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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{DoubleType, FloatType, Storage, Tensor}
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils
import java.util
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.collection.Iterator
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Transform a data stream of type A to type B. It is usually used in data pre-process stage.
* Different transformers can compose a pipeline. For example, if there're transformer1 from A to
* B, transformer2 from B to C, and transformer3 from C to D, you can compose them into a bigger
* transformer from A to D by transformer1 -> transformer2 -> transformer 3.
* The purpose of transformer is for code reuse. Many deep learning share many common data
* pre-process steps. User needn't write them every time, but can reuse others work.
* Transformer can be used with RDD(rdd.mapPartition), iterator and DataSet.
* @tparam A
* @tparam B
trait Transformer[A, B] extends Serializable {
def apply(prev: Iterator[A]): Iterator[B]
// scalastyle:off methodName
// scalastyle:off noSpaceBeforeLeftBracket
def -> [C](other: Transformer[B, C]): Transformer[A, C] = {
new ChainedTransformer(this, other)
// scalastyle:on noSpaceBeforeLeftBracket
// scalastyle:on methodName
def cloneTransformer(): Transformer[A, B] = {
* Apply this transformer to rdd
* @param dataset
def apply(dataset: RDD[A])(implicit evidence: ClassTag[B]): RDD[B] = {
val broadcast = dataset.sparkContext.broadcast(this)
val cachedTransformer = dataset.mapPartitions(_ => Iterator
(data, tran) =>
* A transformer chain two transformer together. The output type of the first transformer should be
* same with the input type of the second transformer.
* @param first first transformer
* @param last last transformer
* @tparam A input type of the first transformer
* @tparam B output type of the first transformer, as well as the input type of the last transformer
* @tparam C output of the last transformer
class ChainedTransformer[A, B, C](first: Transformer[A, B], last: Transformer[B, C])
extends Transformer[A, C] {
override def apply(prev: Iterator[A]): Iterator[C] = {
object Identity {
def apply[A](): Identity[A] = new Identity[A]()
* Just transform the input to output.
class Identity[A] extends Transformer[A, A] {
override def apply(prev: Iterator[A]): Iterator[A] = {
* Convert a sequence of Sample to a sequence of MiniBatch,
* optionally padding all the features (or labels) in the mini-batch to the same length
object SampleToBatch {
@deprecated("Use SampleToMiniBatch instead", "0.2.0")
def apply[T: ClassTag]
(batchSize : Int,
featurePadding : Option[Tensor[T]] = None,
labelPadding : Option[T] = None,
fixedLength: Option[Int] = None,
partitionNum: Option[Int] = None)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): SampleToBatch[T]
= new SampleToBatch[T](batchSize, featurePadding, labelPadding, fixedLength, partitionNum)
* Convert a sequence of single-feature and single-label Sample to a sequence of MiniBatch,
* optionally padding all the features (or labels) in the mini-batch to the same length
* @param totalBatch total batch size
* @param featurePadding feature padding value (by default None, meaning no feature padding)
* @param labelPadding label padding value (by default None, meaning no label padding)
* @param fixedLength if padding, it specifies the length of feature/label after padding
* (by default None, meaning the length after padding is set to the max
* length of feature/label in a mini-batch)
* @param partitionNum partition number of dataset, default means partitionNum
* equals Engine.nodeNumber()
@deprecated("Use SampleToMiniBatch instead", "0.2.0")
class SampleToBatch[T: ClassTag]
(totalBatch : Int,
featurePadding : Option[Tensor[T]] = None,
labelPadding : Option[T] = None,
fixedLength: Option[Int] = None,
partitionNum: Option[Int] = None)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends Transformer[Sample[T], MiniBatch[T]] {
private def paddingTensor(data: Array[T], padValue: Tensor[T], start: Int, end: Int): Unit = {
var offset = start
val padArr =
val padOffset = padValue.storageOffset() - 1
while (offset < end) {
val length = math.min(end - offset, padArr.length)
System.arraycopy(padArr, padOffset, data, offset, length)
offset += length
private def paddingValue(data: Array[T], padValue: T, start: Int, end: Int): Unit = {
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType =>
util.Arrays.fill(data.asInstanceOf[Array[Double]], start, end, ev.toType[Double](padValue))
case FloatType =>
util.Arrays.fill(data.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]], start, end, ev.toType[Float](padValue))
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"SampleToBatch: Only Float/Double supported")
private def copyArray(
src: Array[T],
srcPos: Int,
dest: Array[T],
destPos: Int,
length: Int): Unit = {
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType => Array.copy(src
srcPos, dest
.asInstanceOf[Array[Double]], destPos, length)
case FloatType => System.arraycopy(src
srcPos, dest
.asInstanceOf[Array[Float]], destPos, length)
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Only Float/Double supported")
* get data's product form start to end
private def getProduct(data: Array[Int], start: Int, end: Int): Int = {
var i = start
var res = 1
while (i < end) {
res *= data(i)
i += 1
* compare a and b, then return the larger one's index
* @param i the index of a
* @param j the index of b
private def getLarger(a: Int, i : Int, b : Int, j : Int): Int = {
if (a > b) i else j
private val batchPerPartition = Utils.getBatchSize(totalBatch, partitionNum)
override def apply(prev: Iterator[Sample[T]]): Iterator[MiniBatch[T]] = {
val batchSizePerPartition = batchPerPartition
new Iterator[MiniBatch[T]] {
private val featureTensor: Tensor[T] = Tensor[T]()
private val labelTensor: Tensor[T] = Tensor[T]()
private var featureData: Array[T] = null
private var labelData: Array[T] = null
private val batchSize = batchSizePerPartition
private val sampleData = new Array[Sample[T]](batchSize)
private var featureSize: Array[Int] = null
private var labelSize: Array[Int] = null
private var oneFeatureElement: Int = 0
private var oneLabelElement: Int = 0
private val padFeature: Boolean = !featurePadding.isEmpty
private val padLabel: Boolean = !labelPadding.isEmpty
override def hasNext: Boolean = prev.hasNext
override def next(): MiniBatch[T] = {
if (prev.hasNext) {
var i = 0
var labelIndex = 0
var featureIndex = 0
var batchLength = 1
while (i < batchSize && prev.hasNext) {
val sample =
require(sample.feature().isContiguous() && sample.label().isContiguous(),
"SampleToBatch: Only support contiguous tensor")
sampleData(i) = sample
featureIndex = getLarger(sampleData(featureIndex).feature().nElement(),
featureIndex, sample.feature().nElement(), i)
labelIndex = getLarger(sampleData(labelIndex).label().nElement(),
labelIndex, sample.label().nElement(), i)
i += 1
batchLength = i
if (featureSize == null) {
featureSize = Array(1) ++ sampleData(featureIndex).feature().size()
labelSize = Array(1) ++ sampleData(labelIndex).label().size()
featureSize(0) = batchLength
val featureLength = sampleData(featureIndex).feature().size(1)
featureSize(1) = if (padFeature) fixedLength.getOrElse(featureLength) else featureLength
require(featureSize(1) >= featureLength,
"SampleToBatch: fixedLength should not be less than first dimension of feature")
oneFeatureElement = getProduct(featureSize, 1, featureSize.length)
labelSize(0) = batchLength
val labelLength = sampleData(labelIndex).label().size(1)
labelSize(1) = if (padLabel) fixedLength.getOrElse(labelLength) else labelLength
require(labelSize(1) >= labelLength,
"SampleToBatch: fixedLength should not be less than first dimension of label")
oneLabelElement = getProduct(labelSize, 1, labelSize.length)
if (featureData == null || featureData.length < batchSize * oneFeatureElement) {
featureData = new Array[T](batchSize * oneFeatureElement)
if (labelData == null || labelData.length < batchSize * oneLabelElement) {
labelData = new Array[T](batchSize * oneLabelElement)
if (padFeature) {
require(((featurePadding.get.dim() + 1) == sampleData(featureIndex).feature().dim())
&& featurePadding.get.isContiguous(), "SampleToBatch: featurePadding should be" +
s"contiguous and dim should be ${sampleData(featureIndex).feature().dim() - 1}")
i = 0
while (i < batchLength) {
val sample = sampleData(i)
copyArray(sample.feature().storage().array(), sample.feature().storageOffset() - 1,
featureData, i * oneFeatureElement, sample.feature().nElement())
if (padFeature) {
paddingTensor(featureData, featurePadding.get,
i * oneFeatureElement + sample.feature().nElement(), (i + 1) * oneFeatureElement)
copyArray(sample.label().storage().array(), sample.label().storageOffset() - 1,
labelData, i * oneLabelElement, sample.label().nElement())
if (padLabel) {
paddingValue(labelData, labelPadding.get,
i * oneLabelElement + sample.label().nElement(), (i + 1) * oneLabelElement)
i += 1
featureTensor.set(Storage[T](featureData), storageOffset = 1, sizes = featureSize)
labelTensor.set(Storage[T](labelData), storageOffset = 1, sizes = labelSize)
MiniBatch(featureTensor, labelTensor)
} else {
* Convert a sequence of [[Sample]] to a sequence of [[MiniBatch]] through function toMiniBatch.
class SampleToMiniBatch[T: ClassTag] private[bigdl](
totalBatch: Int,
miniBatch: Option[MiniBatch[T]] = None,
featurePaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None,
labelPaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None,
partitionNum: Option[Int] = None)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Transformer[Sample[T], MiniBatch[T]] {
private val batchPerPartition = Utils.getBatchSize(totalBatch, partitionNum)
var miniBatchBuffer = miniBatch.orNull
private val batchSize = batchPerPartition
private val sampleData = new Array[Sample[T]](batchSize)
override def apply(prev: Iterator[Sample[T]]): Iterator[MiniBatch[T]] = {
new Iterator[MiniBatch[T]] {
override def hasNext: Boolean = prev.hasNext
override def next(): MiniBatch[T] = {
if (prev.hasNext) {
var i = 0
while (i < batchSize && prev.hasNext) {
val sample =
sampleData(i) = sample
i += 1
if (null == miniBatchBuffer) {
val firstSample = sampleData(0)
miniBatchBuffer = if (firstSample.isInstanceOf[TensorSample[T]]) {
SparseMiniBatch(firstSample.numFeature(), firstSample.numLabel())
} else {
MiniBatch(firstSample.numFeature(), firstSample.numLabel(),
featurePaddingParam, labelPaddingParam)
if (i < batchSize) {
miniBatchBuffer.set(sampleData.slice(0, i))
} else {
} else {
object SampleToMiniBatch {
* Apply an SampleToMiniBatch transformer.
* @param batchSize total batch size
* @param featurePaddingParam feature padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @param labelPaddingParam label padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @return
def apply[T: ClassTag](
batchSize : Int,
featurePaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None,
labelPaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None,
partitionNum: Option[Int] = None
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): SampleToMiniBatch[T] = {
new SampleToMiniBatch[T](batchSize, None, featurePaddingParam, labelPaddingParam, partitionNum)
* Apply an SampleToMiniBatch transformer with UDF MiniBatch.
* @param batchSize total batch size
* @param miniBatch An User-Defined MiniBatch to construct a mini batch.
* @return
def apply[T: ClassTag](
miniBatch: MiniBatch[T],
batchSize : Int,
partitionNum: Option[Int])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): SampleToMiniBatch[T] = {
new SampleToMiniBatch[T](batchSize, Some(miniBatch), partitionNum = partitionNum)