com.mdfromhtml.core.MDfromHTMLDate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (c) Copyright 2020 IBM Corporation
* 1 New Orchard Road,
* Armonk, New York, 10504-1722
* United States
* +1 914 499 1900
* support: Nathaniel Mills [email protected]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.mdfromhtml.core;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.SimpleTimeZone;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Vector;
* Special MDfromHTML Date object extends java.util.Date with special
* constructors takingMDfromHTML specific date formatted strings. The toString
* implementation provides a formatted date suitable for sorting in the format
* "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS(Z)"
public class MDfromHTMLDate extends Date {
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07:23:15.987(-0400)
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS(Z)";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07:23:15.987 which
* is assumed to be 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time).
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_0 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07:23:15 which is
* assumed to be 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) with 0 milliseconds.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_1 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04 07:23:15.987123
* which is assumed to be 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time).
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_10 = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS";
* Format for parsing the create date string: Monday, 22 Sep 1959 08:12:34
* which is assumed to be UTC (GMT)
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_11 = "E, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss";
* Format for parsing the create date string: January 05 2018 00:44:45 which
* is assumed to be UTC (GMT)
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_12 = "MMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07:23 which is
* assumed to be 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) with 0 seconds and milliseconds.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_2 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07 which is assumed
* to be 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) with 0 minutes, seconds and
* milliseconds.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_3 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04 which is assumed to
* be 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time) at midnight.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_4 = "yyyy/MM/dd";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07:23:15(-0400)
* which is assumed to be -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) with 0 milliseconds.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_5 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss(Z)";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07:23(-0400) which
* is assumed to be -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) with 0 seconds and
* milliseconds.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_6 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm(Z)";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04-07(-0400) which is
* assumed to be -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) with 0 minutes, seconds and
* milliseconds.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_7 = "yyyy/MM/dd-HH(Z)";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04(-0400) which is
* assumed to be -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) at midnight.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_8 = "yyyy/MM/dd(Z)";
* Format for parsing the create date string: 2004/08/04T07Z which is
* assumed to be 07:00:00.000 Zulu (UTC) Time.
static public String CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_9 = "yyyy/MM/ddTHH";
// --------
// statics
// --------
static public String m_strClassName = MDfromHTMLUtils
static private final long serialVersionUID = -1235455818943814022L;
* Number of milliseconds past the 1/1/70 midnight epoch used to define an
* undefined date
static final public long UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate_Milliseconds = 1L;
* An undefined version of this object. The undefined version is the epoch
* date + 1 created by newMDfromHTMLDate(1).
static final public MDfromHTMLDate UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate = new MDfromHTMLDate(
* Intended to be equal to "1970-01-01 00:00:00.000001". That should be the
* result obtained from the calculation used here. In any case, that
* calculation should reflect the ways in which the elements involved are
* related. Note: This form of string for a timestamp can inserted via JDBC
* into a DB2 field of type Timestamp, but it requires a value that extends
* to six decimal places for seconds. Values shorter than that may be
* padded, but that may lead to warnings, if not errors, when loading data
* (and may complicate other things, as well).
static public final String UNDEFINED_MDfromHTML_DB2_Date_String = new MDfromHTMLDate(
* Converts a String in xs:dateTime format toMDfromHTMLDate format
* @param strDateTime
* String in xs:dateTime format
* @return String inMDfromHTMLDate format
static public String convertDateTime(String strDateTime) {
if (MDfromHTMLUtils.isUndefined(strDateTime)) {
return UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate.toString();
// try simple transforms
// 2006-08-04T07:15:23 to 2006/08/04T07:15:23
strDateTime = strDateTime.replace('-', '/');
// 2006/08/04-07:15:23
strDateTime = strDateTime.replace('T', '-');
if (strDateTime.length() == 11) {
strDateTime = strDateTime.substring(0, 10);
if (strDateTime.toUpperCase().endsWith("Z") == false) {
strDateTime = strDateTime + "(+0000)";
} else {
strDateTime = strDateTime.substring(0, strDateTime.length() - 1)
+ "(+0000)";
return strDateTime;
* @see com.mdfromhtml.MDfromHTMLDuration#elapsedTime(Date, Date)
static public long elapsedTime(MDfromHTMLDate dateStart,
MDfromHTMLDate dateEnd) {
return MDfromHTMLDuration.elapsedTime(dateStart, dateEnd);
* @return a String of hexadecimal characters representing the current time
* in milliseconds. This can be used as a name for temporary assets.
static public String getHexTime() {
return Long.toHexString(new MDfromHTMLDate().getTime());
* Return a list of timezone values. Each timezone value is followed by the
* list of timezones to which it relates.
* @return an array of timezone values followed by a space followed by the
* list of timezones to which the value applies.
static public String[] getShortTimeZoneList() {
return getShortTimeZoneList(null);
* Return a list of timezone values associated with the supplied prefix.
* Each timezone value is followed by the list of timezones to which it
* relates.
* @param strPrefix
* the prefix to be used as a filter on TimeZones
* @return an array of timezone values followed by a space followed by the
* list of timezones to which the value applies.
static public String[] getShortTimeZoneList(String strPrefix) {
String[] strTimeZones = getTimeZoneList(strPrefix);
// map all timezones to a list of descriptors following their numeric
// value
String strTZValue = null;
HashMap> mapTZValues = new HashMap>();
ArrayList listDescriptions = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < strTimeZones.length; i++) {
strTZValue = strTimeZones[i].substring(0, 5);
listDescriptions = mapTZValues.get(strTZValue);
if (listDescriptions == null) {
listDescriptions = new ArrayList();
mapTZValues.put(strTZValue, listDescriptions);
} else {
Vector vectKeys = new Vector(mapTZValues.keySet());
String[] output = new String[vectKeys.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < output.length; i++) {
output[i] = vectKeys.elementAt(i);
output[i] = output[i] + " " + MDfromHTMLUtils
return output;
* @return a sorted array of Strings containing the TimeZone identifiers,
* followed by the timezone offset from GMT enclosed in parentheses.
* For example, there is an entry "America/New_York (-0500)" as well
* as "EST (-0500)".
static public String[] getTimeZoneList() {
return getTimeZoneList(null);
* @param strPrefix
* the prefix to be compared against the timezone ID's as a
* filter. If the timezone id starts with the supplied prefix it
* will be included in the returned list. If the prefix is null
* or empty then all ID's will be returned.
* @return a sorted array of Strings containing the timezone offset from GMT
* followed by a space then the TimeZone ID. For example, there is
* an entry "-0500 America/New_York" as well as "-0500 EST" as well
* as "+0000 GMT" and "+0100 Europe/Paris".
static public String[] getTimeZoneList(String strPrefix) {
String[] timezones = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
ArrayList outputList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < timezones.length; i++) {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezones[i]);
if (strPrefix != null && strPrefix.length() != 0) {
if (timezones[i].startsWith(strPrefix) == false) {
+ " " + timezones[i]);
String[] outputStrings = new String[outputList.size()];
outputStrings = (String[]) outputList.toArray(outputStrings);
return outputStrings;
* Tests for equality to the UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate which is one
* millisecond after the epoch date (midnight 1/1/1970 GMT). This is used to
* identify and/or initialize anMDfromHTMLDate value that has yet to receive
* a valid value. Typically used for comparisons to glean if the value has
* been set properly.
* @param date
* the date to be tested to see if it is undefined
* @return whether (true) or not (false) the supplied date is undefined
* (meaning it is null or its {@link #getTime()} returns a value of
* {@value #UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate_Milliseconds}
* @see #isUndefined(MDfromHTMLDate)
static public boolean isUndefined(MDfromHTMLDate date) {
if (date == null) {
return true;
* Note: this should be == but due to an error some dates meant to be
* undefined ended up with 0 milliseconds.
return (date.getTime() <= UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate_Milliseconds);
* Tests for equality to the UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate which is one
* millisecond after the epoch date (midnight 1/1/1970 GMT). This is used to
* identify and/or initialize anMDfromHTMLDate value that has yet to receive
* a valid value. Typically used for comparisons to glean if the value has
* been set properly.
* @param date
* the date to be tested to see if it is undefined
* @return whether (true) or not (false) the supplied date is undefined
* (meaning it is null or its {@link #getTime()} returns a value of
* {@value #UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate_Milliseconds}
* @see #isUndefined(MDfromHTMLDate)
static public boolean isUndefined(Date date) {
if (date == null) {
return true;
* Note: this should be == but due to an error some dates meant to be
* undefined ended up with 0 milliseconds.
return (date.getTime() <= UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate_Milliseconds);
static public void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Undefined Date is: "
+ UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate.toStringDBTimestamp());
MDfromHTMLDate now = new MDfromHTMLDate();
System.out.println("Today's Date is: " + now.toStringDateTime() + " ("
+ now.getTime() + ")");
while (true) {
String strDate = MDfromHTMLUtils
.prompt("Enter date to be converted (or Q to quit): ");
if (MDfromHTMLUtils.isUndefined(strDate)) {
strDate = new MDfromHTMLDate().toString();
if ("Q".equalsIgnoreCase(strDate.substring(0, 1))) {
MDfromHTMLDate date = new MDfromHTMLDate();
try {
// did we get a timestamp?
try {
long time = Long.valueOf(strDate);
date = new MDfromHTMLDate(time);
} catch (Exception e) {
date = new MDfromHTMLDate(strDate);
System.out.println("Timestamp: " + date.toStringDBTimestamp());
System.out.println("xs:datetime: " + date.toStringDateTime());
System.out.println("Default: " + date.toString());
System.out.println("EpochMS: " + date.getTime());
date.toString(MDfromHTMLDate.CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_11, "GMT"));
date.toString(MDfromHTMLDate.CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_12, "GMT"));
} catch (Exception ber) {
* General purpose Date generator that parses multiple formats, supplying
* default values if they are unspecified.
* @param strDate
* String containing the date information in one of theMDfromHTML
* date formats
* @return date object initialized to the date specified in the passed
* string.
* @throws Exception
* if the passed string doesn't match one of theMDfromHTML date
* formats
* @throws Exception
static synchronized public Date makeDate(String strDate) throws Exception {
if (strDate == null || strDate.length() == 0) {
return new Date();
// check for odd formats first
String[] parts = strDate.split(" ");
if (parts.length == 4) {
// rebuild strDate as an xs:DateTime format yyyy:MM:ddTHH:mm:ss.000
String newDate = parts[2].trim() + "/";
// format is Month DD yyyy HH:mm:ss (#12)
switch (parts[0].trim().toLowerCase()) {
case "january": {
newDate += "01/";
case "february": {
newDate += "02/";
case "march": {
newDate += "03/";
case "april": {
newDate += "04/";
case "may": {
newDate += "05/";
case "june": {
newDate += "06/";
case "july": {
newDate += "07/";
case "august": {
newDate += "08/";
case "september": {
newDate += "09/";
case "october": {
newDate += "10/";
case "november": {
newDate += "11/";
case "december": {
newDate += "12/";
default: {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized month \"" + parts[2]
+ "\" in input " + strDate);
} // end switch on month
try {
int day = new Integer(parts[1].trim());
newDate += MDfromHTMLUtils.padLeftZero(day, 2);
newDate += "T";
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized day of month \"" + parts[1]
+ "\" in input " + strDate);
if (parts[3].trim().length() != 8) {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized time \"" + parts[3]
+ "\" in input " + strDate);
newDate += parts[3].trim();
strDate = newDate;
} else if (parts.length == 5) {
// Mon, 11 Jun 2019 00:43:45
String newDate = parts[3] + "/";
switch (parts[2].trim().toLowerCase()) {
case "jan": {
newDate += "01/";
case "feb": {
newDate += "02/";
case "mar": {
newDate += "03/";
case "apr": {
newDate += "04/";
case "may": {
newDate += "05/";
case "jun": {
newDate += "06/";
case "jul": {
newDate += "07/";
case "aug": {
newDate += "08/";
case "sep": {
newDate += "09/";
case "oct": {
newDate += "10/";
case "nov": {
newDate += "11/";
case "dec": {
newDate += "12/";
default: {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized month \"" + parts[3]
+ "\" in input " + strDate);
} // end switch on month
try {
int day = new Integer(parts[1].trim());
newDate += MDfromHTMLUtils.padLeftZero(day, 2);
newDate += "T";
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized day of month \"" + parts[1]
+ "\" in input " + strDate);
if (parts[4].trim().length() != 8) {
throw new Exception("Unrecognized time \"" + parts[4]
+ "\" in input " + strDate);
newDate += parts[4].trim();
strDate = newDate;
// check to see if the date has a database Timestamp format
int iSpaceOffset = strDate.indexOf(" ");
if (iSpaceOffset == 10) {
// make it look like xs:dateTime format
strDate = strDate.replace(' ', 'T');
// check to see if the date has an xs:dateTime format
int iTOffset = strDate.indexOf("T");
if (iTOffset == 10) {
strDate = convertDateTime(strDate);
int iHOffset = strDate.indexOf("-");
if (iHOffset > 0 && iHOffset <= 9) {
strDate = strDate.replace('-', '/');
if (strDate.length() == 10) {
strDate = strDate + "-00:00:00.000(+0000)";
int iZOffset = strDate.toUpperCase().indexOf("Z");
if (iZOffset > 0) {
strDate = strDate.substring(0, iZOffset) + "(+0000)";
// try to determine the entered format
int iTZOffset = strDate.indexOf("(");
// if -1 use #0 only yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS
int iMSOffset = strDate.indexOf(".");
// if -1 use #1 only yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss
// Note: below added to fix up dates with more than 3 decimal precision
if (iMSOffset > 0) {
if (iTZOffset > 0) {
// have ss.SSSS( or more
if (iTZOffset - iMSOffset > 4) {
String strMS = strDate.substring(iMSOffset + 1, iTZOffset);
int iMSLen = strMS.length();
if (iMSLen > 3) {
strMS = strMS.substring(0, 3) + "."
+ strMS.substring(3);
int imsecs = Math.round(new Float(strMS));
strMS = MDfromHTMLUtils.padRight(imsecs, 3, '0');
// rebuild the date string with the 3 digits
String strTZ = strDate.substring(iTZOffset);
strDate = strDate.substring(0, iMSOffset + 1) + strMS
+ strTZ;
iTZOffset = strDate.indexOf("(");
} else { // 3 or less decimals + timezone
// rebuild the date string with the 3 digits
String strTZ = strDate.substring(iTZOffset);
String strMS = strDate.substring(iMSOffset + 1, iTZOffset);
strMS = MDfromHTMLUtils.padRight(strMS, 3, '0');
strDate = strDate.substring(0, iMSOffset + 1) + strMS
+ strTZ;
} else { // no timezone
if (strDate.length() - iMSOffset > 3) {
// have ss.SSSS or more
String strMS = strDate.substring(iMSOffset + 1);
strMS = strMS.substring(0, 3) + "." + strMS.substring(3);
int imsecs = Math.round(new Float(strMS));
strMS = MDfromHTMLUtils.padRight(imsecs, 3, '0');
// rebuild the date string with the 3 digits
strDate = strDate.substring(0, iMSOffset) + strMS;
} else { // have 3 or less decimals
String strMS = strDate.substring(iMSOffset + 1);
strMS = MDfromHTMLUtils.padRight(strMS, 3, '0');
strDate = strDate.substring(0, iMSOffset + 1) + strMS;
int iMinOffset = strDate.indexOf(":"); // if -1 use #3 only
// yyyy/MM/dd-HH
int iSecOffset = strDate.lastIndexOf(":");
// if -1 use #3 only yyyy/MM/dd-HH
int iTimeOffset = strDate.indexOf("-"); // if -1 use #4 only yyyy/MM/dd
if ((iTimeOffset > iTZOffset) && (iTZOffset != -1)) {
iTimeOffset = -1; // handle case where TimeZone is -xxxx format
if (strDate.length() >= 10) {
String[] dateParts = strDate.substring(0, 10).split("/");
if (dateParts.length >= 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
int test = Integer.parseInt(dateParts[i]);
switch (i) {
case 0: { // yyyy
if (test < 1900 || test > 2500) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid year. Must be between 1900 and 2500 inclusive. Received: \""
+ dateParts[i] + "\"");
case 1: { // MM
if (test < 1 || test > 12) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid month. Must be between 1 and 12 inclusive. Received: \""
+ dateParts[i] + "\"");
case 2: { // dd
if (test < 1 || test > 31) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid day. Must be between 1 and 31 (depending on the month and leap year) inclusive. Received: \""
+ dateParts[i] + "\"");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(
"Date contains \"" + dateParts[i] + "\"", e);
if (strDate.length() > 11) {
String time = strDate.substring(11);
if (time.length() > 8) {
time = time.substring(0, 8);
String timeParts[] = time.split(":");
if (timeParts.length >= 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
int test = Integer.parseInt(timeParts[i]);
switch (i) {
case 0: { // hh
if (test < 0 || test > 23) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid hour. Must be between 1 and 23 inclusive. Received: \""
+ timeParts[i] + "\"");
case 1: { // mm
if (test < 0 || test > 59) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid minutes. Must be between 0 and 59 inclusive. Received: \""
+ timeParts[i] + "\"");
case 2: { // ss
if (test < 0 || test > 59) {
throw new Exception(
"Invalid day. Must be between 0 and 59 inclusive. Received: \""
+ timeParts[i] + "\"");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(
"Date contains \"" + timeParts[i] + "\"", e);
try {
if (iTimeOffset == -1) {
SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = null;
if (iTZOffset == -1) {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_4,
new DateFormatSymbols());
// TimeZone.getTimeZone("+0000"));
} else {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_8,
new DateFormatSymbols());
return sdFormat.parse(strDate);
} else if (iSecOffset == -1) {
SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = null;
if (iTZOffset == -1) {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_3,
new DateFormatSymbols());
// TimeZone.getTimeZone("+0000"));
} else {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_7,
new DateFormatSymbols());
return sdFormat.parse(strDate);
} else if (iSecOffset == iMinOffset) { // only on ":" so
// yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm use #2
SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = null;
if (iTZOffset == -1) {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_2,
new DateFormatSymbols());
// TimeZone.getTimeZone("+0000"));
} else {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_6,
new DateFormatSymbols());
return sdFormat.parse(strDate);
} else if (iMSOffset == -1) {
SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = null;
if (iTZOffset == -1) {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_1,
new DateFormatSymbols());
// TimeZone.getTimeZone("+0000"));
} else {
sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_5,
new DateFormatSymbols());
return sdFormat.parse(strDate);
} else if (iTZOffset == -1) {
SimpleDateFormat sdFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_0, new DateFormatSymbols());
// TimeZone.getTimeZone("+0000"));
return sdFormat.parse(strDate);
// else assumes full string is present
return new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT,
new DateFormatSymbols()).parse(strDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new Exception("Date \"" + strDate
+ "\" does not parse according to the format \""
* Create a formatted string showing the date in theMDfromHTML date format
* for 0000 (Greenwich Mean Time).
* @param date
* the date to be transformed into the string.
* @param strFormat
* the date format to be returned. If the format is illdefined,
* the standardMDfromHTML Date format is used
* @param strTimeZone
* the format of the timezone using +/-hhmm
* @return a formatted string showing the local date in theMDfromHTML date
* format
static synchronized public String makeFormattedDate(Date date,
String strFormat, String strTimeZone) {
int iTZMillisecs = MDfromHTMLUtils
// TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(strTimeZone);
SimpleDateFormat dateformat;
try {
dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat(strFormat,
new DateFormatSymbols());
} catch (Exception e) {
dateformat = new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT,
new DateFormatSymbols());
dateformat.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(iTZMillisecs, strTimeZone));
return dateformat.format(date);
* Create a formatted string showing the local date in theMDfromHTML date
* format
* @param date
* the date to be transformed into the string.
* @return a formatted string showing the local date in theMDfromHTML date
* format
static synchronized public String makeFormattedLocalDate(Date date) {
return new SimpleDateFormat(CREATE_DATE_FORMAT, new DateFormatSymbols())
static public long MAX_TIME() {
return 253402214399999L;
* @return the largest date that matches theMDfromHTML Date Format for any
* timezone. The value is the date "9999/12/30-23:59:59.999(+0000)"
* -- the extra day allows for any timezone to be added and still
* have a 4 digit year.
static public MDfromHTMLDate MAX_VALUE() {
return new MDfromHTMLDate(MAX_TIME()); // equals
// "9999/12/30-23:59:59.999(+0000)"
* @return the earliest date that matches theMDfromHTML Date Format for any
* timezone. The value is the date of the epoch
* "1970/01/01-00:00:00.000(+0000)"
static public MDfromHTMLDate MIN_VALUE() {
return new MDfromHTMLDate(0L);
* Find the timezone string by parsing the timezone list entry formed by the
* getTimeZoneList routine.
* @param strTimeZoneListEntry
* the timezone list entry from the getTimeZoneList method
* comprising the timezone offset from GMT followed by a space
* and then the TimeZone ID. For example, "+0100 Europe/Paris" or
* "-0500 EST" or "+0000 GMT" would return "+0100", "-0500", or
* "+0000" respectively.
* @return the timezone in the form +/-hhmm (e.g., +0000 is GMT, -0500 is
* Eastern Standard Time, +0100 is Europe/Paris. If the passed
* timezone list entry is null, empty, or does not comply with the
* expected format, the GMT timezone "+0000" is returned.
static public String parseTimeZoneFromListEntry(
String strTimeZoneListEntry) {
String strTimeZone = "+0000"; // default to GMT
if (strTimeZoneListEntry == null
|| strTimeZoneListEntry.length() == 0) {
return strTimeZone; // invalid so use GMT
int iLength = strTimeZoneListEntry.length();
if (iLength >= 5) {
strTimeZone = strTimeZoneListEntry.substring(0, 5);
try {
int iTime = new Integer(strTimeZone).intValue();
if (iTime < -1300 || iTime > 1300) {
strTimeZone = "+0000"; // invalid so use GMT
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
strTimeZone = "+0000"; // invalid so use GMT
return strTimeZone;
* Converts the inputMDfromHTMLDate to an undefinedMDfromHTMLDate if the
* inputMDfromHTMLDate is null.
* @param date
* MDfromHTMLDate to be tested against null and converted.
* @return An undefinedMDfromHTMLDate if the inputMDfromHTMLDate was null,
* otherwise, the inputMDfromHTMLDate is echoed back.
static public MDfromHTMLDate undefinedForNull(MDfromHTMLDate date) {
if (date == null) {
return UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate;
return date;
* Constructor forMDfromHTMLDate using the current date/time.
public MDfromHTMLDate() {
* Constructor initializing the time to the date supplied.
* @param date
* the date for thisMDfromHTMLDate.
public MDfromHTMLDate(Date date) {
// if (ILDDate.isUndefined(date)) {
if (date == null) {
date = MDfromHTMLDate.UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate;
* Constructor initializing the time to the value supplied.
* @param dDate
* the number of milliseconds since the epoch (midnight, 1/1/70
* 0000).
public MDfromHTMLDate(double dDate) {
super((long) dDate);
* Create anMDfromHTMLDate object from the supplied date information.
* @param iYear
* 2, 3 or 4 digit year. If less than 4 digits, 2000 is added to
* the supplied value.
* @param iMonth
* number of the month where 1=January, 12=December.
* @param iDay
* number of the day of the month where the first day is 1.
* @param iHours
* hours within the day from 0 through 23.
* @param iMinutes
* minutes within the hour from 0 through 59.
* @param iSeconds
* seconds within the minute from 0 through 59.
* @param iMilliseconds
* milliseconds within the second from 0 through 999.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone (e.g., "+0000" is Greenwich Mean Time, "-0400" is
* Eastern Daylight Time). If no timezone is supplied then
* "+0000" is used as a default.
* @throws Exception
* if the values for Day is invalid for the Month, or if an
* invalid Timezone is supplied (Exception), or if one of the
* values is not within their allowed range
* (ExceptionInvalidParam).
public MDfromHTMLDate(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDay, int iHours,
int iMinutes, int iSeconds, int iMilliseconds, String strTimeZone)
throws Exception {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// Year
if (iYear < 100) {
iYear += 2000;
// Month
if (iMonth < 1 || iMonth > 12) {
throw new Exception("Month is not between 1 and 12, inclusive.");
if (iMonth < 10) {
// Day
if (iDay < 1 || iDay > 31) {
// Parse error is thrown if day doesn't match month, leap year, etc.
throw new Exception("Day is not between 1 and 31, inclusive.");
if (iDay < 10) {
// Hour
if (iHours < 0 || iHours > 23) {
throw new Exception("Hours is not between 0 and 23, inclusive.");
if (iHours < 10) {
// Minute
if (iMinutes < 0 || iMinutes > 59) {
throw new Exception("Minutes is not between 0 and 59, inclusive.");
if (iMinutes < 10) {
// Second
if (iSeconds < 0 || iSeconds > 59) {
throw new Exception("Seconds is not between 0 and 59, inclusive.");
if (iSeconds < 10) {
// Milliseconds
if (iMilliseconds < 0 || iMilliseconds > 999) {
throw new Exception(
"Milliseconds is not between 0 and 999, inclusive.");
if (iMilliseconds < 10) {
} else if (iMilliseconds < 100) {
if (strTimeZone == null || strTimeZone.length() == 0) {
strTimeZone = "+0000";
* Constructor initializing the time to the value supplied.
* @param lDate
* the number of milliseconds since the epoch (midnight, 1/1/70
* 0000).
public MDfromHTMLDate(long lDate) {
* Create anMDfromHTMLDate object from theMDfromHTML formatted date string
* @param strDate
* theMDfromHTML formatted date string to be transformed into
* theMDfromHTMLDate object.
* @throws Exception
* {@link Exception} if the passed date does not comply with the
* appropriate supported formats. {@link Exception} if the date
* or time components are not correct.
public MDfromHTMLDate(String strDate) throws Exception {
public MDfromHTMLDate clone() {
return new MDfromHTMLDate((Date) this);
* Compares this date with the supplied date and returns -1 if this date is
* less than the supplied date, 0 if equal, or 1 if greater than the
* supplied date.
* @param date
* the date to compare against this date
* @return -1 if this date is less than the supplied date, 0 if equal, or 1
* if greater than the supplied date.
public int compareTo(MDfromHTMLDate date) {
return super.compareTo(date);
// /*
// * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
// */
// public int compareTo(Object object) {
// return super.compareTo((Date) object);
// }
* @see java.util.Date#compareTo(java.util.Date)
public int compareTo(Date date) {
return super.compareTo(date);
* Calculate the number of elapsed milliseconds between the supplied date
* and this date. If no end date has been set, then the duration is 0L. If
* no start date has been set, then the duration is the number of
* milliseconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/70 0000) until the end date.
* If the start date is greater than the end date, then 0L is returned.
* @param dateFrom
* the date from which the elapsed time is calculated (e.g.,
* until this date).
* @return the number of elapsed milliseconds between the start and end of
* this duration.
public long elapsedTime(MDfromHTMLDate dateFrom) {
return MDfromHTMLDuration.elapsedTime(dateFrom, this);
* Calculate the number of elapsed milliseconds between the supplied date
* and this date. If no end date has been set, then the duration is 0L. If
* no start date has been set, then the duration is the number of
* milliseconds since the epoch (midnight 1/1/70 0000) until the end date.
* If the start date is greater than the end date, then 0L is returned.
* @param dateFrom
* the date from which the elapsed time is calculated (e.g.,
* until this date).
* @return the number of elapsed milliseconds between the start and end of
* this duration.
public long elapsedTime(Date dateFrom) {
return MDfromHTMLDuration.elapsedTime(dateFrom, this);
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj);
* Get the day of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the day applies. If this value is null
* or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the day of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getDay(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("+0000"));
return calDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
* Get the hours of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the hours apply. If this value is null
* or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the hours of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getHours(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
return calDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
* Get the milliseconds of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the milliseconds apply. If this value
* is null or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the milliseconds of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getMilliseconds(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
return calDate.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
* Get the minutesr of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the minutes apply. If this value is
* null or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the month of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getMinutes(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
return calDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
* Get the month of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the month applies. If this value is
* null or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the month of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getMonth(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
return calDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; // make one based
* Get the seconds of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the seconds apply. If this value is
* null or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the seconds of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getSeconds(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
return calDate.get(Calendar.SECOND);
* Get the year of this date for the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the year applies. If this value is null
* or empty, "+0000" is used.
* @return the year of this date for the specified timezone.
public long getYear(String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
return calDate.get(Calendar.YEAR);
* Tests for equality to the UNDEFINED_MDfromHTMLDate which is one second
* after the epoch date (midnight 1/1/1970 GMT). This is used to identify
* and/or initialize anMDfromHTMLDate value that has yet to receive a valid
* value. Typically used for comparisons to glean if the value has been set
* properly.
* @return whether (true) or not (false) this object is undefined
* @see #isUndefined(MDfromHTMLDate)
public boolean isUndefined() {
return isUndefined(this);
* Set the day of this date to the specified day.
* @param iDay
* the day of the month (first day is 1).
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the day applies. If this value is null
* or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setDay(int iDay, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, iDay);
* Set the hours of this date to the specified hours.
* @param iHours
* the hours within the day (0=midnight).
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the hours apply. If this value is null
* or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setHours(int iHours, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, iHours);
* Set the milliseconds of this date to the specified seconds.
* @param iMilliseconds
* the milliseconds within the second [0..999].
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the milliseconds apply. If this value
* is null or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setMilliseconds(int iMilliseconds, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, iMilliseconds);
* Set the minutes of this date to the specified minutes.
* @param iMinutes
* the minutes within the hour [0..59].
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the minutes apply. If this value is
* null or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setMinutes(int iMinutes, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.MINUTE, iMinutes);
* Set the month of this date to the specified month.
* @param iMonth
* the one-based counting month number (e.g., 1=January).
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the month applies. If this value is
* null or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setMonth(int iMonth, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.MONTH, iMonth - 1); // make zero based
* Set the seconds of this date to the specified seconds.
* @param iSeconds
* the seconds within the minute [0..59].
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the seconds apply. If this value is
* null or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setSeconds(int iSeconds, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.SECOND, iSeconds);
* Set the year of this date to the specified year.
* @param iYear
* the complete, 4 digit year (yeah, Y10K bug... ;^)
* @param strTimeZone
* the timezone for which the year applies. If this value is null
* or empty, "+0000" is used.
public void setYear(int iYear, String strTimeZone) {
Calendar calDate = new GregorianCalendar(
TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT" + strTimeZone));
calDate.set(Calendar.YEAR, iYear);
public Date toDate() {
return (Date) this;
* @return the formatted date using "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS(Z)" where yyyy
* is the 4 digit year, MM is the 2 digit month, dd is the 2 digit
* day, HH is the 2 digit hours, mm is the 2 digit minutes, ss is
* the 2 digit seconds, SSS is the 3 digit milliseconds, and Z is
* GMT (e.g., +0000). For example, August 4th, 2004 at 7:15:35.456
* AM Greenwich Mean Time is "2004-08-04T07:15:35.456Z"
* @see #toString(String)
public String toString() {
// return makeFormattedDate(this, CREATE_DATE_FORMAT, "+0000");
return toStringDateTime();
* Return a String containing formatted date in the specified timezone.
* @param strTimeZone
* the ID for a TimeZone, either an abbreviation such as "PST", a
* full name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom ID such
* as "0000-8:00". Note that the support of abbreviations is for
* JDK 1.1.x compatibility only and full names should be used.
* @return the formatted date using "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS(Z)" where yyyy
* is the 4 digit year, MM is the 2 digit month, dd is the 2 digit
* day, HH is the 2 digit hours, mm is the 2 digit minutes, ss is
* the 2 digit seconds, SSS is the 3 digit milliseconds, and z is
* the 3 character timezone. For example, August 4th, 2004 at
* 7:15:35.456 AM Greenwich Mean Time is
* "2004/08/04-07:15:35.456(+0000)"
* @see #toString()
public String toString(String strTimeZone) {
return makeFormattedDate(this, CREATE_DATE_FORMAT, strTimeZone);
* Return a String containing formatted date in the specified timezone.
* @param strFormat
* the desired date format to be returned. If the format is
* invalid, the standardMDfromHTML Date format is used
* @param strTimeZone
* the ID for a TimeZone, either an abbreviation such as "PST", a
* full name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom ID such
* as "0000-8:00". Note that the support of abbreviations is for
* JDK 1.1.x compatibility only and full names should be used.
* @return the formatted date using "yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS(Z)" where yyyy
* is the 4 digit year, MM is the 2 digit month, dd is the 2 digit
* day, HH is the 2 digit hours, mm is the 2 digit minutes, ss is
* the 2 digit seconds, SSS is the 3 digit milliseconds, and z is
* the 3 character timezone. For example, August 4th, 2004 at
* 7:15:35.456 AM Greenwich Mean Time is
* "2004/08/04-07:15:35.456(0000)"
* @see #toString()
public String toString(String strFormat, String strTimeZone) {
if (strFormat == null) {
if (strTimeZone == null) {
strTimeZone = "+0000";
return makeFormattedDate(this, strFormat, strTimeZone);
* @return the formatted date using "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" where yyyy is
* the 4 digit year, MM is the 2 digit month, dd is the 2 digit day,
* HH is the 2 digit hours, mm is the 2 digit minutes, ss is the 2
* digit seconds, SSS is the 3 digit milliseconds in GMT timezone
* (e.g., +0000). For example, August 4th, 2004 at 7:15:35.456 AM
* Greenwich Mean Time is "2004-08-04 07:15:35.456"
* @see #toString(String)
public String toStringCookie() {
String strRC = makeFormattedDate(this, CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_11, "+0000");
// simple transform
strRC = strRC.replace('-', ' ');
strRC = strRC.replace('/', '-');
return strRC;
* @return the formatted date using "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ" where yyyy is
* the 4 digit year, MM is the 2 digit month, dd is the 2 digit day,
* HH is the 2 digit hours, mm is the 2 digit minutes, ss is the 2
* digit seconds, SSS is the 3 digit milliseconds, and , and Z is
* GMT (e.g., +0000). For example, August 4th, 2004 at 7:15:35.456
* AM Greenwich Mean Time is "2004/08/04T07:15:35.456(0000)"
* @see #toString(String)
public String toStringDateTime() {
String strRC = makeFormattedDate(this, CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_0, "+0000");
// simple transform
strRC = strRC.replace('-', 'T');
strRC = strRC.replace('/', '-');
return strRC + "Z";
* @return the formatted date using "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" where yyyy is
* the 4 digit year, MM is the 2 digit month, dd is the 2 digit day,
* HH is the 2 digit hours, mm is the 2 digit minutes, ss is the 2
* digit seconds, SSS is the 3 digit milliseconds in GMT timezone
* (e.g., +0000). For example, August 4th, 2004 at 7:15:35.456 AM
* Greenwich Mean Time is "2004-08-04 07:15:35.456"
* @see #toString(String)
public String toStringDBTimestamp() {
String strRC = makeFormattedDate(this, CREATE_DATE_FORMAT_10, "+0000");
// simple transform
strRC = strRC.replace('-', ' ');
strRC = strRC.replace('/', '-');
return strRC;
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