Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{Utils => NNUtils, _}
import{DenseTensorMath, DnnTensor, Tensor}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Applies a 2D convolution over an input image composed of several input planes.
* The input tensor in forward(input) is expected to be
* a 3D tensor (nInputPlane x height x width).
* nInputPlane The number of expected input planes in the image given into forward()
* nOutputPlane: The number of output planes the convolution layer will produce.
* kernelW: the kernel width of the convolution
* kernelH: The kernel height of the convolution
* strideW: Int = 1, The step of the convolution in the width dimension.
* strideH: Int = 1, The step of the convolution in the height dimension
* padW: Int = 0, The additional zeros added per width to the input planes.
* padH: Int = 0, The additional zeros added per height to the input planes.
* nGroup: Int = 1, Kernel group number
* propagateBack: Boolean = true, propagate gradient back
* wRegularizer: Regularizer[Float] = null,
* bRegularizer: Regularizer[Float] = null,
* initWeight: Tensor[Float] = null,
* initBias: Tensor[Float] = null,
* initGradWeight: Tensor[Float] = null,
* initGradBias: Tensor[Float] = null,
* withBias: Boolean = true,
* format: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW,
* dilationW: Int = 1,
* dilationH: Int = 1
* When padW and padH are both -1, we use a padding algorithm similar to the "SAME"
* padding of tensorflow. That is
* outHeight = Math.ceil(inHeight.toFloat/strideH.toFloat)
* outWidth = Math.ceil(inWidth.toFloat/strideW.toFloat)
* padAlongHeight = Math.max(0, (outHeight - 1) * strideH + kernelH - inHeight)
* padAlongWidth = Math.max(0, (outWidth - 1) * strideW + kernelW - inWidth)
* padTop = padAlongHeight / 2
* padLeft = padAlongWidth / 2
* @param wRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
* (eg. L1 or L2 regularization), applied to the input weights matrices.
* @param bRegularizer: instance of [[Regularizer]]
* applied to the bias.
* @param dilationW: dilation width, default to 1
* @param dilationH: dilation height, default to 1
class SpatialConvolution(
val nInputPlane: Int,
val nOutputPlane: Int,
val kernelW: Int,
val kernelH: Int,
val strideW: Int = 1,
val strideH: Int = 1,
val padW: Int = 0,
val padH: Int = 0,
val nGroup: Int = 1,
val propagateBack: Boolean = true,
var wRegularizer: Regularizer[Float] = null,
var bRegularizer: Regularizer[Float] = null,
val initWeight: Tensor[Float] = null,
val initBias: Tensor[Float] = null,
val initGradWeight: Tensor[Float] = null,
val initGradBias: Tensor[Float] = null,
val withBias: Boolean = true,
val format: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW,
val dilationW: Int = 1,
val dilationH: Int = 1
) extends MklDnnLayer with Initializable with Serializable with MklInt8Convertible {
require(nInputPlane % nGroup == 0, s"Number of input channels " +
s"should be multiples of group " +
s"number of input channels ${nInputPlane}, " +
s"group ${nGroup}.")
require(nOutputPlane % nGroup == 0,
"Number of output channels " +
"should be multiples of group " +
s"(number of output channels ${nOutputPlane}, " +
s"group ${nGroup}).")
private val weightShape = if (nGroup == 1) {
Array(nOutputPlane, nInputPlane, kernelH, kernelW)
} else {
Array (nGroup, nOutputPlane / nGroup, nInputPlane / nGroup, kernelH, kernelW)
// !!!important!!! this is for weight and input conversion.
// The weight in forward and updateGradInput is different.
// The input in updateOutput and accGradParameters is different too.
// It's `lazy` so the reordermanager need not serialized.
@transient private lazy val reorderManager = new ReorderManager
private[mkldnn] val weight = new TensorMMap(weightShape)
private[mkldnn] val bias = new TensorMMap(Array(nOutputPlane))
private[mkldnn] val gradWeight = new TensorMMap(weightShape)
private[mkldnn] val gradBias = new TensorMMap(Array(nOutputPlane))
// The weight maybe have different format between updateOutput and updateGradInput
private var weightForBackward: DnnTensor[Float] = _
private var weightForBackwardMemoryData: MemoryData = _
// The input maybe have different format between updateOutput and accGradParameters
private var inputForAcc: DnnTensor[Float] = _
private var inputForAccMemoryData: MemoryData = _
@transient private var forwardPrimDesc: Long = 0L
@transient private var updateOutputMemoryPrimitives: Array[Long] = _
@transient private var updateOutputTensors: Array[Tensor[Float]] = _
@transient private var updateGradInputMemoryPrimitives: Array[Long] = _
@transient private var updateGradInputTensors: Array[Tensor[Float]] = _
@transient private var updateGradWMemoryPrimitives: Array[Long] = _
@transient private var updateGradWTensors: Array[Tensor[Float]] = _
@transient private var paddingTL: Array[Int] = _
@transient private var paddingBR: Array[Int] = _
var needQuantize: Boolean = false
var negativeInput: Boolean = true
private var _relu = false
private var _sum = false
private var _batchNorm = false
private var _dim = 1
private var _sumInput = false
def relu: Boolean = _relu
def setReLU(value: Boolean = true): this.type = {
_relu = value
def batchNorm: Boolean = _batchNorm
def setBatchNorm(value: Boolean = true): this.type = {
_batchNorm = value
def sum: Boolean = _sum
def setSum(value: Boolean = true): this.type = {
_sum = value
var sumOp: MklDnnLayer = null
def setSumOp(conv: Module[Float], number: Int = 1): this.type = {
sumOp = conv.asInstanceOf[MklDnnLayer]
_dim = number
_sum = true
// get padding type
private val paddingType: PaddingType.Value = getPaddingType()
Parameters for Dilated Convolution
In most deep learning frameworks,
the default value of dilation which defines regular convolution module is 1
BigDL follows this convention
However the default value used by mkl-dnn is 0;
in order to keep consistensy, we internally transform them with deducting by 1.
private val dilationW_mkldnn: Int = dilationW - 1
private val dilationH_mkldnn: Int = dilationH - 1
private def getOutputShape(oh: Int, ow: Int, batchSize: Int = -1): Array[Int] = {
format match {
case DataFormat.NCHW =>
if (batchSize == -1) {
Array(nOutputPlane, oh, ow)
} else {
Array(batchSize, nOutputPlane, oh, ow)
case DataFormat.NHWC =>
if (batchSize == -1) {
Array(oh, ow, nOutputPlane)
} else {
Array(batchSize, oh, ow, nOutputPlane)
val stdv = 1.0 / math.sqrt(kernelW * kernelH * nInputPlane)
val wInit: InitializationMethod = RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
val bInit: InitializationMethod = if (withBias) RandomUniform(-stdv, stdv)
else null
setInitMethod(wInit, bInit)
override def reset(): Unit = {
if (initWeight == null) { // TODO only support oihw format weights
weightInitMethod.init(weight.dense, if (nGroup == 1) {
} else {
} else {
if (initBias == null) {
biasInitMethod.init(bias.dense, VariableFormat.ONE_D)
} else {
private def setScalesOutForAttr(scaleIn: Array[Float], scaleOut: Array[Float],
attr: Long): Unit = {
require(this.getWeightScales() != null, s"you should use a model contains scales")
val scales = this.getWeightScales() =>
if (Math.abs(w - 0.0f) < DenseTensorMath.floatEpsilon) {
} else {
scaleOut(0) / (scaleIn(0) * 127.0f / w)
MklDnn.AttrSetOutputScales(attr, scales.length, 2, scales)
MklDnn.AttrSetIntOutputRoundMode(attr, 1)
override private[mkldnn] def initFwdPrimitives(inputs: Array[MemoryData], phase: Phase) = {
// maybe the model has no scales, we can't do quantize here.
if (getInputScales().flatten.isEmpty || getOutputScales().flatten.isEmpty ||
getWeightScales().flatten.isEmpty) {
needQuantize = false
if (_sum && inputs.length > 1) {
_sumInput = true
require(inputs.length == 2,
s"inputs length should be 2 when having sum operation, but get ${inputs.length}")
// we should not use output branch
val inputMemoryData = inputs(inputs.length - _dim)
val inputHeight = inputMemoryData.shape(2) // TODO only supports 4-D and nchw
val inputWidth = inputMemoryData.shape(3)
val convPaddingShape = getConvPaddingShape(inputHeight, inputWidth, paddingType)
val convOutputShape = getConvOutputShape(inputHeight, inputWidth, convPaddingShape)
val padTop =
val padBottom = convPaddingShape.bottom
val padLeft = convPaddingShape.left
val padRight = convPaddingShape.right
val outputHeight = convOutputShape.height
val outputWidth = convOutputShape.width
paddingTL = Array(padTop, padLeft)
paddingBR = Array(padBottom, padRight)
val inputShape = inputMemoryData.shape
val outputShape = Array(inputMemoryData.shape(0), nOutputPlane, outputHeight, outputWidth)
val inputDataType = if (needQuantize) {
if (negativeInput) {
} else {
} else {
val weightDataType = if (needQuantize) DataType.S8 else DataType.F32
val biasDataType = if (needQuantize) DataType.S32 else DataType.F32
val outputDataType = if (needQuantize) {
// must use the same datatype with the sumOp, otherwise the result will be wrong.
if (!relu || (sum && sumOp.outputFormats()(0).dataType == DataType.S8)) {
} else {
} else {
val src = NativeData(inputShape, Memory.Format.any, inputDataType)
val wei = NativeData(weightShape, Memory.Format.any, weightDataType)
val bis = NativeData(Array(nOutputPlane), Memory.Format.x, biasDataType)
val dst = NativeData(outputShape, Memory.Format.any, outputDataType)
val scaleIn = this.getInputScales() { x =>
if (negativeInput) {
Scale.S8_MAX / x
} else {
Scale.U8_MAX / x
val scaleOut = this.getOutputScales() { x =>
if (relu) {
Scale.U8_MAX / x
} else {
Scale.S8_MAX / x
val scaleWeight = this.getWeightScales() { w => Scale.S8_MAX / w }
// TODO check wether ForwardInference and ForwardTraining is the same
val desc = MklDnnMemory.DilatedConvForwardDescInit(
PropKind.ForwardTraining, AlgKind.ConvolutionDirect,
Array(strideW, strideH), Array(dilationW_mkldnn, dilationH_mkldnn),
paddingTL, paddingBR,
forwardPrimDesc = if (relu || sum) {
val attr = MklDnnMemory.CreateAttr()
// create output scales for s8/u8 output
if (needQuantize) {
setScalesOutForAttr(scaleIn, scaleOut, attr)
val postOps = MklDnnMemory.CreatePostOps()
if (sum) {
val sumScale = if (needQuantize) {
require(scaleOut.length == sumOp.outputFormats()(0).scales.length,
s"the output scales should be the same between ${getName()} and ${sumOp.getName()}")
scaleOut(0) / sumOp.outputFormats()(0).scales(0)
} else {
MklDnn.PostOpsAppendSum(postOps, sumScale)
if (relu) {
MklDnn.PostOpsAppendEltwise(postOps, 1.0f, AlgKind.EltwiseRelu, 0.0f, 0.0f)
MklDnn.AttrSetPostOps(attr, postOps)
MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveDescCreateV2(desc, attr, runtime.engine, 0)
// TODO we should destroy these ops
} else if (needQuantize) {
val attr = MklDnnMemory.CreateAttr()
setScalesOutForAttr(scaleIn, scaleOut, attr)
MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveDescCreateV2(desc, attr, runtime.engine, 0)
// TODO we should destroy these ops
} else {
MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveDescCreate(desc, runtime.engine, 0)
val List(realSrc, realWei, realDst) = List(Query.SrcPd, Query.WeightsPd, Query.DstPd).map {x =>
MemoryData.operationWant(forwardPrimDesc, x)
// The weight on heap should be oihw or goihw format and should reorder it first when using.
val defaultWeightLayout = if (nGroup == 1) {
} else {
val defaultWeight = HeapData(weight.dense.size(), defaultWeightLayout)
val defaultBias = HeapData(bias.dense.size(), Memory.Format.x)
if (needQuantize) {
defaultBias.setScales( => w * scaleIn(0)))
weight.setMemoryData(defaultWeight, realWei, runtime)
bias.setMemoryData(defaultBias, bis, runtime)
val srcs = Array(realSrc.getPrimitive(runtime), realWei.getPrimitive(runtime),
val indexes = Array.fill(srcs.length)(0)
val dsts = Array(realDst.getPrimitive(runtime))
val primitive = MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveCreate2(forwardPrimDesc, srcs, indexes, srcs.length,
dsts, dsts.length)
updateOutputMemoryPrimitives = srcs ++ dsts
updateOutputPrimitives = Array(primitive)
output = initTensor(realDst)
// quantize weight from fp32 to int8
if (needQuantize) {
if (needQuantize) {
_inputFormats = if (_sumInput) Array(realSrc, realSrc) else Array(realSrc)
_outputFormats = Array(realDst)
(_inputFormats, _outputFormats)
override def updateOutput(input: Activity): Activity = {
val inputTensor = if (input.isTensor) {
} else {
// here we should not use the output branch
output = input.toTable.get[Tensor[Float]](_dim).get
input.toTable.get[Tensor[Float]](3 - _dim).get
if (updateOutputTensors == null) {
val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Tensor[Float]]()
if (sum && input.isTensor) {
output = sumOp.output
updateOutputTensors = buffer.toArray
updateWithNewTensor(updateOutputTensors, 0, inputTensor)
if (isTraining()) {
MklDnnOps.streamSubmit(, 1, updateOutputPrimitives, updateOutputPrimitives.length,
updateOutputMemoryPrimitives, updateOutputTensors)
override private[mkldnn] def initBwdPrimitives(grad: Array[MemoryData], phase: Phase) = {
val inputShape = inputFormats()(0).shape.length match {
case 1 => inputFormats()(0).shape ++ Array(1) // TODO Test
case _ => inputFormats()(0).shape
val outputShape = outputFormats()(0).shape
val src = NativeData(inputShape, Memory.Format.any)
val wei = NativeData(weightShape, Memory.Format.any)
val bis = NativeData(Array(nOutputPlane), Memory.Format.x)
val dst = NativeData(outputShape, Memory.Format.any)
val desc = MklDnnMemory.DilatedConvBackwardDataDescInit(
wei.getMemoryDescription(), // TODO check correctness of strides and padding
Array(strideW, strideH), Array(dilationW_mkldnn, dilationH_mkldnn),
paddingTL, paddingBR,
val backwardPrimDesc = MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveDescCreate(desc, runtime.engine, forwardPrimDesc)
val List(realDiffSrc, realWei, realDiffDst) =
List(Query.DiffSrcPd, Query.WeightsPd, Query.DiffDstPd).map {x =>
MemoryData.operationWant(backwardPrimDesc, x)
weightForBackwardMemoryData = realWei
reorderManager.register(weight.heapData, realWei)
// computing gradient input doesn't need the input
val srcs = Array(realDiffDst.getPrimitive(runtime), realWei.getPrimitive(runtime))
val indexes = Array.fill(srcs.length)(0)
val dsts = Array(realDiffSrc.getPrimitive(runtime))
val primitive = MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveCreate2(backwardPrimDesc, srcs, indexes, srcs.length,
dsts, dsts.length)
updateGradInputMemoryPrimitives = srcs ++ dsts
updateGradInputPrimitives = Array(primitive)
gradInput = initTensor(realDiffSrc)
_gradInputFormats = Array(realDiffSrc)
_gradOutputFormats = Array(realDiffDst)
(_gradOutputFormats, _gradInputFormats)
override def updateGradInput(input: Activity, gradOutput: Activity): Activity = {
// if needed, reorder manager will reorder the wegiht to mkldnn wants
weightForBackward = reorderManager.infer(Array(weight.heapData),
Array(weightForBackwardMemoryData), weight.dense).asInstanceOf[DnnTensor[Float]]
if (updateGradInputTensors == null) {
val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Tensor[Float]]()
updateGradInputTensors = buffer.toArray
updateWithNewTensor(updateGradInputTensors, 0, gradOutput)
updateWithNewTensor(updateGradInputTensors, 1, weightForBackward)
MklDnnOps.streamSubmit(, 1, updateGradInputPrimitives,
updateGradInputPrimitives.length, updateGradInputMemoryPrimitives, updateGradInputTensors)
override private[mkldnn] def initGradWPrimitives(grad: Array[MemoryData],
phase: Phase): Array[MemoryData] = {
val inputShape = inputFormats()(0).shape
val outputShape = inputFormats()(0).shape
val src = NativeData(inputShape, Memory.Format.any)
val wei = NativeData(weightShape, Memory.Format.any)
val bis = NativeData(Array(nOutputPlane), Memory.Format.x)
// Use format "any" to init weight desc, otherwise maybe poor performance
val gradMemoryData = NativeData(grad(0).shape, Memory.Format.any)
val desc = MklDnnMemory.DilatedConvBackwardWeightsDescInit(
Array(strideW, strideH), Array(dilationW_mkldnn, dilationH_mkldnn),
paddingTL, paddingBR,
val gradWeightPrimDesc = MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveDescCreate(desc, runtime.engine, forwardPrimDesc)
// TODO here seems some errors ?????? check the realSrc format.
val List(realSrc, realWei, realDiffDst) =
List(Query.SrcPd, Query.DiffWeightsPd, Query.DiffDstPd).map { x =>
MemoryData.operationWant(gradWeightPrimDesc, x)
// gradient weight should be the same format with weight
val defaultWeightLayout = if (nGroup == 1) {
} else {
HeapData(gradWeight.dense.size(), defaultWeightLayout), runtime)
HeapData(gradBias.dense.size(), Memory.Format.x), runtime)
// save the real input format accGradParameters wants, and register the reorder operation
inputForAccMemoryData = realSrc
reorderManager.register(inputFormats()(0), realSrc)
val srcs = Array(realSrc.getPrimitive(runtime), realDiffDst.getPrimitive(runtime))
val indexes = Array.fill(srcs.length)(0)
val dsts = Array(realWei.getPrimitive(runtime), bis.getPrimitive(runtime))
val primitive = MklDnnMemory.PrimitiveCreate2(gradWeightPrimDesc, srcs, indexes, srcs.length,
dsts, dsts.length)
updateGradWMemoryPrimitives = srcs ++ dsts
accGradientPrimitives = Array(primitive)
_gradOutputFormatsForWeight = Array(realDiffDst)
override def accGradParameters(input: Activity, gradOutput: Activity): Unit = {
// if needed, reorder manager will reorder input to mkldnn wants
val inputTensor = if (input.isTensor) {
} else {
inputForAcc = reorderManager.infer(Array(inputFormats()(0)),
Array(inputForAccMemoryData), inputTensor).asInstanceOf[DnnTensor[Float]]
if (updateGradWTensors == null) {
val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Tensor[Float]]()
updateGradWTensors = buffer.toArray
updateWithNewTensor(updateGradWTensors, 0, inputForAcc)
updateWithNewTensor(updateGradWTensors, 1, gradOutput)
MklDnnOps.streamSubmit(, 1, accGradientPrimitives,
accGradientPrimitives.length, updateGradWMemoryPrimitives, updateGradWTensors)
if (null != wRegularizer) {
wRegularizer.accRegularization(weight.dense, gradWeight.dense, scaleW)
if (withBias && null != bRegularizer) {
bRegularizer.accRegularization(bias.dense, gradBias.dense, scaleB)
override def parameters(): (Array[Tensor[Float]], Array[Tensor[Float]]) = {
if (withBias) {
(Array(weight.dense, bias.dense), Array(gradWeight.dense, gradBias.dense))
} else {
(Array(weight.dense), Array(gradWeight.dense))
override def paramsMMap(): (Array[TensorMMap], Array[TensorMMap]) = {
(Array(weight, bias), Array(gradWeight, gradBias))
// we need not implement it, because the grad parameters will clean by mkldnn
override def zeroGradParameters(): Unit = {
override def setQuantize(value: Boolean): this.type = {
needQuantize = value
* (1) add calculation logic for Full padding
* (2) abstract and design an object type for return value, insteaof returnning
* the result as an int array
* Calculate padding size
* @param inputHeight height of input
* @param inputWidth width of input
* @param paddingType one of Same, Valid, Full
* @return an int array of length 4 representing padding sizes
* (top, bottom, left, right)
private def getConvPaddingShape(inputHeight: Int, inputWidth: Int,
paddingType: PaddingType.Value): ConvPaddingShape = {
paddingType match {
case PaddingType.Same =>
getConvPaddingShape(inputHeight, inputWidth, kernelH, kernelW,
strideH, strideW, dilationH, dilationW)
case PaddingType.Custom => ConvPaddingShape(padH, padH, padW, padW)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException()
* Helper function to get convolution padding shape for Same Padding
* Steps:
* 1). calculate the dimension of dilated kernel
* dilated kernel = kernel + (kernel - 1) * (dilation - 1)
* 2). calculate the number of stride it would make
* number of stride = (input + stride - 1) / stride
* 3). calculate the number of pad needed to make
* number of pad = start of last stride + dilated kernel - input
* start of last stride = (number of stride - 1) * stride
* 4). assign the number of pad to left & right side
* @param inputHeight height of input
* @param inputWidth width of input
* @param kernelHeight height of kernel
* @param kernelWidth width of kernel
* @param strideHeight height of stride
* @param strideWidth width of stride
* @param dilationHeight height of dilation
* @param dilationWidth width of dilation
* @return ConvPaddingShape
private def getConvPaddingShape(inputHeight: Int, inputWidth: Int,
kernelHeight: Int, kernelWidth: Int,
strideHeight: Int, strideWidth: Int,
dilationHeight: Int, dilationWidth: Int
): ConvPaddingShape = {
val dilatedKernelHeight = kernelHeight + (kernelHeight - 1) * (dilationHeight - 1)
val dilatedKernelWidth = kernelWidth + (kernelWidth - 1) * (dilationWidth - 1)
val numOfStrideHeight = (inputHeight + strideHeight - 1) / strideHeight
val numOfStrideWidth = (inputWidth + strideWidth - 1) / strideWidth
val padAlongHeight = Math.max(0,
(numOfStrideHeight - 1) * strideHeight + dilatedKernelHeight - inputHeight)
val padAlongWidth = Math.max(0,
(numOfStrideWidth - 1) * strideWidth + dilatedKernelWidth - inputWidth)
val (padTop, padBottom) = (padAlongHeight / 2, (padAlongHeight + 1) / 2)
val (padLeft, padRight) = (padAlongWidth / 2, (padAlongWidth + 1) / 2)
ConvPaddingShape(padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight)
* Calculate convolution output shape
* Please try to keep the logic in consistent with MKL-DNN
* Reffernce:
* @param inputH height of input
* @param inputW width of input
* @return a ConvOutputShape object
private def getConvOutputShape(inputH: Int, inputW: Int,
paddingShape: ConvPaddingShape): ConvOutputShape = {
def getOutputLength(inputLength: Int, padLeft: Int, padRight: Int,
dilation: Int, kernelSize: Int, stride: Int): Int = {
val kernelRange = 1 + (kernelSize - 1) * (dilation + 1)
val outputLength = (inputLength - kernelRange + padLeft + padRight) / stride + 1
return outputLength
val (padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight) = (, paddingShape.bottom,
paddingShape.left, paddingShape.right
val outputHeight = getOutputLength(inputH, padTop, padBottom,
dilationH_mkldnn, kernelH, strideH)
val outputWidth = getOutputLength(inputW, padLeft, padRight,
dilationW_mkldnn, kernelW, strideH)
ConvOutputShape(outputHeight, outputWidth)
* Get padding type
* @return PaddingType
private def getPaddingType(): PaddingType.Value = {
if (padH == -1 && padW == -1) {
} else if (padH >= 0 && padW >= 0) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid padding")
object SpatialConvolution {
def apply(
nInputPlane: Int,
nOutputPlane: Int,
kW: Int,
kH: Int,
dW: Int = 1,
dH: Int = 1,
padW: Int = 0,
padH: Int = 0,
nGroup: Int = 1,
propagateBack: Boolean = true,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[Float] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[Float] = null,
initWeight: Tensor[Float] = null,
initBias: Tensor[Float] = null,
initGradWeight: Tensor[Float] = null,
initGradBias: Tensor[Float] = null,
withBias: Boolean = true,
format: DataFormat = DataFormat.NCHW,
dilationW: Int = 1,
dilationH: Int = 1): SpatialConvolution = {
new SpatialConvolution(nInputPlane, nOutputPlane, kW, kH, dW,
dH, padW, padH, nGroup, propagateBack, wRegularizer, bRegularizer,
initWeight, initBias, initGradWeight,
initGradBias, withBias, format, dilationW, dilationH)
object Scale {
val S8_MAX = 127.0f
val U8_MAX = 255.0f
* Enum for padding type
* currently only support Same and Custom
private[mkldnn] object PaddingType extends Enumeration {
val Same, Custom = Value
* object to store meta for convolution padding shape
* @param top
* @param bottom
* @param left
* @param right
private[mkldnn] case class ConvPaddingShape (
top: Int,
bottom: Int,
left: Int,
right: Int
* case class to store meta for convolution output shape
* @param height
* @param width
private[mkldnn] case class ConvOutputShape (
height: Int,
width: Int
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