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* ===========================================
* Java Pdf Extraction Decoding Access Library
* ===========================================
* Project Info:
* Help section for developers at
* (C) Copyright 1997-2017 IDRsolutions and Contributors.
* This file is part of JPedal/JPDF2HTML5
* ---------------
* ---------------
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import org.jpedal.objects.GraphicsState;
import org.jpedal.utils.LogWriter;
import org.jpedal.utils.repositories.Vector_Path;
public class TTGlyph extends BaseTTGlyph implements Serializable {
* only used for debugging so make static
static java.awt.image.BufferedImage img;
Area glyphShape;
private boolean hasEndCurve;
* method to set the paths after the object has be deserialized.
* NOT PART OF API and subject to change (DO NOT USE)
* @param vp - the Vector_Path to set
public void setPaths(final Vector_Path vp) {
paths = vp;
* method to serialize all the paths in this object. This method is needed because
* GeneralPath does not implement Serializable so we need to serialize it ourself.
* The correct usage is to first serialize this object, cached_current_path is marked
* as transient so it will not be serilized, this method should then be called, so the
* paths are serialized directly after the main object in the same ObjectOutput.
* NOT PART OF API and subject to change (DO NOT USE)
* @param os - ObjectOutput to write to
* @throws IOException
public void writePathsToStream(final ObjectOutput os) throws IOException {
if ((paths != null)) {
final GeneralPath[] generalPaths = paths.get();
int count = 0;
/* find out how many items are in the collection */
for (int i = 0; i < generalPaths.length; i++) {
if (generalPaths[i] == null) {
count = i;
/* write out the number of items are in the collection */
/* iterate throught the collection, and write out each path individualy */
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
final PathIterator pathIterator = generalPaths[i].getPathIterator(new AffineTransform());
PathSerializer.serializePath(os, pathIterator);
* Unhinted constructor
public TTGlyph(final Glyf currentGlyf, final FontFile2 glyfTable, final Hmtx currentHmtx, final int idx, final float unitsPerEm, final String baseFontName) {
super(currentGlyf, glyfTable, currentHmtx, idx, unitsPerEm, baseFontName);
//ShowGUIMessage.showGUIMessage("done",img,"glyf done");
* Hinted constructor
public TTGlyph(final Glyf currentGlyf, final FontFile2 glyfTable, final Hmtx currentHmtx, final int idx, final float unitsPerEm, final TTVM vm) {
super(currentGlyf, glyfTable, currentHmtx, idx, unitsPerEm, vm);
//ShowGUIMessage.showGUIMessage("done",img,"glyf done");
//public void render(Graphics2D g2){}
public void render(final int type, final Graphics2D g2, final float scaling, final boolean isFormGlyph) {
final AffineTransform restore = g2.getTransform();
final BasicStroke oldStroke = (BasicStroke) g2.getStroke();
float strokeWidth = oldStroke.getLineWidth();
if (strokeWidth < 0) {
strokeWidth = -strokeWidth;
if (hasHinting()) {
//Scale down glyph
g2.scale(1 / 100d, 1 / 100d);
//Widen stroke to compensate for scale
strokeWidth *= 100;
g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(strokeWidth,
/* drawn the paths*/
for (int jj = 0; jj < paths.size() - 1; jj++) {
if ((type & GraphicsState.FILL) == GraphicsState.FILL) {
} else if ((type & GraphicsState.STROKE) == GraphicsState.STROKE) {
if (!hasEndCurve || !((((BasicStroke) g2.getStroke()).getDashPhase() == 0.0f) && ((BasicStroke) g2.getStroke()).getDashArray() != null)) {
if (hasHinting()) {
//Restore stroke width and scaling
* return outline of shape
public Area getShape() { /**/
if (glyphShape == null) {
/* drawn the paths*/
final GeneralPath path;
if (paths.elementAt(0) != null) {
path = (GeneralPath) paths.elementAt(0).clone();
} else {
path = null;
for (int jj = 1; jj < paths.size() - 1; jj++) {
path.append(paths.elementAt(jj), false);
if (path == null) {
return null;
glyphShape = new Area(path);
return glyphShape;
* create the actual shape
public void createPaths(final int[] pX, final int[] pY, final boolean[] onCurve, final boolean[] endOfContour, final int endIndex) {
//allow for bum data
if (endOfContour == null) {
* scan data and adjust glyfs after first if do not end in contour
final int ptCount = endOfContour.length;
int start = 0, firstPt = -1;
for (int ii = 0; ii < ptCount; ii++) {
if (endOfContour[ii]) {
if (firstPt != -1 && (!onCurve[start] || !onCurve[ii])) { //last point not on curve and we have a first point
setPoint(pX, pY, onCurve, start, firstPt, ii);
//reset values
start = ii + 1;
firstPt = -1;
} else if (onCurve[ii] && firstPt == -1) { //track first point
firstPt = ii;
boolean isFirstDraw = true;
final GeneralPath current_path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO);
final int c = pX.length;
int fc = -1;
//find first end contour
for (int jj = 0; jj < c; jj++) {
if (endOfContour[jj]) {
fc = jj + 1;
jj = c;
int x1, y1, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, x3 = 0, y3 = 0;
x1 = pX[0];
y1 = pY[0];
current_path.moveTo(x1, y1);
int xs = 0, ys = 0, lc = 0;
boolean isEnd = false;
for (int j = 0; j < endIndex; j++) {
final int p = j % fc;
int p1 = (j + 1) % fc;
int p2 = (j + 2) % fc;
int pm1 = (j - 1) % fc;
/* special cases
*round up to last point at end
*First point
if (j == 0) {
pm1 = fc - 1;
if (p1 < lc) {
p1 += lc;
if (p2 < lc) {
p2 += lc;
//allow for wrap around on contour
if (endOfContour[j]) {
isEnd = true;
if (onCurve[fc]) {
xs = pX[fc];
ys = pY[fc];
} else {
xs = pX[j + 1];
ys = pY[j + 1];
//remember start point
lc = fc;
//find next contour
for (int jj = j + 1; jj < c; jj++) {
if (endOfContour[jj]) {
fc = jj + 1;
jj = c;
if (lc == fc && onCurve[p]) {
j = c;
} else {
if (onCurve[p] && onCurve[p1]) { //straight line
x3 = pX[p1];
y3 = pY[p1];
current_path.lineTo(x3, y3);
isFirstDraw = false;
} else if (j < (c - 3) && ((fc - lc) > 1 || fc == lc)) {
boolean checkEnd = false;
if (onCurve[p] && !onCurve[p1] && onCurve[p2]) { //2 points + control
x1 = pX[p];
y1 = pY[p];
x2 = pX[p1];
y2 = pY[p1];
x3 = pX[p2];
y3 = pY[p2];
checkEnd = true;
} else if (onCurve[p] && !onCurve[p1] && !onCurve[p2]) { //1 point + 2 control
x1 = pX[p];
y1 = pY[p];
x2 = pX[p1];
y2 = pY[p1];
x3 = midPt(pX[p1], pX[p2]);
y3 = midPt(pY[p1], pY[p2]);
checkEnd = true;
} else if (!onCurve[p] && !onCurve[p1] && (!endOfContour[p2] || fc - p2 == 1)) { // 2 control + 1 point (final check allows for last point to complete loop
x1 = midPt(pX[pm1], pX[p]);
y1 = midPt(pY[pm1], pY[p]);
x2 = pX[p];
y2 = pY[p];
x3 = midPt(pX[p], pX[p1]);
y3 = midPt(pY[p], pY[p1]);
} else if (!onCurve[p] && onCurve[p1]) { // 1 control + 2 point
x1 = midPt(pX[pm1], pX[p]);
y1 = midPt(pY[pm1], pY[p]);
x2 = pX[p];
y2 = pY[p];
x3 = pX[p1];
y3 = pY[p1];
if (isFirstDraw) {
current_path.moveTo(x1, y1);
isFirstDraw = false;
if (!(endOfContour[p] && p > 0 && endOfContour[p - 1])) {
hasEndCurve = true;
current_path.curveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
/* if end after curve, roll back so we pick up the end*/
if (checkEnd && endOfContour[j]) {
isEnd = true;
xs = pX[fc];
ys = pY[fc];
//remmeber start point
lc = fc;
//find next contour
for (int jj = j + 1; jj < c; jj++) {
if (endOfContour[jj]) {
fc = jj + 1;
jj = c;
if (endOfContour[p]) {
if (isEnd) {
current_path.moveTo(xs, ys);
isEnd = false;
* store so we can draw glyf as set of paths
static void showDebugImage(final GeneralPath current_path, final int p) {
try {
if (img == null) {
img = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(800, 800, java.awt.image.BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
final Graphics2D g2 = img.createGraphics();
final String key = String.valueOf(p);
org.jpedal.gui.ShowGUIMessage.showGUIMessage(key, img, key);
} catch (final Exception e) {
LogWriter.writeLog("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
void setPoint(final int[] pX, final int[] pY, final boolean[] onCurve, final int start, final int firstPt, final int ii) {
final int diff = firstPt - start;
int newPos;
//make a deep copy of values
final int pXlength = pX.length;
final int[] old_pX = new int[pXlength];
System.arraycopy(pX, 0, old_pX, 0, pXlength);
final int[] old_pY = new int[pXlength];
System.arraycopy(pY, 0, old_pY, 0, pXlength);
final boolean[] old_onCurve = new boolean[pXlength];
System.arraycopy(onCurve, 0, old_onCurve, 0, pXlength);
//rotate values to ensure point at start
for (int oldPos = start; oldPos < ii + 1; oldPos++) {
newPos = oldPos + diff;
if (newPos > ii) {
newPos -= (ii - start + 1);
pX[oldPos] = old_pX[newPos];
pY[oldPos] = old_pY[newPos];
onCurve[oldPos] = old_onCurve[newPos];
// /**convert to 1000 size*/
// final private int convertX(int x,int y){
// if(!isComposite) {
// if (!useHinting)
// return (int)(x/unitsPerEm);
// else
// return x;
// } else {
// //This code seems to match the spec more closely, but doesn't seem to make any difference...
// //It's also wildly inefficient, so rewrite it if you're going to turn it on!
//// double absA = xscale;
//// if (absA < 0)
//// absA = -absA;
//// double absB = scale01;
//// if (absB < 0)
//// absB = -absB;
//// double absC = scale10;
//// if (absC < 0)
//// absC = -absC;
//// double m = absA;
//// if (absB > m)
//// m = absB;
//// if (absA - absC <= 33d/65536 && absA - absC >= -33d/65536)
//// m = 2*m;
//// return (int)((m*(((x * (xscale/m)) + (y * (scale10/m)))+xtranslate))/unitsPerEm);
// if (!useHinting)
// return (int)((((x * xscale) + (y * scale10))+xtranslate)/unitsPerEm);
// else
// return (int)((((x * xscale) + (y * scale10))+xtranslate));
// }
// }
// /**convert to 1000 size*/
// final private int convertY(int x,int y){
// if(!isComposite) {
// if (!useHinting)
// return (int)(y/unitsPerEm);
// else
// return y;
// } else {
// //This code seems to match the spec more closely, but doesn't seem to make any difference...
// //It's also wildly inefficient, so rewrite it if you're going to turn it on!
//// double absC = scale10;
//// if (absC < 0)
//// absC = -absC;
//// double absD = yscale;
//// if (absD < 0)
//// absD = -absD;
//// double n = absC;
//// if (absD > n)
//// n = absD;
//// if (absC - absD <= 33d/65536 && absC - absD >= -33d/65536)
//// n = 2*n;
//// return (int)((n*(((x * (scale01/n)) + (y * (yscale/n)))+ytranslate))/unitsPerEm); //+30;
// if (!useHinting)
// return (int)((((x * scale01) + (y * yscale))+ytranslate)/unitsPerEm);
// else
// return (int)((((x * scale01) + (y * yscale))+ytranslate));
// }
// }
public void flushArea() {
glyphShape = null;
void clearPaths() {