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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{AbstractModule, Activity, DataFormat}
import{AttrValue, BigDLModule}
import{DeserializeContext, ModuleSerializable, ModuleSerializer, SerializeContext}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Separable convolutions consist in first performing a depthwise spatial convolution (which acts
* on each input channel separately) followed by a pointwise convolution which mixes together the
* resulting output channels. The depthMultiplier argument controls how many output channels are
* generated per input channel in the depthwise step.
* @param nInputChannel input image channel number
* @param nOutputChannel output image channel number
* @param depthMultiplier how many output channels are generated in the hidden depthwise step
* @param kW kernel width
* @param kH kernel height
* @param sW stride width
* @param sH stride height
* @param pW padding width
* @param pH padding height
* @param hasBias do we use a bias on the output, default value is true
* @param dataFormat image data format, which can be NHWC or NCHW, default value is NCHW
* @param wRegularizer kernel parameter regularizer
* @param bRegularizer bias regularizer
* @param pRegularizer point wise kernel parameter regularizer
* @param initDepthWeight kernel parameter init tensor
* @param initPointWeight point wise kernel parameter init tensor
* @param initBias bias init tensor
* @tparam T module parameter numeric type
class SpatialSeparableConvolution[T: ClassTag](
val nInputChannel: Int,
val nOutputChannel: Int,
val depthMultiplier: Int,
val kW: Int, val kH: Int,
val sW: Int = 1, val sH: Int = 1,
val pW: Int = 0, val pH: Int = 0,
val hasBias: Boolean = true,
val dataFormat: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW,
var wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
var bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
var pRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
val initDepthWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
val initPointWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
val initBias: Tensor[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends AbstractModule[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T]{
private val internalChannel = nInputChannel * depthMultiplier
private val channelDim = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NCHW) 2 else 4
private val depthWeight = if (initDepthWeight != null) {
} else if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NCHW) {
Tensor[T](depthMultiplier, nInputChannel, kW, kH)
} else {
Tensor[T](kW, kH, nInputChannel, depthMultiplier)
private val depthGradWeight = Tensor[T].resizeAs(depthWeight)
private val pointWeight = if (initPointWeight != null) {
} else if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NCHW) {
Tensor[T](nOutputChannel, internalChannel, 1, 1)
} else {
Tensor[T](1, 1, internalChannel, nOutputChannel)
private val pointGradWeight = Tensor[T].resizeAs(pointWeight)
private val bias = if (initBias != null) initBias else Tensor[T](nOutputChannel)
private val gradBias = Tensor[T].resizeAs(bias)
private val depthConv = SpatialConvolution[T](
nInputPlane = nInputChannel,
nOutputPlane = internalChannel,
kernelW = kW,
kernelH = kH,
strideW = sW,
strideH = sH,
padW = pW,
padH = pH,
wRegularizer = wRegularizer,
bRegularizer = null,
withBias = false,
format = dataFormat
private val pointWiseConv2D = SpatialConvolution[T](
nInputPlane = internalChannel,
nOutputPlane = nOutputChannel,
kernelW = 1,
kernelH = 1,
strideW = 1,
strideH = 1,
padW = 0,
padH = 0,
wRegularizer = pRegularizer,
bRegularizer = bRegularizer,
withBias = hasBias,
format = dataFormat,
initWeight = pointWeight,
initGradWeight = pointGradWeight,
initBias = bias,
initGradBias = gradBias
override def parameters(): (Array[Tensor[T]], Array[Tensor[T]]) = {
(Array(depthWeight, pointWeight, bias), Array(depthGradWeight, pointGradWeight, gradBias))
override def computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape): Shape = {
val input = inputShape.toSingle().toArray
require(input.length == 4,
s"SeparableConvolution2D requires 4D input, but got input dim ${input.length}")
SpatialConvolution[T](nInputChannel, nOutputChannel, kW, kH,
sW, sH, pW, pH, format = dataFormat).computeOutputShape(inputShape)
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
require(input.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D input")
require(input.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous input")
require(nInputChannel == input.size(channelDim),
s"input tensor channel dimension size(${input.size(channelDim)}) doesn't " +
s"match layer nInputChannel $nInputChannel")
SpatialSeparableConvolution.copyWeight(depthConv.weight, input.size(channelDim),
depthMultiplier, depthWeight, dataFormat)
output = pointWiseConv2D.forward(depthConv.output)
override def backward(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
require(input.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D input")
require(input.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous input")
require(nInputChannel == input.size(channelDim),
"input tensor channel dimension size doesn't match layer nInputChannel")
require(gradOutput.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D gradOutput")
require(gradOutput.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous gradOutput")
require(nOutputChannel == gradOutput.size(channelDim),
"gradOutput tensor channel dimension size doesn't match layer nOutputChannel")
pointWiseConv2D.backward(depthConv.output, gradOutput)
gradInput = depthConv.backward(input, pointWiseConv2D.gradInput)
SpatialSeparableConvolution.copyDepthGradWeight(nInputChannel, depthMultiplier,
depthConv.gradWeight, depthGradWeight, dataFormat)
override def updateGradInput(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
require(input.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D input")
require(input.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous input")
require(nInputChannel == input.size(channelDim),
"input tensor channel dimension size doesn't match layer nInputChannel")
require(gradOutput.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D gradOutput")
require(gradOutput.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous gradOutput")
require(nOutputChannel == gradOutput.size(channelDim),
"gradOutput tensor channel dimension size doesn't match layer nOutputChannel")
pointWiseConv2D.updateGradInput(depthConv.output, gradOutput)
gradInput = depthConv.updateGradInput(input, pointWiseConv2D.gradInput)
override def accGradParameters(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Unit = {
require(input.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D input")
require(input.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous input")
require(nInputChannel == input.size(channelDim),
"input tensor channel dimension size doesn't match layer nInputChannel")
require(gradOutput.nDimension() == 4, "SpatialSeparableConvolution only accept 4D gradOutput")
require(gradOutput.isContiguous(), "SpatialSeparableConvolution require contiguous gradOutput")
require(nOutputChannel == gradOutput.size(channelDim),
"gradOutput tensor channel dimension size doesn't match layer nOutputChannel")
pointWiseConv2D.accGradParameters(depthConv.output, gradOutput)
depthConv.accGradParameters(input, pointWiseConv2D.gradInput)
SpatialSeparableConvolution.copyDepthGradWeight(nInputChannel, depthMultiplier,
depthConv.gradWeight, depthGradWeight, dataFormat)
override def reset(): Unit = {
if (initDepthWeight == null) depthWeight.rand()
if (initPointWeight == null) pointWeight.rand()
if (initBias == null)
object SpatialSeparableConvolution extends ModuleSerializable {
def apply[T: ClassTag](nInputChannel: Int, nOutputChannel: Int, depthMultiplier: Int,
kW: Int, kH: Int, sW: Int = 1, sH: Int = 1, pW: Int = 0, pH: Int = 0,
hasBias: Boolean = true, dataFormat: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
pRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null, initDepthWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
initPointWeight: Tensor[T] = null, initBias: Tensor[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
: SpatialSeparableConvolution[T] = new SpatialSeparableConvolution[T](nInputChannel,
nOutputChannel, depthMultiplier, kW, kH, sW, sH, pW, pH, hasBias, dataFormat, wRegularizer,
bRegularizer, pRegularizer, initDepthWeight, initPointWeight, initBias)
private[bigdl] def copyWeight[T](weight: Tensor[T], nInputChannel: Int,
depthMultiplier: Int, sourceWeight: Tensor[T], dataFormat: DataFormat): Unit = {
val kInputDim = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NHWC) 3 else 2
val kOutputDim = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NHWC) 4 else 1
val delta = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NHWC) 0 else 1
var in = 0
while(in < nInputChannel) {
var out = 0
while(out < depthMultiplier) {
// weight is a 5D tensor with a group dimension + 1, in + 1)
.select(kOutputDim + delta, in * depthMultiplier + out + 1)
.copy(, in + 1).select(kOutputDim - 1 + delta, out + 1))
out += 1
in += 1
private[bigdl] def copyDepthGradWeight[T](
nInputChannel: Int, depthMultiplier: Int,
sourceGrad: Tensor[T], targetGrad: Tensor[T], dataFormat: DataFormat
): Unit = {
val kInputDim = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NHWC) 3 else 2
val kOutputDim = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NHWC) 4 else 1
val delta = if (dataFormat == DataFormat.NHWC) 0 else 1
var in = 0
while(in < nInputChannel) {
var out = 0
while(out < depthMultiplier) {, in + 1).select(kOutputDim - 1 + delta, out + 1)
.copy( + 1, in + 1).select(kOutputDim + delta,
in * depthMultiplier + out + 1))
out += 1
in += 1
override def doLoadModule[T: ClassTag](context: DeserializeContext)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T] = {
val attrMap = context.bigdlModule.getAttrMap
val ssc = super.doLoadModule(context).asInstanceOf[SpatialSeparableConvolution[T]]
val weights = ssc.parameters()._1
val (depthWeight, pointWeight, bias) = (weights(0), weights(1), weights(2))
val depthWeightLoad = DataConverter.
getAttributeValue(context, attrMap.get("depthWeight")).
val pointWeightLoad = DataConverter.
getAttributeValue(context, attrMap.get("pointWeight")).
val biasLoad = DataConverter.
getAttributeValue(context, attrMap.get("bias")).
ssc.asInstanceOf[AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]]
override def doSerializeModule[T: ClassTag](context: SerializeContext[T],
sreluBuilder : BigDLModule.Builder)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : Unit = {
super.doSerializeModule(context, sreluBuilder)
val ssc = context.moduleData.module.asInstanceOf[SpatialSeparableConvolution[T]]
val weights = ssc.parameters()._1
val (depthWeight, pointWeight, bias) = (weights(0), weights(1), weights(2))
val depthWeightBuilder = AttrValue.newBuilder
DataConverter.setAttributeValue(context, depthWeightBuilder,
depthWeight, ModuleSerializer.tensorType)
val pointWeightBuilder = AttrValue.newBuilder
DataConverter.setAttributeValue(context, pointWeightBuilder,
pointWeight, ModuleSerializer.tensorType)
val biasBuilder = AttrValue.newBuilder
DataConverter.setAttributeValue(context, biasBuilder,
bias, ModuleSerializer.tensorType)