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 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2021
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

import javax.annotation.Generated;


 * Represents a request for a patient to employ a medical device. The device may be an implantable device, or an external 
 * assistive device, such as a walker.

Maturity level: FMM1 (Trial Use) */ @Maturity( level = 1, status = StandardsStatus.Value.TRIAL_USE ) @Generated("") public class DeviceRequest extends DomainResource { @Summary private final List identifier; @Summary private final List instantiatesCanonical; @Summary private final List instantiatesUri; @Summary private final List basedOn; @Summary private final List priorRequest; @Summary private final Identifier groupIdentifier; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "DeviceRequestStatus", strength = BindingStrength.Value.REQUIRED, description = "Codes representing the status of the request.", valueSet = "|4.0.1" ) private final DeviceRequestStatus status; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "RequestIntent", strength = BindingStrength.Value.REQUIRED, description = "The kind of diagnostic request.", valueSet = "|4.0.1" ) @Required private final RequestIntent intent; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "RequestPriority", strength = BindingStrength.Value.REQUIRED, description = "Identifies the level of importance to be assigned to actioning the request.", valueSet = "|4.0.1" ) private final RequestPriority priority; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Device" }) @Choice({ Reference.class, CodeableConcept.class }) @Binding( bindingName = "DeviceRequestCode", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Codes for devices that can be requested.", valueSet = "" ) @Required private final Element code; private final List parameter; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Patient", "Group", "Location", "Device" }) @Required private final Reference subject; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Encounter" }) private final Reference encounter; @Summary @Choice({ DateTime.class, Period.class, Timing.class }) private final Element occurrence; @Summary private final DateTime authoredOn; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Device", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization" }) private final Reference requester; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "DeviceRequestParticipantRole", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Indicates specific responsibility of an individual within the care team, such as \"Primary physician\", \"Team coordinator\", \"Caregiver\", etc.", valueSet = "" ) private final CodeableConcept performerType; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization", "CareTeam", "HealthcareService", "Patient", "Device", "RelatedPerson" }) private final Reference performer; @Summary @Binding( bindingName = "DeviceRequestReason", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "Diagnosis or problem codes justifying the reason for requesting the device.", valueSet = "" ) private final List reasonCode; @Summary @ReferenceTarget({ "Condition", "Observation", "DiagnosticReport", "DocumentReference" }) private final List reasonReference; @ReferenceTarget({ "Coverage", "ClaimResponse" }) private final List insurance; private final List supportingInfo; private final List note; @ReferenceTarget({ "Provenance" }) private final List relevantHistory; private DeviceRequest(Builder builder) { super(builder); identifier = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.identifier); instantiatesCanonical = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.instantiatesCanonical); instantiatesUri = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.instantiatesUri); basedOn = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.basedOn); priorRequest = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.priorRequest); groupIdentifier = builder.groupIdentifier; status = builder.status; intent = builder.intent; priority = builder.priority; code = builder.code; parameter = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.parameter); subject = builder.subject; encounter = builder.encounter; occurrence = builder.occurrence; authoredOn = builder.authoredOn; requester = builder.requester; performerType = builder.performerType; performer = builder.performer; reasonCode = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.reasonCode); reasonReference = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.reasonReference); insurance = Collections.unmodifiableList(; supportingInfo = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.supportingInfo); note = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.note); relevantHistory = Collections.unmodifiableList(builder.relevantHistory); } /** * Identifiers assigned to this order by the orderer or by the receiver. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Identifier} that may be empty. */ public List getIdentifier() { return identifier; } /** * The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in * part by this DeviceRequest. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Canonical} that may be empty. */ public List getInstantiatesCanonical() { return instantiatesCanonical; } /** * The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in * whole or in part by this DeviceRequest. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Uri} that may be empty. */ public List getInstantiatesUri() { return instantiatesUri; } /** * Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this request. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getBasedOn() { return basedOn; } /** * The request takes the place of the referenced completed or terminated request(s). * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getPriorRequest() { return priorRequest; } /** * Composite request this is part of. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Identifier} that may be null. */ public Identifier getGroupIdentifier() { return groupIdentifier; } /** * The status of the request. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link DeviceRequestStatus} that may be null. */ public DeviceRequestStatus getStatus() { return status; } /** * Whether the request is a proposal, plan, an original order or a reflex order. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link RequestIntent} that is non-null. */ public RequestIntent getIntent() { return intent; } /** * Indicates how quickly the {{title}} should be addressed with respect to other requests. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link RequestPriority} that may be null. */ public RequestPriority getPriority() { return priority; } /** * The details of the device to be used. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that is non-null. */ public Element getCode() { return code; } /** * Specific parameters for the ordered item. For example, the prism value for lenses. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Parameter} that may be empty. */ public List getParameter() { return parameter; } /** * The patient who will use the device. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that is non-null. */ public Reference getSubject() { return subject; } /** * An encounter that provides additional context in which this request is made. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getEncounter() { return encounter; } /** * The timing schedule for the use of the device. The Schedule data type allows many different expressions, for example. * "Every 8 hours"; "Three times a day"; "1/2 an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011:"; "15 Oct 2013, 17 * Oct 2013 and 1 Nov 2013". * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getOccurrence() { return occurrence; } /** * When the request transitioned to being actionable. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link DateTime} that may be null. */ public DateTime getAuthoredOn() { return authoredOn; } /** * The individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getRequester() { return requester; } /** * Desired type of performer for doing the diagnostic testing. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getPerformerType() { return performerType; } /** * The desired performer for doing the diagnostic testing. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Reference} that may be null. */ public Reference getPerformer() { return performer; } /** * Reason or justification for the use of this device. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be empty. */ public List getReasonCode() { return reasonCode; } /** * Reason or justification for the use of this device. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getReasonReference() { return reasonReference; } /** * Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be required for delivering * the requested service. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getInsurance() { return insurance; } /** * Additional clinical information about the patient that may influence the request fulfilment. For example, this may * include where on the subject's body the device will be used (i.e. the target site). * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getSupportingInfo() { return supportingInfo; } /** * Details about this request that were not represented at all or sufficiently in one of the attributes provided in a * class. These may include for example a comment, an instruction, or a note associated with the statement. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Annotation} that may be empty. */ public List getNote() { return note; } /** * Key events in the history of the request. * * @return * An unmodifiable list containing immutable objects of type {@link Reference} that may be empty. */ public List getRelevantHistory() { return relevantHistory; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || !identifier.isEmpty() || !instantiatesCanonical.isEmpty() || !instantiatesUri.isEmpty() || !basedOn.isEmpty() || !priorRequest.isEmpty() || (groupIdentifier != null) || (status != null) || (intent != null) || (priority != null) || (code != null) || !parameter.isEmpty() || (subject != null) || (encounter != null) || (occurrence != null) || (authoredOn != null) || (requester != null) || (performerType != null) || (performer != null) || !reasonCode.isEmpty() || !reasonReference.isEmpty() || !insurance.isEmpty() || !supportingInfo.isEmpty() || !note.isEmpty() || !relevantHistory.isEmpty(); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(meta, "meta", visitor); accept(implicitRules, "implicitRules", visitor); accept(language, "language", visitor); accept(text, "text", visitor); accept(contained, "contained", visitor, Resource.class); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(identifier, "identifier", visitor, Identifier.class); accept(instantiatesCanonical, "instantiatesCanonical", visitor, Canonical.class); accept(instantiatesUri, "instantiatesUri", visitor, Uri.class); accept(basedOn, "basedOn", visitor, Reference.class); accept(priorRequest, "priorRequest", visitor, Reference.class); accept(groupIdentifier, "groupIdentifier", visitor); accept(status, "status", visitor); accept(intent, "intent", visitor); accept(priority, "priority", visitor); accept(code, "code", visitor); accept(parameter, "parameter", visitor, Parameter.class); accept(subject, "subject", visitor); accept(encounter, "encounter", visitor); accept(occurrence, "occurrence", visitor); accept(authoredOn, "authoredOn", visitor); accept(requester, "requester", visitor); accept(performerType, "performerType", visitor); accept(performer, "performer", visitor); accept(reasonCode, "reasonCode", visitor, CodeableConcept.class); accept(reasonReference, "reasonReference", visitor, Reference.class); accept(insurance, "insurance", visitor, Reference.class); accept(supportingInfo, "supportingInfo", visitor, Reference.class); accept(note, "note", visitor, Annotation.class); accept(relevantHistory, "relevantHistory", visitor, Reference.class); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } DeviceRequest other = (DeviceRequest) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(meta, other.meta) && Objects.equals(implicitRules, other.implicitRules) && Objects.equals(language, other.language) && Objects.equals(text, other.text) && Objects.equals(contained, other.contained) && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(identifier, other.identifier) && Objects.equals(instantiatesCanonical, other.instantiatesCanonical) && Objects.equals(instantiatesUri, other.instantiatesUri) && Objects.equals(basedOn, other.basedOn) && Objects.equals(priorRequest, other.priorRequest) && Objects.equals(groupIdentifier, other.groupIdentifier) && Objects.equals(status, other.status) && Objects.equals(intent, other.intent) && Objects.equals(priority, other.priority) && Objects.equals(code, other.code) && Objects.equals(parameter, other.parameter) && Objects.equals(subject, other.subject) && Objects.equals(encounter, other.encounter) && Objects.equals(occurrence, other.occurrence) && Objects.equals(authoredOn, other.authoredOn) && Objects.equals(requester, other.requester) && Objects.equals(performerType, other.performerType) && Objects.equals(performer, other.performer) && Objects.equals(reasonCode, other.reasonCode) && Objects.equals(reasonReference, other.reasonReference) && Objects.equals(insurance, && Objects.equals(supportingInfo, other.supportingInfo) && Objects.equals(note, other.note) && Objects.equals(relevantHistory, other.relevantHistory); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension, identifier, instantiatesCanonical, instantiatesUri, basedOn, priorRequest, groupIdentifier, status, intent, priority, code, parameter, subject, encounter, occurrence, authoredOn, requester, performerType, performer, reasonCode, reasonReference, insurance, supportingInfo, note, relevantHistory); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends DomainResource.Builder { private List identifier = new ArrayList<>(); private List instantiatesCanonical = new ArrayList<>(); private List instantiatesUri = new ArrayList<>(); private List basedOn = new ArrayList<>(); private List priorRequest = new ArrayList<>(); private Identifier groupIdentifier; private DeviceRequestStatus status; private RequestIntent intent; private RequestPriority priority; private Element code; private List parameter = new ArrayList<>(); private Reference subject; private Reference encounter; private Element occurrence; private DateTime authoredOn; private Reference requester; private CodeableConcept performerType; private Reference performer; private List reasonCode = new ArrayList<>(); private List reasonReference = new ArrayList<>(); private List insurance = new ArrayList<>(); private List supportingInfo = new ArrayList<>(); private List note = new ArrayList<>(); private List relevantHistory = new ArrayList<>(); private Builder() { super(); } /** * The logical id of the resource, as used in the URL for the resource. Once assigned, this value never changes. * * @param id * Logical id of this artifact * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * The metadata about the resource. This is content that is maintained by the infrastructure. Changes to the content * might not always be associated with version changes to the resource. * * @param meta * Metadata about the resource * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder meta(Meta meta) { return (Builder) super.meta(meta); } /** * A reference to a set of rules that were followed when the resource was constructed, and which must be understood when * processing the content. Often, this is a reference to an implementation guide that defines the special rules along * with other profiles etc. * * @param implicitRules * A set of rules under which this content was created * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder implicitRules(Uri implicitRules) { return (Builder) super.implicitRules(implicitRules); } /** * The base language in which the resource is written. * * @param language * Language of the resource content * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder language(Code language) { return (Builder) super.language(language); } /** * A human-readable narrative that contains a summary of the resource and can be used to represent the content of the * resource to a human. The narrative need not encode all the structured data, but is required to contain sufficient * detail to make it "clinically safe" for a human to just read the narrative. Resource definitions may define what * content should be represented in the narrative to ensure clinical safety. * * @param text * Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder text(Narrative text) { return (Builder) super.text(text); } /** * These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be * identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param contained * Contained, inline Resources * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder contained(Resource... contained) { return (Builder) super.contained(contained); } /** * These resources do not have an independent existence apart from the resource that contains them - they cannot be * identified independently, and nor can they have their own independent transaction scope. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param contained * Contained, inline Resources * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder contained(Collection contained) { return (Builder) super.contained(contained); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that * modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's * descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and * manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the * definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the resource and that * modifies the understanding of the element that contains it and/or the understanding of the containing element's * descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe and * manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer is allowed to define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the * definition of the extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * Identifiers assigned to this order by the orderer or by the receiver. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param identifier * External Request identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder identifier(Identifier... identifier) { for (Identifier value : identifier) { this.identifier.add(value); } return this; } /** * Identifiers assigned to this order by the orderer or by the receiver. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param identifier * External Request identifier * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder identifier(Collection identifier) { this.identifier = new ArrayList<>(identifier); return this; } /** * The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in * part by this DeviceRequest. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param instantiatesCanonical * Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder instantiatesCanonical(Canonical... instantiatesCanonical) { for (Canonical value : instantiatesCanonical) { this.instantiatesCanonical.add(value); } return this; } /** * The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in * part by this DeviceRequest. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param instantiatesCanonical * Instantiates FHIR protocol or definition * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder instantiatesCanonical(Collection instantiatesCanonical) { this.instantiatesCanonical = new ArrayList<>(instantiatesCanonical); return this; } /** * The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in * whole or in part by this DeviceRequest. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param instantiatesUri * Instantiates external protocol or definition * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder instantiatesUri(Uri... instantiatesUri) { for (Uri value : instantiatesUri) { this.instantiatesUri.add(value); } return this; } /** * The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in * whole or in part by this DeviceRequest. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param instantiatesUri * Instantiates external protocol or definition * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder instantiatesUri(Collection instantiatesUri) { this.instantiatesUri = new ArrayList<>(instantiatesUri); return this; } /** * Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this request. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param basedOn * What request fulfills * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder basedOn(Reference... basedOn) { for (Reference value : basedOn) { this.basedOn.add(value); } return this; } /** * Plan/proposal/order fulfilled by this request. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param basedOn * What request fulfills * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder basedOn(Collection basedOn) { this.basedOn = new ArrayList<>(basedOn); return this; } /** * The request takes the place of the referenced completed or terminated request(s). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param priorRequest * What request replaces * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder priorRequest(Reference... priorRequest) { for (Reference value : priorRequest) { this.priorRequest.add(value); } return this; } /** * The request takes the place of the referenced completed or terminated request(s). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param priorRequest * What request replaces * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder priorRequest(Collection priorRequest) { this.priorRequest = new ArrayList<>(priorRequest); return this; } /** * Composite request this is part of. * * @param groupIdentifier * Identifier of composite request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder groupIdentifier(Identifier groupIdentifier) { this.groupIdentifier = groupIdentifier; return this; } /** * The status of the request. * * @param status * draft | active | on-hold | revoked | completed | entered-in-error | unknown * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder status(DeviceRequestStatus status) { this.status = status; return this; } /** * Whether the request is a proposal, plan, an original order or a reflex order. * *

This element is required. * * @param intent * proposal | plan | directive | order | original-order | reflex-order | filler-order | instance-order | option * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder intent(RequestIntent intent) { this.intent = intent; return this; } /** * Indicates how quickly the {{title}} should be addressed with respect to other requests. * * @param priority * routine | urgent | asap | stat * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder priority(RequestPriority priority) { this.priority = priority; return this; } /** * The details of the device to be used. * *

This element is required. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link Reference}
  • *
  • {@link CodeableConcept}
  • *
* * When of type {@link Reference}, the allowed resource types for this reference are: *
  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param code * Device requested * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder code(Element code) { this.code = code; return this; } /** * Specific parameters for the ordered item. For example, the prism value for lenses. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param parameter * Device details * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder parameter(Parameter... parameter) { for (Parameter value : parameter) { this.parameter.add(value); } return this; } /** * Specific parameters for the ordered item. For example, the prism value for lenses. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param parameter * Device details * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder parameter(Collection parameter) { this.parameter = new ArrayList<>(parameter); return this; } /** * The patient who will use the device. * *

This element is required. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Patient}
  • *
  • {@link Group}
  • *
  • {@link Location}
  • *
  • {@link Device}
  • *
* * @param subject * Focus of request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder subject(Reference subject) { this.subject = subject; return this; } /** * An encounter that provides additional context in which this request is made. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Encounter}
  • *
* * @param encounter * Encounter motivating request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder encounter(Reference encounter) { this.encounter = encounter; return this; } /** * The timing schedule for the use of the device. The Schedule data type allows many different expressions, for example. * "Every 8 hours"; "Three times a day"; "1/2 an hour before breakfast for 10 days from 23-Dec 2011:"; "15 Oct 2013, 17 * Oct 2013 and 1 Nov 2013". * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link DateTime}
  • *
  • {@link Period}
  • *
  • {@link Timing}
  • *
* * @param occurrence * Desired time or schedule for use * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder occurrence(Element occurrence) { this.occurrence = occurrence; return this; } /** * When the request transitioned to being actionable. * * @param authoredOn * When recorded * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder authoredOn(DateTime authoredOn) { this.authoredOn = authoredOn; return this; } /** * The individual who initiated the request and has responsibility for its activation. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Device}
  • *
  • {@link Practitioner}
  • *
  • {@link PractitionerRole}
  • *
  • {@link Organization}
  • *
* * @param requester * Who/what is requesting diagnostics * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder requester(Reference requester) { this.requester = requester; return this; } /** * Desired type of performer for doing the diagnostic testing. * * @param performerType * Filler role * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder performerType(CodeableConcept performerType) { this.performerType = performerType; return this; } /** * The desired performer for doing the diagnostic testing. * *

Allowed resource types for this reference: *

  • {@link Practitioner}
  • *
  • {@link PractitionerRole}
  • *
  • {@link Organization}
  • *
  • {@link CareTeam}
  • *
  • {@link HealthcareService}
  • *
  • {@link Patient}
  • *
  • {@link Device}
  • *
  • {@link RelatedPerson}
  • *
* * @param performer * Requested Filler * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder performer(Reference performer) { this.performer = performer; return this; } /** * Reason or justification for the use of this device. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param reasonCode * Coded Reason for request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder reasonCode(CodeableConcept... reasonCode) { for (CodeableConcept value : reasonCode) { this.reasonCode.add(value); } return this; } /** * Reason or justification for the use of this device. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param reasonCode * Coded Reason for request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder reasonCode(Collection reasonCode) { this.reasonCode = new ArrayList<>(reasonCode); return this; } /** * Reason or justification for the use of this device. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Condition}
  • *
  • {@link Observation}
  • *
  • {@link DiagnosticReport}
  • *
  • {@link DocumentReference}
  • *
* * @param reasonReference * Linked Reason for request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder reasonReference(Reference... reasonReference) { for (Reference value : reasonReference) { this.reasonReference.add(value); } return this; } /** * Reason or justification for the use of this device. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Condition}
  • *
  • {@link Observation}
  • *
  • {@link DiagnosticReport}
  • *
  • {@link DocumentReference}
  • *
* * @param reasonReference * Linked Reason for request * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder reasonReference(Collection reasonReference) { this.reasonReference = new ArrayList<>(reasonReference); return this; } /** * Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be required for delivering * the requested service. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Coverage}
  • *
  • {@link ClaimResponse}
  • *
* * @param insurance * Associated insurance coverage * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder insurance(Reference... insurance) { for (Reference value : insurance) {; } return this; } /** * Insurance plans, coverage extensions, pre-authorizations and/or pre-determinations that may be required for delivering * the requested service. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Coverage}
  • *
  • {@link ClaimResponse}
  • *
* * @param insurance * Associated insurance coverage * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder insurance(Collection insurance) { = new ArrayList<>(insurance); return this; } /** * Additional clinical information about the patient that may influence the request fulfilment. For example, this may * include where on the subject's body the device will be used (i.e. the target site). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param supportingInfo * Additional clinical information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder supportingInfo(Reference... supportingInfo) { for (Reference value : supportingInfo) { this.supportingInfo.add(value); } return this; } /** * Additional clinical information about the patient that may influence the request fulfilment. For example, this may * include where on the subject's body the device will be used (i.e. the target site). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param supportingInfo * Additional clinical information * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder supportingInfo(Collection supportingInfo) { this.supportingInfo = new ArrayList<>(supportingInfo); return this; } /** * Details about this request that were not represented at all or sufficiently in one of the attributes provided in a * class. These may include for example a comment, an instruction, or a note associated with the statement. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param note * Notes or comments * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder note(Annotation... note) { for (Annotation value : note) { this.note.add(value); } return this; } /** * Details about this request that were not represented at all or sufficiently in one of the attributes provided in a * class. These may include for example a comment, an instruction, or a note associated with the statement. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param note * Notes or comments * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder note(Collection note) { this.note = new ArrayList<>(note); return this; } /** * Key events in the history of the request. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Provenance}
  • *
* * @param relevantHistory * Request provenance * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder relevantHistory(Reference... relevantHistory) { for (Reference value : relevantHistory) { this.relevantHistory.add(value); } return this; } /** * Key events in the history of the request. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * *

Allowed resource types for the references: *

  • {@link Provenance}
  • *
* * @param relevantHistory * Request provenance * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder relevantHistory(Collection relevantHistory) { this.relevantHistory = new ArrayList<>(relevantHistory); return this; } /** * Build the {@link DeviceRequest} * *

Required elements: *

  • intent
  • *
  • code
  • *
  • subject
  • *
* * @return * An immutable object of type {@link DeviceRequest} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid DeviceRequest per the base specification */ @Override public DeviceRequest build() { DeviceRequest deviceRequest = new DeviceRequest(this); if (validating) { validate(deviceRequest); } return deviceRequest; } protected void validate(DeviceRequest deviceRequest) { super.validate(deviceRequest); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.identifier, "identifier", Identifier.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.instantiatesCanonical, "instantiatesCanonical", Canonical.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.instantiatesUri, "instantiatesUri", Uri.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.basedOn, "basedOn", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.priorRequest, "priorRequest", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(deviceRequest.intent, "intent"); ValidationSupport.requireChoiceElement(deviceRequest.code, "code", Reference.class, CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.parameter, "parameter", Parameter.class); ValidationSupport.requireNonNull(deviceRequest.subject, "subject"); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(deviceRequest.occurrence, "occurrence", DateTime.class, Period.class, Timing.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.reasonCode, "reasonCode", CodeableConcept.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.reasonReference, "reasonReference", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(, "insurance", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.supportingInfo, "supportingInfo", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.note, "note", Annotation.class); ValidationSupport.checkList(deviceRequest.relevantHistory, "relevantHistory", Reference.class); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.code, "code", "Device"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.subject, "subject", "Patient", "Group", "Location", "Device"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.encounter, "encounter", "Encounter"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.requester, "requester", "Device", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.performer, "performer", "Practitioner", "PractitionerRole", "Organization", "CareTeam", "HealthcareService", "Patient", "Device", "RelatedPerson"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.reasonReference, "reasonReference", "Condition", "Observation", "DiagnosticReport", "DocumentReference"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(, "insurance", "Coverage", "ClaimResponse"); ValidationSupport.checkReferenceType(deviceRequest.relevantHistory, "relevantHistory", "Provenance"); } protected Builder from(DeviceRequest deviceRequest) { super.from(deviceRequest); identifier.addAll(deviceRequest.identifier); instantiatesCanonical.addAll(deviceRequest.instantiatesCanonical); instantiatesUri.addAll(deviceRequest.instantiatesUri); basedOn.addAll(deviceRequest.basedOn); priorRequest.addAll(deviceRequest.priorRequest); groupIdentifier = deviceRequest.groupIdentifier; status = deviceRequest.status; intent = deviceRequest.intent; priority = deviceRequest.priority; code = deviceRequest.code; parameter.addAll(deviceRequest.parameter); subject = deviceRequest.subject; encounter = deviceRequest.encounter; occurrence = deviceRequest.occurrence; authoredOn = deviceRequest.authoredOn; requester = deviceRequest.requester; performerType = deviceRequest.performerType; performer = deviceRequest.performer; reasonCode.addAll(deviceRequest.reasonCode); reasonReference.addAll(deviceRequest.reasonReference); insurance.addAll(; supportingInfo.addAll(deviceRequest.supportingInfo); note.addAll(deviceRequest.note); relevantHistory.addAll(deviceRequest.relevantHistory); return this; } } /** * Specific parameters for the ordered item. For example, the prism value for lenses. */ public static class Parameter extends BackboneElement { @Binding( bindingName = "ParameterCode", strength = BindingStrength.Value.EXAMPLE, description = "A code that identifies the device detail." ) private final CodeableConcept code; @Choice({ CodeableConcept.class, Quantity.class, Range.class, Boolean.class }) private final Element value; private Parameter(Builder builder) { super(builder); code = builder.code; value = builder.value; } /** * A code or string that identifies the device detail being asserted. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link CodeableConcept} that may be null. */ public CodeableConcept getCode() { return code; } /** * The value of the device detail. * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Element} that may be null. */ public Element getValue() { return value; } @Override public boolean hasChildren() { return super.hasChildren() || (code != null) || (value != null); } @Override public void accept(java.lang.String elementName, int elementIndex, Visitor visitor) { if (visitor.preVisit(this)) { visitor.visitStart(elementName, elementIndex, this); if (visitor.visit(elementName, elementIndex, this)) { // visit children accept(id, "id", visitor); accept(extension, "extension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(modifierExtension, "modifierExtension", visitor, Extension.class); accept(code, "code", visitor); accept(value, "value", visitor); } visitor.visitEnd(elementName, elementIndex, this); visitor.postVisit(this); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Parameter other = (Parameter) obj; return Objects.equals(id, && Objects.equals(extension, other.extension) && Objects.equals(modifierExtension, other.modifierExtension) && Objects.equals(code, other.code) && Objects.equals(value, other.value); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = hashCode; if (result == 0) { result = Objects.hash(id, extension, modifierExtension, code, value); hashCode = result; } return result; } @Override public Builder toBuilder() { return new Builder().from(this); } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder extends BackboneElement.Builder { private CodeableConcept code; private Element value; private Builder() { super(); } /** * Unique id for the element within a resource (for internal references). This may be any string value that does not * contain spaces. * * @param id * Unique id for inter-element referencing * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder id(java.lang.String id) { return (Builder); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Extension... extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element. To make the * use of extensions safe and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of * extensions. Though any implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part * of the definition of the extension. * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param extension * Additional content defined by implementations * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder extension(Collection extension) { return (Builder) super.extension(extension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Adds new element(s) to the existing list * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Extension... modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * May be used to represent additional information that is not part of the basic definition of the element and that * modifies the understanding of the element in which it is contained and/or the understanding of the containing * element's descendants. Usually modifier elements provide negation or qualification. To make the use of extensions safe * and manageable, there is a strict set of governance applied to the definition and use of extensions. Though any * implementer can define an extension, there is a set of requirements that SHALL be met as part of the definition of the * extension. Applications processing a resource are required to check for modifier extensions. * *

Modifier extensions SHALL NOT change the meaning of any elements on Resource or DomainResource (including cannot * change the meaning of modifierExtension itself). * *

Replaces the existing list with a new one containing elements from the Collection * * @param modifierExtension * Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ @Override public Builder modifierExtension(Collection modifierExtension) { return (Builder) super.modifierExtension(modifierExtension); } /** * A code or string that identifies the device detail being asserted. * * @param code * Device detail * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder code(CodeableConcept code) { this.code = code; return this; } /** * The value of the device detail. * *

This is a choice element with the following allowed types: *

  • {@link CodeableConcept}
  • *
  • {@link Quantity}
  • *
  • {@link Range}
  • *
  • {@link Boolean}
  • *
* * @param value * Value of detail * * @return * A reference to this Builder instance */ public Builder value(Element value) { this.value = value; return this; } /** * Build the {@link Parameter} * * @return * An immutable object of type {@link Parameter} * @throws IllegalStateException * if the current state cannot be built into a valid Parameter per the base specification */ @Override public Parameter build() { Parameter parameter = new Parameter(this); if (validating) { validate(parameter); } return parameter; } protected void validate(Parameter parameter) { super.validate(parameter); ValidationSupport.choiceElement(parameter.value, "value", CodeableConcept.class, Quantity.class, Range.class, Boolean.class); ValidationSupport.requireValueOrChildren(parameter); } protected Builder from(Parameter parameter) { super.from(parameter); code = parameter.code; value = parameter.value; return this; } } } }

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