com.ibm.ims.connect.impl.OutputMessageImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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API that allows Java applications to interface with IMS Connect
* File: OutputMessageImpl.java
* ==========================================================================
* Licensed Material - Property of IBM
* IBM Confidential
* OCO Source Materials
* 5655-TDA
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2014 All Rights Reserved.
* The source code for this program is not published or
* otherwise divested of its trade secrets, irrespective
* of what has been deposited with the U.S. Copyright
* Office.
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
* IBM Corp.
* ===========================================================================
package com.ibm.ims.connect.impl;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.ApiProperties;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.ImsConnectApiException;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.ImsConnectErrorMessage;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.ImsConnectExecutionException;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.OutputMessage;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.OutputMessageProperties;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.TmInteraction;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.Type2CmdResponse;
import com.ibm.ims.connect.XmlParser;
* The class represents the output message received from IMS Connect.
* @author hfung
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
public class OutputMessageImpl implements OutputMessage {
private static final String copyright = "Licensed Material - Property of IBM "
+ "5655-TDA"
+ "(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009,2013 All Rights Reserved. "
+ "US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or "
+ "disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ";
private TmInteractionImpl myTmInteractionImpl;
private Type2CmdResponse myType2CommandResponse = null;
private XmlParser myXmlParser = new XmlParser();
// private SAXParser mySAXParser;
// private ResponseProcessor myResponseProcessor = new ResponseProcessor();
// ------------------Added for Sync
// callout------------------------------////
private int[] parsedOutLlllValIntArray; // array of LL values as an array of
// shorts (each LL value as a short)
// for all of the segments in the
// output message
private byte[][] parsedOutLlllByteArray;
// -------------------End-----------------------------
private byte[][] parsedOutLlByteArray; // array of LL bytes (each LL as a
// byte array) for all of the
// segments in the output message
private short[] parsedOutLlValShortArray; // array of LL values as an array
// of shorts (each LL value as a
// short) for all of the
// segments in the output
// message
private byte[][] parsedOutZzByteArray; // array of ZZ bytes (each ZZ as a
// byte array) for all of the
// segments in the output message
private byte[][] parsedOutDataByteArray; // array of data bytes (each
// segment of data as a byte
// array) for all of the
// segments in the output
// message
private byte[] llll;
private byte[] ll;
// private short llVal = 0;
private byte[] zz;
private int numberOfSegments;
private byte[] responseMessage = null; // response message as received from
// IMS Connect including segment
// data and LLZZs for each segment
// plus optional LLLL
private int messageLength = 0; // length of responseMessage
private int msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_INVALID;
private Logger logger;
private byte csmFlag1 = OutputMessageProperties.CSM_FLG1_NOFLAG;
private byte csmFlag2 = OutputMessageProperties.CSM_FLG2_NOFLAG;
private String csmStr;
private int rsmReturnCode;
private int rsmReasonCode;
private int rsmOtmaSenseCode;
private byte rsmOtmaReasonCode;
private int rsmRacfReturnCode;
private String racfReturnCodeString;
private boolean responseIncludesLlll;
private boolean ackNakNeeded;
private boolean asyncOutputAvailable;
private boolean inConversation;
private byte protocolLevel;
private boolean protocolLevelAvailable;
private String mfsModname;
private String clientId;
private boolean responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse = false;
// private boolean asyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated = false;
// private boolean inConversationPropertyUpdated = false;
private String myImsConnectCodepage = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE_EBCDIC_US;
private boolean includeLlzzInSegments;
private boolean messageIsSingleSegment;
private int rmmOffset = 0;
private int gencidOffset = 0;
private int corOffset = 0;
private boolean isSyncCalloutReq = false;
OutputMessageImpl(TmInteraction myTMInteraction) {
logger = Logger.getLogger("com.ibm.ims.connect");
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT))
// if
// (logger.getLevel().intValue()<=ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT.intValue())
logger.finer("--> OutputMessage(TmInteraction) constructor");
myTmInteractionImpl = (TmInteractionImpl) myTMInteraction;
this.myImsConnectCodepage = myTmInteractionImpl.getImsConnectCodepage();
// this.setUse2DimensionalByteArray(myTMInteraction.isUse2DimensionalByteArray());
this.setMessageIsSingleSegment(((TmInteractionImpl) myTMInteraction)
.getNumberOfSegmentsFromOutput() > 2 ? false : true);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT))
// if
// (logger.getLevel().intValue()<=ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT.intValue())
logger.finer("<-- OutputMessage(TmInteraction)");
public void reset(TmInteraction aTMInteraction) {
this.responseMessage = null;
this.messageLength = 0;
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_INVALID;
this.csmFlag1 = OutputMessageProperties.CSM_FLG1_NOFLAG;
this.csmStr = null;
this.rsmReturnCode = 0;
this.rsmReasonCode = 0;
// this.setUse2DimensionalByteArray(aTMInteraction.isUse2DimensionalByteArray());
this.rsmOtmaSenseCode = 0;
this.rsmOtmaReasonCode = 0;
this.rsmRacfReturnCode = 0;
this.racfReturnCodeString = "";
this.responseIncludesLlll = true;
this.ackNakNeeded = false;
this.asyncOutputAvailable = false;
this.inConversation = false;
this.isSyncCalloutReq = false;
this.protocolLevel = 0;
this.protocolLevelAvailable = false;
this.mfsModname = " ";
this.clientId = "";
this.responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse = false;
if (this.myType2CommandResponse != null)
myType2CommandResponse = new Type2CmdResponse(
public void copyOutputMessage(OutputMessageImpl anOutputMessage) {
this.responseMessage = anOutputMessage.getResponseMessage();
this.messageLength = anOutputMessage.getMessageLength();
this.msgType = anOutputMessage.getMsgType();
this.numberOfSegments = anOutputMessage.getNumberOfSegments();
this.parsedOutLlllByteArray = anOutputMessage
this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray = anOutputMessage
this.parsedOutLlByteArray = anOutputMessage.getParsedOutLlByteArray();
this.parsedOutLlValShortArray = anOutputMessage
this.parsedOutZzByteArray = anOutputMessage.getParsedOutZzByteArray();
this.parsedOutDataByteArray = anOutputMessage
this.myImsConnectCodepage = anOutputMessage.getMyImsConnectCodepage();
this.csmFlag1 = anOutputMessage.getCsmFlag1();
this.csmStr = anOutputMessage.getCsmStr();
this.includeLlzzInSegments = anOutputMessage.isIncludeLlzzInSegments();
public void parse(boolean aResponseIncludesLlll) throws Exception {
this.msgType = 0xFF; // ???
String checkStr = null;
String checkRsmStr = "";
String checkCsmStr = null;
// String checkTknStr =null;
String checkT2CmdStr = null;
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT))
logger.finer("--> OutputMessage.parse(boolean)");
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL)) {
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message length: ["
+ responseMessage.length + "]");
// This parse method will check for:
// COR (The correlation token is the first structure in a synchronous
// callout request and can be followed by the optional RMM structure, followed by optional GENCID, and
// the application data)
// 2 bytes COR_Len
// 2 bytes COR_Rsvd
// 8 bytes COR_Id (*CORTKN*)
// 40 bytes Corelator token
// 52 bytes total w/0 LLLL
// (56 bytes total w/ LLLL)
// RMM (optional message that contains MODNAME + data - not applicable
// to IMS command output)
// 2 bytes length
// 2 bytes zz flag
// 8 bytes RMM ID (*REQMOD*)
// 8 bytes MOD
// 20 bytes total w/o LLLL
// (24 bytes total w/ LLLL)
// GENCID: (optional message that contains CLIENID + data - not applicable
// to IMS command output)
// 2 bytes length
// 2 bytes zz flag
// 8 bytes GEN CLIENT ID (*GENCID*)
// 8 bytes Client ID name
// 20 bytes total w/o LLLL
// (24 bytes total w/ LLLL)
// CSM : (last structure in an output message resulting from a
// successfully processed IMS tran or IMS command input message)
// 2 byte length
// 1 byte CSM flag
// 1 byte reserved
// 8 bytes CSM ID (*CSMOKY*)
// 12 bytes total w/o LLLL
// (16 bytes total w/ LLLL)
// RSM : (only structure in an output message resulting from an
// unsuccessfully processed intput message - also applicable to IMS
// command output)
// 2 byte length
// 1 byte RSM flag 1 (Z1)
// 1 byte RSM flag 2 (Z2 - OTMA reason code if retcode=16 or RACF return
// code if retcode=8 and rescode=40)
// 8 bytes RSM ID (*REQSTS*)
// 4 bytes retcode
// 4 bytes rescode (OTMA reason code if retcode=16)
// 20 bytes total w/o LLLL
// (24 bytes total w/ LLLL)
// Structure of output message from IMS tran containing RMM + Data + CSM
// (not applicable to IMS command output)
// [LLLL]*|[RMM]*|[LLZZ|Data]#|[CSM]
// Structure of output message from IMS tran containing RMM + GENCID + Data + CSM
// (not applicable to IMS command output)
// [LLLL]*|[RMM]*|[GENCID]*|[LLZZ|Data]#|[CSM]
// Structure of output message from IMS tran containing GENCID + Data + CSM
// (not applicable to IMS command output)
// [LLLL]*|[GENCID]*|[LLZZ|Data]#|[CSM]
// Structure of output message from IMS tran or IMS command containing
// only Data + CSM (LLLL optional)
// [LLLL]*|[LLZZ|Data]#|[CSM] // one LLZZData for each segment in the
// message)
// Structure of a synchronous callout request message sent by IMS
// Connect to a client application
// [LLLL]*|[LLZZ COR]*|[RMM]*|[LLLLData]#|[CSM]
// Structure of a synchronous callout request message sent by IMS with RMM and CLIENTID
// Connect to a client application
// [LLLL]*|[LLZZ COR]*|[RMM]*|[GENCID]*|[LLLLData]#|[CSM]
// Structure of a synchronous callout request message sent by IMS without RMM
// Connect to a client application
// [LLLL]*|[LLZZ COR]*|[LLLLData]#|[CSM]
// Structure of a Type-2 command response message sent by IMS Connect to
// a client application
// [LLLL]|[XML message] (ends with <\imsout>)
// Structure of error message (not applicable to IMS command output)
// [LLLL]*|[RSM]
// * - zero or one (e.g., zero or one LLLL depending on the processing
// in user message exit)
// # - one LLZZData (or LLLLData for synchronous callout) for each
// segment in the message
try {
// If the message length is smaller than the minimum length of a
// valid message,
// the message is bad.
if (this.responseMessage.length < OutputMessageProperties.LEN_MSG_MIN) {
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage
ImsConnectExecutionException e = new ImsConnectExecutionException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0019E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
.severe(" Exception thrown in OutputMessage.parse(boolean). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
checkStr = new String(this.responseMessage, this.myImsConnectCodepage);
//Checking for Type2Command message
if (this.myTmInteractionImpl.getInteractionTypeDescription()
checkT2CmdStr = (checkStr.toUpperCase()
.endsWith(OutputMessageProperties.T2C_ID)) ? OutputMessageProperties.T2C_ID
: null;
if (checkT2CmdStr == (null)) {
//Checking if its an RSM that is received
checkRsmStr = checkStr.substring((aResponseIncludesLlll ? 8
: 4), (aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12));
//Checking if its a CSM that is received
else {
checkCsmStr = (checkStr
.endsWith(OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY)) ? OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY
: null;
if (checkCsmStr == (null)) {
//Checking if its and RSM
checkRsmStr = checkStr.substring((aResponseIncludesLlll ? 8
: 4), (aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12));
// By now in the code we know if we have got an RSM, CSM or a type2 message.
//Now we have to determine if the message came with LLLL or not
if (aResponseIncludesLlll == false)
llll = null;
// If its and RSM
if (this.responseMessage.length == OutputMessageProperties.LEN_RSM)
// w/o
// Check for RSM ID to make sure
if (checkRsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.RSM_ID_REQSTS)) {
// It's RSM message
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes RSM (*REQSTS*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_RSM_REQSTS;
} else if (checkRsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.RSM_ID_CBLADP)) {
// It's RSM message
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes RSM (*XADPST*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_RSM_CBLADP; // check w/ Himakar about what this is
} else if (checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY)) {
// It's CSM message
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes CSM (*CSMOKY*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_DATA;
else { // Bad message - does not contain any valid RSM or
// CSM ID,
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0018E);
ImsConnectExecutionException e = new ImsConnectExecutionException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0018E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
logger.severe(" Exception thrown in OutputMessage.parse(boolean). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
} else // this.responseMessage.length != OutputMessageProperties.LEN_RSM (w/o LLLL)
// Check for CSM ID
if (checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY)) {
// It's response message with CSM
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes CSM (*CSMOKY*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_DATA;
else { // Bad message - does not contain any valid RSM or
// CSM ID,
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0018E);
ImsConnectExecutionException e = new ImsConnectExecutionException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0018E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
logger.severe(" Exception thrown in OutputMessage.parse(boolean). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
else // aResponseIncludesLlll = true
llll = new byte[4];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, 0, llll, 0, 4);
if ((checkCsmStr != null)
&& checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY)) {
// It's response message with CSM
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes CSM (*CSMOKY*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_DATA;
} else if ((checkT2CmdStr != null)
&& (checkT2CmdStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.T2C_ID))) {
// It's Type-2 command XML response message
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes XML Type-2 command response");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_T2CMD_XML_RESPONSE;
} else if ((checkRsmStr != null)
&& (this.responseMessage.length == OutputMessageProperties.LEN_RSM + 4)) // RSM
// w/LLLL
// Check for RSM ID to make sure
if (checkRsmStr .equals(OutputMessageProperties.RSM_ID_REQSTS)) {
// It's RSM message
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
// if
// (logger.getLevel().intValue()<=ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL.intValue())
logger .finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes RSM (*REQSTS*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_RSM_REQSTS;
} else if (checkRsmStr
.equals(OutputMessageProperties.RSM_ID_CBLADP)) {
// It's RSM message
if (logger.getLevel() == Level.INFO) // himakar Callout
// changes
logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - message includes RSM (*XADPST*)");
this.msgType = OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_RSM_CBLADP; // check w/ Himakar about what this is
} else { // Bad message - does not contain any valid RSM or CSM
// ID,
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage
ImsConnectExecutionException e = new ImsConnectExecutionException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0018E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
.severe(" Exception thrown in OutputMessage.parse(boolean). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
// By Now we know what kind of message we have retried.
//Now will be parsing the code to break down the message
if (checkStr != null) {
// himakar 03/05/07 Callout changes reset the CSM response indicator
this.csmFlag1 = OutputMessageProperties.CSM_FLG1_NOFLAG;
// Retrieve the Return code and Reason Code
// for JDK1.4
java.nio.ByteBuffer buf = java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(this
if ((this.msgType == OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_RSM_REQSTS)
|| (this.msgType == OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_RSM_CBLADP)) {
if (aResponseIncludesLlll == false) {
this.rsmReturnCode = buf
if (this.rsmReturnCode == 16) {
.setOtmaReasonCode((byte) this.responseMessage[OutputMessageProperties.POS_CSM_FLG_Z2]);
} else if ((this.rsmReturnCode == 8)
&& ((byte) buf
.getInt(OutputMessageProperties.POS_RSM_RSNCOD) == 40)) {
.setRacfReturnCode((byte) this.responseMessage[OutputMessageProperties.POS_CSM_FLG_Z2]);
} else
} else {
.getInt(OutputMessageProperties.POS_RSM_RETCOD + 4));
if (this.rsmReturnCode == 16) {
.getInt(OutputMessageProperties.POS_RSM_RSNCOD + 4));
.setOtmaReasonCode((byte) this.responseMessage[OutputMessageProperties.POS_CSM_FLG_Z2 + 4]);
} else if ((this.rsmReturnCode == 8)
&& ((byte) buf
.getInt(OutputMessageProperties.POS_RSM_RSNCOD + 4) == 40)) {
.getInt(OutputMessageProperties.POS_RSM_RSNCOD + 4));
.setRacfReturnCode((byte) this.responseMessage[OutputMessageProperties.POS_CSM_FLG_Z2 + 4]);
} else
.getInt(OutputMessageProperties.POS_RSM_RSNCOD + 4));
this.mfsModname = new String(" ");
else if (this.msgType == OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_DATA) {
// Retrieve CSM response indicator byte
this.csmStr = OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY;
this.csmFlag1 = this.responseMessage[this.responseMessage.length
- OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CSM
+ OutputMessageProperties.POS_CSM_FLG_Z1];
this.csmFlag2 = this.responseMessage[this.responseMessage.length
- OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CSM
+ OutputMessageProperties.POS_CSM_FLG_Z2];
checkCsmStr = null;
checkCsmStr = checkStr.substring((aResponseIncludesLlll ? 8
: 4), (aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12));
// ------------------Added for Synccallout------------------------------////
// Check for COR
if (checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.COR_ID_CORTKN))
//Dynamically taking the correlator token Len
//this.setCorrelatorLength((short) (((aCorrelatorToken[i++] & 0xFF) << 8) | (aCorrelatorToken[i++] & 0xFF)));
//int correlatorLen =(short) (((this.responseMessage[aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12] & 0xFF) << 8) | (this.responseMessage[(aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12)+1] & 0xFF));
//System.out.println("Correlator token len = "+correlatorLen);
//byte[] correlatorTokenByteArray = new byte[correlatorLen];
byte[] correlatorTokenByteArray = new byte[IRM_CT_LEN];
// copying the corelator token;
aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12,
correlatorTokenByteArray, 0,
corOffset = 52;
this.isSyncCalloutReq = true;
// Checking if RMM
checkCsmStr = null;
int tempStPOS = OutputMessageProperties.LEN_COR_SEGMENT+4;
int tempEndPOS = OutputMessageProperties.LEN_COR_SEGMENT+4+OutputMessageProperties.LEN_RMM_ID_REQMOD;
checkCsmStr = checkStr.substring(
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (4+tempStPOS) : (tempStPOS),
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (4+tempEndPOS) : tempEndPOS);
if (checkCsmStr
.equals(OutputMessageProperties.RMM_ID_REQMOD)) {
byte[] mfsModnameByteArray = new byte[8];
tempStPOS = tempEndPOS;
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (tempStPOS+4) : (tempStPOS),
mfsModnameByteArray, 0,
this.mfsModname = new String(mfsModnameByteArray,
rmmOffset = 20;
// To Check if there is a CLIENTID after RMM changing the ckeckCsmStr so that it can be checked outsid ethe RMM loop
tempStPOS = tempEndPOS + OutputMessageProperties.LEN_LLZZ+ OutputMessageProperties.LEN_RMM ;
tempEndPOS = tempStPOS + OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CLIENTID_ID_GENCID;
checkCsmStr = checkStr.substring(
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (4+tempStPOS) : (tempStPOS),
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (4+tempEndPOS) : tempEndPOS);
} else {
this.mfsModname = new String(" ");
rmmOffset = 0;
//Checking if there is a clientID after the CORTKN or RMM
if (checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.CLIENTID_ID_GENCID))
byte[] clientIdByteArray = new byte[8];
tempStPOS = tempEndPOS;
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (tempStPOS+4) : (tempStPOS),
clientIdByteArray, 0,
this.clientId = new String(clientIdByteArray,
gencidOffset = 20;
}else {
this.clientId = new String("");
gencidOffset = 0;
// ------------------End----------------------------
// Check for RMM
int tempStPOS = 12;
int tempEndPOS =0;
if (checkCsmStr
.equals(OutputMessageProperties.RMM_ID_REQMOD)) {
byte[] mfsModnameByteArray = new byte[8];
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (tempStPOS+4) : (tempStPOS),
mfsModnameByteArray, 0,
this.mfsModname = new String(mfsModnameByteArray,
rmmOffset = 20;
//if RMM is there we need to check if there is a ClientID following it
//For that we should change the checkCsmStr so that it can be checked in the outer loop.
// To Check if there is a CLIENTID after RMM changing the ckeckCsmStr so that it can be checked outsid ethe RMM loop
tempStPOS = tempStPOS+ OutputMessageProperties.LEN_RMM_ID_REQMOD +OutputMessageProperties.LEN_LLZZ;
tempEndPOS = tempStPOS + OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CLIENTID_ID_GENCID;
checkCsmStr = checkStr.substring(
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (4+tempStPOS) : (tempStPOS),
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (4+tempEndPOS) : tempEndPOS);
} else {
this.mfsModname = new String(" ");
rmmOffset = 0;
//Checking if there is a clientID after the RMM
if (checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.CLIENTID_ID_GENCID))
if(tempStPOS!= 12)
tempStPOS = tempEndPOS;
byte[] clientIdByteArray = new byte[8];
aResponseIncludesLlll ? (tempStPOS+4) : (tempStPOS),
clientIdByteArray, 0,
this.clientId = new String(clientIdByteArray,
gencidOffset = 20;
}else {
this.clientId = new String("");
gencidOffset = 0;
}// End of Else for inbound conditions
//Setting MFS Modname and ClientId
} else if (this.msgType == OutputMessageProperties.MSGTYPE_T2CMD_XML_RESPONSE)
checkCsmStr = null;
checkCsmStr = checkStr.substring((aResponseIncludesLlll ? 8
: 4), (aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12));
//Checking if there is a clientID after the CORTKN or RMM
if (checkCsmStr.equals(OutputMessageProperties.CLIENTID_ID_GENCID))
byte[] clientIdByteArray = new byte[8];
aResponseIncludesLlll ? 16 : 12,
clientIdByteArray, 0,
this.clientId = new String(clientIdByteArray,
gencidOffset = 20;
}else {
this.clientId = new String("");
gencidOffset = 0;
} else {
// Bad message - does not contain any valid RSM or CSM ID,
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage
ImsConnectExecutionException e = new ImsConnectExecutionException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0018E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
.severe(" Exception thrown in OutputMessage.parse(boolean). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
// save LLLL and numberOfSegments values and LL, ZZ and data for
// each segment
* catch (Exception e2) { if (e2 instanceof ImsConnectApiException)
* throw e2; else { if
* (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
* logger.severe
* (" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) encountered an exception: " +
* e2.getClass() + e2.getMessage() + " - cause was " + (e2.getCause() ==
* null ? "not identified" : e2.getCause().toString())); //
* logger.severe
* (" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - unsupportedEncodingException");
* String errMsg =
* ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, new
* Object[] { e2 });
* ImsConnectApiException e = new
* ImsConnectApiException(ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, errMsg);
* throw e; } }
finally {
* if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL)) { int
* msgTyp = this.getMsgType(); String msgTypStr = null;
* switch (msgTyp) { case 0: msgTypStr = "MSGTYPE_DATA"; break;
* case 1: msgTypStr = "MSGTYPE_DFS"; break;
* case 2: msgTypStr = "MSGTYPE_RSM_REQSTS"; break;
* case 3: msgTypStr = "MSGTYPE_RSM_CBLADP"; break;
* case -1:
* default: msgTypStr = "MSGTYPE_INVALID"; }
* logger.finest(" OutputMessage.parse(boolean) - msgType: " +
* msgTypStr); }
*/if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT))
logger.finer("<-- OutputMessage.parse(boolean)");
* non-javadoc, internal use only method
* Save LLLL and numberOfSegments values and LL, ZZ and data for each
* segment For Type-2 commands, this methods produces a byte array
* containing the complete response message with all the header elements.
* Must be further parsed in two steps; first, to get the header elements
* and second, to get the actual data elements out of the element of
* the response.
public void parseOutMsgByteArray() throws ImsConnectApiException,
ImsConnectExecutionException {
int i = 0;
ArrayList segmentLengths = new ArrayList();
ArrayList segmentLls = new ArrayList();
ArrayList segmentZzs = new ArrayList();
ArrayList segmentData = new ArrayList();
byte[] inputSegment;
int dataLen = 0;
int startCpySrcPos = 0;
dataLen = getMessageLength();
if (this.myTmInteractionImpl.getInteractionTypeDescription().equals(
startCpySrcPos = 0; // no LLZZ so don't skip over LLLL
} else {
if (this.myTmInteractionImpl.isResponseIncludesLlll())
startCpySrcPos = 4; // skip over LLLL
startCpySrcPos += rmmOffset;
startCpySrcPos += gencidOffset;
// ------------------Added for Sync
// callout------------------------------////
if (this.isSyncCalloutReq) // sync callout request
int l0Nibble;
int l1Nibble;
int l2Nibble;
int l3Nibble;
startCpySrcPos += corOffset;
// For Data with LLLL
while (startCpySrcPos < dataLen) // calculate number of segments and
// assemble arrays of LL's, ZZ's
// and segment data
if (startCpySrcPos == dataLen - OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CSM) // no data,just CSM
l0Nibble = OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CSM;
else {
// Getting the LLLL value of the segment which is 4 bytes
// for Sync callout Data messages
l0Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos] & 0xff;
l0Nibble <<= 24; // set top 8 bits
l0Nibble = l0Nibble & 0xff000000;
l1Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 1] & 0xff;
l1Nibble <<= 16; // set upper middle 8 bits
l1Nibble = l1Nibble & 0x00ff0000;
l2Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 2] & 0xff;
l2Nibble <<= 8; // set lower middle 8 bits
l2Nibble = l2Nibble & 0x0000ff00;
l3Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 3] & 0xff;
l3Nibble = l3Nibble & 0x000000ff;
l0Nibble = (l3Nibble | l2Nibble | l1Nibble | l0Nibble) & 0x7fffffff; // set
// bottom 8 bits
l0Nibble -= 4; // l0Nibble includes 4 bytes of LLLL, so data
// length is 4 less
this.ll = new byte[4];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, startCpySrcPos, this.ll,
0, 4);
inputSegment = new byte[l0Nibble];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, startCpySrcPos + 4,
inputSegment, 0, l0Nibble);
startCpySrcPos += 4 + l0Nibble;
numberOfSegments = segmentData.size();
this.parsedOutLlllByteArray = new byte[numberOfSegments][];
this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray = new int[numberOfSegments];
// this.parsedOutZzByteArray = new byte[numberOfSegments][];
this.parsedOutDataByteArray = new byte[numberOfSegments][];
while (i < numberOfSegments) {
this.parsedOutLlllByteArray[i] = new byte[4];
System.arraycopy(segmentLls.get(i), 0,
this.parsedOutLlllByteArray[i], 0, 4);
if (i == numberOfSegments - 1)
parsedOutLlllValIntArray[i] = OutputMessageProperties.LEN_CSM;
parsedOutLlllValIntArray[i] = (((Integer) (segmentLengths
this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i] = new byte[this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray[i] - 4];
System.arraycopy(segmentData.get(i), 0,
this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i], 0,
this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray[i] - 4);
} else if (this.myTmInteractionImpl.getInteractionTypeDescription()
int l0Nibble;
int l1Nibble;
int l2Nibble;
int l3Nibble;
// Getting the LLLL value of the segment which is 4 bytes for Sync
// callout Data messages
l0Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos] & 0xff;
l0Nibble <<= 24; // set top 8 bits
l0Nibble = l0Nibble & 0xff000000;
l1Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 1] & 0xff;
l1Nibble <<= 16; // set upper middle 8 bits
l1Nibble = l1Nibble & 0x00ff0000;
l2Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 2] & 0xff;
l2Nibble <<= 8; // set lower middle 8 bits
l2Nibble = l2Nibble & 0x0000ff00;
l3Nibble = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 3] & 0xff;
l3Nibble = l3Nibble & 0x000000ff;
l0Nibble = (l3Nibble | l2Nibble | l1Nibble | l0Nibble) & 0x7fffffff; // set
// bottom
// 8
// bits
inputSegment = new byte[l0Nibble - 4];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, startCpySrcPos + 4,
inputSegment, 0, l0Nibble - 4);
startCpySrcPos += l0Nibble - 4;
numberOfSegments = segmentData.size();
this.parsedOutLlllByteArray = new byte[1][];
this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray = new int[1];
// this.parsedOutZzByteArray = new byte[1][];
this.parsedOutDataByteArray = new byte[1][];
this.parsedOutLlllByteArray[0] = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
parsedOutLlllValIntArray[0] = (((Integer) (segmentLengths.get(0)))
this.parsedOutDataByteArray[0] = new byte[this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray[0] - 4];
System.arraycopy(segmentData.get(0), 0,
this.parsedOutDataByteArray[0], 0,
this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray[0] - 4);
} else {
short l0Nibble;
short l1Nibble;
while (startCpySrcPos < dataLen) // calculate number of segments and
// assemble arrays of LL's, ZZ's
// and segment data
l0Nibble = (short) (this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos] & 0xff);
l0Nibble <<= 8; // set top 8 bits
l0Nibble = (short) (l0Nibble & 0xff00);
l1Nibble = (short) (this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 1] & 0xff);
l1Nibble &= 0x00ff; // remove propagated sign bits
l1Nibble = (short) (l1Nibble & 0x00ff);
l0Nibble |= l1Nibble; // set bottom 8 bits
l0Nibble -= 4; // LL includes LLZZ bytes, so data length is 4
// less
this.ll = new byte[2];
// this.ll[0] = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos];
// this.ll[1] = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 1];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, startCpySrcPos, this.ll,
0, 2);
this.zz = new byte[2];
// this.zz[0] = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 2];
// this.zz[1] = this.responseMessage[startCpySrcPos + 3];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, startCpySrcPos + 2,
this.zz, 0, 2);
inputSegment = new byte[l0Nibble];
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, startCpySrcPos + 4,
inputSegment, 0, l0Nibble);
startCpySrcPos += 4 + l0Nibble;
numberOfSegments = segmentData.size();
this.parsedOutLlByteArray = new byte[numberOfSegments][];
this.parsedOutLlValShortArray = new short[numberOfSegments];
this.parsedOutZzByteArray = new byte[numberOfSegments][];
this.parsedOutDataByteArray = new byte[numberOfSegments][];
while (i < numberOfSegments) {
this.parsedOutLlByteArray[i] = new byte[2];
System.arraycopy(segmentLls.get(i), 0,
this.parsedOutLlByteArray[i], 0, 2);
parsedOutLlValShortArray[i] = (((Short) (segmentLengths.get(i)))
this.parsedOutZzByteArray[i] = new byte[2];
System.arraycopy(segmentZzs.get(i), 0,
this.parsedOutZzByteArray[i], 0, 2);
this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i] = new byte[this.parsedOutLlValShortArray[i] - 4];
System.arraycopy(segmentData.get(i), 0,
this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i], 0,
this.parsedOutLlValShortArray[i] - 4);
void processType2CmdRsp(byte[] aParsedOutDataByteArray)
throws ImsConnectApiException {
aParsedOutDataByteArray, myImsConnectCodepage);
* if (this.type2CommandResponse.isResponseContainsMsgdataElement()) {
* Mbr[] messageMemberElements =
* this.type2CommandResponse.getAllMsgdataMbrElements();
* if((messageMemberElements != null) && (messageMemberElements.length
* != 0)) { for(int i = 0; i < messageMemberElements.length; i++) {
* Properties rspProps =
* (myResponseProcessor.processProperties(messageMemberElements[i],
* myImsConnectCodepage));
* this.type2CommandResponse.addArrayOfMbrElementsArrayElement
* (rspProps); } } }
* Returns an array of bytes containing the output data with or without LLLL
* and LLZZ depending on the settings of responseIncludesLlll and
* includeLlzzInSegments. If the response was multi-segment, then the
* includeLlzzInSegments setting is ignored and LLZZ is included in the
* returned byte array.
public byte[] getDataBytes() {
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT))
logger.finer("--> OutputMessage.getDataBytes()");
byte[] dataBytes;
this.setMessageIsSingleSegment(this.getNumberOfSegments() > 1 ? false
: true);
if (this.responseMessage != null && csmStr != null) {
if (csmStr.equalsIgnoreCase(OutputMessageProperties.CSM_ID_CSMOKY)) {
messageLength = this.responseMessage.length;
if (messageLength > 0) {
int dataBytesLen = messageLength
- ((!this.includeLlzzInSegments && messageIsSingleSegment) ? this.myTmInteractionImpl
.getNumberOfSegmentsFromOutput() * 4
: 0);
dataBytes = new byte[dataBytesLen];
if (this.myTmInteractionImpl
.getIncludeLlllInOutputMessages()) {
// Copy LLLL into 1st 4 bytes of dataBytes (starting at
// 0)
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, 0, dataBytes, 0,
if (!includeLlzzInSegments && messageIsSingleSegment) {
// Copy data (starting at 8 since ICON always
// returns LLZZ) into dataBytes (starting at 4)
// Up to
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, 8,
dataBytes, 4, messageLength - 4 - 12); // copy
// message
// itself
messageLength - 8, dataBytes,
dataBytesLen - 8, 8); // copy CSM segment
} else {
// Copy LLZZ and data into dataBytes (starting at 4)
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, 4,
dataBytes, 4, dataBytesLen - 4);
} else // Response does not include LLLL so no copying or
// skipping of copying LLLL required
if (!includeLlzzInSegments && messageIsSingleSegment) {
// Copy data (starting at 4 since no LLLL but ICON
// always returns LLZZ so it must be skipped) into
// dataBytes (starting at 0)
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, 4,
dataBytes, 0, messageLength - 4 - 12);
messageLength - 8, dataBytes,
dataBytesLen - 8, 8);
} else // Response does not include LLLL and does
// include LLZZ so no skipping over LLLL or LLZZ
// Copy LLZZ + data into dataBytes (starting at 0)
System.arraycopy(this.responseMessage, 0,
dataBytes, 0, messageLength);
return dataBytes;
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_ENTRY_EXIT))
logger.finer("<-- OutputMessage.getDataBytes()");
return null;
* Returns the data in this OutputMessage object as a byte array. The
* returned byte array contains the response message after removal as
* required from the message received from IMS Connect of the LLLL, if
* applicable, and LLZZ bytes.
public byte[] getDataAsByteArray() {
int i = 0;
int llVal;
byte[] returnByteArray = null;
int returnByteArrayLen = 0;
int copyPos = 0;
while (i < numberOfSegments) // count up the number of bytes of data
returnByteArrayLen += parsedOutDataByteArray[i++].length;
returnByteArray = new byte[returnByteArrayLen];
i = 0;
while (i < numberOfSegments) {
if (this.isSyncCalloutReq)
llVal = (new Integer(parsedOutLlllValIntArray[i])).intValue() - 4;
llVal = (new Short(parsedOutLlValShortArray[i])).shortValue() - 4;
System.arraycopy(parsedOutDataByteArray[i++], 0, returnByteArray,
copyPos, llVal);
copyPos += llVal;
return returnByteArray;
* Returns the data in this OutputMessage object as a 2-dimensional byte
* array. The returned array of byte arrays contains the response message
* received from IMS Connect after it has been split up into a separate byte
* array for each segment in the response message.
public byte[][] getDataAsArrayOfByteArrays() {
return parsedOutDataByteArray;
* Returns the data in this OutputMessage object as a String. The returned
* String contains the data portion of the response message received from
* IMS Connect after each byte in the data of the response message has been
* converted to its character representation. Unprintable characters will be
* left as unprintable characters in the returned String.
public String getDataAsString() throws ImsConnectApiException {
StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer("");
int i = 0;
try {
while (i < this.numberOfSegments) {
strBuf.append(new String(this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i++],
// strBuf.append(new String(this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i++]));
return strBuf.toString();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException usee) {
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, new Object[] {
"output response message",
this.myImsConnectCodepage });
ImsConnectApiException e = new ImsConnectApiException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
.severe(" Exception caught in OutputMessage.getDataAsString(). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
* Returns the data in this OutputMessage object as a String array. The
* returned array of Strings contains the response message received from IMS
* Connect after it has been split up into a separate Strings for each
* segment in the response message.
public String[] getDataAsArrayOfStrings() throws ImsConnectApiException {
int i = 0;
String[] msgAsStringArray = new String[this.numberOfSegments];
try {
while (i < this.numberOfSegments) {
msgAsStringArray[i] = new String(
// msgAsStringArray[i] = new
// String(this.parsedOutDataByteArray[i]);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException usee) {
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, new Object[] {
"output response message",
this.myImsConnectCodepage });
ImsConnectApiException e = new ImsConnectApiException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
.severe(" Exception caught in OutputMessage.getDataAsArrayOfStrings(). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
return msgAsStringArray;
* Returns the data in the specified segment of this OutputMessage object as
* a byte array. The returned byte array contains the response message after
* removal as required from the message received from IMS Connect of the
* LLLL and/or LLZZ bytes.
public byte[] getSegmentDataAsByteArray(int aSegmentNumber) {
return this.parsedOutDataByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
* Returns the data in the specified segment of this OutputMessage object as
* a byte array. The returned byte array contains the response message after
* removal as required from the message received from IMS Connect of the
* LLLL and/or LLZZ bytes.
public String getSegmentDataAsString(int aSegmentNumber) // throws
// ImsConnectApiException
// try
// return new String(getSegmentDataAsByteArray(aSegmentNumber),
// myImsConnectCodepage);
return new String(getSegmentDataAsByteArray(aSegmentNumber));
* catch (UnsupportedEncodingException usee) { String errMsg =
* ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, new
* Object[] {"output response message segment", this.dataCodepage});
* ImsConnectApiException e = new ImsConnectApiException(
* ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0017E, errMsg);
* if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
* logger.severe(
* " Exception caught in OutputMessage.getDataAsString(). Exception was: "
* + e.toString());
* throw e; }
* Gets the LLLL from the output message response as a byte array.
* @return the LLLL from the output message as a byte array
public byte[] getLlll() {
return this.llll;
* Gets the LLLL from the output message response as a String of hexidecimal
* digits.
* @return the LLLL from the output message as a hex String or a string of
* four 00's if the output message does not include an LLLL.
public String getLlllAsHexString() {
byte[] llllByteArray = this.getLlll();
if (llllByteArray != null) {
int l0 = (int) ((llllByteArray[0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l1 = (int) (llllByteArray[0] & 0x0F);
int l2 = (int) ((llllByteArray[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l3 = (int) (llllByteArray[1] & 0x0F);
int l4 = (int) ((llllByteArray[2] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l5 = (int) (llllByteArray[2] & 0x0F);
int l6 = (int) ((llllByteArray[3] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l7 = (int) (llllByteArray[3] & 0x0F);
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer("");
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l0, 16)); // append high-order nibble
// of 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l1, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 1st
// byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l2, 16)); // append high-order nibble
// of 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l3, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 2nd
// byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l4, 16)); // append high-order nibble
// of 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l5, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 1st
// byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l6, 16)); // append high-order nibble
// of 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l7, 16)); // append low-order nibble
// of 2nd byte
return new String(strbuf);
} else
return "00 00 00 00";
* Gets the LLLL from the output message response as an integer.
* @return the LLLL from the output message as an integer or the value 0 if
* there is no LLLL in the output message
public int getLlllValue() {
byte[] llllByteArray = this.getLlll();
if (llllByteArray != null) {
int l0 = (int) ((llllByteArray[0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l1 = (int) (llllByteArray[0] & 0x0F);
int l2 = (int) ((llllByteArray[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l3 = (int) (llllByteArray[1] & 0x0F);
int l4 = (int) ((llllByteArray[2] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l5 = (int) (llllByteArray[2] & 0x0F);
int l6 = (int) ((llllByteArray[3] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l7 = (int) (llllByteArray[3] & 0x0F);
int llllValue = l0 << 28 | l1 << 24 | l2 << 20 | l3 << 16
| l4 << 12 | l5 << 8 | l6 << 4 | l7;
return llllValue;
} else
return 0;
* Gets the LL bytes from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message as a byte array.
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @return the LL bytes from the specified segment as a byte array
public byte[] getSegmentLl(int aSegmentNumber) {
return this.parsedOutLlByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
* Gets the LL bytes from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message in hex as a String.
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @return the LL bytes from the specified segment in hex as a String
public String getSegmentLlAsHexString(int aSegmentNumber) {
byte[] segmentLlByteArray = this.parsedOutLlByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
int l0 = (int) ((segmentLlByteArray[0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l1 = (int) (segmentLlByteArray[0] & 0x0F);
int l2 = (int) ((segmentLlByteArray[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l3 = (int) (segmentLlByteArray[1] & 0x0F);
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer("");
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l0, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l1, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l2, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l3, 16)); // append low-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
return new String(strbuf);
* Gets the LL value from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message as a short value.
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @returnthe LL value from the specified segment as a short
public short getSegmentLlValue(int aSegmentNumber) {
return this.parsedOutLlValShortArray[aSegmentNumber];
// ------------------Added for Sync
// callout------------------------------////
* Gets the LLLL bytes from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message as a byte array. used for sync
* callout requests
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @return the LL bytes from the specified segment as a byte array
public byte[] getSegmentLlll(int aSegmentNumber) {
return this.parsedOutLlllByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
* Gets the LLLL bytes from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message in hex as a String. *for sync
* callout request
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @return the LL bytes from the specified segment in hex as a String
public String getSegmentLlllAsHexString(int aSegmentNumber) {
byte[] segmentLlllByteArray = this.parsedOutLlllByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
int l0 = (int) ((segmentLlllByteArray[0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l1 = (int) (segmentLlllByteArray[0] & 0x0F);
int l2 = (int) ((segmentLlllByteArray[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l3 = (int) (segmentLlllByteArray[1] & 0x0F);
int l4 = (int) ((segmentLlllByteArray[2] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l5 = (int) (segmentLlllByteArray[2] & 0x0F);
int l6 = (int) ((segmentLlllByteArray[3] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int l7 = (int) (segmentLlllByteArray[3] & 0x0F);
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer("");
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l0, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l1, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l2, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l3, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l4, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l5, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l6, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(l7, 16)); // append low-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
return new String(strbuf);
* Gets the LLLL value from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message as a short value. for sync callout
* request
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @returnthe LL value from the specified segment as a short
public int getSegmentLlllValue(int aSegmentNumber) {
return this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray[aSegmentNumber];
// -----------------End--------------------------------------
* Gets the ZZ value from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message as a byte array.
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @return the ZZ bytes from the specified segment as a byte array
public byte[] getSegmentZz(int aSegmentNumber) {
return this.parsedOutZzByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
* Gets the ZZ bytes from the segment at the location specified by
* aSegmentNumber in the output message in hex as a String.
* @param aSegmentNumber
* segment offset
* @return the ZZ bytes from the specified segment in hex as a String
public String getSegmentZzAsHexString(int aSegmentNumber) {
byte[] segmentZzByteArray = this.parsedOutZzByteArray[aSegmentNumber];
int z0 = (int) ((segmentZzByteArray[0] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int z1 = (int) (segmentZzByteArray[0] & 0x0F);
int z2 = (int) ((segmentZzByteArray[1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
int z3 = (int) (segmentZzByteArray[1] & 0x0F);
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer("");
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(z0, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(z1, 16) + " "); // append low-order
// nibble of 1st byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(z2, 16)); // append high-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
strbuf.append(Integer.toString(z3, 16)); // append low-order nibble of
// 2nd byte
return new String(strbuf);
* Gets the number of segments in this output message as an int value
* @return the number of segments in this output message as an
* int
public int getNumberOfSegments() {
return numberOfSegments;
* (non-Javadoc) Convert an LL value in a byte array to a short value
* private short getShortFrom2Bytes(byte[] aSegmentData, int llPos) { byte
* highOrderShortNibble; byte lowOrderShortNibble; short ll;
* highOrderShortNibble = aSegmentData[llPos]; lowOrderShortNibble =
* aSegmentData[llPos + 1];
* ll = highOrderShortNibble; // set top 8 bits ll <<= 8; ll |=
* lowOrderShortNibble; // set bottom 8 bits ll &= 0x7fff; //remove
* propagated sign bits
* return ll; }
* static final byte[] HEX_CHAR_TABLE = { (byte)'0', (byte)'1', (byte)'2',
* (byte)'3', (byte)'4', (byte)'5', (byte)'6', (byte)'7', (byte)'8',
* (byte)'9', (byte)'A', (byte)'B', (byte)'C', (byte)'D', (byte)'E',
* (byte)'F' };
* /* (non-Javadoc) Convert a byte array to a hex string
* private String getHexString(byte[] anIntByteArray) throws
* UnsupportedEncodingException { byte[] hex = new byte[2 *
* anIntByteArray.length]; int index = 0;
* for (byte b : anIntByteArray) { int v = b & 0xFF; hex[index++] =
* HEX_CHAR_TABLE[v >>> 4]; hex[index++] = HEX_CHAR_TABLE[v & 0xF]; } return
* new String(hex, "ASCII"); }
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
// int dataposBegin = -1;
// int dataposEnd = -1;
boolean obfuscatePassword = false; // no password in response messages
// so no need to obfuscate
// String codepage = DEFAULT_CODEPAGE_EBCDIC_US;
// return ImsConnectTrace.toHexString(this.getResponseMessage(),
// dataposBegin,
// dataposEnd, this.irmCodepage, codepage,
// ImsConnectTrace.STYLE_OUTPUT_FORMAT);
return myTmInteractionImpl.formatBufferForTracing(this
.getResponseMessage(), obfuscatePassword);
// Getter methods
* @return Returns the csmFlag1.
protected byte getCsmFlag1() {
return this.csmFlag1;
* @return the csmFlag2
public byte getCsmFlag2() {
return this.csmFlag2;
* @return Returns the csmStr.
protected String getCsmStr() {
return this.csmStr;
* @return Returns the myImsConnectCodepage.
protected String getMyImsConnectCodepage()
return myImsConnectCodepage;
* @return the messageIsSingleSegment
protected boolean isMessageIsSingleSegment() {
return messageIsSingleSegment;
* @return the messageLength
public int getMessageLength() {
return messageLength;
* @return the msgType
protected int getMsgType() {
return msgType;
* @return the parsedOutDataByteArray
protected byte[][] getParsedOutDataByteArray() {
return this.parsedOutDataByteArray;
* @return the parsedOutLlByteArray
protected byte[][] getParsedOutLlByteArray() {
return this.parsedOutLlByteArray;
* @return the parsedOutLlValShortArray
protected short[] getParsedOutLlValShortArray() {
return this.parsedOutLlValShortArray;
// ------------------Added for Sync
// callout------------------------------////
* @return the parsedOutLlllByteArray
protected byte[][] getParsedOutLlllByteArray() {
return this.parsedOutLlllByteArray;
* @return the parsedOutLlllValIntArray
protected int[] getParsedOutLlllValIntArray() {
return this.parsedOutLlllValIntArray;
// ------------End--------------------------------------------------
* @return the parsedOutZzByteArray
protected byte[][] getParsedOutZzByteArray() {
return this.parsedOutZzByteArray;
* @return the responseMessage
public byte[] getResponseMessage() {
return this.responseMessage;
public String getRSMErrorMsg() {
String hwsrescode = "HWS_RESCODE_";
String rsmErrMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(hwsrescode
+ String.valueOf(this.rsmReasonCode));
return rsmErrMsg;
* @return Returns the rsmReturnCode.
public int getImsConnectReturnCode() {
return this.rsmReturnCode;
* @return Returns the rsmReasonCode.
public int getImsConnectReasonCode() {
return this.rsmReasonCode;
* Get mfsModname name property value
* @return the mfsModname value returned by the IMS application through IMS
* Connect
public String getMfsModname() {
return this.mfsModname;
* Get mfsModname name property value
* @return the mfsModname value returned by the IMS application through IMS
* Connect
public String getReturnedClientId() {
return this.clientId;
* @return Returns the rsmOtmaSenseCode.
public int getOtmaSenseCode() {
return this.rsmOtmaSenseCode;
* @return Returns the rsmOtmaReasonCode.
public byte getOtmaReasonCode() {
return this.rsmOtmaReasonCode;
* @return the rsmRacfReturnCode
public int getRacfReturnCode() {
return this.rsmRacfReturnCode;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.ibm.ims.connect.OutputMessage#getRacfReturnCodeString()
public String getRacfReturnCodeString() {
return racfReturnCodeString;
* Get responseIncludesLlll property value
* @return a boolean value representing whether the messages passed between
* the IMS Connect API and IMS Connect start with LLLL (true -
* messages targeted for HWSSMPL1 do start with LLLL) or do not
* start with LLLL (messages targeted for HWSSMPL0 do start with
public boolean isResponseIncludesLlll() {
return this.responseIncludesLlll;
* @return Returns the ackNakNeeded property value - used internally only
public boolean isAckNakNeeded() {
if (this.isResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse())
return ackNakNeeded;
else {
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
.finest(" isAckNakNeeded returned the default value, false, since no response has been yet from IMS Connect\n");
return false;
* @return the responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse
protected boolean isResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse() {
return this.responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse;
* @return Returns the asyncOutputAvailable property value - used internally
* only
public boolean isAsyncOutputAvailable() {
if (this.isAsyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated())
return asyncOutputAvailable;
else {
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
.finest(" isAsyncOutputAvailable returned the default value, false, since no response has been yet from IMS Connect\n");
return false;
* @return the responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse
protected boolean isAsyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated() {
return this.responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse;
* @return Returns the inConversation property value - used internally only
public boolean isInConversation() {
if (this.isResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse())
return inConversation;
else {
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_INTERNAL))
.finest(" isInConversation returned the default value, false, since no response has been received yet from IMS Connect\n");
return false;
* @return the responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse
* protected boolean isInConversationPropertyUpdated() { return
* this.inConversationPropertyUpdated; }
* @return the protocolLevel
public byte getProtocolLevel() {
return this.protocolLevel;
* @return the protocolLevelAvailable
public boolean isProtocolLevelAvailable() {
return this.protocolLevelAvailable;
* @return the segmentIncludesLlzz
protected boolean isIncludeLlzzInSegments() {
return this.includeLlzzInSegments;
// Setter methods
* @param csmFlag1
* the csmFlag1 to set
protected void setCsmFlag1(byte csmFlag) {
this.csmFlag1 = csmFlag;
* @param csmFlag2
* the csmFlag2 to set
public void setCsmFlag2(byte csmFlag2) {
this.csmFlag2 = csmFlag2;
* @param aCsmStr
* The csmStr to set.
protected void setCsmStr(String aCsmStr) {
this.csmStr = aCsmStr;
* @param string
protected void setMyImsConnectCodepage(String string) {
if (string == null)
myImsConnectCodepage = string;
protected void setMessageLength() throws ImsConnectExecutionException {
int l0Nibble;
int l1Nibble;
int l2Nibble;
int l3Nibble;
if (myTmInteractionImpl.isResponseIncludesLlll()) {
byte[] messageAsByteArray = this.responseMessage;
l0Nibble = messageAsByteArray[0] & 0xff;
l0Nibble <<= 24; // set top 8 bits
l0Nibble = l0Nibble & 0xff000000;
l1Nibble = messageAsByteArray[1] & 0xff;
l1Nibble <<= 16; // set upper middle 8 bits
l1Nibble = l1Nibble & 0x00ff0000;
l2Nibble = messageAsByteArray[2] & 0xff;
l2Nibble <<= 8; // set lower middle 8 bits
l2Nibble = l2Nibble & 0x0000ff00;
l3Nibble = messageAsByteArray[3] & 0xff;
l3Nibble = l3Nibble & 0x000000ff;
this.messageLength = (l3Nibble | l2Nibble | l1Nibble | l0Nibble) & 0x7fffffff; // set
// bottom
// 8
// bits
if (this.messageLength != this.responseMessage.length) {
String errMsg = ImsConnectErrorMessage.getString(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0020E, new Object[] {
this.responseMessage.length, messageLength });
ImsConnectExecutionException e = new ImsConnectExecutionException(
ImsConnectErrorMessage.HWS0020E, errMsg);
if (logger.isLoggable(ApiProperties.TRACE_LEVEL_EXCEPTION))
.severe(" Exception caught in OutputMessage.setMessageLength(). Exception was: "
+ e.toString());
throw e;
} else
this.messageLength = this.responseMessage.length;
* @param messageLength
* The messageLength to set.
protected void setMessageLength(int aMessageLength) {
this.messageLength = aMessageLength;
* @param message
* The message to set.
protected void setResponseMessage(byte[] outMessage) {
this.responseMessage = outMessage;
* @param messageIsSingleSegment
* the messageIsSingleSegment to set
protected void setMessageIsSingleSegment(boolean messageIsSingleSegment) {
this.messageIsSingleSegment = messageIsSingleSegment;
* @param msgType
* the msgType to set
protected void setMsgType(int msgType) {
this.msgType = msgType;
* @param numberOfSegments
* the numberOfSegments to set
protected void setNumberOfSegments(int numberOfSegments) {
this.numberOfSegments = numberOfSegments;
* @param anRsmReasonCode
* The rsmReasonCode to set.
protected void setImsConnectReasonCode(int anRsmReasonCode) {
this.rsmReasonCode = anRsmReasonCode;
* @param rsmReturnCode
* The rsmReturnCode to set.
protected void setImsConnectReturnCode(int anRsmReturnCode) {
this.rsmReturnCode = anRsmReturnCode;
* @param anRsmOtmaSenseCode
* The rsmOtmaSenseCode to set.
protected void setOtmaSenseCode(int anRsmOtmaSenseCode) {
this.rsmOtmaSenseCode = anRsmOtmaSenseCode;
* @param rsmOtmaReasonCode
* The rsmOtmaReasonCode to set.
protected void setOtmaReasonCode(byte anRsmOtmaReasonCode) {
this.rsmOtmaReasonCode = anRsmOtmaReasonCode;
* @param rsmRacfReturnCode
* the rsmRacfReturnCode to set
public void setRacfReturnCode(int rsmRacfReturnCode) {
this.rsmRacfReturnCode = rsmRacfReturnCode;
* @param aRacfReturnCodeString
* the racfReturnCodeString to set
public void setRacfReturnCodeString(String aRacfReturnCodeString) {
this.racfReturnCodeString = aRacfReturnCodeString;
* @param ackNakNeeded
* the ackNakNeeded to set
protected void setAckNakNeeded(boolean ackNakNeeded) {
this.ackNakNeeded = ackNakNeeded;
* @param aResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse
* the responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse to set
protected void setResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse(
boolean aResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse) {
this.responsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse = aResponsePropertiesUpdatedAfterResponse;
* @param asyncOutputAvailable
* the asyncOutputAvailable to set
protected void setAsyncOutputAvailable(boolean asyncOutputAvailable) {
this.asyncOutputAvailable = asyncOutputAvailable;
* @param asyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated
* the asyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated to set
* protected void setAsyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated( boolean
* asyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated) {
* this.asyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated =
* asyncOutputAvailablePropertyUpdated; }
* @param inConversation
* the inConversation to set
protected void setInConversation(boolean inConversation) {
this.inConversation = inConversation;
* @param inConversationPropertyUpdated
* the inConversationPropertyUpdated to set
* protected void setInConversationPropertyUpdated( boolean
* inConversationPropertyUpdated) { this.inConversationPropertyUpdated =
* inConversationPropertyUpdated; }
* @param protocolLevel
* the protocolLevel to set
public void setProtocolLevel(byte protocolLevel) {
this.protocolLevel = protocolLevel;
* @param protocolLevelAvailable
* the protocolLevelAvailable to set
public void setProtocolLevelAvailable(boolean protocolLevelAvailable) {
this.protocolLevelAvailable = protocolLevelAvailable;
* @param aSegmentsIncludeLlzz
* the includeLlzzInSegments to set
protected void setIncludeLlzzInSegments(boolean aSegmentsIncludeLlzz) {
this.includeLlzzInSegments = aSegmentsIncludeLlzz;
* @return the myType2CommandResponse
public Type2CmdResponse getType2CommandResponse()
throws ImsConnectApiException {
if (this.myType2CommandResponse == null)
this.myType2CommandResponse = new Type2CmdResponse(
else if (this.myType2CommandResponse.isType2CmdRspStale())
return this.myType2CommandResponse;
* @param myType2CommandResponse
* the myType2CommandResponse to set
@SuppressWarnings( { "unused", "unused" })
private void setMyType2CommandResponse(Type2CmdResponse type2CommandResponse) {
this.myType2CommandResponse = type2CommandResponse;
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