Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2020.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* IBM OpenAPI SDK Code Generator Version: 99-SNAPSHOT-be3b4618-20201201-123423
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.WebSocket;
* The IBM Watson™ Speech to Text service provides APIs that use IBM's speech-recognition
* capabilities to produce transcripts of spoken audio. The service can transcribe speech from
* various languages and audio formats. In addition to basic transcription, the service can produce
* detailed information about many different aspects of the audio. For most languages, the service
* supports two sampling rates, broadband and narrowband. It returns all JSON response content in
* the UTF-8 character set.
* For speech recognition, the service supports synchronous and asynchronous HTTP
* Representational State Transfer (REST) interfaces. It also supports a WebSocket interface that
* provides a full-duplex, low-latency communication channel: Clients send requests and audio to the
* service and receive results over a single connection asynchronously.
The service also offers two customization interfaces. Use language model customization to
* expand the vocabulary of a base model with domain-specific terminology. Use acoustic model
* customization to adapt a base model for the acoustic characteristics of your audio. For language
* model customization, the service also supports grammars. A grammar is a formal language
* specification that lets you restrict the phrases that the service can recognize.
Language model customization and acoustic model customization are generally available for
* production use with all language models that are generally available. Grammars are beta
* functionality for all language models that support language model customization.
* @version v1
* @see Speech to Text
public class SpeechToText extends BaseService {
public static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME = "speech_to_text";
public static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL =
* Constructs an instance of the `SpeechToText` client. The default service name is used to
* configure the client instance.
public SpeechToText() {
* Constructs an instance of the `SpeechToText` client. The default service name and specified
* authenticator are used to configure the client instance.
* @param authenticator the {@link Authenticator} instance to be configured for this client
public SpeechToText(Authenticator authenticator) {
this(DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME, authenticator);
* Constructs an instance of the `SpeechToText` client. The specified service name is used to
* configure the client instance.
* @param serviceName the service name to be used when configuring the client instance
public SpeechToText(String serviceName) {
this(serviceName, ConfigBasedAuthenticatorFactory.getAuthenticator(serviceName));
* Constructs an instance of the `SpeechToText` client. The specified service name and
* authenticator are used to configure the client instance.
* @param serviceName the service name to be used when configuring the client instance
* @param authenticator the {@link Authenticator} instance to be configured for this client
public SpeechToText(String serviceName, Authenticator authenticator) {
super(serviceName, authenticator);
* List models.
Lists all language models that are available for use with the service. The information
* includes the name of the model and its minimum sampling rate in Hertz, among other things. The
* ordering of the list of models can change from call to call; do not rely on an alphabetized or
* static list of models.
**See also:** [Languages and
* models](
* @param listModelsOptions the {@link ListModelsOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link SpeechModels}
public ServiceCall listModels(ListModelsOptions listModelsOptions) {
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/models"));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "listModels");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List models.
* Lists all language models that are available for use with the service. The information
* includes the name of the model and its minimum sampling rate in Hertz, among other things. The
* ordering of the list of models can change from call to call; do not rely on an alphabetized or
* static list of models.
**See also:** [Languages and
* models](
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link SpeechModels}
public ServiceCall listModels() {
return listModels(null);
* Get a model.
* Gets information for a single specified language model that is available for use with the
* service. The information includes the name of the model and its minimum sampling rate in Hertz,
* among other things.
**See also:** [Languages and
* models](
* @param getModelOptions the {@link GetModelOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link SpeechModel}
public ServiceCall getModel(GetModelOptions getModelOptions) {
getModelOptions, "getModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("model_id", getModelOptions.modelId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/models/{model_id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Recognize audio.
* Sends audio and returns transcription results for a recognition request. You can pass a
* maximum of 100 MB and a minimum of 100 bytes of audio with a request. The service automatically
* detects the endianness of the incoming audio and, for audio that includes multiple channels,
* downmixes the audio to one-channel mono during transcoding. The method returns only final
* results; to enable interim results, use the WebSocket API. (With the `curl` command, use the
* `--data-binary` option to upload the file for the request.)
**See also:** [Making a basic HTTP
* request](
### Streaming mode
For requests to transcribe live audio as it becomes available, you must set the
* `Transfer-Encoding` header to `chunked` to use streaming mode. In streaming mode, the service
* closes the connection (status code 408) if it does not receive at least 15 seconds of audio
* (including silence) in any 30-second period. The service also closes the connection (status
* code 400) if it detects no speech for `inactivity_timeout` seconds of streaming audio; use the
* `inactivity_timeout` parameter to change the default of 30 seconds.
**See also:** * [Audio
* transmission](
* * [Timeouts](
### Audio formats (content types)
The service accepts audio in the following formats (MIME types). * For formats that are
* labeled **Required**, you must use the `Content-Type` header with the request to specify the
* format of the audio. * For all other formats, you can omit the `Content-Type` header or specify
* `application/octet-stream` with the header to have the service automatically detect the format
* of the audio. (With the `curl` command, you can specify either `"Content-Type:"` or
* `"Content-Type: application/octet-stream"`.)
Where indicated, the format that you specify must include the sampling rate and can
* optionally include the number of channels and the endianness of the audio. * `audio/alaw`
* (**Required.** Specify the sampling rate (`rate`) of the audio.) * `audio/basic` (**Required.**
* Use only with narrowband models.) * `audio/flac` * `audio/g729` (Use only with narrowband
* models.) * `audio/l16` (**Required.** Specify the sampling rate (`rate`) and optionally the
* number of channels (`channels`) and endianness (`endianness`) of the audio.) * `audio/mp3` *
* `audio/mpeg` * `audio/mulaw` (**Required.** Specify the sampling rate (`rate`) of the audio.) *
* `audio/ogg` (The service automatically detects the codec of the input audio.) *
* `audio/ogg;codecs=opus` * `audio/ogg;codecs=vorbis` * `audio/wav` (Provide audio with a maximum
* of nine channels.) * `audio/webm` (The service automatically detects the codec of the input
* audio.) * `audio/webm;codecs=opus` * `audio/webm;codecs=vorbis`
The sampling rate of the audio must match the sampling rate of the model for the recognition
* request: for broadband models, at least 16 kHz; for narrowband models, at least 8 kHz. If the
* sampling rate of the audio is higher than the minimum required rate, the service down-samples
* the audio to the appropriate rate. If the sampling rate of the audio is lower than the minimum
* required rate, the request fails.
**See also:** [Audio
* formats](
### Multipart speech recognition
**Note:** The Watson SDKs do not support multipart speech recognition.
The HTTP `POST` method of the service also supports multipart speech recognition. With
* multipart requests, you pass all audio data as multipart form data. You specify some parameters
* as request headers and query parameters, but you pass JSON metadata as form data to control
* most aspects of the transcription. You can use multipart recognition to pass multiple audio
* files with a single request.
Use the multipart approach with browsers for which JavaScript is disabled or when the
* parameters used with the request are greater than the 8 KB limit imposed by most HTTP servers
* and proxies. You can encounter this limit, for example, if you want to spot a very large number
* of keywords.
**See also:** [Making a multipart HTTP
* request](
* @param recognizeOptions the {@link RecognizeOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link SpeechRecognitionResults}
public ServiceCall recognize(RecognizeOptions recognizeOptions) {
recognizeOptions, "recognizeOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =, "/v1/recognize"));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "recognize");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (recognizeOptions.contentType() != null) {
builder.header("Content-Type", recognizeOptions.contentType());
if (recognizeOptions.model() != null) {
builder.query("model", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.model()));
if (recognizeOptions.languageCustomizationId() != null) {
"language_customization_id", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.languageCustomizationId()));
if (recognizeOptions.acousticCustomizationId() != null) {
"acoustic_customization_id", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.acousticCustomizationId()));
if (recognizeOptions.baseModelVersion() != null) {
builder.query("base_model_version", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.baseModelVersion()));
if (recognizeOptions.customizationWeight() != null) {
builder.query("customization_weight", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.customizationWeight()));
if (recognizeOptions.inactivityTimeout() != null) {
builder.query("inactivity_timeout", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.inactivityTimeout()));
if (recognizeOptions.keywords() != null) {
builder.query("keywords", RequestUtils.join(recognizeOptions.keywords(), ","));
if (recognizeOptions.keywordsThreshold() != null) {
builder.query("keywords_threshold", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.keywordsThreshold()));
if (recognizeOptions.maxAlternatives() != null) {
builder.query("max_alternatives", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.maxAlternatives()));
if (recognizeOptions.wordAlternativesThreshold() != null) {
if (recognizeOptions.wordConfidence() != null) {
builder.query("word_confidence", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.wordConfidence()));
if (recognizeOptions.timestamps() != null) {
builder.query("timestamps", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.timestamps()));
if (recognizeOptions.profanityFilter() != null) {
builder.query("profanity_filter", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.profanityFilter()));
if (recognizeOptions.smartFormatting() != null) {
builder.query("smart_formatting", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.smartFormatting()));
if (recognizeOptions.speakerLabels() != null) {
builder.query("speaker_labels", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.speakerLabels()));
if (recognizeOptions.customizationId() != null) {
builder.query("customization_id", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.customizationId()));
if (recognizeOptions.grammarName() != null) {
builder.query("grammar_name", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.grammarName()));
if (recognizeOptions.redaction() != null) {
builder.query("redaction", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.redaction()));
if (recognizeOptions.audioMetrics() != null) {
builder.query("audio_metrics", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.audioMetrics()));
if (recognizeOptions.endOfPhraseSilenceTime() != null) {
"end_of_phrase_silence_time", String.valueOf(recognizeOptions.endOfPhraseSilenceTime()));
if (recognizeOptions.splitTranscriptAtPhraseEnd() != null) {
if (recognizeOptions.speechDetectorSensitivity() != null) {
if (recognizeOptions.backgroundAudioSuppression() != null) {
builder.bodyContent(recognizeOptions.contentType(), null, null,;
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Sends audio and returns transcription results for recognition requests over a WebSocket
* connection. Requests and responses are enabled over a single TCP connection that abstracts much
* of the complexity of the request to offer efficient implementation, low latency, high
* throughput, and an asynchronous response. By default, only final results are returned for any
* request; to enable interim results, set the interimResults parameter to true.
* The service imposes a data size limit of 100 MB per utterance (per recognition request). You
* can send multiple utterances over a single WebSocket connection. The service automatically
* detects the endianness of the incoming audio and, for audio that includes multiple channels,
* downmixes the audio to one-channel mono during transcoding. (For the audio/l16 format, you can
* specify the endianness.)
* @param recognizeOptions the recognize options
* @param callback the {@link RecognizeCallback} instance where results will be sent
* @return the {@link WebSocket}
public WebSocket recognizeUsingWebSocket(
RecognizeWithWebsocketsOptions recognizeOptions, RecognizeCallback callback) {
recognizeOptions, "recognizeOptions cannot be null");, "audio cannot be null");, "callback cannot be null");
HttpUrl.Builder urlBuilder = HttpUrl.parse(getServiceUrl() + "/v1/recognize").newBuilder();
if (recognizeOptions.model() != null) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter("model", recognizeOptions.model());
if (recognizeOptions.customizationId() != null) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter("customization_id", recognizeOptions.customizationId());
if (recognizeOptions.languageCustomizationId() != null) {
"language_customization_id", recognizeOptions.languageCustomizationId());
if (recognizeOptions.acousticCustomizationId() != null) {
"acoustic_customization_id", recognizeOptions.acousticCustomizationId());
if (recognizeOptions.baseModelVersion() != null) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter("base_model_version", recognizeOptions.baseModelVersion());
String url = urlBuilder.toString().replace("https://", "wss://");
Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder().url(url);
OkHttpClient client = configureHttpClient();
return client.newWebSocket(, new SpeechToTextWebSocketListener(recognizeOptions, callback));
* Register a callback.
Registers a callback URL with the service for use with subsequent asynchronous recognition
* requests. The service attempts to register, or allowlist, the callback URL if it is not already
* registered by sending a `GET` request to the callback URL. The service passes a random
* alphanumeric challenge string via the `challenge_string` parameter of the request. The request
* includes an `Accept` header that specifies `text/plain` as the required response type.
To be registered successfully, the callback URL must respond to the `GET` request from the
* service. The response must send status code 200 and must include the challenge string in its
* body. Set the `Content-Type` response header to `text/plain`. Upon receiving this response, the
* service responds to the original registration request with response code 201.
The service sends only a single `GET` request to the callback URL. If the service does not
* receive a reply with a response code of 200 and a body that echoes the challenge string sent by
* the service within five seconds, it does not allowlist the URL; it instead sends status code
* 400 in response to the **Register a callback** request. If the requested callback URL is
* already allowlisted, the service responds to the initial registration request with response
* code 200.
If you specify a user secret with the request, the service uses it as a key to calculate an
* HMAC-SHA1 signature of the challenge string in its response to the `POST` request. It sends
* this signature in the `X-Callback-Signature` header of its `GET` request to the URL during
* registration. It also uses the secret to calculate a signature over the payload of every
* callback notification that uses the URL. The signature provides authentication and data
* integrity for HTTP communications.
After you successfully register a callback URL, you can use it with an indefinite number of
* recognition requests. You can register a maximum of 20 callback URLS in a one-hour span of
* time.
**See also:** [Registering a callback
* URL](
* @param registerCallbackOptions the {@link RegisterCallbackOptions} containing the options for
* the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link RegisterStatus}
public ServiceCall registerCallback(
RegisterCallbackOptions registerCallbackOptions) {
registerCallbackOptions, "registerCallbackOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/register_callback"));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "registerCallback");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
builder.query("callback_url", String.valueOf(registerCallbackOptions.callbackUrl()));
if (registerCallbackOptions.userSecret() != null) {
builder.query("user_secret", String.valueOf(registerCallbackOptions.userSecret()));
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Unregister a callback.
* Unregisters a callback URL that was previously allowlisted with a **Register a callback**
* request for use with the asynchronous interface. Once unregistered, the URL can no longer be
* used with asynchronous recognition requests.
**See also:** [Unregistering a callback
* URL](
* @param unregisterCallbackOptions the {@link UnregisterCallbackOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall unregisterCallback(UnregisterCallbackOptions unregisterCallbackOptions) {
unregisterCallbackOptions, "unregisterCallbackOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/unregister_callback"));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "unregisterCallback");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.query("callback_url", String.valueOf(unregisterCallbackOptions.callbackUrl()));
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Create a job.
* Creates a job for a new asynchronous recognition request. The job is owned by the instance
* of the service whose credentials are used to create it. How you learn the status and results of
* a job depends on the parameters you include with the job creation request: * By callback
* notification: Include the `callback_url` parameter to specify a URL to which the service is to
* send callback notifications when the status of the job changes. Optionally, you can also
* include the `events` and `user_token` parameters to subscribe to specific events and to specify
* a string that is to be included with each notification for the job. * By polling the service:
* Omit the `callback_url`, `events`, and `user_token` parameters. You must then use the **Check
* jobs** or **Check a job** methods to check the status of the job, using the latter to retrieve
* the results when the job is complete.
The two approaches are not mutually exclusive. You can poll the service for job status or
* obtain results from the service manually even if you include a callback URL. In both cases, you
* can include the `results_ttl` parameter to specify how long the results are to remain available
* after the job is complete. Using the HTTPS **Check a job** method to retrieve results is more
* secure than receiving them via callback notification over HTTP because it provides
* confidentiality in addition to authentication and data integrity.
The method supports the same basic parameters as other HTTP and WebSocket recognition
* requests. It also supports the following parameters specific to the asynchronous interface: *
* `callback_url` * `events` * `user_token` * `results_ttl`
You can pass a maximum of 1 GB and a minimum of 100 bytes of audio with a request. The
* service automatically detects the endianness of the incoming audio and, for audio that includes
* multiple channels, downmixes the audio to one-channel mono during transcoding. The method
* returns only final results; to enable interim results, use the WebSocket API. (With the `curl`
* command, use the `--data-binary` option to upload the file for the request.)
**See also:** [Creating a
* job](
### Streaming mode
For requests to transcribe live audio as it becomes available, you must set the
* `Transfer-Encoding` header to `chunked` to use streaming mode. In streaming mode, the service
* closes the connection (status code 408) if it does not receive at least 15 seconds of audio
* (including silence) in any 30-second period. The service also closes the connection (status
* code 400) if it detects no speech for `inactivity_timeout` seconds of streaming audio; use the
* `inactivity_timeout` parameter to change the default of 30 seconds.
**See also:** * [Audio
* transmission](
* * [Timeouts](
### Audio formats (content types)
The service accepts audio in the following formats (MIME types). * For formats that are
* labeled **Required**, you must use the `Content-Type` header with the request to specify the
* format of the audio. * For all other formats, you can omit the `Content-Type` header or specify
* `application/octet-stream` with the header to have the service automatically detect the format
* of the audio. (With the `curl` command, you can specify either `"Content-Type:"` or
* `"Content-Type: application/octet-stream"`.)
Where indicated, the format that you specify must include the sampling rate and can
* optionally include the number of channels and the endianness of the audio. * `audio/alaw`
* (**Required.** Specify the sampling rate (`rate`) of the audio.) * `audio/basic` (**Required.**
* Use only with narrowband models.) * `audio/flac` * `audio/g729` (Use only with narrowband
* models.) * `audio/l16` (**Required.** Specify the sampling rate (`rate`) and optionally the
* number of channels (`channels`) and endianness (`endianness`) of the audio.) * `audio/mp3` *
* `audio/mpeg` * `audio/mulaw` (**Required.** Specify the sampling rate (`rate`) of the audio.) *
* `audio/ogg` (The service automatically detects the codec of the input audio.) *
* `audio/ogg;codecs=opus` * `audio/ogg;codecs=vorbis` * `audio/wav` (Provide audio with a maximum
* of nine channels.) * `audio/webm` (The service automatically detects the codec of the input
* audio.) * `audio/webm;codecs=opus` * `audio/webm;codecs=vorbis`
The sampling rate of the audio must match the sampling rate of the model for the recognition
* request: for broadband models, at least 16 kHz; for narrowband models, at least 8 kHz. If the
* sampling rate of the audio is higher than the minimum required rate, the service down-samples
* the audio to the appropriate rate. If the sampling rate of the audio is lower than the minimum
* required rate, the request fails.
**See also:** [Audio
* formats](
* @param createJobOptions the {@link CreateJobOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link RecognitionJob}
public ServiceCall createJob(CreateJobOptions createJobOptions) {
createJobOptions, "createJobOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =, "/v1/recognitions"));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "createJob");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (createJobOptions.contentType() != null) {
builder.header("Content-Type", createJobOptions.contentType());
if (createJobOptions.model() != null) {
builder.query("model", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.model()));
if (createJobOptions.callbackUrl() != null) {
builder.query("callback_url", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.callbackUrl()));
if ( != null) {
builder.query("events", String.valueOf(;
if (createJobOptions.userToken() != null) {
builder.query("user_token", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.userToken()));
if (createJobOptions.resultsTtl() != null) {
builder.query("results_ttl", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.resultsTtl()));
if (createJobOptions.languageCustomizationId() != null) {
"language_customization_id", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.languageCustomizationId()));
if (createJobOptions.acousticCustomizationId() != null) {
"acoustic_customization_id", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.acousticCustomizationId()));
if (createJobOptions.baseModelVersion() != null) {
builder.query("base_model_version", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.baseModelVersion()));
if (createJobOptions.customizationWeight() != null) {
builder.query("customization_weight", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.customizationWeight()));
if (createJobOptions.inactivityTimeout() != null) {
builder.query("inactivity_timeout", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.inactivityTimeout()));
if (createJobOptions.keywords() != null) {
builder.query("keywords", RequestUtils.join(createJobOptions.keywords(), ","));
if (createJobOptions.keywordsThreshold() != null) {
builder.query("keywords_threshold", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.keywordsThreshold()));
if (createJobOptions.maxAlternatives() != null) {
builder.query("max_alternatives", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.maxAlternatives()));
if (createJobOptions.wordAlternativesThreshold() != null) {
if (createJobOptions.wordConfidence() != null) {
builder.query("word_confidence", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.wordConfidence()));
if (createJobOptions.timestamps() != null) {
builder.query("timestamps", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.timestamps()));
if (createJobOptions.profanityFilter() != null) {
builder.query("profanity_filter", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.profanityFilter()));
if (createJobOptions.smartFormatting() != null) {
builder.query("smart_formatting", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.smartFormatting()));
if (createJobOptions.speakerLabels() != null) {
builder.query("speaker_labels", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.speakerLabels()));
if (createJobOptions.customizationId() != null) {
builder.query("customization_id", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.customizationId()));
if (createJobOptions.grammarName() != null) {
builder.query("grammar_name", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.grammarName()));
if (createJobOptions.redaction() != null) {
builder.query("redaction", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.redaction()));
if (createJobOptions.processingMetrics() != null) {
builder.query("processing_metrics", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.processingMetrics()));
if (createJobOptions.processingMetricsInterval() != null) {
if (createJobOptions.audioMetrics() != null) {
builder.query("audio_metrics", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.audioMetrics()));
if (createJobOptions.endOfPhraseSilenceTime() != null) {
"end_of_phrase_silence_time", String.valueOf(createJobOptions.endOfPhraseSilenceTime()));
if (createJobOptions.splitTranscriptAtPhraseEnd() != null) {
if (createJobOptions.speechDetectorSensitivity() != null) {
if (createJobOptions.backgroundAudioSuppression() != null) {
builder.bodyContent(createJobOptions.contentType(), null, null,;
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Check jobs.
* Returns the ID and status of the latest 100 outstanding jobs associated with the credentials
* with which it is called. The method also returns the creation and update times of each job,
* and, if a job was created with a callback URL and a user token, the user token for the job. To
* obtain the results for a job whose status is `completed` or not one of the latest 100
* outstanding jobs, use the **Check a job** method. A job and its results remain available until
* you delete them with the **Delete a job** method or until the job's time to live expires,
* whichever comes first.
**See also:** [Checking the status of the latest
* jobs](
* @param checkJobsOptions the {@link CheckJobsOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link RecognitionJobs}
public ServiceCall checkJobs(CheckJobsOptions checkJobsOptions) {
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/recognitions"));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "checkJobs");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Check jobs.
* Returns the ID and status of the latest 100 outstanding jobs associated with the credentials
* with which it is called. The method also returns the creation and update times of each job,
* and, if a job was created with a callback URL and a user token, the user token for the job. To
* obtain the results for a job whose status is `completed` or not one of the latest 100
* outstanding jobs, use the **Check a job** method. A job and its results remain available until
* you delete them with the **Delete a job** method or until the job's time to live expires,
* whichever comes first.
**See also:** [Checking the status of the latest
* jobs](
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link RecognitionJobs}
public ServiceCall checkJobs() {
return checkJobs(null);
* Check a job.
* Returns information about the specified job. The response always includes the status of the
* job and its creation and update times. If the status is `completed`, the response includes the
* results of the recognition request. You must use credentials for the instance of the service
* that owns a job to list information about it.
You can use the method to retrieve the results of any job, regardless of whether it was
* submitted with a callback URL and the `recognitions.completed_with_results` event, and you can
* retrieve the results multiple times for as long as they remain available. Use the **Check
* jobs** method to request information about the most recent jobs associated with the calling
* credentials.
**See also:** [Checking the status and retrieving the results of a
* job](
* @param checkJobOptions the {@link CheckJobOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link RecognitionJob}
public ServiceCall checkJob(CheckJobOptions checkJobOptions) {
checkJobOptions, "checkJobOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/recognitions/{id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "checkJob");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Delete a job.
* Deletes the specified job. You cannot delete a job that the service is actively processing.
* Once you delete a job, its results are no longer available. The service automatically deletes a
* job and its results when the time to live for the results expires. You must use credentials for
* the instance of the service that owns a job to delete it.
**See also:** [Deleting a
* job](
* @param deleteJobOptions the {@link DeleteJobOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall deleteJob(DeleteJobOptions deleteJobOptions) {
deleteJobOptions, "deleteJobOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/recognitions/{id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "deleteJob");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Create a custom language model.
* Creates a new custom language model for a specified base model. The custom language model
* can be used only with the base model for which it is created. The model is owned by the
* instance of the service whose credentials are used to create it.
You can create a maximum of 1024 custom language models per owning credentials. The service
* returns an error if you attempt to create more than 1024 models. You do not lose any models,
* but you cannot create any more until your model count is below the limit.
**See also:** [Create a custom language
* model](
* @param createLanguageModelOptions the {@link CreateLanguageModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link LanguageModel}
public ServiceCall createLanguageModel(
CreateLanguageModelOptions createLanguageModelOptions) {
createLanguageModelOptions, "createLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations"));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "createLanguageModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
final JsonObject contentJson = new JsonObject();
contentJson.addProperty("base_model_name", createLanguageModelOptions.baseModelName());
if (createLanguageModelOptions.dialect() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("dialect", createLanguageModelOptions.dialect());
if (createLanguageModelOptions.description() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("description", createLanguageModelOptions.description());
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List custom language models.
* Lists information about all custom language models that are owned by an instance of the
* service. Use the `language` parameter to see all custom language models for the specified
* language. Omit the parameter to see all custom language models for all languages. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
**See also:** [Listing custom language
* models](
* @param listLanguageModelsOptions the {@link ListLanguageModelsOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link LanguageModels}
public ServiceCall listLanguageModels(
ListLanguageModelsOptions listLanguageModelsOptions) {
if (listLanguageModelsOptions == null) {
listLanguageModelsOptions = new ListLanguageModelsOptions.Builder().build();
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.get(RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations"));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "listLanguageModels");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (listLanguageModelsOptions.language() != null) {
builder.query("language", String.valueOf(listLanguageModelsOptions.language()));
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List custom language models.
* Lists information about all custom language models that are owned by an instance of the
* service. Use the `language` parameter to see all custom language models for the specified
* language. Omit the parameter to see all custom language models for all languages. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
**See also:** [Listing custom language
* models](
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link LanguageModels}
public ServiceCall listLanguageModels() {
return listLanguageModels(null);
* Get a custom language model.
* Gets information about a specified custom language model. You must use credentials for the
* instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
**See also:** [Listing custom language
* models](
* @param getLanguageModelOptions the {@link GetLanguageModelOptions} containing the options for
* the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link LanguageModel}
public ServiceCall getLanguageModel(
GetLanguageModelOptions getLanguageModelOptions) {
getLanguageModelOptions, "getLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getLanguageModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Delete a custom language model.
* Deletes an existing custom language model. The custom model cannot be deleted if another
* request, such as adding a corpus or grammar to the model, is currently being processed. You
* must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to delete it.
**See also:** [Deleting a custom language
* model](
* @param deleteLanguageModelOptions the {@link DeleteLanguageModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall deleteLanguageModel(
DeleteLanguageModelOptions deleteLanguageModelOptions) {
deleteLanguageModelOptions, "deleteLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", deleteLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "deleteLanguageModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Train a custom language model.
* Initiates the training of a custom language model with new resources such as corpora,
* grammars, and custom words. After adding, modifying, or deleting resources for a custom
* language model, use this method to begin the actual training of the model on the latest data.
* You can specify whether the custom language model is to be trained with all words from its
* words resource or only with words that were added or modified by the user directly. You must
* use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to train it.
The training method is asynchronous. It can take on the order of minutes to complete
* depending on the amount of data on which the service is being trained and the current load on
* the service. The method returns an HTTP 200 response code to indicate that the training process
* has begun.
You can monitor the status of the training by using the **Get a custom language model**
* method to poll the model's status. Use a loop to check the status every 10 seconds. The method
* returns a `LanguageModel` object that includes `status` and `progress` fields. A status of
* `available` means that the custom model is trained and ready to use. The service cannot accept
* subsequent training requests or requests to add new resources until the existing request
* completes.
**See also:** [Train the custom language
* model](
### Training failures
Training can fail to start for the following reasons: * The service is currently handling
* another request for the custom model, such as another training request or a request to add a
* corpus or grammar to the model. * No training data have been added to the custom model. * The
* custom model contains one or more invalid corpora, grammars, or words (for example, a custom
* word has an invalid sounds-like pronunciation). You can correct the invalid resources or set
* the `strict` parameter to `false` to exclude the invalid resources from the training. The model
* must contain at least one valid resource for training to succeed.
* @param trainLanguageModelOptions the {@link TrainLanguageModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link TrainingResponse}
public ServiceCall trainLanguageModel(
TrainLanguageModelOptions trainLanguageModelOptions) {
trainLanguageModelOptions, "trainLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", trainLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/train", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "trainLanguageModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (trainLanguageModelOptions.wordTypeToAdd() != null) {
builder.query("word_type_to_add", String.valueOf(trainLanguageModelOptions.wordTypeToAdd()));
if (trainLanguageModelOptions.customizationWeight() != null) {
"customization_weight", String.valueOf(trainLanguageModelOptions.customizationWeight()));
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Reset a custom language model.
* Resets a custom language model by removing all corpora, grammars, and words from the model.
* Resetting a custom language model initializes the model to its state when it was first created.
* Metadata such as the name and language of the model are preserved, but the model's words
* resource is removed and must be re-created. You must use credentials for the instance of the
* service that owns a model to reset it.
**See also:** [Resetting a custom language
* model](
* @param resetLanguageModelOptions the {@link ResetLanguageModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall resetLanguageModel(ResetLanguageModelOptions resetLanguageModelOptions) {
resetLanguageModelOptions, "resetLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", resetLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/reset", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "resetLanguageModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Upgrade a custom language model.
* Initiates the upgrade of a custom language model to the latest version of its base language
* model. The upgrade method is asynchronous. It can take on the order of minutes to complete
* depending on the amount of data in the custom model and the current load on the service. A
* custom model must be in the `ready` or `available` state to be upgraded. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to upgrade it.
The method returns an HTTP 200 response code to indicate that the upgrade process has begun
* successfully. You can monitor the status of the upgrade by using the **Get a custom language
* model** method to poll the model's status. The method returns a `LanguageModel` object that
* includes `status` and `progress` fields. Use a loop to check the status every 10 seconds. While
* it is being upgraded, the custom model has the status `upgrading`. When the upgrade is
* complete, the model resumes the status that it had prior to upgrade. The service cannot accept
* subsequent requests for the model until the upgrade completes.
**See also:** [Upgrading a custom language
* model](
* @param upgradeLanguageModelOptions the {@link UpgradeLanguageModelOptions} containing the
* options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall upgradeLanguageModel(
UpgradeLanguageModelOptions upgradeLanguageModelOptions) {
upgradeLanguageModelOptions, "upgradeLanguageModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", upgradeLanguageModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "upgradeLanguageModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List corpora.
* Lists information about all corpora from a custom language model. The information includes
* the total number of words and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, name, and status of each corpus.
* You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list its corpora.
**See also:** [Listing corpora for a custom language
* model](
* @param listCorporaOptions the {@link ListCorporaOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Corpora}
public ServiceCall listCorpora(ListCorporaOptions listCorporaOptions) {
listCorporaOptions, "listCorporaOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", listCorporaOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/corpora", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "listCorpora");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Add a corpus.
* Adds a single corpus text file of new training data to a custom language model. Use multiple
* requests to submit multiple corpus text files. You must use credentials for the instance of the
* service that owns a model to add a corpus to it. Adding a corpus does not affect the custom
* language model until you train the model for the new data by using the **Train a custom
* language model** method.
Submit a plain text file that contains sample sentences from the domain of interest to
* enable the service to extract words in context. The more sentences you add that represent the
* context in which speakers use words from the domain, the better the service's recognition
* accuracy.
The call returns an HTTP 201 response code if the corpus is valid. The service then
* asynchronously processes the contents of the corpus and automatically extracts new words that
* it finds. This operation can take on the order of minutes to complete depending on the total
* number of words and the number of new words in the corpus, as well as the current load on the
* service. You cannot submit requests to add additional resources to the custom model or to train
* the model until the service's analysis of the corpus for the current request completes. Use the
* **List a corpus** method to check the status of the analysis.
The service auto-populates the model's words resource with words from the corpus that are
* not found in its base vocabulary. These words are referred to as out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words.
* After adding a corpus, you must validate the words resource to ensure that each OOV word's
* definition is complete and valid. You can use the **List custom words** method to examine the
* words resource. You can use other words method to eliminate typos and modify how words are
* pronounced as needed.
To add a corpus file that has the same name as an existing corpus, set the `allow_overwrite`
* parameter to `true`; otherwise, the request fails. Overwriting an existing corpus causes the
* service to process the corpus text file and extract OOV words anew. Before doing so, it removes
* any OOV words associated with the existing corpus from the model's words resource unless they
* were also added by another corpus or grammar, or they have been modified in some way with the
* **Add custom words** or **Add a custom word** method.
The service limits the overall amount of data that you can add to a custom model to a
* maximum of 10 million total words from all sources combined. Also, you can add no more than 90
* thousand custom (OOV) words to a model. This includes words that the service extracts from
* corpora and grammars, and words that you add directly.
**See also:** * [Add a corpus to the custom language
* model](
* * [Working with
* corpora](
* * [Validating a words
* resource](
* @param addCorpusOptions the {@link AddCorpusOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall addCorpus(AddCorpusOptions addCorpusOptions) {
addCorpusOptions, "addCorpusOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", addCorpusOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("corpus_name", addCorpusOptions.corpusName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "addCorpus");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (addCorpusOptions.allowOverwrite() != null) {
builder.query("allow_overwrite", String.valueOf(addCorpusOptions.allowOverwrite()));
builder.body(RequestUtils.inputStreamBody(addCorpusOptions.corpusFile(), "text/plain"));
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Get a corpus.
* Gets information about a corpus from a custom language model. The information includes the
* total number of words and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, name, and status of the corpus. You
* must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list its corpora.
**See also:** [Listing corpora for a custom language
* model](
* @param getCorpusOptions the {@link GetCorpusOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Corpus}
public ServiceCall getCorpus(GetCorpusOptions getCorpusOptions) {
getCorpusOptions, "getCorpusOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getCorpusOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("corpus_name", getCorpusOptions.corpusName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getCorpus");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Delete a corpus.
* Deletes an existing corpus from a custom language model. The service removes any
* out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words that are associated with the corpus from the custom model's words
* resource unless they were also added by another corpus or grammar, or they were modified in
* some way with the **Add custom words** or **Add a custom word** method. Removing a corpus does
* not affect the custom model until you train the model with the **Train a custom language
* model** method. You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to
* delete its corpora.
**See also:** [Deleting a corpus from a custom language
* model](
* @param deleteCorpusOptions the {@link DeleteCorpusOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall deleteCorpus(DeleteCorpusOptions deleteCorpusOptions) {
deleteCorpusOptions, "deleteCorpusOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", deleteCorpusOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("corpus_name", deleteCorpusOptions.corpusName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "deleteCorpus");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List custom words.
* Lists information about custom words from a custom language model. You can list all words
* from the custom model's words resource, only custom words that were added or modified by the
* user, or only out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words that were extracted from corpora or are recognized
* by grammars. You can also indicate the order in which the service is to return words; by
* default, the service lists words in ascending alphabetical order. You must use credentials for
* the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about its words.
**See also:** [Listing words from a custom language
* model](
* @param listWordsOptions the {@link ListWordsOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Words}
public ServiceCall listWords(ListWordsOptions listWordsOptions) {
listWordsOptions, "listWordsOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", listWordsOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/words", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "listWords");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (listWordsOptions.wordType() != null) {
builder.query("word_type", String.valueOf(listWordsOptions.wordType()));
if (listWordsOptions.sort() != null) {
builder.query("sort", String.valueOf(listWordsOptions.sort()));
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Add custom words.
* Adds one or more custom words to a custom language model. The service populates the words
* resource for a custom model with out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words from each corpus or grammar that
* is added to the model. You can use this method to add additional words or to modify existing
* words in the words resource. The words resource for a model can contain a maximum of 90
* thousand custom (OOV) words. This includes words that the service extracts from corpora and
* grammars and words that you add directly.
You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to add or modify
* custom words for the model. Adding or modifying custom words does not affect the custom model
* until you train the model for the new data by using the **Train a custom language model**
* method.
You add custom words by providing a `CustomWords` object, which is an array of `CustomWord`
* objects, one per word. You must use the object's `word` parameter to identify the word that is
* to be added. You can also provide one or both of the optional `sounds_like` and `display_as`
* fields for each word. * The `sounds_like` field provides an array of one or more pronunciations
* for the word. Use the parameter to specify how the word can be pronounced by users. Use the
* parameter for words that are difficult to pronounce, foreign words, acronyms, and so on. For
* example, you might specify that the word `IEEE` can sound like `i triple e`. You can specify a
* maximum of five sounds-like pronunciations for a word. If you omit the `sounds_like` field, the
* service attempts to set the field to its pronunciation of the word. It cannot generate a
* pronunciation for all words, so you must review the word's definition to ensure that it is
* complete and valid. * The `display_as` field provides a different way of spelling the word in a
* transcript. Use the parameter when you want the word to appear different from its usual
* representation or from its spelling in training data. For example, you might indicate that the
* word `IBM(trademark)` is to be displayed as `IBM™`.
If you add a custom word that already exists in the words resource for the custom model, the
* new definition overwrites the existing data for the word. If the service encounters an error
* with the input data, it returns a failure code and does not add any of the words to the words
* resource.
The call returns an HTTP 201 response code if the input data is valid. It then
* asynchronously processes the words to add them to the model's words resource. The time that it
* takes for the analysis to complete depends on the number of new words that you add but is
* generally faster than adding a corpus or grammar.
You can monitor the status of the request by using the **List a custom language model**
* method to poll the model's status. Use a loop to check the status every 10 seconds. The method
* returns a `Customization` object that includes a `status` field. A status of `ready` means that
* the words have been added to the custom model. The service cannot accept requests to add new
* data or to train the model until the existing request completes.
You can use the **List custom words** or **List a custom word** method to review the words
* that you add. Words with an invalid `sounds_like` field include an `error` field that describes
* the problem. You can use other words-related methods to correct errors, eliminate typos, and
* modify how words are pronounced as needed.
**See also:** * [Add words to the custom language
* model](
* * [Working with custom
* words](
* * [Validating a words
* resource](
* @param addWordsOptions the {@link AddWordsOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall addWords(AddWordsOptions addWordsOptions) {
addWordsOptions, "addWordsOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", addWordsOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/words", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "addWords");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
final JsonObject contentJson = new JsonObject();
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Add a custom word.
* Adds a custom word to a custom language model. The service populates the words resource for
* a custom model with out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words from each corpus or grammar that is added to
* the model. You can use this method to add a word or to modify an existing word in the words
* resource. The words resource for a model can contain a maximum of 90 thousand custom (OOV)
* words. This includes words that the service extracts from corpora and grammars and words that
* you add directly.
You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to add or modify
* a custom word for the model. Adding or modifying a custom word does not affect the custom model
* until you train the model for the new data by using the **Train a custom language model**
* method.
Use the `word_name` parameter to specify the custom word that is to be added or modified.
* Use the `CustomWord` object to provide one or both of the optional `sounds_like` and
* `display_as` fields for the word. * The `sounds_like` field provides an array of one or more
* pronunciations for the word. Use the parameter to specify how the word can be pronounced by
* users. Use the parameter for words that are difficult to pronounce, foreign words, acronyms,
* and so on. For example, you might specify that the word `IEEE` can sound like `i triple e`. You
* can specify a maximum of five sounds-like pronunciations for a word. If you omit the
* `sounds_like` field, the service attempts to set the field to its pronunciation of the word. It
* cannot generate a pronunciation for all words, so you must review the word's definition to
* ensure that it is complete and valid. * The `display_as` field provides a different way of
* spelling the word in a transcript. Use the parameter when you want the word to appear different
* from its usual representation or from its spelling in training data. For example, you might
* indicate that the word `IBM(trademark)` is to be displayed as `IBM™`.
If you add a custom word that already exists in the words resource for the custom model, the
* new definition overwrites the existing data for the word. If the service encounters an error,
* it does not add the word to the words resource. Use the **List a custom word** method to review
* the word that you add.
**See also:** * [Add words to the custom language
* model](
* * [Working with custom
* words](
* * [Validating a words
* resource](
* @param addWordOptions the {@link AddWordOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall addWord(AddWordOptions addWordOptions) {, "addWordOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", addWordOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("word_name", addWordOptions.wordName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "addWord");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
final JsonObject contentJson = new JsonObject();
if (addWordOptions.word() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("word", addWordOptions.word());
if (addWordOptions.soundsLike() != null) {
if (addWordOptions.displayAs() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("display_as", addWordOptions.displayAs());
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Get a custom word.
* Gets information about a custom word from a custom language model. You must use credentials
* for the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about its words.
**See also:** [Listing words from a custom language
* model](
* @param getWordOptions the {@link GetWordOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Word}
public ServiceCall getWord(GetWordOptions getWordOptions) {, "getWordOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getWordOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("word_name", getWordOptions.wordName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getWord");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
ResponseConverterUtils.getValue(new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Delete a custom word.
* Deletes a custom word from a custom language model. You can remove any word that you added
* to the custom model's words resource via any means. However, if the word also exists in the
* service's base vocabulary, the service removes only the custom pronunciation for the word; the
* word remains in the base vocabulary. Removing a custom word does not affect the custom model
* until you train the model with the **Train a custom language model** method. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to delete its words.
**See also:** [Deleting a word from a custom language
* model](
* @param deleteWordOptions the {@link DeleteWordOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall deleteWord(DeleteWordOptions deleteWordOptions) {
deleteWordOptions, "deleteWordOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", deleteWordOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("word_name", deleteWordOptions.wordName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "deleteWord");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List grammars.
* Lists information about all grammars from a custom language model. The information includes
* the total number of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, name, and status of each grammar. You must
* use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list its grammars.
**See also:** [Listing grammars from a custom language
* model](
* @param listGrammarsOptions the {@link ListGrammarsOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Grammars}
public ServiceCall listGrammars(ListGrammarsOptions listGrammarsOptions) {
listGrammarsOptions, "listGrammarsOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", listGrammarsOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/customizations/{customization_id}/grammars", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "listGrammars");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Add a grammar.
* Adds a single grammar file to a custom language model. Submit a plain text file in UTF-8
* format that defines the grammar. Use multiple requests to submit multiple grammar files. You
* must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to add a grammar to it.
* Adding a grammar does not affect the custom language model until you train the model for the
* new data by using the **Train a custom language model** method.
The call returns an HTTP 201 response code if the grammar is valid. The service then
* asynchronously processes the contents of the grammar and automatically extracts new words that
* it finds. This operation can take a few seconds or minutes to complete depending on the size
* and complexity of the grammar, as well as the current load on the service. You cannot submit
* requests to add additional resources to the custom model or to train the model until the
* service's analysis of the grammar for the current request completes. Use the **Get a grammar**
* method to check the status of the analysis.
The service populates the model's words resource with any word that is recognized by the
* grammar that is not found in the model's base vocabulary. These are referred to as
* out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. You can use the **List custom words** method to examine the
* words resource and use other words-related methods to eliminate typos and modify how words are
* pronounced as needed.
To add a grammar that has the same name as an existing grammar, set the `allow_overwrite`
* parameter to `true`; otherwise, the request fails. Overwriting an existing grammar causes the
* service to process the grammar file and extract OOV words anew. Before doing so, it removes any
* OOV words associated with the existing grammar from the model's words resource unless they were
* also added by another resource or they have been modified in some way with the **Add custom
* words** or **Add a custom word** method.
The service limits the overall amount of data that you can add to a custom model to a
* maximum of 10 million total words from all sources combined. Also, you can add no more than 90
* thousand OOV words to a model. This includes words that the service extracts from corpora and
* grammars and words that you add directly.
**See also:** * [Understanding
* grammars](
* * [Add a grammar to the custom language
* model](
* @param addGrammarOptions the {@link AddGrammarOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall addGrammar(AddGrammarOptions addGrammarOptions) {
addGrammarOptions, "addGrammarOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", addGrammarOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("grammar_name", addGrammarOptions.grammarName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "addGrammar");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
builder.header("Content-Type", addGrammarOptions.contentType());
if (addGrammarOptions.allowOverwrite() != null) {
builder.query("allow_overwrite", String.valueOf(addGrammarOptions.allowOverwrite()));
addGrammarOptions.contentType(), null, null, addGrammarOptions.grammarFile());
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Get a grammar.
* Gets information about a grammar from a custom language model. The information includes the
* total number of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, name, and status of the grammar. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list its grammars.
**See also:** [Listing grammars from a custom language
* model](
* @param getGrammarOptions the {@link GetGrammarOptions} containing the options for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link Grammar}
public ServiceCall getGrammar(GetGrammarOptions getGrammarOptions) {
getGrammarOptions, "getGrammarOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getGrammarOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("grammar_name", getGrammarOptions.grammarName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders = SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getGrammar");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Delete a grammar.
* Deletes an existing grammar from a custom language model. The service removes any
* out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words associated with the grammar from the custom model's words
* resource unless they were also added by another resource or they were modified in some way with
* the **Add custom words** or **Add a custom word** method. Removing a grammar does not affect
* the custom model until you train the model with the **Train a custom language model** method.
* You must use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to delete its
* grammar.
**See also:** [Deleting a grammar from a custom language
* model](
* @param deleteGrammarOptions the {@link DeleteGrammarOptions} containing the options for the
* call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall deleteGrammar(DeleteGrammarOptions deleteGrammarOptions) {
deleteGrammarOptions, "deleteGrammarOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", deleteGrammarOptions.customizationId());
pathParamsMap.put("grammar_name", deleteGrammarOptions.grammarName());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "deleteGrammar");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Create a custom acoustic model.
* Creates a new custom acoustic model for a specified base model. The custom acoustic model
* can be used only with the base model for which it is created. The model is owned by the
* instance of the service whose credentials are used to create it.
You can create a maximum of 1024 custom acoustic models per owning credentials. The service
* returns an error if you attempt to create more than 1024 models. You do not lose any models,
* but you cannot create any more until your model count is below the limit.
**See also:** [Create a custom acoustic
* model](
* @param createAcousticModelOptions the {@link CreateAcousticModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link AcousticModel}
public ServiceCall createAcousticModel(
CreateAcousticModelOptions createAcousticModelOptions) {
createAcousticModelOptions, "createAcousticModelOptions cannot be null");
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/acoustic_customizations"));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "createAcousticModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
final JsonObject contentJson = new JsonObject();
contentJson.addProperty("base_model_name", createAcousticModelOptions.baseModelName());
if (createAcousticModelOptions.description() != null) {
contentJson.addProperty("description", createAcousticModelOptions.description());
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List custom acoustic models.
* Lists information about all custom acoustic models that are owned by an instance of the
* service. Use the `language` parameter to see all custom acoustic models for the specified
* language. Omit the parameter to see all custom acoustic models for all languages. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
**See also:** [Listing custom acoustic
* models](
* @param listAcousticModelsOptions the {@link ListAcousticModelsOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link AcousticModels}
public ServiceCall listAcousticModels(
ListAcousticModelsOptions listAcousticModelsOptions) {
if (listAcousticModelsOptions == null) {
listAcousticModelsOptions = new ListAcousticModelsOptions.Builder().build();
RequestBuilder builder =
RequestBuilder.resolveRequestUrl(getServiceUrl(), "/v1/acoustic_customizations"));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "listAcousticModels");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (listAcousticModelsOptions.language() != null) {
builder.query("language", String.valueOf(listAcousticModelsOptions.language()));
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* List custom acoustic models.
* Lists information about all custom acoustic models that are owned by an instance of the
* service. Use the `language` parameter to see all custom acoustic models for the specified
* language. Omit the parameter to see all custom acoustic models for all languages. You must use
* credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
**See also:** [Listing custom acoustic
* models](
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link AcousticModels}
public ServiceCall listAcousticModels() {
return listAcousticModels(null);
* Get a custom acoustic model.
* Gets information about a specified custom acoustic model. You must use credentials for the
* instance of the service that owns a model to list information about it.
**See also:** [Listing custom acoustic
* models](
* @param getAcousticModelOptions the {@link GetAcousticModelOptions} containing the options for
* the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link AcousticModel}
public ServiceCall getAcousticModel(
GetAcousticModelOptions getAcousticModelOptions) {
getAcousticModelOptions, "getAcousticModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", getAcousticModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/acoustic_customizations/{customization_id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "getAcousticModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Delete a custom acoustic model.
* Deletes an existing custom acoustic model. The custom model cannot be deleted if another
* request, such as adding an audio resource to the model, is currently being processed. You must
* use credentials for the instance of the service that owns a model to delete it.
**See also:** [Deleting a custom acoustic
* model](
* @param deleteAcousticModelOptions the {@link DeleteAcousticModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall deleteAcousticModel(
DeleteAcousticModelOptions deleteAcousticModelOptions) {
deleteAcousticModelOptions, "deleteAcousticModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", deleteAcousticModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
getServiceUrl(), "/v1/acoustic_customizations/{customization_id}", pathParamsMap));
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "deleteAcousticModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
ResponseConverter responseConverter = ResponseConverterUtils.getVoid();
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Train a custom acoustic model.
* Initiates the training of a custom acoustic model with new or changed audio resources. After
* adding or deleting audio resources for a custom acoustic model, use this method to begin the
* actual training of the model on the latest audio data. The custom acoustic model does not
* reflect its changed data until you train it. You must use credentials for the instance of the
* service that owns a model to train it.
The training method is asynchronous. Training time depends on the cumulative amount of audio
* data that the custom acoustic model contains and the current load on the service. When you
* train or retrain a model, the service uses all of the model's audio data in the training.
* Training a custom acoustic model takes approximately as long as the length of its cumulative
* audio data. For example, it takes approximately 2 hours to train a model that contains a total
* of 2 hours of audio. The method returns an HTTP 200 response code to indicate that the training
* process has begun.
You can monitor the status of the training by using the **Get a custom acoustic model**
* method to poll the model's status. Use a loop to check the status once a minute. The method
* returns an `AcousticModel` object that includes `status` and `progress` fields. A status of
* `available` indicates that the custom model is trained and ready to use. The service cannot
* train a model while it is handling another request for the model. The service cannot accept
* subsequent training requests, or requests to add new audio resources, until the existing
* training request completes.
You can use the optional `custom_language_model_id` parameter to specify the GUID of a
* separately created custom language model that is to be used during training. Train with a
* custom language model if you have verbatim transcriptions of the audio files that you have
* added to the custom model or you have either corpora (text files) or a list of words that are
* relevant to the contents of the audio files. For training to succeed, both of the custom models
* must be based on the same version of the same base model, and the custom language model must be
* fully trained and available.
**See also:** * [Train the custom acoustic
* model](
* * [Using custom acoustic and custom language models
* together](
### Training failures
Training can fail to start for the following reasons: * The service is currently handling
* another request for the custom model, such as another training request or a request to add
* audio resources to the model. * The custom model contains less than 10 minutes or more than 200
* hours of audio data. * You passed a custom language model with the `custom_language_model_id`
* query parameter that is not in the available state. A custom language model must be fully
* trained and available to be used to train a custom acoustic model. * You passed an incompatible
* custom language model with the `custom_language_model_id` query parameter. Both custom models
* must be based on the same version of the same base model. * The custom model contains one or
* more invalid audio resources. You can correct the invalid audio resources or set the `strict`
* parameter to `false` to exclude the invalid resources from the training. The model must contain
* at least one valid resource for training to succeed.
* @param trainAcousticModelOptions the {@link TrainAcousticModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a result of type {@link TrainingResponse}
public ServiceCall trainAcousticModel(
TrainAcousticModelOptions trainAcousticModelOptions) {
trainAcousticModelOptions, "trainAcousticModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", trainAcousticModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =
Map sdkHeaders =
SdkCommon.getSdkHeaders("speech_to_text", "v1", "trainAcousticModel");
for (Entry header : sdkHeaders.entrySet()) {
builder.header(header.getKey(), header.getValue());
builder.header("Accept", "application/json");
if (trainAcousticModelOptions.customLanguageModelId() != null) {
ResponseConverter responseConverter =
new {}.getType());
return createServiceCall(, responseConverter);
* Reset a custom acoustic model.
* Resets a custom acoustic model by removing all audio resources from the model. Resetting a
* custom acoustic model initializes the model to its state when it was first created. Metadata
* such as the name and language of the model are preserved, but the model's audio resources are
* removed and must be re-created. The service cannot reset a model while it is handling another
* request for the model. The service cannot accept subsequent requests for the model until the
* existing reset request completes. You must use credentials for the instance of the service that
* owns a model to reset it.
**See also:** [Resetting a custom acoustic
* model](
* @param resetAcousticModelOptions the {@link ResetAcousticModelOptions} containing the options
* for the call
* @return a {@link ServiceCall} with a void result
public ServiceCall resetAcousticModel(ResetAcousticModelOptions resetAcousticModelOptions) {
resetAcousticModelOptions, "resetAcousticModelOptions cannot be null");
Map pathParamsMap = new HashMap();
pathParamsMap.put("customization_id", resetAcousticModelOptions.customizationId());
RequestBuilder builder =