com.mdfromhtml.core.MDfromHTMLBASE64Codec Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (c) Copyright 2020 IBM Corporation
* 1 New Orchard Road,
* Armonk, New York, 10504-1722
* United States
* +1 914 499 1900
* support: Nathaniel Mills [email protected]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mdfromhtml.core;
* A home grown Base 64 encoder/decoder that produces and interprets content
* compatible with other Base 64 codecs from and Sun
* @author wnm3
public class MDfromHTMLBASE64Codec implements Serializable {
static private final long serialVersionUID = 2712028472437499003L;
static boolean bDebugFlag = false;
static int LINE_LEN = 76;
// "0_______________1_______________2_______________3_______________4"
// "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0"
static public final String val_safe = new String(
// Note: last char is the pad character ('=')
// "0____0____1____1____2____2____3____3____4____4____5____5____6____
// "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
static final String val_str = new String(
static final byte[] b64Digits = val_str.getBytes();
static final byte[] b64SafeDigits = val_safe.getBytes();
static int PAD_OFFSET = b64Digits.length - 1;
* Convert a String of BASE64 digits into a byte array, ignoring the equals
* (=) pad characters at the end. This is not URL safe
* @param strEncoded
* @return array of Base 256 bytes
static public byte[] decode(String strEncoded) {
return decode(strEncoded, false);
* Convert a String of BASE64 digits into a byte array, ignoring the equals
* (=) pad characters at the end. This can be made URL safe by passing in
* true
* @param strEncoded
* @param bURLSafe
* whether (true) or not (false) the encoding is URL safe meaning
* it uses "-" and "_" in lieu of "+" and "/"
* @return array of Base 256 bytes
static public byte[] decode(String strEncoded, boolean bURLSafe) {
if (strEncoded == null) {
return new byte[0];
byte[] bEncoded = strEncoded.getBytes();
int iLen = bEncoded.length;
if (bDebugFlag) {
"[base64]decode received string " + iLen + " bytes long:");
int iPADIndex = strEncoded.indexOf(b64Digits[PAD_OFFSET]);
// strip off any trailing new lines
if (iPADIndex > 0) {
iLen = iPADIndex;
int iNLCount = 0;
int iNLIndex = 0;
// count any embedded new lines
while (iNLIndex < iLen) {
if (bEncoded[iNLIndex++] == 0x0a) {
if (bDebugFlag) {
"[base64]decode found " + iNLCount + " embedded newlines:");
if (iLen - iNLCount == 0) {
// just contains newlines
return new byte[0];
int iOutLen = ((iLen - iNLCount) * 3) / 4;
if (bDebugFlag) {
System.out.println("[base64]decode output length is " + iOutLen);
if (iOutLen == 0) {
return new byte[0];
byte[] bOut = new byte[iOutLen];
byte[] bWork = new byte[4];
int iWorkOffset = 0;
int iOutputOffset = 0;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
if (bEncoded[i] == 0x0a) {
continue; // strip new lines
if (bEncoded[i] == b64Digits[PAD_OFFSET]) {
iOutputOffset = fromBASE64(bWork, iWorkOffset, bOut,
bWork[iWorkOffset++] = bEncoded[i];
if (iWorkOffset == 4) {
iOutputOffset = fromBASE64(bWork, iWorkOffset, bOut,
iWorkOffset = 0;
bWork[0] = 0x00;
bWork[1] = 0x00;
bWork[2] = 0x00;
bWork[3] = 0x00;
if (iWorkOffset > 0 && i > 0
&& bEncoded[i - 1] != b64Digits[PAD_OFFSET]) {
iOutputOffset = fromBASE64(bWork, iWorkOffset, bOut, iOutputOffset);
return bOut;
* Transform a byte array into a string of the BASE64 characters. Each
* grouping of 3 bytes is transformed into 4 BASE64 bytes which use 6 bits
* rather than 8 bits. Pad with equals (=) when input length does not divide
* by 3 evenly. The resulting String is not URL safe.
* @param bArray
* Base 256 array of bytes to be encoded
* @return String of Base 64 bytes containing the encoding of the input
* array
* @see #encode(byte[], boolean)
static public String encode(byte[] bArray) {
return encode(bArray, false);
* Transform a byte array into a string of the BASE64 characters. Each
* grouping of 3 bytes is transformed into 4 BASE64 bytes which use 6 bits
* rather than 8 bits. Pad with equals (=) when intput length does not
* divide by 3 evenly.
* @param bArray
* Base 256 array of bytes to be encoded
* @param bURLSafe
* whether (true) or not (false) the encoding is URL safe meaning
* it uses "-" and "_" in lieu of "+" and "/"
* @return String of Base 64 bytes containing the encoding of the input
* array
static public String encode(byte[] bArray, boolean bURLSafe) {
if (bArray == null) {
return "";
int iLen = bArray.length;
if (iLen == 0) {
return "";
// the output is 4/3 the size of the input rounded up to multiple of 4
int iOutLen = (((iLen * 4) + 2) / 3);
if (iOutLen % 4 != 0) {
iOutLen += 4 - (iOutLen % 4);
// determine number of newlines to add at LINE_LEN length records
int iNLCount = iOutLen / LINE_LEN;
int[] nlMgr = new int[1];
iOutLen += iNLCount;
byte[] bOut = new byte[iOutLen];
byte[] bWork = new byte[3];
int iWorkOffset = 0;
int iOutputOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iLen; i++) {
// accumulate 3 bytes at a time
bWork[iWorkOffset++] = bArray[i];
if (iWorkOffset == 3) {
iOutputOffset = toBASE64(bWork, iWorkOffset, bOut,
iOutputOffset, nlMgr, bURLSafe);
iWorkOffset = 0;
if (iWorkOffset != 0) {
// there are some left overs to process (will be 1 or 2)
iOutputOffset = toBASE64(bWork, iWorkOffset, bOut, iOutputOffset,
nlMgr, bURLSafe);
return new String(bOut);
* Converts an array of base 64 bytes into their integer value
* @param bWork
* @param iWorkOffset
* @param bOut
* @param iOutputOffset
* @return value represented by the base 64 bytes supplied
static int fromBASE64(byte[] bWork, int iWorkOffset, byte[] bOut,
int iOutputOffset) {
// note: all of these should be between 0x00 and 0x3F
byte b1 = getBASE64index(bWork[0]); // top 6 bits of 1st byte
byte b2 = getBASE64index(bWork[1]); // bottom 2 bits of 1st byte, top 4
// bits of 2nd byte
byte b3 = getBASE64index(bWork[2]); // bottom 4 bits of 2nd byte, top 2
// bits of 3rd byte
byte b4 = getBASE64index(bWork[3]); // bottom 6 bits of 3rd byte
if (iWorkOffset >= 0) {
// use all 6 from b1 + 2 from b2
bOut[iOutputOffset] = (byte) (b1 << 2);
bOut[iOutputOffset] |= (byte) (((b2 & 0x30) >> 4) & 0x03);
if (iWorkOffset >= 1 && iOutputOffset < bOut.length) {
// use 4 from b2 + 4 from b3
bOut[iOutputOffset] = (byte) (((b2 & 0x0F) << 4) & 0xF0);
bOut[iOutputOffset] |= (byte) (((b3 & 0x3C) >> 2) & 0x0F);
if (iWorkOffset >= 2 && iOutputOffset < bOut.length) {
// use 2 from b3 and all 6 from b4
bOut[iOutputOffset] = (byte) (((b3 & 0x03) << 6) & 0xC0);
bOut[iOutputOffset] |= b4;
return iOutputOffset;
* This routine can handle conversion of URL Safe and non-URL Safe input
* @param bIn
* Base 64 character input
* @return the number (0..63) associated with the Base 64 input
static byte getBASE64index(byte bIn) {
// A-Z
if (bIn >= (byte) 0x41 && bIn <= (byte) 0x5A) {
return (byte) (bIn - 0x41);
// a-z
if (bIn >= (byte) 0x61 && bIn <= (byte) 0x7A) {
// (-x61+ x1a) == -0x47
return (byte) (bIn - 0x47);
// 0-9
if (bIn >= (byte) 0x30 && bIn <= (byte) 0x39) {
// (-x30+x34) == +0x04
return (byte) (bIn + 0x04);
if (bIn == (byte) 0x2B) { // non-URL Safe plus (+)
return (byte) 0x3E;
if (bIn == (byte) 0x2F) { // non-URL Safe solidus (/)
return (byte) 0x3F;
if (bIn == (byte) 0x2D) { // URL Safe hyphen
return (byte) 0x3E;
if (bIn == (byte) 0x5F) { // URL Safe underscore
return (byte) 0x3F;
return 0x00;
static public void main(String[] args) {
String strTest = "passw0rd";
if (args.length > 0) {
strTest = args[0];
} else {
strTest = MDfromHTMLUtils.prompt("Enter text to be converted:");
byte[] testBytes = strTest.getBytes();
// URL safe version
String strEncoded = encode(testBytes, true);
System.out.println(strTest + "=" + strEncoded);
byte[] decoded = decode(strEncoded, true);
String strDecoded = new String(decoded);
strTest = MDfromHTMLUtils.prompt("Enter text to be decoded:");
decoded = decode(strTest, true);
strDecoded = new String(decoded);
* Converts 3 sets of bytes (Base 256) into 4 sets of Base 64 bytes
* @param bWork
* @param iWorkOffset
* @param bOut
* @param iOutputOffset
* @param nlMgr
* @return updated offset in output
static int toBASE64(byte[] bWork, int iWorkOffset, byte[] bOut,
int iOutputOffset, int[] nlMgr, boolean bURLSafe) {
// converts 3 sets of 8 bits (24 bits)
// to 4 sets of 6 bits (24 bits)
// using high end of 1st byte of bWork for first 6 bits
int iBASE64Offset = 0;
if (iWorkOffset >= 0) {
iBASE64Offset = ((bWork[0] & 0xFC) >> 2) & 0x3F; // top 6 bits
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = (bURLSafe ? b64SafeDigits[iBASE64Offset]
: b64Digits[iBASE64Offset]);
if (nlMgr[0] % LINE_LEN == 0) {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = 0x0a; // new line
if (iWorkOffset >= 1) {
iBASE64Offset = (bWork[0] & 0x03) << 4; // low 2 bits as top 2
iBASE64Offset |= (((bWork[1] & 0xF0) >> 4) & 0x0F); // top 4 bits as
// bottom 4
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = (bURLSafe ? b64SafeDigits[iBASE64Offset]
: b64Digits[iBASE64Offset]);
if (nlMgr[0] % LINE_LEN == 0) {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = 0x0a; // new line
if (iWorkOffset >= 2) {
iBASE64Offset = (((bWork[1] & 0x0F) << 2) & 0x3C); // bottom 4 bits
// as
// top 4
iBASE64Offset |= ((bWork[2] & 0xC0) >> 6) & 0x03; // top 2 bits as
// bottom 2
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = (bURLSafe ? b64SafeDigits[iBASE64Offset]
: b64Digits[iBASE64Offset]);
if (nlMgr[0] % LINE_LEN == 0) {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = 0x0a; // new line
} else {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = b64Digits[PAD_OFFSET];
if (nlMgr[0] % LINE_LEN == 0) {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = 0x0a; // new line
if (iWorkOffset >= 3) {
iBASE64Offset = bWork[2] & 0x3F; // bottom 6
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = (bURLSafe ? b64SafeDigits[iBASE64Offset]
: b64Digits[iBASE64Offset]);
if (nlMgr[0] % LINE_LEN == 0) {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = 0x0a; // new line
} else {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = b64Digits[PAD_OFFSET];
if (nlMgr[0] % LINE_LEN == 0) {
bOut[iOutputOffset++] = 0x0a; // new line
bWork[0] = 0x00;
bWork[1] = 0x00;
bWork[2] = 0x00;
return iOutputOffset;
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