com.ibm.icu.util.GregorianCalendar Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 1996-2016, International Business Machines
* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
package com.ibm.icu.util;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Locale;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale.Category;
* {@icuenhanced java.util.GregorianCalendar}.{@icu _usage_}
* GregorianCalendar
is a concrete subclass of
* {@link Calendar}
* and provides the standard calendar used by most of the world.
The standard (Gregorian) calendar has 2 eras, BC and AD.
This implementation handles a single discontinuity, which corresponds by
* default to the date the Gregorian calendar was instituted (October 15, 1582
* in some countries, later in others). The cutover date may be changed by the
* caller by calling setGregorianChange()
Historically, in those countries which adopted the Gregorian calendar first,
* October 4, 1582 was thus followed by October 15, 1582. This calendar models
* this correctly. Before the Gregorian cutover, GregorianCalendar
* implements the Julian calendar. The only difference between the Gregorian
* and the Julian calendar is the leap year rule. The Julian calendar specifies
* leap years every four years, whereas the Gregorian calendar omits century
* years which are not divisible by 400.
implements proleptic Gregorian and
* Julian calendars. That is, dates are computed by extrapolating the current
* rules indefinitely far backward and forward in time. As a result,
* GregorianCalendar
may be used for all years to generate
* meaningful and consistent results. However, dates obtained using
* GregorianCalendar
are historically accurate only from March 1, 4
* AD onward, when modern Julian calendar rules were adopted. Before this date,
* leap year rules were applied irregularly, and before 45 BC the Julian
* calendar did not even exist.
Prior to the institution of the Gregorian calendar, New Year's Day was
* March 25. To avoid confusion, this calendar always uses January 1. A manual
* adjustment may be made if desired for dates that are prior to the Gregorian
* changeover and which fall between January 1 and March 24.
Values calculated for the WEEK_OF_YEAR
field range from 1 to
* 53. Week 1 for a year is the earliest seven day period starting on
* getFirstDayOfWeek()
that contains at least
* getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
days from that year. It thus
* depends on the values of getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
* getFirstDayOfWeek()
, and the day of the week of January 1.
* Weeks between week 1 of one year and week 1 of the following year are
* numbered sequentially from 2 to 52 or 53 (as needed).
For example, January 1, 1998 was a Thursday. If
* getFirstDayOfWeek()
* getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
is 4 (these are the values
* reflecting ISO 8601 and many national standards), then week 1 of 1998 starts
* on December 29, 1997, and ends on January 4, 1998. If, however,
* getFirstDayOfWeek()
, then week 1 of 1998
* starts on January 4, 1998, and ends on January 10, 1998; the first three days
* of 1998 then are part of week 53 of 1997.
Values calculated for the WEEK_OF_MONTH
field range from 0 or
* 1 to 4 or 5. Week 1 of a month (the days with WEEK_OF_MONTH =
* 1
) is the earliest set of at least
* getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
contiguous days in that month,
* ending on the day before getFirstDayOfWeek()
. Unlike
* week 1 of a year, week 1 of a month may be shorter than 7 days, need
* not start on getFirstDayOfWeek()
, and will not include days of
* the previous month. Days of a month before week 1 have a
of 0.
For example, if getFirstDayOfWeek()
* and getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
is 4, then the first week of
* January 1998 is Sunday, January 4 through Saturday, January 10. These days
* have a WEEK_OF_MONTH
of 1. Thursday, January 1 through
* Saturday, January 3 have a WEEK_OF_MONTH
of 0. If
* getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()
is changed to 3, then January 1
* through January 3 have a WEEK_OF_MONTH
of 1.
* Example:
* // get the supported ids for GMT-08:00 (Pacific Standard Time)
* String[] ids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(-8 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
* // if no ids were returned, something is wrong. get out.
* if (ids.length == 0)
* System.exit(0);
* // begin output
* System.out.println("Current Time");
* // create a Pacific Standard Time time zone
* SimpleTimeZone pdt = new SimpleTimeZone(-8 * 60 * 60 * 1000, ids[0]);
* // set up rules for daylight savings time
* pdt.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 2, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
* pdt.setEndRule(Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
* // create a GregorianCalendar with the Pacific Daylight time zone
* // and the current date and time
* Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(pdt);
* Date trialTime = new Date();
* calendar.setTime(trialTime);
* // print out a bunch of interesting things
* System.out.println("ERA: " + calendar.get(Calendar.ERA));
* System.out.println("YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
* System.out.println("MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));
* System.out.println("WEEK_OF_YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR));
* System.out.println("WEEK_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH));
* System.out.println("DATE: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DATE));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_WEEK: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH: "
* + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH));
* System.out.println("AM_PM: " + calendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM));
* System.out.println("HOUR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR));
* System.out.println("HOUR_OF_DAY: " + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
* System.out.println("MINUTE: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
* System.out.println("SECOND: " + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
* System.out.println("MILLISECOND: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
* System.out.println("ZONE_OFFSET: "
* + (calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)/(60*60*1000)));
* System.out.println("DST_OFFSET: "
* + (calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)/(60*60*1000)));
* System.out.println("Current Time, with hour reset to 3");
* calendar.clear(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); // so doesn't override
* calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 3);
* System.out.println("ERA: " + calendar.get(Calendar.ERA));
* System.out.println("YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
* System.out.println("MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH));
* System.out.println("WEEK_OF_YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR));
* System.out.println("WEEK_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH));
* System.out.println("DATE: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DATE));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_MONTH: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_YEAR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_WEEK: " + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK));
* System.out.println("DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH: "
* + calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH));
* System.out.println("AM_PM: " + calendar.get(Calendar.AM_PM));
* System.out.println("HOUR: " + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR));
* System.out.println("HOUR_OF_DAY: " + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
* System.out.println("MINUTE: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
* System.out.println("SECOND: " + calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
* System.out.println("MILLISECOND: " + calendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
* System.out.println("ZONE_OFFSET: "
* + (calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET)/(60*60*1000))); // in hours
* System.out.println("DST_OFFSET: "
* + (calendar.get(Calendar.DST_OFFSET)/(60*60*1000))); // in hours
* GregorianCalendar usually should be instantiated using
* {@link com.ibm.icu.util.Calendar#getInstance(ULocale)} passing in a ULocale
* with the tag "@calendar=gregorian"
* @see Calendar
* @see TimeZone
* @author Deborah Goldsmith, Mark Davis, Chen-Lieh Huang, Alan Liu
* @stable ICU 2.0
public class GregorianCalendar extends Calendar {
// jdk1.4.2 serialver
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9199388694351062137L;
* Implementation Notes
* The Julian day number, as used here, is a modified number which has its
* onset at midnight, rather than noon.
* The epoch is the number of days or milliseconds from some defined
* starting point. The epoch for java.util.Date is used here; that is,
* milliseconds from January 1, 1970 (Gregorian), midnight UTC. Other
* epochs which are used are January 1, year 1 (Gregorian), which is day 1
* of the Gregorian calendar, and December 30, year 0 (Gregorian), which is
* day 1 of the Julian calendar.
* We implement the proleptic Julian and Gregorian calendars. This means we
* implement the modern definition of the calendar even though the
* historical usage differs. For example, if the Gregorian change is set
* to new Date(Long.MIN_VALUE), we have a pure Gregorian calendar which
* labels dates preceding the invention of the Gregorian calendar in 1582 as
* if the calendar existed then.
* Likewise, with the Julian calendar, we assume a consistent 4-year leap
* rule, even though the historical pattern of leap years is irregular,
* being every 3 years from 45 BC through 9 BC, then every 4 years from 8 AD
* onwards, with no leap years in-between. Thus date computations and
* functions such as isLeapYear() are not intended to be historically
* accurate.
* Given that milliseconds are a long, day numbers such as Julian day
* numbers, Gregorian or Julian calendar days, or epoch days, are also
* longs. Years can fit into an int.
// Class Variables
* Value of the ERA
field indicating
* the period before the common era (before Christ), also known as BCE.
* The sequence of years at the transition from BC
to AD
* ..., 2 BC, 1 BC, 1 AD, 2 AD,...
* @see Calendar#ERA
* @stable ICU 2.0
public static final int BC = 0;
* Value of the ERA
field indicating
* the common era (Anno Domini), also known as CE.
* The sequence of years at the transition from BC
to AD
* ..., 2 BC, 1 BC, 1 AD, 2 AD,...
* @see Calendar#ERA
* @stable ICU 2.0
public static final int AD = 1;
private static final int EPOCH_YEAR = 1970;
private static final int[][] MONTH_COUNT = {
//len len2 st st2
{ 31, 31, 0, 0 }, // Jan
{ 28, 29, 31, 31 }, // Feb
{ 31, 31, 59, 60 }, // Mar
{ 30, 30, 90, 91 }, // Apr
{ 31, 31, 120, 121 }, // May
{ 30, 30, 151, 152 }, // Jun
{ 31, 31, 181, 182 }, // Jul
{ 31, 31, 212, 213 }, // Aug
{ 30, 30, 243, 244 }, // Sep
{ 31, 31, 273, 274 }, // Oct
{ 30, 30, 304, 305 }, // Nov
{ 31, 31, 334, 335 } // Dec
// len length of month
// len2 length of month in a leap year
// st days in year before start of month
// st2 days in year before month in leap year
* Old year limits were least max 292269054, max 292278994.
private static final int LIMITS[][] = {
// Minimum Greatest Least Maximum
// Minimum Maximum
{ 0, 0, 1, 1 }, // ERA
{ 1, 1, 5828963, 5838270 }, // YEAR
{ 0, 0, 11, 11 }, // MONTH
{ 1, 1, 52, 53 }, // WEEK_OF_YEAR
{/* */}, // WEEK_OF_MONTH
{ 1, 1, 28, 31 }, // DAY_OF_MONTH
{ 1, 1, 365, 366 }, // DAY_OF_YEAR
{/* */}, // DAY_OF_WEEK
{ -1, -1, 4, 5 }, // DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
{/* */}, // AM_PM
{/* */}, // HOUR
{/* */}, // HOUR_OF_DAY
{/* */}, // MINUTE
{/* */}, // SECOND
{/* */}, // MILLISECOND
{/* */}, // ZONE_OFFSET
{/* */}, // DST_OFFSET
{ -5838270, -5838270, 5828964, 5838271 }, // YEAR_WOY
{/* */}, // DOW_LOCAL
{ -5838269, -5838269, 5828963, 5838270 }, // EXTENDED_YEAR
{/* */}, // JULIAN_DAY
{/* */}, // IS_LEAP_MONTH
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected int handleGetLimit(int field, int limitType) {
return LIMITS[field][limitType];
// Instance Variables
* The point at which the Gregorian calendar rules are used, measured in
* milliseconds from the standard epoch. Default is October 15, 1582
* (Gregorian) 00:00:00 UTC or -12219292800000L. For this value, October 4,
* 1582 (Julian) is followed by October 15, 1582 (Gregorian). This
* corresponds to Julian day number 2299161.
* @serial
private long gregorianCutover = -12219292800000L;
* Julian day number of the Gregorian cutover.
private transient int cutoverJulianDay = 2299161;
* The year of the gregorianCutover, with 0 representing
* 1 BC, -1 representing 2 BC, etc.
private transient int gregorianCutoverYear = 1582;
* Used by handleComputeJulianDay() and handleComputeMonthStart().
* @stable ICU 2.0
transient protected boolean isGregorian;
* Used by handleComputeJulianDay() and handleComputeMonthStart().
* @stable ICU 2.0
transient protected boolean invertGregorian;
// Constructors
* Constructs a default GregorianCalendar using the current time
* in the default time zone with the default FORMAT
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar() {
this(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
* Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time
* in the given time zone with the default FORMAT
* @param zone the given time zone.
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar(TimeZone zone) {
this(zone, ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
* Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time
* in the default time zone with the given locale.
* @param aLocale the given locale.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar(Locale aLocale) {
this(TimeZone.getDefault(), aLocale);
* {@icu} Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time
* in the default time zone with the given locale.
* @param locale the given ulocale.
* @stable ICU 3.2
public GregorianCalendar(ULocale locale) {
this(TimeZone.getDefault(), locale);
* {@icu} Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time
* in the given time zone with the given locale.
* @param zone the given time zone.
* @param aLocale the given locale.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar(TimeZone zone, Locale aLocale) {
super(zone, aLocale);
* Constructs a GregorianCalendar based on the current time
* in the given time zone with the given locale.
* @param zone the given time zone.
* @param locale the given ulocale.
* @stable ICU 3.2
public GregorianCalendar(TimeZone zone, ULocale locale) {
super(zone, locale);
* Constructs a GregorianCalendar with the given date set
* in the default time zone with the default FORMAT
* @param year the value used to set the YEAR time field in the calendar.
* @param month the value used to set the MONTH time field in the calendar.
* Month value is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
* @param date the value used to set the DATE time field in the calendar.
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date) {
super(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
set(ERA, AD);
set(YEAR, year);
set(MONTH, month);
set(DATE, date);
* Constructs a GregorianCalendar with the given date
* and time set for the default time zone with the default FORMAT
* @param year the value used to set the YEAR time field in the calendar.
* @param month the value used to set the MONTH time field in the calendar.
* Month value is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
* @param date the value used to set the DATE time field in the calendar.
* @param hour the value used to set the HOUR_OF_DAY time field
* in the calendar.
* @param minute the value used to set the MINUTE time field
* in the calendar.
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date, int hour,
int minute) {
super(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
set(ERA, AD);
set(YEAR, year);
set(MONTH, month);
set(DATE, date);
set(HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
set(MINUTE, minute);
* Constructs a GregorianCalendar with the given date
* and time set for the default time zone with the default FORMAT
* @param year the value used to set the YEAR time field in the calendar.
* @param month the value used to set the MONTH time field in the calendar.
* Month value is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
* @param date the value used to set the DATE time field in the calendar.
* @param hour the value used to set the HOUR_OF_DAY time field
* in the calendar.
* @param minute the value used to set the MINUTE time field
* in the calendar.
* @param second the value used to set the SECOND time field
* in the calendar.
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public GregorianCalendar(int year, int month, int date, int hour,
int minute, int second) {
super(TimeZone.getDefault(), ULocale.getDefault(Category.FORMAT));
set(ERA, AD);
set(YEAR, year);
set(MONTH, month);
set(DATE, date);
set(HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
set(MINUTE, minute);
set(SECOND, second);
// Public methods
* Sets the GregorianCalendar change date. This is the point when the switch
* from Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is October 15,
* 1582. Previous to this, dates will be in the Julian calendar.
* To obtain a pure Julian calendar, set the change date to
* Date(Long.MAX_VALUE)
. To obtain a pure Gregorian calendar,
* set the change date to Date(Long.MIN_VALUE)
* @param date the given Gregorian cutover date.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public void setGregorianChange(Date date) {
gregorianCutover = date.getTime();
// If the cutover has an extreme value, then create a pure
// Gregorian or pure Julian calendar by giving the cutover year and
// JD extreme values.
if (gregorianCutover <= MIN_MILLIS) {
gregorianCutoverYear = cutoverJulianDay = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
} else if (gregorianCutover >= MAX_MILLIS) {
gregorianCutoverYear = cutoverJulianDay = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
// Precompute two internal variables which we use to do the actual
// cutover computations. These are the Julian day of the cutover
// and the cutover year.
cutoverJulianDay = (int) floorDivide(gregorianCutover, ONE_DAY);
// Convert cutover millis to extended year
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(getTimeZone());
gregorianCutoverYear = cal.get(EXTENDED_YEAR);
* Gets the Gregorian Calendar change date. This is the point when the
* switch from Julian dates to Gregorian dates occurred. Default is
* October 15, 1582. Previous to this, dates will be in the Julian
* calendar.
* @return the Gregorian cutover date for this calendar.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public final Date getGregorianChange() {
return new Date(gregorianCutover);
* Determines if the given year is a leap year. Returns true if the
* given year is a leap year.
* @param year the given year.
* @return true if the given year is a leap year; false otherwise.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public boolean isLeapYear(int year) {
return year >= gregorianCutoverYear ?
((year%4 == 0) && ((year%100 != 0) || (year%400 == 0))) : // Gregorian
(year%4 == 0); // Julian
* Returns true if the given Calendar object is equivalent to this
* one. Calendar override.
* @param other the Calendar to be compared with this Calendar
* @stable ICU 2.4
public boolean isEquivalentTo(Calendar other) {
return super.isEquivalentTo(other) &&
gregorianCutover == ((GregorianCalendar)other).gregorianCutover;
* Override hashCode.
* Generates the hash code for the GregorianCalendar object
* @stable ICU 2.0
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode() ^ (int)gregorianCutover;
* Roll a field by a signed amount.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public void roll(int field, int amount) {
switch (field) {
// Unlike WEEK_OF_MONTH, WEEK_OF_YEAR never shifts the day of the
// week. Also, rolling the week of the year can have seemingly
// strange effects simply because the year of the week of year
// may be different from the calendar year. For example, the
// date Dec 28, 1997 is the first day of week 1 of 1998 (if
// weeks start on Sunday and the minimal days in first week is
// <= 3).
int woy = get(WEEK_OF_YEAR);
// Get the ISO year, which matches the week of year. This
// may be one year before or after the calendar year.
int isoYear = get(YEAR_WOY);
int isoDoy = internalGet(DAY_OF_YEAR);
if (internalGet(MONTH) == Calendar.JANUARY) {
if (woy >= 52) {
isoDoy += handleGetYearLength(isoYear);
} else {
if (woy == 1) {
isoDoy -= handleGetYearLength(isoYear - 1);
woy += amount;
// Do fast checks to avoid unnecessary computation:
if (woy < 1 || woy > 52) {
// Determine the last week of the ISO year.
// We do this using the standard formula we use
// everywhere in this file. If we can see that the
// days at the end of the year are going to fall into
// week 1 of the next year, we drop the last week by
// subtracting 7 from the last day of the year.
int lastDoy = handleGetYearLength(isoYear);
int lastRelDow = (lastDoy - isoDoy + internalGet(DAY_OF_WEEK) -
getFirstDayOfWeek()) % 7;
if (lastRelDow < 0) lastRelDow += 7;
if ((6 - lastRelDow) >= getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek()) lastDoy -= 7;
int lastWoy = weekNumber(lastDoy, lastRelDow + 1);
woy = ((woy + lastWoy - 1) % lastWoy) + 1;
set(WEEK_OF_YEAR, woy);
set(YEAR, isoYear); // Why not YEAR_WOY? - Alan 11/6/00
super.roll(field, amount);
* Return the minimum value that this field could have, given the current date.
* For the Gregorian calendar, this is the same as getMinimum() and getGreatestMinimum().
* @stable ICU 2.0
public int getActualMinimum(int field) {
return getMinimum(field);
* Return the maximum value that this field could have, given the current date.
* For example, with the date "Feb 3, 1997" and the DAY_OF_MONTH field, the actual
* maximum would be 28; for "Feb 3, 1996" it s 29. Similarly for a Hebrew calendar,
* for some years the actual maximum for MONTH is 12, and for others 13.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public int getActualMaximum(int field) {
/* It is a known limitation that the code here (and in getActualMinimum)
* won't behave properly at the extreme limits of GregorianCalendar's
* representable range (except for the code that handles the YEAR
* field). That's because the ends of the representable range are at
* odd spots in the year. For calendars with the default Gregorian
* cutover, these limits are Sun Dec 02 16:47:04 GMT 292269055 BC to Sun
* Aug 17 07:12:55 GMT 292278994 AD, somewhat different for non-GMT
* zones. As a result, if the calendar is set to Aug 1 292278994 AD,
* the actual maximum of DAY_OF_MONTH is 17, not 30. If the date is Mar
* 31 in that year, the actual maximum month might be Jul, whereas is
* the date is Mar 15, the actual maximum might be Aug -- depending on
* the precise semantics that are desired. Similar considerations
* affect all fields. Nonetheless, this effect is sufficiently arcane
* that we permit it, rather than complicating the code to handle such
* intricacies. - liu 8/20/98
* UPDATE: No longer true, since we have pulled in the limit values on
* the year. - Liu 11/6/00 */
switch (field) {
case YEAR:
/* The year computation is no different, in principle, from the
* others, however, the range of possible maxima is large. In
* addition, the way we know we've exceeded the range is different.
* For these reasons, we use the special case code below to handle
* this field.
* The actual maxima for YEAR depend on the type of calendar:
* Gregorian = May 17, 292275056 BC - Aug 17, 292278994 AD
* Julian = Dec 2, 292269055 BC - Jan 3, 292272993 AD
* Hybrid = Dec 2, 292269055 BC - Aug 17, 292278994 AD
* We know we've exceeded the maximum when either the month, date,
* time, or era changes in response to setting the year. We don't
* check for month, date, and time here because the year and era are
* sufficient to detect an invalid year setting. NOTE: If code is
* added to check the month and date in the future for some reason,
* Feb 29 must be allowed to shift to Mar 1 when setting the year.
Calendar cal = (Calendar) clone();
int era = cal.get(ERA);
Date d = cal.getTime();
/* Perform a binary search, with the invariant that lowGood is a
* valid year, and highBad is an out of range year.
int lowGood = LIMITS[YEAR][1];
int highBad = LIMITS[YEAR][2]+1;
while ((lowGood + 1) < highBad) {
int y = (lowGood + highBad) / 2;
cal.set(YEAR, y);
if (cal.get(YEAR) == y && cal.get(ERA) == era) {
lowGood = y;
} else {
highBad = y;
cal.setTime(d); // Restore original fields
return lowGood;
return super.getActualMaximum(field);
// Proposed public API
* Return true if the current time for this Calendar is in Daylignt
* Savings Time.
boolean inDaylightTime() {
if (!getTimeZone().useDaylightTime()) return false;
complete(); // Force update of DST_OFFSET field
return internalGet(DST_OFFSET) != 0;
// Calendar framework
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected int handleGetMonthLength(int extendedYear, int month) {
// If the month is out of range, adjust it into range, and
// modify the extended year value accordingly.
if (month < 0 || month > 11) {
int[] rem = new int[1];
extendedYear += floorDivide(month, 12, rem);
month = rem[0];
return MONTH_COUNT[month][isLeapYear(extendedYear)?1:0];
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected int handleGetYearLength(int eyear) {
return isLeapYear(eyear) ? 366 : 365;
// Time => Fields computation
* Override Calendar to compute several fields specific to the hybrid
* Gregorian-Julian calendar system. These are:
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected void handleComputeFields(int julianDay) {
int eyear, month, dayOfMonth, dayOfYear;
if (julianDay >= cutoverJulianDay) {
month = getGregorianMonth();
dayOfMonth = getGregorianDayOfMonth();
dayOfYear = getGregorianDayOfYear();
eyear = getGregorianYear();
} else {
// The Julian epoch day (not the same as Julian Day)
// is zero on Saturday December 30, 0 (Gregorian).
long julianEpochDay = julianDay - (JAN_1_1_JULIAN_DAY - 2);
eyear = (int) floorDivide(4*julianEpochDay + 1464, 1461);
// Compute the Julian calendar day number for January 1, eyear
long january1 = 365*(eyear-1) + floorDivide(eyear-1, 4);
dayOfYear = (int)(julianEpochDay - january1); // 0-based
// Julian leap years occurred historically every 4 years starting
// with 8 AD. Before 8 AD the spacing is irregular; every 3 years
// from 45 BC to 9 BC, and then none until 8 AD. However, we don't
// implement this historical detail; instead, we implement the
// computatinally cleaner proleptic calendar, which assumes
// consistent 4-year cycles throughout time.
boolean isLeap = ((eyear&0x3) == 0); // equiv. to (eyear%4 == 0)
// Common Julian/Gregorian calculation
int correction = 0;
int march1 = isLeap ? 60 : 59; // zero-based DOY for March 1
if (dayOfYear >= march1) {
correction = isLeap ? 1 : 2;
month = (12 * (dayOfYear + correction) + 6) / 367; // zero-based month
dayOfMonth = dayOfYear - MONTH_COUNT[month][isLeap?3:2] + 1; // one-based DOM
internalSet(MONTH, month);
internalSet(DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);
internalSet(DAY_OF_YEAR, dayOfYear);
internalSet(EXTENDED_YEAR, eyear);
int era = AD;
if (eyear < 1) {
era = BC;
eyear = 1 - eyear;
internalSet(ERA, era);
internalSet(YEAR, eyear);
// Fields => Time computation
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected int handleGetExtendedYear() {
int year;
year = internalGet(EXTENDED_YEAR, EPOCH_YEAR);
} else {
// The year defaults to the epoch start, the era to AD
int era = internalGet(ERA, AD);
if (era == BC) {
year = 1 - internalGet(YEAR, 1); // Convert to extended year
} else {
year = internalGet(YEAR, EPOCH_YEAR);
return year;
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected int handleComputeJulianDay(int bestField) {
invertGregorian = false;
int jd = super.handleComputeJulianDay(bestField);
// The following check handles portions of the cutover year BEFORE the
// cutover itself happens.
if (isGregorian != (jd >= cutoverJulianDay)) {
invertGregorian = true;
jd = super.handleComputeJulianDay(bestField);
return jd;
* Return JD of start of given month/year
* @stable ICU 2.0
protected int handleComputeMonthStart(int eyear, int month, boolean useMonth) {
// If the month is out of range, adjust it into range, and
// modify the extended year value accordingly.
if (month < 0 || month > 11) {
int[] rem = new int[1];
eyear += floorDivide(month, 12, rem);
month = rem[0];
boolean isLeap = eyear%4 == 0;
int y = eyear - 1;
int julianDay = 365*y + floorDivide(y, 4) + (JAN_1_1_JULIAN_DAY - 3);
isGregorian = (eyear >= gregorianCutoverYear);
if (invertGregorian) {
isGregorian = !isGregorian;
if (isGregorian) {
isLeap = isLeap && ((eyear%100 != 0) || (eyear%400 == 0));
// Add 2 because Gregorian calendar starts 2 days after
// Julian calendar
julianDay += floorDivide(y, 400) - floorDivide(y, 100) + 2;
// At this point julianDay indicates the day BEFORE the first
// day of January 1, of either the Julian or Gregorian
// calendar.
if (month != 0) {
julianDay += MONTH_COUNT[month][isLeap?3:2];
return julianDay;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 3.8
public String getType() {
return "gregorian";
private static CalendarFactory factory;
public static CalendarFactory factory() {
if (factory == null) {
factory = new CalendarFactory() {
public Calendar create(TimeZone tz, ULocale loc) {
return new GregorianCalendar(tz, loc);
public String factoryName() {
return "Gregorian";
return factory;