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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{AbstractModule, Activity}
import{NumericDouble, NumericFloat}
import{Shape, SingleShape}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect._
* Generate the prior boxes of designated sizes and aspect ratios across
* all dimensions (H * W)
* Intended for use with MultiBox detection method to generate prior
* @param minSizes minimum box size in pixels. can be multiple. required!
* @param maxSizes maximum box size in pixels. can be ignored or same as the
* # of min_size.
* @param _aspectRatios optional aspect ratios of the boxes. can be multiple
* @param isFlip optional bool, default true. if set, flip the aspect ratio.
* @param isClip whether to clip the prior's coordidate such that it is within [0, 1]
* @tparam T Numeric type. Only support float/double now
class PriorBox[T: ClassTag](minSizes: Array[Float], maxSizes: Array[Float] = null,
_aspectRatios: Array[Float] = null, isFlip: Boolean = true, isClip: Boolean = false,
var variances: Array[Float] = null, offset: Float = 0.5f,
var imgH: Int = 0, var imgW: Int = 0, imgSize: Int = 0,
var stepH: Float = 0, var stepW: Float = 0, step: Float = 0)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends AbstractModule[Activity, Tensor[T], T] {
private var aspectRatios: ArrayBuffer[Float] = _
private var numPriors = 0
private def init(): Unit = {
require(minSizes != null && minSizes.length > 0, "must provide minSize")
if (aspectRatios == null) aspectRatios = new ArrayBuffer[Float]()
else aspectRatios.clear()
var i = 0
if (_aspectRatios != null) {
while (i < _aspectRatios.length) {
val ar = _aspectRatios(i)
if (!checkExist(aspectRatios, ar)) {
if (isFlip) {
aspectRatios.append(1 / ar)
i += 1
numPriors = aspectRatios.length * minSizes.length
if (maxSizes != null && maxSizes.length > 0) {
require(minSizes.length == maxSizes.length)
i = 0
while (i < maxSizes.length) {
require(maxSizes(i) > minSizes(i))
numPriors += 1
i += 1
if (variances == null) {
variances = Array[Float](0.1f)
} else if (variances.length > 1) {
require(variances.length == 4, "Must and only provide 4 variance.")
if (imgH != 0 && imgW != 0) {
require(imgW > 0 && imgH > 0)
} else if (imgSize != 0) {
require(imgSize > 0)
imgH = imgSize
imgW = imgSize
if (stepH != 0 && stepW != 0) {
require(stepW > 0 && stepH > 0)
} else if (step != 0) {
require(step > 0)
stepH = step
stepW = step
private def checkExist(aspectRatios: ArrayBuffer[Float], ar: Float): Boolean = {
var j = 0
while (j < aspectRatios.length) {
if (Math.abs(ar - aspectRatios(j)) < 1e-6) {
return true
j += 1
* Computes the output using the current parameter set of the class and input. This function
* returns the result which is stored in the output field.
* @param input
* @return
override def updateOutput(input: Activity): Tensor[T] = {
require(imgW > 0 && imgH > 0, "imgW and imgH must > 0")
val feature = if (input.isTensor) input.toTensor[Float] else input.toTable[Tensor[Float]](1)
val layerW = feature.size(4)
val layerH = feature.size(3)
if (stepW == 0 || stepH == 0) {
stepW = imgW / layerW.toFloat
stepH = imgH / layerH.toFloat
val dim = layerH * layerW * numPriors * 4
if (output.nElement() == 2 * dim && output.dim() == 3 &&
output.size(1) == 1 && output.size(2) == 2 && output.size(3) == dim) {
return output
// Since all images in a batch has same height and width, we only need to
// generate one set of priors which can be shared across all images.
// 2 channels. First channel stores the mean of each prior coordinate.
// Second channel stores the variance of each prior coordinate.
output.resize(1, 2, dim)
val offset = output.storageOffset() - 1
if (classTag[T] == classTag[Float]) {
val outputData =[Array[Float]]
computPriorBoxFloat(layerW, layerH, imgW, imgH, dim, outputData, offset)
} else if (classTag[T] == classTag[Double]) {
val outputData =[Array[Double]]
computPriorBoxDouble(layerW, layerH, imgW, imgH, dim, outputData, offset)
def computPriorBoxFloat(layerW: Int, layerH: Int, imgWidth: Float, imgHeight: Float,
dim: Int, outputData: Array[Float], outputOffset: Int): Unit = {
var idx = outputOffset
var h = 0
while (h < layerH) {
var w = 0
while (w < layerW) {
val centerX = (w + offset) * stepW
val centerY = (h + offset) * stepH
var halfBoxW = 0f
var halfBoxH = 0f
var s = 0
while (s < minSizes.length) {
val minSize = minSizes(s).toInt
halfBoxW = minSize / 2.0f
halfBoxH = minSize / 2.0f
outputData(idx) = (centerX - halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmin
outputData(idx + 1) = (centerY - halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymin
outputData(idx + 2) = (centerX + halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmax
outputData(idx + 3) = (centerY + halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymax
idx += 4
if (maxSizes != null && maxSizes.length > 0) {
val maxSize = maxSizes(s).toInt
// second prior: aspect_ratio = 1, size = sqrt(min_size * max_size)
halfBoxW = Math.sqrt(minSize * maxSize).toFloat / 2
halfBoxH = halfBoxW
outputData(idx) = (centerX - halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmin
outputData(idx + 1) = (centerY - halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymin
outputData(idx + 2) = (centerX + halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmax
outputData(idx + 3) = (centerY + halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymax
idx += 4
var r = 0
// rest of priors
while (r < aspectRatios.length) {
val ar = aspectRatios(r)
if (Math.abs(ar - 1) >= 1e-6) {
val v = Math.sqrt(ar).toFloat
halfBoxW = minSize * v / 2
halfBoxH = minSize / v / 2
outputData(idx) = (centerX - halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmin
outputData(idx + 1) = (centerY - halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymin
outputData(idx + 2) = (centerX + halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmax
outputData(idx + 3) = (centerY + halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymax
idx += 4
r += 1
s += 1
w += 1
h += 1
// clip the prior's coordidate such that it is within [0, 1]
if (isClip) {
var d = outputOffset
while (d < dim) {
outputData(d) = Math.min(Math.max(outputData(d), 0), 1)
d += 1
// set the variance.
// var outputDataOffset = output.storageOffset() - 1 + offset(0, 1, sizes = output.size())
if (variances.length == 1) {
NumericFloat.fill(outputData, idx, output.nElement(), variances(0))
} else {
var d = 0
while (d < dim) {
Array.copy(variances, 0, outputData, idx, 4)
idx += 4
d += 4
def computPriorBoxDouble(layerW: Int, layerH: Int, imgWidth: Float, imgHeight: Float,
dim: Int, outputData: Array[Double], outputOffset: Int): Unit = {
var idx = outputOffset
var h = 0
while (h < layerH) {
var w = 0
while (w < layerW) {
val centerX = (w + offset) * stepW
val centerY = (h + offset) * stepH
var halfBoxW = 0f
var halfBoxH = 0f
var s = 0
while (s < minSizes.length) {
val minSize = minSizes(s)
halfBoxW = minSize / 2
halfBoxH = minSize / 2
outputData(idx) = (centerX - halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmin
outputData(idx + 1) = (centerY - halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymin
outputData(idx + 2) = (centerX + halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmax
outputData(idx + 3) = (centerY + halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymax
idx += 4
if (maxSizes != null && maxSizes.length > 0) {
val maxSize = maxSizes(s)
// second prior: aspect_ratio = 1, size = sqrt(min_size * max_size)
halfBoxW = Math.sqrt(minSize * maxSize).toFloat / 2
halfBoxH = halfBoxW
outputData(idx) = (centerX - halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmin
outputData(idx + 1) = (centerY - halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymin
outputData(idx + 2) = (centerX + halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmax
outputData(idx + 3) = (centerY + halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymax
idx += 4
var r = 0
// rest of priors
while (r < aspectRatios.length) {
val ar = aspectRatios(r)
if (Math.abs(ar - 1) >= 1e-6) {
val v = Math.sqrt(ar).toFloat
halfBoxW = minSize * v / 2
halfBoxH = minSize / v / 2
outputData(idx) = (centerX - halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmin
outputData(idx + 1) = (centerY - halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymin
outputData(idx + 2) = (centerX + halfBoxW) / imgWidth // xmax
outputData(idx + 3) = (centerY + halfBoxH) / imgHeight // ymax
idx += 4
r += 1
s += 1
w += 1
h += 1
// clip the prior's coordidate such that it is within [0, 1]
if (isClip) {
var d = outputOffset
while (d < dim) {
outputData(d) = Math.min(Math.max(outputData(d), 0), 1)
d += 1
// set the variance.
// var outputDataOffset = output.storageOffset() - 1 + offset(0, 1, sizes = output.size())
if (variances.length == 1) {
NumericDouble.fill(outputData, idx, output.nElement(), variances(0))
} else {
var d = 0
while (d < dim) {
Array.copy(variances, 0, outputData, idx, 4)
idx += 4
d += 4
override def updateGradInput(input: Activity, gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Activity = {
gradInput = null
override def computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape): Shape = {
val feature = if (inputShape.isInstanceOf[SingleShape]) {
} else {
val layerW = feature(3)
val layerH = feature(2)
if (stepW == 0 || stepH == 0) {
stepW = imgW / layerW.toFloat
stepH = imgH / layerH.toFloat
val dim = layerH * layerW * numPriors * 4
val outputSize = if (output.nElement() == 2 * dim && output.dim() == 3 &&
output.size(1) == 1 && output.size(2) == 2 && output.size(3) == dim) {
} else Array(1, 2, dim)
object PriorBox {
def apply[@specialized(Float, Double) T: ClassTag](minSizes: Array[Float],
maxSizes: Array[Float] = null,
_aspectRatios: Array[Float] = null, isFlip: Boolean = true, isClip: Boolean = false,
variances: Array[Float] = null, offset: Float = 0.5f,
imgH: Int = 0, imgW: Int = 0, imgSize: Int = 0,
stepH: Float = 0, stepW: Float = 0, step: Float = 0)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): PriorBox[T] =
new PriorBox[T](minSizes, maxSizes, _aspectRatios, isFlip, isClip, variances, offset, imgH,
imgW, imgSize, stepH, stepW, step)