Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import{EventTransition, InteractionTransition, Place, RecipePetriNet}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
object CompiledRecipe {
sealed trait RecipeIdVariant
sealed trait OldRecipeIdVariant extends RecipeIdVariant
case object Scala212CompatibleJava extends OldRecipeIdVariant
case object Scala212CompatibleScala extends OldRecipeIdVariant
case object Scala212CompatibleKotlin extends OldRecipeIdVariant
case object Improved extends RecipeIdVariant
def build(name: String, petriNet: RecipePetriNet, initialMarking: Marking[Place], validationErrors: Seq[String],
eventReceivePeriod: Option[FiniteDuration], retentionPeriod: Option[FiniteDuration], oldRecipeIdVariant: OldRecipeIdVariant): CompiledRecipe = {
* This calculates a SHA-256 hash for a deterministic string representation of the recipe.
* For the purpose of data integrity it is enough to truncate to 64 bits:
* - It is acceptable to truncate in SHA-2 hashes (SHA384 is officially defined as a truncated SHA512)
* - According to the Birthday Problem, as long as the number of keys is significantly less then 2 32
* then you need not worry about collisions.
* Also see the collision table at:
* For example, there is a 1 in a million change of collision when number of recipes reach 6 million
def calculateRecipeId(variant: RecipeIdVariant): String = {
val petriNetId: String = petriNet.places.toList.sortBy( +
val initMarkingId: String = initialMarking.toList.sortBy {
case (place, _) =>
}.map {
case (_, tokens) => tokens.toList.sortBy {
case (tokenData: String, _) => tokenData
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Only string tokens are supported")
val recipeString = StringBuilder.newBuilder +
name +
petriNetId +
initMarkingId +
validationErrors.mkString +
eventReceivePeriod.toString + retentionPeriod
// truncate to 64 bits = 16 hex chars
zeroPaddedSHA256(recipeString).substring(0, 16)
// the recipe id is a hexadecimal format of the hashcode
val recipeId = calculateRecipeId(oldRecipeIdVariant)
CompiledRecipe(name, recipeId, petriNet, initialMarking, validationErrors, eventReceivePeriod, retentionPeriod)
* A Compiled recipe.
case class CompiledRecipe(name: String,
recipeId: String,
petriNet: RecipePetriNet,
initialMarking: Marking[Place],
validationErrors: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
eventReceivePeriod: Option[FiniteDuration],
retentionPeriod: Option[FiniteDuration]) {
def sensoryEvents: Set[EventDescriptor] = petriNet.transitions.collect {
case EventTransition(eventDescriptor, true, _) => eventDescriptor
def getValidationErrors: java.util.List[String] = validationErrors.toList.asJava
* Visualise the compiled recipe in DOT format
* @return
def getRecipeVisualization: String =
RecipeVisualizer.visualizeRecipe(this, RecipeVisualStyle.default)
* Visualise the compiled recipe in DOT format
* @return
def getRecipeVisualization(style: RecipeVisualStyle): String =
RecipeVisualizer.visualizeRecipe(this, style)
* Visualise the compiled recipe in DOT format
* @return
def getSubRecipeVisualization: String =
RecipeVisualizer.visualizeSubRecipe(this, RecipeVisualStyle.default)
* Visualise the compiled recipe in DOT format
* @return
def getSubRecipeVisualization(style: RecipeVisualStyle): String =
RecipeVisualizer.visualizeSubRecipe(this, style)
* Visualise the compiled recipe in DOT format
* @param filterFunc
* @return
def getFilteredRecipeVisualization(filterFunc: String => Boolean, style: RecipeVisualStyle = RecipeVisualStyle.default): String =
RecipeVisualizer.visualizeRecipe(this, style, filter = filterFunc)
def getFilteredRecipeVisualization(filter: String): String =
getFilteredRecipeVisualization(x => !x.contains(filter))
* Returns a DOT ( representation of the recipe.
* All events/interaction/ingredients that contain one of the given filter strings are filtered out
* @param filters
* @return
def getFilteredRecipeVisualization(filters: Array[String]): String =
getFilteredRecipeVisualization((current) => filters.forall(filter => !current.contains(filter)))
* Visualises the underlying petri net in DOT format
* @return
def getPetriNetVisualization: String = RecipeVisualizer.visualizePetriNet(petriNet.innerGraph)
val interactionTransitions: Set[InteractionTransition] = petriNet.transitions.collect {
case t: InteractionTransition => t
val interactionEvents: Set[EventDescriptor] = interactionTransitions flatMap (it => it.eventsToFire)
val allEvents: Set[EventDescriptor] = sensoryEvents ++ interactionEvents
def getAllEvents: java.util.Set[EventDescriptor] = allEvents.asJava
val allIngredients: Set[IngredientDescriptor] = allEvents.flatMap {
events => events.ingredients
def getAllIngredients: java.util.Set[IngredientDescriptor] = allIngredients.asJava