Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util
import{AbstractModule, Activity, DataFormat}
import{ControlDependency, WithoutInput}
import{Graph, mkldnn, MklInt8Convertible}
import{Node, T}
import scala.collection.mutable
class DnnGraph(
private val _inputs : Seq[ModuleNode[Float]],
private val _outputs : Seq[ModuleNode[Float]],
private val _variables: Option[(Array[Tensor[Float]], Array[Tensor[Float]])] = None,
private val enableExcludeChecking: Boolean = true)
extends Graph[Float](_inputs, _outputs, _variables)
with MklDnnLayer with MklInt8Convertible {
private val forwardExecution = forwardGraph.topologySort.reverse
private var backwardExecution: Array[Node[AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, Float]]] = _
private var inputCache: Array[Activity] = _
private var backId2ForwardId: Array[Int] = _
private var skipPrimitiveId = new Array[Boolean](forwardExecution.length)
* Batch size may change when model prediction, but output size of dnn layers will not be changed.
* So we have to compare batchSize for input and output, and do some change if not the same.
* @param input
* @param output
* @return
private def getRealOutput(input: Activity, output: Activity): Activity = {
if (input.isTensor && output.isTensor) {
val in = input.toTensor[Float]
val out = output.toTensor[Float]
// for grey image, input should be 3 dims and the first dim should be batch size
// for non grey image, input should be 4 dims and the first dim should be batch size
// for rnn model, input should be 2 dims and the first dim should be batch size
require(in.nDimension() == 4 || in.nDimension() == 3 || in.nDimension() == 2,
s"only support input with 4 dimension or 3 dimension, but get ${in.nDimension()}")
if (in.size(1) != out.size(1)) out.narrow(1, 1, in.size(1)) else output
} else output
@transient protected lazy val reorderManager = new ReorderManager()
if (enableExcludeChecking) {
excludeInvalidLayers( {_.element})
override def updateOutput(input: Activity): Activity = {
var i = 0
while(i < forwardExecution.length) {
val node = forwardExecution(i)
val nodeInput = if (skipPrimitiveId(i)) {
findInput(node, input)
} else {
findDnnInput(node, input)
inputCache(i) = nodeInput
val output = node.element.forward(nodeInput)
// resize to heap size
if (!skipPrimitiveId(i) && output.isTensor &&
!node.element.isInstanceOf[BlasWrapper]) {
i += 1
output = getRealOutput(input, dummyOutput.element.output)
override def backward(input: Activity, gradOutput: Activity): Activity = {
val before = System.nanoTime()
val gradients = updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)
backwardTime += System.nanoTime() - before
override def updateGradInput(input: Activity, gradOutput: Activity): Activity = {
dummyOutputGrad.element.gradInput = gradOutput
var i = 0
while (i < backwardExecution.length - 1) { // do not execute the dummy backward end
val curNode = backwardExecution(i)
val curGradOutput = findDnnGradOutput(curNode, gradOutput)
// use input from forward
val curInput = inputCache(backId2ForwardId(i))
if (!isStopGradient(curNode.element)) {
val gradInput = curNode.element.updateGradInput(curInput, curGradOutput)
// resize to heap size
if (!skipPrimitiveId(i) && gradInput.isTensor &&
!curNode.element.isInstanceOf[BlasWrapper]) {
i += 1
gradInput = getRealOutput(input, fetchModelGradInput())
override def accGradParameters(input: Activity, gradOutput: Activity): Unit = {
var i = 0
while (i < backwardExecution.length - 1) {
val curNode = backwardExecution(i)
// use input from forward
val curInput = inputCache(backId2ForwardId(i))
val curGradOutput = findDnnGradOutput(curNode, gradOutput, true)
curNode.element.accGradParameters(curInput, curGradOutput)
i += 1
override def buildBackwardGraph(): this.type = {
inputCache = new Array[Activity](forwardExecution.length)
backwardExecution = backwardGraph.topologySort.reverse
backId2ForwardId = new Array[Int](backwardExecution.length)
var i = 0
// do not execute the dummy backward end
while(i < backwardExecution.length - 1) {
var j = 0
var find = false
while(j < forwardExecution.length) {
if (forwardExecution(j).element.getName() == backwardExecution(i).element.getName()) {
val e = forwardExecution(j).element
// when creating graph, there may add nn.Identity node,
// here we have to change it to mkldnn node
if (e.isInstanceOf[nn.Identity[Float]]) {
forwardExecution(j).element = toDnnIdentity(e.asInstanceOf[nn.Identity[Float]])
backwardExecution(i).element = forwardExecution(j).element
} else {
require(e.isInstanceOf[MklDnnModule], s"DnnGraph should only contain dnn layers," +
s"but find ${forwardExecution(j).element.getName()} is not a mkldnn layer")
backId2ForwardId(i) = j
find = true
j += 1
require(find, "Cannot find backward layer in forward executions")
i += 1
* When doing inference, we may not have to compute forward primitives for some blas layers
private def skipInitFwdPrimitives() : Unit = {
val skipNodesMap = new mutable.HashMap[String, Boolean]()
util.Arrays.fill(skipPrimitiveId, 0, skipPrimitiveId.length, false)
if (!this.train) {
var i = forwardExecution.length - 1
while (i >= 0) {
val node = forwardExecution(i)
skipPrimitiveId(i) = skip(node, skipNodesMap)
skipNodesMap(node.element.getName()) = skipPrimitiveId(i)
i -= 1
* to determine whether to skip computing primitives for current node
* Now, if current node is blaswrapper node and meets one of following cases,
* then we will skip computing primitives for this node
* case 1: it has no next nodes
* case 2: all next nodes are identity node, and those next nodes has no next nodes
* case 3: all next nodes are also skip nodes
* In some special case, if previous nodes are not blas node, we can not skip this node,
* but don't have to compute its output shape.
* @param node current node
* @return
private def skip(node: ModuleNode[Float],
skipNodesMap: mutable.HashMap[String, Boolean]) : Boolean = {
if (node.element.isInstanceOf[BlasWrapper] || node.element.isInstanceOf[Identity]) {
if (node.nextNodes.length == 0) return true
var isSkip : Boolean = true => {
if ((skipNodesMap.getOrElse(n.element.getName(), false))
|| (n.element.isInstanceOf[mkldnn.Identity] && n.nextNodes.length == 0)) {
} else isSkip = false
}) =>
if (!n.element.isInstanceOf[BlasWrapper]
&& node.element.isInstanceOf[BlasWrapper] && isSkip) {
node.element.asInstanceOf[BlasWrapper].needOutputFormats = false
isSkip = false
} else false
// change nn identity to mkldnn identity
private def toDnnIdentity(model: nn.Identity[Float])
: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, Float] = {
.asInstanceOf[AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, Float]]
// if node has no previous node, then it will just use graph input as real module input
private def findDnnInput(node: ModuleNode[Float], input: Activity): Activity = {
if (node.element.isInstanceOf[WithoutInput]) return null
val realInputFormats = node.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].inputFormats()
val nodeInput = if (node.prevNodes.isEmpty) {
getInput(node, input)
} else {
val prevActivitiesAndFormats = node.prevNodesAndEdges
.filterNot(n => n._1.element.isInstanceOf[ControlDependency[Float]])
.map(n => {
val format = n._1.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].outputFormats()
n._2.fromIndex match {
case Some(i) =>
if (n._1.element.output == null || (i == 1 && n._1.element.output.isTensor)) {
(n._1.element.output, format)
} else {
(n._1.element.output.toTable.apply[Activity](i), Array(format(i - 1)))
case None => (n._1.element.output, format)
val inputAndFormat = if (prevActivitiesAndFormats.length == 1) {
} else {
(T.seq( => m._1)), => m._2).toArray.flatMap(_.toSeq))
reorderManager.infer(inputAndFormat._2, realInputFormats, inputAndFormat._1)
private def findDnnGradOutput(curNode: ModuleNode[Float], gradOutput: Activity,
isAcc: Boolean = false): Activity = {
var curGradOutput : Activity = if (curNode.eq(dummyOutputGrad)) gradOutput else null
val realGradOutputFormats = if (isAcc) {
} else {
curNode.prevNodesAndEdges.filterNot(n => n._1.element.isInstanceOf[ControlDependency[Float]])
.foreach(n => {
val (otherActivity, format) =
if (n._1.element.gradInput.isTensor || n._1.nextEdges.length == 1) {
(n._1.element.gradInput, n._1.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].gradInputFormats())
} else {
val index = n._1.nextEdges.indexOf(n._2) + 1
Array(n._1.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].gradInputFormats().apply(index - 1)))
n._2.fromIndex match {
case Some(i) =>
if (i == 1 && curNode.element.output.isTensor) {
curGradOutput = addActivity(curGradOutput, realGradOutputFormats,
otherActivity, format)
} else {
if (curNode.element.output.isTable && curGradOutput == null) {
curGradOutput = T()
val curActivity = curGradOutput.toTable.getOrElse[Activity](i, null)
curGradOutput.toTable(i) = addActivity(curActivity, realGradOutputFormats,
otherActivity, format)
case None =>
curGradOutput = addActivity(curGradOutput, realGradOutputFormats,
otherActivity, format)
if (curNode.element.output.isTable) {
addZeroTensorToMissingGradOutput(curNode.element.output.toTable, curGradOutput.toTable)
private def addActivity(activity: Activity, realFormats: Array[MemoryData],
other: Activity, otherFormats: Array[MemoryData]): Activity = {
val realOthers = if (otherFormats.length > 0) {
reorderManager.infer(otherFormats, realFormats, other)
} else {
super.accActivity(activity, realOthers)
final def compile(phase: Phase) : Unit = {
setRuntime(new MklDnnRuntime())
initPrimitives(phase, Array[MemoryData]())
override def setRuntime(runtime: MklDnnRuntime): Unit = {
this.runtime = runtime
forwardExecution.foreach(m => m.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].setRuntime(runtime))
private def initPrimitives(phase: Phase, inputFormats: Array[MemoryData]): Unit = {
_outputFormats = initFwdPrimitives(inputFormats, phase)._2
if (phase == Phase.TrainingPhase) {
_gradOutputFormats = initBwdPrimitives(_outputFormats, phase)._1
_gradOutputFormatsForWeight = initGradWPrimitives(_outputFormats, phase)
private def getInputMemoryData(node: ModuleNode[Float], memoryData: Array[MemoryData])
: Array[MemoryData] = {
// the model may contain two inputs and all of them is Input.
if (inputs.length == 1 || memoryData.isEmpty) {
require(inputs.contains(node), "input node must be in the input list")
} else {
val i = inputs.indexOf(node)
require(i != -1, "input node is not in the input list")
private def findInputFormats(node: ModuleNode[Float], inputs: Array[MemoryData])
: Array[MemoryData] = {
if (node.prevNodes.isEmpty) {
getInputMemoryData(node, inputs)
} else {
val prevFormats = node.prevNodesAndEdges
.filterNot(n => n._1.element.isInstanceOf[ControlDependency[Float]])
.map(n => {
val outputFormats = n._1.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].outputFormats()
// if outputFormats length is 1, output is a tensor
n._2.fromIndex match {
case Some(i) =>
if (n._1.element.output == null || (i == 1 && outputFormats.length == 1)) {
} else {
val index = n._2.fromIndex.get
case None => outputFormats
prevFormats.flatMap(n => n.toSeq)
private def findGradOutputFormats(node: ModuleNode[Float], inputs: Array[MemoryData])
: Array[MemoryData] = {
if (node.prevNodes.isEmpty) {
} else {
val prevFormats = node.prevNodesAndEdges
.filterNot(n => n._1.element.isInstanceOf[ControlDependency[Float]])
.map(n => {
// gradInput is tensor or nextEdges number is 1
if (n._1.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].gradInputFormats().length == 1 ||
n._1.nextEdges.length == 1) {
} else {
val index = n._1.nextEdges.indexOf(n._2)
val f = n._1.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].gradInputFormats()
// reminder: if node has more than one previous node, use the first one as gradoutput format
* fuse some layers when doing inference
* first fuse layers in sequence, mainly relu with bn/conv, conv with bn.
* after that, fuse sum operation.
private def fusion(): Unit = {
if (!this.train) {
for (j <- 0 to 4) {
var i = forwardExecution.length - 1
while (i >= 0) {
if (j == 0) Fusion.fuseScale(forwardExecution(i))
if (j == 1) Fusion.fuseModule(forwardExecution(i))
// we should do this before sum fusion, because it will change the structure of graph
if (j == 2) Fusion.setNegativeInputOfConv(forwardExecution(i))
if (j == 3) Fusion.fuseCAdd(forwardExecution(i))
if (j == 4) Fusion.setScalesPrevousJoinTable(forwardExecution(i))
i -= 1
private def getHeapFormat(inputs: Array[MemoryData]): Int = {
var heapFormat: Int = -1
inputs.foreach(m => {
if (m.shape.length == 4) {
return inputs(0).layout
def transferFormat(format: DataFormat): Int = {
if (format == DataFormat.NHWC) Memory.Format.nhwc else Memory.Format.nchw
for (i <- 0 until forwardExecution.length) {
val m = forwardExecution(i).element
val format = m match {
case conv: mkldnn.SpatialConvolution => transferFormat(conv.format)
case maxPool: mkldnn.MaxPooling => transferFormat(maxPool.format)
case avgPool: mkldnn.AvgPooling => transferFormat(avgPool.format)
case sbn: mkldnn.SpatialBatchNormalization => transferFormat(sbn.format)
case lrn: mkldnn.LRN => transferFormat(lrn.format)
case _ => -1
if (heapFormat == -1) {
heapFormat = format
} else if (format != -1) {
require(heapFormat == format,
s"layer ${m} should use format ${heapFormat}, but get ${format}")
if (heapFormat == -1) Memory.Format.nchw else heapFormat
// init forward primitives
override private[bigdl] def initFwdPrimitives(inputs: Array[MemoryData], phase: Phase)
: (Array[MemoryData], Array[MemoryData]) = {
var lastOutputFormats = inputs
var firstRealInputFormats: Array[MemoryData] = null
val heapFormat : Int = getHeapFormat(inputs)
for (i <- 0 until forwardExecution.length) {
if (!skipPrimitiveId(i)) {
val m = forwardExecution(i)
lastOutputFormats = findInputFormats(m, inputs)
val (realInputFormats, realOutputFormats) =
m.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].initFwdPrimitives(lastOutputFormats, phase)
if (realOutputFormats != null) realOutputFormats.foreach(_.setHeapFormat(heapFormat)) {
case (o, i) =>
Utils.copyMaskAndScales(o, i)
reorderManager.register(o, i)
// copy the scales from the input formats to output formats, for some layers,
// it will not copy the mask and scales automatically or generate the scales themselves
Utils.copyMaskAndScales(realInputFormats, realOutputFormats)
if (i == 0) firstRealInputFormats = realInputFormats
_inputFormats = firstRealInputFormats
_outputFormats = lastOutputFormats
(firstRealInputFormats, lastOutputFormats)
// init updateGradInput primitives
override private[bigdl] def initBwdPrimitives(grads: Array[MemoryData], phase: Phase)
: (Array[MemoryData], Array[MemoryData]) = {
var lastGradInputFormats = grads
var firstRealGradOutputFormats: Array[MemoryData] = null
for (i <- 0 until backwardExecution.length - 1) {
val m = backwardExecution(i)
lastGradInputFormats = findGradOutputFormats(m, grads)
val realGradOutputAndInputFomrats =
m.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].initBwdPrimitives(lastGradInputFormats, phase) {
case (gi, go) => reorderManager.register(gi, go)
if (i == 0) firstRealGradOutputFormats = realGradOutputAndInputFomrats._1
_gradOutputFormats = firstRealGradOutputFormats
_gradInputFormats = lastGradInputFormats
(firstRealGradOutputFormats, lastGradInputFormats)
// init acc primitives
override private[bigdl] def initGradWPrimitives(grads: Array[MemoryData], phase: Phase)
: Array[MemoryData] = {
var lastGradInputFormats = grads
var firstRealGradOutputFormats: Array[MemoryData] = null
for (i <- 0 until backwardExecution.length - 1) {
val m = backwardExecution(i)
lastGradInputFormats = findGradOutputFormats(m, grads)
val realGradOutput =
m.element.asInstanceOf[MklDnnModule].initGradWPrimitives(lastGradInputFormats, phase) {
case (gi, go2) => reorderManager.register(gi, go2)
if (i == 0) firstRealGradOutputFormats = realGradOutput
_gradOutputFormatsForWeight = firstRealGradOutputFormats
override def populateModules(): Unit = {
// todo: convert control dep node to edge
.filter(n => !n.eq(dummyOutput)).map(_.element)
override def release(): Unit = {
// do not call super.release, it will call MklDnnLayer.release()
// we need to call releaseResources here because super.release will never be called
override def calcScales(input: Activity): Unit = {
if (input == null) return
var i = 0
while(i < forwardExecution.length) {
val node = forwardExecution(i)
val nodeInput = if (skipPrimitiveId(i)) {
findInput(node, input)
} else {
findDnnInput(node, input)
node.element match {
case convertible: MklInt8Convertible =>
case _ =>
i += 1
override def setQuantize(value: Boolean): DnnGraph.this.type = {
this.forwardExecution.foreach { node =>
if (node.element.isInstanceOf[MklDnnModule]) {
object DnnGraph {
def apply(
inputs : Seq[ModuleNode[Float]],
outputs : Seq[ModuleNode[Float]],
variables: Option[(Array[Tensor[Float]], Array[Tensor[Float]])] = None,
enableExcludeChecking: Boolean = true): DnnGraph =
new DnnGraph(inputs, outputs, variables, enableExcludeChecking)
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