com.ibm.icu.text.AnyTransliterator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2002-2014, International Business Machines Corporation
* and others. All Rights Reserved.
* Date Name Description
* 06/06/2002 aliu Creation.
package com.ibm.icu.text;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import com.ibm.icu.lang.UScript;
* A transliterator that translates multiple input scripts to a single
* output script. It is named Any-T or Any-T/V, where T is the target
* and V is the optional variant. The target T is a script.
* An AnyTransliterator partitions text into runs of the same
* script, together with adjacent COMMON or INHERITED characters.
* After determining the script of each run, it transliterates from
* that script to the given target/variant. It does so by
* instantiating a transliterator from the source script to the
* target/variant. If a run consists only of the target script,
* COMMON, or INHERITED characters, then the run is not changed.
At startup, all possible AnyTransliterators are registered with
* the system, as determined by examining the registered script
* transliterators.
* @since ICU 2.2
* @author Alan Liu
class AnyTransliterator extends Transliterator {
// Constants
static final char TARGET_SEP = '-';
static final char VARIANT_SEP = '/';
static final String ANY = "Any";
static final String NULL_ID = "Null";
static final String LATIN_PIVOT = "-Latin;Latin-";
* Cache mapping UScriptCode values to Transliterator*.
private ConcurrentHashMap cache;
* The target or target/variant string.
private String target;
* The target script code. Never USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE.
private int targetScript;
* Special code for handling width characters
private Transliterator widthFix = Transliterator.getInstance("[[:dt=Nar:][:dt=Wide:]] nfkd");
* Implements {@link Transliterator#handleTransliterate}.
protected void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text,
Position pos, boolean isIncremental) {
int allStart = pos.start;
int allLimit = pos.limit;
ScriptRunIterator it =
new ScriptRunIterator(text, pos.contextStart, pos.contextLimit);
while (it.next()) {
// Ignore runs in the ante context
if (it.limit <= allStart) continue;
// Try to instantiate transliterator from it.scriptCode to
// our target or target/variant
Transliterator t = getTransliterator(it.scriptCode);
if (t == null) {
// We have no transliterator. Do nothing, but keep
// pos.start up to date.
pos.start = it.limit;
// If the run end is before the transliteration limit, do
// a non-incremental transliteration. Otherwise do an
// incremental one.
boolean incremental = isIncremental && (it.limit >= allLimit);
pos.start = Math.max(allStart, it.start);
pos.limit = Math.min(allLimit, it.limit);
int limit = pos.limit;
t.filteredTransliterate(text, pos, incremental);
int delta = pos.limit - limit;
allLimit += delta;
// We're done if we enter the post context
if (it.limit >= allLimit) break;
// Restore limit. pos.start is fine where the last transliterator
// left it, or at the end of the last run.
pos.limit = allLimit;
* Private constructor
* @param id the ID of the form S-T or S-T/V, where T is theTarget
* and V is theVariant. Must not be empty.
* @param theTarget the target name. Must not be empty, and must
* name a script corresponding to theTargetScript.
* @param theVariant the variant name, or the empty string if
* there is no variant
* @param theTargetScript the script code corresponding to
* theTarget.
private AnyTransliterator(String id,
String theTarget,
String theVariant,
int theTargetScript) {
super(id, null);
targetScript = theTargetScript;
cache = new ConcurrentHashMap();
target = theTarget;
if (theVariant.length() > 0) {
target = theTarget + VARIANT_SEP + theVariant;
* @param id the ID of the form S-T or S-T/V, where T is theTarget
* and V is theVariant. Must not be empty.
* @param filter The Unicode filter.
* @param target2 the target name.
* @param targetScript2 the script code corresponding to theTarget.
* @param widthFix2 The Transliterator width fix.
* @param cache2 The Map object for cache.
public AnyTransliterator(String id, UnicodeFilter filter, String target2,
int targetScript2, Transliterator widthFix2, ConcurrentHashMap cache2) {
super(id, filter);
targetScript = targetScript2;
cache = cache2;
target = target2;
* Returns a transliterator from the given source to our target or
* target/variant. Returns NULL if the source is the same as our
* target script, or if the source is USCRIPT_INVALID_CODE.
* Caches the result and returns the same transliterator the next
* time. The caller does NOT own the result and must not delete
* it.
private Transliterator getTransliterator(int source) {
if (source == targetScript || source == UScript.INVALID_CODE) {
if (isWide(targetScript)) {
return null;
} else {
return widthFix;
Integer key = Integer.valueOf(source);
Transliterator t = cache.get(key);
if (t == null) {
String sourceName = UScript.getName(source);
String id = sourceName + TARGET_SEP + target;
try {
t = Transliterator.getInstance(id, FORWARD);
} catch (RuntimeException e) { }
if (t == null) {
// Try to pivot around Latin, our most common script
id = sourceName + LATIN_PIVOT + target;
try {
t = Transliterator.getInstance(id, FORWARD);
} catch (RuntimeException e) { }
if (t != null) {
if (!isWide(targetScript)) {
List v = new ArrayList();
t = new CompoundTransliterator(v);
Transliterator prevCachedT = cache.putIfAbsent(key, t);
if (prevCachedT != null) {
t = prevCachedT;
} else if (!isWide(targetScript)) {
return widthFix;
return t;
* @param targetScript2
* @return
private boolean isWide(int script) {
return script == UScript.BOPOMOFO || script == UScript.HAN || script == UScript.HANGUL || script == UScript.HIRAGANA || script == UScript.KATAKANA;
* Registers standard transliterators with the system. Called by
* Transliterator during initialization. Scan all current targets
* and register those that are scripts T as Any-T/V.
static void register() {
HashMap> seen = new HashMap>(); // old code used set, but was dependent on order
for (Enumeration s = Transliterator.getAvailableSources(); s.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String source = s.nextElement();
// Ignore the "Any" source
if (source.equalsIgnoreCase(ANY)) continue;
for (Enumeration t = Transliterator.getAvailableTargets(source);
t.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String target = t.nextElement();
// Get the script code for the target. If not a script, ignore.
int targetScript = scriptNameToCode(target);
if (targetScript == UScript.INVALID_CODE) {
Set seenVariants = seen.get(target);
if (seenVariants == null) {
seen.put(target, seenVariants = new HashSet());
for (Enumeration v = Transliterator.getAvailableVariants(source, target);
v.hasMoreElements(); ) {
String variant = v.nextElement();
// Only process each target/variant pair once
if (seenVariants.contains(variant)) {
String id;
id = TransliteratorIDParser.STVtoID(ANY, target, variant);
AnyTransliterator trans = new AnyTransliterator(id, target, variant,
Transliterator.registerSpecialInverse(target, NULL_ID, false);
* Return the script code for a given name, or
* UScript.INVALID_CODE if not found.
private static int scriptNameToCode(String name) {
int[] codes = UScript.getCode(name);
return codes != null ? codes[0] : UScript.INVALID_CODE;
}catch( MissingResourceException e){
return UScript.INVALID_CODE;
// ScriptRunIterator
* Returns a series of ranges corresponding to scripts. They will be
* of the form:
* ccccSScSSccccTTcTcccc - c = common, S = first script, T = second
* | | - first run (start, limit)
* | | - second run (start, limit)
* That is, the runs will overlap. The reason for this is so that a
* transliterator can consider common characters both before and after
* the scripts.
private static class ScriptRunIterator {
private Replaceable text;
private int textStart;
private int textLimit;
* The code of the current run, valid after next() returns. May
* be UScript.INVALID_CODE if and only if the entire text is
public int scriptCode;
* The start of the run, inclusive, valid after next() returns.
public int start;
* The end of the run, exclusive, valid after next() returns.
public int limit;
* Constructs a run iterator over the given text from start
* (inclusive) to limit (exclusive).
public ScriptRunIterator(Replaceable text, int start, int limit) {
this.text = text;
this.textStart = start;
this.textLimit = limit;
this.limit = start;
* Returns TRUE if there are any more runs. TRUE is always
* returned at least once. Upon return, the caller should
* examine scriptCode, start, and limit.
public boolean next() {
int ch;
int s;
scriptCode = UScript.INVALID_CODE; // don't know script yet
start = limit;
// Are we done?
if (start == textLimit) {
return false;
// Move start back to include adjacent COMMON or INHERITED
// characters
while (start > textStart) {
ch = text.char32At(start - 1); // look back
s = UScript.getScript(ch);
if (s == UScript.COMMON || s == UScript.INHERITED) {
} else {
// Move limit ahead to include COMMON, INHERITED, and characters
// of the current script.
while (limit < textLimit) {
ch = text.char32At(limit); // look ahead
s = UScript.getScript(ch);
if (s != UScript.COMMON && s != UScript.INHERITED) {
if (scriptCode == UScript.INVALID_CODE) {
scriptCode = s;
} else if (s != scriptCode) {
// Return TRUE even if the entire text is COMMON / INHERITED, in
// which case scriptCode will be UScript.INVALID_CODE.
return true;
* Adjusts internal indices for a change in the limit index of the
* given delta. A positive delta means the limit has increased.
public void adjustLimit(int delta) {
limit += delta;
textLimit += delta;
* Temporary hack for registry problem. Needs to be replaced by better architecture.
public Transliterator safeClone() {
UnicodeFilter filter = getFilter();
if (filter != null && filter instanceof UnicodeSet) {
filter = new UnicodeSet((UnicodeSet)filter);
return new AnyTransliterator(getID(), filter, target, targetScript, widthFix, cache);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator#addSourceTargetSet(com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet, com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet, com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet)
public void addSourceTargetSet(UnicodeSet inputFilter, UnicodeSet sourceSet, UnicodeSet targetSet) {
UnicodeSet myFilter = getFilterAsUnicodeSet(inputFilter);
// Assume that it can modify any character to any other character
if (myFilter.size() != 0) {
targetSet.addAll(0, 0x10FFFF);