com.seleniumtests.util.video.avi.AVIReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* @(#)AVIReader.java 1.0 2011-08-24
* Copyright (c) 2011 Werner Randelshofer, Goldau, Switzerland.
* All rights reserved.
* You may not use, copy or modify this file, except in compliance with the
* license agreement you entered into with Werner Randelshofer.
* For details see accompanying license terms.
package com.seleniumtests.util.video.avi;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static org.monte.media.AudioFormatKeys.FrameSizeKey;
import static org.monte.media.BufferFlag.DISCARD;
import static org.monte.media.BufferFlag.END_OF_MEDIA;
import static org.monte.media.BufferFlag.KEYFRAME;
import static org.monte.media.FormatKeys.EncodingKey;
import static org.monte.media.FormatKeys.MIME_AVI;
import static org.monte.media.FormatKeys.MIME_JAVA;
import static org.monte.media.FormatKeys.MediaTypeKey;
import static org.monte.media.FormatKeys.MimeTypeKey;
import static org.monte.media.VideoFormatKeys.DataClassKey;
import static org.monte.media.VideoFormatKeys.ENCODING_BUFFERED_IMAGE;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import javax.imageio.stream.ImageInputStream;
import org.monte.media.Buffer;
import org.monte.media.BufferFlag;
import org.monte.media.Codec;
import org.monte.media.Format;
import org.monte.media.FormatKeys.MediaType;
import org.monte.media.MovieReader;
import org.monte.media.Registry;
import org.monte.media.math.Rational;
* Provides high-level support for decoding and reading audio and video samples
* from an AVI 1.0 file.
* @author Werner Randelshofer
* @version 1.0 2011-08-24 Created.
public class AVIReader extends AVIInputStream implements MovieReader {
public final static Format AVI = new Format(MediaTypeKey, MediaType.FILE, MimeTypeKey, MIME_AVI);
private Rational movieDuration = null;
public AVIReader(ImageInputStream in) throws IOException {
public AVIReader(File file) throws IOException {
public Format getFileFormat() throws IOException {
return AVI;
public Format getFormat(int track) throws IOException {
return tracks.get(track).format;
* Reads a chunk of media data from the specified track.
* If the track is a video track with palette change "..PC" chunks,
* then the body of the palette change chunk can be found in the buffer.header.
* @param track The track number.
* @param buffer The buffer for the media data.
* @throws IOException
public void read(int track, Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
Track tr = tracks.get(track);
if (tr.readIndex >= tr.samples.size()) {
buffer.setFlagsTo(END_OF_MEDIA, DISCARD);
buffer.length = 0;
Sample s = tr.samples.get((int) tr.readIndex);
byte[] b;
if (buffer.data instanceof byte[]) {
b = (byte[]) buffer.data;
if (b.length < s.length) {
buffer.data = b = new byte[(((int) s.length + 1023) / 1024) * 1024];
} else {
buffer.data = b = new byte[(((int) s.length + 1023) / 1024) * 1024];
in.readFully(b, 0, (int) s.length);
buffer.offset = 0;
buffer.length = (int) s.length;
if (s.header != null) {
byte[] b;
if (buffer.header instanceof byte[]) {
b = (byte[]) buffer.data;
if (b.length != s.header.length) {
buffer.header = b = new byte[(((int) s.header.length + 1023) / 1024) * 1024];
} else {
buffer.header = b = new byte[(((int) s.header.length + 1023) / 1024) * 1024];
in.readFully(b, 0, (int) s.header.length);
} else {
buffer.header = null;
switch (tr.mediaType) {
case AUDIO: {
Format af = tr.format;
buffer.sampleCount = buffer.length / af.get(FrameSizeKey);
case VIDEO: {
buffer.sampleCount = 1;
case MIDI:
case TEXT:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported media type " + tr.mediaType);
buffer.format = tr.format;
buffer.track = track;
buffer.sampleDuration = new Rational(tr.scale, tr.rate);
buffer.timeStamp = new Rational((s.timeStamp + tr.startTime) * tr.scale, tr.rate);
buffer.flags = s.isKeyframe ? EnumSet.of(KEYFRAME) : EnumSet.noneOf(BufferFlag.class);
* Decodes the PC palette change chunk.
private void decodePC(byte[] pc, int offset, int length, byte[] r, byte[] g, byte[] b) {
offset += 4; // FIXME - Parse firstEntry, numEntries and flags from PC
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
r[i] = pc[offset + i * 4];
g[i] = pc[offset + i * 4 + 1];
b[i] = pc[offset + i * 4 + 2];
* Reads an image.
* @param track The track number
* @param img An image that can be reused if it fits the media format of the
* track. Pass null to create a new image on each read.
* @return An image or null if the end of the media has been reached.
* @throws IOException
public BufferedImage read(int track, BufferedImage img) throws IOException {
Track tr = tracks.get(track);
if (tr.inputBuffer == null) {
tr.inputBuffer = new Buffer();
if (tr.codec == null) {
Buffer buf = new Buffer();
buf.data = img;
do {
read(track, tr.inputBuffer);
// FIXME - We assume a one-step codec here!
tr.codec.process(tr.inputBuffer, buf);
} while (buf.isFlag(DISCARD) && !buf.isFlag(END_OF_MEDIA));
if (tr.inputBuffer.isFlag(END_OF_MEDIA)) {
return null;
return (BufferedImage) buf.data;
private void createCodec(Track tr) {
Format fmt = tr.format;
Codec codec = createCodec(fmt);
String enc = fmt.get(EncodingKey);
if (codec == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Track %s no codec found for format %s", tr, fmt));
} else {
if (fmt.get(MediaTypeKey) == MediaType.VIDEO) {
if (null == codec.setInputFormat(fmt)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Track %s codec does not support input format %s. codec=%s", tr, fmt, codec));
Format outFormat = fmt.prepend(MediaTypeKey, MediaType.VIDEO,//
MimeTypeKey, MIME_JAVA,
EncodingKey, ENCODING_BUFFERED_IMAGE, DataClassKey, BufferedImage.class);
if (null == codec.setOutputFormat(outFormat)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Track %s codec does not support output format %s. codec=", tr, outFormat, codec));
tr.codec = codec;
private Codec createCodec(Format fmt) {
Codec[] codecs = Registry.getInstance().getDecoders(fmt.prepend(MimeTypeKey, MIME_AVI));
return codecs.length == 0 ? null : codecs[0];
public Rational getReadTime(int track) throws IOException {
Track tr = tracks.get(track);
if (tr.samples.size() > tr.readIndex) {
Sample s = tr.samples.get((int) tr.readIndex);
return new Rational((s.timeStamp + tr.startTime) * tr.scale, tr.rate);
return new Rational(0, 1);
public int nextTrack() throws IOException {
Rational ts = new Rational(Integer.MAX_VALUE, 1);
int nextTrack = -1;
for (int i = 0, n = tracks.size(); i < n; i++) {
Track tr = tracks.get(i);
if (tr.samples.isEmpty()) {
Sample currentSample = tr.readIndex < tr.samples.size() ? tr.samples.get((int) tr.readIndex) : tr.samples.get(tr.samples.size() - 1);
long readTimeStamp = currentSample.timeStamp;
if (tr.readIndex >= tr.samples.size()) {
readTimeStamp += currentSample.duration;
Rational trts = new Rational((readTimeStamp + tr.startTime) * tr.scale, tr.rate);
if (trts.compareTo(ts) < 0 && tr.readIndex < tr.samples.size()) {
ts = trts;
nextTrack = i;
return nextTrack;
public Rational getDuration() {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
return new Rational(0, 1);
if (movieDuration == null) {
Rational maxDuration = new Rational(0, 1);
for (Track tr : tracks) {
Rational trackDuration = new Rational((tr.length * tr.scale + tr.startTime), tr.rate);
if (maxDuration.compareTo(trackDuration) < 0) {
maxDuration = trackDuration;
movieDuration = maxDuration;
return movieDuration;
public Rational getDuration(int track) {
Track tr = tracks.get(track);
Rational trackDuration = new Rational((tr.length * tr.scale + tr.startTime), tr.rate);
return trackDuration;
public long getTimeScale(int track) {
return tracks.get(track).rate;
public long timeToSample(int track, Rational time) {
Track tr = tracks.get(track);
// This only works, if all samples contain only one sample!
// FIXME - We foolishly assume that only audio tracks have more than one
// sample in a frame.
// FIXME - We foolishly assume that all samples have a sampleDuration != 0.
long index = time.getNumerator() * tr.rate / time.getDenominator() / tr.scale - tr.startTime;
if (tr.mediaType == AVIMediaType.AUDIO) {
int count = 0;
// FIXME This is very inefficient, perform binary search with sample.timestamp
// this will work for all media types!
for (int i = 0, n = tr.samples.size(); i < n; i++) {
long d = tr.samples.get(i).duration * tr.scale; // foolishly assume that sampleDuration = sample count
if (count + d > index) {
index = i;
count += d;
return max(0, min(index, tr.samples.size()));
public Rational sampleToTime(int track, long sampleIndex) throws IOException {
Track tr = tracks.get(track);
Sample sample = tr.samples.get((int) max(0, min(tr.samples.size() - (long)1, sampleIndex)));
long time = (tr.startTime + sample.timeStamp) * tr.scale;//
if (sampleIndex >= tr.samples.size()) {
time += sample.duration * tr.scale;
return new Rational(time, tr.rate);
public void setMovieReadTime(Rational newValue) throws IOException {
for (int t = 0, n = tracks.size(); t < n; t++) {
Track tr = tracks.get(t);
int sample = (int) min(timeToSample(t, newValue), tr.samples.size() - (long)1);
if (tr.readIndex > sample) {
tr.readIndex = 0;
for (; sample >= 0 && sample > tr.readIndex && !tr.samples.get(sample).isKeyframe; sample--);
tr.readIndex = sample;
public int findTrack(int fromTrack, Format format) throws IOException {
for (int i = fromTrack, n = getTrackCount(); i < n; i++) {
if (getFormat(i).matches(format)) {
return i;
return -1;