Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import scalax.collection.Graph
import scalax.collection.edge.WLDiEdge
import{DotAttr, _}
import scala.language.higherKinds
object RecipeVisualizer {
lazy val logger: Logger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass.getName))
type RecipePetriNetGraph = Graph[Either[Place, Transition], WLDiEdge]
implicit class RecipePetriNetGraphFns(graph: RecipePetriNetGraph) {
def compactNode(node: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT): RecipePetriNetGraph = {
// create direct edges from all incoming to outgoing nodes
val newEdges = node.incomingNodes.flatMap {incomingNode => => WLDiEdge[Node, String](incomingNode, n)(0, ""))
// remove the node, removes all it's incoming and outgoing edges and add the new direct edges
graph - node -- node.incoming -- node.outgoing ++ newEdges
def compactAllNodes(fn: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT => Boolean): RecipePetriNetGraph = {
val nodes = graph.nodes.filter(node => fn(node))
val newEdges = nodes.flatMap(node => node.incomingNodes.flatMap { incomingNode => => WLDiEdge[Node, String](incomingNode, n)(0, ""))
graph -- nodes ++ newEdges
def compactSubRecipes: RecipePetriNetGraph = {
.filter { node =>
node.value match {
case Right(transition: Transition) => transition.label.startsWith(subRecipePrefix)
case _ => false
.groupBy { node =>
node.value match {
case Left(place) => place.label.split('$')(2)
case Right(transition: Transition) => transition.label.split('$')(2)
.foldLeft(graph) { case (acc, (name, subRecipeNodes)) =>
def hasOnlySubInteractionOutNeighbors(nodes: Set[graph.NodeT]): Boolean = {
.filter(_.value match {
case Right(_: InteractionTransition) => true
case _ => false
val firstLayer = subRecipeNodes
.flatMap { n => n.outNeighbors }
.filter { e =>
e.value match {
case Right(event: EventTransition) => !event.isSensoryEvent
case _ => false
val selfRefNodes = firstLayer
.flatMap {
node => {
val secondLayer = node.outNeighbors.filter(_.value match {
case Left(Place(_, IngredientPlace)) => true
case Left(Place(_, EventOrPreconditionPlace)) => true
case _ => false
val eventNodes =
if (hasOnlySubInteractionOutNeighbors(node.outNeighbors ++ secondLayer.flatMap(_.outNeighbors))) Set(node)
else Set.empty
eventNodes ++ secondLayer.filter(i => hasOnlySubInteractionOutNeighbors(i.outNeighbors))
val newNode = Left(Place(name, Place.SubRecipePlace))
val inEdges = subRecipeNodes.flatMap { node => node.inNeighbors.diff(selfRefNodes).map(n => WLDiEdge[Node, String](n, newNode)(0, "")) }
val outEdges = subRecipeNodes.flatMap { node => node.outNeighbors.diff(selfRefNodes).map(n => WLDiEdge[Node, String](newNode, n)(0, "")) }
acc -- selfRefNodes -- subRecipeNodes ++ inEdges ++ outEdges + newNode
* Returns the label for a node.
private def nodeLabelFn: Either[Place, Transition] => String = {
case Left(Place(label, EmptyEventIngredientPlace)) => s"empty:${label}"
case Left(place) => place.label
case Right(transition: MultiFacilitatorTransition) => s"multi:${transition.label}"
case Right(transition) => transition.label
* Returns the style attributes for a node.
private def nodeDotAttrFn(style: RecipeVisualStyle): (RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT, Set[String], Set[String]) => List[DotAttr] =
(node: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT, eventNames: Set[String], ingredientNames: Set[String]) =>
node.value match {
case Left(Place(_, SubRecipePlace)) => style.subRecipe
case Left(Place(_, InteractionEventOutputPlace)) => style.choiceAttributes
case Left(Place(_, EventOrPreconditionPlace)) => style.preconditionORAttributes
case Left(Place(_, EmptyEventIngredientPlace)) => style.emptyEventAttributes
case Left(_: Place) if node.incomingTransitions.isEmpty => style.missingIngredientAttributes
case Left(Place(label, _)) if ingredientNames contains label => style.providedIngredientAttributes
case Left(_) => style.ingredientAttributes
case Right(t: InteractionTransition) if eventNames.intersect( => style.firedInteractionAttributes
case Right(_: InteractionTransition) => style.interactionAttributes
case Right(transition: Transition) if eventNames.contains(transition.label) => style.eventFiredAttributes
case Right(_: MultiFacilitatorTransition) => style.choiceAttributes
case Right(_: MissingEventTransition) => style.eventMissingAttributes
case Right(EventTransition(_, true, _)) => style.sensoryEventAttributes
case Right(_) => style.eventAttributes
private def generateDot(graph: RecipePetriNetGraph, style: RecipeVisualStyle, filter: String => Boolean, eventNames: Set[String], ingredientNames: Set[String], subRecipe: Boolean): String = {
val myRoot = DotRootGraph(directed = graph.isDirected,
id = None,
attrStmts = style.commonNodeAttributes,
attrList = style.rootAttributes)
def recipeNodeTransformer(innerNode: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT): Option[(DotGraph, DotNodeStmt)] = {
Some((myRoot, DotNodeStmt(nodeLabelFn(innerNode.value), nodeDotAttrFn(style)(innerNode, eventNames, ingredientNames))))
def recipeEdgeTransformer(innerEdge: RecipePetriNetGraph#EdgeT): Option[(DotGraph, DotEdgeStmt)] = {
val source = innerEdge.edge.source
val target =
Some((myRoot, DotEdgeStmt(nodeLabelFn(source.value), nodeLabelFn(target.value), List.empty)))
// specifies which places to compact (remove)
val placesToCompact = (node: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT) => node.value match {
case Left(Place(_, IngredientPlace)) => false
case Left(Place(_, EmptyEventIngredientPlace)) => false
case Left(Place(_, EventOrPreconditionPlace)) => false
case Left(Place(_, _)) => true
case _ => false
val sievesInteractionToCompact = (node: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT) => node.value match {
case Right(transition: Transition) => transition.label.startsWith(sieveInteractionPrefix)
case _ => false
val sievesEventsToCompact = (node: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT) => node.value match {
case Right(transition: Transition) => transition.label.startsWith(sieveEventPrefix)
case _ => false
// specifies which transitions to compact (remove)
val transitionsToCompact = (node: RecipePetriNetGraph#NodeT) => node.value match {
case Right(transition: Transition) =>
transition.isInstanceOf[IntermediateTransition] ||
transition.isInstanceOf[MultiFacilitatorTransition] ||
case _ => false
// compacts all nodes that are not of interest to the recipe
val compactedGraph =
if (subRecipe) {
} else {
// filters out all the nodes that match the predicate function
val filteredGraph = compactedGraph -- compactedGraph.nodes.filter(n => !filter(n.toString))
// creates the .dot representation
graph2DotExport(filteredGraph).toDot(dotRoot = myRoot,
edgeTransformer = recipeEdgeTransformer,
cNodeTransformer = Some(recipeNodeTransformer))
def visualizeRecipe(recipe: CompiledRecipe,
style: RecipeVisualStyle,
filter: String => Boolean = _ => true,
eventNames: Set[String] = Set.empty,
ingredientNames: Set[String] = Set.empty): String =
generateDot(recipe.petriNet.innerGraph, style, filter, eventNames, ingredientNames, false)
def visualizeSubRecipe(recipe: CompiledRecipe,
style: RecipeVisualStyle,
filter: String => Boolean = _ => true,
eventNames: Set[String] = Set.empty,
ingredientNames: Set[String] = Set.empty): String =
generateDot(recipe.petriNet.innerGraph, style, filter, eventNames, ingredientNames, true)
def visualizePetriNet(graph: PetriNetGraph, placeLabelFn: Place => String = (p: Place) => p.toString, transitionLabelFn: Transition => String = (t: Transition) => t.toString): String = {
val nodeLabelFn: Either[Place, Transition] => String = {
case Left(p) => placeLabelFn(p)
case Right(t) => transitionLabelFn(t)
val nodeDotAttrFn: Either[Place, Transition] => List[DotAttr] = {
case Left(_) => List(DotAttr("shape", "circle"))
case Right(_) => List(DotAttr("shape", "square"))
val myRoot = DotRootGraph(
directed = graph.isDirected,
id = None,
attrStmts = List.empty,
attrList = List.empty)
def myNodeTransformer(innerNode: PetriNetGraph#NodeT): Option[(DotGraph, DotNodeStmt)] = {
Some((myRoot, DotNodeStmt(nodeLabelFn(innerNode.value), nodeDotAttrFn(innerNode.value))))
def myEdgeTransformer(innerEdge: PetriNetGraph#EdgeT): Option[(DotGraph, DotEdgeStmt)] = {
val source = innerEdge.edge.sources.head.value
val target = innerEdge.edge.targets.head.value
Some((myRoot, DotEdgeStmt(nodeLabelFn(source), nodeLabelFn(target), List.empty)))
dotRoot = myRoot,
edgeTransformer = myEdgeTransformer,
cNodeTransformer = Some(myNodeTransformer))