals(productOrService, other.productOrService) && Objects.equals(modifier, other.modifier) && Objects.equals(programCode, other.programCode) && Objects.equals(serviced, other.serviced) && Objects.equals(location, other.location) && Objects.equals(quantity, other.quantity) && Objects.equals(unitPrice, other.unitPrice) && Objects.equals(factor, other.factor) && Objects.equals(net, && Objects.equals(udi, other.udi) && Objects.equals(bodySite, other.bodySite) && Objects.equals(subSite, other.subSite) && Objects.equals(encounter, other.encounter) && Objects.equals(detail, other.detail); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, careTeamSequence, diagnosisSequence, procedureSequence, informationSequence, revenue, category, productOrService, modifier, programCode, serviced, location, quantity, unitPrice, factor, net, udi, bodySite, subSite, encounter, detail); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private List careTeamSequence = new ArrayList<>(); private List diagnosisSequence = new ArrayList<>(); private List procedureSequence = new ArrayList<>(); private List informationSequence = new ArrayList<>(); private CodeableConcept revenue; private CodeableConcept category; private CodeableConcept productOrService; private List modifier = new ArrayList<>(); private List programCode = new ArrayList<>(); private Element serviced; private Element location; private SimpleQuantity quantity; private Money unitPrice; private Decimal factor; private Money net; private List udi = new ArrayList<>(); private CodeableConcept bodySite; private List subSite = new ArrayList<>(); private List encounter = new ArrayList<>(); private List detail = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify item entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Item instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * CareTeam members related to this service or product. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param careTeamSequence * Applicable careTeam members * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder careTeamSequence(PositiveInt... careTeamSequence) { for (PositiveInt value : careTeamSequence) { this.careTeamSequence.add(value); } return this; } /** * CareTeam members related to this service or product. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param careTeamSequence * Applicable careTeam members * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder careTeamSequence(Collection careTeamSequence) { this.careTeamSequence = new ArrayList<>(careTeamSequence); return this; } /** * Diagnosis applicable for this service or product. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param diagnosisSequence * Applicable diagnoses * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder diagnosisSequence(PositiveInt... diagnosisSequence) { for (PositiveInt value : diagnosisSequence) { this.diagnosisSequence.add(value); } return this; } /** * Diagnosis applicable for this service or product. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param diagnosisSequence * Applicable diagnoses * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder diagnosisSequence(Collection diagnosisSequence) { this.diagnosisSequence = new ArrayList<>(diagnosisSequence); return this; } /** * Procedures applicable for this service or product. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param procedureSequence * Applicable procedures * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder procedureSequence(PositiveInt... procedureSequence) { for (PositiveInt value : procedureSequence) { this.procedureSequence.add(value); } return this; } /** * Procedures applicable for this service or product. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param procedureSequence * Applicable procedures * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder procedureSequence(Collection procedureSequence) { this.procedureSequence = new ArrayList<>(procedureSequence); return this; } /** * Exceptions, special conditions and supporting information applicable for this service or product. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param informationSequence * Applicable exception and supporting information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder informationSequence(PositiveInt... informationSequence) { for (PositiveInt value : informationSequence) { this.informationSequence.add(value); } return this; } /** * Exceptions, special conditions and supporting information applicable for this service or product. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param informationSequence * Applicable exception and supporting information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder informationSequence(Collection informationSequence) { this.informationSequence = new ArrayList<>(informationSequence); return this; } /** * The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service. * * @param revenue * Revenue or cost center code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder revenue(CodeableConcept revenue) { this.revenue = revenue; return this; } /** * Code to identify the general type of benefits under which products and services are provided. * * @param category * Benefit classification * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder category(CodeableConcept category) { this.category = category; return this; } /** * When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related claim details, otherwise this contains the * product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. * *

This element is required. * * @param productOrService * Billing, service, product, or drug code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder productOrService(CodeableConcept productOrService) { this.productOrService = productOrService; return this; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifier * Product or service billing modifiers * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder modifier(CodeableConcept... modifier) { for (CodeableConcept value : modifier) { this.modifier.add(value); } return this; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifier * Product or service billing modifiers * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder modifier(Collection modifier) { this.modifier = new ArrayList<>(modifier); return this; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param programCode * Program the product or service is provided under * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder programCode(CodeableConcept... programCode) { for (CodeableConcept value : programCode) { this.programCode.add(value); } return this; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param programCode * Program the product or service is provided under * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder programCode(Collection programCode) { this.programCode = new ArrayList<>(programCode); return this; } /** * The date or dates when the service or product was supplied, performed or completed. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link Date}
  • *
  • {@link Period}
  • *
* * @param serviced * Date or dates of service or product delivery * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder serviced(Element serviced) { this.serviced = serviced; return this; } /** * Where the product or service was provided. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link CodeableConcept}
  • *
  • {@link Address}
  • *
  • {@link Reference}
  • *
* * When of type {@link Reference}, the allowed resource types for this reference are: *
  • {@link Location}
  • *
* * @param location * Place of service or where product was supplied * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder location(Element location) { this.location = location; return this; } /** * The number of repetitions of a service or product. * * @param quantity * Count of products or services * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder quantity(SimpleQuantity quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; return this; } /** * If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees * for the details of the group. * * @param unitPrice * Fee, charge or cost per item * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder unitPrice(Money unitPrice) { this.unitPrice = unitPrice; return this; } /** * A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods * received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount. * * @param factor * Price scaling factor * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder factor(Decimal factor) { this.factor = factor; return this; } /** * The quantity times the unit price for an additional service or product or charge. * * @param net * Total item cost * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder net(Money net) { = net; return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Reference... udi) { for (Reference value : udi) { this.udi.add(value); } return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Collection udi) { this.udi = new ArrayList<>(udi); return this; } /** * Physical service site on the patient (limb, tooth, etc.). * * @param bodySite * Anatomical location * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder bodySite(CodeableConcept bodySite) { this.bodySite = bodySite; return this; } /** * A region or surface of the bodySite, e.g. limb region or tooth surface(s). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param subSite * Anatomical sub-location * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder subSite(CodeableConcept... subSite) { for (CodeableConcept value : subSite) { this.subSite.add(value); } return this; } /** * A region or surface of the bodySite, e.g. limb region or tooth surface(s). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param subSite * Anatomical sub-location * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder subSite(Collection subSite) { this.subSite = new ArrayList<>(subSite); return this; } /** * The Encounters during which this Claim was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Encounter}
  • *
* * @param encounter * Encounters related to this billed item * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder encounter(Reference... encounter) { for (Reference value : encounter) { this.encounter.add(value); } return this; } /** * The Encounters during which this Claim was created or to which the creation of this record is tightly associated. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Encounter}
  • *
* * @param encounter * Encounters related to this billed item * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder encounter(Collection encounter) { this.encounter = new ArrayList<>(encounter); return this; } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param detail * Product or service provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder detail(Detail... detail) { for (Detail value : detail) { this.detail.add(value); } return this; } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param detail * Product or service provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder detail(Collection detail) { this.detail = new ArrayList<>(detail); return this; } /** * Build the {@link Item} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • productOrService
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Item} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Item per the base specification */ @Override public Item build() { Item item = new Item(this); if (validating) { validate(item); } return item; } protected void validate(Item item) { super.validate(item); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(item.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.careTeamSequence, "careTeamSequence", PositiveInt.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.diagnosisSequence, "diagnosisSequence", PositiveInt.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.procedureSequence, "procedureSequence", PositiveInt.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.informationSequence, "informationSequence", PositiveInt.class); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(item.productOrService, "productOrService"); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.modifier, "modifier", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.programCode, "programCode", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(item.serviced, "serviced", Date.class, Period.class); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(item.location, "location", CodeableConcept.class, Address.class, Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.udi, "udi", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.subSite, "subSite", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.encounter, "encounter", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(item.detail, "detail", Detail.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(item.location, "location", "Location"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(item.udi, "udi", "Device"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(item.encounter, "encounter", "Encounter"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(item); } protected Builder from(Item item) { super.from(item); sequence = item.sequence; careTeamSequence.addAll(item.careTeamSequence); diagnosisSequence.addAll(item.diagnosisSequence); procedureSequence.addAll(item.procedureSequence); informationSequence.addAll(item.informationSequence); revenue = item.revenue; category = item.category; productOrService = item.productOrService; modifier.addAll(item.modifier); programCode.addAll(item.programCode); serviced = item.serviced; location = item.location; quantity = item.quantity; unitPrice = item.unitPrice; factor = item.factor; net =; udi.addAll(item.udi); bodySite = item.bodySite; subSite.addAll(item.subSite); encounter.addAll(item.encounter); detail.addAll(item.detail); return this; } } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. */ public static class Detail extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @Binding( bindingName = "RevenueCenter", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Codes for the revenue or cost centers supplying the service and/or products.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept revenue; @Binding( bindingName = "BenefitCategory", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Benefit categories such as: oral-basic, major, glasses.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept category; @Binding( bindingName = "ServiceProduct", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Allowable service and product codes.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept productOrService; @Binding( bindingName = "Modifiers", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Item type or modifiers codes, eg for Oral whether the treatment is cosmetic or associated with TMJ, or an appliance was lost or stolen.", valueSet = "" ) private final List modifier; @Binding( bindingName = "ProgramCode", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Program specific reason codes.", valueSet = "" ) private final List programCode; private final SimpleQuantity quantity; private final Money unitPrice; private final Decimal factor; private final Money net; @ReferenceTarget({ "Device" }) private final List udi; private final List subDetail; private Detail(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; revenue = builder.revenue; category = builder.category; productOrService = builder.productOrService; modifier = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.modifier); programCode = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.programCode); quantity = builder.quantity; unitPrice = builder.unitPrice; factor = builder.factor; net =; udi = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.udi); subDetail = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.subDetail); } /** * A number to uniquely identify item entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getRevenue() { return revenue; } /** * Code to identify the general type of benefits under which products and services are provided. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getCategory() { return category; } /** * When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related claim details, otherwise this contains the * product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getProductOrService() { return productOrService; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getModifier() { return modifier; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getProgramCode() { return programCode; } /** * The number of repetitions of a service or product. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link SimpleQuantity} that may be null. */ public SimpleQuantity getQuantity() { return quantity; } /** * If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees * for the details of the group. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getUnitPrice() { return unitPrice; } /** * A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods * received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Decimal} that may be null. */ public Decimal getFactor() { return factor; } /** * The quantity times the unit price for an additional service or product or charge. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getNet() { return net; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getUdi() { return udi; } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link SubDetail} that may be empty. */ public List getSubDetail() { return subDetail; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || (revenue != null) || (category != null) || (productOrService != null) || !modifier.isEmpty() || !programCode.isEmpty() || (quantity != null) || (unitPrice != null) || (factor != null) || (net != null) || !udi.isEmpty() || !subDetail.isEmpty(); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(revenue, "revenue", visitor); accept(category, "category", visitor); accept(productOrService, "productOrService", visitor); accept(modifier, "modifier", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(programCode, "programCode", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(quantity, "quantity", visitor); accept(unitPrice, "unitPrice", visitor); accept(factor, "factor", visitor); accept(net, "net", visitor); accept(udi, "udi", visitor, Reference.class); accept(subDetail, "subDetail", visitor, SubDetail.class); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Detail other = (Detail) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(revenue, other.revenue) && Objects.equals(category, other.category) && Objects.equals(productOrService, other.productOrService) && Objects.equals(modifier, other.modifier) && Objects.equals(programCode, other.programCode) && Objects.equals(quantity, other.quantity) && Objects.equals(unitPrice, other.unitPrice) && Objects.equals(factor, other.factor) && Objects.equals(net, && Objects.equals(udi, other.udi) && Objects.equals(subDetail, other.subDetail); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, revenue, category, productOrService, modifier, programCode, quantity, unitPrice, factor, net, udi, subDetail); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private CodeableConcept revenue; private CodeableConcept category; private CodeableConcept productOrService; private List modifier = new ArrayList<>(); private List programCode = new ArrayList<>(); private SimpleQuantity quantity; private Money unitPrice; private Decimal factor; private Money net; private List udi = new ArrayList<>(); private List subDetail = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify item entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Item instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service. * * @param revenue * Revenue or cost center code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder revenue(CodeableConcept revenue) { this.revenue = revenue; return this; } /** * Code to identify the general type of benefits under which products and services are provided. * * @param category * Benefit classification * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder category(CodeableConcept category) { this.category = category; return this; } /** * When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related claim details, otherwise this contains the * product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. * *

This element is required. * * @param productOrService * Billing, service, product, or drug code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder productOrService(CodeableConcept productOrService) { this.productOrService = productOrService; return this; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifier * Service/Product billing modifiers * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder modifier(CodeableConcept... modifier) { for (CodeableConcept value : modifier) { this.modifier.add(value); } return this; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifier * Service/Product billing modifiers * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder modifier(Collection modifier) { this.modifier = new ArrayList<>(modifier); return this; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param programCode * Program the product or service is provided under * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder programCode(CodeableConcept... programCode) { for (CodeableConcept value : programCode) { this.programCode.add(value); } return this; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param programCode * Program the product or service is provided under * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder programCode(Collection programCode) { this.programCode = new ArrayList<>(programCode); return this; } /** * The number of repetitions of a service or product. * * @param quantity * Count of products or services * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder quantity(SimpleQuantity quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; return this; } /** * If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees * for the details of the group. * * @param unitPrice * Fee, charge or cost per item * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder unitPrice(Money unitPrice) { this.unitPrice = unitPrice; return this; } /** * A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods * received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount. * * @param factor * Price scaling factor * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder factor(Decimal factor) { this.factor = factor; return this; } /** * The quantity times the unit price for an additional service or product or charge. * * @param net * Total item cost * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder net(Money net) { = net; return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Reference... udi) { for (Reference value : udi) { this.udi.add(value); } return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Collection udi) { this.udi = new ArrayList<>(udi); return this; } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param subDetail * Product or service provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder subDetail(SubDetail... subDetail) { for (SubDetail value : subDetail) { this.subDetail.add(value); } return this; } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param subDetail * Product or service provided * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder subDetail(Collection subDetail) { this.subDetail = new ArrayList<>(subDetail); return this; } /** * Build the {@link Detail} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • productOrService
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Detail} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Detail per the base specification */ @Override public Detail build() { Detail detail = new Detail(this); if (validating) { validate(detail); } return detail; } protected void validate(Detail detail) { super.validate(detail); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(detail.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(detail.productOrService, "productOrService"); ValidationSupport.checkList(detail.modifier, "modifier", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(detail.programCode, "programCode", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(detail.udi, "udi", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(detail.subDetail, "subDetail", SubDetail.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(detail.udi, "udi", "Device"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(detail); } protected Builder from(Detail detail) { super.from(detail); sequence = detail.sequence; revenue = detail.revenue; category = detail.category; productOrService = detail.productOrService; modifier.addAll(detail.modifier); programCode.addAll(detail.programCode); quantity = detail.quantity; unitPrice = detail.unitPrice; factor = detail.factor; net =; udi.addAll(detail.udi); subDetail.addAll(detail.subDetail); return this; } } /** * A claim detail line. Either a simple (a product or service) or a 'group' of sub-details which are simple items. */ public static class SubDetail extends BackboneElement { @Required private final PositiveInt sequence; @Binding( bindingName = "RevenueCenter", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Codes for the revenue or cost centers supplying the service and/or products.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept revenue; @Binding( bindingName = "BenefitCategory", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Benefit categories such as: oral-basic, major, glasses.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept category; @Binding( bindingName = "ServiceProduct", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Allowable service and product codes.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final CodeableConcept productOrService; @Binding( bindingName = "Modifiers", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Item type or modifiers codes, eg for Oral whether the treatment is cosmetic or associated with TMJ, or an appliance was lost or stolen.", valueSet = "" ) private final List modifier; @Binding( bindingName = "ProgramCode", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Program specific reason codes.", valueSet = "" ) private final List programCode; private final SimpleQuantity quantity; private final Money unitPrice; private final Decimal factor; private final Money net; @ReferenceTarget({ "Device" }) private final List udi; private SubDetail(Builder builder) { super(builder); sequence = builder.sequence; revenue = builder.revenue; category = builder.category; productOrService = builder.productOrService; modifier = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.modifier); programCode = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.programCode); quantity = builder.quantity; unitPrice = builder.unitPrice; factor = builder.factor; net =; udi = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.udi); } /** * A number to uniquely identify item entries. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link PositiveInt} that is non-null. */ public PositiveInt getSequence() { return sequence; } /** * The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getRevenue() { return revenue; } /** * Code to identify the general type of benefits under which products and services are provided. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getCategory() { return category; } /** * When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related claim details, otherwise this contains the * product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that is non-null. */ public CodeableConcept getProductOrService() { return productOrService; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getModifier() { return modifier; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getProgramCode() { return programCode; } /** * The number of repetitions of a service or product. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link SimpleQuantity} that may be null. */ public SimpleQuantity getQuantity() { return quantity; } /** * If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees * for the details of the group. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getUnitPrice() { return unitPrice; } /** * A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods * received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Decimal} that may be null. */ public Decimal getFactor() { return factor; } /** * The quantity times the unit price for an additional service or product or charge. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Money} that may be null. */ public Money getNet() { return net; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getUdi() { return udi; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (sequence != null) || (revenue != null) || (category != null) || (productOrService != null) || !modifier.isEmpty() || !programCode.isEmpty() || (quantity != null) || (unitPrice != null) || (factor != null) || (net != null) || !udi.isEmpty(); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(sequence, "sequence", visitor); accept(revenue, "revenue", visitor); accept(category, "category", visitor); accept(productOrService, "productOrService", visitor); accept(modifier, "modifier", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(programCode, "programCode", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(quantity, "quantity", visitor); accept(unitPrice, "unitPrice", visitor); accept(factor, "factor", visitor); accept(net, "net", visitor); accept(udi, "udi", visitor, Reference.class); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } SubDetail other = (SubDetail) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(sequence, other.sequence) && Objects.equals(revenue, other.revenue) && Objects.equals(category, other.category) && Objects.equals(productOrService, other.productOrService) && Objects.equals(modifier, other.modifier) && Objects.equals(programCode, other.programCode) && Objects.equals(quantity, other.quantity) && Objects.equals(unitPrice, other.unitPrice) && Objects.equals(factor, other.factor) && Objects.equals(net, && Objects.equals(udi, other.udi); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, sequence, revenue, category, productOrService, modifier, programCode, quantity, unitPrice, factor, net, udi); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private PositiveInt sequence; private CodeableConcept revenue; private CodeableConcept category; private CodeableConcept productOrService; private List modifier = new ArrayList<>(); private List programCode = new ArrayList<>(); private SimpleQuantity quantity; private Money unitPrice; private Decimal factor; private Money net; private List udi = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A number to uniquely identify item entries. * *

This element is required. * * @param sequence * Item instance identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder sequence(PositiveInt sequence) { this.sequence = sequence; return this; } /** * The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service. * * @param revenue * Revenue or cost center code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder revenue(CodeableConcept revenue) { this.revenue = revenue; return this; } /** * Code to identify the general type of benefits under which products and services are provided. * * @param category * Benefit classification * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder category(CodeableConcept category) { this.category = category; return this; } /** * When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related claim details, otherwise this contains the * product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. * *

This element is required. * * @param productOrService * Billing, service, product, or drug code * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder productOrService(CodeableConcept productOrService) { this.productOrService = productOrService; return this; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifier * Service/Product billing modifiers * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder modifier(CodeableConcept... modifier) { for (CodeableConcept value : modifier) { this.modifier.add(value); } return this; } /** * Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifier * Service/Product billing modifiers * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder modifier(Collection modifier) { this.modifier = new ArrayList<>(modifier); return this; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param programCode * Program the product or service is provided under * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder programCode(CodeableConcept... programCode) { for (CodeableConcept value : programCode) { this.programCode.add(value); } return this; } /** * Identifies the program under which this may be recovered. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param programCode * Program the product or service is provided under * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder programCode(Collection programCode) { this.programCode = new ArrayList<>(programCode); return this; } /** * The number of repetitions of a service or product. * * @param quantity * Count of products or services * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder quantity(SimpleQuantity quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; return this; } /** * If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees * for the details of the group. * * @param unitPrice * Fee, charge or cost per item * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder unitPrice(Money unitPrice) { this.unitPrice = unitPrice; return this; } /** * A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods * received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount. * * @param factor * Price scaling factor * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder factor(Decimal factor) { this.factor = factor; return this; } /** * The quantity times the unit price for an additional service or product or charge. * * @param net * Total item cost * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder net(Money net) { = net; return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Reference... udi) { for (Reference value : udi) { this.udi.add(value); } return this; } /** * Unique Device Identifiers associated with this line item. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param udi * Unique device identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder udi(Collection udi) { this.udi = new ArrayList<>(udi); return this; } /** * Build the {@link SubDetail} * *

Required elements: *

  • sequence
  • *
  • productOrService
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link SubDetail} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid SubDetail per the base specification */ @Override public SubDetail build() { SubDetail subDetail = new SubDetail(this); if (validating) { validate(subDetail); } return subDetail; } protected void validate(SubDetail subDetail) { super.validate(subDetail); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(subDetail.sequence, "sequence"); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(subDetail.productOrService, "productOrService"); ValidationSupport.checkList(subDetail.modifier, "modifier", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(subDetail.programCode, "programCode", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(subDetail.udi, "udi", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(subDetail.udi, "udi", "Device"); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(subDetail); } protected Builder from(SubDetail subDetail) { super.from(subDetail); sequence = subDetail.sequence; revenue = subDetail.revenue; category = subDetail.category; productOrService = subDetail.productOrService; modifier.addAll(subDetail.modifier); programCode.addAll(subDetail.programCode); quantity = subDetail.quantity; unitPrice = subDetail.unitPrice; factor = subDetail.factor; net =; udi.addAll(subDetail.udi); return this; } } } } } }

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