Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{AbstractModule, Activity, DataFormat}
import{T, Table}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object Utils {
* This method recursively keep the shape of the source table `t2` and
* set the elements of each tensor to zero, saving the result on the destination
* table `t1`
* Notice that `t1` and `t2` can only contain tables or tensors
* @param t1 is the destination table
* @param t2 is the source table
* @return
def zeroTableCopy[T : ClassTag](t1: Table, t2: Table)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Table = {
t2.foreach { case ((k: Any, v: Any)) =>
if (v.isInstanceOf[Table]) {
t1.update(k, zeroTableCopy(if (t1.contains(k)) t1(k) else T(), t2(k)))
} else {
require(v.isInstanceOf[Tensor[_]], "Input can only consist of Tensor or Table")
val tensorV = v.asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]]
if (!t1.contains(k)) {
t1.update(k, tensorV.clone().zero())
} else {
t1.foreach { case ((k: Any, v: Any)) =>
if (!t2.contains(k)) {
t1.update(k, null)
* Resize table target as table src.
* @param target
* @param src
def recursiveResizeAs[T : ClassTag](target : Activity, src: Activity)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Activity = {
var result: Activity = null
if (src.isInstanceOf[Table]) {
val srcTable = src.toTable
result = if (null == target) {
} else if (target.isInstanceOf[Tensor[_]]) {
} else {
val resultTable = result.toTable
var i = 1
while (i <= src.toTable.length()) {
if (resultTable.contains(i)) {
resultTable(i) = recursiveResizeAs(resultTable(i), srcTable(i))
} else {
resultTable(i) = recursiveResizeAs(null, srcTable(i))
i += 1
while (i <= resultTable.length()) {
i += 1
} else if (src.isInstanceOf[Tensor[_]]) {
result = if (target.isInstanceOf[Tensor[_]]) {
} else {
* Apply function 'func' on all tensor in the table.
* @param x
* @param func
def recursiveTensorApply1[T](x: Activity, func: Tensor[T] => Tensor[T])(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
s"expecting tensors or tables thereof. Got ${x} instead"
if (x.isInstanceOf[Table]) {
var i = 1
while (i <= x.toTable.length()) {
recursiveTensorApply1(x.toTable(i), func)
i += 1
} else {
* Apply function 'func' on each tensor in table x and table y recursively.
* Table x should have the same size with table y.
* @param x
* @param y
* @param func
* @return
def recursiveTensorApply2[T](x: Activity, y: Activity,
func: (Tensor[T], Tensor[T]) => Tensor[T])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Activity = {
if (y.isInstanceOf[Tensor[_]] && x.isInstanceOf[Tensor[_]]) {
require(x.toTensor[T].nElement() == y.toTensor[T].nElement(),
"x, y should have the same size" +
s"x size ${x.toTensor[T].nElement()}, y size ${y.toTensor[T].nElement()}")
func(x.toTensor[T], y.toTensor[T])
} else {
require(x.isInstanceOf[Table] && y.isInstanceOf[Table], "x, y should have the same size")
require(x.toTable.length() == y.toTable.length(), "x, y should have the same size" +
s"x size ${x.toTable.length()}, y size ${y.toTable.length()}")
var i = 1
while (i <= x.toTable.length()) {
recursiveTensorApply2[T](x.toTable(i), y.toTable(i), func)
i += 1
* Apply a add operation on table x and table y one by one.
* y := y + alpha * x
* Table x should have the same size with y.
* @param y
* @param alpha
* @param x
* @tparam T: Float or Double
* @return y
def recursiveAdd[T](y: Activity, alpha: Double = 1.0, x: Activity )(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Activity = {
recursiveTensorApply2[T](y, x, (t1, t2) => t1.add(ev.fromType[Double](alpha), t2))
* copy table x's tensor to table y.
* Table x should have the same size with y.
* @param y
* @param x
* @tparam T: Float or Double
* @return y
def recursiveCopy[T](y: Activity, x: Activity )(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Activity = {
recursiveTensorApply2[T](y, x, (t1, t2) => t1.copy(t2))
* Fill the value to each Tensor in the table recursively
* @param x
* @param value
def recursiveFill[T](x: Activity, value : Double)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
recursiveTensorApply1[T](x, t => t.fill(ev.fromType[Double](value)))
* get all modules and map by name
* @param model
* @tparam T
* @return
def getNamedModules[T](model: Module[T]): Map[String, Module[T]] = {
var namedModules: Map[String, Module[T]] = Map()
def getModules(module: Module[T]): Unit = {
module match {
case m: Container[_, _, T] =>
namedModules += (module.getName() -> module)
for (m <- module.asInstanceOf[Container[_, _, T]].modules) getModules(m)
case _ => namedModules += (module.getName() -> module)
* copy src's parameters and running status to dst
* @param src source model
* @param dst destination model
def copyModule[T](src: Module[T], dst: Module[T]): Module[T] = {
// copy parameters
val srcParameters = src.getParameters()._1
val dstParameters = dst.getParameters()._1
require(srcParameters.size(1) == dstParameters.size(1),
s"$src and $dst is not the same type.")
// copy running status
* get whether the module is layerwise scaled
* @param model input module
* @return whether the module is layerwise scaled
def isLayerwiseScaled[T](model: Module[T]): Boolean = model match {
case m: Container[Activity, Activity, T] =>
var i = 0
while (i < m.modules.length) {
if (isLayerwiseScaled(m.modules(i))) return true
i += 1
case m: Module[T] => (m.getScaleB() != 1) || (m.getScaleW() != 1)
* get the inner loop size and outer loop size given a pivot dim
* @param pivotDim is the dim whose value larger than 1
* @return inner loop size and outer loop size
private[nn] def getInnerOuterNum[T](pivotDim: Int, data: Tensor[T]): (Int, Int) = {
var k = 1
var outerNum = 1
while (k < pivotDim) {
outerNum *= data.size(k)
k += 1
var innerNum = 1
k = pivotDim + 1
while (k <= data.dim()) {
innerNum *= data.size(k)
k += 1
(innerNum, outerNum)
* if there is only one dim of size > 1, return this dim(count from 1)
* else return -1
* e.g. (1, 2, 1, 1) returns 1, (1, 2, 3, 1) returns -1, and (1, 1, 1, 1) returns -1
* @param size size of tensor
* @return (the only dim whose value > 1) else (-1)
private[nn] def getOnlyDimGtOne(size: Array[Int]): Int = {
var i = 0
var count = 0
var pivot = 0
while (i < size.length) {
if (size(i) > 1) {
count += 1
pivot = i + 1
i += 1
if (count == 1) pivot else -1
* @return Array(padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight, outputHeight, outputWidth)
* or Array(padFront, padBackward, padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight,
* outputDepth, outputHeight, outputWidth)
private[nn] def getSAMEOutSizeAndPadding(
inputHeight: Int,
inputWidth: Int,
dH: Int,
dW: Int,
kH: Int,
kW: Int,
inputDepth: Int = -1,
dT: Int = -1,
kT: Int = -1): Array[Int] = {
val oW = Math.ceil(inputWidth.toFloat / dW.toFloat).toInt
val oH = Math.ceil(inputHeight.toFloat / dH.toFloat).toInt
val padAlongWidth = Math.max(0, (oW -1) * dW + kW - inputWidth)
val padAlongHeight = Math.max(0, (oH - 1) * dH + kH - inputHeight)
if (inputDepth != -1) {
require(dT > 0 && kT > 0, "kernel size and strideSize cannot be smaller than 0")
val oT = Math.ceil(inputDepth.toFloat / dT.toFloat).toInt
val padAlongDepth = Math.max(0, (oT -1) * dT + kT - inputDepth)
return Array(padAlongDepth/2, padAlongDepth - padAlongDepth/2, padAlongHeight/2,
padAlongHeight - padAlongHeight/2, padAlongWidth/2, padAlongWidth - padAlongWidth/2,
oT, oH, oW)
Array(padAlongHeight/2, padAlongHeight - padAlongHeight/2,
padAlongWidth/2, padAlongWidth - padAlongWidth/2,
oH, oW)
* @return Array(padLeft, padRight, padTop, padBottom, outputHeight, outputWidth)
* or Array(padFront, padBack, padLeft, padRight, padTop, padBottom,
* outputDepth, outputHeight, outputWidth)
private[nn] def getOutSizeAndPadding(
inputHeight: Int,
inputWidth: Int,
dH: Int,
dW: Int,
kH: Int,
kW: Int,
padH: Int,
padW: Int,
ceilMode: Boolean,
dilationHeight: Int = 1,
dilationWidth: Int = 1,
inputdepth: Int = -1,
dt: Int = -1,
kt: Int = -1,
padt: Int = 0,
dilationDepth: Int = 1): Array[Int] = {
var oheight = 0
var owidth = 0
var odepth = 0
val dilationKernelHeight = dilationHeight * (kH - 1) + 1
val dilationKernelWidth = dilationWidth * (kW - 1) + 1
val dilationKernelDepth = if (inputdepth > 0) dilationDepth * (kt - 1) + 1 else kt
if (ceilMode) {
oheight = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputHeight - dilationKernelHeight + 2*padH) / dH).toInt + 1
owidth = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputWidth - dilationKernelWidth + 2*padW) / dW).toInt + 1
if (inputdepth > 0) {
require(dt > 0 && kt > 0 && padt >= 0,
"kernel size, stride size, padding size cannot be smaller than 0")
odepth = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputdepth - dilationKernelDepth + 2*padt) / dt).toInt + 1
} else {
oheight = math.floor(1.0 * (inputHeight - dilationKernelHeight + 2*padH) / dH).toInt + 1
owidth = math.floor(1.0 * (inputWidth - dilationKernelWidth + 2*padW) / dW).toInt + 1
if (inputdepth > 0) {
require(dt > 0 && kt > 0 && padt >= 0,
"kernel size, stride size, padding size cannot be smaller than 0")
odepth = math.floor(1.0 * (inputdepth - dilationKernelDepth + 2*padt) / dt).toInt + 1
if (padH != 0 || padW != 0 || padt != 0) {
if ((oheight - 1) * dH >= inputHeight + padH) oheight -= 1
if ((owidth - 1) * dW >= inputWidth + padW) owidth -= 1
if (inputdepth > 0) {
if ((odepth - 1) * dt >= inputdepth + padt) odepth -= 1
return Array(padt, padt, padH, padH, padW, padW, odepth, oheight, owidth)
} else if (inputdepth > 0) {
return Array(padt, padt, padH, padH, padW, padW, odepth, oheight, owidth)
Array(padH, padH, padW, padW, oheight, owidth)
private[nn] def getOutSizeAndPaddingForDNN(
inputHeight: Int,
inputWidth: Int,
dH: Int,
dW: Int,
kH: Int,
kW: Int,
padH: Int,
padW: Int,
ceilMode: Boolean,
dilationHeight: Int = 1,
dilationWidth: Int = 1,
inputdepth: Int = -1,
dt: Int = -1,
kt: Int = -1,
padt: Int = 0,
dilationDepth: Int = 1): Array[Int] = {
// compute padding left, right, top and bottom
var pad_t = padH
var pad_b = padH
var pad_l = padW
var pad_r = padW
var oheight = 0
var owidth = 0
var odepth = 0
val dilationKernelHeight = dilationHeight * (kH - 1) + 1
val dilationKernelWidth = dilationWidth * (kW - 1) + 1
oheight = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputHeight - dilationKernelHeight + 2*padH) / dH).toInt + 1
owidth = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputWidth - dilationKernelWidth + 2*padW) / dW).toInt + 1
if (padH != 0 || padW != 0 || padt != 0 || kH == 1 || kW == 1) {
if ((oheight - 1) * dH >= inputHeight + padH) oheight -= 1
if ((owidth - 1) * dW >= inputWidth + padW) owidth -= 1
val h = inputHeight + pad_t
// var pad_b = padH
while ((h + pad_b) < (dH * (oheight - 1) + kH)) pad_b = pad_b + 1
val w = inputWidth + pad_l
// var pad_r = padW
while ((w + pad_r) < (dW * (owidth - 1) + kW)) pad_r = pad_r + 1
Array(pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r, oheight, owidth)
private[nn] def getOutputShape(outputHeight: Int, outputWidth: Int, nOutputPlane: Int,
batchSize: Int = -1, format: DataFormat): Array[Int] = {
format match {
case DataFormat.NCHW =>
if (batchSize == -1) {
Array(nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
} else {
Array(batchSize, nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
case DataFormat.NHWC =>
if (batchSize == -1) {
Array(outputHeight, outputWidth, nOutputPlane)
} else {
Array(batchSize, outputHeight, outputWidth, nOutputPlane)
private[nn] def getOutputSize(inputSize: Int, filterSize: Int,
stride: Int, padding: String) = {
padding.toLowerCase() match {
case "valid" =>
val outputSize = (inputSize - filterSize + stride) / stride
(outputSize, 0, 0)
case "same" =>
val outputSize = (inputSize + stride - 1) / stride
val paddingNeeded = math.max(0, (outputSize - 1) * stride + filterSize - inputSize)
val padBefore = paddingNeeded / 2
val padAfter = paddingNeeded - padBefore
(outputSize, padBefore, padAfter)
def shuffle[T: ClassTag](src: Tensor[T], permutation: Array[Int], buffer: Tensor[T] = null)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Tensor[T] = {
require(permutation.length == src.nDimension,
s"permutation length should be same as tensor dimension")
require(permutation.min >= 0 && permutation.max <= src.size().max,
s"permutation min value should be between 0 and ${src.size().max}")
require(permutation.distinct.size == src.nDimension, s"permutation has duplicated input")
var i = 0
val outSize = new Array[Int](src.nDimension)
while (i < permutation.length) {
outSize(i) = src.size(permutation(i))
i += 1
val out = if (buffer == null) {
} else {
i = 0
val numOfElements = src.nElement()
while (i < numOfElements) {
var srcIndex = 0
var tmp = i
var j = 1
while (j <= src.nDimension) {
val curDim = tmp / out.stride(j)
tmp %= out.stride(j)
srcIndex += curDim * src.stride(permutation(j - 1))
j += 1
} =
i += 1
private[nn] def getPaddingAndOutputSize(
inputHeight: Int,
inputWidth: Int,
dH: Int,
dW: Int,
kH: Int,
kW: Int,
padH: Int,
padW: Int,
ceilMode: Boolean = false
): (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int) = {
// compute padding left, right, top and bottom
var pad_t = padH
var pad_b = padH
var pad_l = padW
var pad_r = padW
var oheight = 0
var owidth = 0
var odepth = 0
if (ceilMode) {
oheight = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputHeight - kH + 2 * padH) / dH).toInt + 1
owidth = math.ceil(1.0 * (inputWidth - kW + 2 * padW) / dW).toInt + 1
} else {
oheight = math.floor(1.0 * (inputHeight - kH + 2 * padH) / dH).toInt + 1
owidth = math.floor(1.0 * (inputWidth - kW + 2 * padW) / dW).toInt + 1
if (padH != 0 || padW != 0 || kH == 1 || kW == 1) {
if ((oheight - 1) * dH >= inputHeight + padH) oheight -= 1
if ((owidth - 1) * dW >= inputWidth + padW) owidth -= 1
val h = inputHeight + pad_t
while ((h + pad_b) < (dH * (oheight - 1) + kH)) pad_b = pad_b + 1
val w = inputWidth + pad_l
while ((w + pad_r) < (dW * (owidth - 1) + kW)) pad_r = pad_r + 1
(pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r, oheight, owidth)
* Calculate forward time and backward time.
* @param times
* @tparam T
* @return
def calculateFwdBwdTime[T: ClassTag](
times: Array[(AbstractModule[_ <: Activity, _ <: Activity, T], Long, Long)]): (Long, Long) = { => (t._2, t._3)).reduce((a, b) => (a._1 + b._1, a._2 + b._2))
* calculate scales of tensor based on the mask
* The mask parameter determines the dimension to which the scales array is applied to.
* If the ith bit of mask is set, it will select that dimension and calc scales on that.
* For a 5-dimensional tensor T[g0, o1,i2,h3,w4] where the numbering indicates the bit-index:
* + A mask = 3 = $2^0 | 2^1$ selects the group (g0) and output channels (o1).
* + A mask = 2 = $2^1$ selects the output channels (o1).
* For a [4, 3, 2, 2] tensor and 3 ( $2^0|2^1$ ) as the mask, it will generate 4*3=12 max values.
* @param tensor the tensor want to be caculated
* @param mask the mask value. You can construct it with math.pow(2, ?).
* @return the scales of tensor relevant with mask
private[nn] def calcScales(tensor: Tensor[Float], mask: Int): Array[Float] = {
// inner helper function
def calcScalesHelper(tensor: Tensor[Float], maskStr: String,
result: mutable.ListBuffer[Float], index: Int): Unit = {
if (index < maskStr.length) {
if (maskStr(index).asDigit == 1) { // mask bit is ON at this dimension
(1 to tensor.size(index + 1)).foreach(
i => { // split the tensor based on its size
calcScalesHelper(tensor.narrow(index + 1, i, 1), maskStr, result, index + 1)
} else {
calcScalesHelper(tensor, maskStr, result, index + 1)
} else { // finished splitting tensor based on its mask bit, aggregate and append the result
def maskInterval: String = {
val start = 0
val end = (math.pow(2, tensor.size().length) - 1).toInt
s"mask should between [$start, $end]"
require(mask.toBinaryString.length <= tensor.size().length, s"$maskInterval")
val result = mutable.ListBuffer[Float]()
calcScalesHelper(tensor, mask.toBinaryString.reverse, result, 0 /* start dimension */)
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