com.ibm.icu.impl.ICUService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
* Copyright (C) 2001-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
package com.ibm.icu.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale;
import com.ibm.icu.util.ULocale.Category;
* A Service provides access to service objects that implement a
* particular service, e.g. transliterators. Users provide a String
* id (for example, a locale string) to the service, and get back an
* object for that id. Service objects can be any kind of object.
* The service object is cached and returned for later queries, so
* generally it should not be mutable, or the caller should clone the
* object before modifying it.
* Services 'canonicalize' the query id and use the canonical id to
* query for the service. The service also defines a mechanism to
* 'fallback' the id multiple times. Clients can optionally request
* the actual id that was matched by a query when they use an id to
* retrieve a service object.
* Service objects are instantiated by Factory objects registered with
* the service. The service queries each Factory in turn, from most recently
* registered to earliest registered, until one returns a service object.
* If none responds with a service object, a fallback id is generated,
* and the process repeats until a service object is returned or until
* the id has no further fallbacks.
* Factories can be dynamically registered and unregistered with the
* service. When registered, a Factory is installed at the head of
* the factory list, and so gets 'first crack' at any keys or fallback
* keys. When unregistered, it is removed from the service and can no
* longer be located through it. Service objects generated by this
* factory and held by the client are unaffected.
* ICUService uses Keys to query factories and perform
* fallback. The Key defines the canonical form of the id, and
* implements the fallback strategy. Custom Keys can be defined that
* parse complex IDs into components that Factories can more easily
* use. The Key can cache the results of this parsing to save
* repeated effort. ICUService provides convenience APIs that
* take Strings and generate default Keys for use in querying.
* ICUService provides API to get the list of ids publicly
* supported by the service (although queries aren't restricted to
* this list). This list contains only 'simple' IDs, and not fully
* unique ids. Factories are associated with each simple ID and
* the responsible factory can also return a human-readable localized
* version of the simple ID, for use in user interfaces. ICUService
* can also provide a sorted collection of the all the localized visible
* ids.
* ICUService implements ICUNotifier, so that clients can register
* to receive notification when factories are added or removed from
* the service. ICUService provides a default EventListener subinterface,
* ServiceListener, which can be registered with the service. When
* the service changes, the ServiceListener's serviceChanged method
* is called, with the service as the only argument.
* The ICUService API is both rich and generic, and it is expected
* that most implementations will statically 'wrap' ICUService to
* present a more appropriate API-- for example, to declare the type
* of the objects returned from get, to limit the factories that can
* be registered with the service, or to define their own listener
* interface with a custom callback method. They might also customize
* ICUService by overriding it, for example, to customize the Key and
* fallback strategy. ICULocaleService is a customized service that
* uses Locale names as ids and uses Keys that implement the standard
* resource bundle fallback strategy.
public class ICUService extends ICUNotifier {
* Name used for debugging.
protected final String name;
* Constructor.
public ICUService() {
name = "";
private static final boolean DEBUG = ICUDebug.enabled("service");
* Construct with a name (useful for debugging).
public ICUService(String name) {
this.name = name;
* Access to factories is protected by a read-write lock. This is
* to allow multiple threads to read concurrently, but keep
* changes to the factory list atomic with respect to all readers.
private final ICURWLock factoryLock = new ICURWLock();
* All the factories registered with this service.
private final List factories = new ArrayList();
* Record the default number of factories for this service.
* Can be set by markDefault.
private int defaultSize = 0;
* Keys are used to communicate with factories to generate an
* instance of the service. Keys define how ids are
* canonicalized, provide both a current id and a current
* descriptor to use in querying the cache and factories, and
* determine the fallback strategy.
* Keys provide both a currentDescriptor and a currentID.
* The descriptor contains an optional prefix, followed by '/'
* and the currentID. Factories that handle complex keys,
* for example number format factories that generate multiple
* kinds of formatters for the same locale, use the descriptor
* to provide a fully unique identifier for the service object,
* while using the currentID (in this case, the locale string),
* as the visible IDs that can be localized.
The default implementation of Key has no fallbacks and
* has no custom descriptors.
public static class Key {
private final String id;
* Construct a key from an id.
public Key(String id) {
this.id = id;
* Return the original ID used to construct this key.
public final String id() {
return id;
* Return the canonical version of the original ID. This implementation
* returns the original ID unchanged.
public String canonicalID() {
return id;
* Return the (canonical) current ID. This implementation
* returns the canonical ID.
public String currentID() {
return canonicalID();
* Return the current descriptor. This implementation returns
* the current ID. The current descriptor is used to fully
* identify an instance of the service in the cache. A
* factory may handle all descriptors for an ID, or just a
* particular descriptor. The factory can either parse the
* descriptor or use custom API on the key in order to
* instantiate the service.
public String currentDescriptor() {
return "/" + currentID();
* If the key has a fallback, modify the key and return true,
* otherwise return false. The current ID will change if there
* is a fallback. No currentIDs should be repeated, and fallback
* must eventually return false. This implmentation has no fallbacks
* and always returns false.
public boolean fallback() {
return false;
* If a key created from id would eventually fallback to match the
* canonical ID of this key, return true.
public boolean isFallbackOf(String idToCheck) {
return canonicalID().equals(idToCheck);
* Factories generate the service objects maintained by the
* service. A factory generates a service object from a key,
* updates id->factory mappings, and returns the display name for
* a supported id.
public static interface Factory {
* Create a service object from the key, if this factory
* supports the key. Otherwise, return null.
* If the factory supports the key, then it can call
* the service's getKey(Key, String[], Factory) method
* passing itself as the factory to get the object that
* the service would have created prior to the factory's
* registration with the service. This can change the
* key, so any information required from the key should
* be extracted before making such a callback.
public Object create(Key key, ICUService service);
* Update the result IDs (not descriptors) to reflect the IDs
* this factory handles. This function and getDisplayName are
* used to support ICUService.getDisplayNames. Basically, the
* factory has to determine which IDs it will permit to be
* available, and of those, which it will provide localized
* display names for. In most cases this reflects the IDs that
* the factory directly supports.
public void updateVisibleIDs(Map result);
* Return the display name for this id in the provided locale.
* This is an localized id, not a descriptor. If the id is
* not visible or not defined by the factory, return null.
* If locale is null, return id unchanged.
public String getDisplayName(String id, ULocale locale);
* A default implementation of factory. This provides default
* implementations for subclasses, and implements a singleton
* factory that matches a single id and returns a single
* (possibly deferred-initialized) instance. This implements
* updateVisibleIDs to add a mapping from its ID to itself
* if visible is true, or to remove any existing mapping
* for its ID if visible is false.
public static class SimpleFactory implements Factory {
protected Object instance;
protected String id;
protected boolean visible;
* Convenience constructor that calls SimpleFactory(Object, String, boolean)
* with visible true.
public SimpleFactory(Object instance, String id) {
this(instance, id, true);
* Construct a simple factory that maps a single id to a single
* service instance. If visible is true, the id will be visible.
* Neither the instance nor the id can be null.
public SimpleFactory(Object instance, String id, boolean visible) {
if (instance == null || id == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Instance or id is null");
this.instance = instance;
this.id = id;
this.visible = visible;
* Return the service instance if the factory's id is equal to
* the key's currentID. Service is ignored.
public Object create(Key key, ICUService service) {
if (id.equals(key.currentID())) {
return instance;
return null;
* If visible, adds a mapping from id -> this to the result,
* otherwise removes id from result.
public void updateVisibleIDs(Map result) {
if (visible) {
result.put(id, this);
} else {
* If this.id equals id, returns id regardless of locale,
* otherwise returns null. (This default implementation has
* no localized id information.)
public String getDisplayName(String identifier, ULocale locale) {
return (visible && id.equals(identifier)) ? identifier : null;
* For debugging.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(super.toString());
buf.append(", id: ");
buf.append(", visible: ");
return buf.toString();
* Convenience override for get(String, String[]). This uses
* createKey to create a key for the provided descriptor.
public Object get(String descriptor) {
return getKey(createKey(descriptor), null);
* Convenience override for get(Key, String[]). This uses
* createKey to create a key from the provided descriptor.
public Object get(String descriptor, String[] actualReturn) {
if (descriptor == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("descriptor must not be null");
return getKey(createKey(descriptor), actualReturn);
* Convenience override for get(Key, String[]).
public Object getKey(Key key) {
return getKey(key, null);
* Given a key, return a service object, and, if actualReturn
* is not null, the descriptor with which it was found in the
* first element of actualReturn. If no service object matches
* this key, return null, and leave actualReturn unchanged.
* This queries the cache using the key's descriptor, and if no
* object in the cache matches it, tries the key on each
* registered factory, in order. If none generates a service
* object for the key, repeats the process with each fallback of
* the key, until either one returns a service object, or the key
* has no fallback.
* If key is null, just returns null.
public Object getKey(Key key, String[] actualReturn) {
return getKey(key, actualReturn, null);
// debugging
// Map hardRef;
public Object getKey(Key key, String[] actualReturn, Factory factory) {
if (factories.size() == 0) {
return handleDefault(key, actualReturn);
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Service: " + name + " key: " + key.canonicalID());
CacheEntry result = null;
if (key != null) {
try {
// The factory list can't be modified until we're done,
// otherwise we might update the cache with an invalid result.
// The cache has to stay in synch with the factory list.
Map cache = this.cache; // copy so we don't need to sync on this
if (cache == null) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("Service " + name + " cache was empty");
// synchronized since additions and queries on the cache must be atomic
// they can be interleaved, though
cache = new ConcurrentHashMap();
String currentDescriptor = null;
ArrayList cacheDescriptorList = null;
boolean putInCache = false;
int NDebug = 0;
int startIndex = 0;
int limit = factories.size();
boolean cacheResult = true;
if (factory != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
if (factory == factories.get(i)) {
startIndex = i + 1;
if (startIndex == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Factory " + factory + "not registered with service: " + this);
cacheResult = false;
do {
currentDescriptor = key.currentDescriptor();
if (DEBUG) System.out.println(name + "[" + NDebug++ + "] looking for: " + currentDescriptor);
result = cache.get(currentDescriptor);
if (result != null) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println(name + " found with descriptor: " + currentDescriptor);
break outer;
} else {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("did not find: " + currentDescriptor + " in cache");
// first test of cache failed, so we'll have to update
// the cache if we eventually succeed-- that is, if we're
// going to update the cache at all.
putInCache = cacheResult;
// int n = 0;
int index = startIndex;
while (index < limit) {
Factory f = factories.get(index++);
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("trying factory[" + (index-1) + "] " + f.toString());
Object service = f.create(key, this);
if (service != null) {
result = new CacheEntry(currentDescriptor, service);
if (DEBUG) System.out.println(name + " factory supported: " + currentDescriptor + ", caching");
break outer;
} else {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("factory did not support: " + currentDescriptor);
// prepare to load the cache with all additional ids that
// will resolve to result, assuming we'll succeed. We
// don't want to keep querying on an id that's going to
// fallback to the one that succeeded, we want to hit the
// cache the first time next goaround.
if (cacheDescriptorList == null) {
cacheDescriptorList = new ArrayList(5);
} while (key.fallback());
if (result != null) {
if (putInCache) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("caching '" + result.actualDescriptor + "'");
cache.put(result.actualDescriptor, result);
if (cacheDescriptorList != null) {
for (String desc : cacheDescriptorList) {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println(name + " adding descriptor: '" + desc + "' for actual: '" + result.actualDescriptor + "'");
cache.put(desc, result);
// Atomic update. We held the read lock all this time
// so we know our cache is consistent with the factory list.
// We might stomp over a cache that some other thread
// rebuilt, but that's the breaks. They're both good.
this.cache = cache;
if (actualReturn != null) {
// strip null prefix
if (result.actualDescriptor.indexOf("/") == 0) {
actualReturn[0] = result.actualDescriptor.substring(1);
} else {
actualReturn[0] = result.actualDescriptor;
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("found in service: " + name);
return result.service;
finally {
if (DEBUG) System.out.println("not found in service: " + name);
return handleDefault(key, actualReturn);
private Map cache;
// Record the actual id for this service in the cache, so we can return it
// even if we succeed later with a different id.
private static final class CacheEntry {
final String actualDescriptor;
final Object service;
CacheEntry(String actualDescriptor, Object service) {
this.actualDescriptor = actualDescriptor;
this.service = service;
* Default handler for this service if no factory in the list
* handled the key.
protected Object handleDefault(Key key, String[] actualIDReturn) {
return null;
* Convenience override for getVisibleIDs(String) that passes null
* as the fallback, thus returning all visible IDs.
public Set getVisibleIDs() {
return getVisibleIDs(null);
* Return a snapshot of the visible IDs for this service. This
* set will not change as Factories are added or removed, but the
* supported ids will, so there is no guarantee that all and only
* the ids in the returned set are visible and supported by the
* service in subsequent calls.
* matchID is passed to createKey to create a key. If the
* key is not null, it is used to filter out ids that don't have
* the key as a fallback.
public Set getVisibleIDs(String matchID) {
Set result = getVisibleIDMap().keySet();
Key fallbackKey = createKey(matchID);
if (fallbackKey != null) {
Set temp = new HashSet(result.size());
for (String id : result) {
if (fallbackKey.isFallbackOf(id)) {
result = temp;
return result;
* Return a map from visible ids to factories.
private Map getVisibleIDMap() {
synchronized (this) { // or idcache-only lock?
if (idcache == null) {
try {
Map mutableMap = new HashMap();
ListIterator lIter = factories.listIterator(factories.size());
while (lIter.hasPrevious()) {
Factory f = lIter.previous();
this.idcache = Collections.unmodifiableMap(mutableMap);
} finally {
return idcache;
private Map idcache;
* Convenience override for getDisplayName(String, ULocale) that
* uses the current default locale.
public String getDisplayName(String id) {
return getDisplayName(id, ULocale.getDefault(Category.DISPLAY));
* Given a visible id, return the display name in the requested locale.
* If there is no directly supported id corresponding to this id, return
* null.
public String getDisplayName(String id, ULocale locale) {
Map m = getVisibleIDMap();
Factory f = m.get(id);
if (f != null) {
return f.getDisplayName(id, locale);
Key key = createKey(id);
while (key.fallback()) {
f = m.get(key.currentID());
if (f != null) {
return f.getDisplayName(id, locale);
return null;
* Convenience override of getDisplayNames(ULocale, Comparator, String) that
* uses the current default Locale as the locale, null as
* the comparator, and null for the matchID.
public SortedMap getDisplayNames() {
ULocale locale = ULocale.getDefault(Category.DISPLAY);
return getDisplayNames(locale, null, null);
* Convenience override of getDisplayNames(ULocale, Comparator, String) that
* uses null for the comparator, and null for the matchID.
public SortedMap getDisplayNames(ULocale locale) {
return getDisplayNames(locale, null, null);
* Convenience override of getDisplayNames(ULocale, Comparator, String) that
* uses null for the matchID, thus returning all display names.
public SortedMap getDisplayNames(ULocale locale, Comparator