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* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2021
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Simple DAO to read records from the RESOURCE_CHANGE_LOG table
public class FetchResourceChangesDAO {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FetchResourceChangesDAO.class.getName());
private final IDatabaseTranslator translator;
private final String schemaName;
private final int resourceCount;
private final Long changeIdMarker;
private final Instant sinceTstamp;
private final Instant beforeTstamp;
// exclude resources falling inside transaction timeout window?
private final boolean excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow;
// If not null, specifies the list of resource types we want to include in the result
private final List resourceTypeIds;
// the ordering to use for the query, and the semantics to apply to the filter predicates
private final HistorySortOrder historySortOrder;
* Public constructor
* @param tx
* @param schemaName
* @param resourceCount
* @param sinceTstamp
* @param beforeTstamp
* @param afterResourceId
* @param resourceTypeIds
* @param excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow
* @param historySortOrder
public FetchResourceChangesDAO(IDatabaseTranslator tx, String schemaName, int resourceCount, Instant sinceTstamp, Instant beforeTstamp, Long changeIdMarker, List resourceTypeIds,
boolean excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow, HistorySortOrder historySortOrder) {
this.translator = tx;
this.schemaName = schemaName;
this.resourceCount = resourceCount;
this.sinceTstamp = sinceTstamp;
this.beforeTstamp = beforeTstamp;
this.changeIdMarker = changeIdMarker;
this.resourceTypeIds = resourceTypeIds;
this.excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow = excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow;
this.historySortOrder = historySortOrder;
* Run the DAO command on the database connection
* @param c
* @return
* @throws FHIRPersistenceException
public List run(Connection c) throws FHIRPersistenceException {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
Instant beforeTxWindow = null;
if (this.excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow) {
// compute the start time of the current transaction timeout window. Note that
// if the FHIR_TRANSACTION_MANAGER_TIMEOUT variable is not set we fall back
// to using the default Liberty transaction timeout which is 120s.
long txTimeoutSecs = SystemConfigHelper.getDurationFromEnv("FHIR_TRANSACTION_MANAGER_TIMEOUT", "120s");
if (txTimeoutSecs < 0) {
logger.warning("Ignoring excludeTransactionTimeoutWindow because FHIR_TRANSACTION_MANAGER_TIMEOUT is invalid");
} else {
// add a couple of seconds to cover any clock drift in a cluster environment.
final int clockDriftBuffer = 2;
beforeTxWindow = + clockDriftBuffer, ChronoUnit.SECONDS);
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
query.append(" SELECT c.resource_id, rt.resource_type, lr.logical_id, c.change_tstamp, c.version_id, c.change_type")
.append(" FROM ")
.append(schemaName).append(".resource_change_log c, ")
.append(schemaName).append(".logical_resources lr, ")
.append(schemaName).append(".resource_types rt ")
.append(" WHERE lr.logical_resource_id = c.logical_resource_id ")
.append(" AND rt.resource_type_id = c.resource_type_id ")
if (sinceTstamp != null) {
query.append(" AND c.change_tstamp >= ? ");
if (beforeTstamp != null) {
query.append(" AND c.change_tstamp <= ? ");
if (beforeTxWindow != null) {
// filter out records from inside the current transaction timeout window to
// make sure clients don't miss records when paging (see Conformance guide)
query.append(" AND c.change_tstamp < ? ");
if (changeIdMarker != null) {
if (historySortOrder == HistorySortOrder.NONE) {
// range scan following the primary key
query.append(" AND c.resource_id > ? ");
} else {
// we're sorting on time, so this is useful to avoid repeating the last
// resource we returned every time follow the next link. There can still
// be duplicates if multiple resources share the same timestamp, but this
// at least gets rid of the most common case
query.append(" AND c.resource_id != ? ");
if (resourceTypeIds != null) {
if (resourceTypeIds.size() == 1) {
query.append(" AND c.resource_type_id = " + resourceTypeIds.get(0));
} else if (resourceTypeIds.size() > 1) {
String inlist = -> x.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
query.append(" AND c.resource_type_id IN (").append(inlist).append(")");
switch (historySortOrder) {
case NONE:
// ORDER BY can match the PK. Because this is unique, no additional order columns required
query.append(" ORDER BY c.resource_id "); // PK scan with limit
// ORDER BY needs to match the index unq_resource_change_log_ctrtri for forward scan
query.append(" ORDER BY c.change_tstamp, c.resource_type_id, c.resource_id ");
// The new default ordering per the spec. Reverse scan
query.append(" ORDER BY c.change_tstamp DESC, c.resource_type_id DESC, c.resource_id DESC ");
final String SQL = query.toString();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine("FETCH CHANGES: " + SQL + "; [" + sinceTstamp + ", " + changeIdMarker + "]");
try (PreparedStatement ps = c.prepareStatement(SQL)) {
int a = 1;
if (this.sinceTstamp != null) {
ps.setTimestamp(a++, Timestamp.from(this.sinceTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
if (this.beforeTstamp != null) {
ps.setTimestamp(a++, Timestamp.from(this.beforeTstamp), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
if (beforeTxWindow != null) {
ps.setTimestamp(a++, Timestamp.from(beforeTxWindow), CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC());
if (this.changeIdMarker != null) {
ps.setLong(a++, this.changeIdMarker);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
while ( {
ResourceChangeLogRecord.ChangeType ct;
switch (rs.getString(6)) {
case "C": ct = ChangeType.CREATE; break;
case "U": ct = ChangeType.UPDATE; break;
case "D": ct = ChangeType.DELETE; break;
throw new FHIRPersistenceException("Invalid ChangeType in change log"); // DBA can find the bad row if it ever happens
ResourceChangeLogRecord record = new ResourceChangeLogRecord(rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3), rs.getInt(5), rs.getLong(1), rs.getTimestamp(4, CalendarHelper.getCalendarForUTC()).toInstant(), ct);
} catch (SQLException x) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Change log query failed: " + SQL, x);
throw new FHIRPersistenceException("Fetch changes failed");
return result;