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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.json.*;
import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConfigurationException;

 * {@code ResourceSet} implement the operations on {@code ResourceSet}. It
 * provides the set of Resource.

* This object can be created by {@code MaximoConnector}. The following code * shows how to create {@code MaximoConnector} *

* *
 * ResourceSet rs = mc.resourceSet(osName);
 * ResourceSet rs = mc.resourceSet(URL);
* *

* The following examples demonstrate how to build a new {@code ResourceSet} *

* *
 * ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSet(osName);
 * ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSet(maximoConnector);
 * ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSet(osName, maximoConnector);
 * ResourceSet rs = new ResourceSet(URL, maximoConnector);
* *

* The following examples show how to set {@code ResourceSet} data from * {@code ResourceSet} *

* *
 * rs.where(queryWhere).select(querySelect).hasTerms(terms).pageSize(pageSize)
 * rs.paging();
 * rs.stablePageing();
* *

* The following examples show how to fetch, load, reload, go to next page, go * back to previous page, get savedQuery for {@code ResourceSet} data *

* *
 * rs.fetch(mapOptions);
 * rs.load();
 * rs.reload();
 * rs.nextPage();
 * rs.previousPage();
 * rs.savedQuery(savedQuery);
 * rs.savedQuery(name, paramValues);
* *

* The following examples show how to get {@code ResourceSet} data from * {@code ResourceSet} *

* *
 * JsonObject jo = rs.toJSON(); 
 * byte[] jodata = rs.toJSONBytes();
* *

* The following examples show how to create, get and delete {@code Resource} * from {@code ResourceSet} *

* *
 * Resource rs = fetchMember(uri, properties);
 * Resource rs = member(index);
 * Resource rs = create(jsonObject, properties);
* *

* The following example shows how to get the this page size from * {@code ResourceSet} *

* *
 * int count = rs.count();
 * int totalCount = rs.totalCount();
 * int totalCount = rs.totalCount(true);
* */ public class ResourceSet { public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ResourceSet.class.getName()); private int pageSize = -1; private String osName; private String whereClause = null; private String selectClause = null; private String osURI; private String publicURI; private String appURI; private List orderBy = new ArrayList(); private String savedQuery = null; private StringBuffer strbWhere; private StringBuffer searchTerms; private StringBuffer searchAttributes; private JsonObject jsonObject; private MaximoConnector mc; private boolean paging = false; private boolean stablePaging = false; private boolean isLoaded = false; private JsonArray jsonArray; public ResourceSet(String osName) { this.osName = osName; } public ResourceSet(MaximoConnector mc) { = mc; } public ResourceSet(String osName, MaximoConnector mc) { this.osName = osName; this.publicURI = mc.getCurrentURI(); = mc; } public ResourceSet(URL publicURI, MaximoConnector mc) { = mc; this.publicURI = publicURI.toString(); } /** * Get current URI * * */ public String getAppURI() { return this.appURI; } public String getPublicURI() { return this.publicURI; } public String getOsURI() { return this.osURI; } /** * Get ResourceSet data in JSON * * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public JsonObject toJSON() throws IOException, OslcException { // this.load(); return this.jsonObject; } /** * Get ResourceSet data in JSONBytes * * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public byte[] toJSONBytes() throws OslcException, IOException { // this.load(); ByteArrayOutputStream bo = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Json.createWriter(bo).writeObject(this.jsonObject); bo.close(); return bo.toByteArray(); } // Set whereClause public ResourceSet where(String whereClause) { this.whereClause = whereClause; return this; } public ResourceSet where(QueryWhere where) { this.whereClause = where.whereClause(); return this; } public ResourceSet searchAttributes(String... attributes) { this.searchAttributes = new StringBuffer(); for (String attribute : attributes) { searchAttributes.append("" + attribute + ","); } return this; } public ResourceSet hasTerms(String... terms) { searchTerms = new StringBuffer(); for (String term : terms) { searchTerms.append("\"" + term + "\","); } return this; } // Set selectClause public ResourceSet select(String... selectClause) { this.selectClause = (new QuerySelect()).select(selectClause); return this; } public ResourceSet pageSize(int pageSize) { this.pageSize = pageSize; return this; } // &oslc.paging=true - if paging is false - do not add the query parameter public ResourceSet paging(boolean type) { this.paging = type; return this; } public ResourceSet stablePaging(boolean type) { this.stablePaging = type; return this; } public ResourceSet orderBy(String... orderByProperties){ for(String property: orderByProperties){ this.orderBy.add(property); } return this; } /** * Fetching the data for ResourceSet * * * @throws OslcException * @throws IOException */ public ResourceSet fetch() throws OslcException, IOException { this.fetch(null); return this; } /** * Fetching the data for ResourceSet with arbitrary parameters * * * @param additionalParams * * @throws OslcException * @throws IOException */ public ResourceSet fetchWithAddtionalParams(Map additionalParams) throws OslcException, IOException { return this.fetchWithAddtionalHeadersAndParams(additionalParams, null); } /** * Fetching the data for ResourceSet with arbitrary headers * * * @param additionalHeaders * * @throws OslcException * @throws IOException */ public ResourceSet fetchWithAddtionalHeaders(Map additionalHeaders) throws OslcException, IOException { return this.fetchWithAddtionalHeadersAndParams(null, additionalHeaders); } /** * Fetching the data for ResourceSet with arbitrary parameters and headers * * * @param additionalParams * @param additionalHeaders * * @throws OslcException * @throws IOException */ public ResourceSet fetchWithAddtionalHeadersAndParams(Map additionalParams, Map additionalHeaders) throws OslcException, IOException { this.buildURI(); StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); strb.append(this.appURI); if(!this.appURI.contains("?")){ strb.append("?"); } if(additionalParams != null && !additionalParams.isEmpty()){ Set> entrySet = additionalParams.entrySet(); for(Map.Entry entry: entrySet){ StringBuilder singleParam = new StringBuilder(); singleParam.append("&").append(entry.getKey()).append("="); singleParam.append(Util.urlEncode(entry.getValue().toString())); strb.append(singleParam.toString()); } } this.appURI = strb.toString(); if(additionalHeaders !=null && !additionalHeaders.isEmpty()){ this.jsonObject =, additionalHeaders); }else{ this.jsonObject =; } if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("rdfs:member"); } else { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("member"); } isLoaded = true; return this; } public ResourceSet fetch(Map options) throws OslcException, IOException { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.jsonObject =; if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("rdfs:member"); } else { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("member"); } isLoaded = true; return this; } /** * Go to nextPage * * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public ResourceSet nextPage() throws IOException, OslcException { if(this.hasNextPage()) { if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("responseInfo")) { if(this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("responseInfo").containsKey("nextPage")) { this.appURI = this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("responseInfo") .getJsonObject("nextPage").getString("href"); } } else if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("oslc:responseInfo")) { if(this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("oslc:responseInfo").containsKey("oslc:nextPage")) { this.appURI = this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("oslc:responseInfo") .getJsonObject("oslc:nextPage").getString("rdf:resource"); } } } else {"Next Page is no found"); return this; } this.jsonObject =; if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("rdfs:member"); } else { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("member"); } return this; } public boolean hasNextPage() throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("responseInfo")) { return this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("responseInfo").containsKey("nextPage"); } else if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("oslc:responseInfo")) { return this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("oslc:responseInfo").containsKey("oslc:nextPage"); } return false; } /** * Go back to previous page * * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public ResourceSet previousPage() throws IOException, OslcException { if(this.jsonObject.containsKey("responseInfo") && this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("responseInfo").containsKey("previousPage")){ this.appURI = this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("responseInfo") .getJsonObject("previousPage").getString("href"); } else if(this.jsonObject.containsKey("oslc:responseInfo") && this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("oslc:responseInfo").containsKey("oslc:previousPage")){ this.appURI = this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("oslc:responseInfo") .getJsonObject("oslc:previousPage") .getString("rdf:resource"); } else{ String[] strs = this.appURI.split("\\=|\\&|\\?"); boolean isPageNo = false; int pageno = 0; for (String str : strs) { if (str.equals("pageno")) { isPageNo = true; } else if (isPageNo) { pageno = Integer.valueOf(str); break; } } if (pageno == 2) { this.appURI = this.appURI.replace( "pageno=" + String.valueOf(pageno), ""); } else { this.appURI = this.appURI.replace( "pageno=" + String.valueOf(pageno), "pageno=" + String.valueOf(pageno - 1)); } } this.jsonObject =; if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("rdfs:member"); } else { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("member"); } return this; } /** * Load the current data * * * @throws OslcException * @throws IOException */ public ResourceSet load() throws OslcException, IOException { if (isLoaded) { return this; } this.jsonObject =; if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("rdfs:member"); } else { this.jsonArray = (JsonArray) this.jsonObject.get("member"); } isLoaded = true; return this; } public ResourceSet reload() throws OslcException, IOException { isLoaded = false; load(); return this; } /** * * * @throws DatatypeConfigurationException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ public ResourceSet savedQuery(String name, Map paramValues) { this.savedQuery = new SavedQuery(name, paramValues).savedQueryClause(); return this; } public ResourceSet savedQuery(SavedQuery qsaved) { this.savedQuery = qsaved.savedQueryClause(); return this; } /** * URI Builder * * @throws OslcException */ private ResourceSet buildURI() throws OslcException { try { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); // strb.append(this.URI); if (this.publicURI != null) { strb.append(this.publicURI);// } else { throw new OslcException("URI_is_invalid"); } if (this.osName != null) { strb.append("/os/" + this.osName.toLowerCase()); } else { //throw new OslcException("osName_is_invalid"); } strb.append(this.publicURI.contains("?") ? "" : "?").append( "&collectioncount=1"); this.osURI = strb.toString(); if (this.selectClause != null) { strb.append("&" + URLEncoder.encode(this.selectClause, "utf-8")); } if (this.whereClause != null) { strb.append("&oslc.where=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.whereClause, "utf-8")); } else if (strbWhere != null) { strb.append("&oslc.where=" + strbWhere.toString()); } if (this.pageSize != -1) { strb.append("&oslc.pageSize=").append(String.valueOf(pageSize)); } if (this.paging == true) { strb.append("&oslc.paging=true"); } if (this.searchAttributes != null) { strb.append("&searchAttributes=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.searchAttributes.substring(0, this.searchAttributes.toString().length() - 1), "utf-8")); } if (this.searchTerms != null) { strb.append("&oslc.searchTerms=" + URLEncoder.encode(this.searchTerms.substring(0, this.searchTerms.toString().length() - 1), "utf-8")); } if (this.stablePaging == true) { strb.append("&stablepaging=true"); } if (this.savedQuery != null) { strb.append("&savedQuery=" + this.savedQuery); } if (this.orderBy.size()>0){ strb.append("&oslc.orderBy="); for(String property: this.orderBy){ strb.append("-" + property + ","); } if(strb.toString().endsWith(",")){ strb = strb.deleteCharAt(strb.length() - 1); } } this.appURI = strb.toString(); return this; } catch (Exception e) { throw new OslcException(500, "error building url", e); } } public Resource fetchMember(String uri, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder().append(uri); if (properties.length > 0) { strb.append(uri.contains("?") ? "" : "?").append( "&"); StringBuilder paramsStrb = new StringBuilder(); for (String property : properties) { paramsStrb.append(property).append(","); } if(paramsStrb.toString().endsWith(",")){ paramsStrb = paramsStrb.deleteCharAt(paramsStrb.length() - 1); } strb.append(Util.urlEncode(paramsStrb.toString())); } JsonObject jo =; return new Resource(jo,; } /** * get the member in ResourceSet * * @param index * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public Resource member(int index) throws OslcException, IOException { if (!isLoaded) { load(); } if(index >= this.jsonArray.size()){ return null; } JsonObject jo = (JsonObject) this.jsonArray.get(index); return new Resource(jo,; } /** * Create a new Resource with the properties in hearder * * @param jo * @param properties * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public Resource create(JsonObject jo, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.osURI == null) { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } JsonObject rjo =, jo, properties); this.reload(); // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then POST data // to it return new Resource(rjo,; // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then load data // from it } public Resource create(JsonObject jo, Map headers, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.osURI == null) { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } JsonObject rjo =, jo, headers, properties); this.reload(); // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then POST data // to it return new Resource(rjo,; // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then load data // from it } public Resource sync(JsonObject jo, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.osURI == null) { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } JsonObject rjo =, jo, properties); this.reload(); // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then POST data // to it return new Resource(rjo,; // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then load data // from it } public Resource sync(JsonObject jo, Map headers, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.osURI == null) { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } JsonObject rjo =, jo, headers, properties); this.reload(); // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then POST data // to it return new Resource(rjo,; // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then load data // from it } public Resource mergeSync(JsonObject jo, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.osURI == null) { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } JsonObject rjo =, jo, properties); this.reload(); // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then POST data // to it return new Resource(rjo,; // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then load data // from it } public Resource mergeSync(JsonObject jo, Map headers, String... properties) throws IOException, OslcException { if (this.osURI == null) { try { this.buildURI(); } catch (OslcException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } JsonObject rjo =, jo, headers, properties); this.reload(); // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then POST data // to it return new Resource(rjo,; // use the maximo connector to connect to oslc server and then load data // from it } public int configuredPageSize() { return this.pageSize; } /** * Count the total number of Resources by calling RESTful API * * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public int totalCount() throws IOException, OslcException { if (!isLoaded) { load(); } JsonObject jo = null; int total = -1; if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("oslc:responseInfo")) { jo = this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("oslc:responseInfo"); if (jo.containsKey("oslc:totalCount")) { total = jo.getInt("oslc:totalCount"); } else if (!jo.containsKey("oslc:nextPage")) { return this.count(); } } else if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("responseInfo")) { jo = this.jsonObject.getJsonObject("responseInfo"); if (jo.containsKey("totalCount")) { total = jo.getInt("totalCount"); } else if (!jo.containsKey("nextPage")) { return this.count(); } } total = this.totalCount(true); return total; } /** * Count the total number of Resources. * When fromServer=true, it calls the totalCount API. * When fromServer=false, it calls the RESTful API. * * @throws IOException * @throws OslcException */ public int totalCount(boolean fromServer) throws IOException, OslcException { if (!fromServer) { return this.totalCount(); } String appURI = this.appURI + (this.appURI.contains("?") ? "" : "?"); JsonObject jo = + "&count=1"); if (jo.containsKey("totalCount")) { return jo.getInt("totalCount"); } else { int tempPageSize = this.configuredPageSize(); this.pageSize = -1; appURI = this.buildURI().appURI; jo =; int size = -1; if (jo.containsKey("member")) { size = jo.getJsonArray("member").size(); } else if (jo.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { size = jo.getJsonArray("rdfs:member").size(); } this.pageSize = tempPageSize; this.buildURI(); return size; } } /** * get current number of Resource by calling RESTful API * * * @throws OslcException * @throws IOException */ public int count() throws OslcException, IOException { if (!isLoaded) { load(); } int size = -1; if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("member")) { size = this.jsonObject.getJsonArray("member").size(); } else if (this.jsonObject.containsKey("rdfs:member")) { size = this.jsonObject.getJsonArray("rdfs:member").size(); } return size; } public BulkProcessor bulk(){ return new BulkProcessor(,this.osURI); } public Aggregation groupBy(){ try { return new Aggregation(,this.buildURI().appURI); } catch (OslcException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }

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