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import scala.annotation.varargs
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
case class InteractionDescriptor private(
override val interaction: common.Interaction,
override val requiredEvents: Set[common.Event],
override val requiredOneOfEvents: Set[common.Event],
override val predefinedIngredients: Map[String, AnyRef],
override val overriddenIngredientNames: Map[String, String],
override val overriddenOutputIngredientName: Option[String] = Option.empty[String],
override val maximumInteractionCount: Option[Int],
override val failureStrategy: Option[common.InteractionFailureStrategy] = None,
override val eventOutputTransformers: Map[common.Event, common.EventOutputTransformer] = Map.empty,
newName: String = null)
extends common.InteractionDescriptor {
override val name: String = {
if (newName != null) newName
* This sets a requirement for this interaction that a specific event needs to have been fired before it can execute.
* @param newRequiredEvent the class of the events that needs to have been fired
* @return
def withRequiredEvent(newRequiredEvent: Class[_]): InteractionDescriptor =
this.copy(requiredEvents = requiredEvents + eventClassToCommonEvent(newRequiredEvent, None))
* This sets a requirement for this interaction that some specific events needs to have been fired before it can execute.
* @param newRequiredEvents the classes of the events.
* @return
def withRequiredEvents(newRequiredEvents: Class[_]*): InteractionDescriptor =
this.copy(requiredEvents = requiredEvents ++, None)))
* This sets a requirement for this interaction that some specific events needs to have been fired before it can execute.
* @param newRequiredEvents the classes of the event.
* @return
def withRequiredEvents(newRequiredEvents: java.util.Set[Class[_]]): InteractionDescriptor =
this.copy(requiredEvents = requiredEvents ++, None)))
* This sets a requirement for this interaction that one of the given events needs to have been fired before it can execute.
* @param requiredOneOfEvents the classes of the events.
* @return
def withRequiredOneOfEvents(requiredOneOfEvents: Class[_]*): InteractionDescriptor = {
if (requiredOneOfEvents.nonEmpty && requiredOneOfEvents.size < 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least 2 events should be provided as 'requiredOneOfEvents'")
this.copy(requiredOneOfEvents =, None)).toSet)
* This sets a input ingredient to a set value. In this case the ingredient wont be taken from the runtime recipe.
* @param ingredientName the name of the ingredient
* @param ingredientValue the value of the ingredient
* @return
def withPredefinedIngredient(ingredientName: String,
ingredientValue: AnyRef): InteractionDescriptor =
addPredefinedIngredient(Map(ingredientName -> ingredientValue))
* This sets two input ingredient to a set value. In this case the ingredients wont be taken from the runtime recipe.
* @param ingredientName1 the name of the first ingredient
* @param ingredientValue1 the value of first the ingredient
* @param ingredientName2 the name of the second ingredient
* @param ingredientValue2 the value of second the ingredient
* @return
def withPredefinedIngredients(ingredientName1: String,
ingredientValue1: AnyRef,
ingredientName2: String,
ingredientValue2: AnyRef): InteractionDescriptor =
Map(ingredientName1 -> ingredientValue1, ingredientName2 -> ingredientValue2))
* This sets three input ingredient to a set value. In this case the ingredients wont be taken from the runtime recipe.
* @param ingredientName1 the name of the first ingredient
* @param ingredientValue1 the value of first the ingredient
* @param ingredientName2 the name of the second ingredient
* @param ingredientValue2 the value of second the ingredient
* @param ingredientName3 the name of third the ingredient
* @param ingredientValue3 the value of third the ingredient
* @return
def withPredefinedIngredients(ingredientName1: String,
ingredientValue1: AnyRef,
ingredientName2: String,
ingredientValue2: AnyRef,
ingredientName3: String,
ingredientValue3: AnyRef): InteractionDescriptor =
Map(ingredientName1 -> ingredientValue1,
ingredientName2 -> ingredientValue2,
ingredientName3 -> ingredientValue3))
* This sets input ingredients to set values. In this case the ingredients wont be taken from the runtime recipe.
* @param newPredefinedIngredients The map containing ingredientName and ingredientValue for ingredients you want to set
* @return
def withPredefinedIngredients(
newPredefinedIngredients: java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]): InteractionDescriptor =
predefinedIngredients = predefinedIngredients ++ newPredefinedIngredients.asScala.toMap)
private def addPredefinedIngredient(params: Map[String, AnyRef]): InteractionDescriptor =
this.copy(predefinedIngredients = predefinedIngredients ++ params)
* This renames the ingredient that is created by this interaction
* @param newIngredientName the new ingredient name
* @return
def renameProvidedIngredient(newIngredientName: String): InteractionDescriptor =
this.copy(overriddenOutputIngredientName = Some(newIngredientName))
* This renames a input ingredient
* @param oldIngredientName the name of the input ingredient you want to rename
* @param newIngredientName the new name for the ouput ingredient
* @return
def renameRequiredIngredient(oldIngredientName: String,
newIngredientName: String): InteractionDescriptor =
overriddenIngredientNames = overriddenIngredientNames + (oldIngredientName -> newIngredientName))
* This renames the given input ingredients
* @param newOverriddenIngredients a map containing old and new names for input ingredients
* @return new InteractionDescriptor with new ingredient names
def renameRequiredIngredients(newOverriddenIngredients: java.util.Map[String, String]): InteractionDescriptor = {
this.copy(overriddenIngredientNames = overriddenIngredientNames ++ newOverriddenIngredients.asScala.toMap)
def withEventTransformation(eventClazz: Class[_],
newEventName: String,
ingredientRenames: java.util.Map[String, String]): InteractionDescriptor = {
withEventTransformation(eventClazz, newEventName, ingredientRenames.asScala.toMap)
def withEventTransformation(eventClazz: Class[_],
newEventName: String): InteractionDescriptor = {
withEventTransformation(eventClazz, newEventName, Map.empty[String, String])
private def withEventTransformation(eventClazz: Class[_],
newEventName: String,
ingredientRenames: Map[String, String]): InteractionDescriptor = {
val originalEvent: common.Event = eventClassToCommonEvent(eventClazz, None)
interaction.output match {
case common.FiresOneOfEvents(events@_*) =>
if (!events.contains(originalEvent))
throw new common.RecipeValidationException(s"Event transformation given for Interaction $name but does not fire event $originalEvent")
case _ => throw new common.RecipeValidationException(s"Event transformation given for Interaction $name but does not fire any event")
val eventOutputTransformer = EventOutputTransformer(newEventName, ingredientRenames)
this.copy(eventOutputTransformers = eventOutputTransformers + (originalEvent -> eventOutputTransformer))
def withFailureStrategy(interactionFailureStrategy: common.InteractionFailureStrategy): InteractionDescriptor = {
this.copy(failureStrategy = Some(interactionFailureStrategy))
* This actives the incremental backup retry strategy for this interaction if failure occurs
* @param initialDelay the initial delay before the first retry starts
* @param deadline the deadline for how long the retry should run
* @return
* @deprecated replace by withFailureStrategy
def withIncrementalBackoffOnFailure(initialDelay: java.time.Duration,
deadline: java.time.Duration): InteractionDescriptor =
failureStrategy = Some(
* This actives the incremental backup retry strategy for this interaction if failure occurs
* @param initialDelay the initial delay before the first retry starts
* @param deadline the deadline for how long the retry should run
* @param maxTimeBetweenRetries the max time that we will wait between duration
* @return
* @deprecated replace by withFailureStrategy
def withIncrementalBackoffOnFailure(initialDelay: java.time.Duration,
deadline: java.time.Duration,
maxTimeBetweenRetries: java.time.Duration): InteractionDescriptor =
failureStrategy = Some(
* Sets the maximum amount of times this interaction can be fired.
* @param times maximum amount of times this interaction can be fired
* @return
def withMaximumInteractionCount(times: Int): InteractionDescriptor =
this.copy(maximumInteractionCount = Some(times))
object InteractionDescriptor {
def of[T <: Interaction](interactionClass: Class[T]): InteractionDescriptor = {
InteractionDescriptor(interactionClassToCommonInteraction(interactionClass), Set.empty, Set.empty, Map.empty, Map.empty, None, None)
def of[T <: Interaction](interactionClass: Class[T], name: String): InteractionDescriptor = {
newName = name)