Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import cats.effect.implicits._
import cats.effect.{ConcurrentEffect, Timer}
import cats.implicits._
import cats.~>
import{RecipeVisualStyle, RecipeVisualizer}
import{BakerException, InteractionExecutionFailureReason, RecipeRecord, SensoryEventStatus}
import{Baker => DeprecatedBaker, _}
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* TODO create a Resource based runtime execution which runs the retention period stream and allocates a Blocker context
object BakerF {
case class Config(allowAddingRecipeWithoutRequiringInstances: Boolean = false,
recipeInstanceConfig: RecipeInstance.Config = RecipeInstance.Config(),
idleTimeout: FiniteDuration = 60 seconds,
retentionPeriodCheckInterval: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
bakeTimeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
processEventTimeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
inquireTimeout: FiniteDuration = 60.seconds,
shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
addRecipeTimeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
executeSingleInteractionTimeout: FiniteDuration = 60.seconds,
abstract class BakerF[F[_]](implicit components: BakerComponents[F], effect: ConcurrentEffect[F], timer: Timer[F]) extends common.Baker[F] with ScalaApi with LazyLogging {
self =>
val config: BakerF.Config
override type SensoryEventResultType = SensoryEventResult
override type EventResolutionsType = EventResolutionsF[F]
override type EventInstanceType = EventInstance
override type InteractionInstanceType =[F]
override type RecipeInstanceStateType = RecipeInstanceState
override type InteractionInstanceDescriptorType = InteractionInstanceDescriptor
override type IngredientInstanceType = IngredientInstance
override type BakerEventType = BakerEvent
override type RecipeInstanceMetadataType = RecipeInstanceMetadata
override type RecipeInformationType = RecipeInformation
override type EventMomentType = EventMoment
override type RecipeMetadataType = RecipeEventMetadata
override type InteractionExecutionResultType = InteractionExecutionResult
private def javaTimeoutToBakerTimeout[A](operationName: String) : PartialFunction[Throwable, F[A]] = {
case _ : java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException => effect.raiseError(BakerException.TimeoutException(operationName))
* Adds a recipe to baker and returns a recipeId for the recipe.
* This function is idempotent, if the same (equal) recipe was added earlier this will return the same recipeId
* @param recipeRecord The RecipeRecord of the recipe
* @return A recipeId
override def addRecipe(recipeRecord: RecipeRecord): F[String] =
.addRecipe(recipeRecord.recipe, !recipeRecord.validate || config.allowAddingRecipeWithoutRequiringInstances)
* Returns the recipe information for the given RecipeId
* @param recipeId
* @return
override def getRecipe(recipeId: String): F[RecipeInformation] =
override def getRecipeVisual(recipeId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle): F[String] =
components.recipeManager.getRecipe(recipeId).map(recipe =>
RecipeVisualizer.visualizeRecipe(recipe.compiledRecipe, style))
* Returns all recipes added to this baker instance.
* @return All recipes in the form of map of recipeId -> CompiledRecipe
override def getAllRecipes: F[Map[String, RecipeInformation]] =
override def getInteraction(interactionName: String): F[Option[InteractionInstanceDescriptor]] =
.map(_.find( == interactionName)
.map(i => InteractionInstanceDescriptor(i.shaBase64,, i.input, i.output)))
override def getAllInteractions: F[Seq[InteractionInstanceDescriptor]] =
.map( => InteractionInstanceDescriptor(i.shaBase64,, i.input, i.output)))
override def executeSingleInteraction(interactionId: String, ingredients: Seq[IngredientInstance]): F[InteractionExecutionResult] =
.map(interactionsList => interactionsList.find(_.shaBase64 == interactionId))
.flatMap {
case None => effect.pure(InteractionExecutionResult(Left(InteractionExecutionResult.Failure(
InteractionExecutionFailureReason.INTERACTION_NOT_FOUND, None, None))))
case Some(interactionInstance) =>
interactionInstance.execute(ingredients, Map.empty)
.map(executionSuccess => InteractionExecutionResult(Right(InteractionExecutionResult.Success(executionSuccess))))
.recover {
case e => InteractionExecutionResult(Left(InteractionExecutionResult.Failure(
Some(s"Interaction execution failed. Interaction threw ${e.getClass.getSimpleName} with message ${e.getMessage}."))))
.timeoutTo(config.executeSingleInteractionTimeout, effect.pure(InteractionExecutionResult(Left(InteractionExecutionResult.Failure(
InteractionExecutionFailureReason.TIMEOUT, Some(, None)))))
* Attempts to gracefully shutdown the baker system.
override def gracefulShutdown(): F[Unit] = ???
* Creates a process instance for the given recipeId with the given RecipeInstanceId as identifier
* @param recipeId The recipeId for the recipe to bake
* @param recipeInstanceId The identifier for the newly baked process
* @return
override def bake(recipeId: String, recipeInstanceId: String): F[Unit] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId, config.recipeInstanceConfig)
* @param recipeId The recipeId for the recipe to bake
* @param recipeInstanceId The identifier for the newly baked process
* @param metadata
* @return
override def bake(recipeId: String, recipeInstanceId: String, metadata: Map[String, String]): F[Unit] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId, config.recipeInstanceConfig)
.flatMap(_ => components.recipeInstanceManager.addMetaData(recipeInstanceId, metadata))
* Notifies Baker that an event has happened and waits until the event was accepted but not executed by the process.
* Possible failures:
* `NoSuchProcessException` -> When no process exists for the given id
* `ProcessDeletedException` -> If the process is already deleted
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @param event The event object
* @param correlationId Id used to ensure the process instance handles unique events
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): F[SensoryEventStatus] =
.fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId)
* Notifies Baker that an event has happened and waits until all the actions which depend on this event are executed.
* Possible failures:
* `NoSuchProcessException` -> When no process exists for the given id
* `ProcessDeletedException` -> If the process is already deleted
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @param event The event object
* @param correlationId Id used to ensure the process instance handles unique events
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): F[SensoryEventResult] =
.fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId)
* Notifies Baker that an event has happened and waits until an specific event has executed.
* Possible failures:
* `NoSuchProcessException` -> When no process exists for the given id
* `ProcessDeletedException` -> If the process is already deleted
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @param event The event object
* @param onEvent The name of the event to wait for
* @param correlationId Id used to ensure the process instance handles unique events
override def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, onEvent: String, correlationId: Option[String]): F[SensoryEventResult] =
.fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, correlationId)
* Notifies Baker that an event has happened and provides 2 async handlers, one for when the event was accepted by
* the process, and another for when the event was fully executed by the process.
* Possible failures:
* `NoSuchProcessException` -> When no process exists for the given id
* `ProcessDeletedException` -> If the process is already deleted
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @param event The event object
* @param correlationId Id used to ensure the process instance handles unique events
override def fireEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): EventResolutionsF[F] = {
val (onReceive, onComplete) = components.recipeInstanceManager.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId).toIO.unsafeRunSync()
new EventResolutionsF[F] {
override def resolveWhenReceived: F[SensoryEventStatus] =
override def resolveWhenCompleted: F[SensoryEventResult] =
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance): F[SensoryEventStatus] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, None)
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance): F[SensoryEventResultType] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, None)
override def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, onEvent: String): F[SensoryEventResult] =
fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, None)
override def fireEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance): EventResolutionsType =
fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, None)
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: String): F[SensoryEventStatus] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, Some(correlationId))
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: String): F[SensoryEventResultType] =
fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, Some(correlationId))
override def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, onEvent: String, correlationId: String): F[SensoryEventResult] =
fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, Some(correlationId))
override def fireEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: String): EventResolutionsType =
fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, Some(correlationId))
override def addMetaData(recipeInstanceId: String, metadata: Map[String, String]): F[Unit] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.addMetaData(recipeInstanceId, metadata)
* Returns an index of all running processes.
* Can potentially return a partial index when baker runs in cluster mode
* and not all shards can be reached within the given timeout.
* Does not include deleted processes.
* @return An index of all processes
override def getAllRecipeInstancesMetadata: F[Set[RecipeInstanceMetadata]] =
* Returns the process state.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier
* @return The process state.
override def getRecipeInstanceState(recipeInstanceId: String): F[RecipeInstanceState] =
* Returns all provided ingredients for a given RecipeInstance id.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process id.
* @return The provided ingredients.
override def getIngredient(recipeInstanceId: String, name: String): F[Value] = {
.map(x => x.get(name) match {
case Some(value) => value
case None => throw NoSuchIngredientException(name)
* Returns all provided ingredients for a given RecipeInstance id.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process id.
* @return The provided ingredients.
override def getIngredients(recipeInstanceId: String): F[Map[String, Value]] =
* Returns all fired events for a given RecipeInstance id.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process id.
* @return The events
override def getEvents(recipeInstanceId: String): F[Seq[EventMoment]] =
* Returns all names of fired events for a given RecipeInstance id.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process id.
* @return The event names
override def getEventNames(recipeInstanceId: String): F[Seq[String]] =
* Returns the visual state (.dot) for a given process.
* @param recipeInstanceId The process identifier.
* @return A visual (.dot) representation of the process state.
override def getVisualState(recipeInstanceId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle = RecipeVisualStyle.default): F[String] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId, style)
private def doRegisterEventListener(listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit, processFilter: String => Boolean): F[Unit] =
registerBakerEventListener {
case EventReceived(_, recipeName, recipeId, recipeInstanceId, _, event) if processFilter(recipeName) =>
listenerFunction.apply(RecipeEventMetadata(recipeId = recipeId, recipeName = recipeName, recipeInstanceId = recipeInstanceId), event)
case InteractionCompleted(_, _, recipeName, recipeId, recipeInstanceId, _, Some(event)) if processFilter(recipeName) =>
listenerFunction.apply(RecipeEventMetadata(recipeId = recipeId, recipeName = recipeName, recipeInstanceId = recipeInstanceId), event)
case InteractionFailed(_, _, recipeName, recipeId, recipeInstanceId, _, _, _, ExceptionStrategyOutcome.Continue(eventName)) if processFilter(recipeName) =>
listenerFunction.apply(RecipeEventMetadata(recipeId = recipeId, recipeName = recipeName, recipeInstanceId = recipeInstanceId), eventName)
case _ => ()
* Registers a listener to all runtime events for recipes with the given name run in this baker instance.
* Note that the delivery guarantee is *AT MOST ONCE*. Do not use it for critical functionality
override def registerEventListener(recipeName: String, listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit): F[Unit] =
doRegisterEventListener(listenerFunction, _ == recipeName)
* Registers a listener to all runtime events for all recipes that run in this Baker instance.
* Note that the delivery guarantee is *AT MOST ONCE*. Do not use it for critical functionality
override def registerEventListener(listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit): F[Unit] =
doRegisterEventListener(listenerFunction, _ => true)
* Registers a listener function that listens to all BakerEvents
* Note that the delivery guarantee is *AT MOST ONCE*. Do not use it for critical functionality
* @param listenerFunction
* @return
override def registerBakerEventListener(listenerFunction: BakerEvent => Unit): F[Unit] =
* Retries a blocked interaction.
* @return
override def retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String): F[Unit] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.retryBlockedInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName)
* Resolves a blocked interaction by specifying it's output.
* !!! You should provide an event of the original interaction. Event / ingredient renames are done by Baker.
* @return
override def resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String, event: EventInstance): F[Unit] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.resolveBlockedInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName, event)
* Stops the retrying of an interaction.
* @return
override def stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String): F[Unit] =
components.recipeInstanceManager.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName)
def translate[G[_]](mapK: F ~> G, comapK: G ~> F)(implicit components: BakerComponents[G], effect: ConcurrentEffect[G], timer: Timer[G]): BakerF[G] =
new BakerF[G] {
override val config: BakerF.Config =
override def addRecipe(recipeRecord: RecipeRecord): G[String] =
override def getRecipe(recipeId: String): G[RecipeInformation] =
override def getRecipeVisual(recipeId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle): G[String] =
override def getAllRecipes: G[Map[String, RecipeInformation]] =
override def getAllInteractions: G[Seq[InteractionInstanceDescriptor]] =
override def getInteraction(interactionName: String): G[Option[InteractionInstanceDescriptor]] =
override def executeSingleInteraction(interactionId: String, ingredients: Seq[IngredientInstance]): G[InteractionExecutionResult] =
mapK(self.executeSingleInteraction(interactionId, ingredients))
override def bake(recipeId: String, recipeInstanceId: String): G[Unit] =
mapK(self.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId))
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): G[SensoryEventStatus] =
mapK(self.fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId))
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): G[SensoryEventResult] =
mapK(self.fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId))
override def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, onEvent: String, correlationId: Option[String]): G[SensoryEventResult] =
mapK(self.fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, correlationId))
override def fireEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): EventResolutionsF[G] =
self.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId).translate(mapK)
override def getAllRecipeInstancesMetadata: G[Set[RecipeInstanceMetadata]] =
override def getRecipeInstanceState(recipeInstanceId: String): G[RecipeInstanceState] =
override def getIngredient(recipeInstanceId: String, name: String): G[Value] =
mapK(self.getIngredient(recipeInstanceId, name))
override def getIngredients(recipeInstanceId: String): G[Map[String, Value]] =
override def getEvents(recipeInstanceId: String): G[Seq[EventMoment]] =
override def getEventNames(recipeInstanceId: String): G[Seq[String]] =
override def getVisualState(recipeInstanceId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle): G[String] =
override def registerEventListener(recipeName: String, listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit): G[Unit] =
mapK(self.registerEventListener(recipeName, listenerFunction))
override def registerEventListener(listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit): G[Unit] =
override def registerBakerEventListener(listenerFunction: BakerEvent => Unit): G[Unit] =
override def gracefulShutdown(): G[Unit] =
override def retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String): G[Unit] =
mapK(self.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName))
override def resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String, event: EventInstance): G[Unit] =
mapK(self.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName, event))
override def stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String): G[Unit] =
mapK(self.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName))
def asDeprecatedFutureImplementation(mapK: F ~> Future, comapK: Future ~> F): DeprecatedBaker =
new DeprecatedBaker {
override def addRecipe(recipeRecord: RecipeRecord): Future[String] =
override def getRecipe(recipeId: String): Future[RecipeInformation] =
override def getRecipeVisual(recipeId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle): Future[String] =
mapK(self.getRecipeVisual(recipeId, style))
override def getAllRecipes: Future[Map[String, RecipeInformation]] =
override def getAllInteractions: Future[Seq[InteractionInstanceDescriptor]] =
override def getInteraction(interactionName: String): Future[Option[InteractionInstanceDescriptor]] =
override def executeSingleInteraction(interactionId: String, ingredients: Seq[IngredientInstance]): Future[InteractionExecutionResult] =
mapK(self.executeSingleInteraction(interactionId, ingredients))
override def bake(recipeId: String, recipeInstanceId: String): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId))
override def bake(recipeId: String, recipeInstanceId: String, metadata: Map[String, String]): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.bake(recipeId, recipeInstanceId, metadata))
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): Future[SensoryEventStatus] =
mapK(self.fireEventAndResolveWhenReceived(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId))
override def fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): Future[SensoryEventResult] =
mapK(self.fireEventAndResolveWhenCompleted(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId))
override def fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, onEvent: String, correlationId: Option[String]): Future[SensoryEventResult] =
mapK(self.fireEventAndResolveOnEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, onEvent, correlationId))
override def fireEvent(recipeInstanceId: String, event: EventInstance, correlationId: Option[String]): EventResolutions = {
val old = self.fireEvent(recipeInstanceId, event, correlationId)
EventResolutions(mapK(old.resolveWhenReceived), mapK(old.resolveWhenCompleted))
override def getAllRecipeInstancesMetadata: Future[Set[RecipeInstanceMetadata]] =
override def getRecipeInstanceState(recipeInstanceId: String): Future[RecipeInstanceState] =
override def getIngredient(recipeInstanceId: String, name: String): Future[Value] =
mapK(self.getIngredient(recipeInstanceId, name))
override def getIngredients(recipeInstanceId: String): Future[Map[String, Value]] =
override def getEvents(recipeInstanceId: String): Future[Seq[EventMoment]] =
override def getEventNames(recipeInstanceId: String): Future[Seq[String]] =
override def getVisualState(recipeInstanceId: String, style: RecipeVisualStyle): Future[String] =
mapK(self.getVisualState(recipeInstanceId, style))
override def registerEventListener(recipeName: String, listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.registerEventListener(recipeName, listenerFunction))
override def registerEventListener(listenerFunction: (RecipeEventMetadata, String) => Unit): Future[Unit] =
override def registerBakerEventListener(listenerFunction: BakerEvent => Unit): Future[Unit] =
override def gracefulShutdown(): Future[Unit] =
override def retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.retryInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName))
override def resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String, event: EventInstance): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.resolveInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName, event))
override def stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId: String, interactionName: String): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.stopRetryingInteraction(recipeInstanceId, interactionName))
override def addMetaData(recipeInstanceId: String, metadata: Map[String, String]): Future[Unit] =
mapK(self.addMetaData(recipeInstanceId, metadata))