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com.imsweb.layout.record.fixed.FixedColumnsLayout Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (C) 2011 Information Management Services, Inc.
package com.imsweb.layout.record.fixed;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import com.imsweb.layout.Field;
import com.imsweb.layout.Field.FieldAlignment;
import com.imsweb.layout.LayoutFactory;
import com.imsweb.layout.LayoutInfo;
import com.imsweb.layout.LayoutInfoDiscoveryOptions;
import com.imsweb.layout.LayoutUtils;
import com.imsweb.layout.record.RecordLayout;
import com.imsweb.layout.record.fixed.xml.FixedColumnLayoutFieldXmlDto;
import com.imsweb.layout.record.fixed.xml.FixedColumnLayoutXmlDto;

 * This class contains the logic related to fixed-columns layouts.

* Created on Jul 28, 2011 by depryf * @author depryf */ public class FixedColumnsLayout extends RecordLayout { /** * Line length */ protected Integer _layoutLineLength; /** * The fields for this layout */ protected List _fields = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Cached fields by name */ protected Map _cachedByName = new HashMap<>(); /** * Cached fields by NAACCR Item Number */ protected Map _cachedByNaaccrItemNumber = new HashMap<>(); /** * Default constructor. */ public FixedColumnsLayout() { super(); } /** * Constructor. * @param layoutUrl URL to the XML definition, cannot be null * @throws IOException if the XML definition is not valid */ public FixedColumnsLayout(URL layoutUrl) throws IOException { this(); if (layoutUrl == null) throw new NullPointerException("Unable to create layout from null URL"); try (InputStream is = layoutUrl.openStream()) { init(LayoutUtils.readFixedColumnsLayout(is)); } } /** * Constructor. * @param layoutFile XML definition, cannot be null, must exist * @throws IOException if the XML definition is not valid */ public FixedColumnsLayout(File layoutFile) throws IOException { this(); if (layoutFile == null) throw new NullPointerException("Unable to create layout from null file"); if (!layoutFile.exists()) throw new IOException("Unable to read from " + layoutFile.getPath()); try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(layoutFile)) { init(LayoutUtils.readFixedColumnsLayout(is)); } } /** * Constructor. * @param layoutXmlDto java representation of the XML definition, cannot be null * @throws IOException if the XML definition is not valid */ public FixedColumnsLayout(FixedColumnLayoutXmlDto layoutXmlDto) throws IOException { this(); if (layoutXmlDto == null) throw new NullPointerException("Unable to create layout from null XML object"); init(layoutXmlDto); } protected void init(FixedColumnLayoutXmlDto layoutXmlDto) throws IOException { _layoutId = layoutXmlDto.getId(); _layoutName = layoutXmlDto.getName(); _layoutVersion = layoutXmlDto.getVersion(); _layoutDesc = layoutXmlDto.getDescription(); _layoutLineLength = layoutXmlDto.getLength(); // are we extending another layout? FixedColumnsLayout parentLayout = null; if (layoutXmlDto.getExtendLayout() != null) { if (!LayoutFactory.getAvailableLayouts().containsKey(layoutXmlDto.getExtendLayout())) throw new IOException("Unable to find referenced layout ID '" + layoutXmlDto.getExtendLayout() + "'"); try { parentLayout = (FixedColumnsLayout)LayoutFactory.getLayout(layoutXmlDto.getExtendLayout()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IOException("A fixed-columns layout must extend another fixed-columns layout"); } _parentLayoutId = parentLayout.getLayoutId(); } _fields.clear(); if (layoutXmlDto.getField() != null) for (FixedColumnLayoutFieldXmlDto fieldXmlDto : layoutXmlDto.getField()) addField(createFieldFromXmlField(fieldXmlDto)); if (parentLayout != null) for (FixedColumnsField field : parentLayout.getAllFields()) if (!_cachedByName.containsKey(field.getName())) addField(field); // sort the fields by start column _fields.sort(Comparator.comparing(FixedColumnsField::getStart)); // final verifications try { verify(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Helper that translates an XML field into an exposed DTO field. *

* Created on Aug 16, 2011 by depryf * @param dto FixedColumnLayoutFieldXmlDto to translate * @return the translated Field */ protected FixedColumnsField createFieldFromXmlField(FixedColumnLayoutFieldXmlDto dto) throws IOException { FixedColumnsField field = new FixedColumnsField(); field.setName(dto.getName()); field.setLongLabel(dto.getLongLabel()); field.setShortLabel(dto.getShortLabel() != null ? dto.getShortLabel() : dto.getLongLabel()); field.setNaaccrItemNum(dto.getNaaccrItemNum()); field.setStart(dto.getStart()); field.setEnd(dto.getEnd()); if (dto.getStart() > dto.getEnd()) throw new IOException("Field " + field.getName() + " defines a end column that is greater than its start column"); if (dto.getAlign() != null) { try { field.setAlign(FieldAlignment.fromValue(dto.getAlign())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IOException("Field " + field.getName() + " defines an invalid align option: " + dto.getAlign()); } } else field.setAlign(FieldAlignment.LEFT); field.setPadChar(dto.getPadChar() == null ? " " : dto.getPadChar()); field.setDefaultValue(dto.getDefaultValue()); field.setTrim(dto.getTrim() == null ? Boolean.TRUE : dto.getTrim()); if (dto.getField() != null && !dto.getField().isEmpty()) { List subFields = new ArrayList<>(); for (FixedColumnLayoutFieldXmlDto childDto : dto.getField()) subFields.add(createFieldFromXmlField(childDto)); field.setSubFields(subFields); } field.setSection(dto.getSection()); return field; } private void addField(FixedColumnsField field) { // update collection of fields _fields.add(field); // update name cache _cachedByName.put(field.getName(), field); if (field.getSubFields() != null) for (Field f : field.getSubFields()) _cachedByName.put(f.getName(), (FixedColumnsField)f); // update NAACCR cache if (field.getNaaccrItemNum() != null) _cachedByNaaccrItemNumber.put(field.getNaaccrItemNum(), field); if (field.getSubFields() != null) for (Field f : field.getSubFields()) if (f.getNaaccrItemNum() != null) _cachedByNaaccrItemNumber.put(f.getNaaccrItemNum(), (FixedColumnsField)f); } public void setFields(Collection fields) { _fields.clear(); _fields.addAll(fields); // sort the fields by start column _fields.sort(Comparator.comparing(FixedColumnsField::getStart)); // verify they make sense verify(); } /** * Getter for layout line length. *

* Created on Jun 25, 2012 by depryf * @return the layout line length */ public Integer getLayoutLineLength() { return _layoutLineLength; } /** * Setter for layout line length. *

* Created on Jun 25, 2012 by depryf * @param lineLength length */ public void setLayoutLineLength(Integer lineLength) { _layoutLineLength = lineLength; } @Override public FixedColumnsField getFieldByName(String name) { return _cachedByName.get(name); } @Override public FixedColumnsField getFieldByNaaccrItemNumber(Integer num) { return _cachedByNaaccrItemNumber.get(num); } @Override public List getAllFields() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(_fields); } /** * Returns the expected line length for the given data line. *

* Created on Sep 16, 2011 by depryf * @param line data line * @return the expected line length for the given data line * @deprecated Use getLayoutLineLength() instead. */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected Integer getLengthFromLine(String line) { return _layoutLineLength; } /** * Returns the expected line length for the given record. *

* Created on Sep 16, 2011 by depryf * @param record record * @return the expected line length for the given record * @deprecated Use getLayoutLineLength() instead. */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected Integer getLengthFromRecord(Map record) { return _layoutLineLength; } @Override public String validateLine(String line, Integer lineNumber) { // if this layout extends another one, delegate to the other one... if (_parentLayoutId != null) return ((FixedColumnsLayout)LayoutFactory.getLayout(_parentLayoutId)).validateLine(line, lineNumber); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (line == null || line.isEmpty()) msg.append("line ").append(lineNumber).append(": line is empty"); else if (line.length() != _layoutLineLength) msg.append("line ").append(lineNumber).append(": wrong length, expected ").append(_layoutLineLength).append(" but got ").append(line.length()); return msg.length() == 0 ? null : msg.toString(); } @Override public String createLineFromRecord(Map record) throws IOException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (record == null) record = new HashMap<>(); int currentIndex = 1; for (FixedColumnsField field : _fields) { int start = field.getStart(); int end = field.getEnd(); // adjust for the "leading" gap if (start > currentIndex) for (int i = 0; i < start - currentIndex; i++) result.append(' '); currentIndex = start; // get value; if the field defines subfields, always use the subfields (#162) if (field.getSubFields() != null && !field.getSubFields().isEmpty()) { for (Field child : field.getSubFields()) { int subStart = ((FixedColumnsField)child).getStart(); int subEnd = ((FixedColumnsField)child).getEnd(); // adjust for the "leading" gap within the subfields if (subStart > currentIndex) for (int i = 0; i < subStart - currentIndex; i++) result.append(' '); currentIndex = subStart; if (subEnd <= end) { // do not write the current subfield out if it can potentially go out of the field String value = record.get(child.getName()); if (value == null) value = child.getDefaultValue() != null ? child.getDefaultValue() : ""; int length = subEnd - subStart + 1; if (value.length() > length) throw new IOException("value too long for field '" + child.getName() + "'"); String paddingChar = !value.isEmpty() && getOptions().applyPadding() ? child.getPadChar() : " "; if (getOptions().applyAlignment() && child.getAlign() == FieldAlignment.RIGHT) value = LayoutUtils.pad(value, length, paddingChar, true); else value = LayoutUtils.pad(value, length, paddingChar, false); result.append(cleanValue(value, child)); currentIndex = subEnd + 1; } } // adjust for the "trailing" gap within the subfields if (currentIndex <= end) for (int i = 0; i < end - currentIndex + 1; i++) result.append(' '); currentIndex = end + 1; } else if (end <= _layoutLineLength) { // do not write the current field out if it can potentially go out of the line String value = record.get(field.getName()); if (value == null) value = field.getDefaultValue() != null ? field.getDefaultValue() : ""; int length = end - start + 1; if (value.length() > length) throw new IOException("value too long for field '" + field.getName() + "'"); String paddingChar = !value.isEmpty() && getOptions().applyPadding() ? field.getPadChar() : " "; if (getOptions().applyAlignment() && field.getAlign() == FieldAlignment.RIGHT) value = LayoutUtils.pad(value, length, paddingChar, true); else value = LayoutUtils.pad(value, length, paddingChar, false); result.append(cleanValue(value, field)); currentIndex = end + 1; } } // adjust for the "leading" gap if (currentIndex <= _layoutLineLength) for (int i = 0; i < _layoutLineLength - currentIndex + 1; i++) result.append(' '); return result.toString(); } /** * Clean the value for the given field; this default implementation does nothing but it delegates to the parent if this is an extending layout. */ protected String cleanValue(String value, Field field) { // if this layout extends another one, delegate to the other one... if (_parentLayoutId != null) return ((FixedColumnsLayout)LayoutFactory.getLayout(_parentLayoutId)).cleanValue(value, field); return value; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("RedundantStringConstructorCall") public Map createRecordFromLine(String line, Integer lineNumber) throws IOException { Map result = new HashMap<>(); Integer lineNumberSafe = lineNumber == null ? Integer.valueOf(1) : lineNumber; // handle special case if (line == null || line.isEmpty()) { if (getOptions().enforceStrictFormat()) throw new IOException("line " + lineNumberSafe + ": got en empty line"); else return result; } // if we need to enforce the format, get the expected line length; otherwise read until the EOL if (getOptions().enforceStrictFormat()) { String validationMsg = validateLine(line, lineNumberSafe); if (validationMsg != null) throw new IOException(validationMsg); } for (FixedColumnsField field : _fields) { int start = field.getStart(); int end = field.getEnd(); if (end > line.length()) break; // String value = new String(line.substring(start - 1, end)); // can we trim the value? boolean childPreventsTrimming = false; if (field.getSubFields() != null) childPreventsTrimming = field.getSubFields().stream().anyMatch(subField -> !subField.getTrim()); String trimmedValue = value.trim(); if (getOptions().trimValues() && (field.getTrim() || (trimmedValue.isEmpty() && !childPreventsTrimming))) { // never trim a group field unless it's completely empty (or we would lose the info of which child value is which) if (field.getSubFields() == null || trimmedValue.isEmpty()) value = trimmedValue; } if (!value.isEmpty()) { result.put(field.getName(), value); // handle children fields if any if (field.getSubFields() != null) { for (Field child : field.getSubFields()) { start = ((FixedColumnsField)child).getStart(); end = ((FixedColumnsField)child).getEnd(); value = new String(line.substring(start - 1, end)); if (getOptions().trimValues() && child.getTrim()) value = value.trim(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { result.put(child.getName(), value); } } } } } return result; } @Override public LayoutInfo buildFileInfo(String firstRecord, LayoutInfoDiscoveryOptions options) { LayoutInfo result = null; // this default implementation is based only on the line length, only if we don't enforce the strict format if (firstRecord != null && options.isFixedColumnAllowDiscoveryFromLineLength() && firstRecord.length() == _layoutLineLength) { result = new LayoutInfo(); result.setLayoutId(getLayoutId()); result.setLayoutName(getLayoutName()); result.setLineLength(_layoutLineLength); } return result; } /** * Verify the internal fields, throws a runtime exception if something is wrong. *

* Created on Jun 25, 2012 by depryf */ public void verify() { // ID is required if (_layoutId == null) throw new RuntimeException("Layout ID is required"); // name is required if (_layoutName == null) throw new RuntimeException("Layout name is required"); // line length is required if (_layoutLineLength == null) throw new RuntimeException("Line length is required"); if (!_fields.isEmpty()) { // verify first field starts at 1 or greater if (_fields.get(0).getStart() <= 0) throw new RuntimeException("First field start column must be greater or equals to 1"); // verify last field ends at line length or smaller if (_fields.get(_fields.size() - 1).getEnd() > _layoutLineLength) throw new RuntimeException("Last field end column must be smaller or equals to defined line length"); // verify each field for (int i = 0; i < _fields.size() - 1; i++) { FixedColumnsField f1 = _fields.get(i); // verify field start is within the allowed range if (f1.getStart() <= 0 || f1.getStart() > _layoutLineLength) throw new RuntimeException("Field " + f1.getName() + " start value is invalid, must be within 1-" + _layoutLineLength + " but got " + f1.getStart()); // verify field end is within the allowed range if (f1.getEnd() <= 0 || f1.getEnd() > _layoutLineLength) throw new RuntimeException("Field " + f1.getName() + " end value is invalid, must be within 1-" + _layoutLineLength + " but got " + f1.getStart()); // verify there is no overlapping FixedColumnsField f2 = _fields.get(i + 1); if (f1.getEnd() >= f2.getStart()) throw new RuntimeException("Fields " + f1.getName() + " and " + f2.getName() + " are overlapping"); // also verify the subfields, only need to do this on f1 if (f1.getSubFields() != null) { List list = f1.getSubFields(); int size = list.size(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { FixedColumnsField ff = list.get(j); if (j == 0 && ff.getStart() < f1.getStart()) throw new RuntimeException("Field " + f1.getName() + " defines a sub-field that starts before it"); if (j == size - 1 && ff.getEnd() > f1.getEnd()) throw new RuntimeException("Field " + f1.getName() + " defines a sub-field that ends after it"); if (j < size - 1 && ff.getEnd() >= list.get(j + 1).getStart()) throw new RuntimeException("Field " + f1.getName() + " defines overlapping subfields"); } } } Set names = new HashSet<>(), naaccrItemNums = new HashSet<>(), shortLabels = new HashSet<>(), longLabels = new HashSet<>(); for (FixedColumnsField field : _fields) { if (field.getName() == null) throw new RuntimeException("Field name is required"); if (names.contains(field.getName())) throw new RuntimeException("Field name must be unique, found duplicate name for '" + field.getName() + "'"); names.add(field.getName()); if (shortLabels.contains(field.getShortLabel())) throw new RuntimeException("Field short labels must be unique, found duplicate name for '" + field.getShortLabel() + "'"); shortLabels.add(field.getShortLabel()); if (longLabels.contains(field.getLongLabel())) throw new RuntimeException("Field long labels must be unique, found duplicate name for '" + field.getLongLabel() + "'"); longLabels.add(field.getLongLabel()); if (field.getNaaccrItemNum() != null) { if (naaccrItemNums.contains(field.getNaaccrItemNum().toString())) throw new RuntimeException("Field NAACCR item number must be unique, found duplicate number for '" + field.getNaaccrItemNum() + "'"); naaccrItemNums.add(field.getNaaccrItemNum().toString()); } if (field.getSubFields() != null) { for (Field f : field.getSubFields()) { if (f.getName() == null) throw new RuntimeException("Field name is required"); if (names.contains(f.getName())) throw new RuntimeException("Field name must be unique, found duplicate name for '" + f.getName() + "'"); names.add(f.getName()); if (shortLabels.contains(f.getShortLabel())) throw new RuntimeException("Field short labels must be unique, found duplicate name for '" + f.getShortLabel() + "'"); shortLabels.add(f.getShortLabel()); if (longLabels.contains(f.getLongLabel())) throw new RuntimeException("Field long labels must be unique, found duplicate name for '" + f.getLongLabel() + "'"); longLabels.add(f.getLongLabel()); if (f.getNaaccrItemNum() != null) { if (naaccrItemNums.contains(f.getNaaccrItemNum().toString())) throw new RuntimeException("Field NAACCR item number must be unique, found duplicate number for '" + f.getNaaccrItemNum() + "'"); naaccrItemNums.add(f.getNaaccrItemNum().toString()); } } } } } } }

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