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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{Initializable, TensorModule}
import{DoubleType, FloatType, Tensor}
import{Shape, T, Table}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.OptimizeIn
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Applies a 3D convolution over an input image composed of several input planes. The input tensor
* in forward(input) is expected to be a 4D tensor (nInputPlane x time x height x width).
* @param nInputPlane The number of expected input planes in the image given into forward()
* @param nOutputPlane The number of output planes the convolution layer will produce.
* @param kT The kernel size of the convolution in time
* @param kW The kernel width of the convolution
* @param kH The kernel height of the convolution
* @param dT The step of the convolution in the time dimension. Default is 1
* @param dW The step of the convolution in the width dimension. Default is 1
* @param dH The step of the convolution in the height dimension. Default is 1
* @param padT Additional zeros added to the input plane data on both sides of time axis.
* Default is 0. (kT-1)/2 is often used here.
* @param padW The additional zeros added per width to the input planes.
* @param padH The additional zeros added per height to the input planes.
* @param withBias whether with bias
* @param wRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
* (eg. L1 or L2 regularization), applied to the input weights matrices.
* @param bRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
* applied to the bias.
* @tparam T The numeric type in the criterion, usually which are [[Float]] or [[Double]]
class VolumetricConvolution[T: ClassTag](
val nInputPlane: Int, val nOutputPlane: Int,
val kT: Int, val kW: Int, val kH: Int,
val dT: Int = 1, val dW: Int = 1, val dH: Int = 1,
val padT: Int = 0, val padW: Int = 0, val padH: Int = 0, withBias: Boolean = true,
var wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
var bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends TensorModule[T] with Initializable {
require(kT > 0 && kW > 0 && kH > 0, "kernel size should be greater than zero," +
s" but got kT: $kT kH: $kH kW: $kW")
require(dT > 0 && dW > 0 && dH > 0, "stride should be greater than zero," +
s" but got dT: $dT dH: $dH dW: $dW")
val weight: Tensor[T] = Tensor[T](nOutputPlane, nInputPlane, kT, kH, kW)
val bias: Tensor[T] = if (withBias) Tensor[T](nOutputPlane) else null
val gradWeight: Tensor[T] = Tensor[T](nOutputPlane, nInputPlane, kT, kH, kW)
val gradBias: Tensor[T] = if (withBias) Tensor[T](nOutputPlane) else null
val fInput = Tensor[T]()
val fGradInput = Tensor[T]()
private val onesBias = if (withBias) Tensor[T]() else null
protected var weightMM: Tensor[T] = null
protected var gradWeightMM: Tensor[T] = null
val stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane)
val wInit: InitializationMethod = RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
val bInit: InitializationMethod = RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
setInitMethod(wInit, bInit)
override def reset(): Unit = {
weightInitMethod.init(weight, VariableFormat.OUT_IN_KT_KH_KW)
Option(bias).foreach(biasInitMethod.init(_, VariableFormat.ONE_D))
override def clearState(): this.type = {
if (withBias) onesBias.set()
override def parameters(): (Array[Tensor[T]], Array[Tensor[T]]) = {
if (withBias) {
(Array(this.weight, this.bias), Array(this.gradWeight, this.gradBias))
} else {
(Array(this.weight), Array(this.gradWeight))
override def computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape): Shape = {
val input = inputShape.toSingle().toArray
require(input.length == 5,
s"Convolution3D requires 5D input, but got input dim ${input.length}")
require(input(1) == nInputPlane, s"input.size(1) should be equal to nInputPlane. " +
s"But In ${this.getName()} : input.size(1) is: ${ input(1) } ," +
s" nInputPlane is: ${ nInputPlane }")
val inputWidth = input(4)
val inputHeight = input(3)
val inputDepth = input(2)
val sizes = if (padW == -1 && padH == -1 && padT == -1) {
Utils.getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, inputDepth, dT, kT)
} else {
Utils.getOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, padH, padW, ceilMode = false, inputdepth = inputDepth,
dt = dT, kt = kT, padt = padT)
val outputDepth = sizes(6)
val outputHeight = sizes(7)
val outputWidth = sizes(8)
require(outputWidth >= 1 && outputDepth >= 1 && outputHeight >= 1,
s"Given input size: (${ input.mkString("x") })." +
s" Calculated output size:" +
s" (${ nOutputPlane }x${ outputDepth }x${ outputHeight }x${ outputWidth })." +
s" Output size is too small")
Shape(input(0), nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputHeight, outputWidth)
* Computes the output using the current parameter set of the class and input. This function
* returns the result which is stored in the output field.
* @param input
* @return
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
require(input.isContiguous(), "input should be contiguous")
require(input.dim() == 4 || input.dim() == 5,
s"4D or 5D (batch mode) tensor expected for input, but got: ${ input.dim() }d")
if (weightMM == null || {
weightMM = weight.view(nOutputPlane, nInputPlane * kT * kH * kW)
require(weight.dim() == 2 || weight.dim() == 5,
s"weight tensor should be 2D or 5D - got ${ weight.dim() }")
if (input.dim() == 4) {
require(input.size(1) == nInputPlane, s"input.size(1) should be equal to nInputPlane. " +
s"But In ${this.getName()} : input.size(1) is: ${ input.size(1) } ," +
s" nInputPlane is: ${ nInputPlane }")
VolumetricConvolution.conv3d(input, output, weightMM, bias, onesBias, fInput,
nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, withBias, kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH)
* Computing the gradient of the module with respect to its own input. This is returned in
* gradInput. Also, the gradInput state variable is updated accordingly.
* @param input
* @param gradOutput
* @return
override def updateGradInput(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
require(input.dim() == 4 || input.dim() == 5,
s"4D or 5D (batch mode) tensor expected for input, but got: ${ input.dim() }d")
VolumetricConvolution.conv3DBackpropInput(input, gradInput, gradOutput, weightMM,
fGradInput, kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH)
override def accGradParameters(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Unit = {
require(gradOutput.isContiguous(), "gradOutput should be contiguous")
if (gradWeightMM == null || {
gradWeightMM = gradWeight.view(nOutputPlane, nInputPlane * kT * kH * kW)
VolumetricConvolution.conv3DBackpropFilter(input, gradOutput, gradWeightMM, gradBias,
fInput, scaleB, scaleW, withBias)
if (null != wRegularizer) {
wRegularizer.accRegularization(weight, gradWeight, scaleW)
if (withBias && null != bRegularizer) {
bRegularizer.accRegularization(bias, gradBias, scaleB)
override def toString: String = {
s"nn.VolumetricConvolution($nInputPlane -> $nOutputPlane, $kT x $kW x" +
s" $kH, $dT, $dW, $dH, $padT, $padW, $padH)"
object VolumetricConvolution {
def apply[@specialized(Float, Double) T: ClassTag](
nInputPlane: Int, nOutputPlane: Int,
kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int,
dT: Int = 1, dW: Int = 1, dH: Int = 1,
padT: Int = 0, padW: Int = 0, padH: Int = 0, withBias: Boolean = true,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): VolumetricConvolution[T] = {
new VolumetricConvolution[T](nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH, withBias, wRegularizer, bRegularizer)
private[bigdl] def conv3d[T](input: Tensor[T],
output: Tensor[T],
weightMM: Tensor[T],
bias: Tensor[T],
onesBias: Tensor[T],
fInput: Tensor[T],
nInputPlane: Int,
nOutputPlane: Int,
withBias: Boolean,
kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int,
dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padT: Int, padW: Int, padH: Int
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val dimDepth = if (input.dim() == 4) 2 else 3
val dimWidth = if (input.dim() == 4) 4 else 5
val dimHeight = if (input.dim() == 4) 3 else 4
val inputWidth = input.size(dimWidth)
val inputHeight = input.size(dimHeight)
val inputDepth = input.size(dimDepth)
val sizes = if (padW == -1 && padH == -1 && padT == -1) {
Utils.getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, inputDepth, dT, kT)
} else {
Utils.getOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, padH, padW, ceilMode = false, inputdepth = inputDepth,
dt = dT, kt = kT, padt = padT)
val padFront = sizes(0)
val padBack = sizes(1)
val padLeft = sizes(4)
val padRight = sizes(5)
val padTop = sizes(2)
val padBottom = sizes(3)
val outputDepth = sizes(6)
val outputHeight = sizes(7)
val outputWidth = sizes(8)
require(outputWidth >= 1 && outputDepth >= 1 && outputHeight >= 1,
s"Given input size: (${ input.size().mkString("x") })." +
s" Calculated output size:" +
s" (${ nOutputPlane }x${ outputDepth }x${ outputHeight }x${ outputWidth })." +
s" Output size is too small")
if (withBias && (onesBias.dim() != 1 || onesBias.size(1) !=
outputHeight * outputWidth * outputDepth)) {
onesBias.resize(Array(outputHeight * outputWidth * outputDepth)).fill(
if (input.dim() == 4) {
fInput.resize(kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane, outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
output.resize(nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputHeight, outputWidth)
updateOutputFrame(input, output, weightMM, bias, fInput, kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom, nInputPlane,
inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight,
nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight, withBias, onesBias)
} else {
fInput.resize(input.size(1), kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane,
outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
output.resize(input.size(1), nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputHeight, outputWidth)
var t = 1
while (t <= input.size(1)) {
val inputT =, t)
val outputT =, t)
val fInputT =, t)
updateOutputFrame(inputT, outputT, weightMM, bias, fInputT,
kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
nInputPlane, inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight,
nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight, withBias, onesBias)
t += 1
private def updateOutputFrame[T](
input: Tensor[T], output: Tensor[T], weight: Tensor[T],
bias: Tensor[T], fInput: Tensor[T], kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padFront: Int, padLeft: Int, padTop: Int, padBack: Int, padRight: Int, padBottom: Int,
nInputPlane: Int, inputDepth: Int, inputWidth: Int, inputHeight: Int,
nOutputPlane: Int, outputDepth: Int, outputWidth: Int, outputHeight: Int,
withBias: Boolean, onesBias: Tensor[T])
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val output2d = output.view(nOutputPlane, outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType =>
input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight)
case FloatType =>
input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight)
case t => throw new NotImplementedError(s"$t is not supported")
output2d.addmm(, output2d,, weight, fInput)
if (withBias) {
output2d.addr(, bias, onesBias)
private[bigdl] def conv3DBackpropInput[T](inputSize: Array[Int],
gradInput: Tensor[T],
gradOutput: Tensor[T],
weightMM: Tensor[T],
fGradInput: Tensor[T],
kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int,
dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padT: Int, padW: Int, padH: Int
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val dimChannel = if (inputSize.length == 4) 1 else 2
val dimDepth = if (inputSize.length == 4) 2 else 3
val dimWidth = if (inputSize.length == 4) 4 else 5
val dimHeight = if (inputSize.length == 4) 3 else 4
val nInputPlane = inputSize(dimChannel - 1)
val inputWidth = inputSize(dimWidth - 1)
val inputHeight = inputSize(dimHeight - 1)
val inputDepth = inputSize(dimDepth - 1)
val outputDepth = gradOutput.size(dimDepth)
val outputHeight = gradOutput.size(dimHeight)
val outputWidth = gradOutput.size(dimWidth)
val sizes = if (padW == -1 && padH == -1 && padT == -1) {
Utils.getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, inputDepth, dT, kT)
} else {
Utils.getOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, padH, padW, ceilMode = false, inputdepth = inputDepth,
dt = dT, kt = kT, padt = padT)
val padFront = sizes(0)
val padBack = sizes(1)
val padLeft = sizes(4)
val padRight = sizes(5)
val padTop = sizes(2)
val padBottom = sizes(3)
if (inputSize.length == 4) {
fGradInput.resize(kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane, outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
require(gradOutput.isContiguous(), "gradOutput should be contiguous")
updateGradInputFrame(gradInput, gradOutput, weightMM.transpose(1, 2), fGradInput,
kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom)
} else {
fGradInput.resize(inputSize(0), kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane,
outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
// batch mode
var t = 1
while (t <= inputSize(0)) {
val gradInputT =, t)
val gradOutputT =, t)
val fGradInputT =, t)
require(gradOutputT.isContiguous(), "each batch of gradOutput should be contiguous")
updateGradInputFrame(gradInputT, gradOutputT, weightMM.transpose(1, 2), fGradInputT,
kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom)
t += 1
private[bigdl] def conv3DBackpropInput[T](input: Tensor[T],
gradInput: Tensor[T],
gradOutput: Tensor[T],
weightMM: Tensor[T],
fGradInput: Tensor[T],
kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int,
dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padT: Int, padW: Int, padH: Int
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
conv3DBackpropInput(input.size(), gradInput, gradOutput, weightMM, fGradInput,
kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH)
private def updateGradInputFrame[T](
gradInput: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T], weight: Tensor[T],
fGradInput: Tensor[T], kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padFront: Int, padLeft: Int, padTop: Int, padBack: Int, padRight: Int, padBottom: Int)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]):
Unit = {
val gradOutput2d = gradOutput.view(gradOutput.size(1),
gradOutput.size(2) * gradOutput.size(3) * gradOutput.size(4))
fGradInput.addmm(, fGradInput,, weight, gradOutput2d)
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType =>
gradInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
gradInput.size(1), gradInput.size(2), gradInput.size(4), gradInput.size(3),
gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(4), gradOutput.size(3))
case FloatType =>
gradInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
gradInput.size(1), gradInput.size(2), gradInput.size(4), gradInput.size(3),
gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(4), gradOutput.size(3))
case t => throw new NotImplementedError(s"$t is not supported")
private[bigdl] def populateFInput[T](
input: Tensor[T],
fInput: Tensor[T],
nInputPlane: Int,
nOutputPlane: Int,
kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int,
dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padT: Int, padW: Int, padH: Int
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val dimDepth = if (input.dim() == 4) 2 else 3
val dimWidth = if (input.dim() == 4) 4 else 5
val dimHeight = if (input.dim() == 4) 3 else 4
val inputWidth = input.size(dimWidth)
val inputHeight = input.size(dimHeight)
val inputDepth = input.size(dimDepth)
val sizes = if (padW == -1 && padH == -1 && padT == -1) {
Utils.getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, inputDepth, dT, kT)
} else {
Utils.getOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, dH,
dW, kH, kW, padH, padW, ceilMode = false, inputdepth = inputDepth,
dt = dT, kt = kT, padt = padT)
val padFront = sizes(0)
val padBack = sizes(1)
val padLeft = sizes(4)
val padRight = sizes(5)
val padTop = sizes(2)
val padBottom = sizes(3)
val outputDepth = sizes(6)
val outputHeight = sizes(7)
val outputWidth = sizes(8)
require(outputWidth >= 1 && outputDepth >= 1 && outputHeight >= 1,
s"Given input size: (${ input.size().mkString("x") })." +
s" Calculated output size:" +
s" (${ nOutputPlane }x${ outputDepth }x${ outputHeight }x${ outputWidth })." +
s" Output size is too small")
if (input.dim() == 4) {
fInput.resize(kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane, outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
im2colWrapper(input, fInput, kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom, nInputPlane,
inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight,
nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight)
} else {
fInput.resize(input.size(1), kT * kW * kH * nInputPlane,
outputDepth * outputHeight * outputWidth)
var t = 1
while (t <= input.size(1)) {
val inputT =, t)
val fInputT =, t)
im2colWrapper(inputT, fInputT,
kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
nInputPlane, inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight,
nOutputPlane, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight)
t += 1
private def im2colWrapper[T](
input: Tensor[T],
fInput: Tensor[T], kT: Int, kW: Int, kH: Int, dT: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
padFront: Int, padLeft: Int, padTop: Int, padBack: Int, padRight: Int, padBottom: Int,
nInputPlane: Int, inputDepth: Int, inputWidth: Int, inputHeight: Int,
nOutputPlane: Int, outputDepth: Int, outputWidth: Int, outputHeight: Int)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType =>
input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight)
case FloatType =>
input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
padFront, padLeft, padTop, padBack, padRight, padBottom,
inputDepth, inputWidth, inputHeight, outputDepth, outputWidth, outputHeight)
case t => throw new NotImplementedError(s"$t is not supported")
private[bigdl] def conv3DBackpropFilter[T](input: Tensor[T],
gradOutput: Tensor[T],
gradWeightMM: Tensor[T],
gradBias: Tensor[T],
fInput: Tensor[T],
scaleW: Double, scaleB: Double,
withBias: Boolean)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
if (input.dim() == 4) {
accGradParametersFrame(gradOutput, gradWeightMM, gradBias, fInput,
ev.fromType[Double](scaleW), ev.fromType[Double](scaleB), withBias)
} else {
// batch mode
var t = 1
while (t <= input.size(1)) {
val gradOutputT =, t)
val fInputT =, t)
accGradParametersFrame(gradOutputT, gradWeightMM, gradBias, fInputT,
ev.fromType[Double](scaleW), ev.fromType[Double](scaleB), withBias)
t += 1
private def accGradParametersFrame[T](
gradOutput: Tensor[T], gradWeight: Tensor[T], gradBias: Tensor[T],
fInput: Tensor[T], scaleW: T, scaleB: T, withBias: Boolean)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val gradOutput2d = gradOutput.view(gradOutput.size(1), gradOutput.size(2) *
gradOutput.size(3) * gradOutput.size(4))
val fInputT = fInput.transpose(1, 2)
if (scaleW != 0) {
gradWeight.addmm(, gradWeight, scaleW, gradOutput2d, fInputT)
if (withBias && scaleB != 0) {
var i = 0
while (i < gradBias.size(1)) {
var sum =
val data =
val offset = gradOutput2d.storageOffset() - 1 + i * gradOutput2d.stride(1)
var k = 0
while (k < gradOutput2d.size(2)) {
sum =, data(k + offset))
k += 1
gradBias.setValue(i + 1, + 1),
ev.times(scaleB, sum)))
i += 1