com.ibm.ims.connect.ConnectionAttributes.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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???? 2 ? (com/ibm/ims/connect/ConnectionAttributes java/lang/Object copyright Ljava/lang/String;
ConstantValue ?Licensed Material - Property of IBM 5655-TDA(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009, 2013 All Rights Reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. hostName
portNumber I
socketType B clientId sslEncryptionType sslKeystoreInputStream Ljava/io/InputStream; sslKeystoreURL Ljava/net/URL; sslKeystoreName sslKeystorePassword sslTruststoreInputStream sslTruststoreURL sslTruststoreName sslTruststorePassword useSslConnection Z interactionTimeout socketConnectTimeout ()V Code
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- / 1 3 5 4 !com/ibm/ims/connect/ApiProperties 6 !DEFAULT_SSL_KEYSTORE_INPUT_STREAM 8 3 : ; DEFAULT_SSL_KEYSTORE_URL = 3 ? @ DEFAULT_SSL_KEYSTORE_NAME B D keystrPw F 3 H I #DEFAULT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_INPUT_STREAM K 3 M N DEFAULT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_URL P 3 R S DEFAULT_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_NAME U W trststPw Y [ ] _ LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this *Lcom/ibm/ims/connect/ConnectionAttributes; (Ljava/lang/String;)V
Exceptions g java/lang/Exception
i j d loadConnectionAttributesFromFile aConnectionAttributesFileName m (com/ibm/ims/connect/PropertiesFileLoader
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setPortNumber aPortNumber getSocketConnectTimeout setSocketConnectTimeout aSocketConnectTimeout
getSocketType ()B
setSocketType (B)V aSocketType getSslEncryptionType setSslEncryptionType anSslEncryptionType getSslKeystoreInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream; setSslKeystoreInputStream (Ljava/io/InputStream;)V getSslKeystoreUrl ()Ljava/net/URL; setSslKeystoreUrl (Ljava/net/URL;)V anSslKeystoreUrl getSslKeystoreName setSslKeystoreName anSslKeystoreName getSslKeystorePassword setSslKeystorePassword anSslKeystorePassword getSslTruststoreInputStream setSslTruststoreInputStream getSslTruststoreUrl setSslTruststoreUrl anSslTruststoreUrl getSslTruststoreName setSslTruststoreName anSslTruststoreName getSslTruststorePassword setSslTruststorePassword anSslTruststorePassword isUseSslConnection ()Z setUseSslConnection (Z)V aUseSslConnection
SourceFile ConnectionAttributes.java !
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