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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{T, Table}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* A interface for MiniBatch.
* A MiniBatch contains a few samples.
* @tparam T Numeric type
trait MiniBatch[T] extends Serializable{
* Get the number of samples in this MiniBatch
* @return size How many samples in this MiniBatch
def size(): Int
* Slice this MiniBatch to a smaller MiniBatch with offset and length
* @param offset offset, counted from 1
* @param length length
* @return A smaller MiniBatch
def slice(offset: Int, length: Int): MiniBatch[T]
* Get input in this MiniBatch.
* @return input Activity
def getInput(): Activity
* Get target in this MiniBatch
* @return target Activity
def getTarget(): Activity
* An deprecated function for single-input/single-target MiniBatch.
* You don't need to override this, because we have add
* a default implement to throw exception.
@deprecated("Old interface, use getInput instead", "0.2.0")
def data(): Tensor[T] = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(" unimplemented deprecated method")
* An deprecated function for single-input/single-target MiniBatch.
* You don't need to override this, because we have add
* a default implement to throw exception.
@deprecated("Old interface, use getTarget instead", "0.2.0")
def labels(): Tensor[T] = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("MiniBatch.labels(): unimplemented deprecated method")
* Replace the original content of the miniBatch with a set of Sample.
* @param samples a set of Sample
* @return self
def set(samples: Seq[Sample[T]])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): this.type
* Default type of MiniBatch in BigDL.
* This MiniBatch support both single/multi inputs and single/multi targets.
* `inputData` store the input tensors, if `inputData.length == 1`, `getInput()` will return
* a tensor; If `inputData.length > 1`, `getInput()` will return a table.
* `targetData` store the target tensors, if `targetData.length == 1`, `getTarget()` will return
* a tensor; If `targetData.length > 1`, `getTarget()` will return a table.
* @param inputData a set of input tensor
* @param targetData a set of target tensor
* @param featurePaddingParam feature padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @param labelPaddingParam label padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @tparam T Numeric type
* @since 0.2.0
private[bigdl] class ArrayTensorMiniBatch[T: ClassTag](
val inputData: Array[Tensor[T]],
val targetData: Array[Tensor[T]],
featurePaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None,
labelPaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None) extends MiniBatch[T]{
require(inputData.length > 0, "Input data in MiniBatch is empty.")
protected var batchSize = 0
protected var unlabeled = false
val (featurePadding, featurePaddingStrategy) = if (featurePaddingParam.isDefined) {
(featurePaddingParam.get.paddingTensor, featurePaddingParam.get.paddingStrategy)
} else {
(None, new DefaultPadding)
val (labelPadding, labelPaddingStrategy) = if (labelPaddingParam.isDefined) {
(labelPaddingParam.get.paddingTensor, labelPaddingParam.get.paddingStrategy)
} else {
(None, new DefaultPadding)
private val input: Activity = if (inputData.length == 1) {
} else {
private val target: Activity = if (targetData.length == 0) {
} else if (targetData.length == 1) {
} else {
override def size(): Int = {
if (inputData.head.nElement() == 0) {
} else {
override def slice(offset: Int, length: Int): MiniBatch[T] = {
val inputs = new Array[Tensor[T]](inputData.length)
val targets = new Array[Tensor[T]](targetData.length)
var b = 0
while(b < inputData.size) {
inputs(b) = inputData(b).narrow(1, offset, length)
b += 1
b = 0
while(b < targetData.size) {
targets(b) = targetData(b).narrow(1, offset, length)
b += 1
MiniBatch(inputs, targets)
override def getInput(): Activity = {
override def getTarget(): Activity = {
override def set(samples: Seq[Sample[T]])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): this.type = {
require(samples.length > 0, "samples is empty")
require(batchSize == 0 || samples.length <= batchSize, "setValue: samples's size doesn't " +
s"match mini batch size, excepted ${size()} got ${samples.length}")
val resize = batchSize != samples.length || featurePaddingParam.isDefined ||
labelPaddingParam.isDefined || size() != samples.length
if (batchSize == 0) {
batchSize = samples.length // set a batchSize when set data.
unlabeled = samples.head.numLabel() == 0
val longestFeature = if (featurePaddingParam.isDefined) {
} else {
val longestLabel = if (featurePaddingParam.isDefined) {
} else {
if (resize) {
MiniBatch.resize(samples, this, featurePaddingStrategy,
labelPaddingStrategy, featurePadding, labelPadding,
longestFeature, longestLabel)
MiniBatch.copyWithPadding[T](samples, this, unlabeled,
featurePadding, labelPadding)
@deprecated("Old interface", "0.2.0")
override def data(): Tensor[T] = {
require(targetData.length == 1, "Deprecated method," +
" Only support TensorMiniBatch.")
@deprecated("Old interface", "0.2.0")
override def labels(): Tensor[T] = {
require(inputData.length == 1, "Deprecated method," +
" Only support TensorMiniBatch.")
object MiniBatch {
* MiniBatch factory method
* @param nInputs number of inputs
* @param nTargets number of targets
* @return
def apply[T: ClassTag](
nInputs: Int,
nTargets: Int,
featurePaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None,
labelPaddingParam: Option[PaddingParam[T]] = None)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
new ArrayTensorMiniBatch[T](Array.tabulate(nInputs)(_ => Tensor[T]()),
Array.tabulate(nTargets)(_ => Tensor[T]()),
featurePaddingParam, labelPaddingParam)
def apply[T: ClassTag](input: Tensor[T], target: Tensor[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
MiniBatch[T](Array(input), Array(target))
def apply[T: ClassTag](input: Array[Tensor[T]], target: Tensor[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
MiniBatch[T](input, Array(target))
def apply[T: ClassTag](input: Array[Tensor[T]], target: Array[Tensor[T]]): MiniBatch[T] = {
new ArrayTensorMiniBatch[T](input, target)
def apply[T: ClassTag](input: Tensor[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
MiniBatch[T](Array(input), new Array[Tensor[T]](0))
def apply[T: ClassTag](input: Array[Tensor[T]]): MiniBatch[T] = {
MiniBatch[T](input, new Array[Tensor[T]](0))
private def resizeData[T: ClassTag](
data: Array[Tensor[T]],
// 1st Seq is batchSize, 2nd Array is number of features, 3th Array is feature size
sampleSize: Seq[Array[Array[Int]]],
longestData: Option[Array[Int]],
paddingStrategy: PaddingStrategy,
paddingTensor: Option[Array[Tensor[T]]]): Unit = {
// Size of input data. 1st Array is number of input, 2nd Array is input size.
val sizes = new Array[Array[Int]](sampleSize.head.length)
if (longestData.isDefined) {
val longest = longestData.get
var i = 0
while (i < sizes.length) {
// Set i-th input's size
sizes(i) = Array(sampleSize.length) ++ sampleSize(longest(i))(i)
i += 1
} else {
var i = 0
while (i < sizes.length) {
// Set i-th input's size
sizes(i) = Array(sampleSize.length) ++ sampleSize.head(i)
i += 1
// resize
var i = 0
while (i < sizes.length) {
if (paddingTensor.isEmpty) data(i).zero()
i += 1
// resize miniBatch, and zero miniBatch if paddingTensor is undefined.
private[bigdl] def resize[T: ClassTag](
samples: Seq[Sample[T]],
miniBatch: ArrayTensorMiniBatch[T],
featurePaddingStrategy: PaddingStrategy,
labelPaddingStrategy: PaddingStrategy,
featurePaddingTensor: Option[Array[Tensor[T]]] = None,
labelPaddingTensor: Option[Array[Tensor[T]]] = None,
longestFeature: Option[Array[Int]] = None,
longestLabel: Option[Array[Int]] = None
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
val inputs = miniBatch.inputData
val targets = miniBatch.targetData
val featureSizes =
val unlabeled = samples.head.numLabel() == 0
resizeData(inputs, featureSizes,
longestFeature, featurePaddingStrategy, featurePaddingTensor)
if (!unlabeled) {
val labelSizes =
resizeData(targets, labelSizes,
longestLabel, labelPaddingStrategy, labelPaddingTensor)
private[bigdl] def copyWithPadding[T: ClassTag](
samples: Seq[Sample[T]],
miniBatch: ArrayTensorMiniBatch[T],
unlabeled: Boolean,
featurePadding: Option[Array[Tensor[T]]] = None,
labelPadding: Option[Array[Tensor[T]]] = None
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
val inputs = miniBatch.inputData
val targets = miniBatch.targetData
if (featurePadding.isDefined) {
// check if featurePadding is right.
var i = 0
while (i < inputs.length) {
require(featurePadding.get.length == inputs.length, s"Number of tensor padding should " +
s"equals to Number of feature tensor in Sample. Excepted ${inputs.length}," +
s" but got ${featurePadding.get.length}")
if (inputs(i).dim() == 2) {
require(featurePadding.get(i).nElement() == 1, s"${i}thFeature is 1D, featurePadding " +
s"should have only one element, but got ${featurePadding.get(i)}")
} else {
require(featurePadding.get(i).dim() == inputs(i).dim() - 2,
s"${i}thFeature's featurePadding should have the " +
s"same dimension with the feature in sample. Excepted: ${inputs(i).dim() - 2}, " +
s"but got ${featurePadding.get(i).dim()}")
require(featurePadding.get(i).isContiguous(), "featurePadding should be contiguous")
i += 1
// Copy sample data to miniBatch
var s = 0
while (s < samples.length) {
var f = 0
var offset = 0
val sample = samples(s)
val sampleData = sample.getData()
while (f < inputs.length) {
val length = sample.getFeatureSize()(f).product
if (featurePadding.isDefined) {
// copy data
copy(sampleData, offset,
length, inputs(f)(s + 1), featurePadding.get(f))
} else {
// copy data without padding.
copy(sampleData, offset, length, inputs(f)(s + 1))
f += 1
offset += length
if (!unlabeled) {
var l = 0
while (l < targets.length) {
val length = sample.getLabelSize()(l).product
if (labelPadding.isDefined) {
// copy data
copy(sampleData, offset,
length, targets(l)(s + 1), labelPadding.get(l))
} else {
// copy data without padding.
copy(sampleData, offset, length, targets(l)(s + 1))
l += 1
offset += length
s += 1
* Find Sample in Array[Sample] who has the biggest featureLength
private[bigdl] def findLongestFeatures[T: ClassTag](
samples: Seq[Sample[T]])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Array[Int] = {
val featureIndices =
new Array[Int](samples.head.numFeature())
var i = 1
while (i < samples.length) {
var j = 0
while (j < featureIndices.length) {
if (samples(i).featureLength(j) > samples(featureIndices(j)).featureLength(j)) {
featureIndices(j) = i
j += 1
i += 1
* Find Sample in Array[Sample] who has the biggest labelLength
private[bigdl] def findLongestLabels[T: ClassTag](
samples: Seq[Sample[T]])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Array[Int] = {
val labelIndices =
new Array[Int](samples.head.numLabel())
var i = 1
while (i < samples.length) {
var j = 0
while (j < labelIndices.length) {
if (samples(i).labelLength(j) > samples(labelIndices(j)).labelLength(j)) {
labelIndices(j) = i
j += 1
i += 1
* Copy tensor src to tensor dest with a padding tensor.
private def copy[T: ClassTag](
src: Array[T],
offset: Int,
length: Int,
dest: Tensor[T],
paddingTensor: Tensor[T] = null)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
dest.storageOffset() - 1,
if (null != paddingTensor) {
var j = length
while (j < dest.nElement()) {
ev.arraycopy(, paddingTensor.storageOffset() - 1,, dest.storageOffset() - 1 + j, paddingTensor.nElement())
j += paddingTensor.nElement()
* Feature Padding param for MiniBatch.
* For constructing a mini batch, we need to make sure all samples' feature and label
* in this mini batch have the same size. If the size is different, we will pad them
* to the same size.
* By default, we will pad the first dimension to the longest size with zero in the MiniBatch.
* If you want to specify the padding values, you can set `paddingTensor`; If you want to specify
* the padding length, you can use `PaddingLongest` or `FixedLength`.
* For example, your feature size is n*m*k,
* you should provide a 2D tensor in a size of m*k.
* If your feature is 1D, you can provide a one-element 1D tensor.
* For example, we have 3 Sample, and convert them into a MiniBatch.
* Sample1's feature is a 2*3 tensor {1, 2, 3,
* 4, 5, 6}
* Sample2's feature is a 1*3 tensor {7, 8, 9}
* Sample3's feature is a 3*3 tensor {10, 11, 12,
* 13, 14, 15,
* 16, 17, 18}
* And the paddingTensor is {-1, -2, -3}, use `FixedLength(Array(4))`, the MiniBatch will be
* a tensor of 3*4*3:
* {1, 2, 3,
* 4, 5, 6,
* -1, -2, -3,
* -1, -2, -3
* 7, 8, 9,
* -1, -2, -3,
* -1, -2, -3,
* -1, -2, -3
* 10, 11, 12,
* 13, 14, 15,
* 16, 17, 18
* -1, -2, -3}
* @param paddingTensor paddings tensor for the first dimension(by default None,
* meaning zero padding).
* @param paddingStrategy See [[PaddingLongest]], [[FixedLength]]
* @tparam T numeric type
case class PaddingParam[T: ClassTag](
paddingTensor: Option[Array[Tensor[T]]] = None,
paddingStrategy: PaddingStrategy = new DefaultPadding) extends Serializable
abstract class PaddingStrategy extends Serializable {
def paddingSize(sizes: Seq[Array[Int]]): Seq[Array[Int]]
class DefaultPadding extends PaddingStrategy {
def paddingSize(sizes: Seq[Array[Int]]): Seq[Array[Int]] = {
* Add an constant length to longest feature in the first dimension
* @param paddingLength
case class PaddingLongest(
paddingLength: Array[Int]) extends PaddingStrategy {
def paddingSize(sizes: Seq[Array[Int]]): Seq[Array[Int]] = {
var i = 0
while (i < sizes.length) {
// Add an constant length to the first dimension's length(besides mini batch size).
val increment = paddingLength(i)
sizes(i)(1) += increment
i += 1
* Set the first dimension's length to fixed length.
* @param fixedLength fixed length
case class FixedLength(fixedLength: Array[Int]) extends PaddingStrategy {
def paddingSize(sizes: Seq[Array[Int]]): Seq[Array[Int]] = {
var i = 0
while (i < sizes.length) {
// Set the first dimension's length(besides mini batch size) to fixed length.
val fixed = fixedLength(i)
require(fixed >= sizes(i)(1) || fixed < 0,
s"${i}th FixedLength=${fixed} is smaller than its FeatureLength=${sizes(i)(1)}")
if (fixed >= sizes(i)(1)) {
sizes(i)(1) = fixed
i += 1
* SparseMiniBatch is a MiniBatch type for TensorSample. And SparseMiniBatch could
* deal with SparseTensors in TensorSample.
* @param inputData a set of input tensor
* @param targetData a set of target tensor
* @param ev$1
* @param ev
* @tparam T Numeric type
class SparseMiniBatch[T: ClassTag](
inputData: Array[Tensor[T]],
targetData: Array[Tensor[T]])(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends ArrayTensorMiniBatch[T](inputData, targetData) {
private var input: Activity = null
private var target: Activity = null
override def getInput(): Activity = {
if (null == input) {
require(!inputData.exists(_ == null), "SparseMiniBatch.getInput: " +
"data didn't fill in this miniBatch")
input = if (inputData.length == 1) {
} else {
override def getTarget(): Activity = {
if (null == target && targetData.length != 0) {
require(!targetData.exists(_ == null), "SparseMiniBatch.getInput: " +
"data didn't fill in this miniBatch")
target = if (targetData.length == 1) {
} else {
private def initTensor(sample: Tensor[_]): Tensor[_] = sample match {
case s if s.getTensorType == SparseType =>
s.getType() match {
case tpe if tpe == BooleanType =>
Tensor.sparse[Boolean](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == CharType =>
Tensor.sparse[Char](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == StringType =>
Tensor.sparse[String](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == IntType =>
Tensor.sparse[Int](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == ShortType =>
Tensor.sparse[Short](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == LongType =>
Tensor.sparse[Long](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == FloatType =>
Tensor.sparse[Float](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == DoubleType =>
Tensor.sparse[Double](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case s if s.getTensorType == DenseType =>
s.getType() match {
case tpe if tpe == BooleanType =>
Tensor[Boolean](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == CharType =>
Tensor[Char](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == StringType =>
Tensor[String](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == IntType =>
Tensor[Int](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == ShortType =>
Tensor[Short](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == LongType =>
Tensor[Long](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == FloatType =>
Tensor[Float](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case tpe if tpe == DoubleType =>
Tensor[Double](Array(batchSize) ++ s.size())
case s =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"MiniBatchWithSparse: unsupported feature type " +
def init(features: Array[Tensor[T]], labels: Array[Tensor[T]]): Unit = {
features.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (feature, index) =>
inputData(index) = initTensor(feature).asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]]
labels.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (label, index) =>
targetData(index) = initTensor(label).asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]]
override def set(samples: Seq[Sample[T]])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): this.type = {
require(samples.length > 0, "samples is empty")
val _samples =[TensorSample[T]])
require(batchSize == 0 || samples.length <= batchSize, "setValue: samples's size doesn't " +
s"match mini batch size, excepted ${size()} got ${samples.length}")
val features =
val labels =
if (batchSize == 0) {
batchSize = samples.length // set a batchSize when set data.
unlabeled = samples.head.numLabel() == 0
init(features.head, labels.head)
var i = 0
while (i < inputData.length) {
SparseMiniBatch.batch(1,, inputData(i))
i += 1
if (!unlabeled) {
var j = 0
while (j < targetData.length) {
SparseMiniBatch.batch(1,, targetData(j))
j += 1
object SparseMiniBatch{
def apply[T: ClassTag](
nInputs: Int,
nTargets: Int)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): MiniBatch[T] = {
new SparseMiniBatch[T](new Array[Tensor[T]](nInputs), new Array[Tensor[T]](nTargets))
* Batch a seq of tensors to a big tensor.
* @param dim apply batch on which dimension
* @param tensors a seq of tensors
* @param res result tensor
* @param ev
* @tparam T
private[bigdl] def batch[T: ClassTag](
dim: Int,
tensors: Seq[Tensor[T]],
res: Tensor[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
if (res.getTensorType == SparseType) {
Tensor.sparseConcat(dim, tensors, res)
} else if (res.getTensorType == DenseType) {
denseBatch(dim, tensors, res)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"MiniBatchWithSparse: unsupported tensor type " +
private def denseBatch[T: ClassTag](
dim: Int,
tensors: Seq[Tensor[T]],
result: Tensor[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Tensor[T] = {
val tensorSize = tensors.head.size()
val (pre, next) = tensorSize.splitAt(dim - 1)
val size = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
size ++= pre
size += tensors.length
size ++= next
var i = 0
while (i < tensors.length) {
val current = tensors(i)
val target =, i + 1)
i += 1
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