com.ibm.icu.text.DecimalFormat Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
package com.ibm.icu.text;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.ObjectStreamField;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.FormattedStringBuilder;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.AffixUtils;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.DecimalFormatProperties;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.DecimalFormatProperties.ParseMode;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.DecimalQuantity;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.Padder;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.Padder.PadPosition;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.PatternStringParser;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.PatternStringUtils;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.parse.NumberParserImpl;
import com.ibm.icu.impl.number.parse.ParsedNumber;
import com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter;
import com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal;
import com.ibm.icu.math.MathContext;
import com.ibm.icu.number.FormattedNumber;
import com.ibm.icu.number.LocalizedNumberFormatter;
import com.ibm.icu.number.NumberFormatter;
import com.ibm.icu.text.PluralRules.IFixedDecimal;
import com.ibm.icu.util.Currency;
import com.ibm.icu.util.Currency.CurrencyUsage;
import com.ibm.icu.util.CurrencyAmount;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale.Category;
* {@icuenhanced java.text.DecimalFormat}.{@icu _usage_}
* IMPORTANT: New users are strongly encouraged to see if
* {@link NumberFormatter} fits their use case. Although not deprecated, this
* class, DecimalFormat, is only provided for java.text.DecimalFormat compatibility.
* DecimalFormat
is the primary
* concrete subclass of {@link NumberFormat}. It has a variety of features designed to make it
* possible to parse and format numbers in any locale, including support for Western, Arabic, or
* Indic digits. It supports different flavors of numbers, including integers ("123"), fixed-point
* numbers ("123.4"), scientific notation ("1.23E4"), percentages ("12%"), and currency amounts
* ("$123.00", "USD123.00", "123.00 US dollars"). All of these flavors can be easily localized.
* To obtain a number formatter for a specific locale (including the default locale), call one of
* NumberFormat's factory methods such as {@link NumberFormat#getInstance}. Do not call
* DecimalFormat constructors directly unless you know what you are doing.
DecimalFormat aims to comply with the specification UTS #35. Read
* the specification for more information on how all the properties in DecimalFormat fit together.
NOTE: Starting in ICU 60, there is a new set of APIs for localized number
* formatting that are designed to be an improvement over DecimalFormat. New users are discouraged
* from using DecimalFormat. For more information, see the package com.ibm.icu.number.
Example Usage
* Customize settings on a DecimalFormat instance from the NumberFormat factory:
* NumberFormat f = NumberFormat.getInstance(loc);
* if (f instanceof DecimalFormat) {
* ((DecimalFormat) f).setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true);
* ((DecimalFormat) f).setMinimumGroupingDigits(2);
* }
* Quick and dirty print out a number using the localized number, currency, and percent format
* for each locale:
* for (ULocale uloc : ULocale.getAvailableLocales()) {
* System.out.print(uloc + ":\t");
* System.out.print(NumberFormat.getInstance(uloc).format(1.23));
* System.out.print("\t");
* System.out.print(NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(uloc).format(1.23));
* System.out.print("\t");
* System.out.print(NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(uloc).format(1.23));
* System.out.println();
* }
* Properties and Symbols
* A DecimalFormat object encapsulates a set of properties and a set of
* symbols. Grouping size, rounding mode, and affixes are examples of properties. Locale
* digits and the characters used for grouping and decimal separators are examples of symbols.
To set a custom set of symbols, use {@link #setDecimalFormatSymbols}. Use the various other
* setters in this class to set custom values for the properties.
* DecimalFormat provides three main strategies to specify the position at which numbers should
* be rounded:
* - Magnitude: Display a fixed number of fraction digits; this is the most
* common form.
- Increment: Round numbers to the closest multiple of a certain increment,
* such as 0.05. This is common in currencies.
- Significant Digits: Round numbers such that a fixed number of nonzero
* digits are shown. This is most common in scientific notation.
* It is not possible to specify more than one rounding strategy. For example, setting a rounding
* increment in conjunction with significant digits results in undefined behavior.
It is also possible to specify the rounding mode to use. The default rounding mode is
* "half even", which rounds numbers to their closest increment, with ties broken in favor of
* trailing numbers being even. For more information, see {@link #setRoundingMode} and the ICU
* User Guide.
Pattern Strings
* A pattern string is a way to serialize some of the available properties for decimal
* formatting. However, not all properties are capable of being serialized into a pattern string;
* see {@link #applyPattern} for more information.
Most users should not need to interface with pattern strings directly.
ICU DecimalFormat aims to follow the specification for pattern strings in UTS #35.
* Refer to that specification for more information on pattern string syntax.
Pattern String BNF
* The following BNF is used when parsing the pattern string into property values:
* pattern := subpattern (';' subpattern)?
* subpattern := prefix? number exponent? suffix?
* number := (integer ('.' fraction)?) | sigDigits
* prefix := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
* suffix := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - specialCharacters
* integer := '#'* '0'* '0'
* fraction := '0'* '#'*
* sigDigits := '#'* '@' '@'* '#'*
* exponent := 'E' '+'? '0'* '0'
* padSpec := '*' padChar
* padChar := '\u0000'..'\uFFFD' - quote
* Notation:
* X* 0 or more instances of X
* X? 0 or 1 instances of X
* X|Y either X or Y
* C..D any character from C up to D, inclusive
* S-T characters in S, except those in T
* The first subpattern is for positive numbers. The second (optional) subpattern is for negative
* numbers.
Not indicated in the BNF syntax above:
* - The grouping separator ',' can occur inside the integer and sigDigits elements, between any
* two pattern characters of that element, as long as the integer or sigDigits element is not
* followed by the exponent element.
- Two grouping intervals are recognized: That between the decimal point and the first
* grouping symbol, and that between the first and second grouping symbols. These intervals
* are identical in most locales, but in some locales they differ. For example, the pattern
* "#,##,###" formats the number 123456789 as "12,34,56,789".
- The pad specifier
may appear before the prefix, after the prefix,
* before the suffix, after the suffix, or not at all.
* - In place of '0', the digits '1' through '9' may be used to indicate a rounding increment.
* Parsing
* DecimalFormat aims to be able to parse anything that it can output as a formatted string.
There are two primary parse modes: lenient and strict. Lenient mode should
* be used if the goal is to parse user input to a number; strict mode should be used if the goal is
* validation. The default is lenient mode. For more information, see {@link #setParseStrict}.
parses all Unicode characters that represent decimal digits, as
* defined by {@link UCharacter#digit}. In addition, DecimalFormat
also recognizes as
* digits the ten consecutive characters starting with the localized zero digit defined in the
* {@link DecimalFormatSymbols} object. During formatting, the {@link DecimalFormatSymbols}-based
* digits are output.
Grouping separators are ignored in lenient mode (default). In strict mode, grouping separators
* must match the locale-specified grouping sizes.
When using {@link #parseCurrency}, all currencies are accepted, not just the currency
* currently set in the formatter. In addition, the formatter is able to parse every currency style
* format for a particular locale no matter which style the formatter is constructed with. For
* example, a formatter instance gotten from NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale,
* NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE) can parse both "USD1.00" and "3.00 US dollars".
Whitespace characters (lenient mode) and control characters (lenient and strict mode),
* collectively called "ignorables", do not need to match in identity or quantity between the
* pattern string and the input string. For example, the pattern "# %" matches "35 %" (with a single
* space), "35%" (with no space), "35 %" (with a non-breaking space), and "35 %" (with
* multiple spaces). Arbitrary ignorables are also allowed at boundaries between the parts of the
* number: prefix, number, exponent separator, and suffix. Ignorable whitespace characters are those
* having the Unicode "blank" property for regular expressions, defined in UTS #18 Annex C, which is
* "horizontal" whitespace, like spaces and tabs, but not "vertical" whitespace, like line breaks.
* Ignorable control characters are those in the Unicode set [:Default_Ignorable_Code_Point:].
If {@link #parse(String, ParsePosition)} fails to parse a string, it returns null
* and leaves the parse position unchanged. The convenience method {@link #parse(String)} indicates
* parse failure by throwing a {@link java.text.ParseException}.
Under the hood, a state table parsing engine is used. To debug a parsing failure during
* development, use the following pattern to print details about the state table transitions:
* com.ibm.icu.impl.number.Parse.DEBUGGING = true;
* df.parse("123.45", ppos);
* com.ibm.icu.impl.number.Parse.DEBUGGING = false;
* Thread Safety and Best Practices
* Starting with ICU 59, instances of DecimalFormat are thread-safe.
Under the hood, DecimalFormat maintains an immutable formatter object that is rebuilt whenever
* any of the property setters are called. It is therefore best practice to call property setters
* only during construction and not when formatting numbers online.
* @see java.text.Format
* @see NumberFormat
* @stable ICU 2.0
public class DecimalFormat extends NumberFormat {
/** New serialization in ICU 59: declare different version from ICU 58. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 864413376551465018L;
* One non-transient field such that deserialization can determine the version of the class. This
* field has existed since the very earliest versions of DecimalFormat.
private final int serialVersionOnStream = 5;
// Fields are package-private, so that subclasses can use them.
// properties should be final, but clone won't work if we make it final.
// All fields are transient because custom serialization is used.
* The property bag corresponding to user-specified settings and settings from the pattern string.
* In principle this should be final, but serialize and clone won't work if it is final. Does not
* need to be volatile because the reference never changes.
/* final */ transient DecimalFormatProperties properties;
* The symbols for the current locale. Volatile because threads may read and write at the same
* time.
transient volatile DecimalFormatSymbols symbols;
* The pre-computed formatter object. Setters cause this to be re-computed atomically. The {@link
* #format} method uses the formatter directly without needing to synchronize. Volatile because
* threads may read and write at the same time.
transient volatile LocalizedNumberFormatter formatter;
* The effective properties as exported from the formatter object. Volatile because threads may
* read and write at the same time.
transient volatile DecimalFormatProperties exportedProperties;
transient volatile NumberParserImpl parser;
transient volatile NumberParserImpl currencyParser;
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the number pattern and symbols for the default locale. This is
* a convenient way to obtain a DecimalFormat instance when internationalization is not the main
* concern.
Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link
* NumberFormat#getNumberInstance}, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @see NumberFormat#getInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getNumberInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getCurrencyInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getPercentInstance
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public DecimalFormat() {
// Use the locale's default pattern
ULocale def = ULocale.getDefault(ULocale.Category.FORMAT);
String pattern = getPattern(def, NumberFormat.NUMBERSTYLE);
symbols = getDefaultSymbols();
properties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
// Regression: ignore pattern rounding information if the pattern has currency symbols.
setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY);
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the given pattern, using symbols for the default locale. This
* is a convenient way to obtain a DecimalFormat instance when internationalization is not the
* main concern.
Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link
* NumberFormat#getNumberInstance}, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @param pattern A pattern string such as "#,##0.00" conforming to UTS
* #35.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid.
* @see NumberFormat#getInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getNumberInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getCurrencyInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getPercentInstance
* @see Category#FORMAT
* @stable ICU 2.0
public DecimalFormat(String pattern) {
symbols = getDefaultSymbols();
properties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
// Regression: ignore pattern rounding information if the pattern has currency symbols.
setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY);
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the given pattern and symbols. Use this constructor if you
* want complete control over the behavior of the formatter.
Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link
* NumberFormat#getNumberInstance}, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @param pattern A pattern string such as "#,##0.00" conforming to UTS
* #35.
* @param symbols The set of symbols to be used.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the given pattern is invalid
* @see NumberFormat#getInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getNumberInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getCurrencyInstance
* @see NumberFormat#getPercentInstance
* @see DecimalFormatSymbols
* @stable ICU 2.0
public DecimalFormat(String pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols) {
this.symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
properties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
// Regression: ignore pattern rounding information if the pattern has currency symbols.
setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY);
* Creates a DecimalFormat based on the given pattern and symbols, with additional control over
* the behavior of currency. The style argument determines whether currency rounding rules should
* override the pattern, and the {@link CurrencyPluralInfo} object is used for customizing the
* plural forms used for currency long names.
Most users should call the factory methods on NumberFormat, such as {@link
* NumberFormat#getNumberInstance}, which return localized formatter objects, instead of the
* DecimalFormat constructors.
* @param pattern a non-localized pattern string
* @param symbols the set of symbols to be used
* @param infoInput the information used for currency plural format, including currency plural
* patterns and plural rules.
* @param style the decimal formatting style, it is one of the following values:
* @stable ICU 4.2
public DecimalFormat(
String pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols, CurrencyPluralInfo infoInput, int style) {
this(pattern, symbols, style);
/** Package-private constructor used by NumberFormat. */
DecimalFormat(String pattern, DecimalFormatSymbols symbols, int choice) {
this.symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
properties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
// If choice is a currency type, ignore the rounding information.
if (choice == CURRENCYSTYLE
setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS);
} else {
setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY);
private static DecimalFormatSymbols getDefaultSymbols() {
return DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance();
* Parses the given pattern string and overwrites the settings specified in the pattern string.
* The properties corresponding to the following setters are overwritten, either with their
* default values or with the value specified in the pattern string:
* - {@link #setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown}
- {@link #setExponentSignAlwaysShown}
- {@link #setFormatWidth}
- {@link #setGroupingSize}
- {@link #setMultiplier} (percent/permille)
- {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits}
- {@link #setMaximumIntegerDigits}
- {@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits}
- {@link #setMinimumExponentDigits}
- {@link #setMinimumFractionDigits}
- {@link #setMinimumIntegerDigits}
- {@link #setMinimumSignificantDigits}
- {@link #setPadPosition}
- {@link #setPadCharacter}
- {@link #setRoundingIncrement}
- {@link #setSecondaryGroupingSize}
* All other settings remain untouched.
* For more information on pattern strings, see UTS #35.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void applyPattern(String pattern) {
setPropertiesFromPattern(pattern, PatternStringParser.IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER);
// Backwards compatibility: clear out user-specified prefix and suffix,
// as well as CurrencyPluralInfo.
* Converts the given string to standard notation and then parses it using {@link #applyPattern}.
* This method is provided for backwards compatibility and should not be used in new projects.
Localized notation means that instead of using generic placeholders in the pattern, you use
* the corresponding locale-specific characters instead. For example, in locale fr-FR,
* the period in the pattern "0.000" means "decimal" in standard notation (as it does in every
* other locale), but it means "grouping" in localized notation.
* @param localizedPattern The pattern string in localized notation.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void applyLocalizedPattern(String localizedPattern) {
String pattern = PatternStringUtils.convertLocalized(localizedPattern, symbols, false);
/** @stable ICU 2.0 */
public Object clone() {
DecimalFormat other = (DecimalFormat) super.clone();
other.symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
other.properties = properties.clone();
other.exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
return other;
* Custom serialization: save property bag and symbols; the formatter object can be re-created
* from just that amount of information.
private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
// ICU 59 custom serialization.
// Write class metadata and serialVersionOnStream field:
// Extra int for possible future use:
// 1) Property Bag
// 2) DecimalFormatSymbols
* Custom serialization: re-create object from serialized property bag and symbols. Also supports
* reading from the legacy (pre-ICU4J 59) format and converting it to the new form.
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
ObjectInputStream.GetField fieldGetter = ois.readFields();
ObjectStreamField[] serializedFields = fieldGetter.getObjectStreamClass().getFields();
int serialVersion = fieldGetter.get("serialVersionOnStream", -1);
if (serialVersion > 5) {
throw new IOException(
"Cannot deserialize newer com.ibm.icu.text.DecimalFormat (v" + serialVersion + ")");
} else if (serialVersion == 5) {
// We expect this field and no other fields:
if (serializedFields.length > 1) {
throw new IOException("Too many fields when reading serial version 5");
// Extra int for possible future use:
// 1) Property Bag
Object serializedProperties = ois.readObject();
if (serializedProperties instanceof DecimalFormatProperties) {
// ICU 60+
properties = (DecimalFormatProperties) serializedProperties;
} else {
// ICU 59
properties = ((com.ibm.icu.impl.number.Properties) serializedProperties).getInstance();
// 2) DecimalFormatSymbols
symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) ois.readObject();
// Re-build transient fields
exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
} else {
properties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
// Loop through the fields. Not all fields necessarily exist in the serialization.
String pp = null, ppp = null, ps = null, psp = null;
String np = null, npp = null, ns = null, nsp = null;
for (ObjectStreamField field : serializedFields) {
String name = field.getName();
if (name.equals("decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown")) {
setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(fieldGetter.get("decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown", false));
} else if (name.equals("exponentSignAlwaysShown")) {
setExponentSignAlwaysShown(fieldGetter.get("exponentSignAlwaysShown", false));
} else if (name.equals("formatWidth")) {
setFormatWidth(fieldGetter.get("formatWidth", 0));
} else if (name.equals("groupingSize")) {
setGroupingSize(fieldGetter.get("groupingSize", (byte) 3));
} else if (name.equals("groupingSize2")) {
setSecondaryGroupingSize(fieldGetter.get("groupingSize2", (byte) 0));
} else if (name.equals("maxSignificantDigits")) {
setMaximumSignificantDigits(fieldGetter.get("maxSignificantDigits", 6));
} else if (name.equals("minExponentDigits")) {
setMinimumExponentDigits(fieldGetter.get("minExponentDigits", (byte) 0));
} else if (name.equals("minSignificantDigits")) {
setMinimumSignificantDigits(fieldGetter.get("minSignificantDigits", 1));
} else if (name.equals("multiplier")) {
setMultiplier(fieldGetter.get("multiplier", 1));
} else if (name.equals("pad")) {
setPadCharacter(fieldGetter.get("pad", '\u0020'));
} else if (name.equals("padPosition")) {
setPadPosition(fieldGetter.get("padPosition", 0));
} else if (name.equals("parseBigDecimal")) {
setParseBigDecimal(fieldGetter.get("parseBigDecimal", false));
} else if (name.equals("parseRequireDecimalPoint")) {
setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(fieldGetter.get("parseRequireDecimalPoint", false));
} else if (name.equals("roundingMode")) {
setRoundingMode(fieldGetter.get("roundingMode", 0));
} else if (name.equals("useExponentialNotation")) {
setScientificNotation(fieldGetter.get("useExponentialNotation", false));
} else if (name.equals("useSignificantDigits")) {
setSignificantDigitsUsed(fieldGetter.get("useSignificantDigits", false));
} else if (name.equals("currencyPluralInfo")) {
setCurrencyPluralInfo((CurrencyPluralInfo) fieldGetter.get("currencyPluralInfo", null));
} else if (name.equals("mathContext")) {
setMathContextICU((MathContext) fieldGetter.get("mathContext", null));
} else if (name.equals("negPrefixPattern")) {
npp = (String) fieldGetter.get("negPrefixPattern", null);
} else if (name.equals("negSuffixPattern")) {
nsp = (String) fieldGetter.get("negSuffixPattern", null);
} else if (name.equals("negativePrefix")) {
np = (String) fieldGetter.get("negativePrefix", null);
} else if (name.equals("negativeSuffix")) {
ns = (String) fieldGetter.get("negativeSuffix", null);
} else if (name.equals("posPrefixPattern")) {
ppp = (String) fieldGetter.get("posPrefixPattern", null);
} else if (name.equals("posSuffixPattern")) {
psp = (String) fieldGetter.get("posSuffixPattern", null);
} else if (name.equals("positivePrefix")) {
pp = (String) fieldGetter.get("positivePrefix", null);
} else if (name.equals("positiveSuffix")) {
ps = (String) fieldGetter.get("positiveSuffix", null);
} else if (name.equals("roundingIncrement")) {
setRoundingIncrement((java.math.BigDecimal) fieldGetter.get("roundingIncrement", null));
} else if (name.equals("symbols")) {
setDecimalFormatSymbols((DecimalFormatSymbols) fieldGetter.get("symbols", null));
} else {
// The following fields are ignored:
// "currencySignCount"
// "style"
// "attributes"
// "currencyChoice"
// "formatPattern"
// "currencyUsage" => ignore this because the old code puts currencyUsage directly into min/max fraction.
// Resolve affixes
if (npp == null) {
} else {
if (nsp == null) {
} else {
if (ppp == null) {
} else {
if (psp == null) {
} else {
// Extract values from parent NumberFormat class. Have to use reflection here.
java.lang.reflect.Field getter;
try {
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("groupingUsed");
setGroupingUsed((Boolean) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("parseIntegerOnly");
setParseIntegerOnly((Boolean) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("maximumIntegerDigits");
setMaximumIntegerDigits((Integer) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("minimumIntegerDigits");
setMinimumIntegerDigits((Integer) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("maximumFractionDigits");
setMaximumFractionDigits((Integer) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("minimumFractionDigits");
setMinimumFractionDigits((Integer) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("currency");
setCurrency((Currency) getter.get(this));
getter = NumberFormat.class.getDeclaredField("parseStrict");
setParseStrict((Boolean) getter.get(this));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} catch (SecurityException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
// Finish initialization
if (symbols == null) {
symbols = getDefaultSymbols();
exportedProperties = new DecimalFormatProperties();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public StringBuffer format(double number, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
DecimalQuantity dq = new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(number);
FormattedStringBuilder string = new FormattedStringBuilder();
formatter.formatImpl(dq, string);
fieldPositionHelper(dq, string, fieldPosition, result.length());
Utility.appendTo(string, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public StringBuffer format(long number, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
DecimalQuantity dq = new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(number);
FormattedStringBuilder string = new FormattedStringBuilder();
formatter.formatImpl(dq, string);
fieldPositionHelper(dq, string, fieldPosition, result.length());
Utility.appendTo(string, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public StringBuffer format(BigInteger number, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
DecimalQuantity dq = new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(number);
FormattedStringBuilder string = new FormattedStringBuilder();
formatter.formatImpl(dq, string);
fieldPositionHelper(dq, string, fieldPosition, result.length());
Utility.appendTo(string, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public StringBuffer format(
java.math.BigDecimal number, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
DecimalQuantity dq = new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(number);
FormattedStringBuilder string = new FormattedStringBuilder();
formatter.formatImpl(dq, string);
fieldPositionHelper(dq, string, fieldPosition, result.length());
Utility.appendTo(string, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public StringBuffer format(BigDecimal number, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
DecimalQuantity dq = new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(number);
FormattedStringBuilder string = new FormattedStringBuilder();
formatter.formatImpl(dq, string);
fieldPositionHelper(dq, string, fieldPosition, result.length());
Utility.appendTo(string, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 3.6
public AttributedCharacterIterator formatToCharacterIterator(Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Number)) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
Number number = (Number) obj;
FormattedNumber output = formatter.format(number);
return output.toCharacterIterator();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 3.0
public StringBuffer format(CurrencyAmount currAmt, StringBuffer result, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
// We need to make localSymbols in order for monetary symbols to be initialized.
// Also, bypass the CurrencyAmount override of LocalizedNumberFormatter#format,
// because its caching mechanism will not provide any benefit here.
DecimalFormatSymbols localSymbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
DecimalQuantity dq = new DecimalQuantity_DualStorageBCD(currAmt.getNumber());
FormattedStringBuilder string = new FormattedStringBuilder();
.formatImpl(dq, string);
fieldPositionHelper(dq, string, fieldPosition, result.length());
Utility.appendTo(string, result);
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public Number parse(String text, ParsePosition parsePosition) {
if (text == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text cannot be null");
if (parsePosition == null) {
parsePosition = new ParsePosition(0);
if (parsePosition.getIndex() < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot start parsing at a negative offset");
if (parsePosition.getIndex() >= text.length()) {
// For backwards compatibility, this is not an exception, just an empty result.
return null;
ParsedNumber result = new ParsedNumber();
// Note: if this is a currency instance, currencies will be matched despite the fact that we are not in the
// parseCurrency method (backwards compatibility)
int startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex();
NumberParserImpl parser = getParser();
parser.parse(text, startIndex, true, result);
if (result.success()) {
// TODO: Accessing properties here is technically not thread-safe
Number number = result.getNumber(parser.getParseFlags());
// Backwards compatibility: return com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal
if (number instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) {
number = safeConvertBigDecimal((java.math.BigDecimal) number);
return number;
} else {
parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + result.charEnd);
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 49
public CurrencyAmount parseCurrency(CharSequence text, ParsePosition parsePosition) {
if (text == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Text cannot be null");
if (parsePosition == null) {
parsePosition = new ParsePosition(0);
if (parsePosition.getIndex() < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot start parsing at a negative offset");
if (parsePosition.getIndex() >= text.length()) {
// For backwards compatibility, this is not an exception, just an empty result.
return null;
ParsedNumber result = new ParsedNumber();
int startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex();
NumberParserImpl parser = getCurrencyParser();
parser.parse(text.toString(), startIndex, true, result);
if (result.success()) {
// TODO: Accessing properties here is technically not thread-safe
Number number = result.getNumber(parser.getParseFlags());
// Backwards compatibility: return com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal
if (number instanceof java.math.BigDecimal) {
number = safeConvertBigDecimal((java.math.BigDecimal) number);
Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(result.currencyCode);
return new CurrencyAmount(number, currency);
} else {
parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + result.charEnd);
return null;
* Returns a copy of the decimal format symbols used by this formatter.
* @return desired DecimalFormatSymbols
* @see DecimalFormatSymbols
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized DecimalFormatSymbols getDecimalFormatSymbols() {
return (DecimalFormatSymbols) symbols.clone();
* Sets the decimal format symbols used by this formatter. The formatter uses a copy of the
* provided symbols.
* @param newSymbols desired DecimalFormatSymbols
* @see DecimalFormatSymbols
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setDecimalFormatSymbols(DecimalFormatSymbols newSymbols) {
symbols = (DecimalFormatSymbols) newSymbols.clone();
* Affixes: Gets the positive prefix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setPositivePrefix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being prepended to positive numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized String getPositivePrefix() {
return formatter.getAffixImpl(true, false);
* Affixes: Sets the string to prepend to positive numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number 123 will be formatted as "#123" in the locale
* en-US.
Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param prefix The literal string to prepend to positive numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setPositivePrefix(String prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
* Affixes: Gets the negative prefix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setNegativePrefix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being prepended to negative numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized String getNegativePrefix() {
return formatter.getAffixImpl(true, true);
* Affixes: Sets the string to prepend to negative numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number -123 will be formatted as "#123" in the locale
* en-US (overriding the implicit default '-' in the pattern).
Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param prefix The literal string to prepend to negative numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setNegativePrefix(String prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
* Affixes: Gets the positive suffix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setPositiveSuffix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being appended to positive numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized String getPositiveSuffix() {
return formatter.getAffixImpl(false, false);
* Affixes: Sets the string to append to positive numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number 123 will be formatted as "123#" in the locale
* en-US.
Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param suffix The literal string to append to positive numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setPositiveSuffix(String suffix) {
if (suffix == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
* Affixes: Gets the negative suffix string currently being used to format
* numbers.
If the affix was specified via the pattern, the string returned by this method will have
* locale symbols substituted in place of special characters according to the LDML specification.
* If the affix was specified via {@link #setNegativeSuffix}, the string will be returned
* literally.
* @return The string being appended to negative numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized String getNegativeSuffix() {
return formatter.getAffixImpl(false, true);
* Affixes: Sets the string to append to negative numbers. For example, if you
* set the value "#", then the number 123 will be formatted as "123#" in the locale
* en-US.
Using this method overrides the affix specified via the pattern, and unlike the pattern, the
* string given to this method will be interpreted literally WITHOUT locale symbol substitutions.
* @param suffix The literal string to append to negative numbers.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setNegativeSuffix(String suffix) {
if (suffix == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
* {@icu} Returns whether the sign is being shown on positive numbers.
* @return Whether the sign is shown on positive numbers and zero.
* @see #setSignAlwaysShown
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized boolean isSignAlwaysShown() {
// This is not in the exported properties
return properties.getSignAlwaysShown();
* Sets whether to always shown the plus sign ('+' in en) on positive numbers. The rules
* in UTS #35 section 3.2.1 will be followed to ensure a locale-aware placement of the sign.
More specifically, the following strategy will be used to place the plus sign:
* - Patterns without a negative subpattern: The locale's plus sign will be prepended
* to the positive prefix.
- Patterns with a negative subpattern without a '-' sign (e.g., accounting): The
* locale's plus sign will be prepended to the positive prefix, as in case 1.
- Patterns with a negative subpattern that has a '-' sign: The locale's plus sign
* will substitute the '-' in the negative subpattern. The positive subpattern will be
* unused.
* This method is designed to be used instead of applying a pattern containing an
* explicit plus sign, such as "+0;-0". The behavior when combining this method with explicit plus
* signs in the pattern is undefined.
* @param value true to always show a sign; false to hide the sign on positive numbers and zero.
* @category Affixes
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized void setSignAlwaysShown(boolean value) {
* Returns the multiplier being applied to numbers before they are formatted.
* @see #setMultiplier
* @category Multipliers
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getMultiplier() {
if (properties.getMultiplier() != null) {
return properties.getMultiplier().intValue();
} else {
return (int) Math.pow(10, properties.getMagnitudeMultiplier());
* Sets a number that will be used to multiply all numbers prior to formatting. For example, when
* formatting percents, a multiplier of 100 can be used.
* If a percent or permille sign is specified in the pattern, the multiplier is automatically
* set to 100 or 1000, respectively.
If the number specified here is a power of 10, a more efficient code path will be used.
* @param multiplier The number by which all numbers passed to {@link #format} will be multiplied.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given multiplier is zero.
* @throws ArithmeticException when inverting multiplier produces a non-terminating decimal result
* in conjunction with MathContext of unlimited precision.
* @category Multipliers
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setMultiplier(int multiplier) {
if (multiplier == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiplier must be nonzero.");
// Try to convert to a magnitude multiplier first
int delta = 0;
int value = multiplier;
while (value != 1) {
int temp = value / 10;
if (temp * 10 != value) {
delta = -1;
value = temp;
if (delta != -1) {
} else {
* {@icu} Returns the increment to which numbers are being rounded.
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized java.math.BigDecimal getRoundingIncrement() {
return exportedProperties.getRoundingIncrement();
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets an increment, or interval, to which
* numbers are rounded. For example, a rounding increment of 0.05 will cause the number 1.23 to be
* rounded to 1.25 in the default rounding mode.
The rounding increment can be specified via the pattern string: for example, the pattern
* "#,##0.05" encodes a rounding increment of 0.05.
The rounding increment is applied after any multipliers might take effect; for
* example, in scientific notation or when {@link #setMultiplier} is used.
See {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits} and {@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits} for two other
* ways of specifying rounding strategies.
* @param increment The increment to which numbers are to be rounded.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @see #setMaximumFractionDigits
* @see #setMaximumSignificantDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setRoundingIncrement(java.math.BigDecimal increment) {
// Backwards compatibility: ignore rounding increment if zero,
// and instead set maximum fraction digits.
if (increment != null && increment.compareTo(java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Overload of {@link
* #setRoundingIncrement(java.math.BigDecimal)}.
* @param increment The increment to which numbers are to be rounded.
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.6
public synchronized void setRoundingIncrement(BigDecimal increment) {
java.math.BigDecimal javaBigDecimal = (increment == null) ? null : increment.toBigDecimal();
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Overload of {@link
* #setRoundingIncrement(java.math.BigDecimal)}.
* @param increment The increment to which numbers are to be rounded.
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setRoundingIncrement(double increment) {
if (increment == 0) {
setRoundingIncrement((java.math.BigDecimal) null);
} else {
java.math.BigDecimal javaBigDecimal = java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf(increment);
* Returns the rounding mode being used to round numbers.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getRoundingMode() {
RoundingMode mode = exportedProperties.getRoundingMode();
return (mode == null) ? 0 : mode.ordinal();
* Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the {@link RoundingMode} used to round
* numbers. The default rounding mode is HALF_EVEN, which rounds decimals to their closest whole
* number, and rounds to the closest even number if at the midpoint.
For more detail on rounding modes, see the ICU
* User Guide.
For backwards compatibility, the rounding mode is specified as an int argument, which can be
* from either the constants in {@link BigDecimal} or the ordinal value of {@link RoundingMode}.
* The following two calls are functionally equivalent.
* df.setRoundingMode(BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);
* df.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.CEILING.ordinal());
* @param roundingMode The integer constant rounding mode to use when formatting numbers.
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setRoundingMode(int roundingMode) {
* {@icu} Returns the {@link java.math.MathContext} being used to round numbers.
* @see #setMathContext
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 4.2
public synchronized java.math.MathContext getMathContext() {
java.math.MathContext mathContext = exportedProperties.getMathContext();
assert mathContext != null;
return mathContext;
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the {@link java.math.MathContext} used
* to round numbers. A "math context" encodes both a rounding mode and a number of significant
* digits. Most users should call {@link #setRoundingMode} and/or {@link
* #setMaximumSignificantDigits} instead of this method.
* When formatting, since no division is ever performed, the default MathContext is unlimited
* significant digits. However, when division occurs during parsing to correct for percentages and
* multipliers, a MathContext of 34 digits, the IEEE 754R Decimal128 standard, is used by default.
* If you require more than 34 digits when parsing, you can set a custom MathContext using this
* method.
* @param mathContext The MathContext to use when rounding numbers.
* @throws ArithmeticException when inverting multiplier produces a non-terminating decimal result
* in conjunction with MathContext of unlimited precision.
* @see java.math.MathContext
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 4.2
public synchronized void setMathContext(java.math.MathContext mathContext) {
// Remember the ICU math context form in order to be able to return it from the API.
// NOTE: This value is not serialized. (should it be?)
private transient int icuMathContextForm = MathContext.PLAIN;
* {@icu} Returns the {@link com.ibm.icu.math.MathContext} being used to round numbers.
* @see #setMathContext
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 4.2
public synchronized MathContext getMathContextICU() {
java.math.MathContext mathContext = getMathContext();
return new MathContext(
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Overload of {@link #setMathContext} for
* {@link com.ibm.icu.math.MathContext}.
* @param mathContextICU The MathContext to use when rounding numbers.
* @throws ArithmeticException when inverting multiplier produces a non-terminating decimal result
* in conjunction with MathContext of unlimited precision.
* @see #setMathContext(java.math.MathContext)
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 4.2
public synchronized void setMathContextICU(MathContext mathContextICU) {
icuMathContextForm = mathContextICU.getForm();
java.math.MathContext mathContext;
if (mathContextICU.getLostDigits()) {
// The getLostDigits() feature in ICU MathContext means "throw an ArithmeticException if
// rounding causes digits to be lost". That feature is called RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY in
// Java MathContext.
mathContext = new java.math.MathContext(mathContextICU.getDigits(), RoundingMode.UNNECESSARY);
} else {
mathContext =
new java.math.MathContext(
mathContextICU.getDigits(), RoundingMode.valueOf(mathContextICU.getRoundingMode()));
* Returns the effective minimum number of digits before the decimal separator.
* @see #setMinimumIntegerDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getMinimumIntegerDigits() {
return exportedProperties.getMinimumIntegerDigits();
* Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the minimum number of digits to display before
* the decimal separator. If the number has fewer than this many digits, the number is padded with
* zeros.
For example, if minimum integer digits is 3, the number 12.3 will be printed as "001.23".
Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The minimum number of digits before the decimal separator.
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setMinimumIntegerDigits(int value) {
// For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting.
int max = properties.getMaximumIntegerDigits();
if (max >= 0 && max < value) {
* Returns the effective maximum number of digits before the decimal separator.
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getMaximumIntegerDigits() {
return exportedProperties.getMaximumIntegerDigits();
* Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the maximum number of digits to display before
* the decimal separator. If the number has more than this many digits, the number is truncated.
For example, if maximum integer digits is 3, the number 12345 will be printed as "345".
Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The maximum number of digits before the decimal separator.
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setMaximumIntegerDigits(int value) {
int min = properties.getMinimumIntegerDigits();
if (min >= 0 && min > value) {
* Returns the effective minimum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getMinimumFractionDigits() {
return exportedProperties.getMinimumFractionDigits();
* Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the minimum number of digits to display after
* the decimal separator. If the number has fewer than this many digits, the number is padded with
* zeros.
For example, if minimum fraction digits is 2, the number 123.4 will be printed as "123.40".
Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
See {@link #setRoundingIncrement} and {@link #setMaximumSignificantDigits} for two other
* ways of specifying rounding strategies.
* @param value The minimum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @see #setMaximumSignificantDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setMinimumFractionDigits(int value) {
int max = properties.getMaximumFractionDigits();
if (max >= 0 && max < value) {
* Returns the effective maximum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setMaximumIntegerDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getMaximumFractionDigits() {
return exportedProperties.getMaximumFractionDigits();
* Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the maximum number of digits to display after
* the decimal separator. If the number has more than this many digits, the number is rounded
* according to the rounding mode.
For example, if maximum fraction digits is 2, the number 123.456 will be printed as
* "123.46".
Minimum integer and minimum and maximum fraction digits can be specified via the pattern
* string. For example, "#,#00.00#" has 2 minimum integer digits, 2 minimum fraction digits, and 3
* maximum fraction digits. Note that it is not possible to specify maximium integer digits in the
* pattern except in scientific notation.
If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The maximum number of integer digits after the decimal separator.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setMaximumFractionDigits(int value) {
int min = properties.getMinimumFractionDigits();
if (min >= 0 && min > value) {
* {@icu} Returns whether significant digits are being used in rounding.
* @see #setSignificantDigitsUsed
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.0
public synchronized boolean areSignificantDigitsUsed() {
return properties.getMinimumSignificantDigits() != -1
|| properties.getMaximumSignificantDigits() != -1;
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets whether significant digits are to be
* used in rounding.
Calling df.setSignificantDigitsUsed(true)
is functionally equivalent to:
* df.setMinimumSignificantDigits(1);
* df.setMaximumSignificantDigits(6);
* @param useSignificantDigits true to enable significant digit rounding; false to disable it.
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.0
public synchronized void setSignificantDigitsUsed(boolean useSignificantDigits) {
int oldMinSig = properties.getMinimumSignificantDigits();
int oldMaxSig = properties.getMaximumSignificantDigits();
// These are the default values from the old implementation.
if (useSignificantDigits) {
if (oldMinSig != -1 || oldMaxSig != -1) {
} else {
if (oldMinSig == -1 && oldMaxSig == -1) {
int minSig = useSignificantDigits ? 1 : -1;
int maxSig = useSignificantDigits ? 6 : -1;
* {@icu} Returns the effective minimum number of significant digits displayed.
* @see #setMinimumSignificantDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.0
public synchronized int getMinimumSignificantDigits() {
return exportedProperties.getMinimumSignificantDigits();
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the minimum number of significant
* digits to be displayed. If the number of significant digits is less than this value, the number
* will be padded with zeros as necessary.
* For example, if minimum significant digits is 3 and the number is 1.2, the number will be
* printed as "1.20".
If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
* @param value The minimum number of significant digits to display.
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.0
public synchronized void setMinimumSignificantDigits(int value) {
int max = properties.getMaximumSignificantDigits();
if (max >= 0 && max < value) {
* {@icu} Returns the effective maximum number of significant digits displayed.
* @see #setMaximumSignificantDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.0
public synchronized int getMaximumSignificantDigits() {
return exportedProperties.getMaximumSignificantDigits();
* {@icu} Rounding and Digit Limits: Sets the maximum number of significant
* digits to be displayed. If the number of significant digits in the number exceeds this value,
* the number will be rounded according to the current rounding mode.
For example, if maximum significant digits is 3 and the number is 12345, the number will be
* printed as "12300".
If minimum and maximum integer, fraction, or significant digits conflict with each other,
* the most recently specified value is used. For example, if there is a formatter with minInt=5,
* and then you set maxInt=3, then minInt will be changed to 3.
See {@link #setRoundingIncrement} and {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits} for two other ways
* of specifying rounding strategies.
* @param value The maximum number of significant digits to display.
* @see #setRoundingMode
* @see #setRoundingIncrement
* @see #setMaximumFractionDigits
* @category Rounding
* @stable ICU 3.0
public synchronized void setMaximumSignificantDigits(int value) {
int min = properties.getMinimumSignificantDigits();
if (min >= 0 && min > value) {
* Returns the minimum number of characters in formatted output.
* @see #setFormatWidth
* @category Padding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getFormatWidth() {
return properties.getFormatWidth();
* Padding: Sets the minimum width of the string output by the formatting
* pipeline. For example, if padding is enabled and paddingWidth is set to 6, formatting the
* number "3.14159" with the pattern "0.00" will result in "··3.14" if '·' is your padding string.
If the number is longer than your padding width, the number will display as if no padding
* width had been specified, which may result in strings longer than the padding width.
Padding can be specified in the pattern string using the '*' symbol. For example, the format
* "*x######0" has a format width of 7 and a pad character of 'x'.
Padding is currently counted in UTF-16 code units; see ticket #13034 for more information.
* @param width The minimum number of characters in the output.
* @see #setPadCharacter
* @see #setPadPosition
* @category Padding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setFormatWidth(int width) {
* {@icu} Returns the character used for padding.
* @see #setPadCharacter
* @category Padding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized char getPadCharacter() {
CharSequence paddingString = properties.getPadString();
if (paddingString == null) {
return Padder.FALLBACK_PADDING_STRING.charAt(0);
} else {
return paddingString.charAt(0);
* {@icu} Padding: Sets the character used to pad numbers that are narrower than
* the width specified in {@link #setFormatWidth}.
In the pattern string, the padding character is the token that follows '*' before or after
* the prefix or suffix.
* @param padChar The character used for padding.
* @see #setFormatWidth
* @category Padding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setPadCharacter(char padChar) {
* {@icu} Returns the position used for padding.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @category Padding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getPadPosition() {
PadPosition loc = properties.getPadPosition();
return (loc == null) ? PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX : loc.toOld();
* {@icu} Padding: Sets the position where to insert the pad character when
* narrower than the width specified in {@link #setFormatWidth}. For example, consider the pattern
* "P123S" with padding width 8 and padding char "*". The four positions are:
* - {@link DecimalFormat#PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX} ⇒ "***P123S"
- {@link DecimalFormat#PAD_AFTER_PREFIX} ⇒ "P***123S"
- {@link DecimalFormat#PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX} ⇒ "P123***S"
- {@link DecimalFormat#PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX} ⇒ "P123S***"
* @param padPos The position used for padding.
* @see #setFormatWidth
* @category Padding
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setPadPosition(int padPos) {
* {@icu} Returns whether scientific (exponential) notation is enabled on this formatter.
* @see #setScientificNotation
* @category ScientificNotation
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized boolean isScientificNotation() {
return properties.getMinimumExponentDigits() != -1;
* {@icu} Scientific Notation: Sets whether this formatter should print in
* scientific (exponential) notation. For example, if scientific notation is enabled, the number
* 123000 will be printed as "1.23E5" in locale en-US. A locale-specific symbol is used
* as the exponent separator.
* Calling df.setScientificNotation(true)
is functionally equivalent to calling
* df.setMinimumExponentDigits(1)
* @param useScientific true to enable scientific notation; false to disable it.
* @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
* @category ScientificNotation
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setScientificNotation(boolean useScientific) {
if (useScientific) {
} else {
* {@icu} Returns the minimum number of digits printed in the exponent in scientific notation.
* @see #setMinimumExponentDigits
* @category ScientificNotation
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized byte getMinimumExponentDigits() {
return (byte) properties.getMinimumExponentDigits();
* {@icu} Scientific Notation: Sets the minimum number of digits to be printed in
* the exponent. For example, if minimum exponent digits is 3, the number 123000 will be printed
* as "1.23E005".
This setting corresponds to the number of zeros after the 'E' in a pattern string such as
* "0.00E000".
* @param minExpDig The minimum number of digits in the exponent.
* @category ScientificNotation
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setMinimumExponentDigits(byte minExpDig) {
* {@icu} Returns whether the sign (plus or minus) is always printed in scientific notation.
* @see #setExponentSignAlwaysShown
* @category ScientificNotation
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized boolean isExponentSignAlwaysShown() {
return properties.getExponentSignAlwaysShown();
* {@icu} Scientific Notation: Sets whether the sign (plus or minus) is always to
* be shown in the exponent in scientific notation. For example, if this setting is enabled, the
* number 123000 will be printed as "1.23E+5" in locale en-US. The number 0.0000123 will
* always be printed as "1.23E-5" in locale en-US whether or not this setting is enabled.
This setting corresponds to the '+' in a pattern such as "0.00E+0".
* @param expSignAlways true to always shown the sign in the exponent; false to show it for
* negatives but not positives.
* @category ScientificNotation
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setExponentSignAlwaysShown(boolean expSignAlways) {
* Returns whether or not grouping separators are being printed in the output.
* @see #setGroupingUsed
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized boolean isGroupingUsed() {
return properties.getGroupingUsed();
* Grouping: Sets whether grouping is to be used when formatting numbers.
* Grouping means whether the thousands, millions, billions, and larger powers of ten should be
* separated by a grouping separator (a comma in en-US).
For example, if grouping is enabled, 12345 will be printed as "12,345" in en-US. If
* grouping were disabled, it would instead be printed as simply "12345".
* @param enabled true to enable grouping separators; false to disable them.
* @see #setGroupingSize
* @see #setSecondaryGroupingSize
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setGroupingUsed(boolean enabled) {
* Returns the primary grouping size in use.
* @see #setGroupingSize
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getGroupingSize() {
if (properties.getGroupingSize() < 0) {
return 0;
return properties.getGroupingSize();
* Grouping: Sets the primary grouping size (distance between grouping
* separators) used when formatting large numbers. For most locales, this defaults to 3: the
* number of digits between the ones and thousands place, between thousands and millions, and so
* forth.
For example, with a grouping size of 3, the number 1234567 will be formatted as "1,234,567".
Grouping size can also be specified in the pattern: for example, "#,##0" corresponds to a
* grouping size of 3.
* @param width The grouping size to use.
* @see #setSecondaryGroupingSize
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setGroupingSize(int width) {
* {@icu} Returns the secondary grouping size in use.
* @see #setSecondaryGroupingSize
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int getSecondaryGroupingSize() {
int grouping2 = properties.getSecondaryGroupingSize();
if (grouping2 < 0) {
return 0;
return grouping2;
* {@icu} Grouping: Sets the secondary grouping size (distance between grouping
* separators after the first separator) used when formatting large numbers. In many south Asian
* locales, this is set to 2.
For example, with primary grouping size 3 and secondary grouping size 2, the number 1234567
* will be formatted as "12,34,567".
Grouping size can also be specified in the pattern: for example, "#,##,##0" corresponds to a
* primary grouping size of 3 and a secondary grouping size of 2.
* @param width The secondary grouping size to use.
* @see #setGroupingSize
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setSecondaryGroupingSize(int width) {
* {@icu} Returns the minimum number of digits before grouping is triggered.
* @see #setMinimumGroupingDigits
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized int getMinimumGroupingDigits() {
if (properties.getMinimumGroupingDigits() > 0) {
return properties.getMinimumGroupingDigits();
return 1;
* {@icu} Sets the minimum number of digits that must be before the first grouping separator in
* order for the grouping separator to be printed. For example, if minimum grouping digits is set
* to 2, in en-US, 1234 will be printed as "1234" and 12345 will be printed as "12,345".
* Set the value to:
* - 1 to turn off minimum grouping digits.
* - MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS_AUTO to display grouping using the default
* strategy for all locales.
* - MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS_MIN2 to display grouping using locale defaults,
* except do not show grouping on values smaller than 10000 (such that there is a minimum of
* two digits before the first separator).
* @param number The minimum number of digits before grouping is triggered.
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized void setMinimumGroupingDigits(int number) {
* {@icu} Constant for {@link #setMinimumGroupingDigits(int)} to specify display
* grouping using the default strategy for all locales.
* @see #setMinimumGroupingDigits(int)
* @category Separators
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* @draft ICU 68
public static final int MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS_AUTO = -2;
* {@icu} Constant for {@link #setMinimumGroupingDigits(int)} to specify display
* grouping using locale defaults, except do not show grouping on values smaller than
* 10000 (such that there is a minimum of two digits before the first separator).
* @see #setMinimumGroupingDigits(int)
* @category Separators
* @provisional This API might change or be removed in a future release.
* @draft ICU 68
public static final int MINIMUM_GROUPING_DIGITS_MIN2 = -3;
* Returns whether the decimal separator is shown on integers.
* @see #setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized boolean isDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown() {
return properties.getDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown();
* Separators: Sets whether the decimal separator (a period in en-US) is
* shown on integers. For example, if this setting is turned on, formatting 123 will result in
* "123." with the decimal separator.
* This setting can be specified in the pattern for integer formats: "#,##0." is an example.
* @param value true to always show the decimal separator; false to show it only when there is a
* fraction part of the number.
* @category Separators
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(boolean value) {
* Returns the currency used to display currency amounts. May be null.
* @see #setCurrency
* @see DecimalFormatSymbols#getCurrency
* @category Currency
* @stable ICU 2.6
public synchronized Currency getCurrency() {
return exportedProperties.getCurrency();
* Sets the currency to be used when formatting numbers. The effect is twofold:
* - Substitutions for currency symbols in the pattern string will use this currency
- The rounding mode will obey the rules for this currency (see {@link #setCurrencyUsage})
* Important: Displaying the currency in the output requires that the patter
* associated with this formatter contains a currency symbol '¤'. This will be the case if the
* instance was created via {@link #getCurrencyInstance} or one of its friends.
* @param currency The currency to use.
* @category Currency
* @stable ICU 2.2
public synchronized void setCurrency(Currency currency) {
if (currency != null) {
* {@icu} Returns the strategy for rounding currency amounts.
* @see #setCurrencyUsage
* @category Currency
* @stable ICU 54
public synchronized CurrencyUsage getCurrencyUsage() {
// CurrencyUsage is not exported, so we have to get it from the input property bag.
// TODO: Should we export CurrencyUsage instead?
CurrencyUsage usage = properties.getCurrencyUsage();
if (usage == null) {
usage = CurrencyUsage.STANDARD;
return usage;
* {@icu} Sets the currency-dependent strategy to use when rounding numbers. There are two
* strategies:
* - STANDARD: When the amount displayed is intended for banking statements or electronic
* transfer.
- CASH: When the amount displayed is intended to be representable in physical currency,
* like at a cash register.
* CASH mode is relevant in currencies that do not have tender down to the penny. For more
* information on the two rounding strategies, see UTS
* #35. If omitted, the strategy defaults to STANDARD. To override currency rounding
* altogether, use {@link #setMinimumFractionDigits} and {@link #setMaximumFractionDigits} or
* {@link #setRoundingIncrement}.
* @param usage The strategy to use when rounding in the current currency.
* @category Currency
* @stable ICU 54
public synchronized void setCurrencyUsage(CurrencyUsage usage) {
* {@icu} Returns the current instance of CurrencyPluralInfo.
* @see #setCurrencyPluralInfo
* @category Currency
* @stable ICU 4.2
public synchronized CurrencyPluralInfo getCurrencyPluralInfo() {
// CurrencyPluralInfo also is not exported.
return properties.getCurrencyPluralInfo();
* {@icu} Sets a custom instance of CurrencyPluralInfo. CurrencyPluralInfo generates pattern
* strings for printing currency long names.
* Most users should not call this method directly. You should instead create
* your formatter via NumberFormat.getInstance(NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE)
* @param newInfo The CurrencyPluralInfo to use when printing currency long names.
* @category Currency
* @stable ICU 4.2
public synchronized void setCurrencyPluralInfo(CurrencyPluralInfo newInfo) {
* Returns whether {@link #parse} will always return a BigDecimal.
* @see #setParseBigDecimal
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 3.6
public synchronized boolean isParseBigDecimal() {
return properties.getParseToBigDecimal();
* Whether to make {@link #parse} prefer returning a {@link com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal} when
* possible. For strings corresponding to return values of Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, and -0.0, a
* Double will be returned even if ParseBigDecimal is enabled.
* @param value true to cause {@link #parse} to prefer BigDecimal; false to let {@link #parse}
* return additional data types like Long or BigInteger.
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 3.6
public synchronized void setParseBigDecimal(boolean value) {
* Always returns 1000, the default prior to ICU 59.
* @category Parsing
* @deprecated Setting max parse digits has no effect since ICU4J 59.
public int getParseMaxDigits() {
return 1000;
* @param maxDigits Prior to ICU 59, the maximum number of digits in the output number after
* exponential notation is applied.
* @category Parsing
* @deprecated Setting max parse digits has no effect since ICU4J 59.
public void setParseMaxDigits(int maxDigits) {}
* {@inheritDoc}
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 3.6
public synchronized boolean isParseStrict() {
return properties.getParseMode() == ParseMode.STRICT;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 3.6
public synchronized void setParseStrict(boolean parseStrict) {
ParseMode mode = parseStrict ? ParseMode.STRICT : ParseMode.LENIENT;
* Android libcore uses this internal method to set {@link ParseMode#JAVA_COMPATIBILITY}.
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public synchronized void setParseStrictMode(ParseMode parseMode) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see #setParseIntegerOnly
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized boolean isParseIntegerOnly() {
return properties.getParseIntegerOnly();
* Parsing: {@inheritDoc}
This is functionally equivalent to calling {@link #setDecimalPatternMatchRequired} and a
* pattern without a decimal point.
* @param parseIntegerOnly true to ignore fractional parts of numbers when parsing; false to
* consume fractional parts.
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized void setParseIntegerOnly(boolean parseIntegerOnly) {
* {@icu} Returns whether the presence of a decimal point must match the pattern.
* @see #setDecimalPatternMatchRequired
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 54
public synchronized boolean isDecimalPatternMatchRequired() {
return properties.getDecimalPatternMatchRequired();
* {@icu} Parsing: This method is used to either require or
* forbid the presence of a decimal point in the string being parsed (disabled by
* default). This feature was designed to be an extra layer of strictness on top of strict
* parsing, although it can be used in either lenient mode or strict mode.
To require a decimal point, call this method in combination with either a pattern
* containing a decimal point or with {@link #setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown}.
* // Require a decimal point in the string being parsed:
* df.applyPattern("#.");
* df.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(true);
* // Alternatively:
* df.setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(true);
* df.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(true);
* To forbid a decimal point, call this method in combination with a pattern containing
* no decimal point. Alternatively, use {@link #setParseIntegerOnly} for the same behavior without
* depending on the contents of the pattern string.
* // Forbid a decimal point in the string being parsed:
* df.applyPattern("#");
* df.setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(true);
* @param value true to either require or forbid the decimal point according to the pattern; false
* to disable this feature.
* @see #setParseIntegerOnly
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 54
public synchronized void setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(boolean value) {
* {@icu} Returns whether to ignore exponents when parsing.
* @see #setParseNoExponent
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized boolean isParseNoExponent() {
return properties.getParseNoExponent();
* {@icu} Specifies whether to stop parsing when an exponent separator is encountered. For
* example, parses "123E4" to 123 (with parse position 3) instead of 1230000 (with parse position
* 5).
* @param value true to prevent exponents from being parsed; false to allow them to be parsed.
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized void setParseNoExponent(boolean value) {
* {@icu} Returns whether to force case (uppercase/lowercase) to match when parsing.
* @see #setParseNoExponent
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized boolean isParseCaseSensitive() {
return properties.getParseCaseSensitive();
* {@icu} Specifies whether parsing should require cases to match in affixes, exponent separators,
* and currency codes. Case mapping is performed for each code point using {@link
* UCharacter#foldCase}.
* @param value true to force case (uppercase/lowercase) to match when parsing; false to ignore
* case and perform case folding.
* @category Parsing
* @stable ICU 64
public synchronized void setParseCaseSensitive(boolean value) {
// TODO(sffc): Uncomment for ICU 60 API proposal.
// /**
// * {@icu} Returns the strategy used for choosing between grouping and decimal separators when
// * parsing.
// *
// * @see #setParseGroupingMode
// * @category Parsing
// */
// public synchronized GroupingMode getParseGroupingMode() {
// return properties.getParseGroupingMode();
// }
// /**
// * {@icu} Sets the strategy used during parsing when a code point needs to be interpreted as
// * either a decimal separator or a grouping separator.
// *
// * The comma, period, space, and apostrophe have different meanings in different locales. For
// * example, in en-US and most American locales, the period is used as a decimal
// * separator, but in es-PY and most European locales, it is used as a grouping separator.
// *
// * Suppose you are in fr-FR the parser encounters the string "1.234". In fr-FR,
// * the grouping is a space and the decimal is a comma. The grouping mode is a mechanism
// * to let you specify whether to accept the string as 1234 (GroupingMode.DEFAULT) or whether to reject it since the separators
// * don't match (GroupingMode.RESTRICTED).
// *
// * When resolving grouping separators, it is the equivalence class of separators that is considered.
// * For example, a period is seen as equal to a fixed set of other period-like characters.
// *
// * @param groupingMode The strategy to use; either DEFAULT or RESTRICTED.
// * @category Parsing
// */
// public synchronized void setParseGroupingMode(GroupingMode groupingMode) {
// properties.setParseGroupingMode(groupingMode);
// refreshFormatter();
// }
* Tests for equality between this formatter and another formatter.
If two DecimalFormat instances are equal, then they will always produce the same output.
* However, the reverse is not necessarily true: if two DecimalFormat instances always produce the
* same output, they are not necessarily equal.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null) return false;
if (obj == this) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof DecimalFormat)) return false;
DecimalFormat other = (DecimalFormat) obj;
return properties.equals(other.properties) && symbols.equals(other.symbols);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized int hashCode() {
return properties.hashCode() ^ symbols.hashCode();
* Returns the default value of toString() with extra DecimalFormat-specific information appended
* to the end of the string. This extra information is intended for debugging purposes, and the
* format is not guaranteed to be stable.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(" { symbols@");
synchronized (this) {
result.append(" }");
return result.toString();
* Serializes this formatter object to a decimal format pattern string. The result of this method
* is guaranteed to be functionally equivalent to the pattern string used to create this
* instance after incorporating values from the setter methods.
For more information on decimal format pattern strings, see UTS #35.
Important: Not all properties are capable of being encoded in a pattern
* string. See a list of properties in {@link #applyPattern}.
* @return A decimal format pattern string.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized String toPattern() {
// Pull some properties from exportedProperties and others from properties
// to keep affix patterns intact. In particular, pull rounding properties
// so that CurrencyUsage is reflected properly.
// TODO: Consider putting this logic in PatternString.java instead.
DecimalFormatProperties tprops = new DecimalFormatProperties().copyFrom(properties);
boolean useCurrency = ((tprops.getCurrency() != null)
|| tprops.getCurrencyPluralInfo() != null
|| tprops.getCurrencyUsage() != null
|| AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.getPositivePrefixPattern())
|| AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.getPositiveSuffixPattern())
|| AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.getNegativePrefixPattern())
|| AffixUtils.hasCurrencySymbols(tprops.getNegativeSuffixPattern()));
if (useCurrency) {
return PatternStringUtils.propertiesToPatternString(tprops);
* Calls {@link #toPattern} and converts the string to localized notation. For more information on
* localized notation, see {@link #applyLocalizedPattern}. This method is provided for backwards
* compatibility and should not be used in new projects.
* @return A decimal format pattern string in localized notation.
* @stable ICU 2.0
public synchronized String toLocalizedPattern() {
String pattern = toPattern();
return PatternStringUtils.convertLocalized(pattern, symbols, true);
* Converts this DecimalFormat to a NumberFormatter. Starting in ICU 60,
* NumberFormatter is the recommended way to format numbers.
* @return An instance of {@link LocalizedNumberFormatter} with the same behavior as this instance of
* DecimalFormat.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @stable ICU 60
public LocalizedNumberFormatter toNumberFormatter() {
return formatter;
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public IFixedDecimal getFixedDecimal(double number) {
return formatter.format(number).getFixedDecimal();
/** Rebuilds the formatter object from the property bag. */
void refreshFormatter() {
if (exportedProperties == null) {
// exportedProperties is null only when the formatter is not ready yet.
// The only time when this happens is during legacy deserialization.
ULocale locale = this.getLocale(ULocale.ACTUAL_LOCALE);
if (locale == null) {
// Constructor
locale = symbols.getLocale(ULocale.ACTUAL_LOCALE);
if (locale == null) {
// Deserialization
locale = symbols.getULocale();
assert locale != null;
formatter = NumberFormatter.fromDecimalFormat(properties, symbols, exportedProperties).locale(locale);
// Lazy-initialize the parsers only when we need them.
parser = null;
currencyParser = null;
NumberParserImpl getParser() {
if (parser == null) {
parser = NumberParserImpl.createParserFromProperties(properties, symbols, false);
return parser;
NumberParserImpl getCurrencyParser() {
if (currencyParser == null) {
currencyParser = NumberParserImpl.createParserFromProperties(properties, symbols, true);
return currencyParser;
* Converts a java.math.BigDecimal to a com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal with fallback for numbers
* outside of the range supported by com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal.
* @param number
* @return
private Number safeConvertBigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal number) {
try {
return new com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal(number);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (number.signum() > 0 && number.scale() < 0) {
} else if (number.scale() < 0) {
} else if (number.signum() < 0) {
return -0.0;
} else {
return 0.0;
* Updates the property bag with settings from the given pattern.
* @param pattern The pattern string to parse.
* @param ignoreRounding Whether to leave out rounding information (minFrac, maxFrac, and rounding
* increment) when parsing the pattern. This may be desirable if a custom rounding mode, such
* as CurrencyUsage, is to be used instead. One of {@link
* PatternStringParser#IGNORE_ROUNDING_ALWAYS}, {@link PatternStringParser#IGNORE_ROUNDING_IF_CURRENCY},
* or {@link PatternStringParser#IGNORE_ROUNDING_NEVER}.
* @see PatternAndPropertyUtils#parseToExistingProperties
void setPropertiesFromPattern(String pattern, int ignoreRounding) {
if (pattern == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
PatternStringParser.parseToExistingProperties(pattern, properties, ignoreRounding);
static void fieldPositionHelper(
DecimalQuantity dq, FormattedStringBuilder string, FieldPosition fieldPosition, int offset) {
// always return first occurrence:
boolean found = FormattedValueStringBuilderImpl.nextFieldPosition(string, fieldPosition);;
if (found && offset != 0) {
fieldPosition.setBeginIndex(fieldPosition.getBeginIndex() + offset);
fieldPosition.setEndIndex(fieldPosition.getEndIndex() + offset);
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public synchronized void setProperties(PropertySetter func) {
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public static interface PropertySetter {
* @internal
* @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
public void set(DecimalFormatProperties props);
* {@icu} Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted before the prefix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
* @stable ICU 2.0
public static final int PAD_BEFORE_PREFIX = 0;
* {@icu} Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted after the prefix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
* @stable ICU 2.0
public static final int PAD_AFTER_PREFIX = 1;
* {@icu} Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted before the suffix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
* @stable ICU 2.0
public static final int PAD_BEFORE_SUFFIX = 2;
* {@icu} Constant for {@link #getPadPosition()} and {@link #setPadPosition(int)} to specify pad
* characters inserted after the suffix.
* @see #setPadPosition
* @see #getPadPosition
* @stable ICU 2.0
public static final int PAD_AFTER_SUFFIX = 3;