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package com.inkapplications.glassconsole.structures
import ink.ui.structures.Positioning
import ink.ui.structures.Sentiment
import ink.ui.structures.Symbol
import ink.ui.structures.TextStyle
import ink.ui.structures.elements.*
import kotlinx.datetime.Instant
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
* UI element configuration to be displayed on the screen.
@Serializable(with = DisplayItem.Serializer::class)
sealed interface DisplayItem: Spanable, Positionable {
* Polymorphic schema for [DisplayItem] objects.
private data class JsonSchema(
val type: String,
val span: Int,
@Serializable(with = PositionSerializer::class)
val position: Positioning,
val text: String? = null,
val action: Action? = null,
val latching: Boolean? = null,
@Serializable(with = SentimentSerializer::class)
val sentiment: Sentiment? = null,
val progress: Float? = null,
val witness: String? = null,
val witnessNonce: Nonce? = null,
@Serializable(with = MillisecondsInstantSerializer::class)
val witnessTimestamp: Instant? = null,
val challengeNonce: Nonce? = null,
val callbackUrl: String? = null,
@Serializable(with = SymbolSerializer::class)
val leadingSymbol: Symbol? = null,
@Serializable(with = SymbolSerializer::class)
val trailingSymbol: Symbol? = null,
@Serializable(with = SymbolSerializer::class)
val symbol: Symbol? = null,
val temperature: String? = null,
val condition: WeatherElement.Condition? = null,
val secondaryTemperature: String? = null,
object Serializer: KSerializer {
private val surrogate = JsonSchema.serializer()
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = surrogate.descriptor
private fun Sentiment?.orDefault() = this ?: Sentiment.Nominal
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): DisplayItem {
val schema = surrogate.deserialize(decoder)
return when (schema.type) {
"h1" -> StaticElementItem(
element = TextElement(
text = schema.text!!,
style = TextStyle.H1,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"h2" -> StaticElementItem(
element = TextElement(
text = schema.text!!,
style = TextStyle.H2,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"h3" -> StaticElementItem(
element = TextElement(
text = schema.text!!,
style = TextStyle.H3,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"body" -> StaticElementItem(
element = TextElement(
text = schema.text!!,
style = TextStyle.Body,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"caption" -> StaticElementItem(
element = TextElement(
text = schema.text!!,
style = TextStyle.Caption,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"status" -> StaticElementItem(
element = StatusIndicatorElement(
text = schema.text!!,
sentiment = schema.sentiment.orDefault(),
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"throbber" -> StaticElementItem(
element = ThrobberElement(
caption = schema.text,
sentiment = schema.sentiment.orDefault(),
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"progress" -> StaticElementItem(
element = if (schema.progress != null) ProgressElement.Determinate(
progress = schema.progress,
caption = schema.text,
sentiment = schema.sentiment.orDefault(),
) else ProgressElement.Indeterminate(
caption = schema.text,
sentiment = schema.sentiment.orDefault(),
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"spacer" -> StaticElementItem(
element = EmptyElement,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"icon" -> StaticElementItem(
element = IconElement(
symbol = schema.symbol!!,
sentiment = schema.sentiment.orDefault(),
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"weather" -> StaticElementItem(
element = WeatherElement(
temperature = schema.temperature!!,
condition = schema.condition!!,
title = schema.text,
secondaryTemperature = schema.secondaryTemperature,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
"button" -> ButtonItem(
text = schema.text!!,
action = schema.action!!,
latching = schema.latching ?: false,
sentiment = schema.sentiment.orDefault(),
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
leadingSymbol = schema.leadingSymbol,
trailingSymbol = schema.trailingSymbol,
"pinpad" -> PinPadItem(
challengeNonce = schema.challengeNonce!!,
witness = ChallengeResponse(
nonce = schema.witnessNonce!!,
timestamp = schema.witnessTimestamp!!,
digest = schema.witness!!,
callbackUrl = schema.callbackUrl!!,
position = schema.position,
span = schema.span,
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type: ${schema.type}")
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: DisplayItem) {
val schema = when (value) {
is StaticElementItem -> JsonSchema(
type = when (value.element) {
is TextElement -> when ( {
TextStyle.H1 -> "h1"
TextStyle.H2 -> "h2"
TextStyle.H3 -> "h3"
TextStyle.Body -> "body"
TextStyle.Caption -> "caption"
is StatusIndicatorElement -> "status"
is ThrobberElement -> "throbber"
is ProgressElement -> "progress"
is EmptyElement -> "spacer"
is IconElement -> "icon"
is WeatherElement -> "weather"
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported element type: ${value.element::class}")
span = value.span,
position = value.position,
text = when (value.element) {
is TextElement -> value.element.text
is StatusIndicatorElement -> value.element.text
is ThrobberElement -> value.element.caption
is ProgressElement -> value.element.caption
is EmptyElement -> null
is WeatherElement -> value.element.title
else -> null
sentiment = when (value.element) {
is StatusIndicatorElement -> value.element.sentiment
is ThrobberElement -> value.element.sentiment
is ProgressElement -> value.element.sentiment
else -> Sentiment.Nominal
symbol = when (value.element) {
is IconElement -> value.element.symbol
else -> null
progress = when (value.element) {
is ProgressElement.Determinate -> value.element.progress
else -> null
temperature = when (value.element) {
is WeatherElement -> value.element.temperature
else -> null
condition = when (value.element) {
is WeatherElement -> value.element.condition
else -> null
secondaryTemperature = when (value.element) {
is WeatherElement -> value.element.secondaryTemperature
else -> null
is ButtonItem -> JsonSchema(
type = "button",
text = value.text,
action = value.action,
latching = value.latching,
sentiment = value.sentiment,
span = value.span,
position = value.position,
leadingSymbol = value.leadingSymbol,
trailingSymbol = value.trailingSymbol,
is PinPadItem -> JsonSchema(
type = "pinpad",
challengeNonce = value.challengeNonce,
witness = value.witness.digest,
witnessNonce = value.witness.nonce,
witnessTimestamp = value.witness.timestamp,
callbackUrl = value.callbackUrl,
span = value.span,
position = value.position,
surrogate.serialize(encoder, schema)