Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Map;
* A Java MQ Light client implementation that never blocks the calling thread when
* carrying out messaging operations. Notification of completion for any
* (potentially blocking) operation is via a callback.
* Example code for using the non-blocking client to send a message
* NonBlockingClient.create("amqp://localhost", new NonBlockingClientAdapter() {
* public void onStarted(NonBlockingClient client, Void context) {
* SendOptions opts = SendOptions.builder().setQos(QOS.AT_LEAST_ONCE).build();
* client.send("/kittens", "Hello kitty!", null, opts, new CompletionListener() {
* public void onSuccess(NonBlockingClient client, Void context) {
* client.stop(null, null);
* }
* public void onError(NonBlockingClient client, Void context, Exception exception) {
* client.stop(null, null);
* }
* }, null);
* }
* public void onDrain(NonBlockingClient client, Void context) {}
* }, null);
* Example code for receiving messages published to the '/kittens' topic.
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* NonBlockingClient client = NonBlockingClient.create("amqp://localhost", null, null);
* client.subscribe("/kittens", new DestinationAdapter() {
* public void onMessage(NonBlockingClient client, Void context, Delivery delivery) {
* switch (delivery.getType()) {
* case BYTES:
* BytesDelivery bd = (BytesDelivery)delivery;
* System.out.println(bd.getData());
* break;
* case STRING:
* StringDelivery sd = (StringDelivery)delivery;
* System.out.println(sd.getData());
* break;
* }
* }
* }, null, null);
* }
public abstract class NonBlockingClient {
protected static final ClientOptions defaultClientOptions = ClientOptions.builder().build();
protected static final SendOptions defaultSendOptions = SendOptions.builder().build();
protected static final SubscribeOptions defaultSubscribeOptions = SubscribeOptions.builder().build();
* Creates a new instance of the NonBlockingClient
in starting state.
* @param service a URI for the service to connect to, for example: amqp://
* This URI can start with either amqp://
or amqps://
(for SSL/TLS based
* connections). User names and passwords may be embedded into the URL - for example:
* amqp://user:[email protected]
. If a value of null
is specified then
* the client will attempt to locate a suitable service based on its environment. Currently it
* is capable of locating services in this way when run in the IBM Bluemix environment.
* @param options a set of options that determine the behaviour of the client.
* @param listener a listener that is notified of major life-cycle events for the client.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the create method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a new instance of NonBlockingClient
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if one or more of the options
is not valid.
public static NonBlockingClient create(String service, ClientOptions options,
NonBlockingClientListener listener, T context)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return new NonBlockingClientImpl(service, options, listener, context);
* Creates a new instance of the NonBlockingClient
in starting state. The client
* will use the set of plugable services, provided as arguments to this method.
* @param endpointService used to lookup the location of the MQ Light server.
* @param callbackService used to run each call back into application code.
* @param networkService used to establish network connections to the MQ Light server.
* @param timerService used to schedule work to be performed in the future.
* @param options a set of options that determine the behaviour of the client.
* @param listener a listener that is notified of major life-cycle events for the client.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the create method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a new instance of NonBlockingClient
* @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if one or more of the options
is not valid.
public static NonBlockingClient create(EndpointService endpointService,
CallbackService callbackService,
NetworkService networkService,
TimerService timerService,
GsonBuilder gsonBuilder,
ClientOptions options,
T context)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return new NonBlockingClientImpl(endpointService, callbackService, networkService, timerService, gsonBuilder, options, listener, context);
* Creates a new instance of the NonBlockingClient
in starting state. This is equivalent to calling:
* create(service, ClientOptions.create, listener, context);
* @see NonBlockingClient#create(String, ClientOptions, NonBlockingClientListener, Object)
public static NonBlockingClient create(String service, NonBlockingClientListener listener, T context) {
return create(service, defaultClientOptions, listener, context);
* @return the client ID, as assigned to this instance of the client either explicitly via the
* {@link ClientOptions} object passed in to the {@link NonBlockingClient#create(String, NonBlockingClientListener, Object)}
* method, or if this value is omitted, then the client ID will be set to a probabilistically
* unique string by the client implementation.
public abstract String getId();
* @return the service to which the client is connected (as specified on the
* {@link NonBlockingClient#create(String, NonBlockingClientListener, Object)} call or
* null
if the client is not, currently, connected to the MQ Light server.
public abstract String getService();
* @return the current state of this client.
public abstract ClientState getState();
* Sends a string message to a topic.
* @param topic the topic to send the message to. Cannot be null.
* @param data the string data to send to the topic. Cannot be null.
* @param properties a {@link Map} of properties that will be carried alongside the message. Keys must be non-null and values
* must be one of the following types: null
, Boolean
, Byte
* Short
, Integer
, Long
, Float
, Double
* byte[]
, and String
* @param sendOptions a set of options that determine how the send operation works.
* @param listener a listener object that is notified when the send operation completes. For 'at most once' quality of
* service messages, this is notified (of success) when the message has been flushed to the network.
* For 'at least once' quality of service messages, this is notified (of success) when receipt of the
* message has been confirmed by the service.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the send method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a boolean
if the message was sent
* immediately, or false
if the message was buffered in
* memory due to a backlog of messages to send over the network)
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract boolean send(String topic, String data, Map properties, SendOptions sendOptions, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Sends a ByteBuffer
to a topic.
* @param topic the topic to send the message to. Cannot be null.
* @param data the byte buffer to send to the topic. Cannot be null.
* @param properties a {@link Map} of properties that will be carried alongside the message. Keys must be non-null and values
* must be one of the following types: null
, Boolean
, Byte
* Short
, Integer
, Long
, Float
, Double
* byte[]
, and String
* @param sendOptions a set of options that determine exactly how the send operation works.
* @param listener a listener object that is notified when the send operation completes. For 'at most once' quality of
* service messages, this is notified (of success) when the message has been flushed to the network.
* For 'at least once' quality of service messages, this is notified (of success) when receipt of the
* message has been confirmed by the service.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the send method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a boolean
if the message was sent
* immediately, or false
if the message was buffered in
* memory due to a backlog of messages to send over the network)
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract boolean send(String topic, ByteBuffer data, Map properties, SendOptions sendOptions, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Sends a JSON object to a topic.
* @param topic the topic to send the message to. Cannot be null.
* @param json the object to send as a JSON object. The send method will convert this object to JSON using the
* Google Gson library to convert the object to JSON (essentially calling {@link Gson#toJson(Object)} to
* perform the conversion).
* @param properties a {@link Map} of properties that will be carried alongside the message. Keys must be non-null and values
* must be one of the following types: null
, Boolean
, Byte
* Short
, Integer
, Long
, Float
, Double
* byte[]
, and String
* @param sendOptions a set of options that determine exactly how the send operation works.
* @param listener a listener object that is notified when the send operation completes. For 'at most once' quality of
* service messages, this is notified (of success) when the message has been flushed to the network.
* For 'at least once' quality of service messages, this is notified (of success) when receipt of the
* message has been confirmed by the service.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the send method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a boolean
if the message was sent
* immediately, or false
if the message was buffered in
* memory due to a backlog of messages to send over the network)
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract boolean send(String topic, Object json, Map properties, SendOptions sendOptions, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Sends a JSON object to a topic. This form of send can handle objects that use Java Generics.
* @param topic the topic to send the message to. Cannot be null.
* @param json the object to send as a JSON object. The send method will convert this object to JSON using the
* Google Gson library to convert the object to JSON (essentially calling {@link Gson#toJson(Object, Type)} to
* perform the conversion).
* @param type provides type information about the json
object. This allows Java types that make use of
* Java Generics to be converted to JSON.
* @param properties a {@link Map} of properties that will be carried alongside the message. Keys must be non-null and values
* must be one of the following types: null
, Boolean
, Byte
* Short
, Integer
, Long
, Float
, Double
* byte[]
, and String
* @param sendOptions a set of options that determine exactly how the send operation works.
* @param listener a listener object that is notified when the send operation completes. For 'at most once' quality of
* service messages, this is notified (of success) when the message has been flushed to the network.
* For 'at least once' quality of service messages, this is notified (of success) when receipt of the
* message has been confirmed by the service.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the send method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a boolean
if the message was sent
* immediately, or false
if the message was buffered in
* memory due to a backlog of messages to send over the network)
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract boolean send(String topic, Object json, Type type, Map properties, SendOptions sendOptions, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Sends a String containing JSON data to a topic. This form of send can be used to integrate with other
* JSON libraries.
* @param topic the topic to send the message to. Cannot be null.
* @param json a String which is assumed to contain JSON information. No checking is performed on this string, it is
* simply transferred as the body of a message which the appropriate
* @param properties a {@link Map} of properties that will be carried alongside the message. Keys must be non-null and values
* must be one of the following types: null
, Boolean
, Byte
* Short
, Integer
, Long
, Float
, Double
* byte[]
, and String
* @param sendOptions a set of options that determine exactly how the send operation works.
* @param listener a listener object that is notified when the send operation completes. For 'at most once' quality of
* service messages, this is notified (of success) when the message has been flushed to the network.
* For 'at least once' quality of service messages, this is notified (of success) when receipt of the
* message has been confirmed by the service.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the send method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return a boolean
if the message was sent
* immediately, or false
if the message was buffered in
* memory due to a backlog of messages to send over the network)
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract boolean sendJson(String topic, String json, Map properties, SendOptions sendOptions, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, data, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), listener, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, String, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, String data, Map properties, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, data, properties, defaultSendOptions, listener, context);
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, data, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), listener, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, ByteBuffer, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, ByteBuffer data, Map properties, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, data, properties, defaultSendOptions, listener, context);
* Sends a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, json, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), listener, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, Object, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, Object json, Map properties, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, json, properties, defaultSendOptions, listener, context);
* Sends a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, json, type, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), listener, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, Object, Type, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, Object json, Type type, Map properties, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, json, type, properties, defaultSendOptions, listener, context);
* Sends a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* sendJson(topic, json, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), listener, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#sendJson(String, String, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean sendJson(String topic, String json, Map properties, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return sendJson(topic, json, properties, defaultSendOptions, listener, context);
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, data, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), null, null)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, String, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, String data, Map properties) throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, data, properties, defaultSendOptions, null, null);
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, data, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), null, null)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, ByteBuffer, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, ByteBuffer data, Map properties) throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, data, properties, defaultSendOptions, null, null);
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, json, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), null, null)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, Object, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, Object json, Map properties) throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, json, properties, defaultSendOptions, null, null);
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, json, type, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), null, null)
* @see NonBlockingClient#send(String, Object, Type, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean send(String topic, Object json, Type type, Map properties) throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return send(topic, json, type, properties, defaultSendOptions, null, null);
* Send a message to the MQ Light server. This is equivalent to calling:
* send(topic, json, properties, SendOptions.builder().build(), null, null)
* @see NonBlockingClient#sendJson(String, String, Map, SendOptions, CompletionListener, Object)
public boolean sendJson(String topic, String json, Map properties) throws StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return sendJson(topic, json, properties, defaultSendOptions, null, null);
* Requests that the client transitions into started state.
* This prepares the client to send and/or receive messages from the server. As new instances of
* NonBlockingClient
are created in starting
state, this method need
* only be called if an instance of the client has been stopped using the
* {@link NonBlockingClient#stop(CompletionListener, Object)} method.
* @param listener this listener will be invoked when the start operation completes. This can
* either be when the client has attained started state, or when a subsequent
* call to stop results in the client attaining stopped state before it ever
* achieves started state.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the start method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return the instance of NonBlockingClient
that the start method was invoked upon.
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in the process of stopping when this method is invoked.
public abstract NonBlockingClient start(CompletionListener listener, T context) throws StoppedException;
* Requests that the client transitions into stopped state, automatically unsubscribing from
* any destinations previously subscribed to using the subscribe(...)
* Any messages held by the client, pending transmission to the server, will not be transmitted.
* @param listener a listener that is notified when the stop operation has completed and
* the client has attained stopped state.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the stop method relating to the listener invocation.
* @throws StartingException if the client is in the process of starting when this method is invoked.
public abstract void stop(CompletionListener listener, T context) throws StartingException;
* Subscribes the client to a destination, based on the supplied topic pattern and
* share parameters. The topicPattern
parameter is matched against the
* topic that messages are sent to, allowing the messaging service to determine whether a
* particular message will be delivered to a particular destination, and hence the subscribing client.
* @param topicPattern the topic pattern to subscribe to. This determines which messages will be
* held at the subscribed to destination pending delivery to this client. Cannot be null.
* @param subOptions a set of options that control the behaviour of the destination subscribed to
* and influence how this client receives messages from the destination.
* @param destListener a listener that is notified when messages arrive at the client and also
* when the destination is unsubscribed from using the
* {@link NonBlockingClient#unsubscribe(String, String, int, CompletionListener, Object)} method.
* Cannot be null.
* @param compListener a listener that is notified when the subscribe operation completes. If a
* value of null
is specified then no-one is notified.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listeners registered using this method.
* The object supplied can be used within the listener code to identify the specific
* instance of the subscribe method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return the instance of NonBlockingClient
that the unsubscribe method was invoked upon. This is to
* allow invocations of the unsubscribe method to be chained.
* @throws SubscribedException if the client is already subscribed to the destination identified by a combination
* of the topic pattern and share options.
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract NonBlockingClient subscribe(String topicPattern, SubscribeOptions subOptions,
DestinationListener destListener, CompletionListener compListener, T context)
throws SubscribedException, StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Subscribes to a destination. This is equivalent to calling:
* subscribe(topicPattern, new SubscribeOptions(), listener, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#subscribe(String, SubscribeOptions, DestinationListener, CompletionListener, Object)
public NonBlockingClient subscribe(String topicPattern, DestinationListener dstListener, CompletionListener compListener, T context)
throws SubscribedException, StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return subscribe(topicPattern, defaultSubscribeOptions, dstListener, compListener, context);
* Unsubscribes from a destination. Once complete, this stops messages received by the destination
* from being sent to this client.
* @param topicPattern a topic pattern that identifies the destination to unsubscribe from. This must match
* one of the topic patterns previously subscribed to using the
* {@link NonBlockingClient#subscribe(String, SubscribeOptions, DestinationListener, CompletionListener, Object)}
* method.
* @param share a share name that identifies the destination to unsubscribe from. This must match the
* share option specified when the corresponding topic pattern was subscribed to. If a value
* of null
is supplied for this parameter then the client will attempt to
* unsubscribe from a private destination.
* @param ttl the new time-to-live value to assign to the destination. Currently the only supported value for this
* parameter is zero.
* @param listener a listener that is notified when the unsubscribe operation has completed. Invocation of this
* listener is deferred until any messages, buffered pending delivery to a DestiantionListener
* registered with the client, have been delivered. If a value of null
is supplied for this
* parameter then no notification will be generated.
* @param context a context object that is passed into the listener. This can be used within the listener code to
* identify the specific instance of the stop method relating to the listener invocation.
* @return the instance of NonBlockingClient
that the unsubscribe method was invoked upon. This is to
* allow invocations of the unsubscribe method to be chained.
* @throws UnsubscribedException if an attempt is made to unsubscribe from a destination that the client is not
* currently subscribed to.
* @throws StoppedException if the client is in stopped or stopping state when this method is invoked.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid value is specified for one of the arguments.
public abstract NonBlockingClient unsubscribe(String topicPattern, String share, int ttl, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws UnsubscribedException, StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Unsubscribes from a destination. This is equivalent to calling:
* unsubscribe(topicPattern, null, ttl)
* @see NonBlockingClient#unsubscribe(String, String, int, CompletionListener, Object)
public NonBlockingClient unsubscribe(String topicPattern, int ttl, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws UnsubscribedException, StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return unsubscribe(topicPattern, null, ttl, listener, context);
* Unsubscribes from a destination. This is equivalent to calling the
* {@link NonBlockingClient#unsubscribe(String, String, int, CompletionListener, Object)} method without
* specifying a ttl (time-to-live) value. This has the effect of unsubscribing from the destination
* without changing the ttl value currently assigned to the destination.
public abstract NonBlockingClient unsubscribe(String topicPattern, String share, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws UnsubscribedException, StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException;
* Unsubscribes from a destination. This is equivalent to calling:
* unsubscribe(topicPattern, null, listerner, context)
* @see NonBlockingClient#unsubscribe(String, String, CompletionListener, Object)
public NonBlockingClient unsubscribe(String topicPattern, CompletionListener listener, T context)
throws UnsubscribedException, StoppedException, IllegalArgumentException {
return unsubscribe(topicPattern, null, listener, context);