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* Copyright (C) 2010 Information Management Services, Inc.
package com.imsweb.validation.translation.language.entity;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.EditTranslationContext;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.TranslationTable;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.TranslationTableIndex;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.language.regex.GeneditsRegexUtils;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.metafile.MetafileEdit;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.metafile.MetafileMessage;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.metafile.MetafileTable;
import com.imsweb.validation.translation.metafile.MetafileUtils;
* The lookup calls are more complicated than the other methods and they changed in the new Genedits5 framwork. So here is some
* information about how the used to work and how they work now.
* <p>
* **************************************************************************************
* GENEDITS4 (old framework, not supported by the translation anymore)
* **************************************************************************************
* <p>
* LOOKUP(value, table/index) -> GEN_LOOKUP(Object value, List<List<String>> table, Object indexObj, Map<Integer, char[]> tableVars)
* - table needed if a table is provided as argument, or if tablevar are declared
* - index needed if an index is provided as argument (if only table, then the value is compared to concatenation of all columns)
* RLOOKUP(value, index) -> GEN_RLOOKUP(Object value, List<List<String>> table, Object indexObj, Map<Integer, char[]> tableVars)
* - table needed if tablevar are declared
* - index is always needed
* ILOOKUP(value, index) -> GEN_ILOOKUP(Object value, Object indexObj)
* - table is never needed
* - index is always needed
* BINLOOKUP(table, col/row) -> GEN_BINLOOKUP(List<List<Integer>> table, Object rowObj, Object colObj)
* - table is always needed
* - index is never needed
* <p>
* **************************************************************************************
* GENEDITS5 (new framework, this is what this code produces now)
* **************************************************************************************
* <p>
* LOOKUP(value, table/index) -> GEN_LOOKUP(Object value, ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Map<String, char[]> tableVars)
* - table and index always required (index is actually a column in the new SQL-based tables)
* RLOOKUP(value, table/index) -> GEN_RLOOKUP(Object value, ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Map<String, char[]> tableVars)
* - table and index always required (index is actually a column in the new SQL-based tables)
* ILOOKUP(value, index) -> GEN_ILOOKUP(Object value, ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Map<String, char[]> tableVars)
* - table and index always required (index is actually a column in the new SQL-based tables)
* SQLLOOKUP(table, columns, value) -> GEN_SQLLOOKUP(ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Object value, Map<String, char[]> tableVars)
* - table and index always required (the columns(s) describe the index)
* SQLRANGELOOKUP(table, columns, value) -> GEN_SQLRANGELOOKUP(ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Object value, Map<String, char[]> tableVars)
* - table and index always required (the columns(s) describe the index)
* <p>
* possible syntax for the tables/indexes:
* Note that the new framework doesn't use "DBF" anymore, so this translation now removes that suffix if it sees it.
* <p>
* New syntax for tables (first row is always the headers):
* [['header'], ['val1'], ['val2'], ['val3']]
* [['header1', 'header2'], ['val1', 'val2']]
* New syntax for indexes:
* ['table': 'tableX', 'columns' : 'header1']
* ['table': 'tableX', 'columns' : 'header1,header2']
* <p>
* The rule to generate the index names is {TABLE-NAME}_{CONCATENATED-COLUMNS}, so something like TABLE_COL1COL2
public class MethodInvocationExpression extends Expression {
private static final Logger _LOG = LogManager.getLogger(MethodInvocationExpression.class);
private final String _originalMethodName;
private final String _upperCasedMethodName;
private final ArgumentList _arguments;
* The following methods will have the binding added as an extra parameter
private static final Set _REQUIRE_BINDING = new HashSet<>();
static {
* All Genedits methods
private static final Set _ALL_METHODS = new HashSet<>();
static {
_ALL_METHODS.add("NOOP"); // not really a Genedits method, used internally
* Not supported Genedits methods
private static final Set _NON_SUPPORTED_METHODS = new HashSet<>();
static {
private static final Set _PARSED_USED_TABLES = new HashSet<>();
public MethodInvocationExpression(String methodName, ArgumentList arguments) {
_LOG.debug("new MethodInvocationExpression(" + methodName + ", " + arguments + ")");
_originalMethodName = methodName;
_upperCasedMethodName = methodName.toUpperCase();
if ("BINLOOKUP".equals(_upperCasedMethodName))
throw new RuntimeException("BINLOOKUP was supposed to be retired in new framework!");
_arguments = arguments;
if (_upperCasedMethodName.endsWith("LOOKUP")) {
String rawTableName = null;
if (_upperCasedMethodName.equals("LOOKUP") || _upperCasedMethodName.equals("RLOOKUP") || _upperCasedMethodName.equals("ILOOKUP"))
rawTableName = ((LiteralExpression)arguments.getExpressions().get(1)).getLiteral();
else if (_upperCasedMethodName.equals("SQLLOOKUP") || _upperCasedMethodName.equals("SQLRANGELOOKUP"))
rawTableName = ((LiteralExpression)arguments.getExpressions().get(0)).getLiteral();
if (rawTableName != null)
_PARSED_USED_TABLES.add(StringUtils.split(rawTableName.substring(1, rawTableName.length() - 1).toUpperCase().replace(".DBF", ""), '.')[0]);
public void generateGroovy(StringBuilder buf, EditTranslationContext tContext) {
if (isInternalMethod(_upperCasedMethodName)) {
if (_NON_SUPPORTED_METHODS.contains(_upperCasedMethodName))
throw new RuntimeException("This edit uses a function call that has not been implemented: " + _upperCasedMethodName);
// lookup calls are special/complex, let's deal with them separately...
if (_upperCasedMethodName.equals("LOOKUP") || _upperCasedMethodName.equals("RLOOKUP") || _upperCasedMethodName.equals("ILOOKUP"))
generateArgumentsForOldLookups(tContext, buf, _arguments.getExpressions());
else if (_upperCasedMethodName.equals("SQLLOOKUP") || _upperCasedMethodName.equals("SQLRANGELOOKUP"))
generateArgumentsForNewLookups(tContext, buf, _arguments.getExpressions());
else {
StringBuilder argBuf = new StringBuilder();
// add extra binding parameter to some of the calls
if (_REQUIRE_BINDING.contains(_upperCasedMethodName))
argBuf.append("binding, ");
// iterate over the arguments and translate them one by one
for (int i = 0; i < _arguments.getExpressions().size(); i++) {
StringBuilder exp = new StringBuilder();
_arguments.getExpressions().get(i).generateGroovy(exp, tContext);
String expStr = exp.toString();
// special case for INLIST and MATCH, translate the regex
if ((i == 2 && "INLIST".equals(_upperCasedMethodName)) || (i == 1 && "MATCH".equals(_upperCasedMethodName)))
argBuf.append("\"").append(GeneditsRegexUtils.translateRegex(expStr.substring(1, expStr.length() - 1)).replace("\\", "\\\\")).append("\", ");
// some of the functions use message numbers, replace those with the actual message
else if (("ERROR_MSG".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) || "SAVE_ERROR_TEXT".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) || "SAVE_WARNING_TEXT".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) || "SET_WARNING".equals(
_upperCasedMethodName) || "SET_ERROR".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) || "ERROR_TEXT".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) || "SAVE_TEXT".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) ||
"USR2".equals(_upperCasedMethodName)) && i == 0) {
// ERROR_TEXT and SAVE_TEXT use raw messages; others reference a message number
if ("ERROR_TEXT".equals(_upperCasedMethodName) || "SAVE_TEXT".equals(_upperCasedMethodName)) {
if (expStr.startsWith("\"") && expStr.endsWith("\"")) {
String msgValue = expStr.substring(1, expStr.length() - 1);
// replace %F by the field name and %V by the value
argBuf.append("'").append(MetafileUtils.fixMessage(msgValue, tContext.getEdit(), false).replace("'", "\\'")).append("', ");
else // must be a local variable
argBuf.append(expStr).append(", ");
else {
MetafileMessage msg = null;
for (MetafileMessage m : tContext.getEdit().getMessages())
if (m.getNumber() != null && m.getNumber().toString().equals(expStr))
msg = m;
if (msg == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find message #" + expStr + " on " + tContext.getEdit().getName());
// replace %F by the field name and %V by the value
argBuf.append("'").append(MetafileUtils.fixMessage(msg.getMessage(), tContext.getEdit(), false).replace("'", "\\'")).append("', ");
argBuf.append(expStr).append(", ");
if (argBuf.length() > 0) {
buf.setLength(buf.length() - 2);
else {
// the method is an internal function; let's replace the call with the entire logic of the function; I hate doing that, but they have a very peculiar way of defining functions:
// functions can access and modify variables that are defined in the main method (so those variables are global); that doesn't work well with statically compiled Groovy...
Statements functionStatements = tContext.getFunctions().get(_upperCasedMethodName);
if (functionStatements == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find function " + _originalMethodName);
buf.append(tContext.getCurrentFunctionIndentation()).append("// *** START function call ").append(_originalMethodName).append("()\n");
functionStatements.generateGroovy(buf, tContext, tContext.getCurrentFunctionIndentation());
buf.append(tContext.getCurrentFunctionIndentation()).append("// *** END function call ").append(_originalMethodName).append(
"()"); // no trailing new line because it will be added by the code handling a method call...
private void generateArgumentsForOldLookups(EditTranslationContext tContext, StringBuilder buf, List arguments) {
// (value, table/index) -> (Object value, ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Map tableVars)
if (arguments.size() != 2)
throw new RuntimeException("Was expecting 2 arguments for old lookup call, but got " + arguments.size());
if (tContext.getTables() == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Table information is required for translating lookup calls!");
// value is just translated the "normal" way, by calling generateGroovy on it
arguments.get(0).generateGroovy(buf, tContext);
buf.append(", ");
// table/index is a string, so we have to remove the quotes, and also remove the deprecated DBF if it's there
StringBuilder tableAndIndexBuf = new StringBuilder();
arguments.get(1).generateGroovy(tableAndIndexBuf, tContext);
String tableAndIndex = tableAndIndexBuf.substring(1, tableAndIndexBuf.length() - 1).toUpperCase().replace(".DBF", "");
// in the new framework, they replaced the concept of index by columns; they did that by adding new columns for the existing old index;
// that means doing a lookup on just a table is not really supported anymore (if it is, then it would mean doing a lookup on an index that
// is the concatenation of all the columns, which I could support, but I don't think anybody is doing it, so for now it won't be supported)
int idx = tableAndIndex.indexOf('.');
if (idx == -1)
throw new RuntimeException("Making lookup calls against a table without an index is not supported; found " + tableAndIndex);
// write the table
String tableName = tableAndIndex.substring(0, idx);
MetafileTable table = tContext.getTables().get(tableName);
if (table == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get table " + tableName);
//buf.append("(ContextTable)").append(addPrefix(tableName, tContext)).append(", "); // added a cast to help with static types
buf.append(addPrefix(tableName, tContext)).append(", "); // added a cast to help with static types
// write the index representing the column to use
String columnName = tableAndIndex.substring(idx + 1);
if (!table.getHeaders().contains(columnName))
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get column " + columnName + " on table " + tableName + "; available columns: " + table.getHeaders());
String indexName = tableName + "_" + columnName;
//buf.append("(ContextTableIndex)").append(addPrefix(indexName, tContext)).append(", "); // added a cast to help with static types
buf.append(addPrefix(indexName, tContext)).append(", "); // added a cast to help with static types
List indexColumns = Collections.singletonList(columnName);
// write the tablevars; those a written as a Groovy map where the keys are the column headers and the values are references to the declared tablevars
List tablevarMappings = getTablevarMappings(tContext.getEdit(), table, true);
if (!tablevarMappings.isEmpty())
buf.append("[").append(StringUtils.join(tablevarMappings, ", ")).append("]");
// last but not least, let the translation know that a table/index was used
recordTableUsage(tContext, tableName, indexName, indexColumns, getTablevarMappings(tContext.getEdit(), table, false));
private void generateArgumentsForNewLookups(EditTranslationContext tContext, StringBuilder buf, List arguments) {
// (table, columns, value) -> (ContextTable table, ContextTableIndex index, Object value, Map tableVars)
if (arguments.size() != 3)
throw new RuntimeException("Was expecting 3 arguments for new lookup call, but got " + arguments.size());
if (tContext.getTables() == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Table information is required for translating lookup calls!");
// table is a string, so we have to remove the quotes, and also remove the deprecated DBF if it's there
StringBuilder tableNameBuf = new StringBuilder();
arguments.get(0).generateGroovy(tableNameBuf, tContext);
String tableName = tableNameBuf.substring(1, tableNameBuf.length() - 1).toUpperCase().replace(".DBF", "");
MetafileTable table = tContext.getTables().get(tableName);
if (table == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get table " + tableName);
buf.append("(com.imsweb.validation.entities.ContextTable)").append(addPrefix(tableName, tContext)).append(", "); // added a cast to help with static types
// columns are strings, we also have to remove the quotes; we also have to create an index name ouf of the columns; convention is to use the
// concatenate column names so something like TABLE_COL1COL2
StringBuilder columnNamesBuf = new StringBuilder();
arguments.get(1).generateGroovy(columnNamesBuf, tContext);
String[] columnNames = StringUtils.split(columnNamesBuf.substring(1, columnNamesBuf.length() - 1).toUpperCase().replace(" ", ""), ',');
for (String columnName : columnNames)
if (!table.getHeaders().contains(columnName))
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get column " + columnName + " on table " + tableName + "; available columns: " + table.getHeaders());
String indexName = tableName + "_" + StringUtils.join(columnNames);
buf.append("(com.imsweb.validation.entities.ContextTableIndex)").append(addPrefix(indexName, tContext)).append(", "); // added a cast to help with static types
List indexColumns = Arrays.asList(columnNames);
// value is just translated the "normal" way, by calling generateGroovy on it
arguments.get(2).generateGroovy(buf, tContext);
buf.append(", ");
// write the tablevars; those a written as a Groovy map where the keys are the column headers and the values are references to the declared tablevars
List tablevarMappings = getTablevarMappings(tContext.getEdit(), table, true);
if (!tablevarMappings.isEmpty())
buf.append("[").append(StringUtils.join(tablevarMappings, ", ")).append("]");
// last but not least, let the translation know that a table/index was used
recordTableUsage(tContext, tableName, indexName, indexColumns, getTablevarMappings(tContext.getEdit(), table, false));
private List getTablevarMappings(MetafileEdit edit, MetafileTable table, boolean formatIntoMap) {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
for (String header : table.getHeaders()) {
for (String declaredVar : DeclarationStatement.getDeclaredTableVars()) {
// this is a poor way to implement this optimization but the idea is that if a tablevar is declared but not used anywhere, there is no need to really use it...
if (declaredVar.equalsIgnoreCase(header) && StringUtils.countMatches(edit.getLogic().toLowerCase(), declaredVar.toLowerCase()) > 1) {
if (formatIntoMap)
result.add("'" + header + "':" + declaredVar);
return result;
private void recordTableUsage(EditTranslationContext tContext, String tableName, String indexName, List indexColumns, List tableVarColumns) {
// last but not least, let the translation know that a table/index was used (for old lookups, the index name is also the column name)
TranslationTable tableDto = tContext.getUsedTablesAndIndexes().computeIfAbsent(tableName, TranslationTable::new);
TranslationTableIndex indexDto = tableDto.getIndexes().get(indexName);
if (indexDto == null) {
indexDto = new TranslationTableIndex();
tableDto.getIndexes().put(indexName, indexDto);
else if (!indexDto.getColumns().equals(indexColumns))
throw new RuntimeException("Got two def of same idx on " + tableName + ": " + indexDto.getColumns() + " for " + indexDto.getName() + " and " + indexColumns + " for " + indexName);
String getMethodName() {
return _upperCasedMethodName;
private String addPrefix(String name, EditTranslationContext tContext) {
return "Context." + tContext.getValidatorPrefix() + "_" + name;
public static boolean isInternalMethod(String methodName) {
return _ALL_METHODS.contains(methodName.toUpperCase());
public static Set getParsedUsedTables() {
public static void resetParsedUsedTables() {