com.seleniumtests.util.imaging.ImageDetector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Orignal work: Copyright 2015 www.seleniumtests.com
* Modified work: Copyright 2016 www.infotel.com
* Copyright 2017-2019 B.Hecquet
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.seleniumtests.util.imaging;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.opencv.calib3d.Calib3d;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.Core.MinMaxLocResult;
import org.opencv.core.CvType;
import org.opencv.core.DMatch;
import org.opencv.core.KeyPoint;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfByte;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfDMatch;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfKeyPoint;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorExtractor;
import org.opencv.features2d.DescriptorMatcher;
import org.opencv.features2d.FeatureDetector;
import org.opencv.features2d.Features2d;
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import org.openqa.selenium.Rectangle;
import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ConfigurationException;
import com.seleniumtests.customexception.ImageSearchException;
import com.seleniumtests.util.logging.SeleniumRobotLogger;
* Class made for detecting an image inside an other one
* It uses openCV to look for the objectImage inside the sceneImage
* Rotations and resizing are supported
* @author behe
public class ImageDetector {
private Rectangle detectedRectangle;
private boolean computed = false;
private long rotationAngle;
private File sceneImage;
private File objectImage;
private boolean debug = false;
private double detectionThreshold = 0.05;
private Mat imgMatch = new Mat();
private double sizeRatio;
private static Logger logger = SeleniumRobotLogger.getLogger(ImageDetector.class);
// load openCV
// In case of "UnsatisfiedLinkError, library already loaded in another class loader", during unit tests, check that
// this class or a calling one is not "prepared" through PowerMockito (which reloads the class in another class loader)
static {
class TemplateMatchProperties {
private Point matchLoc;
private Integer matchScale;
private Double matchValue;
private boolean active;
public TemplateMatchProperties() {
matchLoc = null;
matchScale = null;
matchValue = null;
active = false;
public TemplateMatchProperties(Point loc, Double value, Integer scale) {
matchLoc = loc;
matchScale = scale;
matchValue = value;
active = true;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s - %s: %.2f", matchLoc, matchScale, matchValue);
public Double getDoubleScale() {
return matchScale != null ? matchScale / 1000.0: null;
public Point getMatchLoc() {
return matchLoc;
public Integer getMatchScale() {
return matchScale;
public Double getMatchValue() {
return matchValue;
public boolean isActive() {
return active;
public void setActive(boolean active) {
this.active = active;
* Allow to test Image matching directly outside of a test
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
ImageDetector detector = new ImageDetector(new File(args[0]), new File(args[1]), new Double(args[2]));
Rectangle detectedObjectRectangle = detector.getDetectedRectangle();
System.out.println(String.format("Detected Zone (Top, Left, Width, Height): (%d, %d, %d, %d)", detectedObjectRectangle.y, detectedObjectRectangle.x, detectedObjectRectangle.width, detectedObjectRectangle.height));
double pictureSizeRatio = detector.getSizeRatio();
System.out.println("Aspect ratio: " + pictureSizeRatio);
public ImageDetector() {
// do nothing, only for test
public ImageDetector(File sceneImage, File objectImage) {
this(sceneImage, objectImage, 0.05);
* Contructor
* @param sceneImage the image in which we want to detect an object
* @param objectImage the object we want to detect
* @param detectionThreshold default: 0.05. A double between 0 and 1. The higher the value is, less precise the detector will be. e.g: with 0.5, it can find matching that do not fully correspond to the searched object.
* increase this value only if the detector cannot find matching
public ImageDetector(File sceneImage, File objectImage, double detectionThreshold) {
if (detectionThreshold < 0 || detectionThreshold > 1) {
throw new ConfigurationException("Image detector threshold MUST be between 0 (very stric in search) and 1 (not stric at all)");
this.detectionThreshold = detectionThreshold;
* Compute the rectangle where the searched picture is and the rotation angle between both images
* Throw {@link ImageSearchException} if picture is not found
* @return
* @Deprecated Kept here for information, but open CV 3 does not include SURF anymore for java build
public void detectCorrespondingZone() {
Mat objectImageMat = Imgcodecs.imread(objectImage.getAbsolutePath(), Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
Mat sceneImageMat = Imgcodecs.imread(sceneImage.getAbsolutePath(), Imgcodecs.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
FeatureDetector surf = FeatureDetector.create(FeatureDetector.SURF);
MatOfKeyPoint objectKeyPoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();
MatOfKeyPoint sceneKeyPoints = new MatOfKeyPoint();
surf.detect(objectImageMat, objectKeyPoints);
surf.detect(sceneImageMat, sceneKeyPoints);
DescriptorExtractor surfExtractor = DescriptorExtractor.create(DescriptorExtractor.SURF);
Mat objectDescriptor = new Mat();
Mat sceneDescriptor = new Mat();
surfExtractor.compute(objectImageMat, objectKeyPoints, objectDescriptor);
surfExtractor.compute(sceneImageMat, sceneKeyPoints, sceneDescriptor);
try {
Mat outImage = new Mat();
Features2d.drawKeypoints(objectImageMat, objectKeyPoints, outImage);
File tmpImg = File.createTempFile("img", ".png");
String tempFile = tmpImg.getAbsolutePath();
writeComparisonPictureToFile(tempFile, outImage);
} catch (IOException e) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29828849/flann-for-opencv-java
DescriptorMatcher matcher = DescriptorMatcher.create(DescriptorMatcher.FLANNBASED);
MatOfDMatch matches = new MatOfDMatch();
if (objectKeyPoints.toList().isEmpty()) {
throw new ImageSearchException("No keypoints in object to search, check it's not uniformly coloured: " + objectImage.getAbsolutePath());
if (sceneKeyPoints.toList().isEmpty()) {
throw new ImageSearchException("No keypoints in scene, check it's not uniformly coloured: " + sceneImage.getAbsolutePath());
if (objectDescriptor.type() != CvType.CV_32F) {
objectDescriptor.convertTo(objectDescriptor, CvType.CV_32F);
if (sceneDescriptor.type() != CvType.CV_32F) {
sceneDescriptor.convertTo(sceneDescriptor, CvType.CV_32F);
matcher.match( objectDescriptor, sceneDescriptor, matches );
double maxDist = 0;
double minDist = 10000;
for( int i = 0; i < objectDescriptor.rows(); i++ ) {
double dist = matches.toList().get(i).distance;
if ( dist < minDist ) {
minDist = dist;
if( dist > maxDist ) {
maxDist = dist;
logger.debug("-- Max dist : " + maxDist);
logger.debug("-- Min dist : " + minDist);
LinkedList goodMatches = new LinkedList<>();
MatOfDMatch gm = new MatOfDMatch();
for(int i = 0; i < objectDescriptor.rows(); i++){
if(matches.toList().get(i).distance < detectionThreshold){
Features2d.drawMatches(objectImageMat, objectKeyPoints, sceneImageMat, sceneKeyPoints,
gm, imgMatch, Scalar.all(-1), Scalar.all(-1), new MatOfByte(), Features2d.NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS);
if (goodMatches.isEmpty()) {
throw new ImageSearchException("Cannot find matching zone");
LinkedList objList = new LinkedList<>();
LinkedList sceneList = new LinkedList<>();
List objectKeyPointsList = objectKeyPoints.toList();
List sceneKeyPointsList = sceneKeyPoints.toList();
for(int i = 0; i matches = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
Map scaleSteps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (scaleImage) {
scaleSteps.put(100, Math.max(0.1, 0.6 - detectionThreshold));
scaleSteps.put(50, Math.max(0.1, 0.7 - detectionThreshold));
scaleSteps.put(25, Math.max(0.1, 0.8 - detectionThreshold));
} else {
scaleSteps.put(100, Math.max(0.1, 0.8 - detectionThreshold));
int currentStep = 100;
Set computedScales = new HashSet<>();
while (currentStep >= 25) {
final double currentThreshold = scaleSteps.get(currentStep);
// first loop
Set localScales = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<>());
if (currentStep == 100 && scaleImage) {
for (int scale=200; scale < 1200; scale += currentStep) {
// no scaling requested, keep only 100%
} else if (currentStep == 100) {
} else {
if (matches.isEmpty()) {
throw new ImageSearchException("no matches");
for (TemplateMatchProperties tmpM: matches) {
if (tmpM.isActive()) {
localScales.add(tmpM.getMatchScale() - currentStep);
localScales.add(tmpM.getMatchScale() + currentStep);
// extract the matching from images, for each scale
extractMatching(sceneImageMat, objectImageMat, matches, computedScales, currentThreshold, localScales);
// shortcut if we find a very good match
double cleanThreshold = currentThreshold;
matches.sort((TemplateMatchProperties t1, TemplateMatchProperties t2) -> t1.getMatchValue().compareTo(t2.getMatchValue()));
Collections.reverse(matches); // reverse the list as we want the first element to be the best match
if (!matches.isEmpty() && matches.get(0).getMatchValue() > 0.9) {
cleanThreshold = 0.9;
currentStep = Math.min(currentStep, 50);
currentStep = currentStep / 2;
// clean matches from too low matching values
for (TemplateMatchProperties t: matches) {
if (t.getMatchValue() < cleanThreshold) {
// if scaling is not requested, stop here
if (!scaleImage) {
// get the best match
matches.sort((TemplateMatchProperties t1, TemplateMatchProperties t2) -> t1.getMatchValue().compareTo(t2.getMatchValue()));
Collections.reverse(matches); // reverse the list as we want the first element to be the best match
if (!matches.isEmpty()) {
TemplateMatchProperties bestMatch = matches.get(0);
if (bestMatch.getMatchValue() < 1 - detectionThreshold) {
throw new ImageSearchException(String.format("No match found for threshold %.2f, match found with value %.2f", 1 - detectionThreshold, bestMatch.getMatchValue()));
detectedRectangle = new Rectangle((int)(bestMatch.getMatchLoc().x / bestMatch.getDoubleScale()),
(int)(bestMatch.getMatchLoc().y / bestMatch.getDoubleScale()),
(int)(objectImageMat.rows() / bestMatch.getDoubleScale()),
(int)(objectImageMat.cols() / bestMatch.getDoubleScale()));
if (debug) {
try {
Imgproc.rectangle(sceneImageMat, new Point(detectedRectangle.x, detectedRectangle.y), new Point(detectedRectangle.x + detectedRectangle.width,
detectedRectangle.y + detectedRectangle.height), new Scalar(0, 255, 0));
} catch (IOException e) {
rotationAngle = 0;
sizeRatio = detectedRectangle.width / (double)objectImageMat.cols();
} else {
throw new ImageSearchException("no matching has been found");
* Extract matching in parallel
* @param sceneImageMat
* @param objectImageMat
* @param matches
* @param computedScales
* @param currentThreshold
* @param localScales
private void extractMatching(Mat sceneImageMat, Mat objectImageMat, List matches,
Set computedScales, final double currentThreshold, Set localScales) {
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
for (int scale: localScales) {
if (computedScales.contains(scale)) {
// resize to scale factor
final int localScale = scale;
Size sz = new Size(sceneImageMat.cols() * scale / 1000.0, sceneImageMat.rows() * localScale / 1000.0);
// skip if resized image is smaller than object
if (sz.width < objectImageMat.cols() || sz.height < objectImageMat.rows()) {
executorService.submit(() -> {
Mat resizeSceneImageMat = new Mat();
Imgproc.resize( sceneImageMat, resizeSceneImageMat, sz );
try {
TemplateMatchProperties match = detectExactZone2(resizeSceneImageMat, objectImageMat, localScale, currentThreshold);
} catch (ImageSearchException e) {
// no match found
try {
executorService.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.info("Could not compute scale within 10 seconds", e);
private MinMaxLocResult getBestTemplateMatching(int matchMethod, Mat sceneImageMat, Mat objectImageMat) {
// / Create the result matrix
int resultCols = sceneImageMat.cols() - objectImageMat.cols() + 1;
int resultRows = sceneImageMat.rows() - objectImageMat.rows() + 1;
Mat result = new Mat(resultRows, resultCols, CvType.CV_32FC1);
// / Do the Matching and Normalize
Imgproc.matchTemplate(sceneImageMat, objectImageMat, result, matchMethod);
// / Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc
return Core.minMaxLoc(result);
* This method uses template matching for exact comparison
* It means that no resizing or rotation can be detected
* @throws IOException
private TemplateMatchProperties detectExactZone2(Mat sceneImageMat, Mat objectImageMat, int scale, double threshold) {
// with this match method, higher value is better. TM_SQDIFF would imply lower as better
int matchMethod = Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED;
MinMaxLocResult mmr = getBestTemplateMatching(matchMethod, sceneImageMat, objectImageMat);
if (mmr.maxVal < threshold) {
throw new ImageSearchException("match not found");
return new TemplateMatchProperties(mmr.maxLoc, mmr.maxVal, scale);
* returns angle between vectors defined by 2 points
* @param vec1p1 first point of first vector
* @param vec1p2 second point of first vector
* @param vec2p1 first point of second vector
* @param vec2p2 second point of second vector
* @return an angle between 0 and 360°
protected long getAngleBetweenVectors(Point vec1p1, Point vec1p2, Point vec2p1, Point vec2p2) {
long realAngle = (Math.round(Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(vec1p2.y - vec1p1.y, vec1p2.x - vec1p1.x)
- Math.atan2(vec2p2.y - vec2p1.y, vec2p2.x - vec2p1.x))) + 360) % 360;
long approximateAngle = (realAngle + 1) % 90;
// for angles near a multiple of 90 (1° of tolerance), return an angle of 0, 90, 180 or 270
if (approximateAngle < 3) {
return realAngle - approximateAngle + 1;
} else {
return realAngle;
* Check that rotation angle between object and zone detected in scene is a multiple of 90°
* @param p1 corner corresponding to top left corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p2 corner corresponding to top right corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p3 corner corresponding to bottom right corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p4 corner corresponding to bottom left corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param po1 top left corner of object picture
* @param po2 top right corner of object picture
* @param po3 bottom right corner of object picture
* @param po4 bottom left corner of object picture
protected void checkRotationAngle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4, Point po1, Point po2, Point po3, Point po4) {
rotationAngle = getAngleBetweenVectors(p1, p2, po1, po2);
if (rotationAngle % 90 != 0) {
throw new ImageSearchException("only rotations of 90, 180 or 270 are supported");
logger.debug("rotation angle is " + rotationAngle);
// check that the translated zone is a rectangle
if (getAngleBetweenVectors(p2, p3, po2, po3) != rotationAngle
||getAngleBetweenVectors(p3, p4, po3, po4) != rotationAngle
||getAngleBetweenVectors(p4, p1, po4, po1) != rotationAngle
) {
throw new ImageSearchException("source image transform does not produce a rectangle");
* In case angles are not strictly multiples of 90°, move points so that we have a real rectangle
* @param p1
* @param p2
* @param p3
* @param p4
protected void reworkOnScenePoints(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4) {
if (rotationAngle == 0 || rotationAngle == 180) {
p1.y = p2.y = (p1.y + p2.y) / 2;
p3.y = p4.y = (p3.y + p4.y) / 2;
p1.x = p4.x = (p1.x + p4.x) / 2;
p2.x = p3.x = (p2.x + p3.x) / 2;
} else {
p1.y = p4.y = (p1.y + p4.y) / 2;
p2.y = p3.y = (p3.y + p2.y) / 2;
p1.x = p2.x = (p1.x + p2.x) / 2;
p4.x = p3.x = (p4.x + p3.x) / 2;
* Check aspect ratio between the searched picture (object) and the detected zone in the scene picture
* Width and Height ratios must be the same
* @param p1 corner corresponding to top left corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p2 corner corresponding to top right corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p4 corner corresponding to bottom left corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param po1 top left corner of object picture
* @param po2 top right corner of object picture
* @param po4 bottom left corner of object picture
protected void checkDetectionZoneAspectRatio(Point p1, Point p2, Point p4, Point po1, Point po2, Point po4) {
double widthRatio;
double heightRatio;
if (rotationAngle == 90 || rotationAngle == 270) {
widthRatio = Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y) / Math.abs(po1.x - po2.x);
heightRatio = Math.abs(p1.x - p4.x) / Math.abs(po1.y - po4.y);
} else {
widthRatio = Math.abs(p1.x - p2.x) / Math.abs(po1.x - po2.x);
heightRatio = Math.abs(p1.y - p4.y) / Math.abs(po1.y - po4.y);
if (Math.abs(widthRatio - heightRatio) > 0.1) {
throw new ImageSearchException("Aspect ratio between source and detected image is not the same");
} else {
logger.debug("Transform ratio is " + Math.round(widthRatio * 100) / 100.0);
sizeRatio = widthRatio;
* Record detected zone as a rectangle
* Take into account the rotating angle so that resulting rectangle correspond to points (origin point depends on rotation)
* @param p1 corner corresponding to top left corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p2 corner corresponding to top right corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p3 corner corresponding to bottom right corner of origin possibly rotated
* @param p4 corner corresponding to bottom left corner of origin possibly rotated
protected void recordDetectedRectangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4) {
switch ((int)rotationAngle) {
case 0:
detectedRectangle = new Rectangle((int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)Math.abs(p4.y - p1.y), (int)Math.abs(p2.x - p1.x));
case 90:
detectedRectangle = new Rectangle((int)p4.x, (int)p4.y, (int)Math.abs(p3.y - p4.y), (int)Math.abs(p1.x - p4.x));
case 180:
detectedRectangle = new Rectangle((int)p3.x, (int)p3.y, (int)Math.abs(p2.y - p3.y), (int)Math.abs(p4.x - p3.x));
case 270:
detectedRectangle = new Rectangle((int)p2.x, (int)p2.y, (int)Math.abs(p1.y - p2.y), (int)Math.abs(p3.x - p2.x));
private void showResultingPicture(Mat img) throws IOException {
File imgFile = File.createTempFile("img", ".png");
String tempFile = imgFile.getAbsolutePath();
writeComparisonPictureToFile(tempFile, img);
* File path should end with an image extension (jpg, png)
* @param filePath
public void writeComparisonPictureToFile(String filePath, Mat img) {
if (filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg") || filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) {
Imgcodecs.imwrite(filePath, img);
} else {
throw new ImageSearchException("only .JPG and .PNG files are supported");
* Method to display the result of image detection
* @param imgStr
* @param m
public void showResultingImage(String filePath) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("My GUI");
// Inserts the image icon
ImageIcon image = new ImageIcon(filePath);
// Draw the Image data into the BufferedImage
JLabel label1 = new JLabel(" ", image, SwingConstants.CENTER);
public Rectangle getDetectedRectangle() {
return detectedRectangle;
public boolean isComputed() {
return computed;
public long getRotationAngle() {
return rotationAngle;
public void setRotationAngle(long rotationAngle) {
this.rotationAngle = rotationAngle;
* Returns the ratio between the detected image (in scene) and the source image (to find)
* @return
public double getSizeRatio() {
return sizeRatio;
public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
this.debug = debug;
public void setSceneImage(File sceneImage) {
if (!sceneImage.exists()) {
throw new ImageSearchException(String.format("File for object to detect %s does not exist", sceneImage));
this.sceneImage = sceneImage;
public void setObjectImage(File objectImage) {
if (objectImage == null) {
throw new ImageSearchException("Object image file is null");
if (!objectImage.exists()) {
throw new ImageSearchException(String.format("File for scene to detect object at path '%s' does not exist", objectImage));
this.objectImage = objectImage;
public void setDetectionThreshold(double detectionThreshold) {
this.detectionThreshold = detectionThreshold;
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