com.seleniumtests.xmldog.Comparator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.seleniumtests.xmldog;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.CDATASection;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.EntityReference;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
* Comparator class containing the Core of XML Comparison Engine.
* Comparison Engine takes each Test Document Node and tries and find the Control/Golden
* Document Node which is a Best fit
public class Comparator implements XMLDogConstants {
private Node _controlNode = null;
private Node _testNode = null;
private Config _config = null;
// List of listeners
private List _listeners = new ArrayList();
private Set _elist = new HashSet();
private boolean _ignoringWhitespace = true;
private boolean _includeNodeValueInXPath = true;
* Default Contructor.
public Comparator() {
this(null, null, new Config());
* Constructor.
* @param controlDoc the Control Document to compare test Document against
* @param testDoc the test Document to be compared for differences
public Comparator(final Node controlNode, final Node testNode, final Config config) {
* if ((controlNode == null) || (testNode == null))
* throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare null node");
_config = config;
_controlNode = controlNode;
_testNode = testNode;
_ignoringWhitespace = config.isIgnoringWhitespace();
_includeNodeValueInXPath = config.includesNodeValuesInXPath();
_listeners.add(new Differences());
* Adds DifferenceListener.
public void addDifferenceListener(final DifferenceListener listener) {
if (listener != null) {
* Overrides DifferenceListener.
* Method will clear all the DifferenceListeners and put only one
* DifferenceListener passed as an argument
public void overrideDifferenceListener(final DifferenceListener listener) {
if (listener != null) {
* Notifies all the DifferenceListeners of the events.
private void notifyDifferenceListeners(final int type, final Node controlNode, final Node testNode,
final String msg) {
if (type == XMLDogConstants.EVENT_NODE_IDENTICAL) {
for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) {
((DifferenceListener) _listeners.get(i)).identicalNodeFound(controlNode, testNode, msg);
} else if (type == XMLDogConstants.EVENT_NODE_SIMILAR) {
for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) {
((DifferenceListener) _listeners.get(i)).similarNodeFound(controlNode, testNode, msg);
} else if (type == XMLDogConstants.EVENT_NODE_MISMATCH) {
for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.size(); i++) {
((DifferenceListener) _listeners.get(i)).nodeNotFound(controlNode, testNode, msg);
} else {
// do nothing
* Sets Control Node.
public void setControlNode(final Node controlNode) {
if (controlNode == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare null node");
_controlNode = controlNode;
* Gets Control Node.
public Node getControlNode() {
return _controlNode;
* Sets Test Node.
public void setTestNode(final Node testNode) {
if (testNode == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot compare null node");
_testNode = testNode;
* Gets Test Node.
public Node getTestNode() {
return _testNode;
* Convenience method to check if the whitespace is being ignored.
protected boolean isIgnoringWhitespace() {
return _config.isIgnoringWhitespace();
* Compares Control and Test nodes.
public Differences compare() {
log("IN comparator compare method");
return compare(getControlNode(), getTestNode());
* Compares nodes and its children recursively.
* @param control the control Node
* @param test the test Node
* @return the Differences between two Nodes
* @see Differences
public Differences compare(final Node controlNode, final Node testNode) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
log("IN the compare(node, node) method");
Node parent = null;
XNode xControlNode =
new XNode(controlNode,
XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlNode, _ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false));
XNode xTestNode =
new XNode(testNode, XMLUtil.generateXPath(testNode, _ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false));
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControlNode, xTestNode, differences);
// For Document type Node
if (testNode.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
log("Test Node is Document Node");
Element controlRoot = ((Document) controlNode).getDocumentElement();
// Element testRoot = ((Document)testNode).getDocumentElement();
if (testNode.hasChildNodes()) {
if (!controlNode.hasChildNodes()) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("/" + testNode.getNodeName() + " is entirely new document");
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.NEW_DOCUMENT, null, xTestNode);
return differences;
} else {
// Get all the Document Children and compare them
differences.add(compareChildNodes(xControlNode, xTestNode));
} else {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("/" + testNode.getNodeName() + " is an empty document");
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.EMPTY_DOCUMENT, xControlNode, xTestNode);
return differences;
} else {
nodeResult = compareSimilarNodes(xControlNode, xTestNode,
new OrderedMap(OrderedMap.TYPE_UNSYNCHRONIZED_MOV));
return differences;
* Compares Nodes similar to the ones which are input and returns the one.
* that is the BEST fit
* OrderedMap is used for information such as which control Nodes are already
* visited and which test Nodes match a given control Node
* For a given test Node and control Node set, similar Nodes are found using the parent
* of the control Node which closely match a given test Node and only the Node matching most
* closely to the test Node is returned
* @param control the control Node
* @param test the test Node
* @param nodeTracker the OrderedMap which contains control Nodes already visited as keys and
* all the matching test Nodes as the values
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two Nodes
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareSimilarNodes(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest, final OrderedMap nodeTracker) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
boolean noSimilarNodes = true; // to indicate no nodes of the type found
boolean unset = true; // to indicate bestfit is uninitialzed
Node control = xControl.getNode();
Node test = xTest.getNode();
XNode xSimilarNode = null;
String similarNodeXPath = null;
NodeResult bestfitNodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
Node parent = control.getParentNode();
log("Parent XPath " + XMLUtil.generateXPath(xControl.getXPath()));
if (parent != null) {
List similarNodes = XMLUtil.getSimilarChildXNodes(parent, test, isIgnoringWhitespace());
Node similarNode = null;
NodeResult nr = null;
if (similarNodes.size() > 0) {
noSimilarNodes = false;
// Later control can be transferred to the App User code, to give them
// control over comparing 2 similar nodes
for (int i = 0; i < similarNodes.size(); i++) {
xSimilarNode = (XNode) similarNodes.get(i);
similarNodeXPath = XMLUtil.generateXPath(xSimilarNode.getNode(),
// For Element type Node
if (test.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Test node is ELEMENT type");
nr = compareElements(xSimilarNode, xTest);
} else
// For Entity Reference Node
if (test.getNodeType() == Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Test node is Entity Reference type");
} else
// For Text Node
if (test.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Test node is TEXT type");
if ((StringUtil.isWhitespaceStr(test.getNodeValue())) && (isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Ignoring WHITE space node");
} else {
nr = compareText(xSimilarNode, xTest);
} else
// For Document Type Node
if (test.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Test node is DOCUMENT TYPE type");
nr = compareDocumentType(xSimilarNode, xTest);
} else
// For Comment Node
if (test.getNodeType() == Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Test node is COMMENT type");
nr = compareComments(xSimilarNode, xTest);
} else
// For CDATA section Node
if (test.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
log("compareSimilarNodes: Test node is CDATA SECTION type");
nr = compareCDATA(xSimilarNode, xTest);
// Make sure bestfitNodeResult has the best result so far
if (nr != null) {
if ((nr.isExactMatch()) || (nr.isUniqueAttrMatch())) {
bestfitNodeResult = nr;
// Continue only if this similarNode (controlNode) has NOT
// been taken already
Object ntObject = null;
boolean shouldBreak = false;
* if(((ntObject = nodeTracker.getElement(similarNode)) instanceof NodeResult) &&
* (!((NodeResult)ntObject).isMatch()))
if ((ntObject = nodeTracker.getElement(similarNode)) == null) {
shouldBreak = true;
} else {
if (ntObject instanceof List) {
List l = (List) ntObject;
for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) {
if (((NodeResult) l.get(j)).isMatch()) {
shouldBreak = true;
if ((ntObject instanceof NodeResult) && (!((NodeResult) ntObject).isMatch())) {
shouldBreak = true;
if (shouldBreak) {
} else {
// Assign first NR as the Best Fit and then compare
if (unset) {
bestfitNodeResult = nr;
unset = false;
// whichever has minimum differences is the best fit
else {
if (nr.getDifferences().size() < bestfitNodeResult.getDifferences().size()) {
bestfitNodeResult = nr;
} else
// If they are equal take the one which is not present in the nodeTracker
if ((nr.getDifferences().size() == bestfitNodeResult.getDifferences().size())
(nodeTracker.getElement(bestfitNodeResult.getControlNode().getNode()) != null)) {
bestfitNodeResult = nr;
} // end for all the similar nodes
// If no similar Nodes found and if its ignoring white space
if (noSimilarNodes) {
if ((isIgnoringWhitespace()) && (XMLUtil.isWhitespaceTextNode(test))) {
// ignore
} else {
// Explicitly set control node to NULL to indicate NO MATCHES found
bestfitNodeResult.setControlNode(new XNode(null, null));
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Added Node: Test Node " + xTest.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.NODE_NOT_FOUND, xControl, xTest);
log("compareSimilarNodes: BestFitNode is " + bestfitNodeResult.toString());
return bestfitNodeResult;
* Compares DocumentType Node.
* @param control the control DOCTYPE Node
* @param test the test DOCTYPE Node
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two DOCTYPE Nodes
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareDocumentType(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
boolean diffName = false;
boolean diffPublicId = false;
boolean diffSysId = false;
DocumentType control = (DocumentType) xControl.getNode();
DocumentType test = (DocumentType) xTest.getNode();
if ((diffName = XMLUtil.areNullorEqual(control.getPublicId(), test.getPublicId(), _ignoringWhitespace,
(diffSysId = XMLUtil.areNullorEqual(control.getSystemId(), test.getSystemId(), _ignoringWhitespace,
(diffPublicId = XMLUtil.areNullorEqual(control.getName(), test.getName(), _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath))) {
// do nothing
} else {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Different DocumentType Node: Current Node " + xTest.getXPath() + " --> Golden Node "
+ xControl.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = null;
if (diffName) {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.DOCTYPE_NAME, xControl, xTest);
} else if (diffSysId) {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_ID, xControl, xTest);
} else if (diffPublicId) {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_ID, xControl, xTest);
return nodeResult;
* Compares Comment Nodes.
* @param control the control Comment Node
* @param test the test Comment Node
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two Comment Nodes
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareComments(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
Comment control = (Comment) xControl.getNode();
Comment test = (Comment) xTest.getNode();
if (!XMLUtil.nodesEqual(control, test, isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Different Comment Node: Current Node" + xTest.getXPath()
" --> Golden Node " + xControl.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.COMMENT_VALUE, xControl, xTest);
} else {
return nodeResult;
* Compares CDATASECTION Nodes.
* @param control the control CDATA Node
* @param test the test CDATA Node
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two CDATA Nodes
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareCDATA(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
CDATASection control = (CDATASection) xControl.getNode();
CDATASection test = (CDATASection) xTest.getNode();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
if (!XMLUtil.nodesEqual(control, test, isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Different CDATA Node : Current Node " + xTest.getXPath()
" --> Golden Node " + xControl.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.CDATA_VALUE, xControl, xTest);
} else {
return nodeResult;
* Compares Entity Reference Nodes.
* @param control the control EntityRef Node
* @param test the test EntityRef Node
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two EntityRef Nodes
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareEntityRefs(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
EntityReference control = (EntityReference) xControl.getNode();
EntityReference test = (EntityReference) xTest.getNode();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
if (!XMLUtil.nodesEqual(control, test, isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
differences.add("Different Comment Node : Current Node " + xTest.getXPath()
" --> Golden Node " + xControl.getXPath());
} else {
return nodeResult;
* Compares Text Nodes.
* @param control the control Text Node
* @param test the test Text Node
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two Text Nodes
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareText(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
Text control = (Text) xControl.getNode();
Text test = (Text) xTest.getNode();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
if (!XMLUtil.nodesEqual(control, test, isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("===> Compare Text is ignoring whitespace " + isIgnoringWhitespace());
System.out.println("=====> Text nodes Control and test ");
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Different Text Node: Current Node " + xTest.getXPath()
" --> Golden Node " + xControl.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.TEXT_VALUE, xControl, xTest);
} else {
return nodeResult;
* Compares Control and Test Element nodes.
* While comparing Element nodes, all the Attributes as well as Children of the Element nodes
* are compared recursively
* @param control the control Element Node
* @param test the test Element Node
* @return the NodeResult containing the Differences between two Element Node subtree
* @see NodeResult
protected NodeResult compareElements(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
Element control = (Element) xControl.getNode();
Element test = (Element) xTest.getNode();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
log("Comparing Elements at Test " + xTest.getXPath() + " Control " + xControl.getXPath());
* Element controlNode = (Element)control.cloneNode(true);
* Element testNode = (Element)test.cloneNode(true);
* String uniqueAttrName = (String)_config.getUniqueAttributeMap().get(testNode.getTagName());
String uniqueAttrName = (String) _config.getUniqueAttributeMap().get(test.getTagName());
// Special case if the nodes are same in the first shot itself
// based on the unique attribute
// if((uniqueAttrName != null) && (XMLUtil.nodesEqual(controlNode, testNode, isIgnoringWhitespace())))
if ((uniqueAttrName != null) && (XMLUtil.nodesEqual(control, test, isIgnoringWhitespace()))) {
/* Next block is identical except I am NOT USING CLONED NODE
* if((controlNode.hasAttributes()) && (testNode.hasAttributes()))
* {
* String testAttrValue = testNode.getAttribute(uniqueAttrName);
* String controlAttrValue = controlNode.getAttribute(uniqueAttrName);
* if ((!testAttrValue.trim().equals("")) && (controlAttrValue.equals(testAttrValue)))
* {
* nodeResult.setUniqueAttrMatch(true);
* return nodeResult;
* }
* }
if ((control.hasAttributes()) && (test.hasAttributes())) {
String testAttrValue = test.getAttribute(uniqueAttrName);
String controlAttrValue = control.getAttribute(uniqueAttrName);
if ((!testAttrValue.trim().equals("")) && (controlAttrValue.equals(testAttrValue))) {
return nodeResult;
reportMissingAttrs(xControl, xTest, differences);
// Compare all the Child Nodes
differences.add(compareChildNodes(xControl, xTest));
// if no differences, its an exact match
if (differences.size() == 0) {
log(" Exact match for Test ELEMENT node " + XMLUtil.getNodeBasics(test)
" with control node " + XMLUtil.getNodeBasics(control));
return nodeResult;
private Differences reportMissingAttrs(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest, final Differences differences) {
boolean includedEmpty = false;
boolean excludedEmpty = false;
List excludedAttrs = null;
List includedAttrs = null;
Element control = (Element) xControl.getNode();
Element test = (Element) xTest.getNode();
String controlNodeXPath = xControl.getXPath();
String testNodeXPath = xTest.getXPath();
log("Comparing Attributes for test " + testNodeXPath + " control " + controlNodeXPath);
Element controlNode = (Element) control.cloneNode(true);
Element testNode = (Element) test.cloneNode(true);
// Since the elementList contains elements with the same name, we only
// need to get this once
excludedAttrs = (List) _config.getExcludedAttributesMap().get(testNode.getTagName());
includedAttrs = (List) _config.getIncludedAttributesMap().get(testNode.getTagName());
if ((includedAttrs == null) || (includedAttrs.size() == 0)) {
includedEmpty = true;
if ((excludedAttrs == null) || (excludedAttrs.size() == 0)) {
excludedEmpty = true;
NamedNodeMap testAttrs = testNode.getAttributes();
NamedNodeMap controlAttrs = controlNode.getAttributes();
NamedNodeMap testAttrsForXPath = test.getAttributes();
NamedNodeMap controlAttrsForXPath = control.getAttributes();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" ********** " + test.getNodeName() + " test node has " + testAttrs.getLength()
+ " attrs ");
System.out.println(" ********** " + control.getNodeName() + " control node has " + controlAttrs.getLength()
+ " attrs ");
// Remove all the excluded attributes, no need to compare them
if (!excludedEmpty) {
for (int i = 0; i < excludedAttrs.size(); i++) {
if (testAttrs != null) {
testAttrs.removeNamedItem((String) excludedAttrs.get(i));
if (controlAttrs != null) {
controlAttrs.removeNamedItem((String) excludedAttrs.get(i));
String testAttrName = null;
Attr testAttrNode = null;
Attr testAttrNodeXPath = null;
Attr controlAttrNode = null;
Attr controlAttrNodeXPath = null;
String controlAttrNodeXPathStr = null;
if (testAttrs != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < testAttrs.getLength(); j++) {
testAttrNode = (Attr) testAttrs.item(j);
testAttrName = testAttrNode.getName();
testAttrNodeXPath = (Attr) testAttrsForXPath.getNamedItem(testAttrName);
// Skip this attribute if its not in the included attrs
if ((!includedEmpty) && (!includedAttrs.contains(testAttrName))) {
String nodeXPath =
XMLUtil.generateXPath(testAttrNode, testNodeXPath, _ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath,
// Skip this attribute if its in the EList
if (_config.isXPathEListEnabled()) {
if (_config.applyEListToSiblings()) {
nodeXPath = XMLUtil.getNoIndexXPath(nodeXPath);
if (_config.getXPathEList().containsKey(nodeXPath)) {
// exclude this if its Xpath is in the EList
if (controlAttrs != null) {
controlAttrNode = (Attr) controlAttrs.getNamedItem(testAttrName);
controlAttrNodeXPath = (Attr) controlAttrsForXPath.getNamedItem(testAttrName);
XNode xTestNode = null;
XNode xControlNode = null;
if (controlAttrNode == null) {
log("Added Attribute: Test node " + nodeXPath);
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("New Attribute added: Test Node " + nodeXPath);
} else {
if (testAttrNode != null) {
xTestNode = new XNode(testAttrNodeXPath,
XMLUtil.generateXPath(testAttrNode, testNodeXPath, _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false));
if (controlAttrNode != null) {
xControlNode = new XNode(controlAttrNodeXPath,
XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlAttrNode, controlNodeXPath, _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false));
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ATTR_NAME_NOT_FOUND, xControlNode,
} else {
if (!controlAttrNode.getValue().equals(testAttrNode.getValue())) {
controlAttrNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlAttrNode, controlNodeXPath,
_ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
log("Different Attributes: Test document Node " + nodeXPath
" --> Control document Node " + controlAttrNodeXPathStr);
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Different Attributes: Current Node " + nodeXPath
" --> Golden Node " + controlAttrNodeXPathStr);
} else {
if (testAttrNode != null) {
xTestNode = new XNode(testAttrNode,
XMLUtil.generateXPath(testAttrNode, testNodeXPath, _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false));
if (controlAttrNode != null) {
xControlNode = new XNode(controlAttrNode,
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ATTR_VALUE, xControlNode, xTestNode);
// Remove Attribute from the Control document, whatever that is left
// in the end didnt exist in the Test document
// If any attributes left unmatched, add them to differences list
if (controlAttrs.getLength() > 0) {
XNode xTestNode = null;
XNode xControlNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < controlAttrs.getLength(); i++) {
controlAttrNode = (Attr) controlAttrs.item(i);
controlAttrNodeXPath = (Attr) controlAttrsForXPath.getNamedItem(controlAttrNode.getName());
testAttrNodeXPath = (Attr) testAttrsForXPath.getNamedItem(controlAttrNode.getName());
controlAttrNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlAttrNodeXPath, controlNodeXPath,
_ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
// Skip this attribute if its in the EList
if (_config.isXPathEListEnabled()) {
if (_config.applyEListToSiblings()) {
controlAttrNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.getNoIndexXPath(controlAttrNodeXPathStr);
if (_config.getXPathEList().containsKey(controlAttrNodeXPathStr)) {
log("Missing Attribute: Test document is missing attribute "
+ XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlAttrNodeXPath, isIgnoringWhitespace()));
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Missing Attribute: Test Node " + controlAttrNodeXPathStr);
} else {
if (testAttrNodeXPath != null) {
xTestNode = new XNode(testAttrNodeXPath,
XMLUtil.generateXPath(testAttrNodeXPath, testNodeXPath, _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false));
if (controlAttrNodeXPath != null) {
xControlNode = new XNode(controlAttrNodeXPath, controlAttrNodeXPathStr);
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ATTR_NAME_NOT_FOUND, xControlNode, xTestNode);
return differences;
* Refactor above function to reduce the complexity and put compare attributes here
* Compares Attribute Nodes
protected NodeResult compareAttributes(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
Differences differences = new Differences();
NodeResult nodeResult = new NodeResult(xControl, xTest, differences);
return nodeResult;
* Compares all the Child Nodes for given Control and Test Nodes recursively.
* Reports differences between the entire subtree till the leaf nodes for
* control and test Nodes
* @param controlNode the control Node
* @param testNode the test Node
* @return the Differences between control Node and test Node
* @see Differences
protected Differences compareChildNodes(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest) {
if ((xControl == null) || (xTest == null)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Test and/or Control Node argument cannot be null");
log("Comparing CHILD Nodes for Test:" + xTest.getXPath() + "-Control:" + xControl.getXPath() + "-");
Differences differences = new Differences();
OrderedMap nodeTracker = new OrderedMap(OrderedMap.TYPE_UNSYNCHRONIZED_MOV);
Node control = xControl.getNode();
Node test = xTest.getNode();
NodeList testChildNodes = null;
NodeList controlChildNodes = null;
Node testChildNode = null;
Node controlChildNode = null;
// Check to see if the Control Node or Test Node has been added
if (control == null) {
if (test != null) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Test Node added at " + xTest.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ADDED_NODE, null, xTest);
return differences;
} else {
return null;
} else {
if (test == null) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Golden Node added at " + xControl.getXPath());
} else {
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ADDED_NODE, xControl, null);
return differences;
// If it came this far, then both control and test are NON NULL
if (test.hasChildNodes()) {
if (control.hasChildNodes()) {
testChildNodes = test.getChildNodes();
controlChildNodes = control.getChildNodes();
NodeResult matchedNodeResult = null;
String testNodeXPath = null;
XNode xControlChildNode = null;
XNode xTestChildNode = null;
String testChildXPath = null;
String controlChildXPath = null;
// For Test Node Child and find a matching Control Node
for (int i = 0; i < testChildNodes.getLength(); i++) {
testChildNode = testChildNodes.item(i);
testChildXPath = XMLUtil.generateXPath(testChildNode, xTest.getXPath(), _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
xTestChildNode = new XNode(testChildNode, testChildXPath);
xTestChildNode.setDepth(xTest.getDepth() + 1);
// If controlChildNode is null, return first child since we are going to get its parent
// and find similar Nodes anyway
controlChildNode = controlChildNodes.item(i) == null ? controlChildNodes.item(0)
: controlChildNodes.item(i);
log("******** controlChildNode " + controlChildNode.getNodeName() + " type "
+ controlChildNode.getNodeType());
controlChildXPath = XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlChildNode, xControl.getXPath(),
_ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
log("compareChildNodes()......controlChildXPath " + controlChildXPath);
xControlChildNode = new XNode(controlChildNode, controlChildXPath);
if (_config.isXPathEListEnabled()) {
testNodeXPath = _config.applyEListToSiblings() ? xTestChildNode.getNoIndexXPath()
: xTestChildNode.getXPath();
if ((XMLUtil.isWhitespaceTextNode(testChildNode)) && (isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
// skip
// Ignore Whitespace only TEXT nodes
log("Ignoring Whitespace Node");
} else if (XMLUtil.isCommentNode(testChildNode) && (_config.isIgnoringComments())) {
// skip
// Ignore Comment nodes
log("Ignoring Comment Node");
} else if ((testNodeXPath != null) && (_config.getXPathEList().containsKey(testNodeXPath))) {
// exclude this if its Xpath is in the EList
log("Ignoring the Node since its XPath entry in EList file");
// Now we need to find Similar control nodes
else {
// Skip the global excluded Elements
if ((testChildNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
(_config.getExcludedElementsSet().contains(testChildNode.getNodeName()))) {
// Skip
log("compareChildNodes: Ignoring element child node at "
+ XMLUtil.generateXPath(testChildNode, isIgnoringWhitespace())
" since its in ignore list");
} else {
matchedNodeResult = compareSimilarNodes(xControlChildNode, xTestChildNode, nodeTracker);
log("CompareChildNodes: Matched node result " + matchedNodeResult.toString());
// Ignore Control nodes for non matched Test nodes
if (matchedNodeResult.getControlNode() != null) {
// Add this matched entry in the nodeTracker
// This is for the scenerio where multiple Test Nodes potentially
// match a given Control Node
nodeTracker.add(matchedNodeResult.getControlNode().getNode(), matchedNodeResult);
} else {
} // end for each test child Node
// Node Tracker contains Control Nodes as keys and Matching Test nodes
// as Objects, these Objects can be List if there are more Test nodes
// for a given Control node
// Go thru the matched Test nodes to see if there are more Test Nodes
// for a given Control Node
// Since potentially many Test Nodes can match one Control Node
Object[] nodeResults = nodeTracker.elements();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeResults.length; i++) {
Object nodeResult = nodeResults[i];
// System.out.println(" i = " + i);
NodeResult minDiffNR = null;
// if its a List its MOV
if (nodeResult instanceof List) {
log("CompareChildNodes: ++++++ Adding child differences from LIST NodeResult "
+ nodeResult.toString());
NodeResult currentNR = null;
minDiffNR = (NodeResult) ((List) nodeResult).get(0);
for (int j = 1; j < ((List) nodeResult).size(); j++) {
currentNR = (NodeResult) ((List) nodeResult).get(j);
// Gather all the Nodes with more Differences
if ((currentNR.getNumDifferences()) < (minDiffNR.getNumDifferences())) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
// If currentNR is an exact match
if (currentNR.getNumDifferences() == 0) {
differences.add("Added Node: Test Node " + minDiffNR.getTestNode().getXPath());
} else {
differences.add("Added Node/Multiple Matches: Current Node "
+ minDiffNR.getTestNode().getXPath()
" seems to match with already matched Golden Node at "
+ minDiffNR.getControlNode().getXPath());
} else {
XNode xTNode = new XNode(minDiffNR.getTestNode().getNode(),
XNode xCNode = new XNode(minDiffNR.getControlNode().getNode(),
Difference diff = null;
if (currentNR.getNumDifferences() == 0) {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ADDED_NODE,
xCNode, xTNode);
} else {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.MULTIPLE_MATCHES_ADDED_NODE,
xCNode, xTNode);
minDiffNR = currentNR;
} else {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
// If minNR is an exact match
if (minDiffNR.getNumDifferences() == 0) {
differences.add("Added Node: Test Node " + currentNR.getTestNode().getXPath());
} else {
differences.add("Added Node/Multiple matches: Current Node "
+ currentNR.getTestNode().getXPath()
" seems to match with already matched Golden Node at "
+ currentNR.getControlNode().getXPath());
} else {
XNode xTNode = new XNode(currentNR.getTestNode().getNode(),
XNode xCNode = new XNode(minDiffNR.getControlNode().getNode(),
Difference diff = null;
if (minDiffNR.getNumDifferences() == 0) {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.ADDED_NODE,
xCNode, xTNode);
} else {
diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.MULTIPLE_MATCHES_ADDED_NODE,
xCNode, xTNode);
// The Node with least differences is now added
// to the list of differences
if ((!_config.isIgnoringOrder())
(minDiffNR.getControlNode().getPosition() != minDiffNR.getTestNode().getPosition())) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Position Mismatch: Current Node " + minDiffNR.getTestNode().getXPath()
+ " at position " + Integer.toString(minDiffNR.getTestNode().getPosition())
" matches " + (minDiffNR.isExactMatch() ? "" : "closely")
" with Golden Node " + minDiffNR.getControlNode().getXPath() + " at position "
+ Integer.toString(minDiffNR.getControlNode().getPosition()));
} else {
differences.add(new Difference(DifferenceConstants.POSITION_MISMATCH,
} else {
NodeResult nr = (NodeResult) nodeResult;
log("compareChildNodes: ++++++ Adding child differences from INDIVIDUAL NodeResult "
+ nodeResult.toString());
if ((!_config.isIgnoringOrder())
(nr.getControlNode().getPosition() != nr.getTestNode().getPosition())) {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add("Position Mismatch: Current Node " + nr.getTestNode().getXPath()
+ " at position " + Integer.toString(nr.getTestNode().getPosition())
" matches " + (nr.isExactMatch() ? "" : "closely")
" with Golden Node " + nr.getControlNode().getXPath() + " at position "
+ Integer.toString(nr.getControlNode().getPosition()));
} else {
differences.add(new Difference(DifferenceConstants.POSITION_MISMATCH,
String controlChildNodeXPathStr = null;
// Go thru the Control Nodes to see if there are unmatched Control nodes
for (int i = 0; i < controlChildNodes.getLength(); i++) {
controlChildNode = controlChildNodes.item(i);
controlChildNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlChildNode, xControl.getXPath(),
_ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
if (!nodeTracker.containsElementKey(controlChildNode)) {
if (_config.applyEListToSiblings()) {
controlChildNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.getNoIndexXPath(controlChildNodeXPathStr);
if (!_config.getXPathEList().containsKey(controlChildNodeXPathStr)) {
reportNodeDifference(new XNode(controlChildNode,
XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlChildNode, xControl.getXPath(), _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false)),
xTest, differences, "Missing Node: Current Node ");
// Report all the Nodes under Test node as being NEWLY added
else {
testChildNodes = test.getChildNodes();
String testChildNodeXPathStr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < testChildNodes.getLength(); i++) {
testChildNode = testChildNodes.item(i);
testChildNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.generateXPath(testChildNode, xTest.getXPath(), _ignoringWhitespace,
_includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
reportNodeDifference(xControl, new XNode(testChildNode, testChildNodeXPathStr),
differences, "Added Node: Test Node ");
} // end else NO control child Nodes
} // end if Test node has Child Nodes
// Report all the Control Nodes as being missing
else {
if (control.hasChildNodes()) {
String controlChildNodeXPathStr = null;
controlChildNodes = control.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < controlChildNodes.getLength(); i++) {
controlChildNode = controlChildNodes.item(i);
controlChildNodeXPathStr = XMLUtil.generateXPath(controlChildNode, xControl.getXPath(),
_ignoringWhitespace, _includeNodeValueInXPath, false);
reportNodeDifference(new XNode(controlChildNode, controlChildNodeXPathStr), xTest,
differences, "Missing Node: Test document is missing node ");
return differences;
* Reports a Node difference, based on the configuration settings.
* @param node the Node to report the Differences for
* @param differences the Differences to which all the differences will be added
* @param msg the Message that will be appended before the actual difference String
private void reportNodeDifference(final XNode xControl, final XNode xTest, final Differences differences,
final String msg) {
Node control = xControl.getNode();
Node test = xTest.getNode();
if ((control == null) && (test == null)) {
XNode node = control == null ? xTest : xControl;
if ((XMLUtil.isWhitespaceTextNode(node.getNode())) && (isIgnoringWhitespace())) {
// skip
} else if (XMLUtil.isCommentNode(node.getNode()) && (_config.isIgnoringComments())) {
// skip
// Ignore Comment nodes
} else {
// Skip the excluded Elements
if ((node.getNode().getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
(_config.getExcludedElementsSet().contains(node.getNode().getNodeName()))) {
// Skip
log("Ignoring element child node at " + node.getXPath()
" since its in ignore list");
} else {
if (!_config.isCustomDifference()) {
differences.add(msg + node.getXPath());
} else {
NodeDetail testNodeDetail = null;
NodeDetail controlNodeDetail = null;
Difference diff = new Difference(DifferenceConstants.NODE_NOT_FOUND,
xControl, xTest);
* Prints msg to System.out.
public static void log(final String msg) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Comparator:" + msg);
* Prints msg and Exception to System.out.
public static void log(final String msg, final Throwable t) {
if (DEBUG) {
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