Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{Initializable, TensorModule}
import{DenseTensorBLAS, DoubleType, FloatType, Tensor}
import{Shape, T, Table}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Apply a 2D dilated convolution over an input image.
* The input tensor is expected to be a 3D or 4D(with batch) tensor.
* If input is a 3D tensor nInputPlane x height x width,
* owidth = floor(width + 2 * padW - dilationW * (kW-1) - 1) / dW + 1
* oheight = floor(height + 2 * padH - dilationH * (kH-1) - 1) / dH + 1
* Reference Paper: Yu F, Koltun V. Multi-scale context aggregation by dilated convolutions[J].
* arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.07122, 2015.
* @param nInputPlane The number of expected input planes in the image given into forward().
* @param nOutputPlane The number of output planes the convolution layer will produce.
* @param kW The kernel width of the convolution.
* @param kH The kernel height of the convolution.
* @param dW The step of the convolution in the width dimension. Default is 1.
* @param dH The step of the convolution in the height dimension. Default is 1.
* @param padW The additional zeros added per width to the input planes. Default is 0.
* @param padH The additional zeros added per height to the input planes. Default is 0.
* @param dilationW The number of pixels to skip. Default is 1.
* @param dilationH The number of pixels to skip. Default is 1.
* @param wRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
* (eg. L1 or L2 regularization), applied to the input weights matrices.
* @param bRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
* applied to the bias.
@SerialVersionUID(- 933818099759912492L)
class SpatialDilatedConvolution[T: ClassTag](
val nInputPlane: Int,
val nOutputPlane: Int,
val kW: Int,
val kH: Int,
val dW: Int = 1,
val dH: Int = 1,
val padW: Int = 0,
val padH: Int = 0,
val dilationW: Int = 1,
val dilationH: Int = 1,
var wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
var bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends TensorModule[T] with Initializable {
val weight: Tensor[T] = Tensor[T](nOutputPlane, nInputPlane, kH, kW)
val gradWeight = Tensor[T](nOutputPlane, nInputPlane, kH, kW)
val gradBias = Tensor[T](nOutputPlane)
val bias: Tensor[T] = Tensor[T](nOutputPlane)
@transient private var fInput: Tensor[T] = null
@transient private var fGradInput: Tensor[T] = null
val stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(kW * kH * nInputPlane)
val wInit = RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
val bInit = RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
setInitMethod(wInit, bInit)
private var im2colTime = 0L
private var col2imTime = 0L
def getIm2ColTime(): Double = im2colTime
def getCol2ImgTime(): Double = col2imTime
override def reset(): Unit = {
weightInitMethod.init(weight, VariableFormat.OUT_IN_KW_KH)
biasInitMethod.init(bias, VariableFormat.ONE_D)
private def shapeCheck(
input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T],
weight: Tensor[T], bias: Tensor[T],
kH: Int, kW: Int, dH: Int, dW: Int, padH: Int, padW: Int,
dilationH: Int, dilationW: Int) {
require(weight.nDimension == 4,
"4D weight tensor (nOutputPlane,nInputPlane,kH,kW) expected, " +
s"but got: ${weight.nDimension()}")
require(kW > 0 && kH > 0,
s"kernel size should be greater than zero, but got kH: $kH kW: $kW")
require(dW > 0 && dH > 0,
s"stride should be greater than zero, but got dH: $dH dW: $dW")
require(weight.nDimension == 2 || weight.nDimension == 4,
s"2D or 4D weight tensor expected, but got: ${weight.nDimension()}")
if (null != bias) {
require(bias.nDimension() == 1 && bias.size(1) == weight.size(1))
val nDim = input.nDimension
val dimF = if (nDim == 4) 2 else 1
val dimH = if (nDim == 4) 3 else 2
val dimW = if (nDim == 4) 4 else 3
require(nDim == 3 || nDim == 4,
"SpatialDilatedConvolution: " + ErrorInfo.constrainInputAs3DOrBatch)
val inputHeight = input.size(dimH)
val inputWidth = input.size(dimW)
val outputHeight = (inputHeight + 2*padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1
val outputWidth = (inputWidth + 2*padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1
require(outputWidth >= 1 || outputHeight >= 1,
s"Given input size: ($nInputPlane x $inputHeight x $inputWidth)" +
s"Calculated output size: ($nOutputPlane x $outputHeight x $outputWidth). " +
s"Output size is too small")
require(input.dim() == nDim && input.size(dimF) == nInputPlane)
if (null != gradOutput) {
require(gradOutput.nDimension() == nDim &&
gradOutput.size(dimF) == nOutputPlane &&
gradOutput.size(dimH) == outputHeight &&
gradOutput.size(dimW) == outputWidth
override def computeOutputShape(inputShape: Shape): Shape = {
val input = inputShape.toSingle().toArray
require(input.length == 4,
s"AtrousConvolution2D requires 4D input, but got input dim ${input.length}")
val outputWidth = (input(3) + 2*padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1
val outputHeight = (input(2) + 2*padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1
Shape(input(0), nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
shapeCheck(input, null, weight, bias,
kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW, dilationH, dilationW)
val isBatch = if (input.nDimension() == 3) {
// Force batch
input.resize(1, input.size(1), input.size(2), input.size(3))
} else {
val inputWidth = input.size(4)
val inputHeight = input.size(3)
val outputWidth = (inputWidth + 2*padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1
val outputHeight = (inputHeight + 2*padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1
// Batch size + input planes
val batchSize = input.size(1)
// Resize output
output.resize(batchSize, nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
if (null == fInput) {
fInput = Tensor[T]()
// Resize temporary columns
val columns = fInput
columns.resize(nInputPlane*kW*kH, outputHeight*outputWidth)
if (null == fGradInput) {
fGradInput = Tensor[T]()
// Define a buffer of ones, for bias accumulation
val ones = fGradInput
if (ones.nDimension != 2 || ones.size(1)*ones.size(2) < outputHeight*outputWidth) {
// Resize plane and fill with ones...
ones.resize(outputHeight, outputWidth)
// For each element in batch, do:
var elt = 1
while (elt <= batchSize) {
// Matrix multiply per output:
val input_n =, elt)
val output_n =, elt)
// Do Bias first:
// M,N,K are dims of matrix A and B
var m = nOutputPlane
var n = outputHeight * outputWidth
var k = 1
// Do GEMM (note: this is a bit confusing because gemm assumes column-major matrices)
if (null != bias) {
't', 'n',
n, m, k,
ev.fromType[Int](1),, ones.storageOffset() - 1, k,, bias.storageOffset() - 1, k,
ev.fromType[Int](0),, output_n.storageOffset() - 1, n
} else {
// Extract columns:
val before = System.nanoTime()
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType => NNPrimitive.im2colWithDilationDouble(
input_n.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], columns.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]],
nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth,
kH, kW,
padH, padW,
dH, dW,
dilationH, dilationW
case FloatType => NNPrimitive.im2colWithDilationFloat(
input_n.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], columns.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]],
nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth,
kH, kW,
padH, padW,
dH, dW,
dilationH, dilationW
case t => throw new NotImplementedError(s"$t is not supported")
im2colTime += System.nanoTime() - before
// M,N,K are dims of matrix A and B
m = nOutputPlane
n = columns.size(2)
k = nInputPlane*kH*kW
// Do GEMM (note: this is a bit confusing because gemm assumes column-major matrices)
'n', 'n',
n, m, k,
ev.fromType[Int](1),, columns.storageOffset() - 1, n,, weight.storageOffset() - 1, k,
ev.fromType[Int](1),, output_n.storageOffset() - 1, n
elt += 1
// Resize output
if (!isBatch) {
output.resize(nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
input.resize(nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth)
override def updateGradInput(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] = {
shapeCheck(input, gradOutput, weight, null,
kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW, dilationH, dilationW)
val isBatch = if (input.nDimension() == 3) {
// Force batch
input.resize(1, input.size(1), input.size(2), input.size(3))
gradOutput.resize(1, gradOutput.size(1), gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(3))
} else {
val inputWidth = input.size(4)
val inputHeight = input.size(3)
val outputWidth = (inputWidth + 2*padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1
val outputHeight = (inputHeight + 2*padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1
// Batch size + input planes
val batchSize = input.size(1)
// Resize output
gradInput.resize(batchSize, nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth).zero()
// Resize temporary columns
val gradColumns = fInput
gradColumns.resize(nInputPlane*kW*kH, outputHeight*outputWidth);
// For each element in batch, do:
var elt = 1
while (elt <= batchSize) {
// Matrix multiply per sample:
val gradInput_n =, elt)
val gradOutput_n =, elt)
// M,N,K are dims of matrix A and B
val m = nInputPlane*kW*kH
val n = gradColumns.size(2)
val k = nOutputPlane
// Do GEMM (note: this is a bit confusing because gemm assumes column-major matrices)
'n', 't',
n, m, k,
ev.fromType[Int](1),, gradOutput_n.storageOffset() - 1, n,, weight.storageOffset() - 1, m,
ev.fromType[Int](0),, gradColumns.storageOffset() - 1, n
// Unpack columns back into input:
val before = System.nanoTime()
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType => NNPrimitive.col2imWithDilationDouble(
gradColumns.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], gradInput_n.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]],
nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth,
kH, kW,
padH, padW,
dH, dW,
dilationH, dilationW
case FloatType => NNPrimitive.col2imWithDilationFloat(
gradColumns.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], gradInput_n.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]],
nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth,
kH, kW,
padH, padW,
dH, dW,
dilationH, dilationW
case t => throw new NotImplementedError(s"$t is not supported")
col2imTime += System.nanoTime() - before
elt += 1
// Resize output
if (!isBatch) {
gradOutput.resize(nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
input.resize(nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth)
gradInput.resize(nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth)
override def accGradParameters(input: Tensor[T], gradOutput: Tensor[T]): Unit = {
shapeCheck(input, gradOutput, gradWeight, gradBias,
kH, kW, dH, dW, padH, padW, dilationH, dilationW)
val isBatch = if (input.nDimension() == 3) {
// Force batch
input.resize(1, input.size(1), input.size(2), input.size(3))
gradOutput.resize(1, gradOutput.size(1), gradOutput.size(2), gradOutput.size(3))
} else {
val inputWidth = input.size(4)
val inputHeight = input.size(3)
val outputWidth = (inputWidth + 2*padW - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1)) / dW + 1
val outputHeight = (inputHeight + 2*padH - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1)) / dH + 1
// Batch size + input planes
val batchSize = input.size(1)
// Define a buffer of ones, for bias accumulation
val ones = fGradInput
if (ones.nDimension != 2 || ones.size(1)*ones.size(2) < outputHeight*outputWidth) {
// Resize plane and fill with ones...
ones.resize(outputHeight, outputWidth)
// Resize temporary columns
val columns = fInput
columns.resize(nInputPlane*kW*kH, outputHeight*outputWidth)
// For each element in batch, do:
var elt = 1
while (elt <= batchSize) {
// Matrix multiply per output:
val input_n =, elt)
val gradOutput_n =, elt)
// Extract columns:
val before = System.nanoTime()
ev.getType() match {
case DoubleType => NNPrimitive.im2colWithDilationDouble(
input_n.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]], columns.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Double]],
nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth,
kH, kW,
padH, padW,
dH, dW,
dilationH, dilationW
case FloatType => NNPrimitive.im2colWithDilationFloat(
input_n.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]], columns.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]],
nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth,
kH, kW,
padH, padW,
dH, dW,
dilationH, dilationW
case t => throw new NotImplementedError(s"$t is not supported")
im2colTime += System.nanoTime() - before
// M,N,K are dims of matrix A and B
var m = nOutputPlane
val n = nInputPlane*kW*kH
var k = columns.size(2)
if (scaleW != 0) {
// Do GEMM (note: this is a bit confusing because gemm assumes column-major matrices)
't', 'n',
n, m, k,
ev.fromType[Double](scaleW),, columns.storageOffset() - 1, k,, gradOutput_n.storageOffset() - 1, k,
ev.fromType[Int](1),, gradWeight.storageOffset() - 1, n
// Do Bias:
// M,N,K are dims of matrix A and B
m = nOutputPlane
k = outputHeight * outputWidth
// Do GEMV (note: this is a bit confusing because gemv assumes column-major matrices)
if (null != gradBias && scaleB != 0) {
k, m,
ev.fromType[Double](scaleB),, gradOutput_n.storageOffset() - 1, k,, ones.storageOffset() - 1, 1,
ev.fromType[Int](1),, gradBias.storageOffset() - 1, 1
elt += 1
// Resize
if (!isBatch) {
gradOutput.resize(nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
input.resize(nInputPlane, inputHeight, inputWidth)
if (null != wRegularizer) {
wRegularizer.accRegularization(weight, gradWeight, scaleW)
if (null != bRegularizer) {
bRegularizer.accRegularization(bias, gradBias, scaleB)
override def parameters(): (Array[Tensor[T]], Array[Tensor[T]]) = {
(Array(this.weight, this.bias), Array(this.gradWeight, this.gradBias))
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
if (!super.equals(obj)) {
return false
if (!obj.isInstanceOf[SpatialDilatedConvolution[T]]) {
return false
val other = obj.asInstanceOf[SpatialDilatedConvolution[T]]
if (this.eq(other)) {
return true
nInputPlane == other.nInputPlane &&
nOutputPlane == other.nOutputPlane &&
kW == other.kW &&
kH == other.kH &&
dW == other.dW &&
dH == other.dH &&
padW == other.padW &&
padH == other.padH &&
dilationW == other.dilationW &&
dilationH == other.dilationH &&
weight == other.weight &&
bias == other.bias &&
gradWeight == other.gradWeight &&
gradBias == other.gradBias
override def hashCode() : Int = {
val seed = 37
var hash = super.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + nInputPlane.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + nOutputPlane.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + kW.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + kH.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + dW.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + dH.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + padW.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + padH.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + dilationW.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + dilationH.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + weight.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + bias.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + gradWeight.hashCode()
hash = hash * seed + gradBias.hashCode()
override def toString(): String = {
s"${getPrintName}($nInputPlane -> $nOutputPlane, " +
s"$kW x $kH, $dW, $dH, $padW, $padH, $dilationH, $dilationW)"
object SpatialDilatedConvolution extends quantized.Quantizable {
def apply[@specialized(Float, Double) T: ClassTag](
nInputPlane: Int,
nOutputPlane: Int,
kW: Int,
kH: Int,
dW: Int = 1,
dH: Int = 1,
padW: Int = 0,
padH: Int = 0,
dilationW: Int = 1,
dilationH: Int = 1,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : SpatialDilatedConvolution[T] = {
new SpatialDilatedConvolution[T](nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kW, kH, dW, dH,
padW, padH, dilationW, dilationH,
wRegularizer, bRegularizer)
def quantize[T: ClassTag](module: Module[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Module[T] = {
val conv = module.asInstanceOf[SpatialDilatedConvolution[T]]
conv.nInputPlane, conv.nOutputPlane, conv.kW, conv.kH, conv.dW,
conv.dH, conv.padW, conv.padH, conv.dilationW, conv.dilationW, initWeight = conv.weight,
initBias = conv.bias).setName(conv.getName())
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