Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, varargs}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, FiniteDuration}
case class Recipe(
override val name: String,
override val interactions: Seq[common.InteractionDescriptor],
override val sensoryEvents: Set[common.Event],
override val checkpointEvents: Set[common.CheckPointEvent],
override val subRecipes: Set[common.Recipe],
override val sieves: Set[common.Sieve],
override val defaultFailureStrategy: common.InteractionFailureStrategy,
override val eventReceivePeriod: Option[FiniteDuration],
override val retentionPeriod: Option[FiniteDuration]
) extends common.Recipe {
def this(name: String) = this(name, Seq.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty, InteractionFailureStrategy.BlockInteraction(), None, None)
def getInteractions: java.util.List[common.InteractionDescriptor] = interactions.asJava
def getAllInteractions: java.util.List[common.InteractionDescriptor] = (interactions ++ subRecipes.flatMap(_.allInteractions)).asJava
def getEvents: java.util.List[common.Event] = sensoryEvents.toList.asJava
def getSubRecipes: java.util.List[common.Recipe] = subRecipes.toList.asJava
* This adds all interactions of the recipe to this recipe
* Sensory Events are not added and are expected to be given by the recipe itself
* @param recipe
* @return
def withRecipe(recipe: common.Recipe) = {
copy(interactions = interactions ++ recipe.interactions)
* Adds the interaction to the recipe.
* To get a JInteractionDescriptor from a JInteraction call the of method on JInteractionDescriptor
* @param newInteraction the interaction to add
* @return
def withInteraction(newInteraction: common.InteractionDescriptor): Recipe =
withInteractions(Seq(newInteraction): _*)
* Adds the interactions to the recipe.
* To get a JInteractionDescriptor from a JInteraction call the of method on JInteractionDescriptor
* @param newInteractions The interactions to add
* @return
def withInteractions(newInteractions: common.InteractionDescriptor*): Recipe =
copy(interactions = interactions ++ newInteractions)
* Adds the checkpoint event to the recipe
* @param checkpointEvent checkpoint event
* @return
def withCheckpointEvent(checkpointEvent: common.CheckPointEvent): Recipe =
copy(checkpointEvents = checkpointEvents + checkpointEvent)
* Adds the sub-recipe to the recipe
* @param subRecipe sub-recipe
* @return
def withSubRecipe(subRecipe: common.Recipe): Recipe =
copy(subRecipes = subRecipes + subRecipe)
* Adds the sensory event to the recipe
* The firing limit is set to 1 by default
* @param newEvent sensory-event
* @return
def withSensoryEvent(newEvent: Class[_]): Recipe =
* Adds the sensory event to the recipe
* The firing limit is set to what is given
* @param newEvent
* @param maxFiringLimit
* @return
def withSensoryEvent(newEvent: Class[_], maxFiringLimit: Int): Recipe =
copy(sensoryEvents = sensoryEvents + eventClassToCommonEvent(newEvent, Some(maxFiringLimit)))
* Adds the sensory events to the recipe with the firing limit set to 1
* @param eventsToAdd
* @return
def withSensoryEvents(eventsToAdd: Class[_]*): Recipe =
copy(sensoryEvents = sensoryEvents ++, Some(1))))
* Adds the sensory event to the recipe with firing limit set to unlimited
* @param newEvent
* @return
def withSensoryEventNoFiringLimit(newEvent: Class[_]): Recipe =
* Adds the sensory events to the recipe with firing limit set to unlimited
* @param eventsToAdd
* @return
def withSensoryEventsNoFiringLimit(eventsToAdd: Class[_]*): Recipe =
copy(sensoryEvents = sensoryEvents ++, None)))
* This set the failure strategy as default for this recipe.
* If a failure strategy is set for the Interaction itself that is taken.
* @param interactionFailureStrategy The failure strategy to follow
* @return
def withDefaultFailureStrategy(interactionFailureStrategy: common.InteractionFailureStrategy): Recipe =
copy(defaultFailureStrategy = interactionFailureStrategy)
* Sets the event receive period. This is the period for which processes can receive sensory events.
* @param recivePeriod The period
* @return
def withEventReceivePeriod(recivePeriod: java.time.Duration) =
copy(eventReceivePeriod = Some(Duration(recivePeriod.toMillis, duration.MILLISECONDS)))
* Sets the process retention period. This is the period for which data & history for processes is kept.
* @param retentionPeriod The retention period.
* @return
def withRetentionPeriod(retentionPeriod: java.time.Duration) =
copy(retentionPeriod = Some(Duration(retentionPeriod.toMillis, duration.MILLISECONDS)))