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* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019, 2021
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry;
* DAO used to contain the logic required to reindex a given resource
public class ReindexResourceDAO extends ResourceDAOImpl {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ReindexResourceDAO.class.getName());
private static final String CLASSNAME = ReindexResourceDAO.class.getSimpleName();
private static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom();
// The translator specific to the database type we're working with
private final IDatabaseTranslator translator;
private final ParameterDAO parameterDao;
private static final String PICK_SINGLE_LOGICAL_RESOURCE = ""
+ " SELECT lr.logical_resource_id, lr.resource_type_id, lr.logical_id, lr.reindex_txid, lr.parameter_hash "
+ " FROM logical_resources lr "
+ " WHERE lr.logical_resource_id = ? "
+ " AND lr.is_deleted = 'N' "
+ " AND lr.reindex_tstamp < ? "
private static final String PICK_SINGLE_RESOURCE = ""
+ " SELECT lr.logical_resource_id, lr.resource_type_id, lr.logical_id, lr.reindex_txid, lr.parameter_hash "
+ " FROM logical_resources lr "
+ " WHERE lr.resource_type_id = ? "
+ " AND lr.logical_id = ? "
+ " AND lr.is_deleted = 'N' "
+ " AND lr.reindex_tstamp < ? "
private static final String PICK_SINGLE_RESOURCE_TYPE = ""
+ " SELECT lr.logical_resource_id, lr.resource_type_id, lr.logical_id, lr.reindex_txid, lr.parameter_hash "
+ " FROM logical_resources lr "
+ " WHERE lr.resource_type_id = ? "
+ " AND lr.is_deleted = 'N' "
+ " AND lr.reindex_tstamp < ? "
private static final String PICK_ANY_RESOURCE = ""
+ " SELECT lr.logical_resource_id, lr.resource_type_id, lr.logical_id, lr.reindex_txid, lr.parameter_hash "
+ " FROM logical_resources lr "
+ " WHERE lr.is_deleted = 'N' "
+ " AND lr.reindex_tstamp < ? "
* Public constructor
* @param connection
* @param translator
* @param parameterDao
* @param schemaName
* @param flavor
* @param cache
* @param rrd
public ReindexResourceDAO(Connection connection, IDatabaseTranslator translator, ParameterDAO parameterDao, String schemaName, FHIRDbFlavor flavor, FHIRPersistenceJDBCCache cache, IResourceReferenceDAO rrd) {
super(connection, schemaName, flavor, cache, rrd);
this.translator = translator;
this.parameterDao = parameterDao;
* Public constructor
* @param connection
* @param translator
* @param parameterDao
* @param schemaName
* @param flavor
* @param trxSynchRegistry
* @param cache
* @param rrd
public ReindexResourceDAO(Connection connection, IDatabaseTranslator translator, ParameterDAO parameterDao, String schemaName, FHIRDbFlavor flavor, TransactionSynchronizationRegistry trxSynchRegistry, FHIRPersistenceJDBCCache cache, IResourceReferenceDAO rrd, ParameterTransactionDataImpl ptdi) {
super(connection, schemaName, flavor, trxSynchRegistry, cache, rrd, ptdi);
this.translator = translator;
this.parameterDao = parameterDao;
* Getter for the translator currently held by this DAO
* @return
protected IDatabaseTranslator getTranslator() {
return this.translator;
* Pick a specific resource to process by logicalResourceId (primary key).
* Since the logicalResourceId is specified, we avoid updating the record as the caller of $reindex operation
* is passing in an explicit list of resources, so no need to lock for the purpose of picking a random resource.
* This can improve performance (especially with PostgreSQL by avoiding the generation of tombstones).
* @param reindexTstamp only get resource with a reindex_tstamp less than this
* @param logicalResourceId the logical resource ID (primary key) of a specific resource
* @return the resource record, or null when the resource is not found
* @throws Exception
protected ResourceIndexRecord getResource(Instant reindexTstamp, Long logicalResourceId) throws Exception {
ResourceIndexRecord result = null;
// no need to close
Connection connection = getConnection();
IDatabaseTranslator translator = getTranslator();
try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(select)) {
if (logicalResourceId != null) {
// specific resource by logical resource ID (primary key)
stmt.setLong(1, logicalResourceId);
stmt.setTimestamp(2, Timestamp.from(reindexTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
result = new ResourceIndexRecord(rs.getLong(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getLong(4), rs.getString(5));
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, select, x);
throw translator.translate(x);
return result;
* Pick the next resource to process, then also lock it. Specializations for different databases may use
* different techniques to optimize locking/concurrency control.
* @param random used to generate a random number
* @param reindexTstamp only get resource with a reindex_tstamp less than this
* @param resourceTypeId the resource type ID of a specific resource type, or null
* @param logicalId the resource ID of a specific resource, or null
* @return the resource record, or null when there is nothing left to do
* @throws Exception
protected ResourceIndexRecord getNextResource(SecureRandom random, Instant reindexTstamp, Integer resourceTypeId, String logicalId) throws Exception {
ResourceIndexRecord result = null;
// no need to close
Connection connection = getConnection();
IDatabaseTranslator translator = getTranslator();
// Derby can only do select for update with simple queries, so we need to select first,
// then try and lock, but we also have to try and cover the race condition which can
// occur here, using an optimistic locking pattern
final String select;
if (resourceTypeId != null && logicalId != null) {
// Just pick the requested resource
} else if (resourceTypeId != null) {
// Limit to the given resource type
} else if (resourceTypeId == null && logicalId == null) {
} else {
// programming error
throw new IllegalArgumentException("logicalId specified without a resourceType");
// Randomly pick an offset, but if we get no rows, reduce the range
// until we hit 0. This will ensure we get the last few rows more
// quickly
int offsetRange = 1024;
do {
// random offset in [0, offsetRange)
int offset = random.nextInt(offsetRange);
try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(select)) {
if (resourceTypeId != null && logicalId != null) {
stmt.setInt(1, resourceTypeId);
stmt.setString(2, logicalId);
stmt.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.from(reindexTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
} else if (resourceTypeId != null) {
stmt.setInt(1, resourceTypeId);
stmt.setTimestamp(2, Timestamp.from(reindexTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
stmt.setInt(3, offset);
} else {
stmt.setTimestamp(1, Timestamp.from(reindexTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
stmt.setInt(2, offset);
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
result = new ResourceIndexRecord(rs.getLong(1), rs.getInt(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getLong(4), rs.getString(5));
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, select, x);
throw translator.translate(x);
if (result != null) {
// We have picked a try and lock it. If this fails, we need
// to pick another resource to cover the race condition.
final String UPDATE = ""
+ " UPDATE logical_resources "
+ " SET reindex_tstamp = ?, "
+ " reindex_txid = ? "
+ " WHERE logical_resource_id = ? "
+ " AND reindex_txid = ? "; // make sure we have the txid we selected above
try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(UPDATE)) {
stmt.setTimestamp(1, Timestamp.from(reindexTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
stmt.setLong(2, result.getTransactionId() + 1L);
stmt.setLong(3, result.getLogicalResourceId());
stmt.setLong(4, result.getTransactionId());
int rowsAffected = stmt.executeUpdate();
if (rowsAffected == 0) {
// reindex_txid is not the same as when we selected, meaning that this update
// was blocked and the resource was processed by another thread. Forget this
// record and try again
result = null;
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, UPDATE, x);
throw translator.translate(x);
} else {
// Offset beyond that last available row, so we need to shrink the range
// The loop will exit when we get a resource, or no resource was found when
// the offsetRange was 1 (producing a guaranteed offset = 0)
offsetRange /= 2;
} while (offsetRange > 0 && result == null);
return result;
* Get the resource record we want to reindex. This might take a few attempts, because
* there could be hundreds of threads all trying to do the same thing, and we may see
* collisions which will cause the FOR UPDATE to block, then return no rows.
* @param reindexTstamp only get resource with an index_tstamp less than this
* @param logicalResourceId logical resource ID (primary key) of resource to reindex, or null
* @param resourceTypeId the resource type ID of a specific resource type, or null;
* this parameter is ignored if the logicalResourceId parameter value is non-null
* @param logicalId the resource ID of a specific resource, or null;
* this parameter is ignored if the logicalResourceId parameter value is non-null
* @return the resource record, or null when there is nothing left to do
* @throws Exception
public ResourceIndexRecord getResourceToReindex(Instant reindexTstamp, Long logicalResourceId, Integer resourceTypeId, String logicalId) throws Exception {
ResourceIndexRecord result = null;
// no need to close
Connection connection = getConnection();
// Get a resource which needs to be reindexed
if (logicalResourceId != null) {
result = getResource(reindexTstamp, logicalResourceId);
} else {
result = getNextResource(RANDOM, reindexTstamp, resourceTypeId, logicalId);
if (result != null) {
// grab the resource type name while we're here. We do this as a separate query
// because it would otherwise complicate the select for update above, which is very
// sensitive performance-wise. Although this is another database round-trip, it shouldn't
// impact concurrency which is the main issue in driving reindex throughput
final String SELECT_RESOURCE_TYPE = ""
+ "SELECT rt.resource_type "
+ " FROM resource_types rt, "
+ " logical_resources lr "
+ " WHERE rt.resource_type_id = lr.resource_type_id "
+ " AND lr.logical_resource_id = ?";
try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(SELECT_RESOURCE_TYPE)) {
stmt.setLong(1, result.getLogicalResourceId());
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
} else if (logicalResourceId != null) {
// When logicalResourceId is specified, the resource is not locked, so it could disappear
logger.fine("Logical resource no longer exists: logical_resource_id=" + result.getLogicalResourceId());
result = null;
} else {
// Can't really happen, because the resource is selected for update, so it can't disappear
logger.severe("Logical resource no longer exists: logical_resource_id=" + result.getLogicalResourceId());
throw new FHIRPersistenceResourceNotFoundException("resource not found");
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, SELECT_RESOURCE_TYPE, x);
throw translator.translate(x);
return result;
* Reindex the resource by deleting existing parameters and replacing them with those passed in.
* @param tablePrefix the table prefix
* @param parameters A collection of search parameters to be persisted along with the passed Resource
* @param parameterHashB64 the Base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of parameters
* @param logicalId the logical id
* @param logicalResourceId the logical resource id
* @throws Exception
public void updateParameters(String tablePrefix, List parameters, String parameterHashB64, String logicalId, long logicalResourceId) throws Exception {
final String METHODNAME = "updateParameters() for " + tablePrefix + "/" + logicalId;
logger.entering(CLASSNAME, METHODNAME);
// no need to close
Connection connection = getConnection();
ParameterTableSupport.deleteFromParameterTables(connection, tablePrefix, logicalResourceId);
if (parameters != null && !parameters.isEmpty()) {
JDBCIdentityCache identityCache = new JDBCIdentityCacheImpl(getCache(), this, parameterDao, getResourceReferenceDAO());
// Check if this is multitenant
boolean isMultitenant = this.getFlavor().isMultitenant();
try (ParameterVisitorBatchDAO pvd = new ParameterVisitorBatchDAO(connection, "FHIR_ADMIN", tablePrefix, isMultitenant, logicalResourceId, 100,
identityCache, getResourceReferenceDAO(), getTransactionData())) {
for (ExtractedParameterValue p: parameters) {
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "inserting parameters", x);
throw translator.translate(x);
// Update the parameter hash in the LOGICAL_RESOURCES table
updateParameterHash(connection, logicalResourceId, parameterHashB64);
logger.exiting(CLASSNAME, METHODNAME);
* Updates the parameter hash in the LOGICAL_RESOURCES table.
* @param conn the connection
* @param logicalResourceId the logical resource ID
* @param parameterHashB64 the Base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of parameters
* @throws SQLException
protected void updateParameterHash(Connection conn, long logicalResourceId, String parameterHashB64) throws SQLException {
final String SQL = "UPDATE logical_resources SET parameter_hash = ? WHERE logical_resource_id = ?";
try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL)) {
// bind parameters
stmt.setString(1, parameterHashB64);
stmt.setLong(2, logicalResourceId);
long dbCallStartTime = System.nanoTime();
double dbCallDuration = (System.nanoTime() - dbCallStartTime) / 1e6;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.finest("Update parameter_hash '" + parameterHashB64 + "' for logicalResourceId '" + logicalResourceId + "' [took " + dbCallDuration + " ms]");
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, SQL, x);
throw translator.translate(x);