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algorithms.tnm.2.0.schemas.gist_rectum.json Maven / Gradle / Ivy

  "id" : "gist_rectum",
  "algorithm" : "tnm",
  "version" : "2.0",
  "name" : "GIST Rectum",
  "title" : "Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of Rectum and Rectosigmoid Junction",
  "notes" : "C199 Rectosigmoid junction\nC209 Rectum, NOS\n\n**Note 1:** This schema is based on the UICC chapter *Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumour (GIST),* pages 78-81.\n* Primary site C199 is not listed in this chapter of the UICC manual; however, it is included in this schema and TNM staged\n\n**Note 2:** In addition to directly assigning TNM, Summary Stage 2000 (SS2000) must be captured.  If directly assigning SS2000, use the *Rectum* chapter on page 100 of the [SS2000 on-line manual](",
  "schema_selection_table" : "schema_selection_gist_rectum",
  "inputs" : [ {
    "key" : "year_dx",
    "name" : "Year of Diagnosis",
    "naaccr_item" : 390,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "dateOfDiagnosis",
    "table" : "year_dx_validation",
    "used_for_staging" : false
  }, {
    "key" : "site",
    "name" : "Primary Site",
    "naaccr_item" : 400,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "primarySite",
    "table" : "primary_site",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "hist",
    "name" : "Histology",
    "naaccr_item" : 522,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "histologicTypeIcdO3",
    "table" : "histology",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "systemic_surg_seq",
    "name" : "RX Summ Systemic/Surgery Sequence",
    "naaccr_item" : 1639,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "rxSummSystemicSurSeq",
    "table" : "systemic_surg_seq",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "radiation_surg_seq",
    "name" : "RX Summ Surgery/Radiation Sequence",
    "naaccr_item" : 1380,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "rxSummSurgRadSeq",
    "table" : "radiation_surg_seq",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "nodes_pos",
    "name" : "Regional Nodes Positive",
    "naaccr_item" : 820,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "regionalNodesPositive",
    "table" : "nodes_pos_fpa",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "clin_t",
    "name" : "Clinical T",
    "naaccr_item" : 940,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmClinT",
    "table" : "clin_t_gist_rectum_83293",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "clin_n",
    "name" : "Clinical N",
    "naaccr_item" : 950,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmClinN",
    "table" : "clin_n_gist_rectum_58109",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "clin_m",
    "name" : "Clinical M",
    "naaccr_item" : 960,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmClinM",
    "table" : "clin_m_hcc",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "path_t",
    "name" : "Pathologic T",
    "naaccr_item" : 880,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmPathT",
    "table" : "gist_rectum_t_7125",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "path_n",
    "name" : "Pathologic N",
    "naaccr_item" : 890,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmPathN",
    "table" : "gist_rectum_n_35223",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "path_m",
    "name" : "Pathologic M",
    "naaccr_item" : 900,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmPathM",
    "table" : "path_m_hcc",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "ssf11",
    "name" : "Mitotic Count",
    "naaccr_item" : 2865,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "csSiteSpecificFactor11",
    "default" : "999",
    "table" : "ssf11_spk",
    "used_for_staging" : true
  }, {
    "key" : "ssf12",
    "name" : "KIT Gene Immunohistochemistry (IHC)",
    "naaccr_item" : 2866,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "csSiteSpecificFactor12",
    "default" : "988",
    "table" : "ssf12_spl",
    "used_for_staging" : false,
    "metadata" : [ {
      "name" : "COC_REQUIRED"
    }, {
      "name" : "CCCR_REQUIRED"
    } ]
  }, {
    "key" : "ssf13",
    "name" : "KIT Gene Mutations",
    "naaccr_item" : 2867,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "csSiteSpecificFactor13",
    "default" : "988",
    "table" : "ssf13_spm",
    "used_for_staging" : false
  }, {
    "key" : "ssf14",
    "name" : "PDGFRA Gene Mutation",
    "naaccr_item" : 2868,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "csSiteSpecificFactor14",
    "default" : "988",
    "table" : "ssf14_spn",
    "used_for_staging" : false
  }, {
    "key" : "ssf15",
    "name" : "Tumor Multiplicity",
    "naaccr_item" : 2869,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "csSiteSpecificFactor15",
    "default" : "988",
    "table" : "ssf15_spo",
    "used_for_staging" : false
  }, {
    "key" : "clin_stage_group_direct",
    "name" : "TNM Clin Stage Group",
    "naaccr_item" : 970,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmClinStageGroup",
    "default" : "99",
    "table" : "stage_group_c_86666",
    "used_for_staging" : true,
    "metadata" : [ {
      "name" : "NPCR_REQUIRED"
    }, {
      "name" : "COC_REQUIRED"
    } ]
  }, {
    "key" : "path_stage_group_direct",
    "name" : "TNM Path Stage Group",
    "naaccr_item" : 910,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "tnmPathStageGroup",
    "default" : "99",
    "table" : "stage_group_p_82525",
    "used_for_staging" : true,
    "metadata" : [ {
      "name" : "NPCR_REQUIRED"
    }, {
      "name" : "COC_REQUIRED"
    } ]
  } ],
  "outputs" : [ {
    "key" : "derived_version",
    "name" : "Derived Version",
    "default" : "{{ctx_alg_version}}"
  }, {
    "key" : "clin_stage_group",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Clin Stage Group",
    "naaccr_item" : 3610,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerClinStgGrp",
    "default" : "88"
  }, {
    "key" : "path_stage_group",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Path Stage Group",
    "naaccr_item" : 3605,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerPathStgGrp",
    "default" : "88"
  }, {
    "key" : "combined_stage_group",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined Stage Group",
    "naaccr_item" : 3614,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCmbStgGrp",
    "default" : "88"
  }, {
    "key" : "combined_t",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined T",
    "naaccr_item" : 3616,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCombinedT",
    "default" : "88"
  }, {
    "key" : "combined_n",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined N",
    "naaccr_item" : 3618,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCombinedN",
    "default" : "88"
  }, {
    "key" : "combined_m",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined M",
    "naaccr_item" : 3620,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCombinedM",
    "default" : "88"
  }, {
    "key" : "source_t",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined T Source",
    "naaccr_item" : 3622,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCmbTSrc"
  }, {
    "key" : "source_n",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined N Source",
    "naaccr_item" : 3624,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCmbNSrc"
  }, {
    "key" : "source_m",
    "name" : "Derived SEER Combined M Source",
    "naaccr_item" : 3626,
    "naaccr_xml_id" : "derivedSeerCmbMSrc"
  } ],
  "mappings" : [ {
    "id" : "tnm7_stage",
    "name" : "TNM 7 Stage",
    "inclusion_tables" : [ {
      "id" : "tnm7_inclusions_tpo",
      "inputs" : [ "hist" ]
    } ],
    "initial_context" : [ {
      "key" : "clin_stage_group",
      "value" : "90"
    }, {
      "key" : "path_stage_group",
      "value" : "90"
    } ],
    "tables" : [ {
      "id" : "parse_t_2177",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "clin_t",
        "to" : "t"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "root_t",
        "to" : "tmp_clin_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "t_prefix",
        "to" : "clin_t_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "clin_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "clin_t_prefix", "tmp_clin_t" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "parse_n_67182",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "clin_n",
        "to" : "n"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "root_n",
        "to" : "tmp_clin_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "n_prefix",
        "to" : "clin_n_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "clin_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "clin_n_prefix", "tmp_clin_n" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "parse_m_47057",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "clin_m",
        "to" : "m"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "m_prefix",
        "to" : "clin_m_prefix"
      }, {
        "from" : "root_m",
        "to" : "tmp_clin_m"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "clin_m" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_clin_m", "clin_m_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "parse_t_2177",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "path_t",
        "to" : "t"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "root_t",
        "to" : "tmp_path_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "t_prefix",
        "to" : "path_t_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "path_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_path_t", "path_t_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "parse_n_67182",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "path_n",
        "to" : "n"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "root_n",
        "to" : "tmp_path_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "n_prefix",
        "to" : "path_n_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "path_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_path_n", "path_n_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "parse_m_47057",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "path_m",
        "to" : "m"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "root_m",
        "to" : "tmp_path_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "m_prefix",
        "to" : "path_m_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "path_m" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_path_m", "path_m_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "determine_default_t",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_path_t",
        "to" : "path_t_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_t",
        "to" : "clin_t_in"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "source_t_out",
        "to" : "source_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "path_t_out",
        "to" : "tmp_path_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "clin_t_out",
        "to" : "tmp_clin_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_t_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_t"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "tmp_path_t", "tmp_clin_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "source_t", "tmp_path_t", "tmp_clin_t", "tmp_combined_t" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "determine_default_n",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_path_n",
        "to" : "path_n_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_n",
        "to" : "clin_n_in"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "path_n_out",
        "to" : "tmp_path_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "source_n_out",
        "to" : "source_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_n_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "clin_n_out",
        "to" : "tmp_clin_n"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "tmp_clin_n", "tmp_path_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_combined_n", "tmp_clin_n", "tmp_path_n", "source_n" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "determine_default_m",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_path_m",
        "to" : "path_m_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_m",
        "to" : "clin_m_in"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "source_m_out",
        "to" : "source_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_m_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "clin_m_out",
        "to" : "tmp_clin_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "path_m_out",
        "to" : "tmp_path_m"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "tmp_path_m", "tmp_clin_m" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_path_m", "tmp_combined_m", "tmp_clin_m", "source_m" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "gist_appendix_mitotic_rate_calculation",
      "inputs" : [ "ssf11" ],
      "outputs" : [ "mitotic_rate" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "tnm7_stage_gist_small_intestine_upy",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_n",
        "to" : "n"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_m",
        "to" : "m"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_t",
        "to" : "t"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "stage",
        "to" : "clin_stage_group"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "mitotic_rate", "tmp_clin_n", "tmp_clin_m", "tmp_clin_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "clin_stage_group" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "tnm7_path_stage_gist_small_intestine_upy",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_path_m",
        "to" : "m"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_path_n",
        "to" : "n"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_path_t",
        "to" : "t"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "stage",
        "to" : "path_stage_group"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "tmp_path_m", "mitotic_rate", "tmp_path_n", "tmp_path_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "path_stage_group" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "adjustments_for_no_clin_or_no_path_26261",
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "source_t_out",
        "to" : "source_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "source_m_out",
        "to" : "source_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_m_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "source_n_out",
        "to" : "source_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_t_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_n_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_n"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "tmp_path_t", "clin_n", "clin_m", "clin_t", "path_t", "tmp_path_m", "tmp_clin_n", "tmp_clin_m", "clin_stage_group_direct", "tmp_path_n", "path_m", "tmp_clin_t", "path_stage_group_direct", "path_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_combined_n", "tmp_combined_m", "source_t", "clin_stage_group", "path_stage_group", "source_n", "tmp_combined_t", "source_m" ]
    } ]
  }, {
    "id" : "combined_stage",
    "name" : "Combined Stage",
    "inclusion_tables" : [ {
      "id" : "tnm7_inclusions_tpo",
      "inputs" : [ "hist" ]
    } ],
    "initial_context" : [ {
      "key" : "combined_m",
      "value" : "90"
    }, {
      "key" : "combined_n",
      "value" : "90"
    }, {
      "key" : "combined_stage_group",
      "value" : "90"
    }, {
      "key" : "combined_t",
      "value" : "90"
    } ],
    "tables" : [ {
      "id" : "stop_if_no_clin_and_no_path_24035",
      "inputs" : [ "clin_t", "path_t", "clin_stage_group_direct", "path_m", "clin_n", "path_stage_group_direct", "clin_m", "path_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "combined_m", "combined_n", "source_t", "tmp_continue", "combined_t", "combined_stage_group", "source_n", "source_m" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "combined_t_no_tis",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_path_t",
        "to" : "path_t_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_t",
        "to" : "combined_t_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_t",
        "to" : "clin_t_in"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "source_t_out",
        "to" : "source_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_t_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_t"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "radiation_surg_seq", "tmp_path_t", "tmp_clin_t", "systemic_surg_seq", "tmp_combined_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "source_t", "tmp_combined_t" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "combined_n_no_tis_path_n_cn0_allowed_73884",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_path_n",
        "to" : "path_n_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_n",
        "to" : "combined_n_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_n",
        "to" : "clin_n_in"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "source_n_out",
        "to" : "source_n"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_n_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_n"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "nodes_pos", "tmp_combined_n", "tmp_clin_n", "radiation_surg_seq", "tmp_path_n", "systemic_surg_seq" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_combined_n", "source_n" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "combined_m",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_m",
        "to" : "combined_m_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_path_m",
        "to" : "path_m_in"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_clin_m",
        "to" : "clin_m_in"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "source_m_out",
        "to" : "source_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "combined_m_out",
        "to" : "tmp_combined_m"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "tmp_path_m", "tmp_combined_m", "tmp_clin_m" ],
      "outputs" : [ "tmp_combined_m", "tmp_source_m", "source_m" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "determine_combined_prefix_91402",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "clin_t_prefix",
        "to" : "clin_prefix"
      }, {
        "from" : "source_t",
        "to" : "cmb_source"
      }, {
        "from" : "path_t_prefix",
        "to" : "path_prefix"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "cmb_prefix",
        "to" : "cmb_t_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "clin_t_prefix", "source_t", "path_t_prefix" ],
      "outputs" : [ "cmb_t_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "determine_combined_prefix_91402",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "path_n_prefix",
        "to" : "path_prefix"
      }, {
        "from" : "source_n",
        "to" : "cmb_source"
      }, {
        "from" : "clin_n_prefix",
        "to" : "clin_prefix"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "cmb_prefix",
        "to" : "cmb_n_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "clin_n_prefix", "path_n_prefix", "source_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "cmb_n_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "determine_combined_prefix_91402",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_source_m",
        "to" : "cmb_source"
      }, {
        "from" : "path_m_prefix",
        "to" : "path_prefix"
      }, {
        "from" : "clin_m_prefix",
        "to" : "clin_prefix"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "cmb_prefix",
        "to" : "cmb_m_prefix"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "clin_m_prefix", "tmp_source_m", "path_m_prefix" ],
      "outputs" : [ "cmb_m_prefix" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "concatenate_t_51262",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_t",
        "to" : "root_t"
      }, {
        "from" : "cmb_t_prefix",
        "to" : "t_prefix"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "t",
        "to" : "combined_t"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "cmb_t_prefix", "tmp_combined_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "combined_t" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "concatenate_n_43246",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "cmb_n_prefix",
        "to" : "n_prefix"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_n",
        "to" : "root_n"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "n",
        "to" : "combined_n"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "cmb_n_prefix", "tmp_combined_n" ],
      "outputs" : [ "combined_n" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "concatenate_m_40642",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_m",
        "to" : "root_m"
      }, {
        "from" : "cmb_m_prefix",
        "to" : "m_prefix"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "m",
        "to" : "combined_m"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "cmb_m_prefix", "tmp_combined_m" ],
      "outputs" : [ "combined_m" ]
    }, {
      "id" : "tnm7_path_stage_gist_small_intestine_upy",
      "input_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_n",
        "to" : "n"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_m",
        "to" : "m"
      }, {
        "from" : "tmp_combined_t",
        "to" : "t"
      } ],
      "output_mapping" : [ {
        "from" : "stage",
        "to" : "combined_stage_group"
      } ],
      "inputs" : [ "mitotic_rate", "tmp_combined_n", "tmp_combined_m", "tmp_combined_t" ],
      "outputs" : [ "combined_stage_group" ]
    } ]
  } ],
  "involved_tables" : [ "clin_n_gist_rectum_58109", "determine_default_t", "tnm7_path_stage_gist_small_intestine_upy", "radiation_surg_seq", "ssf15_spo", "ssf11_spk", "determine_default_m", "nodes_pos_fpa", "parse_t_2177", "concatenate_n_43246", "gist_rectum_t_7125", "gist_rectum_n_35223", "parse_n_67182", "stage_group_p_82525", "determine_default_n", "schema_selection_gist_rectum", "tnm7_stage_gist_small_intestine_upy", "clin_m_hcc", "histology", "concatenate_m_40642", "combined_t_no_tis", "combined_n_no_tis_path_n_cn0_allowed_73884", "ssf14_spn", "concatenate_t_51262", "ssf13_spm", "adjustments_for_no_clin_or_no_path_26261", "gist_appendix_mitotic_rate_calculation", "tnm7_inclusions_tpo", "determine_combined_prefix_91402", "stage_group_c_86666", "stop_if_no_clin_and_no_path_24035", "systemic_surg_seq", "parse_m_47057", "primary_site", "combined_m", "path_m_hcc", "year_dx_validation", "clin_t_gist_rectum_83293", "ssf12_spl" ],
  "last_modified" : "2020-06-30T19:47:48.184Z",
  "on_invalid_input" : "FAIL_WHEN_USED_FOR_STAGING"

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