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-- (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2020, 2021
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Procedure to add a resource version and its associated parameters. These
-- parameters only ever point to the latest version of a resource, never to
-- previous versions, which are kept to support history queries.
-- implNote - Conventions:
-- p_... prefix used to represent input parameters
-- v_... prefix used to represent declared variables
-- t_... prefix used to represent temp variables
-- o_... predix used to represent output parameters
-- Parameters:
-- p_logical_id: the logical id given to the resource by the FHIR server
-- p_payload: the BLOB (of JSON) which is the resource content
-- p_last_updated the last_updated time given by the FHIR server
-- p_is_deleted: the soft delete flag
-- p_version_id: the intended new version id of the resource (matching the JSON payload)
-- o_resource_id: output field returning the newly assigned resource_id value
-- Exceptions:
-- SQLSTATE 99001: on version conflict (concurrency)
-- SQLSTATE 99002: missing expected row (data integrity)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
( IN p_resource_type VARCHAR( 36),
IN p_logical_id VARCHAR(255),
IN p_payload BYTEA,
IN p_last_updated TIMESTAMP,
IN p_is_deleted CHAR( 1),
IN p_source_key VARCHAR( 64),
IN p_version INT,
OUT o_logical_resource_id BIGINT)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
v_schema_name VARCHAR(128);
v_logical_resource_id BIGINT := NULL;
t_logical_resource_id BIGINT := NULL;
v_current_resource_id BIGINT := NULL;
v_resource_id BIGINT := NULL;
v_resource_type_id INT := NULL;
v_new_resource INT := 0;
v_duplicate INT := 0;
v_current_version INT := 0;
v_change_type CHAR(1) := NULL;
-- Because we don't really update any existing key, so use NO KEY UPDATE to achieve better concurrence performance.
lock_cur CURSOR (t_resource_type_id INT, t_logical_id VARCHAR(255)) FOR SELECT logical_resource_id FROM {{SCHEMA_NAME}}.logical_resources WHERE resource_type_id = t_resource_type_id AND logical_id = t_logical_id FOR NO KEY UPDATE;
v_schema_name := '{{SCHEMA_NAME}}';
SELECT resource_type_id INTO v_resource_type_id
FROM {{SCHEMA_NAME}}.resource_types WHERE resource_type = p_resource_type;
-- Get a lock at the system-wide logical resource level
OPEN lock_cur(t_resource_type_id := v_resource_type_id, t_logical_id := p_logical_id);
FETCH lock_cur INTO v_logical_resource_id;
CLOSE lock_cur;
-- Create the resource if we don't have it already
IF v_logical_resource_id IS NULL
SELECT nextval('{{SCHEMA_NAME}}.fhir_sequence') INTO v_logical_resource_id;
-- remember that we have a concurrent there is a possibility
-- that another thread snuck in before us and created the logical resource. This
-- is easy to handle, just turn around and read it
INSERT INTO {{SCHEMA_NAME}}.logical_resources (logical_resource_id, resource_type_id, logical_id, reindex_tstamp)
VALUES (v_logical_resource_id, v_resource_type_id, p_logical_id, '1970-01-01') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-- row exists, so we just need to obtain a lock on it. Because logical resource records are
-- never deleted, we don't need to worry about it disappearing again before we grab the row lock
OPEN lock_cur (t_resource_type_id := v_resource_type_id, t_logical_id := p_logical_id);
FETCH lock_cur INTO t_logical_resource_id;
CLOSE lock_cur;
IF v_logical_resource_id = t_logical_resource_id
-- we created the logical resource and therefore we already own the lock. So now we can
-- safely create the corresponding record in the resource-type-specific logical_resources table
EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_logical_resources (logical_resource_id, logical_id, is_deleted, last_updated, version_id) '
|| ' VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)' USING v_logical_resource_id, p_logical_id, p_is_deleted, p_last_updated, p_version;
v_new_resource := 1;
v_logical_resource_id := t_logical_resource_id;
-- Remember everying is locked at the logical resource level, so we are thread-safe here
IF v_new_resource = 0 THEN
-- as this is an existing resource, we need to know the current resource id.
-- This is only available at the resource-specific logical_resources level
'SELECT current_resource_id, version_id FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_logical_resources '
|| ' WHERE logical_resource_id = $1 '
INTO v_current_resource_id, v_current_version USING v_logical_resource_id;
IF v_current_resource_id IS NULL OR v_current_version IS NULL
-- our concurrency protection means that this shouldn't happen
RAISE 'Schema data corruption - missing logical resource' USING ERRCODE = '99002';
-- Concurrency check:
-- the version parameter we've been given (which is also embedded in the JSON payload) must be
-- one greater than the current version, otherwise we've hit a concurrent update race condition
IF p_version != v_current_version + 1
RAISE 'Concurrent update - mismatch of version in JSON' USING ERRCODE = '99001';
-- existing resource, so need to delete all its parameters.
-- TODO patch parameter sets instead of all delete/all insert.
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_str_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_number_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_date_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_latlng_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_resource_token_refs WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_quantity_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || 'str_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || 'date_values WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || v_schema_name || '.' || 'resource_token_refs WHERE logical_resource_id = $1'
USING v_logical_resource_id;
-- Create the new resource version.
-- Alpha version uses last_updated time from the app-server, so we keep that here
SELECT NEXTVAL('{{SCHEMA_NAME}}.fhir_sequence') INTO v_resource_id;
'INSERT INTO ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_resources (resource_id, logical_resource_id, version_id, data, last_updated, is_deleted) '
|| ' VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)'
USING v_resource_id, v_logical_resource_id, p_version, p_payload, p_last_updated, p_is_deleted;
-- align the values in xx_logical_resources to the latest resource version
EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || v_schema_name || '.' || p_resource_type || '_logical_resources SET current_resource_id = $1, is_deleted = $2, last_updated = $3, version_id = $4 WHERE logical_resource_id = $5'
USING v_resource_id, p_is_deleted, p_last_updated, p_version, v_logical_resource_id;
-- Finally, write a record to RESOURCE_CHANGE_LOG which records each event
-- related to resources changes (issue-1955)
IF p_is_deleted = 'Y'
v_change_type := 'D';
IF v_new_resource = 0
v_change_type := 'U';
v_change_type := 'C';
INSERT INTO {{SCHEMA_NAME}}.resource_change_log(resource_id, change_tstamp, resource_type_id, logical_resource_id, version_id, change_type)
VALUES (v_resource_id, p_last_updated, v_resource_type_id, v_logical_resource_id, p_version, v_change_type);
-- Hand back the id of the logical resource we created earlier. In the new R4 schema
-- only the logical_resource_id is the target of any FK, so there's no need to return
-- the resource_id (which is now private to the _resources tables).
o_logical_resource_id := v_logical_resource_id;
END $$;