com.ibm.icu.impl.coll.CollationBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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International Component for Unicode for Java (ICU4J) is a mature, widely used Java library
providing Unicode and Globalization support
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
* CollationBuilder.java, ported from collationbuilder.h/.cpp
* C++ version created on: 2013may06
* created by: Markus W. Scherer
package com.ibm.icu.impl.coll;
import java.text.ParseException;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.Norm2AllModes;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.Normalizer2Impl;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.Normalizer2Impl.Hangul;
import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;
import com.ibm.icu.text.CanonicalIterator;
import com.ibm.icu.text.Collator;
import com.ibm.icu.text.Normalizer2;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSetIterator;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
public final class CollationBuilder extends CollationRuleParser.Sink {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final class BundleImporter implements CollationRuleParser.Importer {
BundleImporter() {}
public String getRules(String localeID, String collationType) {
return CollationLoader.loadRules(new ULocale(localeID), collationType);
public CollationBuilder(CollationTailoring b) {
nfd = Normalizer2.getNFDInstance();
fcd = Norm2AllModes.getFCDNormalizer2();
nfcImpl = Norm2AllModes.getNFCInstance().impl;
base = b;
baseData = b.data;
rootElements = new CollationRootElements(b.data.rootElements);
variableTop = 0;
dataBuilder = new CollationDataBuilder();
fastLatinEnabled = true;
cesLength = 0;
rootPrimaryIndexes = new UVector32();
nodes = new UVector64();
public CollationTailoring parseAndBuild(String ruleString) throws ParseException {
if(baseData.rootElements == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"missing root elements data, tailoring not supported");
CollationTailoring tailoring = new CollationTailoring(base.settings);
CollationRuleParser parser = new CollationRuleParser(baseData);
// Note: This always bases &[last variable] and &[first regular]
// on the root collator's maxVariable/variableTop.
// If we wanted this to change after [maxVariable x], then we would keep
// the tailoring.settings pointer here and read its variableTop when we need it.
// See http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/6070
variableTop = base.settings.readOnly().variableTop;
// In Java, there is only one Importer implementation.
// In C++, the importer is a parameter for this method.
parser.setImporter(new BundleImporter());
CollationSettings ownedSettings = tailoring.settings.copyOnWrite();
parser.parse(ruleString, ownedSettings);
if(dataBuilder.hasMappings()) {
// Copy all of ASCII, and Latin-1 letters, into each tailoring.
optimizeSet.add(0, 0x7f);
optimizeSet.add(0xc0, 0xff);
// Hangul is decomposed on the fly during collation,
// and the tailoring data is always built with HANGUL_TAG specials.
optimizeSet.remove(Hangul.HANGUL_BASE, Hangul.HANGUL_END);
if(fastLatinEnabled) { dataBuilder.enableFastLatin(); }
// C++ tailoring.builder = dataBuilder;
dataBuilder = null;
} else {
tailoring.data = baseData;
ownedSettings.fastLatinOptions = CollationFastLatin.getOptions(
tailoring.data, ownedSettings,
// In Java, we do not have a rules version.
// In C++, the genrb build tool reads and supplies one,
// and the rulesVersion is a parameter for this method.
tailoring.setVersion(base.version, 0 /* rulesVersion */);
return tailoring;
/** Implements CollationRuleParser.Sink. */
void addReset(int strength, CharSequence str) {
assert(str.length() != 0);
if(str.charAt(0) == CollationRuleParser.POS_LEAD) {
ces[0] = getSpecialResetPosition(str);
cesLength = 1;
assert((ces[0] & Collation.CASE_AND_QUATERNARY_MASK) == 0);
} else {
// normal reset to a character or string
String nfdString = nfd.normalize(str);
cesLength = dataBuilder.getCEs(nfdString, ces, 0);
if(cesLength > Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"reset position maps to too many collation elements (more than 31)");
if(strength == Collator.IDENTICAL) { return; } // simple reset-at-position
// &[before strength]position
assert(Collator.PRIMARY <= strength && strength <= Collator.TERTIARY);
int index = findOrInsertNodeForCEs(strength);
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
// If the index is for a "weaker" node,
// then skip backwards over this and further "weaker" nodes.
while(strengthFromNode(node) > strength) {
index = previousIndexFromNode(node);
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
// Find or insert a node whose index we will put into a temporary CE.
if(strengthFromNode(node) == strength && isTailoredNode(node)) {
// Reset to just before this same-strength tailored node.
index = previousIndexFromNode(node);
} else if(strength == Collator.PRIMARY) {
// root primary node (has no previous index)
long p = weight32FromNode(node);
if(p == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"reset primary-before ignorable not possible");
if(p <= rootElements.getFirstPrimary()) {
// There is no primary gap between ignorables and the space-first-primary.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"reset primary-before first non-ignorable not supported");
if(p == Collation.FIRST_TRAILING_PRIMARY) {
// We do not support tailoring to an unassigned-implicit CE.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"reset primary-before [first trailing] not supported");
p = rootElements.getPrimaryBefore(p, baseData.isCompressiblePrimary(p));
index = findOrInsertNodeForPrimary(p);
// Go to the last node in this list:
// Tailor after the last node between adjacent root nodes.
for(;;) {
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
int nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node);
if(nextIndex == 0) { break; }
index = nextIndex;
} else {
// &[before 2] or &[before 3]
index = findCommonNode(index, Collator.SECONDARY);
if(strength >= Collator.TERTIARY) {
index = findCommonNode(index, Collator.TERTIARY);
// findCommonNode() stayed on the stronger node or moved to
// an explicit common-weight node of the reset-before strength.
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if(strengthFromNode(node) == strength) {
// Found a same-strength node with an explicit weight.
int weight16 = weight16FromNode(node);
if(weight16 == 0) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
(strength == Collator.SECONDARY) ?
"reset secondary-before secondary ignorable not possible" :
"reset tertiary-before completely ignorable not possible");
assert(weight16 > Collation.BEFORE_WEIGHT16);
// Reset to just before this node.
// Insert the preceding same-level explicit weight if it is not there already.
// Which explicit weight immediately precedes this one?
weight16 = getWeight16Before(index, node, strength);
// Does this preceding weight have a node?
int previousWeight16;
int previousIndex = previousIndexFromNode(node);
for(int i = previousIndex;; i = previousIndexFromNode(node)) {
node = nodes.elementAti(i);
int previousStrength = strengthFromNode(node);
if(previousStrength < strength) {
assert(weight16 >= Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16 || i == previousIndex);
// Either the reset element has an above-common weight and
// the parent node provides the implied common weight,
// or the reset element has a weight<=common in the node
// right after the parent, and we need to insert the preceding weight.
previousWeight16 = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
} else if(previousStrength == strength && !isTailoredNode(node)) {
previousWeight16 = weight16FromNode(node);
// Skip weaker nodes and same-level tailored nodes.
if(previousWeight16 == weight16) {
// The preceding weight has a node,
// maybe with following weaker or tailored nodes.
// Reset to the last of them.
index = previousIndex;
} else {
// Insert a node with the preceding weight, reset to that.
node = nodeFromWeight16(weight16) | nodeFromStrength(strength);
index = insertNodeBetween(previousIndex, index, node);
} else {
// Found a stronger node with implied strength-common weight.
int weight16 = getWeight16Before(index, node, strength);
index = findOrInsertWeakNode(index, weight16, strength);
// Strength of the temporary CE = strength of its reset position.
// Code above raises an error if the before-strength is stronger.
strength = ceStrength(ces[cesLength - 1]);
ces[cesLength - 1] = tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, strength);
* Returns the secondary or tertiary weight preceding the current node's weight.
* node=nodes[index].
private int getWeight16Before(int index, long node, int level) {
assert(strengthFromNode(node) < level || !isTailoredNode(node));
// Collect the root CE weights if this node is for a root CE.
// If it is not, then return the low non-primary boundary for a tailored CE.
int t;
if(strengthFromNode(node) == Collator.TERTIARY) {
t = weight16FromNode(node);
} else {
t = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16; // Stronger node with implied common weight.
while(strengthFromNode(node) > Collator.SECONDARY) {
index = previousIndexFromNode(node);
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
return Collation.BEFORE_WEIGHT16;
int s;
if(strengthFromNode(node) == Collator.SECONDARY) {
s = weight16FromNode(node);
} else {
s = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16; // Stronger node with implied common weight.
while(strengthFromNode(node) > Collator.PRIMARY) {
index = previousIndexFromNode(node);
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
return Collation.BEFORE_WEIGHT16;
// [p, s, t] is a root CE. Return the preceding weight for the requested level.
long p = weight32FromNode(node);
int weight16;
if(level == Collator.SECONDARY) {
weight16 = rootElements.getSecondaryBefore(p, s);
} else {
weight16 = rootElements.getTertiaryBefore(p, s, t);
assert((weight16 & ~Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK) == 0);
return weight16;
private long getSpecialResetPosition(CharSequence str) {
assert(str.length() == 2);
long ce;
int strength = Collator.PRIMARY;
boolean isBoundary = false;
CollationRuleParser.Position pos =
CollationRuleParser.POSITION_VALUES[str.charAt(1) - CollationRuleParser.POS_BASE];
switch(pos) {
// Quaternary CEs are not supported.
// Non-zero quaternary weights are possible only on tertiary or stronger CEs.
return 0;
return 0;
// Look for a tailored tertiary node after [0, 0, 0].
int index = findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(0, Collator.TERTIARY);
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if((index = nextIndexFromNode(node)) != 0) {
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
assert(strengthFromNode(node) <= Collator.TERTIARY);
if(isTailoredNode(node) && strengthFromNode(node) == Collator.TERTIARY) {
return tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, Collator.TERTIARY);
return rootElements.getFirstTertiaryCE();
// No need to look for nodeHasAnyBefore() on a tertiary node.
ce = rootElements.getLastTertiaryCE();
strength = Collator.TERTIARY;
// Look for a tailored secondary node after [0, 0, *].
int index = findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(0, Collator.SECONDARY);
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
while((index = nextIndexFromNode(node)) != 0) {
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
strength = strengthFromNode(node);
if(strength < Collator.SECONDARY) { break; }
if(strength == Collator.SECONDARY) {
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
if(nodeHasBefore3(node)) {
index = nextIndexFromNode(nodes.elementAti(nextIndexFromNode(node)));
return tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, Collator.SECONDARY);
} else {
ce = rootElements.getFirstSecondaryCE();
strength = Collator.SECONDARY;
ce = rootElements.getLastSecondaryCE();
strength = Collator.SECONDARY;
ce = rootElements.getFirstPrimaryCE();
isBoundary = true; // FractionalUCA.txt: FDD1 00A0, SPACE first primary
ce = rootElements.lastCEWithPrimaryBefore(variableTop + 1);
ce = rootElements.firstCEWithPrimaryAtLeast(variableTop + 1);
isBoundary = true; // FractionalUCA.txt: FDD1 263A, SYMBOL first primary
// Use the Hani-first-primary rather than the actual last "regular" CE before it,
// for backward compatibility with behavior before the introduction of
// script-first-primary CEs in the root collator.
ce = rootElements.firstCEWithPrimaryAtLeast(
ce = baseData.getSingleCE(0x4e00);
// We do not support tailoring to an unassigned-implicit CE.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"reset to [last implicit] not supported");
ce = Collation.makeCE(Collation.FIRST_TRAILING_PRIMARY);
isBoundary = true; // trailing first primary (there is no mapping for it)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LDML forbids tailoring to U+FFFF");
return 0;
int index = findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(ce, strength);
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if((pos.ordinal() & 1) == 0) {
// even pos = [first xyz]
if(!nodeHasAnyBefore(node) && isBoundary) {
// A first primary boundary is artificially added to FractionalUCA.txt.
// It is reachable via its special contraction, but is not normally used.
// Find the first character tailored after the boundary CE,
// or the first real root CE after it.
if((index = nextIndexFromNode(node)) != 0) {
// If there is a following node, then it must be tailored
// because there are no root CEs with a boundary primary
// and non-common secondary/tertiary weights.
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
ce = tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, strength);
} else {
assert(strength == Collator.PRIMARY);
long p = ce >>> 32;
int pIndex = rootElements.findPrimary(p);
boolean isCompressible = baseData.isCompressiblePrimary(p);
p = rootElements.getPrimaryAfter(p, pIndex, isCompressible);
ce = Collation.makeCE(p);
index = findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(ce, Collator.PRIMARY);
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if(nodeHasAnyBefore(node)) {
// Get the first node that was tailored before this one at a weaker strength.
if(nodeHasBefore2(node)) {
index = nextIndexFromNode(nodes.elementAti(nextIndexFromNode(node)));
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if(nodeHasBefore3(node)) {
index = nextIndexFromNode(nodes.elementAti(nextIndexFromNode(node)));
ce = tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, strength);
} else {
// odd pos = [last xyz]
// Find the last node that was tailored after the [last xyz]
// at a strength no greater than the position's strength.
for(;;) {
int nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node);
if(nextIndex == 0) { break; }
long nextNode = nodes.elementAti(nextIndex);
if(strengthFromNode(nextNode) < strength) { break; }
index = nextIndex;
node = nextNode;
// Do not make a temporary CE for a root node.
// This last node might be the node for the root CE itself,
// or a node with a common secondary or tertiary weight.
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
ce = tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, strength);
return ce;
/** Implements CollationRuleParser.Sink. */
// Java 6: @Override
void addRelation(int strength, CharSequence prefix, CharSequence str, CharSequence extension) {
String nfdPrefix;
if(prefix.length() == 0) {
nfdPrefix = "";
} else {
nfdPrefix = nfd.normalize(prefix);
String nfdString = nfd.normalize(str);
// The runtime code decomposes Hangul syllables on the fly,
// with recursive processing but without making the Jamo pieces visible for matching.
// It does not work with certain types of contextual mappings.
int nfdLength = nfdString.length();
if(nfdLength >= 2) {
char c = nfdString.charAt(0);
if(Hangul.isJamoL(c) || Hangul.isJamoV(c)) {
// While handling a Hangul syllable, contractions starting with Jamo L or V
// would not see the following Jamo of that syllable.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"contractions starting with conjoining Jamo L or V not supported");
c = nfdString.charAt(nfdLength - 1);
if(Hangul.isJamoL(c) ||
(Hangul.isJamoV(c) && Hangul.isJamoL(nfdString.charAt(nfdLength - 2)))) {
// A contraction ending with Jamo L or L+V would require
// generating Hangul syllables in addTailComposites() (588 for a Jamo L),
// or decomposing a following Hangul syllable on the fly, during contraction matching.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"contractions ending with conjoining Jamo L or L+V not supported");
// A Hangul syllable completely inside a contraction is ok.
// Note: If there is a prefix, then the parser checked that
// both the prefix and the string beging with NFC boundaries (not Jamo V or T).
// Therefore: prefix.isEmpty() || !isJamoVOrT(nfdString.charAt(0))
// (While handling a Hangul syllable, prefixes on Jamo V or T
// would not see the previous Jamo of that syllable.)
if(strength != Collator.IDENTICAL) {
// Find the node index after which we insert the new tailored node.
int index = findOrInsertNodeForCEs(strength);
assert(cesLength > 0);
long ce = ces[cesLength - 1];
if(strength == Collator.PRIMARY && !isTempCE(ce) && (ce >>> 32) == 0) {
// There is no primary gap between ignorables and the space-first-primary.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"tailoring primary after ignorables not supported");
if(strength == Collator.QUATERNARY && ce == 0) {
// The CE data structure does not support non-zero quaternary weights
// on tertiary ignorables.
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"tailoring quaternary after tertiary ignorables not supported");
// Insert the new tailored node.
index = insertTailoredNodeAfter(index, strength);
// Strength of the temporary CE:
// The new relation may yield a stronger CE but not a weaker one.
int tempStrength = ceStrength(ce);
if(strength < tempStrength) { tempStrength = strength; }
ces[cesLength - 1] = tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(index, tempStrength);
int cesLengthBeforeExtension = cesLength;
if(extension.length() != 0) {
String nfdExtension = nfd.normalize(extension);
cesLength = dataBuilder.getCEs(nfdExtension, ces, cesLength);
if(cesLength > Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"extension string adds too many collation elements (more than 31 total)");
int ce32 = Collation.UNASSIGNED_CE32;
if((!nfdPrefix.contentEquals(prefix) || !nfdString.contentEquals(str)) &&
!ignorePrefix(prefix) && !ignoreString(str)) {
// Map from the original input to the CEs.
// We do this in case the canonical closure is incomplete,
// so that it is possible to explicitly provide the missing mappings.
ce32 = addIfDifferent(prefix, str, ces, cesLength, ce32);
addWithClosure(nfdPrefix, nfdString, ces, cesLength, ce32);
cesLength = cesLengthBeforeExtension;
* Picks one of the current CEs and finds or inserts a node in the graph
* for the CE + strength.
private int findOrInsertNodeForCEs(int strength) {
assert(Collator.PRIMARY <= strength && strength <= Collator.QUATERNARY);
// Find the last CE that is at least as "strong" as the requested difference.
// Note: Stronger is smaller (Collator.PRIMARY=0).
long ce;
for(;; --cesLength) {
if(cesLength == 0) {
ce = ces[0] = 0;
cesLength = 1;
} else {
ce = ces[cesLength - 1];
if(ceStrength(ce) <= strength) { break; }
if(isTempCE(ce)) {
// No need to findCommonNode() here for lower levels
// because insertTailoredNodeAfter() will do that anyway.
return indexFromTempCE(ce);
// root CE
if((int)(ce >>> 56) == Collation.UNASSIGNED_IMPLICIT_BYTE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"tailoring relative to an unassigned code point not supported");
return findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(ce, strength);
private int findOrInsertNodeForRootCE(long ce, int strength) {
assert((int)(ce >>> 56) != Collation.UNASSIGNED_IMPLICIT_BYTE);
// Find or insert the node for each of the root CE's weights,
// down to the requested level/strength.
// Root CEs must have common=zero quaternary weights (for which we never insert any nodes).
assert((ce & 0xc0) == 0);
int index = findOrInsertNodeForPrimary(ce >>> 32);
if(strength >= Collator.SECONDARY) {
int lower32 = (int)ce;
index = findOrInsertWeakNode(index, lower32 >>> 16, Collator.SECONDARY);
if(strength >= Collator.TERTIARY) {
index = findOrInsertWeakNode(index, lower32 & Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK,
return index;
* Like Java Collections.binarySearch(List, key, Comparator).
* @return the index>=0 where the item was found,
* or the index<0 for inserting the string at ~index in sorted order
* (index into rootPrimaryIndexes)
private static final int binarySearchForRootPrimaryNode(
int[] rootPrimaryIndexes, int length, long[] nodes, long p) {
if(length == 0) { return ~0; }
int start = 0;
int limit = length;
for (;;) {
int i = (start + limit) / 2;
long node = nodes[rootPrimaryIndexes[i]];
long nodePrimary = node >>> 32; // weight32FromNode(node)
if (p == nodePrimary) {
return i;
} else if (p < nodePrimary) {
if (i == start) {
return ~start; // insert s before i
limit = i;
} else {
if (i == start) {
return ~(start + 1); // insert s after i
start = i;
/** Finds or inserts the node for a root CE's primary weight. */
private int findOrInsertNodeForPrimary(long p) {
int rootIndex = binarySearchForRootPrimaryNode(
rootPrimaryIndexes.getBuffer(), rootPrimaryIndexes.size(), nodes.getBuffer(), p);
if(rootIndex >= 0) {
return rootPrimaryIndexes.elementAti(rootIndex);
} else {
// Start a new list of nodes with this primary.
int index = nodes.size();
rootPrimaryIndexes.insertElementAt(index, ~rootIndex);
return index;
/** Finds or inserts the node for a secondary or tertiary weight. */
private int findOrInsertWeakNode(int index, int weight16, int level) {
assert(0 <= index && index < nodes.size());
assert(Collator.SECONDARY <= level && level <= Collator.TERTIARY);
if(weight16 == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
return findCommonNode(index, level);
// If this will be the first below-common weight for the parent node,
// then we will also need to insert a common weight after it.
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
assert(strengthFromNode(node) < level); // parent node is stronger
if(weight16 != 0 && weight16 < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
int hasThisLevelBefore = level == Collator.SECONDARY ? HAS_BEFORE2 : HAS_BEFORE3;
if((node & hasThisLevelBefore) == 0) {
// The parent node has an implied level-common weight.
long commonNode =
nodeFromWeight16(Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) | nodeFromStrength(level);
if(level == Collator.SECONDARY) {
// Move the HAS_BEFORE3 flag from the parent node
// to the new secondary common node.
commonNode |= node & HAS_BEFORE3;
node &= ~(long)HAS_BEFORE3;
nodes.setElementAt(node | hasThisLevelBefore, index);
// Insert below-common-weight node.
int nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node);
node = nodeFromWeight16(weight16) | nodeFromStrength(level);
index = insertNodeBetween(index, nextIndex, node);
// Insert common-weight node.
insertNodeBetween(index, nextIndex, commonNode);
// Return index of below-common-weight node.
return index;
// Find the root CE's weight for this level.
// Postpone insertion if not found:
// Insert the new root node before the next stronger node,
// or before the next root node with the same strength and a larger weight.
int nextIndex;
while((nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node)) != 0) {
node = nodes.elementAti(nextIndex);
int nextStrength = strengthFromNode(node);
if(nextStrength <= level) {
// Insert before a stronger node.
if(nextStrength < level) { break; }
// nextStrength == level
if(!isTailoredNode(node)) {
int nextWeight16 = weight16FromNode(node);
if(nextWeight16 == weight16) {
// Found the node for the root CE up to this level.
return nextIndex;
// Insert before a node with a larger same-strength weight.
if(nextWeight16 > weight16) { break; }
// Skip the next node.
index = nextIndex;
node = nodeFromWeight16(weight16) | nodeFromStrength(level);
return insertNodeBetween(index, nextIndex, node);
* Makes and inserts a new tailored node into the list, after the one at index.
* Skips over nodes of weaker strength to maintain collation order
* ("postpone insertion").
* @return the new node's index
private int insertTailoredNodeAfter(int index, int strength) {
assert(0 <= index && index < nodes.size());
if(strength >= Collator.SECONDARY) {
index = findCommonNode(index, Collator.SECONDARY);
if(strength >= Collator.TERTIARY) {
index = findCommonNode(index, Collator.TERTIARY);
// Postpone insertion:
// Insert the new node before the next one with a strength at least as strong.
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
int nextIndex;
while((nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node)) != 0) {
node = nodes.elementAti(nextIndex);
if(strengthFromNode(node) <= strength) { break; }
// Skip the next node which has a weaker (larger) strength than the new one.
index = nextIndex;
node = IS_TAILORED | nodeFromStrength(strength);
return insertNodeBetween(index, nextIndex, node);
* Inserts a new node into the list, between list-adjacent items.
* The node's previous and next indexes must not be set yet.
* @return the new node's index
private int insertNodeBetween(int index, int nextIndex, long node) {
assert(previousIndexFromNode(node) == 0);
assert(nextIndexFromNode(node) == 0);
assert(nextIndexFromNode(nodes.elementAti(index)) == nextIndex);
// Append the new node and link it to the existing nodes.
int newIndex = nodes.size();
node |= nodeFromPreviousIndex(index) | nodeFromNextIndex(nextIndex);
// nodes[index].nextIndex = newIndex
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
nodes.setElementAt(changeNodeNextIndex(node, newIndex), index);
// nodes[nextIndex].previousIndex = newIndex
if(nextIndex != 0) {
node = nodes.elementAti(nextIndex);
nodes.setElementAt(changeNodePreviousIndex(node, newIndex), nextIndex);
return newIndex;
* Finds the node which implies or contains a common=05 weight of the given strength
* (secondary or tertiary), if the current node is stronger.
* Skips weaker nodes and tailored nodes if the current node is stronger
* and is followed by an explicit-common-weight node.
* Always returns the input index if that node is no stronger than the given strength.
private int findCommonNode(int index, int strength) {
assert(Collator.SECONDARY <= strength && strength <= Collator.TERTIARY);
long node = nodes.elementAti(index);
if(strengthFromNode(node) >= strength) {
// The current node is no stronger.
return index;
if(strength == Collator.SECONDARY ? !nodeHasBefore2(node) : !nodeHasBefore3(node)) {
// The current node implies the strength-common weight.
return index;
index = nextIndexFromNode(node);
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
assert(!isTailoredNode(node) && strengthFromNode(node) == strength &&
weight16FromNode(node) < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16);
// Skip to the explicit common node.
do {
index = nextIndexFromNode(node);
node = nodes.elementAti(index);
assert(strengthFromNode(node) >= strength);
} while(isTailoredNode(node) || strengthFromNode(node) > strength ||
weight16FromNode(node) < Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16);
assert(weight16FromNode(node) == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16);
return index;
private void setCaseBits(CharSequence nfdString) {
int numTailoredPrimaries = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < cesLength; ++i) {
if(ceStrength(ces[i]) == Collator.PRIMARY) { ++numTailoredPrimaries; }
// We should not be able to get too many case bits because
// cesLength<=31==MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH.
// 31 pairs of case bits fit into an long without setting its sign bit.
assert(numTailoredPrimaries <= 31);
long cases = 0;
if(numTailoredPrimaries > 0) {
CharSequence s = nfdString;
UTF16CollationIterator baseCEs = new UTF16CollationIterator(baseData, false, s, 0);
int baseCEsLength = baseCEs.fetchCEs() - 1;
assert(baseCEsLength >= 0 && baseCEs.getCE(baseCEsLength) == Collation.NO_CE);
int lastCase = 0;
int numBasePrimaries = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < baseCEsLength; ++i) {
long ce = baseCEs.getCE(i);
if((ce >>> 32) != 0) {
int c = ((int)ce >> 14) & 3;
assert(c == 0 || c == 2); // lowercase or uppercase, no mixed case in any base CE
if(numBasePrimaries < numTailoredPrimaries) {
cases |= (long)c << ((numBasePrimaries - 1) * 2);
} else if(numBasePrimaries == numTailoredPrimaries) {
lastCase = c;
} else if(c != lastCase) {
// There are more base primary CEs than tailored primaries.
// Set mixed case if the case bits of the remainder differ.
lastCase = 1;
// Nothing more can change.
if(numBasePrimaries >= numTailoredPrimaries) {
cases |= (long)lastCase << ((numTailoredPrimaries - 1) * 2);
for(int i = 0; i < cesLength; ++i) {
long ce = ces[i] & 0xffffffffffff3fffL; // clear old case bits
int strength = ceStrength(ce);
if(strength == Collator.PRIMARY) {
ce |= (cases & 3) << 14;
cases >>>= 2;
} else if(strength == Collator.TERTIARY) {
// Tertiary CEs must have uppercase bits.
// See the LDML spec, and comments in class CollationCompare.
ce |= 0x8000;
// Tertiary ignorable CEs must have 0 case bits.
// We set 0 case bits for secondary CEs too
// since currently only U+0345 is cased and maps to a secondary CE,
// and it is lowercase. Other secondaries are uncased.
// See [[:Cased:]&[:uca1=:]] where uca1 queries the root primary weight.
ces[i] = ce;
/** Implements CollationRuleParser.Sink. */
void suppressContractions(UnicodeSet set) {
/** Implements CollationRuleParser.Sink. */
void optimize(UnicodeSet set) {
* Adds the mapping and its canonical closure.
* Takes ce32=dataBuilder.encodeCEs(...) so that the data builder
* need not re-encode the CEs multiple times.
private int addWithClosure(CharSequence nfdPrefix, CharSequence nfdString,
long[] newCEs, int newCEsLength, int ce32) {
// Map from the NFD input to the CEs.
ce32 = addIfDifferent(nfdPrefix, nfdString, newCEs, newCEsLength, ce32);
ce32 = addOnlyClosure(nfdPrefix, nfdString, newCEs, newCEsLength, ce32);
addTailComposites(nfdPrefix, nfdString);
return ce32;
private int addOnlyClosure(CharSequence nfdPrefix, CharSequence nfdString,
long[] newCEs, int newCEsLength, int ce32) {
// Map from canonically equivalent input to the CEs. (But not from the all-NFD input.)
// TODO: make CanonicalIterator work with CharSequence, or maybe change arguments here to String
if(nfdPrefix.length() == 0) {
CanonicalIterator stringIter = new CanonicalIterator(nfdString.toString());
String prefix = "";
for(;;) {
String str = stringIter.next();
if(str == null) { break; }
if(ignoreString(str) || str.contentEquals(nfdString)) { continue; }
ce32 = addIfDifferent(prefix, str, newCEs, newCEsLength, ce32);
} else {
CanonicalIterator prefixIter = new CanonicalIterator(nfdPrefix.toString());
CanonicalIterator stringIter = new CanonicalIterator(nfdString.toString());
for(;;) {
String prefix = prefixIter.next();
if(prefix == null) { break; }
if(ignorePrefix(prefix)) { continue; }
boolean samePrefix = prefix.contentEquals(nfdPrefix);
for(;;) {
String str = stringIter.next();
if(str == null) { break; }
if(ignoreString(str) || (samePrefix && str.contentEquals(nfdString))) { continue; }
ce32 = addIfDifferent(prefix, str, newCEs, newCEsLength, ce32);
return ce32;
private void addTailComposites(CharSequence nfdPrefix, CharSequence nfdString) {
// Look for the last starter in the NFD string.
int lastStarter;
int indexAfterLastStarter = nfdString.length();
for(;;) {
if(indexAfterLastStarter == 0) { return; } // no starter at all
lastStarter = Character.codePointBefore(nfdString, indexAfterLastStarter);
if(nfd.getCombiningClass(lastStarter) == 0) { break; }
indexAfterLastStarter -= Character.charCount(lastStarter);
// No closure to Hangul syllables since we decompose them on the fly.
if(Hangul.isJamoL(lastStarter)) { return; }
// Are there any composites whose decomposition starts with the lastStarter?
// Note: Normalizer2Impl does not currently return start sets for NFC_QC=Maybe characters.
// We might find some more equivalent mappings here if it did.
UnicodeSet composites = new UnicodeSet();
if(!nfcImpl.getCanonStartSet(lastStarter, composites)) { return; }
StringBuilder newNFDString = new StringBuilder(), newString = new StringBuilder();
long[] newCEs = new long[Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(composites);
while(iter.next()) {
assert(iter.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING);
int composite = iter.codepoint;
String decomp = nfd.getDecomposition(composite);
if(!mergeCompositeIntoString(nfdString, indexAfterLastStarter, composite, decomp,
newNFDString, newString)) {
int newCEsLength = dataBuilder.getCEs(nfdPrefix, newNFDString, newCEs, 0);
if(newCEsLength > Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH) {
// Ignore mappings that we cannot store.
// Note: It is possible that the newCEs do not make use of the mapping
// for which we are adding the tail composites, in which case we might be adding
// unnecessary mappings.
// For example, when we add tail composites for ae^ (^=combining circumflex),
// UCA discontiguous-contraction matching does not find any matches
// for ae_^ (_=any combining diacritic below) *unless* there is also
// a contraction mapping for ae.
// Thus, if there is no ae contraction, then the ae^ mapping is ignored
// while fetching the newCEs for ae_^.
// TODO: Try to detect this effectively.
// (Alternatively, print a warning when prefix contractions are missing.)
// We do not need an explicit mapping for the NFD strings.
// It is fine if the NFD input collates like this via a sequence of mappings.
// It also saves a little bit of space, and may reduce the set of characters with contractions.
int ce32 = addIfDifferent(nfdPrefix, newString,
newCEs, newCEsLength, Collation.UNASSIGNED_CE32);
if(ce32 != Collation.UNASSIGNED_CE32) {
// was different, was added
addOnlyClosure(nfdPrefix, newNFDString, newCEs, newCEsLength, ce32);
private boolean mergeCompositeIntoString(CharSequence nfdString, int indexAfterLastStarter,
int composite, CharSequence decomp,
StringBuilder newNFDString, StringBuilder newString) {
assert(Character.codePointBefore(nfdString, indexAfterLastStarter) ==
Character.codePointAt(decomp, 0));
int lastStarterLength = Character.offsetByCodePoints(decomp, 0, 1);
if(lastStarterLength == decomp.length()) {
// Singleton decompositions should be found by addWithClosure()
// and the CanonicalIterator, so we can ignore them here.
return false;
if(equalSubSequences(nfdString, indexAfterLastStarter, decomp, lastStarterLength)) {
// same strings, nothing new to be found here
return false;
// Make new FCD strings that combine a composite, or its decomposition,
// into the nfdString's last starter and the combining marks following it.
// Make an NFD version, and a version with the composite.
newNFDString.append(nfdString, 0, indexAfterLastStarter);
newString.append(nfdString, 0, indexAfterLastStarter - lastStarterLength)
// The following is related to discontiguous contraction matching,
// but builds only FCD strings (or else returns false).
int sourceIndex = indexAfterLastStarter;
int decompIndex = lastStarterLength;
// Small optimization: We keep the source character across loop iterations
// because we do not always consume it,
// and then need not fetch it again nor look up its combining class again.
int sourceChar = Collation.SENTINEL_CP;
// The cc variables need to be declared before the loop so that at the end
// they are set to the last combining classes seen.
int sourceCC = 0;
int decompCC = 0;
for(;;) {
if(sourceChar < 0) {
if(sourceIndex >= nfdString.length()) { break; }
sourceChar = Character.codePointAt(nfdString, sourceIndex);
sourceCC = nfd.getCombiningClass(sourceChar);
assert(sourceCC != 0);
// We consume a decomposition character in each iteration.
if(decompIndex >= decomp.length()) { break; }
int decompChar = Character.codePointAt(decomp, decompIndex);
decompCC = nfd.getCombiningClass(decompChar);
// Compare the two characters and their combining classes.
if(decompCC == 0) {
// Unable to merge because the source contains a non-zero combining mark
// but the composite's decomposition contains another starter.
// The strings would not be equivalent.
return false;
} else if(sourceCC < decompCC) {
// Composite + sourceChar would not be FCD.
return false;
} else if(decompCC < sourceCC) {
decompIndex += Character.charCount(decompChar);
} else if(decompChar != sourceChar) {
// Blocked because same combining class.
return false;
} else { // match: decompChar == sourceChar
decompIndex += Character.charCount(decompChar);
sourceIndex += Character.charCount(decompChar);
sourceChar = Collation.SENTINEL_CP;
// We are at the end of at least one of the two inputs.
if(sourceChar >= 0) { // more characters from nfdString but not from decomp
if(sourceCC < decompCC) {
// Appending the next source character to the composite would not be FCD.
return false;
newNFDString.append(nfdString, sourceIndex, nfdString.length());
newString.append(nfdString, sourceIndex, nfdString.length());
} else if(decompIndex < decomp.length()) { // more characters from decomp, not from nfdString
newNFDString.append(decomp, decompIndex, decomp.length());
assert(nfd.normalize(newString).equals(newNFDString.toString())); // canonically equivalent
return true;
private boolean equalSubSequences(CharSequence left, int leftStart, CharSequence right, int rightStart) {
// C++ UnicodeString::compare(leftStart, 0x7fffffff, right, rightStart, 0x7fffffff) == 0
int leftLength = left.length();
if((leftLength - leftStart) != (right.length() - rightStart)) { return false; }
while(leftStart < leftLength) {
if(left.charAt(leftStart++) != right.charAt(rightStart++)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean ignorePrefix(CharSequence s) {
// Do not map non-FCD prefixes.
return !isFCD(s);
private boolean ignoreString(CharSequence s) {
// Do not map non-FCD strings.
// Do not map strings that start with Hangul syllables: We decompose those on the fly.
return !isFCD(s) || Hangul.isHangul(s.charAt(0));
private boolean isFCD(CharSequence s) {
return fcd.isNormalized(s);
private static final UnicodeSet COMPOSITES = new UnicodeSet("[:NFD_QC=N:]");
static {
// Hangul is decomposed on the fly during collation.
private void closeOverComposites() {
String prefix = ""; // empty
UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(COMPOSITES);
while(iter.next()) {
assert(iter.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING);
String nfdString = nfd.getDecomposition(iter.codepoint);
cesLength = dataBuilder.getCEs(nfdString, ces, 0);
if(cesLength > Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH) {
// Too many CEs from the decomposition (unusual), ignore this composite.
// We could add a capacity parameter to getCEs() and reallocate if necessary.
// However, this can only really happen in contrived cases.
String composite = iter.getString();
addIfDifferent(prefix, composite, ces, cesLength, Collation.UNASSIGNED_CE32);
private int addIfDifferent(CharSequence prefix, CharSequence str,
long[] newCEs, int newCEsLength, int ce32) {
long[] oldCEs = new long[Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
int oldCEsLength = dataBuilder.getCEs(prefix, str, oldCEs, 0);
if(!sameCEs(newCEs, newCEsLength, oldCEs, oldCEsLength)) {
if(ce32 == Collation.UNASSIGNED_CE32) {
ce32 = dataBuilder.encodeCEs(newCEs, newCEsLength);
dataBuilder.addCE32(prefix, str, ce32);
return ce32;
private static boolean sameCEs(long[] ces1, int ces1Length,
long[] ces2, int ces2Length) {
if(ces1Length != ces2Length) {
return false;
assert(ces1Length <= Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH);
for(int i = 0; i < ces1Length; ++i) {
if(ces1[i] != ces2[i]) { return false; }
return true;
private static final int alignWeightRight(int w) {
if(w != 0) {
while((w & 0xff) == 0) { w >>>= 8; }
return w;
* Walks the tailoring graph and overwrites tailored nodes with new CEs.
* After this, the graph is destroyed.
* The nodes array can then be used only as a source of tailored CEs.
private void makeTailoredCEs() {
CollationWeights primaries = new CollationWeights();
CollationWeights secondaries = new CollationWeights();
CollationWeights tertiaries = new CollationWeights();
long[] nodesArray = nodes.getBuffer();
if(DEBUG) {
for(int rpi = 0; rpi < rootPrimaryIndexes.size(); ++rpi) {
int i = rootPrimaryIndexes.elementAti(rpi);
long node = nodesArray[i];
long p = weight32FromNode(node);
int s = p == 0 ? 0 : Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
int t = s;
int q = 0;
boolean pIsTailored = false;
boolean sIsTailored = false;
boolean tIsTailored = false;
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.printf("\nprimary %x\n", alignWeightRight((int)p));
int pIndex = p == 0 ? 0 : rootElements.findPrimary(p);
int nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node);
while(nextIndex != 0) {
i = nextIndex;
node = nodesArray[i];
nextIndex = nextIndexFromNode(node);
int strength = strengthFromNode(node);
if(strength == Collator.QUATERNARY) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.print(" quat+ ");
if(q == 3) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("quaternary tailoring gap too small");
} else {
if(strength == Collator.TERTIARY) {
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.print(" ter+ ");
if(!tIsTailored) {
// First tailored tertiary node for [p, s].
int tCount = countTailoredNodes(nodesArray, nextIndex,
Collator.TERTIARY) + 1;
int tLimit;
if(t == 0) {
// Gap at the beginning of the tertiary CE range.
t = rootElements.getTertiaryBoundary() - 0x100;
tLimit = (int)rootElements.getFirstTertiaryCE() & Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK;
} else if(!pIsTailored && !sIsTailored) {
// p and s are root weights.
tLimit = rootElements.getTertiaryAfter(pIndex, s, t);
} else if(t == Collation.BEFORE_WEIGHT16) {
tLimit = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
} else {
// [p, s] is tailored.
assert(t == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16);
tLimit = rootElements.getTertiaryBoundary();
assert(tLimit == 0x4000 || (tLimit & ~Collation.ONLY_TERTIARY_MASK) == 0);
if(!tertiaries.allocWeights(t, tLimit, tCount)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tertiary tailoring gap too small");
tIsTailored = true;
t = (int)tertiaries.nextWeight();
assert(t != 0xffffffff);
} else {
t = weight16FromNode(node);
tIsTailored = false;
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.printf(" ter %x\n", alignWeightRight(t));
} else {
if(strength == Collator.SECONDARY) {
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.print(" sec+ ");
if(!sIsTailored) {
// First tailored secondary node for p.
int sCount = countTailoredNodes(nodesArray, nextIndex,
Collator.SECONDARY) + 1;
int sLimit;
if(s == 0) {
// Gap at the beginning of the secondary CE range.
s = rootElements.getSecondaryBoundary() - 0x100;
sLimit = (int)(rootElements.getFirstSecondaryCE() >> 16);
} else if(!pIsTailored) {
// p is a root primary.
sLimit = rootElements.getSecondaryAfter(pIndex, s);
} else if(s == Collation.BEFORE_WEIGHT16) {
sLimit = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
} else {
// p is a tailored primary.
assert(s == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16);
sLimit = rootElements.getSecondaryBoundary();
if(s == Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16) {
// Do not tailor into the getSortKey() range of
// compressed common secondaries.
s = rootElements.getLastCommonSecondary();
if(!secondaries.allocWeights(s, sLimit, sCount)) {
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.printf("!secondaries.allocWeights(%x, %x, sCount=%d)\n",
alignWeightRight(s), alignWeightRight(sLimit),
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("secondary tailoring gap too small");
sIsTailored = true;
s = (int)secondaries.nextWeight();
assert(s != 0xffffffff);
} else {
s = weight16FromNode(node);
sIsTailored = false;
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.printf(" sec %x\n", alignWeightRight(s));
} else /* Collator.PRIMARY */ {
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.print("pri+ ");
if(!pIsTailored) {
// First tailored primary node in this list.
int pCount = countTailoredNodes(nodesArray, nextIndex,
Collator.PRIMARY) + 1;
boolean isCompressible = baseData.isCompressiblePrimary(p);
long pLimit =
rootElements.getPrimaryAfter(p, pIndex, isCompressible);
if(!primaries.allocWeights(p, pLimit, pCount)) {
// C++ U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR // TODO: introduce a more specific UErrorCode?
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("primary tailoring gap too small");
pIsTailored = true;
p = primaries.nextWeight();
assert(p != 0xffffffffL);
s = Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
sIsTailored = false;
t = s == 0 ? 0 : Collation.COMMON_WEIGHT16;
tIsTailored = false;
q = 0;
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
nodesArray[i] = Collation.makeCE(p, s, t, q);
if(DEBUG) {
System.out.printf("%016x\n", nodesArray[i]);
* Counts the tailored nodes of the given strength up to the next node
* which is either stronger or has an explicit weight of this strength.
private static int countTailoredNodes(long[] nodesArray, int i, int strength) {
int count = 0;
for(;;) {
if(i == 0) { break; }
long node = nodesArray[i];
if(strengthFromNode(node) < strength) { break; }
if(strengthFromNode(node) == strength) {
if(isTailoredNode(node)) {
} else {
i = nextIndexFromNode(node);
return count;
private static final class CEFinalizer implements CollationDataBuilder.CEModifier {
CEFinalizer(long[] ces) {
finalCEs = ces;
public long modifyCE32(int ce32) {
if(CollationBuilder.isTempCE32(ce32)) {
// retain case bits
return finalCEs[CollationBuilder.indexFromTempCE32(ce32)] | ((ce32 & 0xc0) << 8);
} else {
return Collation.NO_CE;
public long modifyCE(long ce) {
if(CollationBuilder.isTempCE(ce)) {
// retain case bits
return finalCEs[CollationBuilder.indexFromTempCE(ce)] | (ce & 0xc000);
} else {
return Collation.NO_CE;
private long[] finalCEs;
/** Replaces temporary CEs with the final CEs they point to. */
private void finalizeCEs() {
CollationDataBuilder newBuilder = new CollationDataBuilder();
CEFinalizer finalizer = new CEFinalizer(nodes.getBuffer());
newBuilder.copyFrom(dataBuilder, finalizer);
dataBuilder = newBuilder;
* Encodes "temporary CE" data into a CE that fits into the CE32 data structure,
* with 2-byte primary, 1-byte secondary and 6-bit tertiary,
* with valid CE byte values.
* The index must not exceed 20 bits (0xfffff).
* The strength must fit into 2 bits (Collator.PRIMARY..Collator.QUATERNARY).
* Temporary CEs are distinguished from real CEs by their use of
* secondary weights 06..45 which are otherwise reserved for compressed sort keys.
* The case bits are unused and available.
private static long tempCEFromIndexAndStrength(int index, int strength) {
// CE byte offsets, to ensure valid CE bytes, and case bits 11
0x4040000006002000L +
// index bits 19..13 -> primary byte 1 = CE bits 63..56 (byte values 40..BF)
((long)(index & 0xfe000) << 43) +
// index bits 12..6 -> primary byte 2 = CE bits 55..48 (byte values 40..BF)
((long)(index & 0x1fc0) << 42) +
// index bits 5..0 -> secondary byte 1 = CE bits 31..24 (byte values 06..45)
((index & 0x3f) << 24) +
// strength bits 1..0 -> tertiary byte 1 = CE bits 13..8 (byte values 20..23)
(strength << 8);
private static int indexFromTempCE(long tempCE) {
tempCE -= 0x4040000006002000L;
((int)(tempCE >> 43) & 0xfe000) |
((int)(tempCE >> 42) & 0x1fc0) |
((int)(tempCE >> 24) & 0x3f);
private static int strengthFromTempCE(long tempCE) {
return ((int)tempCE >> 8) & 3;
private static boolean isTempCE(long ce) {
int sec = (int)ce >>> 24;
return 6 <= sec && sec <= 0x45;
private static int indexFromTempCE32(int tempCE32) {
tempCE32 -= 0x40400620;
((tempCE32 >> 11) & 0xfe000) |
((tempCE32 >> 10) & 0x1fc0) |
((tempCE32 >> 8) & 0x3f);
private static boolean isTempCE32(int ce32) {
(ce32 & 0xff) >= 2 && // not a long-primary/long-secondary CE32
6 <= ((ce32 >> 8) & 0xff) && ((ce32 >> 8) & 0xff) <= 0x45;
private static int ceStrength(long ce) {
isTempCE(ce) ? strengthFromTempCE(ce) :
(ce & 0xff00000000000000L) != 0 ? Collator.PRIMARY :
((int)ce & 0xff000000) != 0 ? Collator.SECONDARY :
ce != 0 ? Collator.TERTIARY :
/** At most 1M nodes, limited by the 20 bits in node bit fields. */
private static final int MAX_INDEX = 0xfffff;
* Node bit 6 is set on a primary node if there are nodes
* with secondary values below the common secondary weight (05).
private static final int HAS_BEFORE2 = 0x40;
* Node bit 5 is set on a primary or secondary node if there are nodes
* with tertiary values below the common tertiary weight (05).
private static final int HAS_BEFORE3 = 0x20;
* Node bit 3 distinguishes a tailored node, which has no weight value,
* from a node with an explicit (root or default) weight.
private static final int IS_TAILORED = 8;
private static long nodeFromWeight32(long weight32) {
return weight32 << 32;
private static long nodeFromWeight16(int weight16) {
return (long)weight16 << 48;
private static long nodeFromPreviousIndex(int previous) {
return (long)previous << 28;
private static long nodeFromNextIndex(int next) {
return next << 8;
private static long nodeFromStrength(int strength) {
return strength;
private static long weight32FromNode(long node) {
return node >>> 32;
private static int weight16FromNode(long node) {
return (int)(node >> 48) & 0xffff;
private static int previousIndexFromNode(long node) {
return (int)(node >> 28) & MAX_INDEX;
private static int nextIndexFromNode(long node) {
return ((int)node >> 8) & MAX_INDEX;
private static int strengthFromNode(long node) {
return (int)node & 3;
private static boolean nodeHasBefore2(long node) {
return (node & HAS_BEFORE2) != 0;
private static boolean nodeHasBefore3(long node) {
return (node & HAS_BEFORE3) != 0;
private static boolean nodeHasAnyBefore(long node) {
return (node & (HAS_BEFORE2 | HAS_BEFORE3)) != 0;
private static boolean isTailoredNode(long node) {
return (node & IS_TAILORED) != 0;
private static long changeNodePreviousIndex(long node, int previous) {
return (node & 0xffff00000fffffffL) | nodeFromPreviousIndex(previous);
private static long changeNodeNextIndex(long node, int next) {
return (node & 0xfffffffff00000ffL) | nodeFromNextIndex(next);
private Normalizer2 nfd, fcd;
private Normalizer2Impl nfcImpl;
private CollationTailoring base;
private CollationData baseData;
private CollationRootElements rootElements;
private long variableTop;
private CollationDataBuilder dataBuilder;
private boolean fastLatinEnabled;
private UnicodeSet optimizeSet = new UnicodeSet();
private long[] ces = new long[Collation.MAX_EXPANSION_LENGTH];
private int cesLength;
* Indexes of nodes with root primary weights, sorted by primary.
* Compact form of a TreeMap from root primary to node index.
* This is a performance optimization for finding reset positions.
* Without this, we would have to search through the entire nodes list.
* It also allows storing root primary weights in list head nodes,
* without previous index, leaving room in root primary nodes for 32-bit primary weights.
private UVector32 rootPrimaryIndexes;
* Data structure for assigning tailored weights and CEs.
* Doubly-linked lists of nodes in mostly collation order.
* Each list starts with a root primary node and ends with a nextIndex of 0.
* When there are any nodes in the list, then there is always a root primary node at index 0.
* This allows some code not to have to check explicitly for nextIndex==0.
* Root primary nodes have 32-bit weights but do not have previous indexes.
* All other nodes have at most 16-bit weights and do have previous indexes.
* Nodes with explicit weights store root collator weights,
* or default weak weights (e.g., secondary 05) for stronger nodes.
* "Tailored" nodes, with the IS_TAILORED bit set,
* do not store explicit weights but rather
* create a difference of a certain strength from the preceding node.
* A root node is followed by either
* - a root/default node of the same strength, or
* - a root/default node of the next-weaker strength, or
* - a tailored node of the same strength.
* A node of a given strength normally implies "common" weights on weaker levels.
* A node with HAS_BEFORE2 must be immediately followed by
* a secondary node with an explicit below-common weight, then a secondary tailored node,
* and later an explicit common-secondary node.
* The below-common weight can be a root weight,
* or it can be BEFORE_WEIGHT16 for tailoring before an implied common weight
* or before the lowest root weight.
* (&[before 2] resets to an explicit secondary node so that
* the following addRelation(secondary) tailors right after that.
* If we did not have this node and instead were to reset on the primary node,
* then addRelation(secondary) would skip forward to the the COMMON_WEIGHT16 node.)
* If the flag is not set, then there are no explicit secondary nodes
* with the common or lower weights.
* Same for HAS_BEFORE3 for tertiary nodes and weights.
* A node must not have both flags set.
* Tailored CEs are initially represented in a CollationDataBuilder as temporary CEs
* which point to stable indexes in this list,
* and temporary CEs stored in a CollationDataBuilder only point to tailored nodes.
* A temporary CE in the ces[] array may point to a non-tailored reset-before-position node,
* until the next relation is added.
* At the end, the tailored weights are allocated as necessary,
* then the tailored nodes are replaced with final CEs,
* and the CollationData is rewritten by replacing temporary CEs with final ones.
* We cannot simply insert new nodes in the middle of the array
* because that would invalidate the indexes stored in existing temporary CEs.
* We need to use a linked graph with stable indexes to existing nodes.
* A doubly-linked list seems easiest to maintain.
* Each node is stored as an long, with its fields stored as bit fields.
* Root primary node:
* - primary weight: 32 bits 63..32
* - reserved/unused/zero: 4 bits 31..28
* Weaker root nodes & tailored nodes:
* - a weight: 16 bits 63..48
* + a root or default weight for a non-tailored node
* + unused/zero for a tailored node
* - index to the previous node: 20 bits 47..28
* All types of nodes:
* - index to the next node: 20 bits 27..8
* + nextIndex=0 in last node per root-primary list
* - reserved/unused/zero bits: bits 7, 4, 2
* - HAS_BEFORE2: bit 6
* - HAS_BEFORE3: bit 5
* - IS_TAILORED: bit 3
* - the difference strength (primary/secondary/tertiary/quaternary): 2 bits 1..0
* We could allocate structs with pointers, but we would have to store them
* in a pointer list so that they can be indexed from temporary CEs,
* and they would require more memory allocations.
private UVector64 nodes;
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