com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.BugTracker Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.FileFilterUtils;
import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.jira.JiraBean;
import com.seleniumtests.connectors.bugtracker.jira.JiraConnector;
import com.seleniumtests.core.SeleniumTestsContextManager;
import com.seleniumtests.core.TestStepManager;
import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ConfigurationException;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.screenshots.ScreenShot;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.logger.Snapshot;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.logger.TestStep;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.reporters.SeleniumTestsReporter2;
import com.seleniumtests.util.FileUtility;
import com.seleniumtests.util.logging.SeleniumRobotLogger;
public abstract class BugTracker {
// options that can be provided as CLI parameters
public static final String BUGTRACKER_TYPE = "bugtrackerType";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_URL = "bugtrackerUrl";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_PROJECT = "bugtrackerProject";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_USER = "bugtrackerUser";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_PASSWORD = "bugtrackerPassword";
// variables that may be specific to each test
public static final String BUGTRACKER_ISSUE_PRIORITY = "bugtracker.priority";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_ISSUE_ASSIGNEE = "bugtracker.assignee";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_ISSUE_REPORTER = "bugtracker.reporter";
public static final String BUGTRACKER_PREFIX = "bugtracker.";
public static final String STEP_KO_PATTERN = "Step %d: ";
protected static Logger logger = SeleniumRobotLogger.getLogger(BugTracker.class);
protected static Map bugtrackerInstances = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private String createIssueSummary(
String application,
String environment,
String testNgName,
String testName) {
return String.format("[Selenium][%s][%s][%s] test %s KO", application, environment, testNgName, testName);
* for tests only
public static void resetBugTrackerInstances() {
bugtrackerInstances = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
* Format description
* For any bugtracker, description is quite simple but it can be improved depending on bug tracker
* /!\ any method overriding this one MUST provide "STEP_KO_PATTERN" in the description because it's used to know if the failed step is the same
* @param testSteps
* @param fullDescription
* @param screenShots
* @return
protected void formatDescription(String testName, List failedSteps, TestStep lastTestStep, String description, StringBuilder fullDescription) {
fullDescription.append(String.format("Test: %s\n", testName));
if (description != null) {
fullDescription.append(String.format("Description: %s\n", description));
if (SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getStartedBy() != null) {
fullDescription.append(String.format("Started by: %s\n", SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getStartedBy()));
for (TestStep failedStep: failedSteps) {
fullDescription.append(String.format("Error step %d (%s): %s\n", failedStep.getPosition(), failedStep.getName(), failedStep.getActionException()));
if (!failedSteps.isEmpty()) {
fullDescription.append("Steps in error\n");
for (TestStep failedStep: failedSteps) {
fullDescription.append(String.format(STEP_KO_PATTERN + "%s\n", failedStep.getPosition(), failedStep.getName()));
fullDescription.append(failedStep.toString() + "\n\n");
fullDescription.append("Last logs\n");
* Creates the file that contains the test report
* @param testName name of the test (name of result folder)
private File createDetailedResultReport(String testName) {
// get HTML report generated by SeleniumTestsReporter2 class
File zipFile = null;
Path outRoot = null;
try {
File resourcesFolder = Paths.get(SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getOutputDirectory(), SeleniumTestsReporter2.RESOURCES_FOLDER).toFile().getAbsoluteFile();
File testResultFolder = Paths.get(SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getOutputDirectory(), testName).toFile().getAbsoluteFile();
outRoot = Files.createTempDirectory("result");
Path tempResourcesFolder = Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(outRoot.toString(), SeleniumTestsReporter2.RESOURCES_FOLDER));
Path tempResultFolder = Files.createDirectory(Paths.get(outRoot.toString(), testName));
IOFileFilter aviFiles = FileFilterUtils.notFileFilter(
FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".avi", null), // exclude video
FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".zip", null) // exclude previous reports
// copy test results
FileUtils.copyDirectory(testResultFolder, tempResultFolder.toFile(), aviFiles);
// copy resources (in some IT, it may not have been created
if (resourcesFolder.exists()) {
FileUtils.copyDirectory(resourcesFolder, tempResourcesFolder.toFile(), aviFiles);
} else {
logger.warn(String.format("Resource folder does not exist %s", resourcesFolder));
// create zip
Path zipOutRoot = Files.createTempDirectory("detailedResult");
zipFile = Paths.get(zipOutRoot.toString(), "detailedResult.zip").toFile();
FileUtility.zipFolder(outRoot.toFile(), zipFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Error while creating detailedResult.zip file", e);
} finally {
if (outRoot != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Error deleting temp %s", outRoot));
return zipFile;
* Create an issue object
* @param testName method name (name of scenario)
* @param description Description of the test. May be null
* @param testSteps Test steps of the scenario
* @param issueOptions options for the new issue
* @return
public IssueBean createIssueBean(
String summary,
String testName,
String description,
List testSteps,
Map issueOptions) {
TestStep lastTestStep = null;
List failedSteps = new ArrayList<>();
for (TestStep testStep: testSteps) {
// "Test end" step should never be considered as failed, because it reflects the overall test result
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(testStep.getFailed())
&& !testStep.isTestEndStep()
&& !testStep.isDisableBugtracker() // if the step has the flag disabling bugtracker, do not count it as failed step
) {
if (testStep.isTestEndStep()) {
lastTestStep = testStep;
// don't create issue if no failed step is present
if (failedSteps.isEmpty()) {
logger.info("No failed steps. It may be due to a failed step marked as disabled for bugtracker");
return null;
// don't create issue if test has not been executed or not completed
if (lastTestStep == null) {
return null;
List screenShots = lastTestStep.getSnapshots().stream()
StringBuilder fullDescription = new StringBuilder();
formatDescription(testName, failedSteps, lastTestStep, description, fullDescription);
File zipFile = null;
// provide detailedResult.zip file only when 'startedBy' is not present. This prevent from sending big reports to bugtracker
if (SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getStartedBy() == null) {
fullDescription.append("\n\nFor more details, see attached .zip file");
zipFile = createDetailedResultReport(testName);
String assignee = issueOptions.get(BUGTRACKER_ISSUE_ASSIGNEE);
String reporter = issueOptions.get(BUGTRACKER_ISSUE_REPORTER);
return createIssueBean(summary, fullDescription.toString(),
failedSteps.isEmpty() ? lastTestStep: failedSteps.get(failedSteps.size() - 1), // take the last failed step as step we will show as failed even if there are several
protected IssueBean createIssueBean(
String summary,
String fullDescription,
String testName,
TestStep lastStep,
String assignee,
String reporter,
List screenShots,
File zipFile,
Map issueOptions) {
return new IssueBean(summary,
* Creates an issue if it does not already exist
* First we search for a similar open issue (same summary)
* If it exists, then we check the step where we failed. If it's the same, we do nothing, else, we update the issue, saying we failed on an other step.
* @param application the tested application
* @param environment the environment where we tested
* @param testNgName name of the TestNG test. Helps to build the summary
* @param testName method name (name of scenario)
* @param description Description of the test. May be null
* @param testSteps Test steps of the scenario
* @param issueOptions options for the new issue
public IssueBean createIssue(
String application,
String environment,
String testNgName,
String testName,
String description,
List testSteps,
Map issueOptions) {
String summary = createIssueSummary(application, environment, testNgName, testName);
IssueBean issueBean = createIssueBean(summary, testName, description, testSteps, issueOptions);
if (issueBean == null) {
return null;
// get index of the last step to know where we failed (issueBean.getTestStep() cannot be null)
int stepIdx = issueBean.getTestStep().getPosition();
// check that an issue does not already exist for the same test / appication / version. Else, complete it if the step is error is not the same
IssueBean currentIssue = issueAlreadyExists(issueBean);
if (currentIssue != null) {
if (currentIssue.getDescription().contains(String.format(STEP_KO_PATTERN, stepIdx))) {
logger.info(String.format("Issue %s already exists", currentIssue.getId()));
} else {
updateIssue(currentIssue.getId(), "Scenario fails on another step " + issueBean.getTestStep().getName(), issueBean.getScreenShots(), issueBean.getTestStep());
return currentIssue;
} else {
logger.info(String.format("Issue %s created", issueBean.getId()));
return issueBean;
* Close issue if it exists
* @param application
* @param environment
* @param testNgName
* @param testName
public void closeIssue(
String application,
String environment,
String testNgName,
String testName) {
String summary = createIssueSummary(application, environment, testNgName, testName);
IssueBean issueBean;
if (this instanceof JiraConnector) {
issueBean = new JiraBean("", summary, "", "", "");
} else {
issueBean = new IssueBean(summary, "", "", null, null, null, null, null);
// Close issue if it exists
IssueBean currentIssue = issueAlreadyExists(issueBean);
if (currentIssue != null) {
closeIssue(currentIssue.getId(), "Test is now OK");
* Check if issue already exists, and if so, returns an updated IssueBean
* @return
public abstract IssueBean issueAlreadyExists(IssueBean issue);
* Update an existing issue with a new message and new screenshots.
* Used when an issue has already been raised, we complete it
* @param issueId Id of the issue
* @param messageUpdate message to add to description
* @param screenShots New screenshots
public abstract void updateIssue(String issueId, String messageUpdate, List screenShots);
public abstract void updateIssue(String issueId, String messageUpdate, List screenShots, TestStep lastFailedStep);
* Create an issue.
* This method should set the id and the accessUrl of the issue inside bean
* @param issueBean
* @return
public abstract void createIssue(IssueBean issueBean);
* Close issue
* @param issueId ID of the issue
* @param closingMessage Message of closing
public abstract void closeIssue(String issueId, String closingMessage);
public static synchronized BugTracker getInstance(String type, String url, String project, String user, String password, Map bugtrackerOptions) {
if (!bugtrackerInstances.containsKey(url) || bugtrackerInstances.get(url) == null) {
if ("jira".equals(type)) {
bugtrackerInstances.put(url, new JiraConnector(url, project, user, password, bugtrackerOptions));
} else if ("fake".equals(type)) {
bugtrackerInstances.put(url, new FakeBugTracker());
} else {
throw new ConfigurationException(String.format("BugTracker type [%s] is unknown, valid values are: ['jira']", type));
return bugtrackerInstances.get(url);
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