Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util
import{T, Table}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
private[nn] trait ResourceAllocator {
def release(): Unit
* This class implement the functionality of TensorArray in tensorflow. See details at
* @param initSize The initial size of the array.
* @param shape The expected shape of the element in the tensor array.
* @param dynamicSize Whether write to the tensor array is allowed to grow the size. By default it's
* not allowed.
* @param clearAfterRead Determines whether the tensors are cleared after read. Default is true.
* @param identicalElementShapes If all elements in the array should have the same shape. Default is
* false.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[nn] class TensorArray[D: ClassTag](
private val initSize: Int,
private val shape: Array[Int] = null,
private var dynamicSize: Boolean = false,
private val clearAfterRead: Boolean = true,
private val identicalElementShapes: Boolean = false,
private val multipleWritesAggregate: Boolean = false
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[D]) {
private var otherShape : Array[Int] = null
private var tensors = new Array[Tensor[D]](initSize)
def lockSize(): Unit = this.dynamicSize = false
def apply(index: Int): Tensor[D] = {
require(tensors(index) != null,
s"tensor on index $index has not been inited or has been cleared")
val t = tensors(index)
if (clearAfterRead) tensors(index) = null
def grad(): TensorArray[_] = {
new TensorArray[D](this.size, multipleWritesAggregate = true)
def size(): Int = tensors.length
def shapeOf(index: Int): Array[Int] = {
require(tensors(index) != null,
s"tensor on index $index has not been inited or has been cleared")
def update(index: Int, tensor: Tensor[D]): Unit = {
if (!multipleWritesAggregate) {
require(tensors(index) == null, "There's already a tensor on the given index")
if (identicalElementShapes) {
if (otherShape == null) {
otherShape = tensor.size()
} else {
val curShape = tensor.size()
require(curShape.length == otherShape.length,
"insert tensor dimension does not match other tensor dimension")
var i = 0
while(i < curShape.length) {
require(curShape(i) == otherShape(i),
"insert tensor size does not match other tensor size")
i += 1
if (shape != null) {
val curShape = tensor.size()
require(curShape.length == shape.length,
"insert tensor dimension does not match required dimension")
var i = 0
while(i < curShape.length) {
require(curShape(i) == shape(i),
"insert tensor size does not match required size")
i += 1
if (dynamicSize && index >= tensors.size) {
val newTensors = new Array[Tensor[D]](index + 1)
var i = 0
while(i < tensors.length) {
newTensors(i) = tensors(i)
i += 1
tensors = newTensors
} else {
require(index < initSize, "cannot grow size when dynamicSize is false")
if (tensors(index) == null) {
tensors(index) = Tensor[D]().resizeAs(tensor).copy(tensor)
} else {
private[nn] object TensorArray {
private val arrays = new util.WeakHashMap[String, TensorArray[_]]()
def apply[D](key: String): TensorArray[D] = this.synchronized {
require(arrays.containsKey(key), s"Cannot find TensorArray for name $key")
def get(key: String): TensorArray[_] = this.synchronized {
require(arrays.containsKey(key), s"Cannot find TensorArray for name $key")
def update(key: String, value: TensorArray[_]): Unit = this.synchronized {
arrays.put(key, value)
def exist(key: String): Boolean = this.synchronized {
def release(key : String): Unit = this.synchronized {
if (arrays.containsKey(key)) arrays.remove(key)
// A scalar used to control gradient flow
val FlowOut: Tensor[Float] = Tensor.scalar(0.0f)
* Create a tensor array in the context. Return the handle of the tensor array and a control flow
* scalar.
* @param shape The expected shape of the element in the tensor array.
* @param dynamicSize Whether write to the tensor array is allowed to grow the size. By default it's
* not allowed.
* @param clearAfterRead Determines whether the tensors are cleared after read. Default is true.
* @param identicalElementShapes If all elements in the array should have the same shape. Default is
* false.
* @param tensorArrayName a unique string which is used to find the created tensor array.
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayCreator[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag](
shape: Array[Int] = null,
dynamicSize: Boolean = false,
clearAfterRead: Boolean = true,
identicalElementShapes: Boolean = false,
tensorArrayName: String = ""
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Tensor[Int], Table, T] with ResourceAllocator {
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[Int]): Table = {
require(input.isScalar, "input size must be a int scalar")
val handle = getHandleName()
TensorArray(handle) = new TensorArray[D](input.value(), shape, dynamicSize, clearAfterRead,
output = T(
override def release(): Unit = {
private def getHandleName(): String = {
if (tensorArrayName == "") {
this.getName() + System.identityHashCode(this)
} else {
tensorArrayName + System.identityHashCode(this)
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
* Create a TensorArray to store the gradient of values in the given handle. Return the handle of
* the gradient TensorArray and a control flow scalar.
* If the given TensorArray gradients already exists, just return a reference.
* Locks the size of the original TensorArray by disabling its dynamic size flag.
* @param source a suffix to append to the name of the passed in TensorArray, used as key to locate
* the gradient TensorArray
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayGrad[T: ClassTag](source: String)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Operation[Table, Table, T]{
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Table = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
val tensorArray = TensorArray.get(handle.value())
val name = handle.value() + source
if (!TensorArray.exist(name)) {
TensorArray(name) = tensorArray.grad()
output = T(
* Insert an element tensor to tensor array. It accepts a TensorArray handle and an Int scalar
* index, and returns a control flow object.
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayWrite[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[Float], T]{
output = TensorArray.FlowOut
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[Float] = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
val index = input[Tensor[Int]](2)
val value = input[Tensor[D]](3)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
require(index.isScalar, "Index must be a scalar")
val tensorArray = TensorArray[D](handle.value())
tensorArray(index.value()) = value
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
override def clearState(): this.type = {
// Do nothing in clearState as we don't want to change the TensorArray.FlowOut object
* Read an element from the TensorArray into output `value`. It accepts a TensorArray handle and an
* Int scalar index, and returns the tensor object.
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayRead[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[D], T]{
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[D] = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
val index = input[Tensor[Int]](2)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
require(index.isScalar, "Index must be a scalar")
val tensorArray = TensorArray[D](handle.value())
output = tensorArray(index.value())
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
* Gather specific elements from the TensorArray into output `value`. It accepts two input:
* handle: The handle to a TensorArray.
* indices: The locations in the TensorArray from which to read tensor elements.
* It returns a gathered tensor.
* All elements selected by `indices` must have the same shape.
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayGather[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[D], T]{
output = Tensor[D]()
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[D] = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
val indices = input[Tensor[Int]](2)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
require(indices.nDimension() == 1, "indices must be a vector")
val tensorArray = TensorArray[D](handle.value())
var sizes : Array[Int] = null
var i = 1
while(i <= indices.size(1)) {
if (sizes == null) {
sizes = tensorArray.shapeOf(indices.valueAt(i))
} else {
val curSizes = tensorArray.shapeOf(indices.valueAt(i))
require(curSizes.length == sizes.length, "the selected tensors have different dimensions")
var j = 0
while(j < sizes.length) {
require(sizes(j) == curSizes(j), "the selected tensors have different sizes")
j += 1
i += 1
output.resize(Array(indices.size(1)) ++ sizes)
i = 1
while(i <= indices.size(1)) {, i).copy(tensorArray(indices.valueAt(i)))
i += 1
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
* Scatter the data from the input value into specific TensorArray elements. It is a 'reverse'
* operation of the gather.
* It accepts three inputs:
* handle: The handle to a TensorArray.
* indices: The locations at which to write the tensor elements.
* value: The concatenated tensor to write to the TensorArray.
* And returns a control flow objects
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayScatter[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[Float], T]{
output = TensorArray.FlowOut
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[Float] = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
val indices = input[Tensor[Int]](2)
val value = input[Tensor[D]](3)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
require(indices.nDimension() == 1, "indices must be a vector")
require(indices.size(1) == value.size(1), "indices length does not match value first dimension")
val tensorArray = TensorArray[D](handle.value())
var i = 1
while(i <= indices.size(1)) {
tensorArray(indices.valueAt(i)) =, i)
i += 1
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
override def clearState(): this.type = {
// Do nothing in clearState as we don't want to change the TensorArray.FlowOut object
* Concat the elements from the TensorArray into value `value`.
* Takes `T` elements of shapes
* (n0 x d0 x d1 x ...), (n1 x d0 x d1 x ...), ..., (n(T-1) x d0 x d1 x ...)
* and concatenates them into a Tensor of shape:
* (n0 + n1 + ... + n(T-1) x d0 x d1 x ...)
* It return the concated value.
* All elements must have the same shape (excepting the first dimension).
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayConcat[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Table, T] {
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Table = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
val tensorArray = TensorArray[D](handle.value())
val size = tensorArray.shapeOf(0)
size(0) = 0
val lengths = Tensor[Int](tensorArray.size)
var i = 0
while(i < tensorArray.size) {
size(0) += tensorArray.shapeOf(i)(0)
lengths.setValue(i + 1, tensorArray.shapeOf(i)(0))
i += 1
val value = Tensor[D]().resize(size)
i = 0
var index = 1
while(i < tensorArray.size) {
val curSize = tensorArray.shapeOf(i)(0)
value.narrow(1, index, curSize).copy(tensorArray(i))
index += curSize
i += 1
output = T(value, lengths)
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
* Split the data from the input value into TensorArray elements. It is a 'reverse' operation of
* concat. It accepts:
* handle: The handle to a TensorArray.
* value: The concatenated tensor to write to the TensorArray.
* lengths: The vector of lengths, how to split the rows of value into the TensorArray.
* It return a control flow object.
* Assuming that `lengths` takes on values
* (n0, n1, ..., n(T-1))
* and that value has shape
* (n0 + n1 + ... + n(T-1) x d0 x d1 x ...),
* this splits values into a TensorArray with T tensors.
* TensorArray index t will be the subtensor of values with starting position
* `(n0 + n1 + ... + n(t-1), 0, 0, ...)```
* and having size
* nt x d0 x d1 x ...
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
* @tparam D Element numeric type in the tensor array.
private[bigdl] class TensorArraySplit[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[Float], T] {
output = TensorArray.FlowOut
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[Float] = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
val value = input[Tensor[D]](2)
val lengths = input[Tensor[Int]](3)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
require(lengths.nDimension() == 1, "lengths must be a vector")
val tensorArray = TensorArray[D](handle.value())
var i = 1
var index = 1
while(i <= lengths.size(1)) {
tensorArray(i - 1) = value.narrow(1, index, lengths.valueAt(i))
index += lengths.valueAt(i)
i += 1
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
override def clearState(): this.type = {
// Do nothing in clearState as we don't want to change the TensorArray.FlowOut object
* Get the current size of the TensorArray.
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
private[bigdl] class TensorArraySize[T: ClassTag]()(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[Int], T] {
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[Int] = {
val handle = input[Tensor[String]](1)
require(handle.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
val tensorArray = TensorArray(handle.value())
output = Tensor.scalar[Int](tensorArray.size)
* Delete the TensorArray from the context.
* @tparam T Model parameter numeric type.
private[bigdl] class TensorArrayClose[T: ClassTag]()(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends Operation[Tensor[String], Tensor[Float], T] {
output = TensorArray.FlowOut
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[String]): Tensor[Float] = {
require(input.isScalar, "Handle of a TensorArray must be a scalar")
override def clearState(): this.type = {
// Do nothing in clearState as we don't want to change the TensorArray.FlowOut object
private[bigdl] class Stack[D](maxSize: Int) {
private var count = 0
private val tensors = new ArrayBuffer[Tensor[D]]()
def pop(): Tensor[D] = {
require(count > 0, "There's no tensors in the stack")
count -= 1
def push(t: Tensor[D]): Unit = {
require(count < maxSize, "Stack is full")
count += 1
private[bigdl] object Stack {
private val stacks = new util.WeakHashMap[String, Stack[_]]()
def apply[D](key: String): Stack[D] = this.synchronized {
require(stacks.containsKey(key), s"Cannot find Stack for name $key")
def update(key: String, value: Stack[_]): Unit = this.synchronized {
stacks.put(key, value)
def release(key : String): Unit = this.synchronized {
if (stacks.containsKey(key)) stacks.remove(key)
private[bigdl] class StackCreator[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag](
private val name: String = "")(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Tensor[Int], Tensor[String], T] with WithoutInput with ResourceAllocator {
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[Int]): Tensor[String] = {
require(input == null || input.isScalar,
"StackCreator: Input tensor should be a scalar or no input")
val handle = getHandleName()
Stack(handle) = new Stack[D](
if (input == null || input.value() < 0) Int.MaxValue else input.value())
output = Tensor.scalar(handle)
override def release(): Unit = {
private def getHandleName(): String = {
if (name == "") {
this.getName() + System.identityHashCode(this)
} else {
name + System.identityHashCode(this)
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
private[bigdl] class StackPop[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Tensor[String], Tensor[D], T]{
override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[String]): Tensor[D] = {
require(input.isScalar, "StackPop: Input tensor should be a scalar")
val handle = input.value()
output = Stack[D](handle).pop()
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
private[bigdl] class StackPush[T: ClassTag, D: ClassTag]()
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T], ev2: TensorNumeric[D])
extends Operation[Table, Tensor[D], T]{
override def updateOutput(input: Table): Tensor[D] = {
val handleTensor = input[Tensor[String]](1)
require(handleTensor.isScalar, "StackPush: Input tensor should be a scalar")
val handle = handleTensor.value()
val data = input[Tensor[D]](2)
output = data
override def getClassTagNumerics(): (Array[ClassManifest[_]], Array[TensorNumeric[_]]) = {
(Array[ClassTag[_]](scala.reflect.classTag[T], scala.reflect.classTag[D]),
Array[TensorNumeric[_]](ev, ev2))
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