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 * Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import{DataFormat, Initializable, TensorModule}

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

 * Applies a 2D convolution over an input image composed of several input planes.
 * The input tensor in forward(input) is expected to be
 * a 3D tensor (nInputPlane x height x width).
 * When padW and padH are both -1, we use a padding algorithm similar to the "SAME"
 * padding of tensorflow. That is
 * outHeight = Math.ceil(inHeight.toFloat/strideH.toFloat)
 * outWidth = Math.ceil(inWidth.toFloat/strideW.toFloat)
 * padAlongHeight = Math.max(0, (outHeight - 1) * strideH + kernelH - inHeight)
 * padAlongWidth = Math.max(0, (outWidth - 1) * strideW + kernelW - inWidth)
 * padTop = padAlongHeight / 2
 * padLeft = padAlongWidth / 2
 * @param wRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
 *                    (eg. L1 or L2 regularization), applied to the input weights matrices.
 * @param bRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
 *                    applied to the bias.

@SerialVersionUID(- 8446523046224797382L)
class SpatialConvolution[T: ClassTag](
  val nInputPlane: Int, // The number of expected input planes in the image given into forward()
  val nOutputPlane: Int, // The number of output planes the convolution layer will produce.
  val kernelW: Int, // The kernel width of the convolution
  val kernelH: Int, // The kernel height of the convolution
  val strideW: Int = 1, // The step of the convolution in the width dimension.
  val strideH: Int = 1, // The step of the convolution in the height dimension
  val padW: Int = 0, // The additional zeros added per width to the input planes.
  val padH: Int = 0, // The additional zeros added per height to the input planes.
  val nGroup: Int = 1, // Kernel group number
  val propagateBack: Boolean = true, // propagate gradient back
  var wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
  var bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
  val initWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
  val initBias: Tensor[T] = null,
  val initGradWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
  val initGradBias: Tensor[T] = null,
  val withBias: Boolean = true,
  val format: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
  extends TensorModule[T] with Initializable with MklInt8Convertible {

  require(nOutputPlane % nGroup == 0, s"Number of input channels " +
    s"should be multiples of group " +
    s"number of input channels ${nInputPlane}, " +
    s"group ${nGroup}.")
  require(nOutputPlane % nGroup == 0,
    "Number of output channels " +
      "should be multiples of group " +
      s"(number of output channels ${nOutputPlane}, " +
      s"group ${nGroup}).")

  if (nGroup != 1) {
    require(format == DataFormat.NCHW, "group convolution is not supported in NHWC format " )
  require((padW >= 0 && padH >= 0) || (padW == -1 && padH == -1),
    s"Illegal padding configuration (padW: $padW, padH: $padH)")

  private val weightShape = format match {
    case DataFormat.NCHW =>
      Array(nGroup, nOutputPlane / nGroup, nInputPlane / nGroup, kernelH, kernelW)
    case DataFormat.NHWC =>
      Array(1, kernelH, kernelW, nInputPlane, nOutputPlane)

  private val weightFormat = format match {
    case DataFormat.NCHW =>
    case DataFormat.NHWC =>

  private val weightMMShape = format match {
    case DataFormat.NCHW =>
      Array(nGroup, nOutputPlane / nGroup, nInputPlane * kernelH * kernelW / nGroup)
    case DataFormat.NHWC =>
      Array(1, nInputPlane * kernelH * kernelW, nOutputPlane)

  val weight: Tensor[T] = if (initWeight != null) {
  } else {

  val bias: Tensor[T] = if (!withBias) null
    else if (initBias != null) initBias else Tensor[T](nOutputPlane)

  val gradWeight: Tensor[T] = if (initGradWeight != null) {
  } else {

  val gradBias: Tensor[T] = if (!withBias) null
    else if (initGradBias != null) initGradBias else Tensor[T](nOutputPlane)

  var fInput = Tensor[T]()
  var fGradInput = Tensor[T]()
  protected val ones = Tensor[T]()
  protected val onesBatch = Tensor[T]()
  protected val onesBias = if (withBias) Tensor[T]() else null
  protected var weightMM: Tensor[T] = null
  protected val gradientBiasMT: Tensor[T] = if (withBias) Tensor[T]() else null
  protected var gradWeightMM: Tensor[T] = null
  protected var gradWeightMMInBatch: Tensor[T] = null
  protected val _1x1 = if (kernelH == 1 && kernelW == 1 && strideW == 1 && strideH == 1
    && padH == 0 && padW == 0) {
  } else {

    val stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(kernelW * kernelH * nInputPlane)
    val wInit: InitializationMethod = RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
    val bInit: InitializationMethod = if (withBias) RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
      else null
    setInitMethod(wInit, bInit)

  protected var im2colTime = 0L
  protected var col2imTime = 0L

  def getIm2ColTime(): Double = im2colTime

  def getCol2ImgTime(): Double = col2imTime

  protected var results: Array[Future[Unit]] = null

  override def reset(): Unit = {
    if (initWeight == null) {
      weightInitMethod.init(weight, weightFormat)
    if (withBias && initBias == null) {
      biasInitMethod.init(bias, VariableFormat.ONE_D)

  override def computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape): Shape = {
    val input = inputShape.toSingle().toArray
    require(input.length == 4,
      s"Convolution2D requires 4D input, but got input dim ${input.length}")
    val (dimHeight, dimWidth, channelDim) = format.getHWCDims(input.length)
    require(input(channelDim -1) == nInputPlane, s"input channel size " +
      s"${input(channelDim -1)} is not the same as nInputPlane $nInputPlane")
    val inputWidth = input(dimWidth -1)
    val inputHeight = input(dimHeight -1)
    val sizes =
      if (padW == -1 && padH == -1) {
        Utils.getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, strideH, strideW, kernelH, kernelW)
      } else {
        Utils.getOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, strideH, strideW,
          kernelH, kernelW, padH, padW, ceilMode = false)
    val outputHeight = sizes(4)
    val outputWidth = sizes(5)
    require(outputWidth >= 1 && outputHeight >= 1,
      s"output size is too small. outputWidth: $outputWidth, outputHeight: $outputHeight")
    val outputShape = getOutputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth, input(0))

  // batchSize = -2 by default means no batch. -1 represents batch in shape inference
  private def getOutputShape(oh: Int, ow: Int, batchSize: Int = -2): Array[Int] = {
    format match {
      case DataFormat.NCHW =>
        if (batchSize == -2) {
          Array(nOutputPlane, oh, ow)
        } else {
          Array(batchSize, nOutputPlane, oh, ow)
      case DataFormat.NHWC =>
        if (batchSize == -2) {
          Array(oh, ow, nOutputPlane)
        } else {
          Array(batchSize, oh, ow, nOutputPlane)


  private def getFInputShape(oh: Int, ow: Int, batchSize: Int = -1): Array[Int] = {
    format match {
      case DataFormat.NCHW =>
        if (batchSize == -1) {
          Array(nGroup, kernelW * kernelH * nInputPlane / nGroup, oh * ow)
        } else {
          Array(batchSize, nGroup, kernelW * kernelH * nInputPlane / nGroup, oh * ow)
      case DataFormat.NHWC =>
        if (batchSize == -1) {
          Array(1, oh * ow, kernelW * kernelH * nInputPlane)
        } else {
          Array(batchSize, 1, oh * ow, kernelW * kernelH * nInputPlane)


  // return (padTop, padDown, padLeft, padRight)
  protected def getPadding(inputHeight: Int, inputWidth: Int): (Int, Int, Int, Int) = {
    if (padW == -1 && padH == -1) {
      // deal with SAME padding
      val oW = Math.ceil(inputWidth.toFloat / strideW.toFloat).toInt
      val oH = Math.ceil(inputHeight.toFloat / strideH.toFloat).toInt
      val padAlongWidth = Math.max(0, (oW -1) * strideW + kernelW - inputWidth)
      val padAlongHeight = Math.max(0, (oH - 1) * strideH + kernelH - inputHeight)
      (padAlongHeight/2, padAlongHeight - padAlongHeight/2,
        padAlongWidth/2, padAlongWidth - padAlongWidth/2)
    } else {
      (padH, padH, padW, padW)

  override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
    require(input.dim() == 3 || input.dim() == 4,
      "SpatialConvolution: " + ErrorInfo.constrainInputAs3DOrBatch)

    if (weightMM == null || {
      weightMM = weight.view(weightMMShape)

    val (dimHeight, dimWidth, channelDim) = format.getHWCDims(input.dim())
    require(input.size(channelDim) == nInputPlane, s"input channel size " +
      s"${input.size(channelDim)} is not the same as nInputPlane $nInputPlane")

    val inputWidth = input.size(dimWidth)
    val inputHeight = input.size(dimHeight)

    val sizes =
      if (padW == -1 && padH == -1) {
        Utils.getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, strideH, strideW, kernelH, kernelW)
      } else {
        Utils.getOutSizeAndPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth, strideH, strideW,
          kernelH, kernelW, padH, padW, ceilMode = false)

    val padTop = sizes(0)
    val padBottom = sizes(1)
    val padLeft = sizes(2)
    val padRight = sizes(3)
    val outputHeight = sizes(4)
    val outputWidth = sizes(5)

    require(outputWidth >= 1 && outputHeight >= 1,
      s"output size is too small. outputWidth: $outputWidth, outputHeight: $outputHeight")

    if (withBias && (onesBias.dim() != 1 || onesBias.size(1) != outputHeight * outputWidth)) {
      onesBias.resize(Array(outputHeight * outputWidth)).fill(ev.fromType(1.0))

    if (input.dim() == 3) {
      output.resize(getOutputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth))
      if (_1x1) {
        fInput.resize(getFInputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth))
      } else {
        fInput.resize(getFInputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth))
      var g = 0
      while (g < nGroup) {
        val biasUse = if (withBias) {
          bias.narrow(1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup)
        } else null
          input.narrow(channelDim, g * nInputPlane / nGroup + 1, nInputPlane / nGroup),
          output.narrow(channelDim, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup),
, g + 1),
, g + 1),
          kernelW, kernelH, strideW, strideH,
          padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
          nInputPlane / nGroup, inputWidth, inputHeight,
          nOutputPlane / nGroup, outputWidth, outputHeight)
        g += 1
    } else {
      val batchSize = input.size(1)
      output.resize(getOutputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth, batchSize))
      if (_1x1) {
        fInput.resize(getFInputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth, batchSize))
      } else {
        fInput.resize(getFInputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth, batchSize))

      if (results == null || results.length != batchSize) {
        results = new Array[Future[Unit]](batchSize)

      var i = 0
      while (i < batchSize) {
        val _i = i + 1
        results(i) = Engine.model.invoke(() => {
          val inputT =, _i)
          val outputT =, _i)
          val fInputT =, _i)
          var g = 0
          while (g < nGroup) {
            val biasUse = if (withBias) {
              bias.narrow(1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup)
            } else null
              inputT.narrow(channelDim - 1, g * nInputPlane / nGroup + 1, nInputPlane / nGroup),
              outputT.narrow(channelDim - 1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup),
    , g + 1),
    , g + 1),
              kernelW, kernelH, strideW, strideH,
              padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
              nInputPlane / nGroup, inputWidth, inputHeight,
              nOutputPlane / nGroup, outputWidth, outputHeight)
            g += 1
        i += 1

  override def updateGradInput(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
    if (!propagateBack) {
      return gradInput

    val (ohDim, owDim, cDim) = format.getHWCDims(input.dim())
    val oh = gradOutput.size(ohDim)
    val ow = gradOutput.size(owDim)

    val inputWidth = input.size(owDim)
    val inputHeight = input.size(ohDim)

    val (padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight) = getPadding(inputHeight, inputWidth)

    require(input.nDimension() == 3 || input.nDimension() == 4, "Only support 3D or 4D input")
    if (_1x1) {
    } else {

    if (input.nDimension() == 3) {
      var g = 0
      while (g < nGroup) {
          gradInput.narrow(cDim, g * nInputPlane / nGroup + 1, nInputPlane / nGroup),
          gradOutput.narrow(cDim, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup),
, g + 1).transpose(1, 2),
, g + 1),
          kernelW, kernelH, strideW, strideH, padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom)
        g += 1
    } else {
      val batchSize = input.size(1)
      var i = 0
      while (i < batchSize) {
        val _i = i + 1
        results(i) = Engine.model.invoke(() => {
          val gradInputT =, _i)
          val gradOutputT =, _i)
          val fgradInputT =, _i)
          var g = 0
          while (g < nGroup) {
              gradInputT.narrow(cDim - 1, g * nInputPlane / nGroup + 1, nInputPlane / nGroup),
              gradOutputT.narrow(cDim - 1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup),
    , g + 1).transpose(1, 2),
    , g + 1),
              kernelW, kernelH, strideW, strideH, padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom)
            g += 1
        i += 1


  private def getGradWeightMMInBatchShape(batchSize: Int) = format match {
    case DataFormat.NCHW =>
      Array(batchSize, nGroup, nOutputPlane / nGroup, nInputPlane * kernelH * kernelW / nGroup)
    case DataFormat.NHWC =>
      Array(batchSize, 1, nInputPlane * kernelH * kernelW, nOutputPlane)

  override def accGradParameters(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Unit = {
    require(input.nDimension() == 3 || input.nDimension() == 4,
      "Only support 3D or 4D input," +
        s"but input has ${input.nDimension()} dimensions")

    val (ohDim, owDim, cDim) = format.getHWCDims(input.dim())
    val oh = gradOutput.size(ohDim)
    val ow = gradOutput.size(owDim)

    if (input.nDimension() == 3) {
      if (gradWeightMM == null) {
        gradWeightMM = gradWeight.view(weightMMShape)
      var g = 0
      while (g < nGroup) {
        val gradBiasUse = if (withBias) {
          gradBias.narrow(1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup)
        } else null

          gradOutput.narrow(cDim, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup),
, g + 1),
, g + 1),
        g += 1
    } else {
      val batchSize = input.size(1)
      if (gradWeightMMInBatch == null) {
        gradWeightMMInBatch = Tensor[T]().resize(getGradWeightMMInBatchShape(batchSize))
      if(withBias && gradientBiasMT.nElement() == 0) {
        gradientBiasMT.resize(Array(batchSize, nOutputPlane))
      if (ones.dim() != 1 || ones.size(1) != oh * ow) {
        ones.resize(Array(oh * ow)).fill(ev.fromType(1.0))

      if (onesBatch.dim() != 1 || onesBatch.size(1) != batchSize) {
      var i = 0
      while (i < batchSize) {
        val _i = i + 1
        results(i) = Engine.model.invoke(() => {
          val gradOutputT =, _i)
          val fInputT =, _i)
          var g = 0
          while (g < nGroup) {
            val gradientBiasMTUse = if (withBias) {
    , _i).narrow(1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1,
                nOutputPlane / nGroup)
            } else null
              gradOutputT.narrow(cDim - 1, g * nOutputPlane / nGroup + 1, nOutputPlane / nGroup),
    , _i).select(1, g + 1),
    , g + 1),
            g += 1
        i += 1


      val gradView = gradWeightMMInBatch.view(batchSize,
        nOutputPlane * nInputPlane * kernelH * kernelW / nGroup).t
      val grad = gradWeight.view(nOutputPlane * nInputPlane * kernelH * kernelW / nGroup)
      grad.addmv(ev.fromType(1.0), ev.fromType(1.0), gradView, onesBatch)
      if (withBias) {
        gradBias.addmv(ev.fromType(1.0), ev.fromType(1.0), gradientBiasMT.t, onesBatch)

    if (null != wRegularizer) {
      wRegularizer.accRegularization(weight, gradWeight, scaleW)
    if (withBias && null != bRegularizer) {
      bRegularizer.accRegularization(bias, gradBias, scaleB)

  override def parameters(): (Array[Tensor[T]], Array[Tensor[T]]) = {
    if (withBias) {
      (Array(this.weight, this.bias), Array(this.gradWeight, this.gradBias))
    } else {
      (Array(this.weight), Array(this.gradWeight))

  override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {

    if (!super.equals(obj)) {
      return false

    if (!obj.isInstanceOf[SpatialConvolution[T]]) {
      return false
    val other = obj.asInstanceOf[SpatialConvolution[T]]
    if (this.eq(other)) {
      return true

    nInputPlane == other.nInputPlane &&
      nOutputPlane == other.nOutputPlane &&
      kernelW == other.kernelW &&
      kernelH == other.kernelH &&
      strideW == other.strideW &&
      strideH == other.strideH &&
      padW == other.padW &&
      padH == other.padH &&
      nGroup == other.nGroup &&
      propagateBack == other.propagateBack &&
      weight == other.weight &&
      bias == other.bias &&
      gradWeight == other.gradWeight &&
      gradBias == other.gradBias

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    val seed = 37
    var hash = super.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + nInputPlane.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + nOutputPlane.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + kernelW.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + kernelH.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + strideW.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + strideH.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + padW.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + padH.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + weight.hashCode()
    if (withBias) hash = hash * seed + bias.hashCode()
    hash = hash * seed + gradWeight.hashCode()
    if (withBias) hash = hash * seed + gradBias.hashCode()


  override def clearState() : this.type = {
    if (withBias) {

  override def toString(): String = {
    s"${getPrintName}($nInputPlane -> $nOutputPlane, $kernelW x" +
      s" $kernelH, $strideW, $strideH, $padW, $padH)"

  protected def updateOutputFrame(
     input: Tensor[T], output: Tensor[T], weight: Tensor[T],
     bias: Tensor[T], fInput: Tensor[T],
     kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int, padLeft: Int, padTop: Int, padRight: Int, padBottom: Int,
     nInputPlane: Int, inputWidth: Int, inputHeight: Int,
     nOutputPlane: Int, outputWidth: Int, outputHeight: Int)(
    implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {

    format match {
      case DataFormat.NCHW =>
        val output2d = output.view(nOutputPlane, outputHeight * outputWidth)
        if (!_1x1) {
          ev.getType() match {
            case DoubleType =>
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], kW, kH, dW, dH,
                padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                outputWidth, outputHeight)
              im2colTime += System.nanoTime() - before
            case FloatType =>
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], kW, kH, dW, dH,
                padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                outputWidth, outputHeight)
              im2colTime += System.nanoTime() - before
            case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Only Float/Double supported")
        output2d.addmm(ev.fromType[Int](0), output2d, ev.fromType[Int](1), weight, fInput)
        if (withBias) output2d.addr(ev.fromType(1), bias, onesBias)
      case DataFormat.NHWC =>
        val output2d = output.view(outputHeight * outputWidth, nOutputPlane)
        if (!_1x1) {
          ev.getType() match {
            case DoubleType =>
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], kW, kH, dW, dH,
                padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                outputWidth, outputHeight)
              im2colTime += System.nanoTime() - before
            case FloatType =>
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                input.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], kW, kH, dW, dH,
                padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                outputWidth, outputHeight)
              im2colTime += System.nanoTime() - before
            case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Only Float/Double supported")
        output2d.addmm(ev.fromType[Int](0), output2d, ev.fromType[Int](1), fInput, weight)
        if (withBias) output2d.addr(ev.fromType(1), onesBias, bias)

  protected def updateGradInputFrame(
     gradInput: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T],
     weight: Tensor[T], fgradInput: Tensor[T], kW: Int, kH: Int, dW: Int, dH: Int,
     padLeft: Int, padTop: Int, padRight: Int, padBottom: Int)
     (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
    ev.getType() match {
      case DoubleType =>
        val gradOutDouble = gradOutput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val fGradInDouble = fgradInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val weightDouble = weight.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val gradInputDouble = gradInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        format match {
          case DataFormat.NCHW =>
            val channel = gradOutDouble.size(1)
            val oh = gradOutDouble.size(2)
            val ow = gradOutDouble.size(3)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOutDouble.view(Array(channel, oh * ow))
            fGradInDouble.addmm(0.0, fGradInDouble, 1.0, weightDouble, gradOutput2d)
            if (!_1x1) {
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                gradInputDouble, kW, kH, dW, dH,
                padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                gradOutput.size(3), gradOutput.size(2))
              col2imTime += System.nanoTime() - before
          case DataFormat.NHWC =>
            val channel = gradOutDouble.size(3)
            val oh = gradOutDouble.size(1)
            val ow = gradOutDouble.size(2)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOutDouble.view(Array(oh * ow, channel))
            fGradInDouble.addmm(0.0, fGradInDouble, 1.0, gradOutput2d, weightDouble)
            if (!_1x1) {
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                gradInputDouble, kW, kH, dW, dH,
                padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(1))
              col2imTime += System.nanoTime() - before
      case FloatType =>
        val gradOutFloat = gradOutput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val fGradInFloat = fgradInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val weightFloat = weight.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val gradInputFloat = gradInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        format match {
          case DataFormat.NCHW =>
            val channel = gradOutFloat.size(1)
            val oh = gradOutFloat.size(2)
            val ow = gradOutFloat.size(3)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOutFloat.view(Array(channel, oh * ow))
            fGradInFloat.addmm(0.0f, fGradInFloat, 1.0f, weightFloat, gradOutput2d)
            if (!_1x1) {
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                gradInputFloat, kW, kH, dW, dH, padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                gradOutput.size(3), gradOutput.size(2))
              col2imTime += System.nanoTime() - before
          case DataFormat.NHWC =>
            val channel = gradOutFloat.size(3)
            val oh = gradOutFloat.size(1)
            val ow = gradOutFloat.size(2)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOutFloat.view(Array(oh * ow, channel))
            fGradInFloat.addmm(0.0f, fGradInFloat, 1.0f, gradOutput2d, weightFloat)
            if (!_1x1) {
              val before = System.nanoTime()
                gradInputFloat, kW, kH, dW, dH, padLeft, padTop, padRight, padBottom,
                gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(1))
              col2imTime += System.nanoTime() - before
      case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Only Float/Double supported")

  protected def accGradParametersFrame(gradOutput: Tensor[T], gradWeight: Tensor[T],
    gradBias: Tensor[T], fInput: Tensor[T],
    scaleW: T, scaleB: T)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {

    ev.getType() match {
      case DoubleType =>
        val gradODouble = gradOutput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val gradWDouble = gradWeight.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val fIDouble = fInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val sWDouble = ev.toType[Double](scaleW)
        val sBDouble = ev.toType[Double](scaleB)
        val gradBDouble = gradBias.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        format match {
          case DataFormat.NCHW =>
            val outChannel = gradOutput.size(1)
            val outSize = gradOutput.size(2) * gradOutput.size(3)
            val gradOutput2d = gradODouble.view(Array(outChannel, outSize))
            if (sWDouble != 0) {
              gradWDouble.addmm(1.0, gradWDouble, sWDouble, gradOutput2d, fIDouble.t)
            if ( withBias && sBDouble != 0) {
              var i = 0
              while (i < gradBias.size(1)) {
                var sum = 0.0
                val data =
                val offset = gradOutput2d.storageOffset() - 1 + i * gradOutput2d.stride(1)
                var k = 0
                while (k < gradOutput2d.size(2)) {
                  sum += data(k + offset)
                  k += 1
                gradBDouble.setValue(i + 1, gradBDouble.valueAt(i + 1) + (sBDouble * sum))
                i += 1
          case DataFormat.NHWC =>
            val outChannel = gradOutput.size(3)
            val outSize = gradOutput.size(1) * gradOutput.size(2)
            val gradOutput2d = gradODouble.view(Array(outSize, outChannel))

            if (sWDouble != 0) {
              gradWDouble.addmm(1.0, gradWDouble, sWDouble, fIDouble.t, gradOutput2d)

            if (sBDouble != 0) {
              var i = 0
              val gradData =
              val biasData =
              val biasOffset = gradBDouble.storageOffset() - 1

              while (i < gradODouble.size(1)) {
                val gradOffset = gradOutput2d.storageOffset() - 1 + i * gradOutput2d.stride(1)
                var j = 0
                while (j < gradOutput2d.size(2)) {
                  biasData(biasOffset + j) += gradData(gradOffset + j)
                  j = j + 1
                i = i + 1

      case FloatType =>
        val gradOFloat = gradOutput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val gradWFloat = gradWeight.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val fIFloat = fInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val sWFloat = ev.toType[Float](scaleW)
        val sBFloat = ev.toType[Float](scaleB)
        val gradBFloat = gradBias.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        format match {
          case DataFormat.NCHW =>
            val outChannel = gradOutput.size(1)
            val outSize = gradOutput.size(2) * gradOutput.size(3)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOFloat.view(Array(outChannel, outSize))
            if (sWFloat != 0) {
              gradWFloat.addmm(1.0f, gradWFloat, sWFloat, gradOutput2d, fIFloat.t)

            if (withBias && sBFloat != 0) {
              var i = 0
              while (i < gradBias.size(1)) {
                var sum = 0.0f
                val data =
                val offset = gradOutput2d.storageOffset() - 1 + i * gradOutput2d.stride(1)
                var k = 0
                while (k < gradOutput2d.size(2)) {
                  sum += data(k + offset)
                  k += 1
                gradBFloat.setValue(i + 1, gradBFloat.valueAt(i + 1) + (sBFloat * sum))
                i += 1
          case DataFormat.NHWC =>
            val outChannel = gradOutput.size(3)
            val outSize = gradOutput.size(1) * gradOutput.size(2)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOFloat.view(Array(outSize, outChannel))

            if (sWFloat != 0) {
              gradWFloat.addmm(1.0f, gradWFloat, sWFloat, fIFloat.t, gradOutput2d)

            if (sBFloat != 0) {
              var i = 0
              val gradData =
              val biasData =
              val biasOffset = gradBFloat.storageOffset() - 1

              while (i < gradOFloat.size(1)) {
                val gradOffset = gradOutput2d.storageOffset() - 1 + i * gradOutput2d.stride(1)
                var j = 0
                while (j < gradOutput2d.size(2)) {
                  biasData(biasOffset + j) += gradData(gradOffset + j)
                  j = j + 1
                i = i + 1

      case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Only Float/Double supported")

  protected def calcGradParametersFrame(gradOutput: Tensor[T], gradWeight: Tensor[T],
    gradBias: Tensor[T],
    fInput: Tensor[T], scaleW: T, scaleB: T)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {

    ev.getType() match {
      case DoubleType =>
        val gradODouble = gradOutput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val gradWDouble = gradWeight.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val sWDouble = ev.toType[Double](scaleW)
        val sBDouble = ev.toType[Double](scaleB)
        val fIDouble = fInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val gradBDouble = gradBias.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]
        val onesDouble = ones.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]]

        format match {
          case DataFormat.NCHW =>
            val channel = gradODouble.size(1)
            val oh = gradODouble.size(2)
            val ow = gradODouble.size(3)
            val gradOutput2d = gradODouble.view(Array(channel, oh * ow))

            if (scaleW != 0) {
              gradWDouble.addmm(0.0, gradWDouble, sWDouble, gradOutput2d, fIDouble.t)

            if (withBias && scaleB != 0) {
              gradBDouble.addmv(0.0, sBDouble, gradOutput2d, onesDouble)
          case DataFormat.NHWC =>
            val channel = gradODouble.size(3)
            val oh = gradODouble.size(1)
            val ow = gradODouble.size(2)
            val gradOutput2d = gradODouble.view(Array(oh * ow, channel))

            if (scaleW != 0) {
              gradWDouble.addmm(0.0, gradWDouble, sWDouble, fIDouble.t, gradOutput2d)

            if (withBias && scaleB != 0) {
              gradBDouble.addmv(0.0, sBDouble, gradOutput2d.t, onesDouble)

      case FloatType =>
        val gradOFloat = gradOutput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val gradWFloat = gradWeight.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val sWFloat = ev.toType[Float](scaleW)
        val sBFloat = ev.toType[Float](scaleB)
        val fIFloat = fInput.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val gradBFloat = gradBias.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]
        val onesFloat = ones.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]]

        format match {
          case DataFormat.NCHW =>
            val channel = gradOFloat.size(1)
            val oh = gradOFloat.size(2)
            val ow = gradOFloat.size(3)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOFloat.view(Array(channel, oh * ow))

            if (scaleW != 0) {
              gradWFloat.addmm(0.0f, gradWFloat, sWFloat, gradOutput2d, fIFloat.t)

            if (withBias && scaleB != 0) {
              gradBFloat.addmv(0.0f, sBFloat, gradOutput2d, onesFloat)

          case DataFormat.NHWC =>
            val channel = gradOFloat.size(3)
            val oh = gradOFloat.size(1)
            val ow = gradOFloat.size(2)
            val gradOutput2d = gradOFloat.view(Array(oh * ow, channel))

            if (scaleW != 0) {
              gradWFloat.addmm(0.0f, gradWFloat, sWFloat, fIFloat.t, gradOutput2d)

            if (withBias && scaleB != 0) {
              gradBFloat.addmv(0.0f, sBFloat, gradOutput2d.t, onesFloat)

      case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Only Float/Double supported")

object SpatialConvolution extends Quantizable {
  def apply[@specialized(Float, Double) T: ClassTag](
      nInputPlane: Int,
      nOutputPlane: Int,
      kernelW: Int,
      kernelH: Int,
      strideW: Int = 1,
      strideH: Int = 1,
      padW: Int = 0,
      padH: Int = 0,
      nGroup: Int = 1,
      propagateBack: Boolean = true,
      wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
      bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
      initWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
      initBias: Tensor[T] = null,
      initGradWeight: Tensor[T] = null,
      initGradBias: Tensor[T] = null,
      withBias: Boolean = true,
      format: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW
  )(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): SpatialConvolution[T] = {
    new SpatialConvolution[T](nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kernelW, kernelH,
      strideW, strideH, padW, padH, nGroup, propagateBack, wRegularizer,
      bRegularizer, initWeight, initBias, initGradWeight, initGradBias, withBias, format)

  override def quantize[T: ClassTag](module: Module[T])(
    implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
    val conv = module.asInstanceOf[SpatialConvolution[T]]
      conv.nInputPlane, conv.nOutputPlane, conv.kernelW, conv.kernelH, conv.strideW,
      conv.strideH, conv.padW, conv.padH, conv.nGroup, initWeight = conv.weight,
      initBias = conv.bias, conv.format).setName(conv.getName())

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