com.seleniumtests.core.utils.TestNGResultUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Orignal work: Copyright 2015 www.seleniumtests.com
* Modified work: Copyright 2016 www.infotel.com
* Copyright 2017-2019 B.Hecquet
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.seleniumtests.core.utils;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.annotations.CustomAttribute;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.internal.BaseTestMethod;
import org.testng.internal.TestResult;
import com.seleniumtests.connectors.selenium.SeleniumRobotSnapshotServerConnector;
import com.seleniumtests.connectors.selenium.SeleniumRobotSnapshotServerConnector.SnapshotComparisonResult;
import com.seleniumtests.core.SeleniumTestsContext;
import com.seleniumtests.core.SeleniumTestsContextManager;
import com.seleniumtests.core.TestVariable;
import com.seleniumtests.core.runner.CucumberScenarioWrapper;
import com.seleniumtests.core.testanalysis.ErrorCause;
import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ScenarioException;
import com.seleniumtests.customexception.SeleniumRobotServerException;
import com.seleniumtests.driver.screenshots.SnapshotComparisonBehaviour;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.info.Info;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.logger.Snapshot;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.logger.TestStep;
import com.seleniumtests.reporter.reporters.CommonReporter;
import com.seleniumtests.util.ExceptionUtility;
import com.seleniumtests.util.StringUtility;
import com.seleniumtests.util.logging.SeleniumRobotLogger;
public class TestNGResultUtils {
protected static Logger logger = SeleniumRobotLogger.getLogger(TestNGResultUtils.class);
private static final String UNIQUE_METHOD_NAME = "uniqueMethodName"; // unique name of the test (in case several tests have the same name)
private static final String VISUAL_TEST_NAME = "visualTestName"; // Name that will be displayed in reports for user (HTML and JUnit report)
private static final String TEST_CONTEXT = "testContext";
private static final String LINKED_TEST_METHOD = "linkedTestMethod"; // the test method associated to this configuration method. Obviously, this is null for all test methods
private static final String RETRY = "retry"; // index of the retry
private static final String NO_MORE_RETRY = "noMoreRetry"; // set to true when is not going to be retried
private static final String TEST_INFO = "testInfo";
private static final String SELENIUM_SERVER_REPORT = "seleniumServerReport";// true if the result has already been recorded to the seleniumRobot server
private static final String SELENIUM_SERVER_REPORT_TEST_CASE_SESSION_ID = "seleniumServerReportTcsId"; // ID of the TestCaseInSession when snapshot comparison has been done
private static final String HTML_REPORT = "htmlReport"; // true if the HTML result has already been generated
private static final String TEST_MANAGER_REPORT = "testManagerReport";// true if the result has already been recorded on test manager
private static final String BUGTRACKER_REPORT = "bugtrackerReport";// true if the failure has already been recorded on bugtracker
private static final String CUSTOM_REPORT = "customReport"; // true if the custom result has already been generated
private static final String METHOD_NAME = "methodName"; // name of the test method (or the cucumber scenario)
private static final String SNAPSHOT_COMPARISON_RESULT = "snapshotComparisonResult"; // the result of snapshot comparison, when enabled
private static final String DESCRIPTION = "description"; // description of the test method, if any
private static final String ERROR_CAUSES = "errorCauses"; // list of causes of the test error
private static final String ERROR_CAUSE_IN_LAST_STEP = "errorCauseInLastStep"; // true when we have searched for error cause in the last step
private static final String ERROR_CAUSE_IN_REFERENCE = "errorCauseInReference"; // true when we have searched for error cause by comparing reference picture of the failed step
private TestNGResultUtils() {
// nothing to do
* Copy a TestResult into an other one
* @param toCopy
* @return
* @throws SecurityException
* @throws NoSuchFieldException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
public static ITestResult copy(ITestResult toCopy, String name, String description) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
Field methodNameField = BaseTestMethod.class.getDeclaredField("m_methodName");
ITestNGMethod newMethod = toCopy.getMethod().clone();
methodNameField.set(newMethod, name);
ITestResult newTestResult = TestResult.newTestResultFrom((TestResult) toCopy, newMethod, toCopy.getTestContext(), toCopy.getStartMillis());
for (String attributeName: toCopy.getAttributeNames()) {
newTestResult.setAttribute(attributeName, toCopy.getAttribute(attributeName));
// reset flags of generated results
setHtmlReportCreated(newTestResult, false);
setCustomReportCreated(newTestResult, false);
setSnapshotComparisonResult(newTestResult, ITestResult.SKIP);
// create testResult own context
SeleniumTestsContext newTestContext = new SeleniumTestsContext(getSeleniumRobotTestContext(toCopy), false);
setSeleniumRobotTestContext(newTestResult, newTestContext);
// change name
setTestMethodName(newTestResult, getTestName(newTestResult));
setUniqueTestName(newTestResult, newTestContext.getRelativeOutputDir());
return newTestResult;
* Returns the test name (will be method name for SeleniumTestPlan test and scenario name for cucumber test)
* @param testNGResult
* @return
public static String getTestName(ITestResult testNGResult) {
if (testNGResult == null) {
return null;
if (testNGResult.getParameters().length > 0
&& testNGResult.getParameters()[0] instanceof CucumberScenarioWrapper
// && "com.seleniumtests.core.runner.CucumberTestPlan".equals(testNGResult.getMethod().getTestClass().getName()) // prevents from doing unit tests
) {
return testNGResult.getParameters()[0].toString();
} else {
// issue #137: in case we are in a BeforeMethod, take class name and method name from TestMethod
if (testNGResult.getMethod().isBeforeMethodConfiguration()) {
Method testMethod = (Method)(testNGResult.getParameters()[0]);
return "before-" + testMethod.getName();
} else {
return testNGResult.getMethod().getMethodName();
* Returns a "visual" name for this test.
* In case "testName" is not specified for @Test annotation, then, we return the "unique test name"
* If "testName" is specified, then, we return it, possibly, interpolating string
* @param testNGResult
* @return
public static String getVisualTestName(ITestResult testNGResult) {
if (testNGResult == null) {
return null;
Test testAnnotation = testNGResult.getMethod().getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod().getAnnotation(Test.class);
String testName = getUniqueTestName(testNGResult);
if (testAnnotation != null && !testAnnotation.testName().isEmpty()) {
int i = 0;
for (Object parameter: testNGResult.getParameters()) {
String key = String.format("arg%d", i++);
getSeleniumRobotTestContext(testNGResult).getConfiguration().put(key, new TestVariable(key, parameter.toString()));
testName = StringUtility.interpolateString(testAnnotation.testName(), getSeleniumRobotTestContext(testNGResult));
// store it for usage in reports (velocity access the attribute directly)
testNGResult.setAttribute(VISUAL_TEST_NAME, testName);
return testName;
* Generate a String which is unique for each combination of suite/testNG test/class/test method/parameters
* @return
public static String getHashForTest(ITestResult testNGResult) {
String uniqueIdentifier;
if (testNGResult != null) {
String suiteName = testNGResult.getTestContext().getSuite().getName();
String xmlTestName = testNGResult.getTestContext().getName();
String className = testNGResult.getMethod().getRealClass().getName();
String testMethodName = getTestName(testNGResult);
Object[] testMethodParams = testNGResult.getParameters();
// issue #137: in case we are in a BeforeMethod, take class name and method name from TestMethod
if (testNGResult.getMethod().isBeforeMethodConfiguration()) {
Method testMethod = (Method)(testNGResult.getParameters()[0]);
className = testMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName();
testMethodName = "before-" + testMethod.getName();
testMethodParams = testMethod.getParameters();
String testNameModified = StringUtility.replaceOddCharsFromFileName(testMethodName);
uniqueIdentifier = suiteName
+ "-" + xmlTestName
+ "-" + className
+ "-" + testNameModified
+ "-" + Arrays.hashCode(testMethodParams);
} else {
uniqueIdentifier = "null-null-null-null-0";
return uniqueIdentifier;
* Returns the unique test name (it's the test name as returned by {@link TestNGResultUtils.getTestName()}) plus an index depending on the execution order of the method
* (This index is calculated in {@link SeleniumTestsContext.hashTest()}. Resulting name is the folder name and becomes the unique test name, put into testResult attributes
* @return
public static String getUniqueTestName(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (String) testNGResult.getAttribute(UNIQUE_METHOD_NAME);
public static void setUniqueTestName(ITestResult testNGResult, String name) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(UNIQUE_METHOD_NAME, name);
public static String getTestMethodName(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (String) testNGResult.getAttribute(METHOD_NAME);
public static void setTestMethodName(ITestResult testNGResult, String name) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(METHOD_NAME, name);
public static ITestNGMethod getLinkedTestMethod(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (ITestNGMethod) testNGResult.getAttribute(LINKED_TEST_METHOD);
public static void setLinkedTestMethod(ITestResult testNGResult, ITestNGMethod testMethod) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(LINKED_TEST_METHOD, testMethod);
public static SeleniumTestsContext getSeleniumRobotTestContext(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (SeleniumTestsContext) testNGResult.getAttribute(TEST_CONTEXT);
public static void setSeleniumRobotTestContext(ITestResult testNGResult, SeleniumTestsContext context) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(TEST_CONTEXT, context);
// number of retry already done
public static Integer getRetry(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (Integer) testNGResult.getAttribute(RETRY);
public static void setRetry(ITestResult testNGResult, Integer retry) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(RETRY, retry);
// TestCaseInSession id as stored in snapshot server
public static Integer getSnapshotTestCaseInSessionId(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (Integer) testNGResult.getAttribute(SELENIUM_SERVER_REPORT_TEST_CASE_SESSION_ID);
public static void setSnapshotTestCaseInSessionId(ITestResult testNGResult, Integer sessionId) {
// the snapshot comparison result
public static Integer getSnapshotComparisonResult(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (Integer) testNGResult.getAttribute(SNAPSHOT_COMPARISON_RESULT);
public static void setSnapshotComparisonResult(ITestResult testNGResult, int result) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(SNAPSHOT_COMPARISON_RESULT, result);
// did we already recorded this result to the server
public static boolean isSeleniumServerReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, SELENIUM_SERVER_REPORT);
public static void setSeleniumServerReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean recordedToServer) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(SELENIUM_SERVER_REPORT, recordedToServer);
* @param testNGResult
* @return true if the result has already been recorded to test manager
public static boolean isTestManagerReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, TEST_MANAGER_REPORT);
public static void setTestManagereportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean recordedToServer) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(TEST_MANAGER_REPORT, recordedToServer);
public static boolean isBugtrackerReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, BUGTRACKER_REPORT);
public static void setBugtrackerReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean recordedToServer) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(BUGTRACKER_REPORT, recordedToServer);
* @param testNGResult
* @return true if the HTML result has already been created for this result
public static boolean isHtmlReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, HTML_REPORT);
public static void setHtmlReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean recordedToServer) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(HTML_REPORT, recordedToServer);
* @param testNGResult
* @return true if the Custom result has already been created for this result
public static boolean isCustomReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, CUSTOM_REPORT);
public static void setCustomReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean recordedToServer) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(CUSTOM_REPORT, recordedToServer);
private static boolean isReportCreated(ITestResult testNGResult, String attributeName) {
Boolean alreadyCreated = (Boolean) testNGResult.getAttribute(attributeName);
if (alreadyCreated == null) {
return false;
} else {
return alreadyCreated;
* whether retry will be allowed for this test
* @param testNGResult
* @return true if no more retry is planned (test is finally failed) or when test is sucessful
* false if test has failed and will be retried (current status is then skipped)
* null if we never ask for a retry for this test
public static Boolean getNoMoreRetry(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return (Boolean) testNGResult.getAttribute(NO_MORE_RETRY);
public static void setNoMoreRetry(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean noMoreRetry) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(NO_MORE_RETRY, noMoreRetry);
// information about test
public static Map getTestInfo(ITestResult testNGResult) {
Map testInfo = (Map) testNGResult.getAttribute(TEST_INFO);
if (testInfo != null) {
return testInfo;
} else {
return new HashMap<>();
* returns test information encoded in the requested format
* @param testNGResult
* @param format either "xml", "json", "html", "csv"
* @return
public static Map getTestInfoEncoded(ITestResult testNGResult, String format) {
Map encodedTestInfos = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry infoEntry: getTestInfo(testNGResult).entrySet()) {
encodedTestInfos.put(StringUtility.encodeString(infoEntry.getKey(), format.toLowerCase()),
return encodedTestInfos;
public static void setTestInfo(ITestResult testNGResult, String key, Info value) {
Map testInfo = (Map) testNGResult.getAttribute(TEST_INFO);
if (testInfo == null) {
testInfo = new HashMap<>();
testInfo.put(key, value);
testNGResult.setAttribute(TEST_INFO, testInfo);
* Returns the ID of the test case for this test result or null if it's not defined
* It assumes that test method has been annotated with 'testId' custom attribute {@code @Test(attributes = {@CustomAttribute(name = "testId", values = "12")})}
public static Integer getTestCaseId(ITestResult testNGResult) {
for (CustomAttribute customAttribute: testNGResult.getMethod().getAttributes()) {
if ("testId".equals(customAttribute.name()) && customAttribute.values().length > 0) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(customAttribute.values()[0]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Could not parse %s as int for getting testId of test method %s", customAttribute.values()[0], testNGResult.getMethod().getMethodName()));
return null;
* Returns the test description, interpolating variable
* @param testNGResult
* @return
public static String getTestDescription(ITestResult testNGResult) {
int i = 0;
for (Object parameter: testNGResult.getParameters()) {
String key = String.format("arg%d", i++);
getSeleniumRobotTestContext(testNGResult).getConfiguration().put(key, new TestVariable(key, parameter == null ? "null" : parameter.toString()));
String description = StringUtility.interpolateString(testNGResult.getMethod().getDescription(), getSeleniumRobotTestContext(testNGResult));
testNGResult.setAttribute(DESCRIPTION, description); // store it so that it's used in reports
return description;
* Change the test result when snapshot comparison fails
* @param testResult
public static void changeTestResultWithSnapshotComparison(final ITestResult testResult) {
if (testResult.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE // test is already failed
|| !Boolean.TRUE.equals(SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getSeleniumRobotServerActive())
|| SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getSeleniumRobotServerCompareSnapshotBehaviour() == SnapshotComparisonBehaviour.DISPLAY_ONLY // as the comparison result is only displayed, do not retry
|| SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getSeleniumRobotServerCompareSnapshotBehaviour() == SnapshotComparisonBehaviour.ADD_TEST_RESULT // complicated to set the test failed, and then success again
|| !SeleniumTestsContextManager.getGlobalContext().getSeleniumRobotServerCompareSnapshot()) {
SeleniumRobotSnapshotServerConnector serverConnector = SeleniumRobotSnapshotServerConnector.getInstance();
List testSteps = getSeleniumRobotTestContext(testResult).getTestStepManager().getTestSteps();
if (testSteps == null) {
for (TestStep testStep: testSteps) {
for (Snapshot snapshot: new ArrayList<>(testStep.getSnapshots())) {
if (snapshot.getCheckSnapshot().recordSnapshotOnServerForComparison()) {
if (snapshot.getName() == null || snapshot.getName().isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Snapshot hasn't any name, it won't be sent to server");
try {
SnapshotComparisonResult comparisonResult = serverConnector.checkSnapshotHasNoDifferences(snapshot, CommonReporter.getTestCaseName(testResult), testStep.getName());
if (comparisonResult == SnapshotComparisonResult.KO) {
testResult.setThrowable(new ScenarioException("Snapshot comparison failed"));
// move test from passedTests to failedTests if test is not already in failed tests
if (testResult.getTestContext().getPassedTests().getAllMethods().contains(testResult.getMethod())) {
testResult.getTestContext().getFailedTests().addResult(testResult, testResult.getMethod());
} catch (SeleniumRobotServerException e) {
logger.error("Could not create snapshot on server", e);
* In case test result is SUCCESS but some softAssertions were raised, change test result to
* @param result
public static void changeTestResultWithSoftAssertion(ITestResult result) {
List verificationFailures = SeleniumTestsContextManager.getThreadContext().getVerificationFailures(Reporter.getCurrentTestResult());
int size = verificationFailures.size();
if (size == 0 || result.getStatus() == ITestResult.FAILURE) {
if (size == 1) {
} else {
StringBuilder stackString = new StringBuilder("!!! Many Test Failures (").append(size).append(")\n\n");
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
ExceptionUtility.generateTheStackTrace(verificationFailures.get(i), String.format("%n.%nFailure %d of %d%n", i + 1, size), stackString, "text");
Throwable last = verificationFailures.get(size - 1);
stackString.append(String.format("%n.%nFailure %d of %d%n", size, size));
// set merged throwable
Throwable merged = new AssertionError(stackString.toString());
// move test from passedTests to failedTests if test is not already in failed tests
if (result.getTestContext().getPassedTests().getAllMethods().contains(result.getMethod())) {
result.getTestContext().getFailedTests().addResult(result, result.getMethod());
public static List getErrorCauses(ITestResult testNGResult) {
if (testNGResult.getAttribute(ERROR_CAUSES) == null) {
return new ArrayList<>();
} else {
return (List) testNGResult.getAttribute(ERROR_CAUSES);
* Store the list of detected error causes
* @param testNGResult
* @param errorCauses
public static void setErrorCauses(ITestResult testNGResult, List errorCauses) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(ERROR_CAUSES, errorCauses);
public static boolean isErrorCauseSearchedInLastStep(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, ERROR_CAUSE_IN_LAST_STEP);
public static void setErrorCauseSearchedInLastStep(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean errorCauseInLastStep) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(ERROR_CAUSE_IN_LAST_STEP, errorCauseInLastStep);
public static boolean isErrorCauseSearchedInReferencePicture(ITestResult testNGResult) {
return isReportCreated(testNGResult, ERROR_CAUSE_IN_REFERENCE);
public static void setErrorCauseSearchedInReferencePicture(ITestResult testNGResult, Boolean errorCauseInReferencePicture) {
testNGResult.setAttribute(ERROR_CAUSE_IN_REFERENCE, errorCauseInReferencePicture);
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