ui.consumers.util.ftl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<#import "../common/infoIcon.ftl" as cglInfo>
<#macro lagDoc>
<#assign lagDocTooltip>
Difference between topic's log end (latest) offset and consumer group's most recently committed offset.
Lag is number of messages consumer still needs to process before reaching end of topic partition.
<@cglInfo.icon tooltip=lagDocTooltip/>
<#macro lagPercentDoc>
<#assign lagPercentDocTooltip>
Percentage representing how big is lag in terms of size of partition.
→ no lag at all
→ lag is big as partition is
> 100%
→ consumer overflowed past earliest record
→ there is some lag but partition is empty
<@cglInfo.icon tooltip=lagPercentDocTooltip/>