com.indix.pail.PailLock.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.indix.pail
import com.indix.pail.PailLockType._
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
* Motivation - When I have some jobs that are reading out of a pail location, consolidator runs and moves the
* files around which causes the job to fail.
* Summary of fix - Multiple READ locks can co-exist, but not more than 1 WRITE lock should exist on any pail root.
* Fix
* - When a Job A starts reading from a pail location, it touches a .LOCK_READ_<g;JOB_NAME> file on the pail root.
* - Consolidator when starting checks for any .LOCK_READ* locks on the pail root before starting. It writes a .LOCK_WRITE_Consolidator
* file and waits until all READ locks are removed.
* - During this if another Job B starts reading of the same pail location, job B waits in a loop until all WRITE locks are removed.
* @param lockType Type of Lock you want to create
* @param component Name of the component
* @param inputDirectory pail root location
* @param lockRecheckInterval pooling interval while waiting on either READ / WRITE locks.
class PailLock(lockType: PailLockType, component: String, inputDirectory: String, lockRecheckInterval: Int = 30000) {
def fileSystem(path: String) = new Path(path).getFileSystem(new Configuration)
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)
val pathToLockFile = inputDirectory + "/" + ".LOCK_" + lockType + "_" + component
def createLockFile() = {
logger.info("Acquiring " + lockType + " lock...")
fileSystem(pathToLockFile).createNewFile(new Path(pathToLockFile))
logger.info("Acquired " + lockType + " lock.")
def acquire() = {
lockType match {
case WRITE => acquireWriteLock()
case READ => acquireReadLock()
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported lock type.")
def release() = {
logger.info("Attempting to release " + lockType + " lock...")
fileSystem(pathToLockFile).delete(new Path(pathToLockFile), false)
logger.info(lockType + " lock was released.")
private def autoReleaseOnExit() = {
fileSystem(pathToLockFile).deleteOnExit(new Path(pathToLockFile))
private def acquireWriteLock() = {
private def acquireReadLock() = {
private def waitUntilLockIsFree(lockPrefix: String) = {
if (fileSystem(inputDirectory).listStatus(new Path(inputDirectory)).exists(_.getPath.toString.contains(lockPrefix))) {
logger.info("Unable to acquire " + lockType + " lock. Entering wait phase...")
while (fileSystem(inputDirectory).listStatus(new Path(inputDirectory)).exists(_.getPath.toString.contains(lockPrefix))) {
private def sleep(interval: Int) = {
object PailLock extends App {
if (args.size != 4) {
println("Usage: ")
val directories = args(2).split(",")
val lockType = args(0).toUpperCase match {
case "READ" => PailLockType.READ
case "WRITE" => PailLockType.WRITE
args(3) match {
case "ACQUIRE" =>
directories.foreach(directory => new PailLock(lockType, args(1), directory).acquire())
case "RELEASE" =>
directories.foreach(directory => new PailLock(lockType, args(1), directory).release())
case _ =>
new RuntimeException("Unsupported lock operation")
object PailLockType {
trait PailLockType
case object WRITE extends PailLockType
case object READ extends PailLockType
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