com.ibm.icu.text.AlphabeticIndex Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2008-2016, Google Inc, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
package com.ibm.icu.text;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter;
import com.ibm.icu.text.AlphabeticIndex.Bucket;
import com.ibm.icu.text.AlphabeticIndex.Bucket.LabelType;
import com.ibm.icu.util.LocaleData;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
* AlphabeticIndex supports the creation of a UI index appropriate for a given language.
* It can support either direct use, or use with a client that doesn't support localized collation.
* The following is an example of what an index might look like in a UI:
* ... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ...
* A
* Addison
* Albertson
* Azensky
* B
* Baecker
* ...
* The class can generate a list of labels for use as a UI "index", that is, a list of
* clickable characters (or character sequences) that allow the user to see a segment
* (bucket) of a larger "target" list. That is, each label corresponds to a bucket in
* the target list, where everything in the bucket is greater than or equal to the character
* (according to the locale's collation). Strings can be added to the index;
* they will be in sorted order in the right bucket.
* The class also supports having buckets for strings before the first (underflow),
* after the last (overflow), and between scripts (inflow). For example, if the index
* is constructed with labels for Russian and English, Greek characters would fall
* into an inflow bucket between the other two scripts.
Note: If you expect to have a lot of ASCII or Latin characters
* as well as characters from the user's language,
* then it is a good idea to call addLabels(ULocale.English).
Direct Use
* The following shows an example of building an index directly.
* The "show..." methods below are just to illustrate usage.
* // Create a simple index where the values for the strings are Integers, and add the strings
* AlphabeticIndex<Integer> index = new AlphabeticIndex<Integer>(desiredLocale).addLabels(additionalLocale);
* int counter = 0;
* for (String item : test) {
* index.addRecord(item, counter++);
* }
* ...
* // Show index at top. We could skip or gray out empty buckets
* for (AlphabeticIndex.Bucket<Integer> bucket : index) {
* if (showAll || bucket.size() != 0) {
* showLabelAtTop(UI, bucket.getLabel());
* }
* }
* ...
* // Show the buckets with their contents, skipping empty buckets
* for (AlphabeticIndex.Bucket<Integer> bucket : index) {
* if (bucket.size() != 0) {
* showLabelInList(UI, bucket.getLabel());
* for (AlphabeticIndex.Record<Integer> item : bucket) {
* showIndexedItem(UI, item.getName(), item.getData());
* }
* The caller can build different UIs using this class.
* For example, an index character could be omitted or grayed-out
* if its bucket is empty. Small buckets could also be combined based on size, such as:
* ... A-F G-N O-Z ...
* Client Support
* Callers can also use the {@link AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex}, or the AlphabeticIndex itself,
* to support sorting on a client that doesn't support AlphabeticIndex functionality.
The ImmutableIndex is both immutable and thread-safe.
* The corresponding AlphabeticIndex methods are not thread-safe because
* they "lazily" build the index buckets.
* - ImmutableIndex.getBucket(index) provides random access to all
* buckets and their labels and label types.
- AlphabeticIndex.getBucketLabels() or the bucket iterator on either class
* can be used to get a list of the labels,
* such as "...", "A", "B",..., and send that list to the client.
- When the client has a new name, it sends that name to the server.
* The server needs to call the following methods,
* and communicate the bucketIndex and collationKey back to the client.
* int bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(name);
* String label = immutableIndex.getBucket(bucketIndex).getLabel(); // optional
* RawCollationKey collationKey = collator.getRawCollationKey(name, null);
* - The client would put the name (and associated information) into its bucket for bucketIndex. The collationKey is a
* sequence of bytes that can be compared with a binary compare, and produce the right localized result.
* @author Mark Davis
* @stable ICU 4.8
public final class AlphabeticIndex implements Iterable> {
* Prefix string for Chinese index buckets.
* See http://unicode.org/repos/cldr/trunk/specs/ldml/tr35-collation.html#Collation_Indexes
private static final String BASE = "\uFDD0";
private static final char CGJ = '\u034F';
private static final Comparator binaryCmp = new UTF16.StringComparator(true, false, 0);
private final RuleBasedCollator collatorOriginal;
private final RuleBasedCollator collatorPrimaryOnly;
private RuleBasedCollator collatorExternal;
// Comparator for records, so that the Record class can be static.
private final Comparator> recordComparator = new Comparator>() {
public int compare(Record o1, Record o2) {
return collatorOriginal.compare(o1.name, o2.name);
private final List firstCharsInScripts;
// We accumulate these as we build up the input parameters
private final UnicodeSet initialLabels = new UnicodeSet();
private List> inputList;
// Lazy evaluated: null means that we have not built yet.
private BucketList buckets;
private String overflowLabel = "\u2026";
private String underflowLabel = "\u2026";
private String inflowLabel = "\u2026";
* Immutable, thread-safe version of {@link AlphabeticIndex}.
* This class provides thread-safe methods for bucketing,
* and random access to buckets and their properties,
* but does not offer adding records to the index.
* @param The Record value type is unused. It can be omitted for this class
* if it was omitted for the AlphabeticIndex that built it.
* @stable ICU 51
public static final class ImmutableIndex implements Iterable> {
private final BucketList buckets;
private final Collator collatorPrimaryOnly;
private ImmutableIndex(BucketList bucketList, Collator collatorPrimaryOnly) {
this.buckets = bucketList;
this.collatorPrimaryOnly = collatorPrimaryOnly;
* Returns the number of index buckets and labels, including underflow/inflow/overflow.
* @return the number of index buckets
* @stable ICU 51
public int getBucketCount() {
return buckets.getBucketCount();
* Finds the index bucket for the given name and returns the number of that bucket.
* Use {@link #getBucket(int)} to get the bucket's properties.
* @param name the string to be sorted into an index bucket
* @return the bucket number for the name
* @stable ICU 51
public int getBucketIndex(CharSequence name) {
return buckets.getBucketIndex(name, collatorPrimaryOnly);
* Returns the index-th bucket. Returns null if the index is out of range.
* @param index bucket number
* @return the index-th bucket
* @stable ICU 51
public Bucket getBucket(int index) {
if (0 <= index && index < buckets.getBucketCount()) {
return buckets.immutableVisibleList.get(index);
} else {
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 51
public Iterator> iterator() {
return buckets.iterator();
* Create the index object.
* @param locale
* The locale for the index.
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex(ULocale locale) {
this(locale, null);
* Create the index object.
* @param locale
* The locale for the index.
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex(Locale locale) {
this(ULocale.forLocale(locale), null);
* Create an AlphabeticIndex that uses a specific collator.
* The index will be created with no labels; the addLabels() function must be called
* after creation to add the desired labels to the index.
The index will work directly with the supplied collator. If the caller will need to
* continue working with the collator it should be cloned first, so that the
* collator provided to the AlphabeticIndex remains unchanged after creation of the index.
* @param collator The collator to use to order the contents of this index.
* @stable ICU 51
public AlphabeticIndex(RuleBasedCollator collator) {
this(null, collator);
* Internal constructor containing implementation used by public constructors.
private AlphabeticIndex(ULocale locale, RuleBasedCollator collator) {
collatorOriginal = collator != null ? collator : (RuleBasedCollator) Collator.getInstance(locale);
try {
collatorPrimaryOnly = collatorOriginal.cloneAsThawed();
} catch (Exception e) {
// should never happen
throw new IllegalStateException("Collator cannot be cloned", e);
firstCharsInScripts = getFirstCharactersInScripts();
Collections.sort(firstCharsInScripts, collatorPrimaryOnly);
// Guard against a degenerate collator where
// some script boundary strings are primary ignorable.
for (;;) {
if (firstCharsInScripts.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"AlphabeticIndex requires some non-ignorable script boundary strings");
if (collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(firstCharsInScripts.get(0), "") == 0) {
} else {
// Chinese index characters, which are specific to each of the several Chinese tailorings,
// take precedence over the single locale data exemplar set per language.
if (!addChineseIndexCharacters() && locale != null) {
* Add more index characters (aside from what are in the locale)
* @param additions additional characters to add to the index, such as A-Z.
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex addLabels(UnicodeSet additions) {
buckets = null;
return this;
* Add more index characters (aside from what are in the locale)
* @param additions additional characters to add to the index, such as those in Swedish.
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex addLabels(ULocale... additions) {
for (ULocale addition : additions) {
buckets = null;
return this;
* Add more index characters (aside from what are in the locale)
* @param additions additional characters to add to the index, such as those in Swedish.
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex addLabels(Locale... additions) {
for (Locale addition : additions) {
buckets = null;
return this;
* Set the overflow label
* @param overflowLabel see class description
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex setOverflowLabel(String overflowLabel) {
this.overflowLabel = overflowLabel;
buckets = null;
return this;
* Get the default label used in the IndexCharacters' locale for underflow, eg the last item in: X Y Z ...
* @return underflow label
* @stable ICU 4.8
public String getUnderflowLabel() {
return underflowLabel; // TODO get localized version
* Set the underflowLabel label
* @param underflowLabel see class description
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex setUnderflowLabel(String underflowLabel) {
this.underflowLabel = underflowLabel;
buckets = null;
return this;
* Get the default label used in the IndexCharacters' locale for overflow, eg the first item in: ... A B C
* @return overflow label
* @stable ICU 4.8
public String getOverflowLabel() {
return overflowLabel; // TODO get localized version
* Set the inflowLabel label
* @param inflowLabel see class description
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex setInflowLabel(String inflowLabel) {
this.inflowLabel = inflowLabel;
buckets = null;
return this;
* Get the default label used for abbreviated buckets between other labels. For example, consider the labels
* for Latin and Greek are used: X Y Z ... Α Β Γ.
* @return inflow label
* @stable ICU 4.8
public String getInflowLabel() {
return inflowLabel; // TODO get localized version
* Get the limit on the number of labels in the index. The number of buckets can be slightly larger: see getBucketCount().
* @return maxLabelCount maximum number of labels.
* @stable ICU 4.8
public int getMaxLabelCount() {
return maxLabelCount;
* Set a limit on the number of labels in the index. The number of buckets can be slightly larger: see
* getBucketCount().
* @param maxLabelCount Set the maximum number of labels. Currently, if the number is exceeded, then every
* nth item is removed to bring the count down. A more sophisticated mechanism may be available in the
* future.
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex setMaxLabelCount(int maxLabelCount) {
this.maxLabelCount = maxLabelCount;
buckets = null;
return this;
* Determine the best labels to use. This is based on the exemplars, but we also process to make sure that they are unique,
* and sort differently, and that the overall list is small enough.
private List initLabels() {
Normalizer2 nfkdNormalizer = Normalizer2.getNFKDInstance();
List indexCharacters = new ArrayList();
String firstScriptBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(0);
String overflowBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(firstCharsInScripts.size() - 1);
// We make a sorted array of elements.
// Some of the input may be redundant.
// That is, we might have c, ch, d, where "ch" sorts just like "c", "h".
// We filter out those cases.
for (String item : initialLabels) {
boolean checkDistinct;
if (!UTF16.hasMoreCodePointsThan(item, 1)) {
checkDistinct = false;
} else if(item.charAt(item.length() - 1) == '*' &&
item.charAt(item.length() - 2) != '*') {
// Use a label if it is marked with one trailing star,
// even if the label string sorts the same when all contractions are suppressed.
item = item.substring(0, item.length() - 1);
checkDistinct = false;
} else {
checkDistinct = true;
if (collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(item, firstScriptBoundary) < 0) {
// Ignore a primary-ignorable or non-alphabetic index character.
} else if (collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(item, overflowBoundary) >= 0) {
// Ignore an index character that will land in the overflow bucket.
} else if (checkDistinct && collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(item, separated(item)) == 0) {
// Ignore a multi-code point index character that does not sort distinctly
// from the sequence of its separate characters.
} else {
int insertionPoint = Collections.binarySearch(indexCharacters, item, collatorPrimaryOnly);
if (insertionPoint < 0) {
indexCharacters.add(~insertionPoint, item);
} else {
String itemAlreadyIn = indexCharacters.get(insertionPoint);
if (isOneLabelBetterThanOther(nfkdNormalizer, item, itemAlreadyIn)) {
indexCharacters.set(insertionPoint, item);
// if the result is still too large, cut down to maxLabelCount elements, by removing every nth element
final int size = indexCharacters.size() - 1;
if (size > maxLabelCount) {
int count = 0;
int old = -1;
for (Iterator it = indexCharacters.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
final int bump = count * maxLabelCount / size;
if (bump == old) {
} else {
old = bump;
return indexCharacters;
private static String fixLabel(String current) {
if (!current.startsWith(BASE)) {
return current;
int rest = current.charAt(BASE.length());
if (0x2800 < rest && rest <= 0x28FF) { // stroke count
return (rest-0x2800) + "\u5283";
return current.substring(BASE.length());
* This method is called to get the index exemplars. Normally these come from the locale directly,
* but if they aren't available, we have to synthesize them.
private void addIndexExemplars(ULocale locale) {
UnicodeSet exemplars = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, 0, LocaleData.ES_INDEX);
if (exemplars != null) {
// The locale data did not include explicit Index characters.
// Synthesize a set of them from the locale's standard exemplar characters.
exemplars = LocaleData.getExemplarSet(locale, 0, LocaleData.ES_STANDARD);
exemplars = exemplars.cloneAsThawed();
// question: should we add auxiliary exemplars?
if (exemplars.containsSome('a', 'z') || exemplars.size() == 0) {
exemplars.addAll('a', 'z');
if (exemplars.containsSome(0xAC00, 0xD7A3)) { // Hangul syllables
// cut down to small list
exemplars.remove(0xAC00, 0xD7A3).
if (exemplars.containsSome(0x1200, 0x137F)) { // Ethiopic block
// cut down to small list
// make use of the fact that Ethiopic is allocated in 8's, where
// the base is 0 mod 8.
UnicodeSet ethiopic = new UnicodeSet("[[:Block=Ethiopic:]&[:Script=Ethiopic:]]");
UnicodeSetIterator it = new UnicodeSetIterator(ethiopic);
while (it.next() && it.codepoint != UnicodeSetIterator.IS_STRING) {
if ((it.codepoint & 0x7) != 0) {
// Upper-case any that aren't already so.
// (We only do this for synthesized index characters.)
for (String item : exemplars) {
initialLabels.add(UCharacter.toUpperCase(locale, item));
* Add Chinese index characters from the tailoring.
private boolean addChineseIndexCharacters() {
UnicodeSet contractions = new UnicodeSet();
try {
collatorPrimaryOnly.internalAddContractions(BASE.charAt(0), contractions);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
if (contractions.isEmpty()) { return false; }
for (String s : contractions) {
char c = s.charAt(s.length() - 1);
if (0x41 <= c && c <= 0x5A) { // A-Z
// There are Pinyin labels, add ASCII A-Z labels as well.
initialLabels.add(0x41, 0x5A); // A-Z
return true;
* Return the string with interspersed CGJs. Input must have more than 2 codepoints.
* This is used to test whether contractions sort differently from their components.
private String separated(String item) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
// add a CGJ except within surrogates
char last = item.charAt(0);
for (int i = 1; i < item.length(); ++i) {
char ch = item.charAt(i);
if (!UCharacter.isHighSurrogate(last) || !UCharacter.isLowSurrogate(ch)) {
last = ch;
return result.toString();
* Builds an immutable, thread-safe version of this instance, without data records.
* @return an immutable index instance
* @stable ICU 51
public ImmutableIndex buildImmutableIndex() {
// The current AlphabeticIndex Java code never modifies the bucket list once built.
// If it contains no records, we can use it.
// addRecord() sets buckets=null rather than inserting the new record into it.
BucketList immutableBucketList;
if (inputList != null && !inputList.isEmpty()) {
// We need a bucket list with no records.
immutableBucketList = createBucketList();
} else {
if (buckets == null) {
buckets = createBucketList();
immutableBucketList = buckets;
return new ImmutableIndex(immutableBucketList, collatorPrimaryOnly);
* Get the labels.
* @return The list of bucket labels, after processing.
* @stable ICU 4.8
public List getBucketLabels() {
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
for (Bucket bucket : buckets) {
return result;
* Get a clone of the collator used internally. Note that for performance reasons, the clone is only done once, and
* then stored. The next time it is accessed, the same instance is returned.
* Don't use this method across threads if you are changing the settings on the collator, at least not without
* synchronizing.
* @return a clone of the collator used internally
* @stable ICU 4.8
public RuleBasedCollator getCollator() {
if (collatorExternal == null) {
try {
collatorExternal = (RuleBasedCollator) (collatorOriginal.clone());
} catch (Exception e) {
// should never happen
throw new IllegalStateException("Collator cannot be cloned", e);
return collatorExternal;
* Add a record (name and data) to the index. The name will be used to sort the items into buckets, and to sort
* within the bucket. Two records may have the same name. When they do, the sort order is according to the order added:
* the first added comes first.
* @param name
* Name, such as a name
* @param data
* Data, such as an address or link
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex addRecord(CharSequence name, V data) {
// TODO instead of invalidating, just add to unprocessed list.
buckets = null; // invalidate old bucketlist
if (inputList == null) {
inputList = new ArrayList>();
inputList.add(new Record(name, data));
return this;
* Get the bucket number for the given name. This routine permits callers to implement their own bucket handling
* mechanisms, including client-server handling. For example, when a new name is created on the client, it can ask
* the server for the bucket for that name, and the sortkey (using getCollator). Once the client has that
* information, it can put the name into the right bucket, and sort it within that bucket, without having access to
* the index or collator.
* Note that the bucket number (and sort key) are only valid for the settings of the current AlphabeticIndex; if
* those are changed, then the bucket number and sort key must be regenerated.
* @param name
* Name, such as a name
* @return the bucket index for the name
* @stable ICU 4.8
public int getBucketIndex(CharSequence name) {
return buckets.getBucketIndex(name, collatorPrimaryOnly);
* Clear the index.
* @return this, for chaining
* @stable ICU 4.8
public AlphabeticIndex clearRecords() {
if (inputList != null && !inputList.isEmpty()) {
buckets = null;
return this;
* Return the number of buckets in the index. This will be the same as the number of labels, plus buckets for the underflow, overflow, and inflow(s).
* @return number of buckets
* @stable ICU 4.8
public int getBucketCount() {
return buckets.getBucketCount();
* Return the number of records in the index: that is, the total number of distinct <name,data> pairs added with addRecord(...), over all the buckets.
* @return total number of records in buckets
* @stable ICU 4.8
public int getRecordCount() {
return inputList != null ? inputList.size() : 0;
* Return an iterator over the buckets.
* @return iterator over buckets.
* @stable ICU 4.8
public Iterator> iterator() {
return buckets.iterator();
* Creates an index, and buckets and sorts the list of records into the index.
private void initBuckets() {
if (buckets != null) {
buckets = createBucketList();
if (inputList == null || inputList.isEmpty()) {
// Sort the records by name.
// Stable sort preserves input order of collation duplicates.
Collections.sort(inputList, recordComparator);
// Now, we traverse all of the input, which is now sorted.
// If the item doesn't go in the current bucket, we find the next bucket that contains it.
// This makes the process order n*log(n), since we just sort the list and then do a linear process.
// However, if the user adds an item at a time and then gets the buckets, this isn't efficient, so
// we need to improve it for that case.
Iterator> bucketIterator = buckets.fullIterator();
Bucket currentBucket = bucketIterator.next();
Bucket nextBucket;
String upperBoundary;
if (bucketIterator.hasNext()) {
nextBucket = bucketIterator.next();
upperBoundary = nextBucket.lowerBoundary;
} else {
nextBucket = null;
upperBoundary = null;
for (Record r : inputList) {
// if the current bucket isn't the right one, find the one that is
// We have a special flag for the last bucket so that we don't look any further
while (upperBoundary != null &&
collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(r.name, upperBoundary) >= 0) {
currentBucket = nextBucket;
// now reset the boundary that we compare against
if (bucketIterator.hasNext()) {
nextBucket = bucketIterator.next();
upperBoundary = nextBucket.lowerBoundary;
} else {
upperBoundary = null;
// now put the record into the bucket.
Bucket bucket = currentBucket;
if (bucket.displayBucket != null) {
bucket = bucket.displayBucket;
if (bucket.records == null) {
bucket.records = new ArrayList>();
private int maxLabelCount = 99;
* Returns true if one index character string is "better" than the other.
* Shorter NFKD is better, and otherwise NFKD-binary-less-than is
* better, and otherwise binary-less-than is better.
private static boolean isOneLabelBetterThanOther(Normalizer2 nfkdNormalizer, String one, String other) {
// This is called with primary-equal strings, but never with one.equals(other).
String n1 = nfkdNormalizer.normalize(one);
String n2 = nfkdNormalizer.normalize(other);
int result = n1.codePointCount(0, n1.length()) - n2.codePointCount(0, n2.length());
if (result != 0) {
return result < 0;
result = binaryCmp.compare(n1, n2);
if (result != 0) {
return result < 0;
return binaryCmp.compare(one, other) < 0;
* A (name, data) pair, to be sorted by name into one of the index buckets.
* The user data is not used by the index implementation.
* @stable ICU 4.8
public static class Record {
private final CharSequence name;
private final V data;
private Record(CharSequence name, V data) {
this.name = name;
this.data = data;
* Get the name
* @return the name
* @stable ICU 4.8
public CharSequence getName() {
return name;
* Get the data
* @return the data
* @stable ICU 4.8
public V getData() {
return data;
* Standard toString()
* @stable ICU 4.8
public String toString() {
return name + "=" + data;
* An index "bucket" with a label string and type.
* It is referenced by {@link AlphabeticIndex#getBucketIndex(CharSequence)}
* and {@link AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex#getBucketIndex(CharSequence)},
* returned by {@link AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex#getBucket(int)},
* and {@link AlphabeticIndex#addRecord(CharSequence, Object)} adds a record
* into a bucket according to the record's name.
* @param
* Data type
* @stable ICU 4.8
public static class Bucket implements Iterable> {
private final String label;
private final String lowerBoundary;
private final LabelType labelType;
private Bucket displayBucket;
private int displayIndex;
private List> records;
* Type of the label
* @stable ICU 4.8
public enum LabelType {
* Normal
* @stable ICU 4.8
* Underflow (before the first)
* @stable ICU 4.8
* Inflow (between scripts)
* @stable ICU 4.8
* Overflow (after the last)
* @stable ICU 4.8
* Set up the bucket.
* @param label
* label for the bucket
* @param labelType
* is an underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket
* @stable ICU 4.8
private Bucket(String label, String lowerBoundary, LabelType labelType) {
this.label = label;
this.lowerBoundary = lowerBoundary;
this.labelType = labelType;
* Get the label
* @return label for the bucket
* @stable ICU 4.8
public String getLabel() {
return label;
* Is a normal, underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket
* @return is an underflow, overflow, or inflow bucket
* @stable ICU 4.8
public LabelType getLabelType() {
return labelType;
* Get the number of records in the bucket.
* @return number of records in bucket
* @stable ICU 4.8
public int size() {
return records == null ? 0 : records.size();
* Iterator over the records in the bucket
* @stable ICU 4.8
public Iterator> iterator() {
if (records == null) {
return Collections.>emptyList().iterator();
return records.iterator();
* Standard toString()
* @stable ICU 4.8
public String toString() {
return "{" +
"labelType=" + labelType
+ ", " +
"lowerBoundary=" + lowerBoundary
+ ", " +
"label=" + label
+ "}"
private BucketList createBucketList() {
// Initialize indexCharacters.
List indexCharacters = initLabels();
// Variables for hasMultiplePrimaryWeights().
long variableTop;
if (collatorPrimaryOnly.isAlternateHandlingShifted()) {
variableTop = collatorPrimaryOnly.getVariableTop() & 0xffffffffL;
} else {
variableTop = 0;
boolean hasInvisibleBuckets = false;
// Helper arrays for Chinese Pinyin collation.
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
Bucket[] asciiBuckets = new Bucket[26];
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
Bucket[] pinyinBuckets = new Bucket[26];
boolean hasPinyin = false;
ArrayList> bucketList = new ArrayList>();
// underflow bucket
bucketList.add(new Bucket(getUnderflowLabel(), "", LabelType.UNDERFLOW));
// fix up the list, adding underflow, additions, overflow
// Insert inflow labels as needed.
int scriptIndex = -1;
String scriptUpperBoundary = "";
for (String current : indexCharacters) {
if (collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(current, scriptUpperBoundary) >= 0) {
// We crossed the script boundary into a new script.
String inflowBoundary = scriptUpperBoundary;
boolean skippedScript = false;
for (;;) {
scriptUpperBoundary = firstCharsInScripts.get(++scriptIndex);
if (collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(current, scriptUpperBoundary) < 0) {
skippedScript = true;
if (skippedScript && bucketList.size() > 1) {
// We are skipping one or more scripts,
// and we are not just getting out of the underflow label.
bucketList.add(new Bucket(getInflowLabel(), inflowBoundary,
// Add a bucket with the current label.
Bucket bucket = new Bucket(fixLabel(current), current, LabelType.NORMAL);
// Remember ASCII and Pinyin buckets for Pinyin redirects.
char c;
if (current.length() == 1 && 'A' <= (c = current.charAt(0)) && c <= 'Z') {
asciiBuckets[c - 'A'] = bucket;
} else if (current.length() == BASE.length() + 1 && current.startsWith(BASE) &&
'A' <= (c = current.charAt(BASE.length())) && c <= 'Z') {
pinyinBuckets[c - 'A'] = bucket;
hasPinyin = true;
// Check for multiple primary weights.
if (!current.startsWith(BASE) &&
hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(collatorPrimaryOnly, variableTop, current) &&
!current.endsWith("\uffff")) {
// "Æ" or "Sch" etc.
for (int i = bucketList.size() - 2;; --i) {
Bucket singleBucket = bucketList.get(i);
if (singleBucket.labelType != LabelType.NORMAL) {
// There is no single-character bucket since the last
// underflow or inflow label.
if (singleBucket.displayBucket == null &&
!hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(collatorPrimaryOnly, variableTop, singleBucket.lowerBoundary)) {
// Add an invisible bucket that redirects strings greater than the expansion
// to the previous single-character bucket.
// For example, after ... Q R S Sch we add Sch\uFFFF->S
// and after ... Q R S Sch Sch\uFFFF St we add St\uFFFF->S.
bucket = new Bucket("", current + "\uFFFF", LabelType.NORMAL);
bucket.displayBucket = singleBucket;
hasInvisibleBuckets = true;
if (bucketList.size() == 1) {
// No real labels, show only the underflow label.
return new BucketList(bucketList, bucketList);
// overflow bucket
bucketList.add(new Bucket(getOverflowLabel(), scriptUpperBoundary, LabelType.OVERFLOW)); // final
if (hasPinyin) {
// Redirect Pinyin buckets.
Bucket asciiBucket = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; ++i) {
if (asciiBuckets[i] != null) {
asciiBucket = asciiBuckets[i];
if (pinyinBuckets[i] != null && asciiBucket != null) {
pinyinBuckets[i].displayBucket = asciiBucket;
hasInvisibleBuckets = true;
if (!hasInvisibleBuckets) {
return new BucketList(bucketList, bucketList);
// Merge inflow buckets that are visually adjacent.
// Iterate backwards: Merge inflow into overflow rather than the other way around.
int i = bucketList.size() - 1;
Bucket nextBucket = bucketList.get(i);
while (--i > 0) {
Bucket bucket = bucketList.get(i);
if (bucket.displayBucket != null) {
continue; // skip invisible buckets
if (bucket.labelType == LabelType.INFLOW) {
if (nextBucket.labelType != LabelType.NORMAL) {
bucket.displayBucket = nextBucket;
nextBucket = bucket;
ArrayList> publicBucketList = new ArrayList>();
for (Bucket bucket : bucketList) {
if (bucket.displayBucket == null) {
return new BucketList(bucketList, publicBucketList);
private static class BucketList implements Iterable> {
private final ArrayList> bucketList;
private final List> immutableVisibleList;
private BucketList(ArrayList> bucketList, ArrayList> publicBucketList) {
this.bucketList = bucketList;
int displayIndex = 0;
for (Bucket bucket : publicBucketList) {
bucket.displayIndex = displayIndex++;
immutableVisibleList = Collections.unmodifiableList(publicBucketList);
private int getBucketCount() {
return immutableVisibleList.size();
private int getBucketIndex(CharSequence name, Collator collatorPrimaryOnly) {
// binary search
int start = 0;
int limit = bucketList.size();
while ((start + 1) < limit) {
int i = (start + limit) / 2;
Bucket bucket = bucketList.get(i);
int nameVsBucket = collatorPrimaryOnly.compare(name, bucket.lowerBoundary);
if (nameVsBucket < 0) {
limit = i;
} else {
start = i;
Bucket bucket = bucketList.get(start);
if (bucket.displayBucket != null) {
bucket = bucket.displayBucket;
return bucket.displayIndex;
* Private iterator over all the buckets, visible and invisible
private Iterator> fullIterator() {
return bucketList.iterator();
* Iterator over just the visible buckets.
public Iterator> iterator() {
return immutableVisibleList.iterator(); // use immutable list to prevent remove().
private static boolean hasMultiplePrimaryWeights(
RuleBasedCollator coll, long variableTop, String s) {
long[] ces = coll.internalGetCEs(s);
boolean seenPrimary = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ces.length; ++i) {
long ce = ces[i];
long p = ce >>> 32;
if (p > variableTop) {
// not primary ignorable
if (seenPrimary) {
return true;
seenPrimary = true;
return false;
// TODO: Surely we have at least a ticket for porting these mask values to UCharacter.java?!
private static final int GC_LU_MASK = 1 << UCharacter.UPPERCASE_LETTER;
private static final int GC_LL_MASK = 1 << UCharacter.LOWERCASE_LETTER;
private static final int GC_LT_MASK = 1 << UCharacter.TITLECASE_LETTER;
private static final int GC_LM_MASK = 1 << UCharacter.MODIFIER_LETTER;
private static final int GC_LO_MASK = 1 << UCharacter.OTHER_LETTER;
private static final int GC_L_MASK =
private static final int GC_CN_MASK = 1 << UCharacter.GENERAL_OTHER_TYPES;
* Return a list of the first character in each script. Only exposed for testing.
* @return list of first characters in each script
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal, only for testing.
public List getFirstCharactersInScripts() {
List dest = new ArrayList(200);
// Fetch the script-first-primary contractions which are defined in the root collator.
// They all start with U+FDD1.
UnicodeSet set = new UnicodeSet();
collatorPrimaryOnly.internalAddContractions(0xFDD1, set);
if (set.isEmpty()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"AlphabeticIndex requires script-first-primary contractions");
for (String boundary : set) {
int gcMask = 1 << UCharacter.getType(boundary.codePointAt(1));
if ((gcMask & (GC_L_MASK | GC_CN_MASK)) == 0) {
// Ignore boundaries for the special reordering groups.
// Take only those for "real scripts" (where the sample character is a Letter,
// and the one for unassigned implicit weights (Cn).
return dest;